Newspaper Page Text
2 MASS --------Liturgy Of FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, FEAST OF ST. TITUS. White vestments Gloria. Second prayer of St. Dorothy. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 7, FEAST OF ST ROMUALD. White vestments Gloria. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY. Violet vestments. No Gloria, Second prayer of St.’ John of Ma tha. Credo. Preface of the Holy Trinity. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, FEAST OF ST CYRIL White vestments Gloria, Second prayer of St. Apollonia. Credo. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, FEAST OF ST. SCHOLASTICA. White vestments. Gloria. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, FEAST OF THE APPARITION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN AT LOURDES. White vestments. Gloria, Credo, WHERE CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO G-OODLUnE Fiaesf l» CANDIES and PASTRIES Family Style Restaurant 201 $. High AD. 5647 I Open Every Day Till Midnite KELLY 2333 N. HIGH ST. AT PATTERSON Ambulance GA 5909 Office 24 E. Third Ave. Columbus, Ohio COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE AD 3943 AD (RD() The ^eek Preface of the Blessed Virgin. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, FEAST OF THE SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE SERVANTS OF MARY. White vestments, Gloria. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, FERIAL FRIDAY. Mass of the preceding Sunday. Violet vestments, No Gloria, Sec ond prayer "Defend us”, Third for the Faithful Departed. Fourth at the choice of the celebrant. No Tract. No Credo, Common Preface. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, SATURDAY OF OUR LADY. White vestments Gloria. Second prayer of St. Valentine. Third of the Holy Spirit Preface of the Blessed Virgin. -------------------o------------------- Valentine Bazaar Saturday, Feb. 14 The public is invited to attend the Valentine Bazaar to be held Saturday. Feb. 14. at Ryan Hall, First and Summit streets. Colum bus under the sponsorship of the Altar and Rosarv Sodality of Sa cred Heart parish. Members of the committee include Mrs. Arthur Korbel. cake stand Mrs. Clem Lawler, the SnacK Bar Mrs. Clyde Neiswander, fish pond Miss Alice Marie Renz and Miss Hazel Kuh ley, tickets Mrs. Nora Chatfield and daughter Miss Eleanor Chat field, apron and fancy booth. Cecilia Groarke is president of the group. In Time of Need THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced in Catholic Funerals otter CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE FUNERAL HOME WILLIAM J. SIMONS FUNERAL HOME 1188 SOUTH HIGH STREET (Gates and High Street) COLUMBUS McNAMARA FUNERAL HOME A Catholic Funeral Horne Upholding Catholic Ideals, Following Catholic Principle* HOMUIKI Within the Finoncinl Means of Any Family FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1870 Dial Ambulance Service Successor to GArfield 3011 UN. 6371 Ambulance GA 8169 Residence UN NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE NOW IN SERVICE 405 f. TOWN ST., COLUMBUS MAEDER-QUINT Funeral Parlors ARTHUR H. MAEDER A CO. 1068 S. HIGH ST. Just north of Greenlawn Av. LEO F. HAAG FUNERAL HOME GA. 4569 lilt Jaagur at A SotisLed Customer it on Asset. Satisfied Customers or* OUR. Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we have been rendering the best possible services ot the l*ost possible Expense. so*s_ Pbeee UN 1231 Private jmbulansa Pkoa. UN 6477 Pritwte Perking .dree St. Mary’s Parish, Lancaster, Tops Christmas Day Collection The generosity of the Columbus Diocese to the Bishop’s annual plea for *the orphans, the homeless, the sick and the destitute” was emphasized when the Christmas Day collection was announced at $77,529.61 this week by the Chancery of fice. St. Mary s parish. Lancaster, top ped the annual collection by a S3.240.30 offering for lhe special Christmas-day collections. St. Joseph’s Cathedral. Colum bus, was second with a S3.141.00 contribution. St Mary’s parish. Marion, with a $2,610.49 collection Lancaster St. Mary Columbu*. St. Jojeph Cathedral Marion. St. Mary ___ Columbus, Columbus, Columbus. St. Catharine Christ the King Immaculate Conception It. Francis Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Dennison, St. Mary Holy Rotary St. Azat ha------------------ Christopher Patrick __________ Mary Magdalene ... Immaculate Conception St. St. Niehoiaa Portsmouth. Holy Redeemer Columbus, St. John Evangelist Columbus. Portsmouth. Columbus