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WE6E Holy Land Exhibition Hit by Florida Diocese ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla.—(N(’)—A project to erect a scale reproduction of the Holy Land in Florida where plays on the Life of Christ would be presented has been disapproved by the Diocese of St. Augustine. The “non-sectarian’’ project, headed by theatrical pro ducer Eddie Dowling and announc ed in the September Catholic Di Rest, “is disapproved by the Di ocese," Msgr. John W. Love, St. You’re Leaving ourself Wide Open. Father For a Comeback CINCINNATI (NC) The Gregorian chant was used as a substitute for an anesthetic by one of its famous teachers. Opponents of Gregorian chant please read on. Here on a lecture tour. Fa* ther Jean Herbert Desroc quettes. O.S.B.. disclosed it hap pened four years ago while he was teaching in Rome. He was taken to a hospital for an ab dominal operation and for some reason the doctors declined to give him an anesthetic. Father Desrocquettes said that to take hi^ mind off the pain of the incisions, he sang at the top of his lungs during the operation. He recalled that his principal selection was “In Par adisum”—and he explained that is a Gregorian hymn sung after Requiem Masses when the body is being taken from the Church. ^lTc‘o Genuine CEKAMIC Illi for wall* and floor*. Wide selection of marble 539 E TOWN ST AD 1772 Inaare lour Furniture Route Automobile CALL Pauline R. Joyce MA. 3566 20 South Third St. Columbut LOOKING AHEAD There's nothing like a family o make a fellow start looking ahead, and planning pro vide the necessities of life. One way is to save regularly at Dol lar Federal, A little bit each pay day will add up to quite a sum by the time that future All American will need it. A 1 O/ OIVIDKMD— /4- INSURED £2 /O to $10,000 Opts Taar Aoaaawt Taiay DOLLAR FEDERAL SAVINGS II E. BAY IT. AO. 3141 Augustine Chancellor, said in a statement which pointed out: “The Catholic mind shrinks from the very concept of a ‘non-sectar ian’ Christ as it does from other aspects of the plan put forward in the Catholic Digest.’’ The Bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine is Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley. Msg]-. Love said that the Diocese “has no connection whatsoever with Holy Land. Inc.” The organization, headed by Catholic actor-producer Dowling, is still in the formative stage, the Catholic Digest article indicated. It included plans for a two-million dollar, mile-scale replica of Holy Land scenes and a 5,000-capacity amphitheatre where dramas on the birth and death of Christ would be enacted. The complete statement by Msgr. Love appeared on page one of the Florida Catholic: “The Catholic Digest for Sep tember carries a leading article about a project to erect in Florida a large scale reproduction of the Holy Land and to present there a living’ life of Christ.” Although revealed for the first time in a Catholic review, the project is re ferred to as non-sectarian. “It appears to be the intention of the promoters of Holy Land, Inc., to appeal to the public for financial support of this multi million dollar enterprise. •Produc er Dowling.’ the article informs us, ’anticipates no difficulty in subscriptions once the stock is put on the market.’ “We are authorized to state that the Diocese of St. Augustine has no connection whatsoever with Holy Land. Inc. and that the project is disapproved by the Di bcese. The Catholic mind shrinks from the very concept of a 'non sectarian’ Christ as it does from other aspects of the plan put for ward the Catholic Digest. “This statement is considered to be necessary in view of the fact that the first announcement of the plans of Holy Land. Inc., was made in a Catholic magazine.” Bishop Sheen TV Program Resumes In Mid-Octoher NEW YORK. (NC)—Bishop Ful ton J. Sheen's "Life Is Worth Living” television show has been credited by the Dumont television network as being the first regular weekly program in television his tory to pass the 100-station mark. Elmore B. Lyford, director of Dumonts station relations, said the 'Admiral Corporation, sponsor of the Bishop’s programs, has con firmed that Station WJAR-TV. Pro