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Reliffious School* Cain In Popularity in Munich MUNK (N(’ The over whelming majority ol parents in this capital of Bavaria have regis tered their children entering school this year for denominational schools rather than so-called uni fied schools. Of 9.805 children. 82 per cent will attend denomination •1 schools and 18 per cent unified schools where only religious in struction is given in separate courses. o------------------of WASHINGTON (NC) A loan of $457,000 for St. Francis Col lege, Loretto. Pa., to construct two dormitories for 152 men students and a separate dining-recreation building has been approved by the U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency. The dormitories will re place World War II surplus build ings and converted residences which now* are overcrowded. I I s __ *rf** 555 W. Broad Si. FLITCHEW 15SS WALLPAPER REMOVER NO STEAM NO FUSS NO MUSS NEVER A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER iiuiet on WALLSTRIP Wall strip is outstanding in the fact that ft it the only one recommended to penetrate water mtxed paints. $•• Yaur Local Hardware, Wallpaper or Paint Dealer Write For Further Information SUPERIOR PRODUCTS •59 Fairwood Av*. Columbus 5, Ohio Youth Voles Boy Scout Reorganization Meet Scheduled Thursday, June 24 A reorganization meeting foi ih Catholic Committee on scouting for boys will take place this Thurs day evening at 8:00 p.m. at the Catholic outh Activities headquar ters, 246 E. Town St. The meeting will be attended by interested men the city of Columbus from pai idles having active Boy Scout troops and cub packs. The commit tee on scouting was organized in 1946 for the purpose of looking out for Catholic interests in scouting and to help coordinate the works of the scout troops into the frame work of the Catholic Youth pro gram. Heading the discussion ai the meeting will be Francis Specht, special field counsellor for the Boy Scouts, and Roman Eyerman, vol unteer worker vyith the youth of fice. Father Richard Dodd. Scout Chaplain, will also address the meeting. Officers will be elected, a constitution drawn up and the year’s program outlined. The committee on scouting for girls met recently to outline plans for future meetings. The Executive board of the group will meet in August and plan a general quarter ly meeting for all leaders for the month of September. The commit tee meeting was presided over by Mrs. G. W. Berlangi. volunteer worker for the youth office. The new CYO council met for the first time last Wednesday night at the Catholic Youth Office. The Council officers and the district delegates elected last May at the Conference held at St. Mary Magda lene discussed activities for the year and the new constitution for the youth groups of the city. The CYO program was reorganized re cently to include youth of the par ishes 19 years of age and under. REMEMBER JULY 3 Annual Orphans' Picnic St. Vincent's Wall strip Florentine Restaurant I he CYO age grouping wan formei ly from 18 to 26. Meeting for discussion were Jim Boehm of St. .Mary Magdalene, president Patty Ruddy, St. Agatha, vice-president Nancy Kerner, St. Catharine, secretary, and Alan Hoffman, SI. Mary Magdalene, treasurer Northwest District Dele gates, Bill Stellar, SI. Christopher, and Doris Ballard, Our Lady of Vic tory, Eastern District. Mike and Theresa Miller. St. Catharine Cen tral District, Patty Hickey, Sacred Heart, and Pat Fusco of St. Patrick Southern District, Joe Ehwald, Cor pus Christi, and Regina Skunza of St. Ladislaus Northern District, Chuck Hayhurst of St. Augustine and Joan Donley of Immaculate Conception Western District, Ed Schroeder, St. Aloysius, and Grace Haines of St. Mary Magdalene. DENNISON—At graduation ex ercises held June 6 in Immaculate Conception Church, scholarships to Nazareth College were awarded to Nancy Migoni and Mary Catherine Heil. Miss Heil also received an award for her perfect four-year at tendance record. Troop 206 of St. Mary Magda lent parish spent June 15 at Camp St. Rita under the supervision of Mrs. Joseph Saunders. Troop 203 has purchased a ‘pagan baby” through the Propa gation of the Faith office. The in fant was named Mary Angela. Mrs. James Graham is the leader of the troop. The Camp Fire Girls at St. Mary's held their first council fire ceremonial recently for their par ents and friends. Beads and serv ice emblems were awarded and twenty-three girls received their “Trail Seekers Rank.” The follow ing girls received their service eni blems and stars when they passed first rank Helen Eyerman. Bar bara Diegel. Mary Ixiu Hevelender, Jeanine Brith, Joy Ann Fischer Karen Snider, Rita Reis and Cath erine Seipel. -------------------o------------------ Religion Classes In Argentina Have Large Attendance 907 W. BROAD ST. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (NC) Seven years after the en actment of a law providing for re ligious education in the public schools, it is now reported that 96.6% of the students attend re ligion classes by express will of their parents. COLUMBUS Columbus9 Most Complete Italian Restaurant Broiled Steaks Pan Fried Chicken Sea Foods FL. 4228 BANQUETS A SPECIALTY ea&T W-. In the private schools of Argen tina. about 97% of the students at tend religion classes. -------------------o------------------- Be Loyal To Our Advertisers tfemeriMeoa eouMgirt MO SOUfcCft OHIO VtfCIthC CDMPMY Catholic Youth Plan Socials V A Tonight (Friday, Juno II) tho Cathedral perish Youth Club will inaugurate a monthly series of "fun-time" affairs for the Catholic youth of Columbus. The events will be staged at the Santa Maria Council Clubrooms, 2596’A W. Broad St., from 8:30 until 11:30 p. m. Donation is 75 cents per person. Francis Carl and his orchestra will provide music. Games of every description have been planned to provide entertainment and to help the young people of the city got better acquainted. The Cathedral parish Youth Club has long felt the need for an affair such as this and through the encourage ment of its moderator, Father Bernard McClory, assistant pastor at St. Joseph Cathedral, and Father Richard Dodd, diocesan director of youth activities, the project has finally become a reality. Mem bers of the committee directing the "fun-times" are pictured above. They are, left to right, standing, Jerry Blanchard, Immaculate Con caption parish Eugene Koweh of Lockbourne Air Force Base, and Charles Hummel, Holy Rosary parish. Seated is Tony Jessberger of St. Aloysius. Tickets may be purchased at the door or may be ob tained by calling Tony Jessberger at JO. 3506. Social Week Delegates To Hear Scholars RENNES, France —(NC)— A number of France’s most eminent scholars and Churchmen will ad dress sessions of the Social Week to be held here from July 20 to 25 on the topic “The Crisis of Power and the Crisis of Citizenship.” His Eminence Clement Cardinal Roques, Archbishop of Rennes, will preach at the opening Mass. Charles Flory, president of the French Social Weeks, will speak at the first session on “The Crisis of Power and the Public Con science.” Other speakers include Bishop Emile Blanchet, rector of the Ca tholic Institute of Paris, who will speak on “The Idea of Legitimacy and the Consent of the Governed:” Councillor of State Charles Blon del. who will speak on “The Pub lic Power in the Presence of Social Conflicts,” and Msgr. Bruno de Solages, rector of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse, whose ad dress will be on “Political Power and the Common Good.” o------------------- (MM) Attend 16th Annual Review Of St. Aloysius Cadets NEW LEXINGTON Close to 1000 persons thronged St. Aloysius Military Academy to witness the recent 16th annual cadet review. The cadets, under the super vision of Director James Dresser, drilled for an hour and a quarter before officer representatives of Fort Hayes Barracks, Columbus, who lauded the youngsters for their appearance. Music, for the review was pro vided by the bugle and drum corps and later the cadet band, directed by G. Allen Conn, presented a con cert. A banquet followed. The 81 cadets, all resident stu dents, hail from Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and Mon treal. Canada. Beat the heat this modern low cost way. A night cooling fan costs less than Va an hour to operate. H's quiet and will reduce room temperatures 20 de grees, by exhausting hot daytime air and pulling in cooi night air. Visit your electric appliance dealer today. He ha portable, window and attic models from which to choose. Pick up your FREE COPY, “Like To Keep Cool In Hot Weather,” in our office lobby. It shows you how to sleep cool, in hot weather. Catholic Engineers IO Discuss Social Duties In Industry PARIS (NC) Special reports on the social responsibilities of Catholic engineers in different types of industry will be presented at the second International Con gress of Catholic Engineers which will be held at Delft. Holland, from June 22 to 25. General theme of the Congress will be “The Catholic Engineer and Human Relations in Industry.” The Congress, to be attended by dele gates from 20 countries, is being sponsored by the International Secretariate of