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The Catholic times. [volume] (Columbus, Ohio) 1951-current, February 13, 1953, Image 1

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Do Your Part!
Snpport Yonr
Catholic Pre**
Vol. II, No. 20
To the Reverend Clergy, Religious,
and Faithful of the Diocese of Columbus.
My Beloved Brethren:
The holy season of Lent is immediately before us. It is a period
of great grace for the souls of men. In the Liturgy of the First Sun
day in Lent, the Church exhorts us in the words of Saint Paul: Be
hold. now is the acceptable time behold, now is the day of salva
tion” (Il Cor. vi. 21).
Behold brethren, we have a single purpose in life. We are
born for God alone. We must save our souls if we are to enjoy His
eternal happiness in heaven. Yet, we feel the constant pressure of
the forces of evil besetting us on all sides, attempting to deter us
from our daily quest for goodness and sanctity. We know we are
children of original sin with all its weakening effects upon our hu
man nature. Furthermore, we know we must repair the wrongs of
our lives. There is no sanctification, there can be no peace in the
hearts of men unless there is a just satisfaction for sins committed
against the wise and merciful commandments of God.
Lent is given to us for the express purpose of doing penance for
our sins. We' might well take as the pattern of our lives for this
Holy season the concluding words of the Gospel on Ash Wednesday:
"Where thy treasure is. there thy heart also will be” (Matt, vi, 21).
If our treasure is found in the joyous redemption of our souls by
Christ on the Holy Cross, then our hearts must embrace His suf
ferings. If our treasure is to be found only in heaven, then our
hearts must be purged of all self-love and inordinate attachment to
the world and its spirit. Lent. therefore, is a time for determining
the course of our lives. We must be resolved to give up every sin.
We must heartily grieve over those we have committed in the past
and do reparation for them. We must hate sin and shun its occasions.
Contrition for sin is but part of the Lenten penance. There re
mains the mortification of our bodies. In this, we have the example
of for divine Lord who wept over the sins of men and expiated for
them by His agonizing Passion and Death on Calvary.
We sometimes forget how much our bodies cooperate in the
wrongs we do. Dare we forget, however, that the joys of heaven
and the torments of hell will be shared by our bodies and souls
alike? It becomes necessary, beloved brethren, to chastise our bodies
and bring them into subjection (I Cor. ix, 27). Such is our blessed
opportunity during Lent.
Worthy Catholic people will carefully refrain from indulgence
even in the ordinary, innocent pleasures of life during the forty
day period of Lent. The spirit of penance and reparation for sin will
characterize their lives. Th^y will not let groundless prejudices,
idle excuses, bad example and a flabby materialism lead them from
an honest observance of Lent. I^t us all be awake to the solemn
injunction of our Savior and Judge: ‘Unless you shall do penance,
you shall perish” (Luke, xiii, 3).
I beseech you, my dear brethren, as devoted followers of the
Crucified Christ to revive in your lives those holy practices which
have always marked the children of God. These are days of prayer,
mortification and almsgiving. Participation each morning in the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, frequent attendance at the weekly
Lenten devotions in your Parish churches, daily family recitation of
the Rosary, spiritual reading, hearing sermons and, above ail. re
ception of the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist—
these are the chief means whereby the Faithful offer to God the
homage of prayer during this holy season.
The Church’s laws governing fasting and abstinence have been
decidedly modified in recent years. They should not impose a hard
ship on anyone. Fervent Catholics will be desirous of maintaining
the full spirit of the penitential season by staying away from amuse
ments. parties, socials and places of entertainment.
Finally. 1 recall to your minds the words of the Sacred Writer
In the Book of Ecclesiasticus: ‘‘Shut up alms in the heart of the
poor, and it shall obtain help for thee against all evil” (Ecclus.
xxix. 5). We have but two Christian laws to guide our lives: love
of God and love of neighbor. Mercy towards our needy and suffering
brethren is an expression of such love. During the season of Lent
it has been customary to have three special collections in all churches
of this Diocese. On the First Sunday in I,ent we are asked to give
our support to the Indian and Negro Missions of this country. The
worldwide charities of the Holy Father are benefited by the
Peter's Pence Collection which is taken on the Second Sunday in
Lent. Lastly, offerings for the Bishops. Emergency Relief Collection
are received throughout the United States on Laetare Sunday to
aid in the tremendous task of caring for the peoples in stricken
countries abroad.
