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2 Catholic Educators Brand New Education Decree As Unfair SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador (NC) A recent decree of the Ministry of Culture has been branded here by Catholic educa tors as ‘'another serious symptom of government interference in the rights of parents.’’ The decree announced that pri vate secondary schools which grant diplomas qualifying students to en ter a university will be subject to a fine. Of the 40 private schools affected by the measure. 32 are run by religious orders and have an enrollment of about 3.000 stu dents. Under the 1950 Constitution, edu cation in El Salvador is defined as ‘•an essential right of the State.” This means that the State reserves to itself the right to grant certifi- iXo Hope For Crooners On This Station HILVERSLM, Holland. (NC) Dutch Catholics have applauded a decision by the Catholic radio station here to ban modern love songs from its programs. An announcement by the station manager said that in the future such songs will not be broadcast, because "the perpetual he-and she whispering in today’s love songs has become unbearable.” The announcement brought a flood of letters from Catholic listeners who said they welcomed an end to the "readymade ro manticism” of so many of today’s popular songs. Sl.OO. WHERE THOUSANDS SAVE MILLIONS Current Return *1* 0/ Account* Insured Al 4 To $10,000 CENTRAL OHIO FEDERAL SAVINGS 78 South Third Street HARD OF HEARING? Before you buy try on Acousti cin. SI year* of continuou* re liable service. A complete line of tran»i*tor hearing aid* from $74.50 up, plu* tax. Free exam ination. Acousticon of Columbus Rm. 211 83$. High AD. 3736 HOTEL DETROITER I tu multi i.iiuu. hole! al Ibr (alt«a nMib*in Miihiran and Canada—in th* brat I of Amtiia'|i*at auinmniiterrnlei i.tOmh oultidr tooma. loom »Hh bath Ample hotel paikinf apace All-rond it toned lounge roflee thop and dtntn* loom and cates or diplomas qualifying stu dents for admission to universities. Students of private schools must pass a State-conducted examina tion before they can attend a uni versity. The new decree fixes a fine of $200 for each degree granted by a private school, and $100 for each certificate granted lor the com pletion of individual courses. If the offense is repeated the school loses its right to teach The pri vate school degrees have been ac cepted by universities abroad in which students from El Salvador have enrolled. An article in the Jesuit maga zine EGA (Estudios Centro Amer icanos), complained that “within a regime of freedom oi education, degrees should be given by the educational center itself, without imposition of program- or of meth ods.’’ About 150,000 El Salvadorean children and young people attend schools in a population of over 2, 000.000. Out of the $110,000,000 of the national budget, about $15, 000.000 is alloted for education. In 1952. government schools had 4.363 students on their rolls, and the private schools, 3.873. o------------------- Catholic Men’s Club To Hear Richard Larkins The September meeting of the Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club at the Virginia Hotel. Friday. Sep tember 4 at 12 noon will get off to a start with Richard "Dick” Lark ins Director of Athletics of Ohio State University as one of the prin ci pal speakers. Also featured on the day’s pro gram will be Father Francis Con nor chaplain of the Veterans' Hos pital at Chillicothe, Ohio. Mr. Larkins is to give a first hand picture of the Physical Edu cation and Athletic Department at Ohio State and highlights from the recent NCAA meetings which were held this summer in Chicago. Father Connor will point up the need of civilian interest in the pa tients at the Veterans Hospital and relate some experiences of how the interest has helped in the past. Members of the Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club are invited to bring guests to the meeting. There will be games for all, en tertainment. -wimming and re freshments.. Serving on the com mittee for the affair are Thomas Cahill, Frank Neubeck, Edward Rees. Charles Schneider. Andrew Theado. Henry Webb. Ray Phil lips, Ollie Nehr, Sally Groom, Jack Weiler, Al Weber, Bernard Schick, Bernard Held, Becky Mc Cauley, Rita Plageman, Arthur Rushman, George Herman and George Miller. Courleou» Service 5747 HARRIS, OPTICIANS 106 East Broad St. COLUMBUS OHIO Summer Reading Suggestions Whether your literary taste hankers for biography, history, the novel, the essey, travel or for spiritual read ing, you will find a fine selection here at the shop. |Below are some representative titles. Stop in soon. MATT TALBOT ............... $2.75 Eddie Doherty SHEPHERDS' TARTAN ....... $2.50 Sister M. Jean Dorcy, O.P. GOD'S WAYFARER ................... $2.50 Irma Gorainoff HALO FOR FATHER ................... $2.50 Joseph A. Breig THE WARRIER SAINT ................ $4.00 R. V. C. Bodley EASY DIXIE MARGARINE RELIGIOUS ART MAYER BOOKS ROSARIES BOOKS GREETING CARDS Teachers Meet (Continued from Page 1) grades, based on the principle of guiding growth in Christian social living. Other speakers include Sister M. Jeanne File. O.S.F.. professor of art at Rosary Hill College. Buffalo. N. Y. Sister Jeanne is formerly of Columbus. Pontifical Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, with Bishop Ready as celebrant, will conclude the meeting following a 4 p.m. ses sion Thursday. The schedule in full: Wednetdas, September 2, 19*3 College of St. Mary of the Spnnga. 10:00 Exhibits Open 11:00 GENERAL MEETING LR- SK1NE HALL Greetings Rev. Bennett Ap plegate, Superintendent of Schools Greetings John Gibney, Presi dent of the N.C.E.A. Exhibitor* ■‘State Requirements for Certifi cation” Dr. Harold Bower, State Department of Education. 12:00 1:00 Luncheon ELEMENTARY SECTION ‘Aids to Gufding Growth in Christian Social Living” Sister Aquinas, O.S.F.. Green Bay, Wisconsin Erskine Hall. Secondary Teadheri* Visit Exhibits SECONDARY TEACHERS—COL LEGE LOUNGE “The Need of a Planned Guidance Program” Miss Marie Corrigan, Catholic University. Washington, 1 0O 2:00 2:00 Elementary Teachers Visit Ex hibits GENERAL SESSION MUSIC) —ERSKINE HALL •'The Place of Instrumental Mu sic” Mr. Leo Hall. 3:00 ER- 4:00 PRINCIPALS MEETING SKINE HALL Planning a Testing Program' Specialist in Testing 4 00 Classroom Teacher- Vleit Ex hibit* 5:00 BENEDICTION OF THE BLESS ED SACRAMENT -CHRIST THE KINO CHAPEL. :30 COMMUNITY S U V E V I SORS AND DJO( ESAN CON SULTANTS DINNER. "The Problems of the Supervisor in Teacher Training and Placement Sr. Barbara, S. C., Mount St. Jo seph, Cincinnati. Ohjo. Thursday. September 3, 1963 1:80 Mass for" deceased Teachers of Diocese of Columbus Rev. Ben nett Applegate, Celebrant, Christ the King Chapel Exhibits Open REGISTRATION FOYER 2nd FLOOR ERSKINE HALL GENERAL SESSION—ERSKINE HALL Demonstration of the Use of Charts in Guiding Growth in Christian Social Living Aquinas, O.S.F., Green Bay, Wis consin GENERAL SESSION—ERSKINE HALL. ‘The Confraternity: Meeting Ground of Religious and Lay Teachers" Rev. James Kulp. 12 1 :00 9 00 9:00 10:00 11:00 Q------------------ St. Lco'a Picnic The first event of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of St Leo’s parish, Columbus, will be Sunday’s homecoming picnic at Camp St. Joseph. LUNCHEON ELEMENTARY TEACHERS (Group Sessions! DEMONSTRA TION OF TECHNIQUES. Grades 1, li and 111 Erskine Hall Winter Claudia. S.C.N., St. Agatha School. Columbus, Ohio GRADES IV. V and VI Assem bly Room Second Floor Erskine Sister Gertrude S.N.D., St. Augustin* School, Columbus, Ohio Grades VII and VIII College Lounge Sistar Francis Philip. O.S.F.. Central Catholic School, Steubenville, Ohio "Art in the Catholic School” Sister Jeanne, O.S.F., Rosary Hill College, New York 1 .00 Secondary Teachers V i*it Ex hibits 2:00 SECONDARY TEACHERS OL- LEGE LOUNGE "Organising a Guidance Pro gram” Mis* Marie Corrigan, Catholic University, Washington, D.C !.(in Elementary Teachers Visit Ex hibit* 1 .00 GENERAL SESSION (Parent Teacher Association! ERSKINE HALL ‘‘Qualifications of the Religious Teacher Expected hy Parents” Mr. J. F. Osborne, Holy Name P.T.A., Columbus, Ohio 4.00 GENERAL SESSION ERSklNE HALL "The tiuidance Training of the Religious Teacher" Miss Marie Corrigan. Catholic University, Washington, D.C. His Excellency. The Most Riv erend Michael .1 Read- D.l» PON1II K AL BENEDICTION «I THE BLESSED SA (RAMEN! Christ the King Chapel lakcR First Sows JOHNSTOWN Richard Stout, son of Mr. Edwin Stout of Johns town and Orlando, Fla., took the first three-year vows of poverty, chasity and obedience, as a Bro ther in the Congregation ot the Holy Cross, at the Sacred Heart Novitiate, Jordan, Minn., on August 16. Richard served as an Altar Boy. while a member of the Church of the Ascension in Johnstown. Lay Retreats 1953 Aug. 28-30 ...................... Woman Sept. 4-6 ........................ Mon Sopf. 11-13 ...................... Women Sept 18-20 ......................... Men Sept. 25-27 ............... ..... Mon Oct. 2-4 Women Oct. 9-11 ....................... Mon Oct. 16-18 .................. Men LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Thereto Shrine 5277 E Broad Street THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY. AUGUST 28, 1953 Ao ELYRIA Catholic and Luther an pupils will iide to school to gether this fall in a bus just pur chased hy St. Mary parish in Elyria. The bus will serve parochi al school pupils in nearby East Carlisle who ueie barred from public school buses by an East Carlisle School Board decision last June. YOUNGSTOWN Start of a program that would be the first step toward relieving the short age of high school facilities for Catholics in Youngstown was an nounced by Bishop Emmet Walsh when he revealed that he has authorized preliminary stud les looking toward enlargement of Ursiline High School. Ursiline, the only Catholic high school in Youngstown, was crowded last year with an en rollment of 850, and the plans under consideration would in crease the capacity to 1200. CLEVELAND With five new elementary and high schools open ing. the total grade and secondary school enrollment in the Cleve land archdiocese is expected to pass 90,000. Last year's total was 87.684. John Carroll university, also in this city, expects some 2,450 stu dents, a record enrollment. CHECKER Fresh, tasty Borden's Buttermilk completes your summer lunch! Servo it ice cold for teal refreshment! Rich in mineral* and proteins, but low in calories... and with the country-fresh flavor you like iJUlUUld Truce for GTs Faith An unidentified Gl i* shown at Confession following the cessation of hostilities in Korea, Chaplain Capt.) Timothy Quinn, O.F.M., of Jessup, Pa., is the priest. Ro i uulup•- Ohio News CINCINNATI More than 700 students representing 200 Catholic universities and colleges through out the country are gathered in Cincinnati this week for the 10th national congress of the National Federation of Catholic College stu dents. Delegates will discuss a wide va riety of topics of interest to Cath olic collegians. The congress theme will be "The Responsibility of the’Christian Student”. 1NCINNATI The Religious Sisters oi Mercy have announc ed they will erect a new 350-bcd hospital on a 34 acre tract be tween Reading and Evendale. It is the fourth such undertaking by the sisters in the Cincinnati archdiocese in the past five years. AT VOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR STORE MOORES & ROSS 165 N. Washingotn Ave. MA. 5121 Ixickhart (Continued from Page 1) William could not bring himself to accept Newman’s teachings. When they parted company, Neu man was inspired to write his fa mous Loss of a Friend. William later came into the church, was ordained and helped launch the London Echo, now the Tablet. Gene's love for his religion was instilled in him by his parents and his teachers at St. Michael's and De la Salic Institute in Toronto, Canada. His deep feeling for his Faith is recognized by his fellow artists He is honorary vice president of the Catholic Actors Guild in Holly wood. This group uses its influ ence to battle efforts of Commun ism in the film capital. At the same time, the group lends its guidance and support in the con stant fight for decent movies. Gene has performed many times in films produced by Father Pat nek Peyton, another method the genial gentleman employs to put life in his religion. One of his happiest experiences took place some four years ago when he was asked to inaugurate a local Family Rosary Hou. radio series in New York City. Aside from his acting, writing and producing talents, Gene i s blessed with musical ability that many years ago enabled him to write the lyrics for one of this country's most popular songs, The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise. .More recently however, and one of his proudest accomplishments Gene wrote the music for the hymn Mother Of All. ft is the first time the Are Marta has been t. H. ‘Curlty’ l«F*v*r ^6 Labor i-'r I DavJ (Continued from Page 1) posing or hampering union organi zation, opposing adequate legis lation for the protection of the working people and of not taking enough initiative in fostering new methods of labor-management co operation. "On the other hand.” the de claration added, “the fault of some in the labor movement has been one of apathy and indifference in face of the need for labor-manage ment cooperation and the need for labor participation in management, profits and ownership. Both labor and management were called upon in the statement to examine and appraise their current practices in the light of Christian social ethics in order to achieve the goal of full-fledged partnership in the interest of the general welfare. In conclusion, the statement quoted the definition of Labor Day as elucidated by Pope Pius XII. "Who better than the true Christian can give to Labor Day a profound significance? For him it is a day on which he venerates and adores all the more intensely the Man-God. Our Lord Jesus Christ. Who. that He might be our model, our consolation and sancti fication. passed the greater part of His life, in the exercise of a manual trade, as a humble worker: it is