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Since 1890 2—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Friday, September 2,1955 MASS ORDO -------Liturgy Of The Week SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. SATURDAY OF OUR LADY. White vestments. Gloria. Second prayer of the Holy Spirit. Third for the Church or Pope. Preface of the Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Green vestments. Gloria. Second prayer "Defend us", Third at the choice of the celebrant, Credo, Preface of the Trinity. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, FEAST OF ST. LAWRENCE JUSTINIAN. White vestments. Gloria. Second prayer "Defend us". Third at the choice of the celebrant. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, FERIAL DAY. Mass as on Sunday. Green vest ments. No Gloria. Second prayer “Defend us”, Third for the Faith ful Departed. Fourth at the choice of the celebrant, No Credo, Com mon Preface. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, FERIAL DAY. Mass as on Sunday. Green vest ments, No Gloria, Second prayer Columbus Brother Takes First Votes A Columbus youth pronounced the temporary vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as a Broth er in the Crosier Order, Sunday. He is Brother Andrew. O S.C., (Joseph A Havlick), the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Havlick of Holy Grose parish Brother Andrew re ceived the religious hsbit and pro nounced (he vows for three years in ceremonies at the Crosier mon estery chapel in Hastings, Neb Brother Andrew was graduated in 1953 from Holy Cross School, Co lumbus, and entered the 700-year nld rehgioua order at Ft Wayne, Jnd After his postulancy, he com pleted his preparations for the re ligious professions as a member of the Hastings community. The Crosier lay brothers lead a sacrificing, obscure life of prayer, while devoting themselves to the duties of manual labor at the mon aster to free the priests of the Order for the work of preaching and teaching. BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER That's Why MH I lam Use First Mortgage Loans Insured Savings Safe Deposit Boxes 3:. I. “Defend us”, Third at the choice of the celebrant, No Credo, Com mon Preface. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I, FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. White veitments, Gloria, second prayer (in Low Mass) of St. Hadri an, Credo, Preface of the Blessed Virgin. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, FEAST OF ST. PETER CLAVER. White vestments. Gloria. Second prayer of St. Gorgomus. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTION. White vestments, Gloria. --------------------o--------------------- Educational (Continued from Page 1) Of these 85 schools, 19 will have new principals, Father C. Bennett A 1 egate, superintendent of schools, announced. The list fol lows. Columbus St. Joseph Academy (high and elementary)—Sister Genevieve Ma rie. S.N D.. succeeds Sister Marie Teresa. S.N.D. Sacred Heart (high and elemen tary)—Sister Rosana. O.S.F, suc ceeds Mother Maristella, O.S.F. Holy Family (high school)—Sis ter Dolonla, R.S.M, succeeds Sister M. Imelda, R.S.M. Christ the King (elementary)— Sister Ancilla, OP, succeeds Sis ter Mariella, O P. Holy Rosary (elementary) Mo ther Assumpta, O.S.F., succeeds Sister Henrietta O.S.F. St. Catharine (elementary) —Sis ter Marie *Vivienne, S.C., suc ceeds Sr. M. Elizabeth Clare, S C. St. Gabriel (elementary)—Sister Miriam. O.P., succeeds Sister M. Quentin, O St. Peter (elementary)—Mother Maristella, O.S.F.. succeeds Mother M. Roaerita, O S F. St. Agnes (elementary) Sister Agnes Angela, S.N.D. Holy Croaa (elementary) Sis ter Sheila Mane, S.N succeeds Sister Gertrude Adela, S N D. Outside of Columbus Delaware, St. Mary (high and el ementary) Sister M. Catherine Marie. O S F. succeeds Sister Rose Clare, O S.F. New Lexington. St Aleysius (high school and elementary)—Sis ter M. Philip 0 S.F succeeds Sis ter Kileen. OS F., and Sister Madeleine, O S Corning. St Bernard (elemen (aryl Sister Joseph Vincent, SCN, succeeds Sister Maxima, SCN l-ancaMer, St Mary (elementary) Sister Vemard, O aeeceeds Sister Charlene, O Ixigan, St. John (elementary) Sister Rust elie Marie, SN.D., Mie ceeds Sister Scholastiea, S N FEDERAL SAVIN GS^[ND^LgAN^A«eOg I ATI Off Fred C. Kaiser. Pres. Walter Zuber. Vice Pres. 169 EAST STATE STREET (at 4th) CA. 1-4000 COLUMBUS, OHIO Finneran & Fischer Oak And 6th Sts. CA. 4-0208 I CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 2’/i% Let us show you that EYEWEAR nnt anlv offers nesessary Vlsue' Benefits but is remarkably effec tive in achieving desirable Facial and Fashion effects. CONTINUOUS VISION LENSES Artistic Designed Frames. Harry Schwartz Optical Co. (SERVING CENTRA! OHIO SINCE 1925) Annual NC Message (Continued from Page 1) agement, plus “the necessary mini mum of encouragement’’ by gov ernment, this development will eventually result “in a full-blown system of economic democracy