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The Road To True Peace Leads Through Mary Vol. Ill, No. 18 Ohio’s Bishops Issue First Joint Pastoral The Bishops of Ohio’s six Catholic Dioceses issued a pastor al letter to .their people when they met in Columbus, Wednes day, Januarv 27. at the close of the sessions of the two-day Mid Winter Conference of the Ohio Catholic Welfare Conference. Archbishop Karl Alter, of Cincinnati, presided at the joint sessions when this pastoral letter was released. The pastoral follows in full: “We great vou. Beloved Brethren, on the occasion of our present Conference meeting in, the Capital Citv of our State. The review of the progress of the Church in Ohio in fulfilling its mission gives evidence of your sterling, loyally and persevering sacrifice. We share a common con cern for the welfare of family life and the religious instruction of youth for the protection and hap piness of alt classes of workers, and for the proper care of the Former Pastor Of Groveport Parish Dies Father Francis A. McDonnell, M., pastor of St. Mary Church in Groveport from 1938 to 1950. died last week in Misericordia Hospital in Philadelphia. He was 71. In addition to holding the pastor ate of the Groveport parish. Father McDonnell was superior of St. Vin cent's Mission House there from 1944 to 1950. When the term of of fice expired, he was transferred to St. Joseph College for Women, Em mitsburg, Md., as spiritual advisor to the student body. Ill health fore- Father Francis McDonnell •d him to relinquish that post and to return to Germantown, Pa., in 1952. The priest will be remembered in Columbus for his numerous ser mons in various parishes, and as a confessor to the seminarians at St. Charles College. A Philadelphia native, Father McDonnell was ordained a priest in the Congregation of the Mission in 1914. He taught at St. Joseph College. Princeton, N.J., 1914-1915 at Niagara University, Lewiston, N.Y., 1915-1934 and at St. John’s University, Brooklyn, 1935-1938, specializing in physics and mathe matics. In St. Mary in Groveport—the church built under Father McDon nell’s supervision in 1949—a Sol emn High Mass of Requiem was of fered Feb. 1 by Father John Shea, C.M. Father Gerald Furlong. CM., was deacon, and Father Donald Knox, C-M., was subdeacon. That same day in St. Vincent’s Seminary Chapel, Germantown. Pa., a Solemn High Mass of Requi em was also offered for Father O’Donnell. Burial was in the Con gregation of Mission Cemetery on the grounds of St. Joseph College, Princeton, N.J. nn -f I homeless, distressed and afflicted citizens of our State. The current Conference has given us the occa sion to note in detail the excel lent services provided in the Dio ceses of Ohio in the fields oi edu cation and charity. We rejoice the quality and extent of these stitutions which contribute much to the religious life of our citizens and to the general wel fare of the Community. "But, in our joyful prayer of thanksgiving to God for His mani fold blessings on our social mis sion, we share the common sorrow of all worthy citizens in the ap parent indifference to the adequate support of the wards in the State’s institutions of welfare and to the widespread, brazen disregard for the ordinary decencies of life. "Th* Ohio Catholic Welfara in so all Conference commends Governor Lausche and the Department of Public Welfare for their earnest efforts to improve the quality of service given to our dependent and afflicted citizens, in spite of the severe handicaps under which they labor. We particular ly express sincere sympathy with the personnel in charge of our institutions for the mentally af flicted as well as for the unfor tunate patients under their care. We do so because we recognize the impossibility of giving ade quate service in view of the greatly-overcrowded condition in the mental hospitals of our State. “We deplore the meager financial budget allowed by the Legislature, which makes it impossible to em ploy sufficient personnel even for normal supervision and much less for adequate professional service. The State of Ohio ranks fourth wealth, but only thirtieth in the per capita expenditure for the mentally afflicted. We submit that a per capita allowance of $2.60 per diem is -woefully insufficient for decent care, and we appeal to our fellow citizens to use their influ ence to increase the budget for our mental hospitals so that those who are so sadly afflicted may re ceive decent, safe and effective care. To do less than this is to be derelict in our civic responsibili ties and to fail egregiously in