vidence. R. I., became the 100th station carrying the program. Bishop Sheen, who is Auxiliary Bishop of New York and national director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, will re sume his Tuesday programs on October 13. WHERE THOUSANDS SAVE MILLIONS Currant Return 1 07 Accounts 1 /o Insured 4 To $10,000 CENTRAL OHIO FEDERAL SAVINGS 71 South Third Street BEXLEY Pharmacy Prescriptions Main at Casaingham BEXLEY Annual Fall Festival Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Church BUCKEYE LAKE, OHIO Park Terrace. Buckeye Lake Park Games, Prizes, Refreshments FOOD and FUN for EVERYONE Saturday August 29 From 5 to 12 P. M. Motion Pictures Classified Following i* a list 01 motion nictuie* reviewed and ci***ifted by the Notional Council of the 1 rgion 01 Decencj Class A Sect.on I Unobjec tionable for general patronage. Abbot and Coatelio Meet Dr. Jekyl and Mi Hyde. Bf» from 20,000 Fathoms, Big Leo truer. Bright Road. By th* Light of the Silvery Moon. Call Me Mariam. Corie Two Confiden tially Connie. Cruain' Down the River. Desert Legion. Desert Song. Desert Rate. Fangs of the Artic, Ft Vengeance. Francis Covers th- Big Town. Ghost of Cross Bone Canyon. Girl Next Door. Glory at Sea. Glorv Brigade. Great Sioux Uprising. Gun Belt. Hans Christian Andersen. Houdini. I Beheld Hi.’ Glory, I Love Melvin, Iron Mountain Trail. It Came From Outer Space. Jalopy, Julius t'eaaar. Kid From Left Field, The Last of the Pony Riders, Little Boy Lost. Lor.« Hand Man from the Alamo. Marshall "f Cedar Rock. MarahaU’e Daughter Masier of Ballentrae, Melba. Mission Over Kqr-a. Off Limits. Old Overland rail. Peter Pan. Phantom From Space, Pro moter. Rebel City. Roar of the Croud, Rodeo. Rogue's March. Safari Drums. Saginaw Trail, Sea Around l’s. Secret Conclave Silver Whip, The: Small Town Girl. Slaves of Babylon. So, This Is Love. Shoot First, Stand al Apache River, Sweethearts on Parade. Tarzan and the She-Bevil. Tonight We Sing, Torpedo Alley. Trail Blazers. Treas ure of the Golden Condor. Valiev Of Head Hunters. War Of The World. White Witch Doctor. Young Bess. Clast A Section 2 Unobjec tionable for adults. Affair* of Dome Glib*, All 1 Desire, Assassin. The. Arrowhead. Rand Wagcn. Relow the Sahara Rig Frame. Blue Print for Murder, Charge .st Feather River. City J» Darlj City of Bad Men, Cry of the Hunted. Cow Country Daneing With Crime, Dangerous When Wet. Dream Wife Fair Wind to Java Farmer Takes a wife. Fast Company, Flame of Calcutta. Fort i Genghis Kahn, Gentle Gunman. The. Girls of Pleasure Island. Hangman’s Knot, Hitch-Hiker. The House of Wax. Importgnce of Being F.arheat, Interne. It Hr.ppenr Every Thursday. Juggler. The Just for You. Keepers of the Night. Last Posse. Law and Order. Lili, Little World of Don Camille. Main Street to Broadway. Man in the Dark. M»n on a Tightrope Night Without Star*, No Time for Flower*. Oriental Evil. Outpost in Malava. Perilous Journey. Pony Express. Pow der River. Ring Around the Clock. Roman Holiday. Shane, Scandal. Second Chance. Singing Taxi Driver. Somebody Loves Me. Split Second, Stop. You’re Killing Me. Som brero, Something Money Can’t Buy. Staler 17. Story- cf Three Loves. Story of May They Rest In Peace DONAHOE. George. 84. New Lexington August 17. St. Rose Church. ANGELO, William V., 39. Ports mouth. August 20. Holy Redeemer Church. McGREEVY, Elizabeth. 79, New Lexington. August 18, St. Rose Church. Survivors: Five daugh ters, three sons, thirty-eight grand children and 14 great-grandchil dren. WIXTEAD. Catherine C, Mari on, August 17. St. Mary’s church. Survivors. Two sisters and ‘two nephews. LASHER. John J., 39. Canton, August 18, St. Joseph Cathedral. Survivors: His wife, Esther, two children and his mother. HOOK. John J.. 80. 60 18th Ave. Columbus. August 17, Our Lady of Sorrows Church. Survivors: Sev eral nieces and nephews. CLOLSE. Mary A., 160 Binns Blvd. Columbus, August 18, St. Mary Magdalene Church. Surviv ors: Three daughters, one son. seven grandchildren and one sis ter. GROLLEMUND, Joseph V., 77. 644 Butler Ave., Columbus, Au gust 18. St. Marys Church Sur vivors: His wife. Mary, one son, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. JONAS. Cecilia J., 59, Columbus, August 20. St. Augustine Church. Survivors: Her husband. Henry, two sons, two sisters and a bro ther. SHRAKE. George. 