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1—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Friday, Oct. 19,1956 Timet Classifieds get results. For Advertising Rates Write: AD DEPT. CATHOLIC TIMES O. BOX 636 COLUMBUS OHIO Then try We guarantee a pleasant wrpritel 6^KWKWT£.V Try us just once and you'll •ee the big difference in Sanitone Dry Cleaning Spotless Deop-down dirt gone Colors end textures vovived Perfect pros* Odor free Try Sanitone Service and see why we say, "Never again will you be satisfied with ordinary dry cleaning.’’ TROY Lniinderpn & Dry Cleaners Call CA. 4-1231 ar A. 4-6251 For Service to Your Home Sines ISdO Serving For Your More Gracious Lwttig Out .SANlTONi ‘.Wl I CALL TODAY JIM FOX AM. 8-3085 Member St. James The Less Lay Diaconate May Be Possible Solution For Priest Shortage Tha author of tha following article was a membar of the American delegation to the International Congress on Pastoral Liturgy recently concluded a* Assisi. He ha* been an instructor in the liturgy at the Catholic University of America and the Uni versity of Notre Dame. Hi* article sum* up the late Archbishop O'Hara idea* on restoring of the diaconate to tho laity. By Father W. Michael Ducey, O.S.B. (Written for N.C.W.C. News Service) This question ha* been str iously debated in France, Ger* many and mission countries. The report on the success of the new Holy Week ordo in the United States, prepared by the late Archbishop Edwin O'Hara, indicated that serious consideration has been given the suggestion in American oc clesiastical circles as well. That report, delivered by Aux iliary Bishop I-co Duorschak of Fargo, ended with the follow ing recommendation: “The inspiring liturgy of the Holy Week should be adaptable not merely to well established parishes, but also to towns and villages in our rural areas where there may not even be a chapel. The Church al Praver through the liturgy *hould bp a witness to Chris! .n even village, through the restored ministry of the dia conate.” This suggestion, along with oth ers made in the report, comes as a kind of "last will and testa ment’ of Archbishop O'Hara, one of our great American pastoral leaders. Th* critical lack of priests In many region* ha* made the normal conduct of pastoral ac tivities very difficult, if not im possible, in an over increasing number of dioceses. This diffi culty is net being ameliorated by the corresponding grovrth of vocation*. The loss of priests during the war thp shift of atholic popu lalions to areas free from linn Curtain restrictions and the dif ficulties presented to pastoral ac tnities among people still behind the Iron Curtain, all combine v. ilh the tremendous demands made upon priests in mission countries Io cause grave concern to Church leadeis This concern has been sharp ened by the new Holy Week lit BLUE VALLEY BU1TER IS GOOD BUTTER That’s Why Millions Us* of the Assisi Liturgical Congress came a suggfs might solve the acute shortage of pnests, espec tion that tally in mission areas. It was recommended that the ministry of the diaconale be restored to the Latin Catholic Rite. urgy. Here the difficulty is that the new ritual calls fdr a great er participation by the laity but the new character of the services also demands a greater minister ial assistance tor their proper performance. In parishes having only one priest, laymen have oft cn been needed to carry out some of the less important roles. Hence the desire is being voiced for a restoration of that form of pastoral assistance rop resented by the minor order* as well a* the diaconate. The diaconate and minor orders were self-contained liturgical ministries in the early church. Now retained only in their sym bolic their tical tions by many to offer en ideal solu- I tion to the problem. I form, in tho Latin rite, restoration as a prac aid in ministerial fune and pastoral work is teen Thus the Conlerrnce of Vicars I Apostolic for Indonesia and hi I na recommended, among olherl things that, ’the minor churchl functions and orders be re estab I lished in a form adapted to I modern conditions.” I An official mandate of the I Church.” it continued, ’should be I j.i\cn to lay assistants in the I care of souls catechists, lectors.I etc by means of a true liturg ical action performed either bj a bishop or Driest. Even tne restoration of the dia I conate. without the obligation of celibacy, should be considered for the benefit of those parishes which lark priests to aid in the distribution of Holy Communion, preaching, etc.” This resolution was brought to Assisi by the official spokes* man for the missionary coun tries, Bishop Wilhelm van Bek kum ,S.V.D., vicar Apostolic of Ruteng, Indonesia. Bishop ven Bekkum stated "such a reform in the traditional system of or dination 1* greatly to bo de sired (for) the difficulties confronting missionary priests are immense. Distributing Holy Communion to hundreds and sometimes even thousands of the faithful hy one or two priests disrupts and un duly prolongs the services Some 1 times a single priest has to care [for as many as twenty settle ments. tf you haven’t been reading the want ads, you have been losing money. Read them and profit. Alto Sfons fhtt tat simalitdt Hitlg 7 gun of utul kens txt! Tha wsi. dupheatmg nearly aewn yean of actual home use. was conducted over a grueling 66 hours Punishment to the door easily equal to that inflicted by a family of growing boys! Rewrite After 100.000 eloeorM. there was no visible sign of wear or breakdown. Alsco's box-beam frame, etamlesa steel binges, and new push button latch wars still in excellent