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WmjN TWOnpwten from 17 countries have mgiMerad for the International Con gm* of Catholic Doctor* to be held here from June 30 to July 4. AD. 3721 ST M. Third •». Bn** Dahten Quality Meats A Groceries 351 $. Coivndsu* Lancaster Phene $09 Charlie Macioei & Son* Selected FrvH and Produce Warehouse— Cer. Fatr and Harriaen Phone 1797 Lanceeter telephone' MAN A BARKY FAINT IMPERIAL WALLPAPER The Fairfield Paint A OH Ce. Phone 4700 Lancaster Distributing Co Oi»trwutor For BLATX BAVARIAN «UPBPOHL PETERS ANTIQUE* WOODCRAFT STUDIOS WE BUY and SELL ANTIQUES Furmtur# Old China Figure* Gia»« Etc. HOME APPPRAISALS MADE 111 N. Cherry BURTIC INC. JEWELERS Dtamondt Watche* Silreraare Radio* Jewriry li« W. Mem St. PS*#* »4* Lancaster. Oki* CALL CONRAD'S HEATING & PLUMBING CO. /or QLICK SERVICE Pump Baitelr Serac* MMIWNY1AI. COMMBBCIAL INDI'STBIAL N«* Installation* H®t Water Tank* LANCASTER 1252 rr 715 N. Bread na[UT^SVH» 145 fell. IWi St ADams 3288 GREEN CAB CO ADams 4141 PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE THE FRANCISCAN FATHERS erf the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis INVITE YOU TO PREPARE FOR THE PRIESTHOOD Who: Men after the completion high stu- of eighth grade: school and college dents. Work: TEACHING, Parish. Home and foreign sions. Box 289, Hollidaysburg 8, Penna LMtcasier Phone 2633 GEO. B. SHAW ELECTRIC CO. LANCASTER BUYERS' GUIDE BAKER Typewriter Co. Royal IVoewriters R. C. .Allen And Victor Adding Machines 117 N. Columbus St Information L-9 W 647 I. Mam St. Phon# 2713 i jmessuv EAST END WINE SHOP *We Cover Lancaster Like Hie Dew" Ptsone 1464 LYENDECKER Sohto Serwee Station Brood A Chootnto TRIMMER BRO®. Two Pay Heavy Penalty For Selling Lewd Books DEFIANCE, O TNCp Two De fiance men must pay $1,500 in fines on obscene literature charges. Albert Sisco, 44 gasoline serv ice station proprietor, wax fined $1,000 for possession of books de scribed as ••obscene"’ and •'lewd.’’ Kenneth Rau, his 21 year-old em ployee must pay $500 for the sale of the 2Scent books kept in a desk THE BROTHERHOOD Who. Men after the completion of the 18th year. Why: Pray and work. Work: Office Manual. Where: In our Monasteries, Sem inaries. Panshes, Mis sions. mis- NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Write: Father Jarnos, T.O.R. JOHN P. KRETOLER Shoes of Dvnmcho*! Phone 5727 203 W. Main St. LANCASTER OHIO Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse Formerly Aeten Floral Ca. ‘'Flowers for oil orcoaionr’' Phone 522 IM S. Mt. Pte***nt Laaaavter _______ Funeral rir#s#rs_______ James H. Sheridan Sons Funeral Directors South Columbus StraH l.anea*t«r Ohio TBI.KPHONK 41# W Where to Dine 9 JO-RAR bmtacbant 1S4S N. «lambn* St Phan. Ml Business Announcements L-30 Beauty Shops BETTY’S BEAUTY SHOP Oar tea# *#*eri»nr* i* year Steaaty Aa*ar US’* W Main Pima* 1? PLUMBERS SEWERS DRAINS Electric Roto-Rooter Sewer and Dram Service. 211 Pershing Drive. Phone Lancaster 3663 Awtosnobile PtrtSrsAccMMriM QUALITY AUTO PARTS P*drwk Pluton Rmr Wan«r Lorkhard Brat* Lin tn ISot#. Ware-r Prndnrte Complete Ante Part* and Machin* Sbon S*r-ie* Phone 701 410 N. Memorial Drive Raedel Hdwe. Co. 124 N. Columbus St. Lancaster, Ohio “Everythfng In Hardware.M DICKSON’S Fresh Fruits and Vegetable* Meat* and Beverages DELIVERY SEBV1CB Complete Line of Appliance* Clothing for Entire Family Amanda Ohio _____ Amanha-t Zietler Tree Experts SHRUB and LAWN WORK LANDSCAPING Our insurant* Protect* Yoo BaWimor* 14-44 Light A Fewer WIRING •nd REPAIRS industrial Commercial Residential FIXTURES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FULLY EQUIPPED FULLY QUALIFIED Pawl Millar llactrlc Electrical Contractor WIRING CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 1133 Memorial Drive LANCASTER 3757 if No Ans. Call Lancaster BIBB drawer which was opened under a search warrant and also was found to contain contraceptives. The two pleaded guilty. Judge H. MuHhoiand of Common Pleas Court, in imposing the fines, said of the actions of th# defend ants: "There isn’t anything more despicable.” Ohio law allows a fine ranging from $200 to $2,000 or im pnsonment to seven years, or both R. Hutchinson, prosecuting attorney, told the court he thought the defendants had no "real con cept of the serious nature of their offenses adding that he be lieved their "moral characters” were not sufficiently developed and that neither would repeat the offense. This community formed a mag azine council after public atten tion focused a few months age on juvenile delinquency in the local area, resulting in decision to enforce a curfew ordinance. Tt was a member of the maga zine council, formed upon the in illative of Supt. of Schools John Demyan, who investigated the re port that led to the arrest of Sisco and his assistant. T. Andrews whose wife is a member of the evaluation commitlee of the maga zine council, had an 18-year-old youth ask at the gas station for books or pictures. The youth pur chased six. Salesman Unknown gas station proprietor said not know the name or ad of the "salesman” who The he did dress brought the pornographic books to his place of business. Following Sisco s appearance in court, it was announced that he is going out of busines.*. a decision influenced by the lewd-book selling said the local manager of an nil company. The Catholic Chronicle. newspa I per of the Toledo diocese in an I editorial occasioned by this case, called on major companies to de clare policies and penalties, if they do not exist, that would end "the use of gasoline service stations as sales outlets for pornography and contraceptives." The paper ran tinned that "good will is at stake" and that “plenty of motorists would «top doing husinesj at any gasoline service slation conducted as trojan horse for sinful side lines.” -o- Resolution Urges I .S. Honors For French W ar Nurse WASHINGTON (NC) A res olution inviting Geneneve de Gal ard-Terraube. the "angel of Dien Bien Phu.” to visit the Vnited Stales as an honored guest was passed by the House of Represent atives. The resolution, which congratu lated the French nurse on her gallant senice requested that the President transmit the invita tion to visit the U.S. "at the ear liest time convenient Io her and her country.” The resolution has now been sent to the Senate. Save and money by filling your needs through want ads. Spring* Ratomporod And Raarehad Broken Parts Quickly Raplaaod Min MM J. J. Pwfcar COLUMBUS AUTO SPRING CO. SALBA SBBVJCW CM W*«r *ieh 8tr**t ror.rwwrs. nwm Where to year ehare? Per »n the tteror* ren u Ittlffi FfKUL Delaware Milk Co. 27 N. Umen Flowers by Gibson Mwn*« 1-atel—1-4711 Dataware ‘An Ideal Father’ Observance of Father's Day thia year, on Juno 20, will find many Americans honoring the memory of louis Marlin, a Frenchman. Mr. Martin is shown in this picture with his daughter, Marfo Francois# Theresa. The ninth end last child born to Louis and Zelie Martin, this young girl is known to the world today es St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower. A recently published book, "Louis Martin, An Ideal Father," by Louis and Marjorie Wust of Falls Church, Va., has helped to foeps ettention upon the father of the great Saint. There are those, bishope, priests and laymen who think a cause may someday be introduced looking to Mr. Martin's canonisation. This picture is reproduced with th# ox press permission of the Carmel at Lirieux, where th# Little Flower was a member of the Community. Private Church, School Erection Hits New Peak WASHINGTON iN(- Con struction of churches and private schools continued at peak dollar levels during .May as total new building expenditures in the Uni ted States set a new record for the month, according to figures re leased here by the Departments of Commerce and l^ibor. Private school and church building, however, rose 34 per cent and 20 per cent respectively from May. 1953. while total con struction was up only 4 per cent from a year ago. In th# past year only one type of private construction social and recreational, which rose 38 per cent from May, 1953 has shown a faster rate of increase than private school building. Similarly, it has been topped by only one of the Commerce De partment's categories of public construction, the small miscel laneous category where May ex penditures totaled the relatively email sum of $15,000,000. Value of new private school construction May increased 10 per cent from April to $43,000,000 This increase compaied with a rise of 4 per cent from April for expenditures for new public schools, which totaled $171,000. 