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The Road To True Peace Leads Through Mary Vol. Ill, No. 17 I w I I K Education Director were commend ed by O.C.W.C. delegates. The O.C.W.C. also: APPROVED proposed changes in the Federal Social Security System. RECOMMENDED an increase in unemnlovment benefits. URGED equal consideration for all schools in the creation and op eration of the new State Board of Education. Proposed Social Security chang es, the O.C.W.C. said, are a realis tic approach to the problems of old age and dependency. “The fail ure of the law to keep abreast of rapid economic changes, as was originally intended, has made the provisions of the law of continual ly decreasing value. "This economic maladjustment defeats the very purpose for w hich the Act was passed. If the purpose of the act is to be fulfilled in these times, it is essential to permit an increased tax rate which can be reflected in more adequate bene fits. "Furthermore, it becomes in creasingly apparent that there is no sound reason for continuing to exclude anyone who wishes to be ptM Four Ohio prelates were guests of Bishop Ready and Bishop Hettinger during the two-day mid winter meeting of the Ohio Catholic Welfare Conference in the Neil House. Pictured I. to. r. are Bishop George J. Rehring of Toledo, Bishop Emmet M. Walsh of Youngstown, Bishop Ready, Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati, Bishop John K. Mussio of Steubenville and Bishop Hettinger. Approxi mately SO priests and laymen representing Ohio's six dioceses were also on hand for the meeting. Ohio Catholic elfare Group Lauds Stand Of Censor Board The Ohio Board of Film Censorship was warmly commend ed by the Ohio Catholic Welfare Conference at its Mid-Winter Meeting in the Neil House, in Columbus, Tuesday and Wednes day. The Conference recognized the Board’s efforts in the past and hailed its announced determination to continue its work in spite of the recent unfavorable decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. The O.C.W.C. is an association of representatives of the Catholic clergv and laity of Ohio under the direction of the State’s six Bishops. It concerns itself principally with the Catho lic Church’s program in Education. Hospitals. Social Welfare, Social Action and the Catholic Press. Following the Supreme Court’s reversal last week of the Censor ship Board's ban on the movie. “M”. Dr. Clyde Hissong, State Di rector of Education, who is chief censor, and Governor Frank J. Lausche said that the State's ef forts to keep Ohio’s screens as clean as possible would continue. Attitudes of the Governor and the covered by Social Security provi sions. “These revision are entirely, in keeping with man's laudable de sire to provide for his needs of to morrow.” Regarding unemployment bene fits, the O.C.WX. said: “Mounting unemployment im poses a burden on society which cannot be carried by the individual employer and employee. It calls for the earnest cooperation of em ployers and workers, communities, state and federal governments. ‘‘Two of the first steps to be tak en to meet the situation are, in our opinion, an increase in unemploy ment benefits and a carefully plan ned program of public works.’’ On the subject of education, the O.C.W.C. said: "In view of the broad provi sions of the Constitutional Amendment providing for the creation of a State Board of Edu cation by the Legislature, the O.C.WC. urges: that the legisla tion should be drawn to promote the unimpeded progress of edu cation in Ohio that the legisla tion setting up the Board be most carefully prepared that the rights of parents be duly protect ed, and that the rights of pri- (Continued on Page 2) Opening Of 4 New Parishes. School Expansion, Announced Opening of four new parishes in the Columbus area, con struction of three schools, and a school expansion program were announced this week by Bishop Ready. The expansion in the diocese, Bishop Ready said is “in line with our development program to meet the demands of the rapidly growing Catholic popu lation.” The new parishes. Bishop Ready said, will be located at W. Mound St. and Wheatland Ave. in Colum bus, on Route 3 near the northern boundary of Grove City, and on recently-purchased properties in the northwest and eastern sections of metropolitan Columbus. Additionally, construction of a new church for Holy Spirit Parish was disclosed. The new structure, to be located at E. Broad St. and Yearling Rd. in Whitehall, will ac comodate 600 persons. The church in Grove City, the first in that community, will be Sisters Plan Proerams For TV Series ...... Au named Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It will be built on a 23-acre site. The new church on W. Mound St., to be situated on a nine-acre tract, will be named St. Agnes Parish. Pastors lor the new parishes will be appointed in a feu weeks, Bish op Ready said. Discussing the school building program. Bishop Ready noted that ground has been broken for a new 12-room parochial school at N. High St. and Selbj’ Blvd, for the child ren of St. Michael Parish. Bids will be taken next week for an eight room school to be erected in the newly established St. Gabriel ... v V Jy “a Seven num appearing on the diocesan school program, carried by WBNS-TV each Tuesday at 8:30 a. m. are pictured above. The sisters, the schools they represent, and the classes they will teach on "Touring the Town", are first row (I to r) Sister Florine, O.S.F., St. Leo, Grade 4, spelling and writing, Feb. 23 Mother Mary of the Angels, B.S., St. Cyprian, Grades 