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SINCE isas 1 Lodge Pledges to Bring God into United Nations WASHINGTON (NC) A pledge to "do all in- my power Io advance ihe great goal of bringing God. into the I ’nited Nations" has been mat UN Henry Cabot Lodge. Jr The assurance was given hy Mr l/’dge in a letter In Albert .1, Satt ler nf New York, president of the National Council of Catholic Men. which has headquarters here. The NCCM president had forwarded to Mr. Lodge and tn Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, copies nf a resolution adopted at the last annual NCCM meeting which advo rated that a place for God he found by U. S. Ambassador to the in the deliberations nf the United Nations. “I very who vain God,’ and 1 do everything in my power to show my belief in that great truth.” Ambassador Ixtdgc wrote. can assure you that I agree heartily when you say ‘those build in this world labor jn unless the foundation is of Mr. Lodge told Mr. Sattler THE SMART SAVER SEEKS SAFETY PLUS PROFIT i hr "The Railroad’’ haa hmlt ■air rnn.i.trnt RAILROAD THE BUILDING A LOAN CO. 60 E. BROAD ST. CA. 4-5810—CA. 4-634? Wild, Pres. Harris, Sec’y A Tradition HOTEL etropole Sixth and Walnut Right in the heart of every, thing—for business or pleas ure. 400 cheerful rooms, many air-conditioned nationally famous food and beVerages excellent service ... our bid for your contentment Free overnight perking for transient guests. p”E! Ml fit l! fin id art Tel- Parkway 5100 Home of the notionally famous RELISH TABLE Headquarters of a S. Brinkmann Rates B.P.O. Elks No. 5 General Manager from O CINCINNATI pointed U.S representative to th* UN wn Io visit th* organ! ration’s meditation room. He add ed: "I have publicly stated that I think the prayer of St. Fran cis: 'O Lord make me an instru ment of Thy peace/ would he most appropriately engraved ov er the door." He reminded Mr. Sattler that at present each ses sion of the UN General Assem bly is opened with a minute of "prayer or meditation." *‘l will do al! in my power to advance the great goal of bring ing God into the I nited Nations." Mr Lodge wrote. Whether or not in yiew of the differing religious beliefs throughout the world this idea can be embodied as an amend ment to the Charter, remains a large question.” Mr. Ixrdge told Mr. Sattler that he agieed with the statement made in-an editorial in The Pilot, Boston archdiocese newspaper, which said: "If the United Nations cannot yet give official allegiance to the name of God, it can in its efforts work to accomplish His will. In this we feel that all religious-minded persons should give it their assistance.” On behalf of Secretary Dulles, Howard A. Cook, chief of the State Department's public services divi sion, replied tn Mr. Sattler. His letter stated: "The omission of a direct refer ence to God in the United Nations Charter and the absence of formal public prayer in the United Na tions reflect the fact that its mem bers follow many different relig ions, each of which has its own belief and customs. For this reason it was recognized in the earliest days of the United Nations that no one formalized religious cere mony would be appropriate. Quite clearly a particular form of relig ious observance, such as one cus tomary *n the Christian faith, could offend other members of the United Nations who might, for ex ample, he followers of the Moslem. Hindu or Buddhist religions. Even if a decision on a particular re ligious ceremony could be reached hy a majority vote, it would not be in keeping with the fundamental American belief, as embodied in the Bill of Rights, of the freedom of the individual to worship as he chooses.” Replying to another resolution adopted at the NCCM convention which reiterated the council's stand for the internationalization of .Jerusalem, Mr. Cook stated that the United States position in favor of internationalization has not changed. SACRED HEAR! HOMECOMING September 16th-17 th 1st Ave. and Summit O------------------- ,—» Lourdes Center for Poor LOURDES, France—(NC) His Eminence Giacomo Cardinal Le caro. Archbishop of Bologna, has blessed the cornerstone for the new pilgrimage center for poor people which is being constructed here. The building is expected to he completed by next year. Teachers See What's Neu Evening