our Christian duties. Hampering Censorship “A recent decision of the Su preme Court of the United States has practically nullified the right and power of individual States to exercise censorship over the show ing of motion-pictures. A State Board cannot now effectively de cide on preview- that a film must not be shown because it is immor al, or because it would tend to in crease crime. "We have been told that th* maturity of modern people war rants a new approach to a code of decency or its revision. It would be highly desirable if the motion picture industry itself would attain such a degree of maturity in its presentation* so that there would be no need of review or censorship or a pro duction cod* for decency. “The decision of the Supreme Court seems to rest on two points: first—the right of free expression guaranteed by the Constitution (Continued on Page 2) Lauds Women’s Group His Excellency Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apos tolic Delegate to the United States, received the board of directors of the National Council of Catholic Women at hi* residence in Washington, D. C., and urged the N.C.C.W. to continue to "assist the enterprises of the Church under the guidance of the Supreme Pontiff and the Bishops." The occasion was the meeting of the N.C.C.W. board in the Capital. His Excellency told the women: "Your sacrifices will ultimately become benefits both for your neighbor and for yourself." Shown here with the Apostolic Dele gate are Mrs. William H. Dalton of Augusta, Me. (center), N.C.C.W. president, and Mrs. Michael Geraei of Cleveland, O., (right), first vice president. (NC Photos) A MINK newspaper division OHIO STATE MU3EUH i ne v COLOSSUS 10 OHIO Subscription Drive Brings Early Response The enthusiastic response throughout the Diocese of Colum bus in the observance of Catholic Press month has been revealed al ready in the mounting list of Catho lic Times renewals pouring in to the parish rectories during the past few days. Some parishes have already com pleted their subscription drives while most others plan to finish their campaigns by the middle of the month. All lists will be sent to the Chancery Office bv February 27, the last day of the drive. Bishop Ready’s emphasis on the fact that you will find the Catholic Press presenting all the facts and the background necessary to form right opinions” has brought renewed interest in the Catholic Press. in The Times office has been in formed of several schools and var ious study groups which are going to make a study of their own Dio eesan newspaper, the Catholic Times. Another group is starting a project to see that the Times goes into the homes of their interested non-Catholic friends. Subscribers w ho have not yet re newed their subscriptions to the Catholic Times are being requested to do so now through their pastors for proper credit to the parish. Despite, the ever-rising cost of production the Catholic Times is still maintaining the present low subscription price of $3 a year. -------------------o------------------- J. Edgar Hoover Is Named For Patriot Award NOTRE DAME, Ind (NC) J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has been selected as the first re cipient of a new patriotism award inaugurated by the University of Notre Dame to honor “the outstand ing patriot of the year who exem plifies the American ideals of jus tice, personal integrity and sdtivce to country.” Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC., the university president, an nounced that the senior class had named Mr. Hoover as Patriot of the year.” Johnston Pledges No Weakening Of Production Code WASHING TON (NC) A pledge 'that the board of directors of the Motion Picture Association, “which has the responsibility for th? Production Code, will not weak en it,” was made by Eric Johnston, MPA president. The pledge came in a letter from Mr. Jonnston to Francis I. Nally, president of the National Council of Catholic Men. Mr. Nally had written to Mr. Johnston concerning the controversy raised by the Supreme Court ruling on the so called ’“M” and “La Ronde” film censorship cases. In his reply. Mr. Johnston ex pressed appreciation for the con structive letter from the NCCM president. Mr. Johnston stated: “We are all greatly cheered and en couraged by your fine support of our system of voluntary self-regu lation.” “Our board members are deter mined always to fulfill their obli gation to the public to provide decent and moral entertainment on the screen,” Mr. Johnston’s letter said. o------------------- New Envoy To Holy See VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC) Nicolas Vega, newly appointed Am bassador to the Holy See from San to Domingo, has arrived in Rome and will shortly present his ere dentials to His Holiness Pope Pius xn. Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, February 5, 1954 i&cfinite*' C&aXcCi Ukc i m- to Io ‘Ac \PC-tistta-H New Developments Point Ip Restrictions Against Religion Still In Existence In Mexico Court Denies Churches Right To Own, Administer Property MEXICO CITY (NC) Recent developments here have provided sharp remidners that both the Catholic Church and religion generally in Mexico are still subject to severe restric tions under the Constitution of 1917. The 1917 law made civil marriages compulsory, banned religious instruction in state private schools, and outlawed schools. It denied the rights oi churches to own or administer property, and also forbade public “religious manifestations” of any kind. The new developments involved a Supreme Court ruling reaffirm ing the denial of property owner ship rights to any church, and the governments failure so tai to per mit the showing of a new Catholic film, presumably on the ground that it would constitute a public "religious manifestation.” First decision of its kind in many years, the Supreme Court’s ruling was handed down in a case in which two Protestant sects the Bethel Christian Church and the Assembly of God—were at issue over the use of a worship center in the capital. The court ruled that the premises were the proper ty of the State but could be used jointly by the two groups. The court based its authority on Article 27 of the Constitution which states that “churches intend ed for public worship arc the prop erty of the nation, represented by the Federal government, which shall determine which churches will be continued in use for this purpose.” Article 130 of the char ter states that the law does not grant legal character to any "re ligious groups known as churches.” Th* same law applies to bish ops' residences, rectories, semi naries, convents and any type of church-conducted institution, as yell as to churches proper. The anti-religious tone of the 1917 Constitution was reflected meantime in the obvious reluctance of the Motion Picture Office of the Department of the Interior to Msgr. Connelly Is Safely Delegate Msgr. Harry S. Connelly, pastor of St. Joseph Cathedral, has been designated by Bishop Readj and Governor Lausche as an Ohio re presentative at the forthcoming White House Conference on High way Safety. Monsignor Connelly will attend the sessions in Washington's Con stitution Hall from Feb. 17-19 at the personal invitation of Presi dent Eisenhower. atholic Times Catholic Press Month Blessing c- c- I A IT (PcxtAeH wA? £vy tie At AevV cornU L? cerd&t witA The special letter (above) was sent by Hi* Holiness Pope Pius Xll to Bishop Thoma* K. Gorman, Coadjutor of Dallas-Fort Worth and Episcopal Chairmen of the Press Deoartment N. C. W. C. In it the Holy Father imparts hi* Apostolic Blessing to all those who by their support meke possible its continual***. Th* occasion of the letter is Catholic Press Month which is being observed in th* United States during th* month of February. approve the showing of the relig ious film, “El Portico de la Gloria” (The Portico of Glory), in which the leading role is played by Fa ther Jose Guadalupe Mojica. O.F.M., one-time renowned Mexi can singing and motion picture star. The film was made in Spain, and Father Mojica had come to Mexico for its premiere. However, the showing continues to be deferred because of the failure to obtain a state license. The government of fice has explained the delay as due to certain undefined "difficulties.” It seems clear in Catholic cir cles here that the difficulties arise because of the obvious de votional appeal of the film which renders it subject to being classi fied as a "religious manifesta tion." The movie was filmed in Santi ago de Compostela and was design ed to stimulate interest in the cur rent Holy Year of Compostela for which a million pilgrims from many countries are expected. High ly praised by critics, the film has already been exhibited in Madrid and Havana, Cuba. Taking part in it was a children s choir from Mex ico. Religion Edited Out It is recalled that on a number of occasions Mexican authorities have ordered movies of religious events to be deleted from news reels before the films were releas ed for public showing. Further more, the Mexican government has forbidden any kind of religious program to be broadcast. Father Mojica, now stationed at a monastery in Peru, was in the cap ital also to take part in various benefit programs, one of which was to collect funds for the com pletion of the vast Plaza de las Americas which is being built in front of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The fact that the government re tains legal ownership of every church in the country has not pre vented Mexican Catholics from adding their own contributions to state grants to complete the great square that will provide a hand some approach to the Guadalupean shrine. Mexican Catholics also are sup plementing government subsidies for needed restoration work in the great centuriesold Cathedral of Mexico which is dedicated to the !