I beseech you, dear Brethren, to accept these words of charity
and mercy in Lent. Here your almsgiving is needed for the welfare
of your own souls and for the sustenance in life of your brothers
in Christ.
I fervently pray that God quickens your Faith this Lent and
draws you into closer union with His Divine Son. May the peace
of Christ dwell in your homes and hearts throughout the I^enten
Season and forever.
United with you in prayer and penance during this holy season,
Devotedly in Christ,
The deep religious spirit and
high morale of Catholic soldiers on
the front lines in Korea was cited
here recently hy Charles E. Del
monico, back in Columbus alter
lb months war service as a Red
Cross civilian representative.
Delmonico. former director of
the old Santa Lucia Community
House on St. Clair Ave., declared
that "great numbers of soldiers are
leading exemplary lives, and many
front line infantrymen attend Mass
and receive Holy Communion
The 38-year-old welfare worker
asserted that “droves of soldiers
attend field Masses every after
noon within gun range of the Chi
nese Communist troops.” He added.
"This religious faith doesn’t stem
from the fear of imminent death,
but rather from an ingrained re
ligious training which cai be trac
ed back to the home.”
Delmonico also lauded the Ca
tholic chaplains whose' "splendid
work” has set an example for Ca
tholics and Protestants alike. The
cross on their shoulders, he re
marked, is regarded as a badge of
Morale among GI’s. he continued.
Is especially high in the front lines
where soldiers are too busy to wor
ry about the deadlocked truce
"Nevertheless, they are deeply
concerned about the war, and they
favor an all-out offensive to win
the peace, so they can come home
to their families and forget the
He noted, however, that some
soldiers in rear echelon areas are
anxious and unhappy because of
the remote prospects of a quick
Bishop of Columbus
A Regional Priests’ Social Ac
tion Conference, under the spon
sorship of Bishop Ready, is sched
uled for Columbus, March 3-4.
Invitations to 900 social action
directors and other interested
priests of the various Dioceses in
the Midwest have been mailed.
The states affected include Ohio.
Pennsylvania. West Virginia,#In
diana, Michigan, Illinois and Ken
The conference, to be held In
the Deshler-Wallick Hotel, is being
organized by the Social Action
Department of the N.C.W.C.
The purpose of the conference
is to enable the Social action di
rectors in the Midwest to become
better acquainted with one another
and to give them an opportunity
to share ideas and experiences.
With that in mind, an effort will
be made to hold the speech-making
to a minimum so as to give all
concerned ample opportunity for
off-the-record, informal discussion
of mutual problems. Bishop Ready
will act as host to the delegates at
a dinner meeting on the evening
of March 3.
The Rev. George G. Higgins, in
cooperation with the Washington
staff of the N.C.W.C.. is making
plans for the entire program.
Father Higgins is assistant director
of the N.C.W.C. Department of
Social Action and a Catholic Times
writer, whose popular column on
social action appears every other
week on the editorial page of this
Local details will be handled by
the Rev. Augustine Winkler, dio
cesan director of social action.
At the request of Bishop Michael
J. Ready, pastors, principals and
teachei's, under the direction of
Father Applegate, began work on
the handbook last August. Father
Applegate cited four reasons why
such a booklet is needed.
Discussing the Korean people,
he asserted that their homes are
ravished, they are ill-clad and ex
tremely poor, and are deeply ap
preciative of American gifts.
"Packages sent over from Amer
ica are a God-send to the people.
I've watched them being distribut
ed and if the generous American
people could see the gratitude writ-
The handbook will:
1. Aid the pastor, principal and
teacher in meeting the require
ments of the state and the diocese.
2. Bring about greater uniformi
ty in the system of education in
the diocese.
3. Eliminate difficulties in mak
ing transfers from parish school
to parish school.
4. Lessen the confusion in a
school when a new principal as
sumes office.
The book covers a variety of sub
jects ranging from attendance to
courses of study.
Listing the objectives of Catho
lic education, the handbook states
that diocesan schools should de
velop Catholics who are intelli
gent. spiritually vigorous, cultured,
vocationally prepared, social mind­
Catholic Soldiers Praised By Welfare Man Back From Front
ten on the faces of these people,
then they certainly would be re
He stated that during January
1953 more than three and a half
million pounds of clothing from
the Thanksgiving Week Clothing
Campaign conducted by War Re
lief Services, N.C.W C.. reached
War Relief Services is support­
New Book Enunciates
Diocesan School Policy
A mimeographed handbook, aimed to standardize policies
and regulations of the 82 elementary and high schools in the
Columbus Diocese, was issued this week by the Rev. C. Ben
nett Applegate, diocesan school superintendent.
