I Some of the events recorded on Watterson High School’s opening day are shown above. At left, Msgr. Edward Spiers, principal of Watterson High School, is pictured with Mother Aloyse, O.P., who receives a spiritual bouquet from two new students, Martin Winters of Our Lady of Peace parish “O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise Him. all ye people Psalm 116 God's own inspired word of praise and joy alone can serve 3ur need on this blessed occa don We cry in jubilant sum mons to all the Faithful, and indeed to all mankind We ex press a universal rejoicing that a new Star is now shining in the great galaxy of heaven. Another Saint has been named by the infallible voice of the Church A beloved patron and model of our own has now been set for honor and imita tion before the eyes of all na tions and all peoples. Quick to appreciate the sentiment proper to this time, the Catho lic heart pours out grateful praise to God and calls upon all the vorld to share its jubila tion. “O praise the Lord, all ye na tions Praise Him all ye people On the twelfth dav of last .lune, an art of canonization raised Gas par del Bufalo to the honors of the altar. His sainthood was then offi Give Voar Child A Cheat* Reni a Rand Instriinient For llttl* WHERE THOUSANDS SAVE MILLIONS Current Return Accounts Insured To $10,000 CENTRAL OHIO FEDERAL SAVINGS 78 South Third Street k 4 rially recognized and proclaimed Astronomers say that in the starry firmament which spreads its fiery beauty before admiring eyes there are countless other stars whose light, has not come through to us And thousands of other shining suns are visible only to the few who scan the heavens with the aid of powerful telescopes. Something of this kind is true of the souls that shine as stars in God’s heavenly kingdom The light of mtillions of these blessed individuals does not comp through to the people s of the earth The shining glory of others is known tn only a comparative feu But when, hv the operation of Providence the few are made the many, and the heavenly splendor of a .nut, till now obscured is man if t»d tn all mankind w* say that a Saint has been canonized Then are the Faithful summoned to hr hold a newly shining Star, to re joiro in its beauty, and in its light, tn eck and serve the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration and from whom descends ‘every gift and every perfect gift” including certainly, the gift of a newly canonized Saint. It is therefore, with souls grate ful and full of praise that we are a pinbled here, to honor the re cently canonized Founder and Fa ther of the Congregation of the Most. Precious Blood, Saint Gaspar del Bufalo. Mine is the high privi lege today of expressing special congratulations to the members of the Congregation, Saint Gaspar’s noble religious family of Mission aries, Priests, Brothers and Sisters, whose zeal and sacrificing toil have hie- sed the Church during the past 139 years While all the household of the Faith rejoices in the canonization of Gaspar del Bufalo, there is a special joy, a peculiar right to fe licitation, in the members of the Samt s nwn community You the Fathers and Brothers of the Pre cions Blood, who have always Your personal fashion 6 nd ... the brim trimmed with rayon velvet to offset the fine felt. Many others in rayon velvets, felts and velours styled in the neweM flattering colors. All our Hats |, i 2^ None Higher 52 W. Brozd St. Ground Floor LINCOLN LeVEQUE TOWER BUILDING Certainly we of the United States and especially of Ohio, are eager to express our abounding gratitude to God for the work of the Congrega tion in so many important mission ary and educational works in our favored land. The Congregation from the beginning cast its lot with the Bishops and entered into the active apostolate by responding to the Ordinaries’ appeals to estab lish parishes, missions, and schools to extend the essential organization of parish life in this vast Ohio ter ritory. Th* monuments of th* Congre gation's teal and sanctity ma^ be noted in our cities at well as in rural areas The Missioners of the Precious Blood heve preach ed the saving gospel of peece and* salvation as assistants to our devoted Parish Clergy end heve taken the truth end grace of the Cross to home end foreign mission fields. The Congregation has prospered under the iust in stitutions of our Country and its work has been noted by the teal of its superiors and members to work in harmony with the Bish ops end Pastors in building up the Church, which is the Body of Christ. We today acknowledge their co operation and hail the Sons of Saint Gaspar for their genuine hu mility and holiness and zeal but particularly for their generous ser vice in the full life of the Church. The life of Saint Gaspar del Bufalo began in the year 1786 He is, therefore, a Saint not remote from our own times not that this fact i» of significance the Church whose view is timeless But it is interesting for us to notice that this Saint was born three years after the close of the Revo e. J* s and Nancy Tiberl of St. James the Less parish. Mother Aloyse is Mother General of the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs. Five