71. Zanesville, August 21. St. Thomas church. Sur vivors: One son and two grand children. WOODS, Patrick S„ 87, 4000 OLentangy Rner Rd., Columbus. August 21. St. Cecilia's Church. Survivors: None. Kirkpatrick Funeral Home Waihtnaien C. i-ktll New Beiland 4SS1 ’’COURTEOUS ER VICE' CAI HOLIC I E S I A Y AUGUST Dionne Quints Prepare to Separate Canada's famous Dionne quintuplets, who have lived as a unit since their birth 19 years ego, soon will separate. Marie will enter a convent next month. Yvonne will study art in Montreal under the Notre Dame Sisters. Cecile, Annette and Emilio will return to Nicolet, Quo., for the futher studies at Inetitut Familial, where this photo was taken it their graduation last year. Left to right, Marie, Cecile, Annette, Mr. and Mrs. Oliva Dionne, fmilie and Yvonne. Mandy, Sun Shines Bright, Sword and the Rose, Sword of Avenus. Tall Texan, Thief. The Thief of Venice Three Musketeer*. Thunder Bay.-Tonight at :3H, Titanic. Thre* Girls rom Rome. Tromb* Trcible Along the Way, Tropic Zone, Train of Events. Vanquished, The Vice Squad. Class B—Objectionable in part. Abbott and Costello Go to Mars. Al) Ashore, Ambush ai Tomahawk Gap. Arena. Assassin for Hire. Bad »nd the Beautiful Bai Tabartn, Battle Circus. But Night, Bitter Rio, Blue Gardenia. Bomba and the Jungle Girl. Brigai d. Cage of Gold Carrie. CapUve Women I’ity Beneath the Sea City That Never Sleep*. Come Baek Little Sheba, Coun terfeiters. Dance Hall Girl*, Danger Zone, Doom ed. Duel Without Honor. Face to Face. Fear and Desire. For bidden Games, From Here To Eternity. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Girls of the Night. Glory Alley. Half Breed. He'lgat*. He|| Is Sold Out. Hoodlum, The. House of a Thousand Women I. The Jury. J-qparnj Kansas City Confidential. Kid Monk Baroni. Light Touch, Limelight. Lion and the Horse. Loan Shark LuYury Girls. Man Behind the Gun, Man With Face. Man With the Gray Glove Mesa of lost Women. Montana Relle, Moulin Rouge. Murder Without Tears. Native Son, Never Wave at a W AC. Niagara Night Without Sleep. Nightmare in Red China. O. K. Nero. One Rig Affair, One Girl's Confession. Operation Secret. Outlaw Women. Picktin on South Street People W*iJ Talk. Pickup. Phone Call From a Stran ger. President's Lady. Problem Girls Return to Parariise, Rome, 11 O'clock. Ruby Gentry. Salome. Sangaree Scarlet Angel, Sea Devils. Serpent of the Nile. Siren of Bag dad, Sky I* Red Star. The Slight Case of Larceny, A South Sea Woman. Stolen Face. Strange Fascination. Strange Wit ness, System. Take Me to Town, Two Cents Worth of Hope. Voodoo Tiger, Waterfront Women. We’re Not Mar ried White Hell of Pitr.-Palu. Woman in Question. Woman They Almost Lynched. You tor Me. Class C—Condemned. Bar riit. In* Uta. *n Behind Closed Shutters Rhie Ange' Carnival ter rier* Mom s-t Dari peder fin- S.t*« It's Forever Springtime Jungle Stampede Just a Big Simply Girt Lo er- of Vein a. Maron Mar-e rt Por Mr rt v it. Mias Julie. V'o Orchini foi Mio Blandi-n Street Corner Par Walt Th. P.. l'p*tairs. Rr.-ina h- I Chiin ’n Amelia Devil in the lest A Royal V fair. Strange Trw: Scandals of hr Clochemerie, Sinner’ Story of Rim St. Louis Attorney Elected Supreme K of Knight Luke E. Hart. St. Louis attorney and a distinguished Catholic lay man has been elected Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus at the 71st Annual Convention oi the Order's Supreme Council here. Hail, for 31 jears Supreme Ad vocate oi the Order, succeeds John E. Swift of Boston. Superior Court Judge wlio had held the office 8 years and decided not to seek re-election Born near Maloy, Iowa Ha4 moved as a young man to St. Louis, Luke E. Hart where he has practiced law .ince 1905. Hart headed a Committee of the Knights of Columbus which pre 'ented a statue of Lalavette to the French Republic at Metz in 1920 and was awarded the Star of Moroc co. He was made a Knight Grand Cross of St. Gregory in 1927 and Knight Commander in 1939. In recent years. Hart has spon sored two of the most noteworthy projects oi the Knights of Coluni bus. One is the Order's Catholic Advertising Program in magazines and newspapers, which since 1948 has produced more than 1.300.000 inquiries lor Catholic information and more than 117.000 applications for Catholic instruction by mail. aim Sally I he A RulJ-l foi birpha .'