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10—THE CATHOLIC TIMES The Mexican American Con vention of Priests, whose pur pose is the care of souls among Mexicans working in the S., was formed in order to coordin ate the forces of the Church in both countries Their chief atm is the creation of a pecial secre tariate of priests of the I S and Mexico to better the conditions of Mexicans in the V S. The convention asked the Bish ops of both countries to appoint missioners for the centers where the workers are concentrated. They recommended the setting Deposit On Or Before The 10th Of The Month And Earn From The 1st CA. 4-3871 [l People*, Free. 707 Adair Ava. 60 So. Sth St. 47 N. 4th St. Friday, Oct. 19,1956 Mexican, U.S. Priests Form Group to Aid Migrants MONTERREY, Mexico NC) The first meeting of a new organization of Mexican and United States priests has urged the adoption of laws to protect Mexican workers in the U.S. up of social centers in Texas. Mississippi California and other stales The centers would help spread the Church's social doc trine and otherwise help the mi grants to maintain a firm Chris tian life. From 350,000 to 400.000 migrant workers enter the U.S. from Mex ico every year, principally for the han esting of seasonal crops. About 95 per cent of the work ers are Catholics, but they speak little or no English 'making the problem of caring for them spir itually a difficult one CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE Hub Federal Savings and Loan Association High St, at Rich Funoral Director* BYERS FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE Information Z-9 Southeastern Ohio's Most Beautiful Mortuary 935 Forest Avenue Dial GL. 2-5757 LIDO WINE STORE AMI A FLOOD (Main Floor) THE CAMERA SHOP Everything Photographic' 420 Market St. Phone 2-7302 To BUY or SELL Your Home DON HUNTER REALTY Office. Cornet of Blua and Adair Phone 3 8272 3-4708 B*dio Sarrica Appliance* Repaired ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. GEORGE SMITH |1) GaUagbat St Z*ne*vWe Ph 4-733* Electric*) Wiring Maintenance Commercial industrial Residential fHE YOUNG INS. AGENO Inc Auto Firo Liability Accidant Life Extended Coverage Bond* Dial 3-7015 Mnaonle Temple 3 701a Night*. Sun and Holiday. 3A842*a»UI* Ohie AMANA '•tore-mor* Freezer Refrigerator L. A. EMMERT •taeo 1912 GL 9 401* 34 South Third st., Xana*vlio Ohle WISEMAN DAIRY ‘Quality Products Since 1926* Phone 45R Crookgvilla, O DR. 0. C. ENGLAND OPTOMETRIST New Ground Floor Offices 21 South Sixth St. DIAL GL. 2-4328 Savings Insured To $10,000 CA. 4-7094 Clarence O'Brien, Trees. ZANESVILLE BUYERS Bolin-Bryan Funeral Homes Formerly Mader-Peoples 421 Putnam Avenue 810 Forest Avenue Ambulance Phone GL. 2-4551 Kenneth O. Bohn Directors Arthur A. Bryan Pope Urges GL. 2-1215 FUNERAL HOME Inc. J. Jacolenne Mgr Zanesville and Coshocton Ohio Your Beauty is our Career Ann's Beauty Lounge, Inc Phono 2-6152* Market St Dial 2-1076 Bohn a Kern NLfg 4 Supply Co Ftumbmg A HooSiWR luppHqe Want ads save time and money. JIM CHARLES' ZANESVILLE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ”W* Sell the Bern and Sarvtc* th* Rest'* ROYAL typewriter* OLIVETTI Calculator* 41* Market St Ph: OL MMt JUDY'S Servicp and Restaurant I Sfafg *nd W. Main Sts. Ph.rv* GL. 2 0169 Edward F. Warner Building Contractor 1150 Talley Ave. Ph. 3-6831 Zanesville World Wide Milk Product Exchange VATICAN CITY His Holi ness Pope Pius XH has proposed an international exchange of milk by-products and further extension of the milk distribution program to school children. The Pope addressed his remarks to 3.000 members of the Interna tional Milk Congress gathered here for an audience. “All people of every genera tion can draw benefit from this gift of God for the health of the body.” the Pontiff said. “This material world, in which