Columbus, Columbus, Zanesville, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, New Philadelphia. Sacred Heart Columbus. Sacred Heart Chillicothe, St. Peter Columbus. Our Lady of Peace I-ondon, St. Patrick Ch ill ient be. St. Mary Columbus, St. Petor Columbus, St. Francis Mt. Vernon, St. Vineent De Paul Kenton, Immaculate Conception Delaware, St. Mary Columbus, Our Lady of Victory Danville. St. Luke Columbus, Holy Cross New Lexington. St. Rose Newark, Blessed Sac. Holy Name St. Mary St. L*o_____ St. Aloysius Augustine Thomas _. Thoma* St. St. St. Corpus Christi St. James the Lees St. Joseph---------------- Joseph Holy Family St. Ladislaus Sacred Heart Dover, St. Columbus, Columbus, Coshocton, Logan, St. John Columbus, St. Michael Columbus, Holy Spirit Washington C. H„ St. Colman Columbus, St. John Baptist Marysville, Our Lady of Loudres Wheelersburg, St. Peter Columbus, St. Gabriel Somerset, Holy Trinity Wellston, Sts. Peter A Jackson. Holy Trinity Millersburg. St. Peter Sugar Grove, St. Joseph Junction City, St, Patrick __________ Corning. St. Bernard Columbus, St. Cecilia Ada, Our Lady of Lourdes Buckeye Lk., Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Westerville, St. Paul ... ... West Portsmouth. Our Lady of Sorrow* Groveport, St. Mary Columbus, St. Margaret of Cortona West Jefferson, Sts. Simon A Jude Otway. Our Lady of Lourdes New Boston, St. Monica Johnstown, Church nt the Aseensian Somerset, St. Joseph Columbus, St. Dominic Shawnee, St. Mary Cooksville, Church of Atonement Newcomerstown, St. Francis W'ainwright, St. Theoesa Paul Midvale. St Thomas _____ Columbus. Mother of Sorrows La Rue. St. Joseph _____. Grandville, St. Edward Glenmont, Sts. Peter A Paul .. Columbus. St.. Cyprian Calmoutier, St. Geneivieve Zaleski, St, Sylvester St, Philips Neri Dresden. St. Roswell, St. Mineral City, Moxahala. St Mattingly Settlements. St. Mary Utica, Church nt Nativity Philo. St. Ann Elizabeth St. Patrick Pius Strasburg, St. Aloysius Plain City, St. Joseph Wa'orh. st. Man Cardington, St. Joseph Spring Mountain Milford Center, Sacred Heart Mt. Gilead, St. Matthew __ Bolivar. St. Stephen Buena Vista, St. Ann Wills Creek, Our Lady of Lourdes Institutions: Columbus. Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, IxM-kbourne Air Base Portsmouth. Mercy Hospital Columbus, St. Rita Home for Aged Mt Vernon. Mercy Hospital Mt Carmel Hospital St. Anthony Hospital Francis Hospital Housing (Continued from Page 1) questions, most of them concern ing property values The Monsig nor said he had no statistics but added that the TMHA has denied that property devaluation follows necessarily when segregation ends. Monsignor Doyle said white fam ilies could help (he situation by not moving from a neighborhood just because a Negro family moves in. Another stabilizing influence on property values he said, would be moving the Negroes into all neighborhoods of the city. Meanwhile, the TMHA has agreed to postpone housing Negro families in East Toledo projects until a study is completed by the local Board of Community Rela tions sub committee, of which Mon signor Doyle is a member. The sub committee plans an edu cational campaigr. meeting inter ested groups to discuss the prob lem. City Council had washed its hands of the TMHA. matter, referring it to Spieker, chairman of board, said: “The A. Gideon the TMHA TMHA board feels that it can no longer deny available housing to qualified (annlie regardless of race, especially since integration has become an accepted policy in housing projects throughout the country." TMHA said it announced the pol icy when it had 51 vacancies in the East Toledo projects and a backlog of 900 elegible Negro ap plicants The East Toledo projects contained 733 units which had been occupied exclusively by whites Three other public hous ing projects, with 706 units, had Negro tenants, with a few white families one of them. Mr Spiekei also said the situa tion reflected the effect of unreal istic income ceilings, set by the State Legislature, for public hous ing. The limit is from $2,000 an nually for a family with no chil dren to $3,400 for a family with seven or more minor dependents. -------------------o------------------- All tt Press ELSBERRY Mo. —(NC— The I Jh* role of Blessed Piu« in reviving B1J the liturgy will be the theme of I the 1953 National Liturgical Week! Conference to he held al Grand! Rapids, Mich., August 17 to 21. 