000 May. Church building rose 5 per cent from a month ago $42,000,000. —o- P.T. Lay Leader Calls. For Catholic Anti-Red Action MANILA (NO A call for Catholic Action to rise and fight communism v a.« issued here by Dr. Jose Hernandez, president of Catholic Action of the Philippines There is no middle ground no neutral "no man s land in the bat tle "between God and evil.” Dr. Hernandez declared in a speech at a Knights of Columbus luncheon here "The choice is clear," ho said, "Barabbas or Christ, communism or Christianity." In his address. Dr. Hernandex said, “The Catholic Church, as the keeper of the eternal light of the Son of God, must now' rise and fight communism. Catholic Action, as the mandated army of Christ and His Church must now deploy its fences to defend and perpetuate the dignity of the human person, man’s freedom under tbe moral law, and know, to till the world.” his inalienable right to Jove, and to serve God consummation of the 70% Of Goal Pledged DALLAS— NC1) Pledges for funds for a new Catholic university for the Diocese of Dallas-Fort Worth already total $1,399,566, 70% of the goal, it was announced at a report meeting on May 25. More pledges are still being re ported. Delaware S: Hohinaou* Hanrahan Funeral Directors Cor. Winter Franklin Delaware MttHHHtlltHOHtH iThe Peoples Store Dataware German Assumes 5ew Duties As Envoy To Vatican ROME (NC)—Germany’s first post-war ambassador to the Holy See: Wolfgang Jaenicke, has ar rived in Rome and officially as sumed his post after presenting his credentials to the Vatican Pro Secretaries of State. .Msgrs Domen ico Tardini and Giovanni B. Mon tini. German priests and prelates sta toned in Rome welcomed the 72 year-old ambassador, who is not a Catholic. His arrival had been de laved by sickness which obliged him to interrupt his journey to Rome in Milan Alter his arrival here. Mr. Jaenicke made his first calls on the two German Cardinals, Their Eminences Josef Cardinal Frings. Archbishop of Cologne and Josef Cardinal Wendel, .Archbishop of Munich, who had come here to at tend the canonization of St. Pius The Papal \uncio to Germany. Archbishop Moisiua J. Muench who is Bishop of Fargo. N.D., is also in Rome. The (rfrnun embassy staff in cludes two Catholics, Msgr. Josef Hoefer, ecclesiastical consultor, and Dr. Rudolf Salat, embassy counselor On thiee successive days the Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney, who is at present visiting the mis sions of New Guinea, Neu Britain and the Solomons, went aloft with Bishop Arkfeld to visit isolated mission stations. IT PAYS TO USE THE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. Toepfner’s Modem® Object To Raising Statu® Of Vatican Envov CAIRO (NC) Steps are now being taken by Egyptian Minister to the Holy See Marei Ah Fawn, to have his mission there an embassy. 0-----------------------next Cardinal Given Aerial Tour Of Jungle Diocese SYDNEY’, Australia (NC) Believed to be the only Bishop in the world who flies his own plane Bishop leo Arkfeld. of Wewpk. New Guinea, an American mem ber of ihe Society of the Divine Word, has taken His Eminence Norman Thomas Cardinal Gilroy on an aenal tour of his mountain ous. jungle covered diocese. to country* diplomatic rai»*d to the rank of th* more extremist Certain of elements of Egypt a predominantly Moaiem population however, are unwilling to have Egypt recipro cate and elevate ih* status of the Vatican internunciature here. Among these elements is the fanatic Moslem Brotherhood which, it has been pointed out, is influential government circles. Those who oppose the Holy See mission here argue that such an el evation would be granting a "fa vored rank to the Papal Nuncio, who would by custom of Cairo s diplomatic they say, should not in a Moslem country. Ohio be the dean