such as no other country has ever before enjoyed The Social Action Department saw in the merger agreement be tween the A F. of L. and the CIO. and in the peaceful negotiation of the so-called Guaranteed Annual Wage plans in large segments of the automobile industry “two ma jor developments which augur well for the continued development of collecting bargaining along such constructive lines.” As for the “longawaited decis ion” by the two giant labor organ izations to meige into a single fed eration, the Statement said: “We look with satisfaction upon this amalgamation principally be cause it will make it easier for the trade union movement to or ganize the unorganized workers of the United States and thereby pro mote the further growth of collec five bargaining in the services and trades as well as in the field of manufacturing "It will also help to eliminate jurisdictional disputes between competing unions and will en able the American labor move ment to present a unified front in its opposition to communism at home and abroad. "Some commentators feel that thia merger will giie labor an un due political influence. In our opin ion, this is not likely to happen, for the majority of labor officials in this country are still committed to the philosophy that a union’s principal function is economic and social rather than political Concerning the trend toward Labor Day (Continued from Page 1) can join I he prayer on 1-a stressed that industrial re The latter also economic lite and lations are not areas with their own private laws and principles, but subject, es all life is, to the laws of God. The Catholic Church is the voice of Christ commanding that all man must love their fellowman as them selves and render to every man what is his due.” The Solemn High Mass, at which Bishop Ready will preside, will be celebreted by Monsignor Anthony Schlernitzauer, pastor of St. Pater's Church, Columbus. Father Augustine Winkler, di ocesan director of social action, and Father Colby Grimes, assistant at St. Thomas. Columbus, will serve as deacon and subdeacon, re spectively Msgi Roland Winel and Father George Schorr, chancellor and vice chancellor of the diocese, respec tively, will serve as masters of cer emonies, and Father Michael A. Nugent, pastor of St. Andrews Parish, and Father Robert Schmidt, pastor of St. Agnes, will be dea cons of honor to the Bishop Thev Discussed Geneva Atom Conference Six mambars of the United States Congrats were received in audience by Pope Pius Xll at his sum mer home, Catfelgendolfo, and informed the Holy Father about the progress made by the Geneva Atoms-for Peace Conference, which they attended as members of the Joint Committee on Atomic En ergy. Left to right Rep. James E. Van Zandt, of Pa. Rep. Chet Holified, Calif. Sen. John O. Pastore, R. I.: Rep. W. Sterling Cole, N. Y. Rep. Melvin Price, III., and Rep. John J. Dempsey, N.M, the Guaranteed Annual Wage, the N.C.W.C. department declined “to pass judgment on the specific de tails" of the contracts already adopted, or to urge their adoption in unrelated industries. But it said: "We do feel, however, that the principle established in these agreements is sound. Surely it is a healthy sign that union and management in a key industry are willing to assume joint re sponsibility for providing their workers with a large meesure of income security and employment stability instead of turning the whole job over to the govern ment. "If laboi and management will address themselves with the same intelligence and the same spirit of good will to the continuing prob lem of automation and to all oth er problems of mutual concern, they will be doing a great service not only to our own nation but also, by force of good example, to other nations as well. "More specifically, they will be moving in the direction of the so called Industry Council idea, a key point in Catholic teaching on the social order. The government has "an indis pensable role to play,” the State ment explained, and ought "to en couiage unions and employers’ as sociations to solve their own prob lems to the extent that they are willing and able to do so in con formity with (he requirements of the common good 1( continued. "It goes without saying, of course, that the government also has the right and the duty to re quire certain minimum stand ards in wages, hours and work ing conditions, to prohibit racial discrimination in employment, to provide adequate public housing for substandard economic groups and to establish an adequate pro gram of social insurance." While "a good beginning" has been made in these spheres, the Social Action Department asserted, there remains "the urgent necessi ty ot extending the benefits of so cial legislation as rapidly as possi ble to migratory labor and to other marginal and unprotected workers The Statement also stressed the need for "special assistance to fam ilies with children," and urged adoption of the Senate resolution which would provide for a study ot the ten year-old Canadian Fain ily Allowances Act with a view to establishing a similar system of family allowances in the United States ad tinned, “that these material vantages are the result of coopera lion between labor and capital and consequently demand a just and right distribution between them Ijibor and capital are partners and not enemies What they produce together in cooperation should not then serve to divide them. "The Holy Father,” said Bishop Ready, “has recently established the feast of St Joseph (he Work er. In doing this he expressed the hope that the feast will prove to be a ‘recurring invitation to mod ern society to accomplish that which is still lacking for social peace.’ All of us Holy Father in that bor Day.” Cathedral Priests To Hold Annual Information Class The Annual Fall Information Class, for persons interested in learning about Catholicism, will begin at Saint Joseph CathedraL 212 East Broad Street, Tuesday, September 6 This class provides an opportunity for non-Catholics to learn about the doctrines, laws, and practices of the Catholic Church. The sessions, conducted by priests of the Cathedral staff, will extend over a period months. They will be Tuesday and Thursday to 8 15 in the evening. of three held each from 7:15 Among th* subjects to be con sidered are such things as: Church-State Relations, Catholi cism in South America, Private Education, end Marriage and Di vorce. Non-Catholics will be par ticularly interested in about the •nd the Church. learning the Mass of the Sacrifice of Sacraments to attend is welcome There are no fees nor Everyone the classes, any obligation Further information may be ob tamed by calling the Cathedral at CA 4 3918. BfcAD THE TIMES CLASSIFIEDS Of Interest to Catholics RADIO PROGRAMS Sunday, Sept. 4 Christophers. WLW, Cincinnati, Catholic Hour. WPKO, Waverly, Pius Xll new litur the Work concluded Observing that Pope recently established the gical feast of St. Joseph ingman, the Statement by calling on labor and manage ment "to make Labor day a truly Christian feast under the patron agef of St. Joseph.” And it urged "all men ot good will in the ranks of labor and management as well as in every other walk of life to deepen their own religious life, to study carefully the principles of social justice and and then to make fort to put these practice in their noihic organizations and in the civ ic and political life of our beloved country.” social charity, a conscious ef principles into respective eco Grave Markers $45.00 Guaranteed granite, includes letter ing. delivery, foundation, erection in cemetery. Full line of granite or marble markers and monuments DARDEN MEMORIALS 291 N. Hague Ave BR. 4-0688 House Of Childhood EslabUihed 1929 Select Private Home and School IN THE COUNTRY FOR Mentally Handicapped Children, Birth to 6 Y'ears Leah L. Keyser, M.A., Directress Tipp City, O-, Rt. 1 Call Tip City 8-900 for Appointment m.-~ WPKO, Waverly, 8:45 a. Sacred Heart Program. WHIZ, Zanesville, 11:45 a. m.— 2:30 p. m.— 4 45 p. m.— Hour of St. Francis. WNXT, Portsmouth, 6 00 —Hour of St. Francis. WTVN, Columbus, 10:45 p. p. m. Catholic News. WTVN, Columbus. 11:00 p. m.— Ave Mana Hour. Daily WLW, Cincinnati, 6:10 a. m.— St. Mary Seminary—Morning Prayers. TELEVISION PROGRAMS Sunday, Sept. 4 WLW-C, Columbus, 9:00 a. —Catholic Hour—“Cam” Roger Van Aerde. WBNS-TV, Columbus, m.—Christophers. WBNSTV, Columbus, —-Father James J. of John Carroll University, SWICKARD Rental Agency 12 N. Third St. Rants Salas Laasas Proparty Managamant Dries ALL your wash faster ...fresher .cheaper than ANY other dry erf Soo the modern GAS Laundry Dryer at your APPLIANCE DEALER th Ohio fuel gflS company Jg New Uprising (Continued from Page 1) Influence of the Church, these excesses proved a political boom erang by intensifying rather than diminishing the loyalty of lukewarm Catholics toward the Church. The choice had to be made: Peron or the Church. Whether its downfall comes soon or late, it seems almost certain that the Peron regime will not bow out before it has made the Church the target of new attacks. The Bishops, however, backed by the Catholic rank and1 file, may be expected steadfastly to face up to whatever trial or suffering the fu ture may bring. Many of tha most influential Argentines are anxious to accel erate Peron's downfall, relying chiefly on the printing and dis tribution of pamphlets and leaf lets, the "paper bullets" of the opposition. There is no real "cen ter" or "headquarters” of this vocal offensive a fact which baffles and bewilders the secret police, who "discover" plots and make arrests without the least possibility of halting the con stant flood of surreptious prop aganda which has become the bane and terror of the Peronist high command. So deadly and persistent is this anti-Peron verbal barrage that many well-informed sources believe it is only a matter of time before a united opposition will produce a popular uprising that will sweep away Peromsm and all it stands for