Catholic Engineers a unit of Pax Romans, internation al organization of Catholic intellec tuals. The special reports will deal with the duties of Catholic engineers in private industry, both single pro prietorships and corporations, na tionalized indur’y and interna tional enterprise An additional report will discuss the problems of agricultural engineers. o------------------ All-Catholic Public School To Operate On Parochial Basis CLINTON, Iowa (NC) An Iowa school with an all-Catholic enrollment will now operate as a parochial school rather than dis please a few citizens in the pre dominantly Catholic town of Brown, Iowa. Sugar Creek elementary school will withdraw’ from the public school system after more than 50 years and will be operated as a parochial school, it was announced here. Father Joseph J. Fath, pas tor of St. Joseph’s Church, said that the parish chose to operate the school as St. Joseph's Parochi al School starting June 1, rather than see dissatisfaction among a few citizens who voiced complaint this year for the first time. Enrollment in the school is en tirely Catholic. Since its opening in 1898 the school has been rented to the school district and nuns have been used as teachers in this almost entirely Catholic communi ty. Precursor Of Jesus A A The Feast of St. John the Bap tist is observed on June 24. De votion to the saint goes back to the fourth century. Verious Chris tian churches heve rivalled one another in showing honor and respect to him of whom Jesus said: "There is no greater— among all the sons of women." This bust of Saint John the Bap tist is from the Mellon Collection in the National Gallery of Art in Washington. It is the work of Donatello of the Florentine School (1440). WHERE THOUSANDS SAVE MILLIONS Current Return Account* Insured To $10,000 CENTRAL OHIO FEDERAL SAVINGS 78 South Third Street 4 Pope Makes Initial TV Appearance VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC —A short talk by the Holy Father in five languages here climaxed Western Europe’s first telecast Originating Vatican City the 45-minute program was seen by millions of viewers in eight coun tries: Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ger many, Denmark and Great Britain. It began with a picture of the Pontiff at a Vatican window bless ing people in the square below then presented views of St. Peter’s Basilica and other parts of the Vat ican and its art treasures. His Holi ness was then shown standing in front of his throne in Consistorial Hall from which he gave his brief talk. The Pope, speaking in Italian French, English, Dutch and Ger man, said the new TV network should serve as a “symbol and promise of European unity. "Lot European nations then learn to know eech other better," the Holy Father said, "let them be happy and proud to display their national beauties, their countries and their cultural riches. Let them open to others the deeper feelings of their spirit and their sincere desire for understanding and cooperation. How many prejudices, how many barriers will thus fell. “The lack of mutual confidence and selfishness will lessen and, above all, a renewed ambition to contribute something to the world community for the common good will be stirred. The Holy Father lauded the tech nical skill that had made the pro- CLASSIFIED SECTION p. o. Colombo* Automobile Dealer* McDaniels Your Pontiac-Cadilltc Dealer Manon’* Olden Detlerebip 1*1* 309 W. Center Dial 2-3134 BANKING SERVICE Complete Banking Service The Campbell National Bank Phone 77 ............... LaRue. Ohio Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. Dry Cleaners HARRAMAN DRY CLEANERS 288 E. Church St. Marion 2-1627 Furniture Store* GROLL'S—WALDO Authorized Dealers JAMESTOWN ROYAL Living Room Furniture •"The Best Made Line in America’’ Open Tries., Thurs.. and Sat. eves till 9. HOME INSULATION ANDERSON EAGLE INSULATION CO Aluminum Storm W’indows Eagle Picher Home Insulation 513 Silver Ph. 2-1025—2-7321 FRANCIS J. VOLL TAILOR Cleaning—Pressing—Repairing 321 Lafayette Street Marion. Ohio MANIACI'S MARKET Groceries and Meat Carry Out Beer A Wine Phone 2-1042 *S5-**7 Silver St. Manon Banko Restaurant 669 W. CENTER ST. MARION OHIO CROWN JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Appliances *D. J. Sansotta 415 W. Center St. MARION Lincoln-Mercury Co. Inc. Robert H. McMahon Ph. 2-3195 2-3189 “Good Quality Used Cars” 2*2 S. Mam St. Marion, O. THRIFT MARKET 129 S. Main St. Marion, O. Ph. 21725 Manon 8 Oldest Established Produce Center For Advertising Rates Write: AD DEPT. CATHOLIC TIMES P. O. BOX 636 COLUMBUS, OHIO Fr. Walker Marks Silver Anniversary Father James Walker, OP, Master of Student* at the Domini can House of Studies River For est. Ill,, a native of Somerset,, O., celebrated his Silver Anniversary of his ordination to the Sacred Priesthood Sunday at River Forest with a Solemn High Mass. Father Walker, a member of St Francis parish, Columbus, from 1914-1922, was ordained at the Shrine of the Immaculate Concep tion, Washington, D.C on June 17. 