corps. This, be the cane In addition to Egypt Moslem na tions which now have ministers at the Vatican include Indonesia, Iran and Syna. There is a Pakistan Min istry at the Holy See but the post of minister is vacant at present. I^ebanon, a Christian country of the Near East, has n ambassador at the Holy See. Aew® In Brief CINCINNATI—Half-day sessions, use of "leaching assistants and transportation of children to less crowded schools may help solve the critical teacher shortage in the Cincinnati diocese Msgi Car: Rvan superintendent of schools reported last week. At the same time, the Archdioce san School Board adopted a regu lation limiting to 50 the number of children taught in one class room the first and second grades in parochial schools. DAYTON—The new dormitory of St. Joseph Orphanage in Dayton will be dedicated this Sunday by .Archbishop Alter. The building which cost $306,000, is divided into four main apart and the ments, with recreational craft facilities housed in basement. world CINCINNATI—What the needs to recover its health is enough of the right kind of peo ple. the Very Reverend Paul C. Reinert S.J.. declared last week in his Xavier University commence ment address. The nght kind of people according to Fathei Rem ert. are those who are nght with God. right with themselves and right with others. CLEVELAND To help sup ply the 1.200 new teachers which the diocesan school system will need in the next 10 years. St. John College last week announc ed an emergency teacher educa tion program which will begin fall. The program will en young Catholic women to teaching in pansh eiemen- able start tary schools after only two years ef college study. Lima Pilgrimage Set PHILADELPHIA NC) A pilgrimage from the United States to Lima. Peru, in honor of Blessed Martin de Porres, will take place November 18 to 26. it has been announced here by the Blessed Martin Retreat League, the spon sor. DISTINCTIVE HATS for DISCRIMINATING WOMEN SUSIE'S HATS 3333 N. High St. LA. 3330 Fifth Ave. I 1352 W. FIFTH AVE. Says—Next to a new Studebaker your best automobile BUY is a used STUDEBAKER. Reconditioned by Joe Toepfners factory trained mechanics. We are Studebak er specialists use genuine Studebaker parts: backing each Studebaker with our 30-day guarantee Buy from your Studebaker Dealer—“That's Safety.” 1352 W. 5th Ave DOLLAR FEDERAL SAYS U/ill help build Ljour-fui^f It does nt rake a crystal hall to predict that the man who Mves will have a more secure future: Let Dollar Federal help build your future security, by opening an insured savings account You're always welecane at friendly Dollar Federal. diy®bw DOLLAR FEDERAL SAVINGS ^s’ On Haile Selassie MONTREA ,-fNC An ary doctorate was -wnferrod an Emperor Haile Selaiasne nt Ethio pia by the University of Montreal during his visit here. The degree was conferred by His Eminence Paul Emile Cardinal Ieger. Arch bishop nf Montreal, chancellor ef the university. honor. Wan* ad» reach yeur beat mar kef, the •It'dawn shopper. Here a sandwich is juct a* important as a whole dinner. DOERSAM'S U-1S-1S W BSOAO ST. COLVMPDS. omo SOI Baton Avenue ESI ABLISHED 189t SIECE IMS 8th FRIDAY Eats Games two 2646 Parris Read THE CATHOLIC TTMEfc-B Friday. June 18, 1954 REMEMBER JULY 3 Annual Orphan*' Picnk St. Vi ncant'* Grandview A Ida SATURDAY RUG bfnthm LAYING REPAIRING MERGING SEWING Gl 4RANTEED MOTHPROOFING RAINS SH Cha* St. GAUSS COLUMBUS. OWO Georg# J. Igel and Company, Inc. Crone Service fxcovotmg COLUMBUS I, OHIC ST. JAMES THE LESS CHURCH MA. *601 Bernard Genl YOUR PAY CHECK dapeaitad today in a Savings Aeeount "Tha Railroad" rs security for to morrow. "RAILROADannum.rP*A%’2—Intoroat *4 CAST MOAS ST PERPETUAL NOVENA (ur Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. St. Christophers Church Mgr. Feet Million* Of Of Lumbar Church Cabtnofs Pdws Pa no twerk McNally Lumber Co. 2034 Leonard Ave. FA 215$ SPECIAL MILLWORK TO YOUR ORDER ANNUAL FESTIVAL JUNE ll Entertainment Refreshments CHEVROLET'S ON DISPLAY Thu Ad Sponsored By E. J. WHI asd Sampany General Contractor* HmIsm M. C. RANSOM Nigh Hardware 2554 North High Street NavDii Dry Chasen LA. 217