the Providence of God has plac ed the human family, is not mere ly a beautiful piece of scenery or a warehouse tilled with physical resources for the life of the body. It is a real parable, the different elements of which speak of its su perior qualities to pure hearth and to minds of good intention.” The Pope concluded by recall ing the scriptural references to milk. He referred to the Old Testament in which milk, "the di vine heritage of a race of shep herds” was taken as a symbol of the temporal benedictions of the Creator. St. Peter, said His Holi ness, told the faithful to ask God. with the simplicity of children, for “the milk of good doctrine.” Parish Project* CINCINNATI More than 100 parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have undertaken ma jor developments at an expense of approximately $30,000,000. Archbishop Karl J. Aller declar ed in an address at Miamisburg, recently. He spoke to an overflow crowd that had gathered to witness the blessing of the new' church-school building and new content of Our Lady of Good Hope parish. GUIDE Busing** Announcements Z-30 Appliances ELECTRIC APPLIANCES w 8 DElTRlCK W* Pb 4-4*.4 Ct** 4-44** WRIGHT VRM COLA ROTTUNG CO *4» w |ti»pg -tir. Cleaners and Dyers DUSENBBRRY lit Oeaorwoxi Pte Drug Stores ponrr ad***** t-UT) INSURANCE FINAN INSURANCE AGENCY FIRST HUJRT BLDG PH 2.324* MOCKING INSURANCE AGENCY INC Fir* Auto Truck. Ph*nt GL 2-7743 Lawft Mowers—Sharpened H*nd and Power Mower* machine sharpened and repaired Pick up and delivery. Call after 4 P. Phone GL. 33593 MULLENIX 714 Luck Ave Zanemville AID BUDGET LOAN Automobile Household Good* txian* 412 Market S “Rill" Hart Dial »7S1» Hanifan Decorators, Inc. Domestic and Industrial Punters and Decorators 829 Park St Zane mile 4 4 4 W. J. HECK CO. General Contractors Zonesville Williams Bakery 626 Z-73 Television PLOWMBR RADIO BKHTICB YW1.HV1SHM* BOB MILLER & SON Your DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer b47 Putnam Ave. GL. 2-3663 Zatietvile BORDEN'S Gail Borden Milk PHONE 2-5451 Zanesville. Ohio 9eoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Adams Bros. lnc Ex«*»*onf A Grading Ran dr Mi»*d Conerat* Raildm* Sopplia* Wa«dl**n Av*. Zanarvffi*. O 1*01 Phan* t-TM« Coner*W Plant at Goahoeton. Ohl* Phon* W-? K E Y S A E Insurance Agency, Inc. Complete Insurance Service "SERVICE FIRST*" 210 First Notional Bank Bldg William N Kaytaer GL. 2-9309 BROUGHTON NURSING HOME •‘Th* Home of Comfort" Special Diet Feed* Fine Heme Cooking Semi and Private Room* Pleasant Porch and Ground. Reeoanable Rate* UNDER SUPERVISION OF B.N. Vi*it our Healthful Surrounding* or Cell 2-3317 94 HOUR NURSING CARB 1243 Blue Ave. Caught in action by a special sequence camera, His Holiness Pope Pius XII shows great animation as he speaks from the balcony of his summer residence at Cas telgandolfo to a crowd gathered in the ers in this and that “all educationally leadership." In this sense, he said. Catholic] leadership can come from any-F on. “from the dedicated house wife to the director of a large enterprise.” "Who in the practical order can provide the leadership in teaching Catholic family living better than the parents who are living it? And who can teach the social doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of justice and rights better than the industrial- Msgr. Ryan Praises Army Program The Pope Speaks Newman Priest Cites Need of Catholic Leaders in Jet Age CINCINNATI (NC) The challenge of Catholic leadership in the “supersonic, jet-propelled, trigger-control led 20th century” is the “most significant test that clergy and laity have faced since the days of the Apostles,” ac cording to Father Jerome V. Mac Bachin, chaplain of the Catholic|it who is following that teaching student Foundation at Michigan I in the employer-employee rela Statc College. |tionship?” Father MacEachin Opening th* Xavier Uni* |said. varsity Fall Forum laefura tor* ies, Fafhar MacEachin mad* if dear that "all Catholic* arc not awaro of thoir rola as load changing world" Catholic* arc not prepared for Yet they must face a test which!. .......