.Ik Should* .'■'gid No FT«h Will burrenriei 'Italian Ways of Love W [■., |a Ronda Sacred T.atuka. Thrill That Kills. Young and Damned Strollers. Paris Nights, Of Love and Bamiits. Moon Is Blue. Keep This listing fer Future Refer ence. I FISHER, Alice Irene. 762 West phal Ave., Columbus. August 17. Our Lady of Sorrows Church. Snr vivors: Four sisters and two bro thers. ZACK. Anna T.. 70. 1418 Loretta av. Columbus. August 19. St. Mon ica's Chu/ch. Survivors: Five daughters, one son. foui grandchil dren, one sister and a brother. HORVATH, Charles Sr.. 74. 137 Fiambes Ave.. Columbus. August 22. Holy Name Church. Survivors: His wife Catherine, six sons, six daughters, twenty-one grandchil dren. one great-grandchild, a bro ther and one sister. ZENKER. Herbert A.. 55. 3355 Indianola Ave., Columbus, August 21, 1 rd a u I a e Conception Church. Survivors: His wife Mei cedes, mother, one daughter, a sis ter and a brother. WHITE. Pat. 66. Coshocton, Au gust 17, Sacred Heart Church. Sur vivors: Five daughters, three sons, eighteen grandchildren, two bro thers and two sisters. RINEHART. Charles D., 58 1406 Blake Ave.. Columbus. August 21. St. Augustine Church. Survivors: One daughter, a son. one sister and two grandchildren. REED. Walter J., Portsmouth. August 21, St. Mary's Church. STALEY. Neil B, 185 E. State St., Columbus, August 22, St. Jo seph Cathedral. Survivors: His wife. Mabel, two sons, one sister and a brother. COftNH OF OOOOAlt a RICH BUILDERS' HARDWARE He also sponsored the micro filming of more than 40.000 docu ments from the Vatican Library in Rome, in co-operation with St. Louis University’. o------------------- 1 he firms listed here deserve to be remembered when vou are distributing vour patronage Seat covers BUREAU AUTO INSURANCES saved me! You toe cob »o»a Form luroou auto in- nonoAA«»»obl« protec tion, ovtomolic ren*w ol, frtondly notion- SPKl AUSTS" t/ ns rixon FOOR CHttKS SOMME* JMlVG HINGIS $»»G£VT S l.C 000* CHECH SMCUlI **HC SaUS-MEOl TWSHC OS-MfT*l *USH *ah a sick *iat*s **A»rMftT house tun BOXES MESiCeif CAOIfiEES u*Of«G»OUIVO OARIAOf MCTIVfM SA** «*»AGE 000* TRAC’ a WASSERS 0U ROST GHOOfl *AlMS (NAMEIS BEHERAl HARO*ARf ’OOkS GLASS SANBEH EOCfRS «*0 ROi'BhfR! fO* Phene AD cm* 6019 ft 1 A 11___ L______ if it tM it»»tn caii n Ockme^a HantLmta. M» NORTH HMH BILL RAUSCH 271 S. Broadlaigh Rd. Columbus 2 19 5 3 EX. 4035 DO. 5373 ST PALL, Minn Supreme Kmght John E. Sv.tit of the Knights of Columbu* called on all God-fearing men to join a program that nWnt tell the world that communist doctrine* spread by a vicious underground in the name of freedom air to be lagged a« the .pav, n of God hat mg individuals.” “We are implacably opposed to the senseless attitude Judge Swift declared, “that Russia must be permitted to spread her loul doctrines because freedom must not be suppressed.” The Supreme Knight addressed the State Dinner at the 71st an nual meeting of the K. of C. Su preme Council here. His Holiness Pope Pius XII and President Dwight D. Eisenhower were among those who sent mes sages to the convention. The message from Holy Father, sent through Msgr. Giovanni B. Montini. Vatican Pro-Secretary of Stale, congratulated the K. oi C. on its increased membership with resultant greater participation in Catholic Action and imparted to the officers, directors, convention delegates and al! members of the Knights of Columbus and their families, his Apostolic Blessing. President Eisenhower ‘in his message said: “Those four goals which guide the action* of the Knights of Columbus—charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism— are vital to the *piritual health of our nation. They are as indispens able today as they were more than seven decades ago when your organization held its fn*t annual convention and it is heartening to know of your dedication to them now. My best wishes go to you for an inspiring and successful con vention.” In his address at the dinner. Judge Swift spoke out