7-8, geography, March 2 Sister Matthias, O.S.F., St. Michael, Grade 1, reading, March 9 Sister Rose Carmelite, S.N.D., St. Christopher, Grade 8, reading, Feb. 2 second row (I to r) Sister Mariella, O.P., Christ the King, Grade 8, health, Feb. 16 Sister M. Quentin, R.S.M., Holy Family, Grade 3, lenguage, Feb. 9 Sister Charles Louise, S.C.N., St. Agatha Grade 1, reading, teacher on last Tuesday's program. Not shown in the picture is Sister Norma, O.S.F., of St. Mary Magdalene School, who taught eighth grade arith metic on the program launching the series. Pope Defines Bases Of True World Peace VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC) There will be no secure peace in the world until justice and charity “inspire reciprocal confidence between n a ions and between different classes within a nation, thus laying the foundations for a united effort toward a common noble ideal.” This statement was made by His Holiness Pope Pius XII in a brief address of welcome to Sir Douglas F. Howard, new British Minister to the Holy See. who presented his credentials. The Pope’ talk was published in Osservatore Romano, Vatican City newspaper. "How easily the word, 'peace', comes to the lips of men today, while the substance of true peace continues to elude their grasp," the Holy Father said, adding that the reason was that although the Prince of Peace came into the world and His birthday is cele brated every year, "His teach ings still so often fall on deaf ears." The Pope declared that in addi tion to justice and charity, there must be an end to sheer force and attempts to stifle the human spir it. He said that "the shackles of enslavement must be struck from those God-given freedoms that are the postulates of the dignity of man and human society and are today denied to entire peoples.” During his talk. Pope Pius recall ed the reception had given three years ago to Britain’s new Queen, then Princess Elizabeth. Commenting on ‘‘the new burdens placed on her shoulders,” he said she has accepted them with “a courageous simplicity and-unself ish spirit of devotion that had at once won the admiration and af fection of her peoples throughout the British Commonwealth of Na tions.” Parish in Amxet Village in Mifflin Township. Contracts also have been award ed for an eight-room Holy Name School on Patterson Ave., Colum bus. Moreover, six other parochial elementary schools in the city are adding more classrooms. The diocesan development plan will include a church and social hall to be built in the spring on four acres given to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Marysville by Edward Radebaugh of that city. Other diocesan projects include new Catholic high schools under construction in Dennison and Mt. Vernon. A new four-classroom addition has just been completed at Zanesville Rosecrans High. Bishop Ready also pointed out that the population increase in Pike County, due to the atomic energy plant there, has necessitat ed the building of a new and larg er church in Waverly and expan sion of parish facilities in the area of Pond Creek and West Ports mouth. “The past year was marked not only by an increase in the number of parishioners”. Bishop Ready said in his report, "but also by an especially fenent zeal throughout the Diocese in promoting the re ligious. educational and social miss ion of the Church. The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, the Holy Name Society, the Christian Family Life and Lay Retreat pro grams. and the Saint Vincent de Paul work gave evidence of the in tensive spiritual growth of our members. The Catholic Youth Council assumed fine leadership in advancing religious life among young adult groups. The CYC con ducted study clubs in the Parishes of the Diocese on economic com munity problems, especially in the fields of delinquency, slum clear ance. and better housing for low pay workers.” Instruction Class Set At Cathedral A new instruction class for those interested in learning about the Catholic Faith will begin at the Cathedral rectory. Tuesday even ing. Feb. 2, at 7:15 p. m. The hour-long classes will be held for three months each Tues day and Thursday evening. Any non-Catholic who is at all interested in the Catholic doctrine or practice is invited to attend these classes. Attendance at these sessions does not oblige in anj was. 1 1 np Lh( :hohc limes Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, January 29, 1954 ONLY the il Catholic k Press gives you the Catholic View The priests will be flown by planes from Mexico to agricultural centers in Michigan. Indiana, Ida ho, Montana. Mississippi and Wash ington. where the immense army of Mexican and Mexican-American migrants journey each year in search of work. The priests will follow the mi grants, administer the Sacraments and give religious instructions in the Spanish language during the summer months, the annual period of greatest harvest activity. The workers remain only a few weeks in one district, then move on to another. Their stay depends on the volume of a crop, the jobs available, the weather and other factors The majority of the workers are Mexicans, who find better wages in the United States than at home. Those who enter the country il legally—usually by swimming the Rio Grande—are known as “wet backs,” or in Spanish, “mojados.” Details for the 1954 program were worked out by Father Matt hew H. Kelly, executive secretary of the regional office of the Bish ops’ Committee for the Spanish Speaking here. Father Kelly went to Mexico, where he conferred with Archbishop Octaviano Mar