- ....... to not a struggle against super II Father MacEachin, “has re sulted in a Jwo-headed mon ster, communism and secular ism evil force* striving to keep God in exile from the world." The challenge to Catholic lead ership is "to put God back into the lives of men and nations.*’ and the meaning of Catholic leadership is "the capacity and the desire to work intelligently for the restoration of all things in Christ,” he said. "Catholic leadership," Fa ther MacEachin went on, "means knowing whore you are going, why you are going, and how you are going to get there. And motivated by the love of God we must travel with such enthusiasm and de votion that we will bring at least one more person with us." __---------------------- I BUYERS' DOLAND stition. not a quarrel with jao II L/W1.AAIWJ toted heresies not these!] Clothing & Shoos things, hut more. Our opponents]! are the accumulated pervervi 59 S. 3rd St. Newark, O ties which ha\e survived the past!—— .................... ........... 2000 years.” he said. “This fermentation," said Expert TV Service In Home or Shop DAUGHERTY TELEVISION 7 N. 4th St. FA. 4-3351 Swanks Market Phone FA. 3-2151 ,45 Gronvillo NRwarto Borne* lnt«er«ty The Park National Bank George W. Arensberg PHARMACIST SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTONS Seat Covers I I WASHINGTON. (NCI- Chief I in the Far East and Alaska. “The army s religious program! is stronger today than at any! time in my 28 years of service,”! Msgr. Ryan said. He expressed satisfaw I tion with the added measures I being token by each com* mender to screen literature being sold, through army post exchanges. The generally high morale I and good moral conduct of troops whom he saw during his tour was attributed by Msgr. Ryan to the support given the Army religious program by commanders, and to the hard work of the chaplains. o----------------- College Opens I TOLEDO—Knowledge of things I should lead to increased knowl-l edge of God. Bishop George I Rehring told Mary Manse College! students last week at the Mass! opening the new term. He said:! “Let’s never forget that every-1 thing around us is a creature of] God Knowledge of things should! be sought in the light of this truth, said Bishop Rehring. Ono-Hour Service RELIABLE Seat Cover Shop Cor Sixth and Wilson FA. 4-3921 Newark. Ohio I of Army Chaplains, Megr. Maj. IA TUE U II Gen Patrick J. Ryan, was un-l I 11 fc. ii W w pressed by the "strong position’’!^ of the Army s religious programM during his recent tour of bases The Btsag Store Men's and Boy's Clothing NEWARK. OHIO F| I I "Where Good umtture to Not Expensive" "WHEN WE FURNISH YOUR HOUSE IT BECOMES A HOME" Dial FA. 3-9101 22-24 ARCADE E. E. CARTNAL AND SON Roofing Sheet Metal Furnaces PHONE FA 4-4141 Rear 58 S. 4th St. Newark, Ohio 1 & courtyard below. The Pope has been hold ing weekly open-air audiences at Castel gandolfo, in the hill country a few miles south of Rome. (Wirephoto). The Atomic Energy commis sion wished to test a new type of miniature A-bomb without at tracting wide publicity. So instead of choosing the Nevada desert or a Pacific island for the exposition they selected an isolated and sup posedly uninhabited valley in the Great Smokies. The day after the bomb was dropped, an old mountaineer with a long beard and a rusty squir rel rifle turned up at a crossroads settlement. “Ah don’ know what General lee s a-fixin to do.” he said, "but ah gonna surrendah!” Catholic Digest—October o---------------------- Wa-it ads save time and money Information Schlitz Burger, Gam Distributor Licking