%4UMZ fvt'i afpteuu tkil time tfec '.mtn Assumption of Mary Most Holy, clearance projects. 2 Local Priests To Be hiteriewed On WOSU Series Two w ell-known Columbus pnests will hold the spotlight on upcoming programs in the Ohio State University Symposium series to be broadcast by WOSU. Father Urban Nagle, O.P., chap lain at St. Mary of the Springs College will be featured Feb. 9. and Father Charles Curran Ph.D.. ad minstrator of Our Lady of Mt. Car mel Parish, Buckeye Lake, 0., will be heard Feb. 16 The programs will be broadcast at 3 and 6.30 p.m. on those dates. Robert Holsinger, assistant pro gram director at WOSU, will in terview Father Nagle on the topic “Religion and the Theater.” and will query Father Curran on “Guidance and Counseling in Re ligion.” Various speakers who appeared on the Religion In Life Week pro gram a week ago at Ohio State will be featured in the symposium series. Father Nagle is no stranger to radio and television audiences. He has made numerous appearances on “The Catholic Hour,” carried nationally by the National Broad casting Co., as well as many other radio and television programs. Founder of the Black Friars. Father Nagle has penned the his tory’ of the Catholic theater group in a book entitled "Behind the Masque.” For many years, he was editor of the "Holy Name Journal.” Father Curran, who earned a master's and doctor’s degree in psychology at Ohio State, is presi dent of the American Catholic Psy chological Association and a well known speaker. Ike Asks Change In Housing Lans WASHINGTON—(NO—President Eisenhower outlined to Congress an eight point program for revi sion of the Federal Housing Laws. He declared: “I am convinced that every American family can have a decent home if the builders, lenders and communities, and the local, state and federal governments, as well as individual citizens will put their abilities and determination energetically to the task.” The President, is his program urged authorization of four more years of public hoysing, with 140. 000 new units to be started. He al so advocated that the building pro gram be coupled with a new and experimental plan to encourage private enterprise to meet the needs of low income families. The government, he said, should underwrite longer term mortgages with lower down payments for families left homeless by slum the persecuted in the Church of Science. At the seme time, the Com mittee called upon the Bishops of the world to select a day at their own discretion which the faithful of their dioceses would observe as a Day of the Sick. A circular letter announcing the special Marion Days was sent by the Committee to all the Ordinar ies. Also issued by the Committee was a second letter addressed to the superiors of all religious com munities of men and women in the world and inviting them to issue special Marian Year directives to those under their authority. The letter to the religious su periors called for study and ap plication of the encyclical Fulgens Corona” (Shining Crown), in which the Pope proclaimed the Marian Year prayers "ur the spirit of pen ance” for the persecuted, lor the persecutors themselves, and for universal respect for the rights of the Church. The letter to the Bishop* stat ed that all priests, both diocesan and regular, were being invited to mark the Feast of the Annun ciation by uniting with the Holy Father in prayer, in meditation on the Mystery of the Immaculate Conception, and in offering Mass for the Pope's intentions. Also recommended was that priests observe holy hours, perhaps in unison, in churches dedicated to the Mother of God. The same letter stated that Pas sion Sunday seemed a very appro priate day for collective prayer by all the faithful for the Church of Silence. It recommended public lit urgical ceremonies in the course of which the faithful would be asked "to raise their supplications for the brethren suffering persecu