Dominican Sisters will be on the teaching staff at Watterson along with Diocesan priests and lay teachers. Bishop Ready is pictured in the center as he Text Of Bishop’s Sermon At St. Gaspar del Bufalo Rites known the sanctity of your Found er you who have held him your soul’s deep esteem as a Father, teacher, leader, the inspiration of your dedicated efforts in the cause of Christ you before all others, must now experience a sacred sat isfaction in beholding his achieve ments recognized, his virtues pub licly praised, his spiritual nobility appreciated, his religious establsh ment uniquely approved, and his status as effective intercessor for souls authentically proclaimed Up on you are focused, in full strength and brightness, the rays of the new star whose light is now dif fused throughout the threefold realm of the Communion of Saints. And to you, in a special manner, the Church does honor. She honors the Father surrounded by his spir itual children In honoring Saint Gaspar the Church honors his works. Your great Congregation is the first fruit of his labor and the finest of the works of his hands. Pontifical Mass Officially Opens Watterson High School lutionary War and three years be fore Washington took office as our first President The birthplace of Saint Gaspar was the Eternal City itself. He came of a family that v as never very prosperous, and, at the time of his birth, was actually impoverished. Throughout his com paratively short life—for he died in his fifty-second year—Gaspar had no experience of ease or afflu ence In his religious family, as in his natural home, poverty was his unfailing companion, a holy pover ty whose spiritual fruitfulness is ever a mystery and an offense in the eyes of a materialistic world. From the first, Gaspar and his Congregation were the instruments and channels of an increasing flow of grace in the Church. The spir itual riches which they garnered and dispensed were beyond calcu lation. Yet they never had any ma terial wealth, or even the secured prospect of a bare sufficiency of earthly goods. Theirs was the de privation experienced in both the hidden and public life of Our Lord In literal truth, they could say that they had left all things to fol low Christ. Gaspar del Bufalo was born on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th, 1786. His mother, mindful of the festival, decided that her little son should have the names tradi tionally ascribed to the Magi. At his baptism he received all three: Gaspar, Melchoir and Balthasar. It is not mere sentiment that finds a peculiar aptness in the selection of these patronal saints. For Gaspar’s life was to bear their mark in un mistakable ways. True, he did not like the Magi make a long journey. Geographically, his life and labors were spent within a very limited area. We read with surprise tinged with reverent amusement that his exile under the Napoleonic tyranny 1810 carried him off a distance of only 250 miles. We are some what startled at the vehemence of his sorrow in being taken from his beloved mother, and at the mother's pathetic cry that she should never see her son again For to us, less than a century and a half later, 250 miles means only a few hours’ travel by train or auto mobile, and a matter of minutes rather than hours if we go by air. Yet tn Rome, just 144 years ago, a journey to Piacenza, the city of Gaspar’s exile, was a long, arduous, and even dangerous prospect. Saint Gaspar was not like the Magi in point of travel. But he was decidedly like them in many other ways. Like the Magi he made his whole guest the Divine Child and His Mother. Like the Magi, he en dured hardships, sacrifices, and toils in working to his goal. Like the Magi, he carried precious gifts October In The MARIAN YEAR The Month Of The ROSARY In our day to day search for a finer spiritual life, many of us over look the obvious. Something that should be at our fingertips is the habit of praying the rosary daily. October should be the month to redirect us back to a fulfillment of our Lady’s plea to the world at Fatima. October should be the month when we grow closer to our Heavenly Mother through the Rosary. At the shop you will find just the Rosary you seek. Also new and established books by outstanding writers like Caryll House lander, Maisie Ward, Father Walter Farrell, Msgr. Knox, etc. who counsel us on The Rosary and its mysteries. Come in soon. RELIGIOUS ART PRAYER BOOKS ROSARIES BOOKS GREETING CARDS 2 0 5 EAST BROAD STREET A. 1-6911 2* MB’. confers his blessing during the Pontifical Mass. The Mass was celebrated in the assembly hall located in the basement of the school. At right, the Bishop is pictured as he seals the cornerstone of the new convent being erected for the Sisters on the faculty of the new one million dollar school to Our Lord—not gold, Indeed, but golden, living faith, pure and un alloyed. He brought not frankincense, but the unmingled -weet odor of justice and charity. He gave not myrrh, but the lowliness of a penitential heart. And his pen ances were constant and mani fold He bore with unruffled pa tience the cross of bodily frailty and