in the suppression of human rights and dignity. BUENOS AIRES (NC) The resignation of Dr Jeronimo Remo nno as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship has removed from the political scene another of the key Christopher (Continued from Page 1) emonies, the Knights of Columbus are busily arranging social and re ligious functions, details of which will be announced within a few weeks. For those who need a refresher course in history, Cristoforp Co lombo was born in Genoa in about 1451, and settled in Lisbon. Portu gal. in 1477. Convinced of Aris totle's theory that the earth was round. Columbus finally persuad ed King Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to finance his journey westward After 70 days of sailing in a 163foot vessel, Columbus landed on San Salvador, now sup posed to be Wathng’s Island, one of the Bahamas. In all, he made four voyages to the New World. Columbus died May 20. 1506, without receiving recognition. A Catholic, he was buried in a mon astery in Seville. Spain, but in 1542 his body was removed to San to Domingo, Haiti, and placed in a cathedral there. But when Spain lost Cuba in 1898. the remains were borne again tn Seville for re burial in the cathedral there. Lay Retreats 1955 September 2-4 ............... Men September 9-11 .............Women September 16-18 ................. Men September 23-25 Men September 30-Octeber 2 Women October 7-9 ... Men LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Thereto Shrine 5277 E. Broad Street COLUMBU SAVINGS m. by AND LOAN 10:00 Cleveland, to talk on “Im provement of Self.” WLW-C, 2 00 m. Christo phers. 48 W. GAY ST 10:30 a. McQuade men in the anti-Church campaign launched by the Peron government more than nine months ago. Reported te be suffering from a liver tumor for which he plans to go to Europe for treatment, Dr. Remorino, 52, is the sixth Cabinet member to quit in the wake of the abortive revolt of June 16. He has been replaced by lldefonso Cavagna Martinez, 51. a well-known banker and lawyer, who played an outstand ing role in the economic union pact with Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador. Another Cabinet member to re sign was Secretary of Technical Af fairs. Dr. Raul Mende, life-long close associate of President Peron and chief of the Peronist Party’s Supreme Council of Indoctrination. He was succeeded by Pedro En rique Yesari. head of the foreign exchange department of the Cen tral Bank of Argentina. A gradu ate of Harvard University, Mr. Yesari recently made an official visit to Washington. C. It was announced meanwhile that Maj. Gen. Felix Maria Robles. 56. had been named to the new post of national security director. ---------------------o-------------------- Deadline Near On Holy Name Society Excursion All those wishing to attend the Holy Name Convention in Pitts burgh. Sunday, Oct. 2, must make their reservation before Sept. 8 If 300 persons make the trip, it will be possible to charter a spe cial train that will leave at 7:00 a. m. Sunday and arrive in Pittsburgh in time for the parade of Holy Name members from dioceses throughout the country. Fare for '4 ■if'-" 4 4- Pope Stresses Sanctity as Aim Of Education CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy The ultimate aim of all edu cation must be Christian sanc tity, the Pope told Catholic Girl Scout leaders here. The Pontiff received them in audience at his summer residence in the Alban hills- He spoke at length on the neces sary harmony between education and the redemption of man by Christ. “Every Christian educator as sumes the work of guiding his stu dents. not for just any reason, but according to man's ultimate end which is Christian sanctity,” the Pope declared. "Christian educators are in vited to collaborate with the Sav iour—a sublime honor demand ing the greatest humility and the greatest fidelity to the dic tates of Christ." The scout leader who assumes the task of education, the Popa stated, must know the point of de parture. the goal, the road to trav el and the strength of the travel ers. The point of departure is hu man nature, created for happiness but now in the state of Original Sin, he added. the round trip will be $7.15. All in terested persons should contact their pastor. Members of families of Holy Name members would be per. mitted to take the trip if they de sire. The train will make stops at Newark. Dennison and Trinway. ---------------------o--------------------- The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are tfis tributing your patronage tnese different lines of business Trims are Increasingly important the magic touch on rayon velvet far yewr faff wardrobe. See the many others in ©ur just-arrived groups new styles and colon. 52 W. Broad St. Ground Floor Lincoln-LeVeque Tower Bldg CoKjmbus, Ohio By September 10th Will Earn Income From September 1st HUB Federal Savings & Loan All Savings Accounts Insured Up To *10,000 Current Dividend Rote 7/2% Saved or Invested AT THE HUB FEDERAL