against “today fellow-travellers who use their American citizenship and privileges of American freedoms to work for the destruction of such freedoms andaof America itself The Judge declared “we are tired of the defense that academic freedom must allow even the spread of anarchistic doctrines.” This was the last official act of Judge Swift as Supreme Knight. He did not choose to run for re election and during the elections conducted at the convention, a St. Louis attorney. Luke E. Hart, was chosen as the new Supreme Knight. Good Permanent aves Our Specialty Wt give the Spiral, Croquinolt, Mach inlass and cold wavos Alto com plate Beauty Ser vice. Air Conditioned Queen Beauty Salon id rhe different lines of busioess AOLETTI'S RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLl MBi WeH-knrwn for Guori Food *nd Pleasant Atmosphere Open Sam to S Complete bar* Closed Sondare 7*t S Rih St. CatumSut GA. 2SI MEMBER FEDERAL RESERXE SYSTEM Suppress Red Costlv Delenl id ministered Policies. I rges Cnmidn Reds: ill (Candidates K of Head Lose in \ational Election OTTAWA (NO Commun ists paid a stiff price to learn that the Canadian people did not want any of them in public office during the recent federal elections. Under Canadian law each candi date seeking election to the House of Commons must post a S200 de posit which is forfeit if the candi date fails to obtain one half of lhe vote. 'J he commum-t-. in anada opei ate undei the name of the l.aboi Progressive Party I hey put up 1(MJ candidates for seats in the House of Commons. When the finai count Of lnler‘»l Io Catholics RADIO PROGRAMS Saturday, Aug. 29 WHKC, Columbus. 6 45 p.m. —Catholic News Sunday, Aug. 30 U RFD. Worthington. 10.15 a. m. —The Hour of St Francis WLW. Cincinnati. 3.00 pm. —The Catholic Hour WHKC. Columbus, 7.00 p.m. —Ave Maria Hour WNXT. Portsmouth. 10:15 p. m. The Hour of St. Francis WNXT. Portsmouth. 11:15 m.—Christopher Program TELEVISION PROGRAMS Sunday, Aug. 30 WLW-C, Columbus. 12:30 p.m —Frontiers of Faith. The pro gram brings to a close the series of five Catholic programs en titled “Facts on Faith.” Father Urban Nagle chaplain of St. Mary of the Springs, is modera tor. Columbus. Ohio "I'm putting away 10% of every pay' Putting system into saving is a good idea. Many of the most successful savers decide upon a certain percentage nf income which is to he deposited regu larly EVERY PAY DAY, ahead of all other money demands and keep it up. come what may! There is no better way to develop the all-important SA 5 INGS HABIT which is sn often th« foundation for financial success and security. Open a new savings account with us. Deposit regular amounts, and watch your savings grow intn a strong and reassuring reserve of READY CASH. lhe Ohic^Nat ional Bank AFFILIATED WWW BANCOHIO CORPORATION Federal Deposit Insurance to $10,000 for Each Depositor MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 3 of ballots was made not only was every communist candidate defeat ed hut every one lost the $200 deposit. Canada s leading communist, Tim Buck, running in the Toronto frinity district, was beaten badly. He polled 1657 vote* The winning candidate in the district was Lionel Conacher, Liberal Party candi date. one time famous as an ath lete, who was reelected with 7,930 votes. Two other candidates run ning in the district also topped the Buck vote. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Louis St. I^iurent, the Lib eral Party won a sweeping victory in the elections. The Liberals ob tained 171 of the 265 seats in the House of Commons. It was the sec ond time that Mr. St. Laurent, 71 year-old French Canadian and a leader in Canadian Catholic af fairs, had led his party to victory since he succeeded the late Wil liam Lyon Mackenzie King as party leader in 1948 o----------------- (.^ I atinia Post Io Attend Mass in Body Our Lady of Fatima Post 983, Catholic Mar Veterans will attend a Mass and Holy Communion in a body next Sunday, the 30th of August at Holy Rosary Church, 7:30 a. m. Following the Mass there will be a Communion breakfast at Haye* Restaurant. 1405 E. Living ston Ave. This Slightly Used “Gulhransen” Spinet Pinna On Sale At All Catholic veterans are invited.