recurring illness. He endured misunderstandings, persecutions extending to attempts upon his life, calumnies and mis representations before the Holy See, imprisonment, and finally re pression of his missionary labors when they were most fruitful in conversions. But he bore the heav iest of all afflictions—temporary, but he did not know it was tempo rary—in having his rule and insti tute rejected by the Holy See at the very moment when, at long last, he seemed to have insured their permanence. The first and most striking of the virtues of Saint Gaspar was his vividly living faith Faith and the virtues immediately consequent up Ion it, -humility, self effacement, zeal for souls, unremitting effort in the service of the Church,—ex press the very life of this Saint. It appears that never, even momen tarily, no matter what the weight of his trials, had Gaspar the least temptation to doubt God’s good ness or the wisdom of His Provi dence From early childhood, Gas par saw God in everything and ev erything in God. God was the sole and sufficing object of his heart, his mind, his will, his sentiments. He was always concerned that God should he known and honored, that grace should suffuse the souls of men. that Catholics should be ardent in their love of the Holy Mass, and Sacraments, and that they should have an appreciative and loyal allegiance to Christ liv ing in His Church. These were the purposes that Gaspar served from the days of his boyhood. He was “instant in prayer,” he was devot ed to the studies that equipped him for the priesthood and the service of souls. Throughout his life, despite his intense activity, he managed to re view, again and again, his theo logical studies, and even, when the opportunity offered to sit in the classroom with seminarians and to hear the lecturer as the humblest and most attentive of pupils. Gas par was tireless in forming and in spiring associations of young men for the instruction of the ignorant, the care of the poor, the rescue of what now we should call delin quents. He we* forever opening little schools of catachetics, which he called oratories, and assembling in them, at evening, the laborers, and the loafers too, of the Ro man slums. Tonsured at four teen, he was permitted, a year or so later, to teach religion pub licly, not only in his oratories but on the street corners and in the market place. His work was singularly successful. But not for a moment, or in the least de gree, did success turn his head. So vital was his faith, so intent his purpose in making it vital to others, that, quite literally, he never thought of himself at all Hr was the inspiring force and the driving power in many a com munity enterprise, large and small, yet he never cared a whit about being considered as leader or about being regarded as the inaugurator or founder. On the contrary he was always anxious to have others take the place of prominence Even with reference to the Congrega tion of the Most Precious Blood, WE PAY YOU 6% INTEREST Let Your Money Work For You. Offar Limited u State of Ohio. COLUMBUS DISCOUNT AND LOAN 6M E. BROAD ST. Colombo*. Ohio CA. 8-5M1 which, under God, was definitely his own establishment he was eag. er to have some other regarded as founder,—perhaps the saintly Father Albertini with whom, in his early priesthood, he had set up a confraternity in honor of the Precious Blood. Saint Gaspar’s ef forts were exerc’red so purely for God and the accomplishment of the Divine Will, that he had no time or inclination to think of himself, or of rights, privileges, or distinc tions. Thus did he manifest the fact that living faith begets in the believer a splendid self efface ment and a triumphant humility. In the holy Priesthood, Saint Gaspar formed the richest and most glorious of God’s gifts. His first Mass was not the crowning triumph of long desire and years of ardent effort in preparation. It was not the high peak from which, thereafter, there wa. to be a slow descent by the path of dulling rou tine. Each holy Mass of Gaspar’s priestly life was offered with the conscious effort of making it a more devout and fervent action than any that had preceded it. The Priesthood widened the scope of Saint Gaspar’s efforts and enriched their fruits, but it did not change their character. As in his youth, be preached and taught, he founded confraternities and opened oratories, he earned the word of God into homes, and schools, and even into the camps of brigands and cutthroats. He turned plague spots of crime and sin into decent communities of God-fearing, penitent, pious Catho lic people. Above all, Gaspar and his com panions devoted themselves to the preaching of missions. Indeed this holy activity was pursued so in tensively that the people referred to the Congregation as the Mis sionaries of the Precious Blood. A mission in those days and in the circumstances of the times was a vigorous spiritual activity. It was not a merely parochial affair. It was a spiritual rejuvenation of the whole city or countryside and a time for religious reeducation for clergy and people alike. For fourteen or more days the mission was preached in the church chosen as