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Patronize th* Times Advertisers. SAVE $10 Offer Ends Feb. 7th Worries-’. otM CLEAN HOT WATER Elno RuSTopper protects tank against corrosion Sts 6’ Warrc‘°'Y AUTOMATIC! UNDERFIRED! INSULATED! AH the het water you can use “even for automatic washer*. Hoennle’s GA. 2195 GA. 2196 1894 Parsons Ave RALPH J. KRAMER. SR. 281 W Mound St Obligation Of Pre»Srhnnl Religion* Training Cited children issued here by Bishop Charles -STEEPLEJACKS- Every Operation and Workman Fully Insured Specialists In TUCKPOINTING ROOFING SANDBLASTING PAINTING 2056 E. Fifth Ave. FA. 3054 Drink Orange BUYING A NEW CAR? s4.00 PER HUNDRED 1 heir educat ion His pastoral, to the Feast of Holy Family A Christian home, he spii at ion. model their homes after that of the «it to a true laid, is an in AOLETTI'S RESTAURANT 52 S 3RD ST Keep rain out of your cellar with COPROX COPROX is the copperized cement coatingIMiffl wrote about. COPROX protects walls and cellars agamst water seep age and dampness. III DNON-HIGH HVRDWARF, (C. A. KABLTN-1S-PROF) 2556 N, HIGH ST. LA 8332 RICHARD D. KRAMER We Now Have Added Fireplace Wood To Our Line Of Quality Fuel* YALE COAL COMPANY AD. 1277 Columbus, Ohio WATERPROOFING CAULKING WE GO ANYWHERE, ANYTIME HOWARD R. BURTON & SONS PER YEAR No Rod Tap* No Hidden Charges NEW CARS AND TRUCKS LOWEST INSURANCE RATES The Arthur J. McCann Agency 233 South High Street AD. 1915 Columbus, Ohio FR. 4-3112 Sha rn rock Ju z P.M., at the Knights of Columbus hall. 80 S. Sixth St. The officers are make this yea i s St. planning in its history chairmen The selection of varioui and committees cally completed grove will have cnarge of the en tertainment. John A Of special interest Sunday will be the honoring n, past presidents of the order. They are Anthony J. Scanlon. Louis Murphy, .lame" E. Grace. Michael J. Ryan. Wil ham H. McGrath, Joseph Murphy. Thomas A. Bu’lei Emmett Bain and R. Patrick West. wo ot the former presiding officers James A. Devine and John A. Con Three Groups Meet The Holy Name fraternity of the Most Holy Rosary and the Sodality of Our Lady held their monthly meetings on Sunday January 25. in St Patrick Hall at Junction City, After the respec tive business meetings the Soci eties joined to near a talk about Padre Pio of Pr-trelcina, who is living at the present time in the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in the town of San Giovanni Ro tondo in Itah DOEBELE, Edi.h 70. Logan. St. John church. Survivors: band, John: two brothers. 209 Jan. HILLLIS, Anna 83 bis avenue, Columbus, St. Leo church. Survivor a daughter, three grandchildren, three great grandchildren and sev eral nieces and nephews. son Terrace avenue, Columbus. Jan. 23. St. Aloysius church Survivors: a son, a daughter, seven grandchil dren and two great grandchildren. SCHAETZLE. Clara. 91, 260 Cherry street. Chillicothe. Jan. 26. St. Peter church. Survivors: three sons. QUINN. Thomas J., 84, 205 N. 2nd street. Denn»son, maculate Conception vivors: a brother and es and nephews. Jan. 24. 1m church. Sur several niec- MILLER. Lee T., 246 E. Wood row’ avenue. Columbus Jan. 24 Ladislaus church. Survivors: wife, Anna. POUT. Paul I).. 50 Delaware. 25. St. Mary church. Surviv his wife. Lucille: four sons, daughters, nine grandchildren a brother. Jan. ors: four and WINT, Gerald’ne. 54, Main street, Columbus. St. John the Evangelist church. Survivors: a son. three sisters and two brothers. Jan. MALONE. Frank C.. 76 412 Rich street, Columbus. Jan. 30. Holy Cross church. Survivors: his wile. Laura and two granddaughters. BORING, Jimmy Crooksville. Jan. church. Moxahala. infant. St. Pius Retreats 1953 Feb. 6.8 ......... Women Feb. 13-15 ........... ............ Men Feb. 20-22 ........... .......... Women Feb. 27-28 ......... .......... Men Mar. 6-8 Women Mar. 13 15 ........... Men Mar. 20 22 Women Mar. 26-29 Men LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Thereto Shrine 5277 E Bread Street HOLY ROSARY PARISH MIESSE Prescription Pharmacy i«m e THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY The Catholic Youth hus her McNERNEY. John F., 89. Cleve land. Jan. 28. St. Joseph Cathedral. Columbus. Survivors: lour grandchildren great-grandchildren. The two sons. and three 4 months. Columbus. Evangelist parents, a F1NNERAN. Christine 835 E. Columbus street Jan. 28. St. John the church. Survivor*: his sister, and maternal and paternal grandparents. DISTER. Della M., 65. 601 Oak street, Columbus Jan .30. St. Jo seph Cathedral. Survivor: her hus band, Arthur, MAROLT, Mary. 77. Corning. Jan. 30. St. Bernard church. Sur vivors: her husband. John: two sons, three daughters and 17 grand children. Anna W. 68. 332 Cassady Columbus. Jan. 29, St. church Survivors: four a brother. avenue. Patrick s sons and HOFFER. Margaret O.. 75. Ritas Home. Columbus St. Nicholas church. I Survivors: two sisters and 12 es and nephews. his W. GORMLEY. Leo 56. 121 North Broadway. Columbus. 26 Immaculate Conception church. Survivors three sisters. Jan. I, Jan. 28. Zanesville, niec- WOLFE. Frank street, Portsmouth. Redeemer church sister and a brother. 84 1220 Jan 26, Survivoris: SC HAFFER, (. harie* E., HR, 385 Morrison avenue. Columbus. Jan 28. Holy Rosary church. Survivors: his wile. Mary two daughters and two sisters. Cl 'NAGIN. Jean. 23. Dayton Jan. 26, Holy Rosary church. Co lumbus. Survivos: her husband. Robert: three sisters, a brother and her parents. CU NAGIN. Christine, infant, Dayton, Jan. 26 Holy Rosary church. Columbus Survivors: her father, three aunts, an uncle and maternal grandparents. 437 N. Can AL SER. Leo. 57 yon drive, Columbus. Jan. 29, Im maculate Conception church. Sur vivors: his wife. Florence a sistei and two nieces. LAWLER, Joseph 74. 111 S. Roosevelt avenue Columbus, Jan. 27. St. Catharine church. Surviv ors: his wile. Marie: two daugh ters. a son, two brothers, five grandchildren and five sisters. ------------------,o------------------ I S. Agencies Distribute Own Relief Kid In Korea N() American agencies, including ■rvices N (’. W. ., NEW YORK volunteer relief War Relief Si are now oermitted to handle their own distribution ot relief supplies This announcement has been made here by War Relief Services -N. C. W. C. in response io many contributors to the recent clothing campaign who were of the impres sion that relief supplies to Korea are still being distributed through the United Nations Civil Assist ance Command. Send Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning To TROY Coll Adams 7231 For Wear A Troy Finished Shirt The Feast of the Week Next Wednesday is a great for lover of the Blessed Mot i* is the anniversary ot thf it’on of Mary at Ixuirde thrilling to think over the i the more we think about visits the more we beco ed. One of her greatest was that we must pra conversion of sinners, ai penance for that intention, swer to the problem i hands. If Mary were again and ask you what done about it. what vvoul 14th Holy a people will F» ing Corks from the Pop Hous* Lonesome It may be a good idea that a per son considers himself important, because in many cases no one else Slips That Come in the Night The other night a radio arinoun eei who felt rather keenly about the college basketball game hr was covering let his listeners in on his feelings One could hardly censure him for being for the home team especially since the game was in its second overtime period. The dimax of the game came when the local lads won and the fans let go City To Censor Movies PROVIDENCE. R. —(NCI— An ordinance for licensing and censoring motion picture and stage plays has won first passage in the Providence City Council. Establishing four specific grounds tor restrictions, the meas ure is aimed at immorahtv. in decency. profanity and obscenity. It would require the licensing of public shows and would name the citv council Committee on Licens as a means of appeal COLUMBUS ART MEMORIAL CO