quez of Puebla, chairman of the Comitc Episcopal Mexicano which makes the Mexican missionaries available for work in the United States Father Kelly Said that Archbishop Marquez made the following comment on the pro gram: Pontifical Mass At Cathedral To Honor St. Francis A Pontifical High Mass com memorating the Feast of St. Fran cis de Sales, patron of the Colum bus Diocese, will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Sunday in St. Joseph Ca thedral by Auxiliary Bishop Ed ward G. Hettinger. The Mass will be the climax of a diocesan-wide observance of the Feast. Special Masses will be offer ed Friday in all parishes. Ministers of the Mass, announc ed this week, will be Msgr. Harry Connelly, pastor of St Joseph Ca thedral, assistant priest Father David Dennis, of The Catholic Times, deacon Father George Ful cher. assistant pastor at St. Jo seph Cathedral, sub-deacon: and Msgr. Roland Winel, chancellor of the diocese, and Father James Gei ger. assistant pastor at St. Joseph Cathedral, masters of ceremonies. The sermon will be given by Fa ther John Wolf on the faculty of St. Charles Seminary. Minor Ministers will he semi narians from St. Charles. The sem inary’s Schola Cantorum will fur nish the music. Diocese Will Observe Catholic Press Month During February ATH0LIC PRL5S month "Only the Catholic press gives you the Catholic view," is the 1954 theme of Catholic Press Month to be observed in February in most dioceses of the United States. The Catholic Press Asso ciation has released an attractive poster (above) in the press month kit to editors. (NC Photos) Airlift To Bring Priests To Migrant Mexicans HOUSTON, Tex (NC) A new type of airlift which will bring Mexican missionary priests to attend thousands of Spanish-speaking migratory workers who annually harvest crops in the United States, has been worked out by members of the Mexican and United States Hierarchies. 1 i "Me hope that this plan will help our Mexican people to remain faithful to their religion while they migrate in search of work. If priests are not available to help them, they will be exposed to the intense propaganda of Protestant proselytizers and the many spir itual dangers of their wandering life.” o------------------ College Names Eldridge For Memorial Talk James A. Eldridge,' news and program director of WBEX in Chil licothe.’ and a member of St. Mary parish there, will deliver the Cardi nal Newman Memorial Lecture at the Queen s University at Kingston Ontario, Canada, in March. The Canadian Newman Club Foundation sponsors this lecture each year at the Conxocation Hall on the campus of the University. The lecture is given before the stu dents and faculty and a nufriber of prominent Canadians who are the special guests of the New man Club. The audience is predomi nantly non-Catholic. Mr. Eldridge, who is a member of the National Catholic Education al Association and the Catholic As sociation for International Peace, was president of the Newman Club of Butler University during his un dergraduate days. Long a student of Cardinal Newman. Eldridge has spent considerable time at the Ora tory in Birmingham. England, where Newman lived after his withdrawal from Oxford following his conversion to Catholicism. Eldridge has selected as his sub ject "Human Rights in a Barbarjc Age.” The lecture will be a report and an analysis from a Catholic viewpoint of the work of the Unit ed Nations Commission on Human Rights. o----- Pope Pius XII Names Three In Hierarchy Moves NEW YORK The Apostolic Delegate announced here toda\ that Pope Pius XII has named Bishop Walter Kellenberg pre sent auxiliary of New York, to be Bishop of Ogdensburg. New York Monsignor Joseph Annabnng. rec tor of Sacred Heart Cathedral. Superior Wisconsin, has been eleva ted to Bishop of Superior. Wiscon sin and Bishop John P. Cody, Aux iliary Bishop of St. Louis, Mo., is named coadjutor with right of suc cession to Bishop Charles Hubert LeBlond of St Joseph. Missouri The subscription price for the Times remains at $3 per year, de spite the continual rise in cost of other Catholic and secular papers. In announcing Catholic Press Month. Bishop Ready pointed out “no matter what problem or policy concerns society, you will find the Catholic Press presenting all the facts and the background neces sary to form right opinions.” “There ts no field which does not require the penetrating light of Christ's teachings.” he stressed "through the Church He establish ed on earth to guide and rule men with certainty.” "This is His way of guiding fall ible mankind to thetruth and a resulting state of saintly living Pope Pius XII and the Bishops of this country have unceasingly stressed the importance of main To the Reverend Clergy. Religious, and Faithful of the Diocese of Columbus My beloved Brethren: Do Your Part! Support Your Catholic Timet Price Ton Cents $3.00 A Year Bishop Stresses The Importance Of Learning Catholic iew point Catholic Press Month will be observed in the Columbus Diocese during February in cooperation with the Catholic Press in America, it was announced this week by Bishop Ready. Pastors, schools and institutions in the diocese have re ceived posters, data on the Catholic Press, sermon material and other aides to assist in promot ing attention to the reading of Catholic newspapers and othei lit erature. Press Sunday, Jan 31. besides calling attention to the reading of and subscribing to Catholic news papers and magazines, is the day set aside each year in the diocese for Catholics to renew their sub scription to The Catholic Times, their own diocesan newspaper taining the Catholic viewpoint by every member of the Church. Our society and the smallest unit in it need to be armed with truth if they are to progress toward true peace and real happiness.” Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, Co adjutor of Dallas-Fort Worth and Episcopal Chairman of the N.C. W.C. Press department, in a state ment issued for Catholic Press Month said. ‘‘Even a simple under standing of the mission of Christ’s Church indicates the reed for a strong Catholic newspaper and magazine press. "A deeper penetration to the in ner meaning of that divine mis sion,” he continued, "reveals the need for such a press by every in dividual. no matter what his status or educational background.” Bishop Gorman's message was devoted to two facts: the need of the Catholic Press for our own spiritual growth and the need for Catholic support of the mission of the Catholic Press Commenting on the first fact, the Bishop said "The Catholic who lacks a taste for his Catholic peri odicals betrays a sad defect in his Catholic upbringing When (Continued on Page 2) Tomorrow, the Church in this nation will begin the ob servance of Catholic Press month. This is an important event in the year. It gives us an opportunity to evaluate the merits and senices of our Catholic Press. If the Catholic diocesan newspapers, weekly journals and monthly magazines did not exist, much important news as well as the truth behind the headlines would never come to the attention of a well-informed citizenry in this country. I am referring here not only to the religious news of the world. There are the daily happenings in the political, economic and social spheres which carry a terrific impact into the spiritual orbit of human existence. These events have a direct bearing on the salvation of souls. No matter what problem or policy concerns society, you will find the Catholic Press presenting all the facts and the background necessary to form right opinions. Above all, I point out to you. my dear brethren, the moral implications in so many of the issues about which it is necessary to form a cor rect judgment. The widely dissenting opinions on such matters as motion picture regulation, religious education in the schools of our land, Church-State relationships, the whole problem of subversiveness and the exercise of human rights, tc name but a few pressing problems in our own time, must surely be baffling to a great many people. Certainly, there should he no effort to regiment thought on any of these important questions. How ever. no sane person would deny that there is an urgent need for clear thinking, exploring the facts and reaching sound con clusions on the evidence presented in favor of fostering sound public policy and of preserving good moral standards in our society. The Catholic Press is dedicated to these objectives. The need for an informed Catholic public opinion grows in importance from day to day. There is no field which does not require the penetrating light of Christ’s teachings through the Church He established on earth to guide and rule men with certainty. This is His way of guiding fallible mankind to the truth and a resulting state of saintly living. Pope Pius XII and the Bishops of this country have unceasingly stressed the im portance of maintaining the Catholic viewpoint by every mem ber of the Church. Our society and the smallest unit in it need to be armed with truth if they are to progress toward true peace and real happiness. It is not sufficient, my dear brethren, that you merely sub scribe to our own diocesan paper. The Catholic Times or to one or more excellent Catholic periodicals. You must read these papers and magazines and discuss the articles you find in their columns just as interestedly as you do the items printed in the daily press. I^et me put it this way. There are few families in this Diocese today who will not have at least one Sunday newspaper in their home. Those papers will he read and they will be the subject of much discussion. There is an intellectual honesty and a spiritual obligation towards the Faith which de mand at least the same kind of attention to the Catholic Press. In past years, the clergy and laity of this Diocese have shown a fine spirit of loyalty to The Catholic Times. 1 am deeply grateful for this generous support. We are constantly striving to make the Tinies a better medium of Catholic thought, infor mation and news. This can be accomplished by your continued support in subscriptions and by patronizing our advertisers. I express a word of appreciation to those business firms through out the Diocese of Columbus which have used the pages of The Catholic Times for profitable advertising. I commend them to you for your special consideration and patronage. I ask you to join me, my beloved brethren, during this Octave of the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, the Patron of our Diocese and of the Catholic Press, in petitioning his heavenly intercession for success in our Press Apostolate. Blessed Pius X. whose canonization will take place in the month of Our Blesed Mother, warned us about the futility of building churches and schools unless we had the Sword of the Spirit, the Catholic Press, to defend and to promote Christian principles in society. We need the Catholic Press. 1 urge you to support it by your subscriptions and by your interest. With my blessing and appreciation. January 27. 1954 Devotedly in Christ, MICHAEL J. READY Bishop of Columbus. ...■■■■........................... i ..................—