The text will be mailed to all priests and school principals
who are invited to suggest re
visions in the proposed regula
The final draft. Father Apple
gate said, will be published this
summer and the new policies will
go into effect next September.
The uatnolic Times
Columbus 16, Ohio, Fridsy, February 13, 1953
Priests’ Social “Does Your Mail Box Look Like This?”
Action Group
To Meet Here
It fi
ft *.-
ed and American. It advises teach
ers to assist by instruction and by
example in the "formations of
saints, scholars and citizens.”
Also discussed are regulations
concerning ’he length of the school
calendar, pre-school health exam
inations, school patrols, homework,
flag display, fire drills, examina
tions and textbooks.
Law Aids Divorce
Over Matrimony
LONDON (NC) The British
government gives 200 times as
much aid to divorce applicants as
to marriage counseling centers, it
was revealed in the House of
Legal aid to working-class di
vorce applicants now costs Britain
1.200.000 sterling pounds ($3,360.
000 a year. But government
grants to marriage guidance or
ganizations total only 6.000 pounds
This incongruity was brought to
public attention by peers in the
House of Lords, including Lord
Pakenham, a Catholic. They urged
the government to grant more aid
to the marriage counseling soc
ed through the Letare Sunday col
lections in the parishes of the Dio
ceses of the United States.
The meaning of the war to them
is unclear, he said, but the sig
nificance of "presentos” from
America is a type oi charity which
they readily understand.
Delmonico, turning again to ser
vicemen'i Catholicism, said Cardin
(Continued on Page 2)
ft S .-1
When St. Michael's Parish students were told to use their own inventiveness in planning
for their 1953 Catholic Press exhibit, they hit upsn the clever idea displayed above. They nailed
a mail-box to a board’representing a front porch. Then they placed a copy of the CATHOLIC TIMES
in the mailbox to remind parishioners that February is Catholic Press Month and time to renew
those subscriptions to the Catholic Times and other Catholic publications. Pictured above as they
were moving the exhibit from the school to the church vestibule are Mary Jo Cotter, fifth grade
Bonnie Hoppenyam, seventh grade Kathleen O'Dsa, seventh grade, and Carolyn Engler, eighth grade.
Lenten Regulations
In accordance with the provisions of Canon Law, as modifi
ed through the use of special faculties (punted by the Holy See
Bishop Beady herewith announces the following regulations.
On Abstinence
Everyone over seven years of age is bound to observe the
Law of Abstinence.
Complete abstinence is to be observed on Fridays, Ash Wed
nesday, the Vigils of the Assumption and Christmas, and on
Holy Saturday morning. On days of complete abstinence meat
and soup or gravy made from meat may not be used at all.
Partial abstinence is to be obtvrved on Ember Wednes
days and Saturdays and on the Vigils of Pentecost and All
Saints. On days of partial abstinence meat and soup or gravy
made from meat may be taken only once a day at the prin
cipal meal.
On Fast
Everyone over 21 and under 59 years of age is also bound
to observe the law of fast.
The days of fast are the week-days of Lent, Ember Days,
the Vigils of Pentecost, the Assumption, All Saints and Christmas.
On days of fast only one full meal is allowed. Two other meat
less meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken ac
cording to each one's needs but together they should not equal
another full meal. Meat may be taken at the principal meal on
a day of fast except on Fridays, Ash Wednesday and the Vigils
of the Assumption and Christmas.
Eating between meals is not permitted but liquids, includ
ing milk and fruit juices, are allowed.
"Faith, Hope, Charity” Marked
Life Of Benefactress Of Church
Two Bishops Attend Funeral Services For Newark
Philanthropist Who Aided Thousands
NEWARK The Most Reverend Edward G. Hettinger, D.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Columbus, offered the Solemn Pontifical
Mass of Requiem, and the Most Reverend Francis P. Leipzig.
D.D.. Bishop of Baker City, Oregon, delivered the sermon in
St. Francis de Sales church here, Saturday, Feb. 7, for the
funeral of Mrs. Cecilia W. Rank,
known for her charity to the mis
sionary needs of the Church in
many parts of the world. Mrs.