2 i THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1953 was third. The annual collection is a time for good natured rivalry between many neighboring parishes who seek to outdo each other in the annual collection. The complete diocesan total for the collection follows:. Named 13, 3,141.00 2,610.48 _2.585.68 .. 2.553.10 —.2,035.00 —1,948.50 1,9’3.21 —.1,894.15 —1,802.26 —1,800.58 ___ 1,684.50 ______*5681-80 1,670.00 1,638.77 1.626.07 1,589.50 1.542.35 1,450.00 1,401.05 1,388.00 ____ 1,150.00 1,109.55 1,106.50 1,051.06 1,030.16 969.50 935.62 931.10 ______ 023.08 _____ 907.00 841.90 ____ 832.77 806.72 740.1)0 735.94 733.00 709.95 686.10 679.20 676.56 671.15 620.75 685.56 529.50 529.40 519.31 480.00 356.0C 331.76 327.60 305.33 292.50 280.72 275.85 265.0C 255.00 242.60 241.02 225.00 223.00 Mission 206.80 204.94 188.78 185.90 —177.81 171.23 166.86 161.00 159.07 157.30 156.20 152.45 141.23 ___ 136.06 ___ 132.00 131.00 120.00 116.75 e St. Augrustiru —105.45 100.00 34.00 29.05 —.28.15 25.06 21.85 .19.17 12.00 10.00 .$160.00 100.00 ____ 66.52 40.00 ___37.52 12.00 10.00 Holy Father (Continued from Page 1) partment, and to all th* editor* end staff* of your associated Catholic paper* and review*. "Perhaps at no time more than at the present moment is there need for the faithful to understand dearly the relationship of current events to the unchanging values of Christian truth and to the Catholic philosophy of lif‘ so soundly de veloped on the basis of divine re\ elation. “Your efforts during the month of February to intensify and en large the power and influence of the Catholic Press and thus in crease the number of those who are intelligently informed concern ing the universal interests of the Church in its saving mission to all mankind, receive Our whole-heart ed. paternal commendation, and We gladly impart to those cooper- three continents, will be by parishioners at Zanes Thomas and Columbus St. The Immaculate Heart of Mary Missioners, who work among the negroes will appeal for funds at Columbus Holy Cross Chillicothe St. Peter and Jackson Holy Trin ity parishes. —,------------- o------------------- St. Mary Mag. Confraternity Will To DCCJJ Committees Three recent appointment* were approved this week by the Executive committee of the Columbus Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Pictured above are, left to right, Mr*. James E. O'Leary, St. Michael'* parish, Worthington, who was elected to head the Committee on Parent-Teachers Association Mr*. Franklin M. Quinn, Holy Rosary parish, who was re-appointed Diocesan Parliamentarian Mr*. Frank H. Vogel, St. Catharine's parish, who is diocesan chairman of the religious activities committee. Each new officer will serve two years along with the Diocesan president, Mr*. A. J. Glockner. Mr*. Quinn is the only member of the Columbus Diocese currently on the National Board of the National Council of Catholic Women. She is the National Parliamentarian. (Continued from Page 1) Duane Hunt, who will visit Lancas ter St. Mary parish. The Glenmary Home Missioners of America will tell in rural, priestless appeal at Columbus Victory, Chillicothe New Lexington St Rose. of their work areas, in an Our I.ady of St. Mary and Among the colorful foreign mis sion works to be described is the diocese of San Juan, Puerto Rico, which will be represented by its Bishop, the Most Rev. James P. Davis, who will talk at St. Joseph Cathedral. The Bishop of Rawalpindi, Pak istan. the Most Rev. Nicholas Het tinga will come to Marion St. .Mary. His Excellency will be in the coun try following his ad limina visit to the Holy See. The Most Rev. Hugh Boyle, ordinary of the Diocese of Port Elizabeth. South Africa, will visit Corpus Christi parish, Co lumbus. 140.75 The missionaries of Sts. Peter and Paul, who have recently open cd a seminary on E North Broad way, Columbus, will be represent ed by the Rex Nicholas Maestrini at Columbus St. Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas parishes. Marble Cliff St. Margaret and Newark St. •Francis de Sales parishes. •Mary .i, 73.3 7* 64 52 ’.0 4 7 on ... 45 ,5 41.22 The Dominican foreign missions in the Far East will benefit from an appeal at Columbus St. Patrick and Somerset Holy Trinity. The Maryknoll Sisters, who have mis sions in assisted ville St. Peter. 