classes al the College of St. Mary of the Springs will begin Thursday. Sept. 15. at 6:30 p.m. The courses are offered for the benefit of the adults in to continue their education. and around Columbus who wi a The College of St. Mery of the Springs was crowded last week as 800 teachers attended the 53rd annual diocesan principals and teachers meeting. Theme of this year's session was "A Decade of Prog ress." The program included speakers and specialized sessions featuring the latest helps in education al techniques. In the top picture. Sister Concetta, O.P., left, of St. Mary's, Lancaster and Sister Mary Colines, S.N.D., community supervisor for the Notre Dame nuns, are. shown discussing new biology visual aids with M. W. Hunter of the Dencyer-Geppert Co. of Chicago. The group of lay teachers in the bottom picture discusser use of maps with Willis O. Burk, School Supply Co., Goshen, Ind. Left to right are Mrs. John Buker, John Holzemer, Miss Joan Grilliot and Miss Priscilla Sherritt. or take courses simply as a means of self-improvement. Classes meet Monday and Thursday evenings. I Offered for the first time will he a course in Communications Techniques. Aiming to direct stu dents in the fields of journalism, radin and TV writing, and other writing for publications, the pro gram will be under the direction of Sister Maryanns, O. P, Chair man of the English Department at the College. £. writ- Lectures on newspaper ing will b* given by the Rev. Leonard Fick, editor of the Jose phinum Review and instructor of journalism at St. Mary's. Sister Elizabeth Seton, O.P., Chairman of the Speech and Drama De partment, will direct the writing of scripts. Guest speakers from the local radio and TV stations and newspapers will acquaint the class with current problems and opportunities in these media of communication. & i» •5 For the benefit of elementary teachers. Fundamentals of Music will be offered. Miss Joanne Charles will teach a course Methods in Teaching History the Secondary Schools. S3 •'a. iSl 3 Father Michael Murphy, O.P., returns to fhe Evening Session again this year with another in his series in Theology, "The Life of Christ." The course includes a brief digest of pre-Christian history and religion and a de tailed study of the main evehts in the life of Christ. Logic will be taught by Father Paul F. Small, O.P. -d I Courses in art, English, cdtica tion, business, home economics, and the modern languages will al so be given More detailed infor mation about the Evening Session may bp obtained hy calling the Registrar. Fairfax 2137. -------------o-------- sdi I g. •niI Be Loyal To Our Advertisers 3 i WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Hoermle s Hl. 4 2195 HI. 4-2196 1894 Parsons Ave Our Store l» Air Conditioned For Your Shopping Comfort £1 r*pr***ntativ* of the Modern Mi»s Peggy Morin, Mr. Burk, Mrs. WHERE THOUSANDS SAVE MILLIONS 07 Current Return Aw /0 Account* A Insured To $10,000 CENTRAL OHIO FEDERAL SAVINGS 66 South Third Street Manufacturer of America'* Outstanding Convertible Storm Se»o»n Window* and Door* rmanv 24 E. Third Avo. Columbus, Ohio THE CATHOLIC TIMES—S Friday, Sept 1955 luncement of the Caritasverband THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Erpcncncrd in Catholic. uncials oiifi CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE MAEDER-QUINT FUNERAL PARLORS e Funeral Service Since 1870 Hickory 4 -1185 1068 SOUTH HIGH ST. North Of Greenlawn Ave "I McNamara FUNERAL HOME Catholic Funeral Home I phoklniR Catholic Ideal*. Following (jithoiir Principle* CA. 1-2311 JERRY O'SHAUGHNESSY ROBERT O’SHAUGHNESSY O'Shaughnessy FUNERAL HOME 405 E. Town Street Columbus, Ohio r5S:55S:5555SSSSS55SSS$SSSSSSSSSSSSS5SS53SSS5SSSSSSSW85SS55SSSSSJS5SS5i AIR CONDITIONED PARLORS 32 Years rendering the best possible Services at the least Expense. 1177 W**t Sth Av*., Cor. Doten Av*. Columbu*, Ohio Phon* AX. 9-1233 Phon* AX. 9 5477 ibulance Private Parking Area Limousines for Weddings Licensed Embalmers and Funeral Directors 3 The modern AX 9 C" ESTABLISHED 1889 with modern Here is America's out standing aluminum con vertible window with year’-round home com fort. Check Alsen today the window that’s made right, styled right, priced right! Make First Payment After October JAMES FUCHS AM. 8*3085 DON McGUIRE HU. 8-0398