Rank died in Mt. Carmel hospital,
Columbus. Feb. 4. after an illness
of many months.
Attending in the sanctuary were
two Benedictine Abbots, the Rt.
Rev. Richard Felix, O.S.B., of St.
Benedict's Abbey, Benet Lake,
Wis., and the Rt. Rev. Charles Cor
iston. O.S.B., of St. Paul’s Abbey,
Newton, N.J.
Following the Mass Bishop Het
tinger spoke briefly expressing his
sympathy and that of Bishop Ready
to the family. Bishop Ready was
unable to be present. Bishop Het
tinger said that Mrs. Rank would
be held in grateful memory for her
many charities in the diocese and
for the Church at large.
Bishop Leipzig revealed in his
sermon that Mrs. Rank had pro
vided the means for the education
of 42 seminarians who are now
priests. Her assistance to mission
aries extended from the Philippin
es through the poor dioceses of the
United States to needy institutions
in Rome itself. “Faith, hope, char
ity, these three but the greatest
of these is charity,” uas the text of
the Bishop’s sermon.
Pontiff's Blessing
During her last illness Mrs Rank
had received the special blessing
of the Holy Father himself and an
assurance of his prayers.
Assisting Bishop Hettinger at
the Mass were the Rev Joseph
Lutkenieier, C.PP.S., San Pierre,
Ind, deacon the Rev. Ralph
Huntzinger. Blessed Sacrament
church, Newark, subdeacon, and
the Rev. J^J. Janssen, M.S.C.,
Youngstown. O., assistant priest.
The Rev. George Schorr, vice chan
cellor. and the Rev Robert White,
of St. Joseph Cathedral, Columbus,
were masters of ceremonies.
Also present were the Rt. Rev.
Monsignors Roland T. Winel,
Chancellor Edmund A. Burkley
and H. E. Mattingly, all of Colum
bus the Revs. Joachim Bauer. O
P., and Urban Nagle, O.P., both of
(Continued on Page 2)
rap Jfc.. V 1^^***-
Construction of a four-story west
wing to St. Anthony’s Hospital, Co
lumbus, will begin in mid-March,
E. Faber Biggert. chairman of the
building committee, announced
this week.
The red brick structure, which
will cost $931,000 will add 120
beds to the hospital, bringing its
total patient capacity to 300.
The Advisory Board of Trustees
awarded contracts to the Leo Ruis
inger Co., Inc., 851 Frebis Ave.,
general contractors Sauer Co.,
Inc., 1183 Essex Ave. plumbing
and heating and the Superior
(NCWC News Service)
WASHINGTON—An antidote for
juvenile delinquency and sugges
tions for improvements in interna
tional relations and immigration
v. ere proposed by the board of di
rectors of the National Council of
Catholic Women at its annual
meeting here.
The suggestions were contained
in a statement adopted by the
board at the closing of its three
day meeting. Earlier the board
members had accepted an invita
tion from Bo ton's Archbishop
Richard J. Cushing to hold the
council’s next biennial convention
in Boston in 1954
In every age of crisis for the
Church, the Archbishop declared,
the Lord has provided a means to
cope with the crisis
"This is the age of the laity.”
he said "This is a God-given
means today of coping with the
crisis of our time Therefore we
must have an informed and en
lightened laity.
Al! 24 members the board at
tended the sessions, at which Mrs.
William Dalton. Augusta. Me.
national president, presided. The
meeting was opened with a Mass
in St Matthew’s Cathedral Among
o’her highlights was a reception
oi the board members of Mrs.
Dwight D. Eisenhower at the White
House, and a reception in honor
of the board at the N CW head
quarters building where the ses
sions were held.
The board voted to request the
National Tuberculosis Association
to place a picture of Christ on its
seals which are distributed annual
ly at Christmas time to make more
intensive efforts to step up the
national blood donor program on
the local level: to cooperate close
ly with the Treasury Department
in the Defense Bond-a Month cam
paign and to continue its program
of cooperation with the N.C W.C.
Education Department for bringing
German and Austrian children to
this country for a year of study and
observation of the American way
of Fife.
In its statement of suggestions
foi improvements on the national
and international scenes, the board
pointed out: “We in America are
in a period of seeming prosperity
There are times when this pros
perity seems to have made us for
get our obligations as Christians
and citizens.”