1000 The regular monthly meeting of the Rosary Altar onfralermty will be held in the school hall on Thursday evening. Feb 12, at 8:30 p. m. In keeping with Catholic Press month, the Confraternity will have as their guest Miss Anne Leahy, a Senior in the College ol Elemen tary Education ol St. Mary ot the Springs, who will give short book reviews on the following books: Life Begins With Love" by Boyd Barrett, "Be Not Solicitous”, by Maisie Wood, and "The Seven Swords”, by Fr. Gerald Vann. O.P. All the ladies of the parish are invited and are asked to bring their friends. ating therewith Dy their subscrip tions and labors Our Apostolic Blessing." THE SIGN OF JONAS the journal of Thomas Merton $3.50 This book depicts the daily life of a particular Monk whose pre vious life is familiar to all who read "The Seven Storey Moun tain." The hook gives us an extraordinary view into six years of a way of life that has seldom been seen from the inside. February I* CATHOLIC PRESS MONTH e publications mentioned in lhe Bishop s letter on Catholic Month are available here at the shop REUGIOUS ART PRAYER BOOKS ROSARIES BOOKS GREETING CARDS TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. IT PAYS TO USE THE he WYETH-SCOTl Co Manufacturer* nt Concrete Product* Builder* Supplies NEWARK. OHIO FOX COAL CO. COAL CINDERS LIMESTONE Driveway and Parking Itot Greding PRONE 2032 108 W. Poplar Newark BORDEN'S Dairy & Ice Cream Co Phon* 4053 TRADE W1TB THE ROE EMERSON STORE CLOTHES—-HA IS—FURNISHINGS SHOES The Lad's Stare as Well as Dad's **Tha Slort That Diffaranl’* FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 57-59 W. Mun St. Newark Ted's Newark Phone 49242 7 Union St Sawyer's Market Quality Foods Newark. Ohio 393 E Main ALTMEYER SHELL SERVICE Most Powerful Gasoline The Car. Buckingham and Granville St. Newark. Ohio Swanks Market OPEN SUNDAYS Phon* 32151 45 Granville Newark Insured THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Member Federal la.ureeo. Corporattee CEMEM KRICK /.ND BLOCK UBF.D LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL* S. G. (TEDO) LOEWEND1CK & SONS LINNVILLE ROAD PHONE «1«4 Be Loyal To Our Advertisers •fd?. .....-..•~==^,y Nackface $13.00 Brooch to match with arrow $8.50 (*lu tex) 49 Exquisite lieait-skaped necklace. Brilliant Austrian crystals in a setting of 14 Karat white gold overlay. From our choice selection of fashionable Krementz Jewelry. N. High St. Columbus, Ohio buyekNEWARK guide CLASSIFIED SECTION Automobilts Truck* BRYAN MOTORS Dodge—Plymouth—Truck. 62 S. Third Ph. 2622 Baar Distributors Schlitz, Burger, Gam and Duquesne Beers Distributor in Licking County PERRY DISTRIBUTING CO. Newark, Ohio Phone 2044 Fruit Farms APPLES SEVERAL VARIETIES AND grade* Home grown potatoes, and fre*h country egg*. 60 cent. dozen. Moore'. Apple Store 221 E Main St. APPLES FRESH FROM THE CAVES LN the hillside. Starting at 10 pound,. 66 rente. Several varieties and grade.. Good Ohio potaloe. gallon jug milk, 75 cent*. Orchard and farm products, other good to eat items too numerous to mention. Open every da and eve ning? Nadol.on Gardena Market loca ted just north of city limits, Stewart Street. Phone 41636. Real Estate Service 7 SOI TH I HIRD STREET Sea Food* 1900 1953 Mauger's Seafoods Fresh Fish Year Round Oyster* and Clam* In Season NEWARK, OHIO SEPTIC TANKS Pra-Caet Concrete SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS W. L. MATTOX Corner Forrv and Dame! Ave. Phone ***4 Newark. Ohio GUARANTEED SERVICE HOOVER ELECTROLUX AND ALL OTHERS WIMER'S ST GRANVILLE STREET PHON'S} 23*5 Used Cars Aiwa*. Choice Selection WEST MAIN MOTORS WEST MAIN PHONE S8S1 Ju«t 31 Step. West ef Fifth Street TOM STEVENS Deposits 141 Everett Av*. LEVIN'S Newark, Ohl* AD. 9484 DOLANS Clothing & Shoes 59 S. 3rd St. Newark, O AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES, Inc Newark. O. 11-15 S. 4th Leo Reichert Complete Insurance Service Tai. 68*7 42 8. »th *t. Na war* George W. Arensberg PHARMACIST 17t Hudson Ave., Newark, SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTIONS THE HUB The Busy Store fAan‘% and Boy*' Clothing NEWARK, OHIO You never realize how fortunate you are until you en’ei a gift youi friends haven't sent vou Arcade Drug Store 33 N. 3rd St. Newark “Where you are always welcome’ EGAN Funeral Home Ambulance Service Phone 3510 132 W. Church Newark Sar.lea tty The Park National Bank OF NEWARK TURKEYS Fr**h Dressed Flavor Fedl SCHROER TURKEY FARM Phone 84113 We Deliver! NORTH PARK FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phone 6234 1237 Mt. Vernon Road NEWARK SHEET METAL Roofing Spouting Heating 24-Hour Service MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budw*»«*r Wiedemann's Red Top Gibaon's Wine Phon* 3W Z*n*«vill*, OM* Clothes For The Entire Family IT Sidfi of Square