tion for the Faith.” In regard to the Day of the Sick, the letter said that Ordinaries could organize religious functions in hospitals, sanitaria and other institutions. It suggested that they would also arrange for broadcasts to the sick in their homes, inviting them to offer their prayers and sufferings for the Pope's inten tions. The Central Committee of the Pope’s Condition Seen Improved By A atican Press VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC) —A new Vatican press office bul letin said that the condition of His Holiness Pope Pius XII is some what better as a result of the com plete rest he has been taking. The bulletin stated that careful medical tests had shown that the Pontiff was suffering from a "neuro-digestive” disturbance, but added that the tests had produced “happily negative results.” According to the bulletin. Pope Pius still has a digestive disturb ance and intermittent hiccups, but had a good night’s sleep, with a resultant noticable improvement in his condition. i Pari! Do Your Your Support Times Catholic Price Ton Cents $3.00 A Year Committee Selects Two Marian Days For Special Rites Intentions Of Pontiff, World’s Persecuted, Focus Of Pravers VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC) The Feast of the An nunciation on March 25 has been designated as a special Mar ian Day on which priests throughout the world will join in prayer for the intentions of His Holiness Pope Pius Xll, it was announced here by the Central i ue cummmee announceci aisu that Passion Sunday, April 4. had been set aside as another special day on which the faithful every where will join in collective prayer Committee of the Marian Year. Holy Year is headed by Arch bishop Luigi Traglia. Vicegerent of Rome, who was named to the post by Pope Pius. It was announced the women Re ligious of Rome— numbering 15 000 in 550 houses— would begin Feb ruary 1 daily Marian Year pilgrim ages to the Basilica of St. Mary Major in the Eternal City. Arch bishop Traglia was scheduled to lead the devotions at the initial pilgrimage. Nuns belonging to the various convents in Rome will take turns each day in the pilgrimages during the rest of the Manan Year. ff omen I rge Peaceful End To Segregation In Classrooms WASHINGTON (NC) A peaceful end to racial segre gation in U.S. schools was un animously urged by the Board of Directors of the National Council of Catholic Women here “We know’ from experience in some of our Catholic schools that a change from segregation to integration can be made without difficulty. the NCCW statement said. "We are convinced that such a change can be made in the public schools.” Among NCCW board members were ^omen from the segregated school states of Florida, Louisiana and Kentucky. The school integration statement said that 'ome people are already working on subterfuges to avoid implementing the decision of the Supreme Court should the Court ask for integration its decision on the constitutionality of segre gation. “However, we of the National Council of Catholic Women, recog nizing our obligation to ourselves, to our fellow-meembers in Mystical Bod ot Christ and. above all. to God. will work for a peaceful set tlement of this thorny problem,” the statement said. Hit Overseas Show*" The Board of Directors also ex pressed "serious concern” with the entertainment provided for Amer ican Armed Forces in Korea at Christmas "as widely reported in the press of the United States dur ing the month of December. 1953.” "We strongly disapprove the engagement by USO of entertain ere whose behavior and publie statements violate even elemen tary standards of decency and propriety, impugn the integrity and reoutation of the constituent agencies, and flagrantly violate the basic purooses of the organi zation," the NCCW board said. The group asked USO for as surance that in the future "it will provide only such entertainment as is consonant with its high stand ards and ideals and those of the re ligious organizations affiliated with it.” Discussing Child Guidance Two export* in the field of child guidance compared notes this week when they met in Columbus. Mis* Amado Quiroz Diaz, Assist ant School Supervisor for public schools of Mexico City, left, and Sister Francois, S.N.D., Director of the Guidance Center of the Diocese of Columbus discussed the progress being made in their two countries in the handling of cases involving exceptionally bright or retarded children. Mis* Diaz is in the United State* on a fellow ship from the United Nations to study the method* used here In deeling with handicapped childreiv