MAin 27241 19 5 3 Council of th® Central Deanery will sponsor the "Council Hop" on Saturday, the Virginie Hotel. This is their annual pre-Lenten affair. All Catholic youth Feb. 7, from 9 to 12 at of the parishes are invited to attend this social. Bill Fleming and his orchestra will provide the music. Chairman for the affair is Miss Avis Mack of St. Aloysius parish. Members of the committee are Jack Blanchard, Immaculate Conception Parish Karl Eiginger, St. Mary John Rudolph, Holy Rosary, Robert Hill, St. Cyprians Misse* Mary K. Ruddy, St Agatha Rita J. Bighouse, Corpus Christi "Jody" Mas ters, Holy Family Donna Goetz, St. Aloysius Mary Wilson, Holy Family Ann Cannon, Holy Family, Pictured above is Miss Rita J. Bighouse, Corpus Christi, selling tickets for the affair to Doris Han non and Richard Fenlon. Time FAIRER GARRIEL RAFFORD The an Accomplishment It is better to have something certain than a certain somethin roomfull ot young men and women As a matter of fact many speakers find it hard to Tesist the invitation because they admit that an au ence made up of young persons the most appreciative group in world. When they respond, bro er they do just that. There is other point in their favor: they ac cept a challenge. If there is any work to be done as the outcome tie talk the speaker is quite s the young through Turn About Invitation xE going and I Ugh Double she the When she buys anything make it look as important as laiuisiana Purchase.'’ Now Is The Time While you have the opportunity in school 1o pi epare for speaking in public, be sure to grab off any chance you can get for practice. Thousands of persons who never dreamed of being on radio and trlevisioi are now doing a lot ot work in both. As time goes by the number of opportunities will be multiplied, so be ready. Perhaps yr u w on't spend your life in either field, but you can be quite sure that sooner or later you will he on the air one way or the other. Years ago public speaking was lor just a select few. but now prac tically everybody is getting into the act. weather do* right Io don on the floor Thought for the Weak one can walk ever v ire on vour toes. SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION SERVICE and SAFETY are important considerations in selecting a depository for your Savings we ning. Knight* Of St. John THE Life Of our BURKLEY & SON co BONDS 145 N. High AD. 3288 1574 E. Main St. offer man friendly service, sound agement and careful plan- All Accoenfi Inta red Ut to S 10.000. SII AD. 3148 EAST ©AY INSURED MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION rtikil end nnc W. MOUND ST. (NORTHBAST COKMH CALVARY CEMETERY! OPEN SUNDAYS 1 30-5:30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Monuments Markers Mausoleums Pey chiatriat To Addreaa Holy Name Meeting he Immaculate Conception Holy ill meet Tuesday. school hall. .W) E at 8 The pro w ill he Thoma* J. speaker. Dr. Philip Rond, psychiatrist, assistant pro sor of psychiatry at O S U wil' cuss “Religion and Psychiatry ?tor Rond is a member of the Immaculate Conception parish. rth Broadway chairman H. J. NIEMAN THE SHADE MAN George J. Igel and Company, Inc COLUMBUS 8. OHIO ARLINGTON and TRI-MLLAGE Radio Equipped Our New Phone CABS MA 6895 ROBERTS' PLUMBING COMPANY PLUMBING & STEAM FITTING FA. 2146 '53 FORD Buy The Economy Run Winner CHOICE OF 6 CYL. OR. 8 CYL. MOTOR Draper, 1187 & FA 3163 DOERSAMS t| .1* W. BROAD ST. JLLMBLS OHIO MAin 6601 Columbia, Ohie 5ns, three Seven Body Style WATSON-FORD pen Columbus, O 1288 N. High St UN. 2118 1 our Friendly Ford Dealer allstrip Wallpaper Remover NO STEAM NO FUSS NO MUSS NEVER A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER Insist on IF 4LLSTRIP Wallstrip is outstanding in the fact that it is the only one recommended to pene trate water mixed paints See Your Local Hardware, Wallpaper or Paint Dealer WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SUPERIOR PRODUCTS 859 Fairwood Ave. COLUMBUS 5, OHIO