County Hines Distributing Company New’ark O Phone FA 64911 Carry Outs MONTGOMERY CARRY OUT COLD BEER ALE WINE PARTY SUPPLIER CASE DELIVERY Open »4 A M. t* 12:»» P.M 143 3. Tlnrd FA -4331 SEPTIC TANKS 123 E. Broadway Granville, O. Herbert H. Huffman GROCERY 828 Any Make Any Model NEWARK Pr*-Ca*t Cancret* SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS W. L. MATTOX Pk*n* DI. 4-5*2*. Nowork Ohio Saving* Loan NEWARK SAVINGS LOAN CO REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURED SAVINGS HANBY'S Electric & Paint Star. E. Main St. FA. 64)581 Newark, Ohio For Advertising Rates Writ*: AD DEPT. CATHOLIC TIMES P. O. BOX 636 COLUMBUS OHIO DEBT COLLECTIONS Account*—.Note* Claim, of any kind of debt.—anywhere In Amer ica. No collection*--No fee. We ad vance all co»t*. MARTIN HEATING CO. Sales and Service AMERICAN STANDARD SUNBEAM HEATING EQUIPMENT JANITROL EQUIPMENT TIMKEN SILENT AUTOMATIC Oil___ GAS COAL Phone FA. 5-8241 Roar 384 W. Church St. Insured Deposits THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Motew F*d*ral DagaaM African Church Music A Natural SHINY ANGA. East Africa Maryknoll Missioners are encour aging new Christians here adapt their natural talent music into Church music. A good example of this can be cited in the case of Tobais, a How can you fail to make the kalei Get money in scads by using want ads. unera LIFE TIME CAREER BE A HAIRDRESSER 3-B School of Beauty 1TV% S. PARK PLACE PHONE FA. 4 *3*1 Ca*h and payment plan. CHnte *pen te th* public, minimam price*. No appointment neeraoary /VWWVWVVhAAAMWWVWWVteF Furniture & Appliances 57-59 W. Main St Newark WYWYWVYWYVWWW RITCHEY'S Restaurant Newark, Ohio Altmoyor Shell Service Greatest Gasoline Development in 31 Years Feel the Difference tn One Tankful IM GranvHle St. at Buckingham JACK D. BRADDOCK auctioneer Complete Dispersal Of Personal And Real Property Phone JU. 2-2211 Grenville, Ohio WALKER'S VACUUM CLEANER SALES AND SERVICE rmone fa i-oen EAST MAIN ST. NEWARK, O lei NEWARK MERCHANTS CREDIT ASSN. Schau* Bldg. Phone FA. AA511 Newark Ohle for People young catechist, who, before his conversion, was a locally-famoui dance leader and composer of pagan dance music. Now, To bail composes songs about the Church and its sacraments which have proven very popular with the Christians. Sung in native rhythm and melody, the songs are accom panied by the clapping of hands. to for ef- Further evidence of the forts of missioners to incorpor ate the natural talents of peoples into their new' lives as Chris tians is seen by the role of music in the Church here. Tobais has a natural talent for interpreting the meaning of the sacraments into his songs which lend to translate the importance and dignity of the sacraments into a natural African harmony. C^ofutnLuA n or 'ears Phone CA. 1-6665 DEPENDABLE AND COURTEOUS IEgan-RyanCLEVELAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST BROAD AT GUipj I Ora Shannon REALTOR 365 National Drivo FAirfax 2-2261 Newark, O. IntopaatoRt Balry lac. PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS of Ch» Dairy” 41 Kreig St., phone FA. 4-3321 EARL FRIEDLINE BPOVTINO ROOFING SCHILL HJR14ACB8 Repair Work 28 Yaaia 8.r.*rt*ei Dewey T. Hartley, O.D. First National Bonk Bldg. Phone: FA. 6-0641, Newer*, O. itseeee—eeoeeoeeeeasei TRAM WITH THB ROE EMERSON 62-66 E. Main St. Phon* FA. 4-4661 Over 20 Years in Newark TOM STEVENS NORTH PARK FLORIST Ohio’s Most Beautiful Flower Shop 1237 Mt. Vernon Rd. FAiriex 6*234! MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budwgtsar Wiedemann's Red Top Gibson s Wino 8Y0AB SHOKfi Trw-FdUaM* U—d Core West Mein Motors CKMKNT. BUCK. NEW AND US RD LUM AND BUILDING WATS S. G. (TEDO) LOEWENDICK SONS LINNV1LUI ROA* PHONE FA. 4-1*41 BEAVER STORES Zanocvillo. Ohte WSOD/NaS----a/ATHDAYS WOWfRp caxo f»A at its'-ann/veasa a/es NEWARK, OHIO