The statement said "our first
obligation is to the home It de
clared that "juvenile delinquency
stems from adult delinquency’’ and
consequently all adults have an
obligation to encourage wholesome,
moral lives, respect for marriage
(Continued on Page 2)
Plans Set For New St. Anthon v Addition
Electric Engineering Co., 1144
Goodale Blvd.
"Bids were so favorable.” Big
gert said, "that we were able to
change our original plans of com
pleting only the first two floors of
the new wing. The board had
planned to spend $960,000 for only
two stories.”
He explained that the United
Hospitals Building Fund will pro
vide $155,000 in building the ad
dition, The 61-year-old hospital al
ready has received some $145,000
from the fund, which was used
for a new heating plant and other
Th* Catholic Times
In Every
Catholic Home
Pries Ton Cents $3.00 A Yoar
Mass To Open
Ohio’s Sesqui
In Chillicothe
Ohio’s First Capital Is Chosen
Scene Of Religious Celebration
A Solemn Pontifical Mass offered by Bishop Michael J.
Ready in Chillicothe, the first Capital of the State of Ohio,
will inaugurate the year-long religious celebration of the
State’s Sesquicentennial. Religious and civic leaders from
all parts of the Diocese will be in attendance Sunday, March 1
Antidote For
at 11 a m. at St. Peter church
for the solemn ceremonies.
The choice of St. Peter’s church
in Chillicothe as the sight of the
celebration was made to point up
the long history of associated
growth of the Catholic Church in
the State from the very beginning
of the history of Ohio.
The records of the State show
that the city of Chillicothe in Ross
County uas founded in 1796 by
Nathaniel Massie, a veteran of the
Revolutionary War with other vet
eran from Virginia.
The Northwest Territory, com
prising the States of Ohio, Michi
gan. Indiana. Illinois and Wiscon
sin had been established by Con
gress in 1787 and in 1800, Chilli
cothe* was made its Capital.
In 1803. 150 years ago, Ohio was
made a State with Chillicothe as
its Capital, the city retaining this
honor until 1810 and again during
the period from 1812 until 1816
when the Capital was moved to its
present cite at Columbus.
In 1807 there were over forty
Catholics in Chillicothe and the
surrounding territory of Ross
Coun'-' Under the date of Feb
1. 1807. Whalen Goodee and a
Major Phillips wrote a letter to
Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore
petitioning that a priest be sent
to min.- er to these people.
No permanent pastor was ap
pointed at that time but records
show mans visits of priests to the
\mong these uere Father
Beued Flaget future
Bishop of Bardstown and later
Louisville. Ky and Father Stephen
Badin in 1812
Later records show pastoral
visits being made by Father Ed
ward Dominic Fenwick, the emin
ent Dominican missionary of the
midwest and later Bishop of Cin
cinnati, and his nephew, Father
Nicholas Dominic Young, who
ministered to the Catholics of the
area until the Spring of 1818.
From that time until 1836, the
Dominican Fathers from Somerset.
Perry Count.', tended the spiritual
needs of the people. Records kept
at St Peter's show the names of
Fathers Alemany, Mazzuchelli and
(Continued on Page 2)
Father Dermodv
Offers Requiem
Mass For Parent
The Rev. Ralph Dermody offered
a Requiem High Mass in Cincin
nati Tuesday. Feb. 10. for his
father. John F. Dermody who died
Feb. 7.
Father Dermody is administrator
of St. Theresas church, Wain
wright. and St. Paul’s church in
Midvale. The mass was celebrated
at the Church of the Nativity in
Cincinnati. Ohio.
Surviving are his wife, Blanch,
three daughters, Mrs. Leona Hover,
B. Eileen Dermody, Patricia Der
mody. and four sons. John J., James
F.. Robert and Father Dermody.
All but Father Dermody reside in
building improvements.
In addition to providing more
bed space, the structure will con
tain a kitchen, cafeteria, dining
rooms, and maintenance, storage
and lecture rooms on the base
ment level. Furnishings for the
completed addition will cost ap
proximately $29,000.
St. Anthony’s administered main
ly to indigent, aged and chronical
ly ill patients, when it was built
in 1891. Modern surgical and med
ical facilities have been added,
however, accommodating the acute
ly ill patients as well.

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