headquarters or the open public squares. Mis sioners and parish priests were en. gaged endlessly in hearing confes sions. Often after a mission had been concluded, two or three mis sionary fathers had to stay on for days to attend to the penitents yet waiting the opportunity for con fession. Spiritually these missions were events of astounding suc cess. I Th* flame of the Saint's faith was Indeed a fire cast on the •arth, and tremendous was the conflagration that It kindled. It la not too much ro say that in th* days of political upheaval, national peril, the spread of sec ret anticlerical societies, and ap parent weakness In th* Church itself as Popes wer* dragged to oxil* and subjected to th* inso lence of th* Little Emperor,—in a word, in day* when the minds and hearts of men were any whore but on the thinr* of God and personal salvation Saint Gaspar and hit fellow missioners changed the face of Italy and other parts of Europe. E 3 In the intense missionary activ ity we have been considering, born as it was of faith and humility and complete dedication, we see the meaning and the direct occasion for the founding of the Congrega- Michael "Bernie" Fox, Jr. 2467’A Cleveland Av*., Office Columbus 11, Ohio Phone: JE. 5424 Rat.: JE.71I5 •J* on Cooke Road. Mr. E. W. Puckett, General Superintendent of the Sever-Williams Co., Contractors aids the Bishop. Mon signor Spires, principal of Watterson, looks on. The firm of Ramsey, Croce and Abbot designed the buildings, which are scheduled for completion early next year. tion of the Most Precious Blood. It was in the year 1815, the year of Waterloo and the end of the Napoleonic scourge which had been to Saint Gaspar a constant source of trial and irritation, that the Con gregation was definitely estab lished. On the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the rule and consti tution of the new Community were approved by the Holy See in the pontificate of Pius VII. It was a fortunate and significant fact that the great event occurred on Au gust fifteenth. During all his life Saint Gaspar had the most tender and earnest devotion to the Bless ed Mother. Again like the Magi he found Christ on the knees of His Mother. The Congregation, estab lished on Mary’s Feastday, has al ways retained its founder’s special dedication to the Mother of God. Shall we be imaginative if we think that the canonization of Saint Gas par in Mary’s own year of 1954 is more than a mere coincidence? Shall we be only fanciful in the thought that there is a direct af finity between devotion to the Most Precious Blood, the price of human salvation, and devotion to the Providential source of that sacred humanity which made pos sible the shedding of the Precious Blood? ./ Saint Gaspar died two days after Christmas in the year 1837. He was just ten days short of rounding out his fifty-second year. Fifteen years later he was declared Vener. able. Slightly more than a half century passed and he was beati fied this was in 1904. An even half century elapsed, and now, in the current Marian Year of 1954 the Blessed is proclaimed the Saint. To this heavenly Star whose light has just come through to us we turn with joy. As always in our veneration of God’s Saints, we turn with a prayer of strong supplica tion on our lips and in our hearts. We beg Saint Gaspar, whose own personal memories are of the Church in troubled days# of fading faith in millions, of people turned to the idolatry of materialism, we beg him by his constant interces sion before the throne of God, to bring to us and to our times a universal revival of living faith, a renewal of Catholic virtues among mankind, a new-stirred devotion to the Precious Blood that wrought our salvation and steadfast allegiance to the Blessed Mother, and peace and justice, with abounding charity, among men and nations. Gaspar del Bufalo, great Saint of God, heavenly herald of the Most Precious Blood, pray for us! Amen. Holy Name Notes All men and boys of the St. Joseph Cathedral parish are invit ed to a baseball treat at Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Cathedral Holy Name Society. The new Car dinal-Red Bird Training Film will be shown. The full-color film will show plenty of action, close-ups and behind-the-scenes shots—many of former Red Birds. The meeting is scheduled for 8:30 p. m. Oct. 4. in the Cathedral Rectory. o----------------- Want ads save time and money. A Diamond Speaks In Tender Terms Of Happiness $ And Love 20 E. GAY ST. Columbus, Ohio (Ean.tn.er CHURCH GOODS RELIGIOUS ARTICLES VESTMENTS SACRED VESSELS STATUARY DESIGNERS IMPORTERS BOOKSELLERS ESSENTIAL GOODS FOR CHURCH, RECTORY, CONVENT, SCHOOL, HOME You are cordially invited to view our large dis play of beautiful rosaries, both imported and domestic fashioned by the skilled hands of expert craftsmen, to bring you exclusive designs at moderate prices. Dur ing the month of October, dedicated to the Blessed Vir gin. a rosary is a most appropriate gift for any occa sion, and one that will be cherished. Essential Goods for Church, Rectory, Convent, School, Home. Central Ohio’s Modem Church Good* House 82 S. 4th St. (Near Stat* St.) CApital 4-7083