1929. Five of Father Walker's sisters and a brother are members of Im maculate Conception parish, Co lumbus. Another sister is a mem ber of St. Francis parish, Colum bus, and another is a member of Holy Trinity parish, Somerset, O. gram possible and cited it as a new means of cultural exchange. He urged that the new* network’s pro grams be kept at a high level and avoid “entertainment that caters to baser human instincts.” Only un der such conditions, he declared, could television “maintain its bril liant promise.” o------------------ings IT PAYS TO USE THE TIMES CLASSIFIEDS. MARION LANDSCAPING Scout TREE Service CODY HARTMAN. Owner year's experience. Free estimate*. IM Belmont MOVING—STORAGE—PACKING MARION CARTAGE Local and coast-to-coast moving. Low independent rates. Agent. Ste vens Van Lines. 893 Wilson Ave. Dial 2-2747. Transfer & Storage Co AGENT 126 Oak St. Dial 22537 A LUND PAPERHANGING PAPE RHANGLNG Wallpaper cleaning and wall washing In terior painting. Patch plastering and arches. Paper samples shown. 127 S. High St Dial 2-1212 8 a. to 5 PET SHOP Beautiful Bab Parakeets KAYLEE PET SHOP 543 S. Prospect St Dial 2-0596 PLUMBERS SEWERS 4 DRAINS Electric Roto-Rooter Sewer and Drain Service. 592 E. George St Marion 2-2726. RITZ BAR & GRILL tn Marion ghetti, Ravoli, Italian Pitta, Good Steaks dt Chicken and SOME MADE PASTERIES. can get the beat Italian I Premium Beer* A Fancy Dr.nks. Peacock Brothers, Inc 315-321 Belmont St. Phone 2-3134 Marian, Ohio Bernard R. Smith Insurance Agency Telephone 129 Manon, O. S. State St. Drink SCREAM Barq Bottling Co. MARION. OHIO RALPH'S Hub Bar and Grill WHERE SPORT FANS MEET” 131 S. Main Phone 3-9989 Marion, Ohio Fine Furniture For The Hi Gerybedp -Soyi I fty I Iradr Ct Lennon's We will deliver you Sedan for ________ Thia price ineludes state tax and THE CATHOLIC TIMES-—7 Friday, June 18. 1954 Group Will Study Japan's Crucial Social Problems TOKYO (NC) A special or ganization for the study of Japan's crucial social problems from the social economic and legal angles has been established here. Among the members are two priests with doctors degrees in civil law, one with a doctor's de gree in economics, another who la a doctor of sociology and a fifth who has long specialized in labor problems. The organization, which is to be known as the Social Study Confer ence, was established at a meeting held at National Catholic Commit tee headquarters. Father Hubert Schiffer. S.J., of Jochi University, is president of the new group. Its main purpose is to study Japan’s social problems in the light of the social Encyclicals. Established by priests, the new study group w ill also welcome com petent laymen and women. Meet are scheduled to be held one* a month. ------------------o------------------- Patronize m* Time* Advertisers. "Glasses that Satisfy" ROBERT E. HAGMAN, OHIO STATESR. OPTICAL CO. Prompt Repair Service Artificial Eyes Fitted. 146 East Stat* St. MA. 3697 Columbus, Ohio These business firms deserve your patronage. Use this section as a guide when buying. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES A Religious Gift *s Truly Appreciated. Benson Elcnert Religious Shop 328 Silver St., Marion, Ohio SHOES Smart & Waddell GOOD SHOES for nearly 50 years. E. Center 118 S. Main 137 WRIGHT TELEVISION SERVICE Television Antennas Installed & Repaired John & Bob Paulus Ph. 27684 Ph. 2-4691 576 E. Church 437 Oak St. Television Antennas Tile Bath Ream Tile Work of All Kind* Call or Write for Free Estimate H. K. AND R. M. STONER FINDLAY MANTEL and TILE CO. 116 W. Front St. Findlay, O. Phone 4470 The Diamond Store of Marion MAY’S DIAMONDS WATCHES Marion’s Oldest Jewelers GOODYEAR Marion Tire Service and Recapping Phone 29549 Slate and Church St*. International Trucks Fleet Service Garage Marion, Ohio Phono a Phone* 2-0118 2-2605 MALO BROS. & SONS Silver and Bartram Ave*. Marion. Ohio The Diamond Center Of Manon LORDS JEWELERS 114 S. Main St. KERREY'S JEWELERS Midtown Chevrolet Company Telephone 2 2155 203 8. Main Street Telephone 2-2155 Manon, Ohio L. A. AXE and SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICi Watch Expert* Marion, Ohio $1717.22 AMBLLANCE SERVICE