the day of thanksgiving to God on the part of all those who provide assurance, through their labor of a tranquil and peaceful life for themselves and their families: it is the day on which is affirmed the will to overcome class warfare and hatred with the strength deriving from the reali zation of social justice from the mutual respect and fraternal charity for the love of Christ it is the day. in fine, on which be lieving humanity solemnly pro mises to create by the labor of men’s minds and hands a culture that gives glory to God. a culture that, far from alienating man from God, brings man ever closer to Him.” put to music with English words. Yes. a quick review of some of the man's accomplishments and in terests, and a few moments con versation with him. dicloses Gene Lockhart as a man who loves and lives his religion. o.--------------- For Quick Result* Use Want Ads PHYSICIANS’ SUPPLIES JT endt-Bristol Co. TRUSSES SUPPORTS BELTS EXPERT FITTERS N'«w Fittinr Room* on Ftr.t Floor “The Prescription Store of Columbui” “We Have It" E. State St. 721 N. Huth At AD. *1*8 MA. 3153 WE DELIVER W£ Pltnty Pramit 73 W*tk« TRADE Parkin* Otlhary T* Pay fflTM •-THF SAFEST PLACE FOR YOUR BABY TO SIT YOUR baby DtSBRVES THf BEST Phone for Hom* Dem*n«trtton No Obligation BAUC-TBNOA SAIBS AMNCY F. L. WEBER V*ur tab** lt.da M*« 240 N. ARDMORE RO EVery”" I1H “Year Friendly Neighborly Store" CITY FURNITURE 2288 SULLIVANT RA. 2577 cooking carefree er BIGIN SEABRING High 1 I 1 I I range IS I I I 4 tfecuenweoo. GauMM MO YOUHfN Who ftf eOMWlW MASS ORDO ---------------------Liturgy Of FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 FEAST OF ST. AUGUSTINE White vestments, Gloria, Seco* I prayer of St. Hermes. Credo. or hl Council Of Churches Invites Catholic Viewers GENEVA. Switzerland (NC) Catholic observers have been in vited to attend the Second Assemb ly ot the World Council of Churches which will be held August 14 to 31. 1954. at Evanston. Illinios. The World Council is an associ ation oi some 150 1 roteslant and Eastern Orthodox denominations which vvas formally established at the First Assembly held in 1948 at Amsterdam. Holland. The in vitation to Catholic observers to attend next year’s Assembly was extended at a meeting of the World Council’s Executive Com mittee held at the international organization s headquarters here. Acceptance of the invitation will depend upon authorization from the Vatican. Last year, the Holy See gave permission to some Catholic theologians to attend the meeting of the World Council's Commission on Faith and Order held at Lund, Sweden, to discuss problems of Christian unity. "Christ- the Hope of the World" will be the main theme of the Second Assembly, which will bring 600 delegates. 150 consultantsand 200 representatives of denominat ional organizations to the campus of Northwestern University from various countries. READ THE TIMES WANT ADS. cooks all day long automatically! That's right, with your automatic electric range you can leave home early and return kite and still serve a piping hot meal time too! Only an Electric range gives yoe 12 full hours of automatic cooking. The Week--------------------- SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 BEHEADING OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Red vestments, Gloria, Second prayer of St. Sabina. SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOFT Green vestments. Gloria, Second prayer of St. Rose of Lima. Third of St. Felix and Audactus, Credo, Preface of the Trinity. MONDAY, AUGUST 31 FEAST OF ST. RAYMOND NONNATUS White vestments. Gloria. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 FEAST OF ST. AEGIDIUS White vestments, Gloria. Second prayer of the Holy Martyrs. Third “Defend us.” WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 FEAST OF ST. STEPHEN OF HUNGARY White vestments. Gloria. Second prayer "Defend us”, Third at the choice of the celebrant. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 FERIAL THURSDAY. MASS OF SUNDAY Green vestments. No Gloria Second prayer "Defend us”. Third for the Faithful Departed. Fourth at the choice of the celebrant, No Credo. Common Preface. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 FERIAL FRIDAY. MASS OF SUNDAY Green vestments, No Gloria. Second prayer "Defend us”. Third at the choice of the celebrant. No Credo. Common Preface. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 FEAST OF ST. LAWRENCE JUSTINIAN White vestments. Gloria. Second prayer "Defend us”, Third at the choice of the celebrant. ELGIN DAYBROOK JEWELERS While your meal cooks you are free to enpy this hme os you wish. See the new automatic electric ranges erf your Electric Appliance Dealer and enjoy carefree cooking from now on.