rendition. Your cordial Aleeo man can tel yon mrww •bout this amazing test. tricaffy op«ic-»a pj-» Opened do»»d do gna About the It ALSOO Oaart EIVIN AWAY FRH aattilai to bvyl OR CALL CHARLES MELFI BR. 9-6185 Member K C. Council 2898 I I Bishop Ready meet* several of the principal figure* in the 11th annual DCCW convention held last week in Columbus. From left to right, Mr*. Alexander Glock ner, regional director of the National Council of Catholic Women Mrs. Leo Jen nings, the new president of the Diocesan Record Crowd Attends A plea for more fervent and more frequent prayers for peace was voiced by Bishop Ready when he ad dressed the Eleventh An nual Convention of the Dio cesan Council of (’atholic Women in Columbus last week. Bishop Ready spoke to tho convention group at the Pon tifical High Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral and at the closing banquet at the Neil House. He stressed the great need for ac tive assistance to the aged and infirm of the Diocese by pro viding increased facilities for their care and by giving them personal attention in the true spirit of Christian Charity. The women of the Diocese were also urged by their lake a strong stand in dress and decency of entertainment and their power to effect an improve ment in this regard. Bishop to on decency in all forms tn do all in A record crowd of 103ft per sons registered for the conven tion. Throughout the morning and afternoon the delegates and vis itors attended workshops which were conducted by the commit 1 «V on Religion' Activities. Cath olic Charities, Family Ufe. Par ent Teacher Associations, Social Action, Internationa! Relations, Adult Education, Organization and Development Civil Defense, land Public Relations. At the business session dele I gales from Parish Councils and I affiliations throughout the Din I cese passed on a group of resolu I lions developed hy the standing I committees of the organization. I In regard to a proper respect I for the sanctity of Sunday, the I Council went on record as giv I ing its support to all reason I able attempts to promote or en I force legislation which will al* I low a real community observ I anca of Sunday by forbidding I unnecessary employ ment on I that day. I The Council urged that public I authorities I use the authority giv- en them in constructing public I housing which will help fulfill II he needs of low income groups I that Council members devote I their efforts toward founding and loperating rest homes and nursing I homes near I I all the parish churches land that the Civil Defense "Bud Idy Program” be approved in the I parochial schools. I On the subject of integration I the Councils resolutions stated I that Parents in fulfilling their I divine obligation to I children educate their should not have to en I dure the suppress.on of their Lights through segregation May I all sections of this country qmck- ly find it possible to integrate I their schools" I Iav Teachers I school I in the parochial system were commended by the Council for their sacrifices I to provide I parochial education for larger numbers of Catholic chil I dren. I In regard to Federal Aid I ward all Speakers Stress Need For Active Stand Today In Public Affairs Miss Alba Zizzamia, UN corre spondent for the National Cath olic Welfare Conference. The Council urged members to con tinue “to seek every opportunity of cooperating with local civic groups toward educating the citi zens of the community on the ne cessity, nature and function of Vnited Nations as an agency for world understanding, peace, and prosperity.” In her talk on “Who to- children, the Council I stated that "Segregation is un- I American in any area therefore. children should share the I minimum service* offered in leral legislation I Council members I vote conscientiously I fed- were urged to in the com- ing election, and in the 1957 ses Ision of the Ohio legislature to I pay particular attention to the I following issues: Fair Employ- I ment Practices I Act. Film Censor- ship, Protection for working worn I en and I minors, and right to work law s I On the subject ef unrestrlct I ed shewing ef condemned films I in i number of moving picture I houses, the Council stated that I "this inability of the communi I ty to afford any protection or I support to families trying to I train their children for a heal I thy, reeponsiblo adulthood re* I veals a shocking wooknoM In I our social fabric." I The Diocesan Council’s plonk Ion the United Nations coincided I very closely with the views ex •pressed by the banquet speaker. Council Bishop Ready Miss Alba Zizzam ia, National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service correspondent at the United Nations, who gave the principal address of the Convention and Mrs. Frank Vogel, the retiring president of the Diocesan Council. 11th DCCW Convention Is My Neighbor.” Miss Zizzamia asked for patience and understanding of the problems that face United Nations and a consideration of the positive achievements of the many agencies connected with it. particularly UNICEF. Miss Zizzamia stated that the UN is only as good as the nations that comprise it. and as the rep resentatives sent to it from those nations. KELVINATOR HERE’S ALL YOU Stop in at any cooperating electric appliance deafer and ask for rm OP- ER ADON SUNSHINE entry card. On tht* entry cord mark down the spoo* provided THE EXACT NUMBER OF HOURS ANO MINUTES OF SUNSHINE YOU THINK THERE WILL BE NEXT WEEK. Sign your name and address and drop the card it* the mad box. No poetoge st required. V Each week tor Rue week* THREE WIN* SPEED QUEEN Glick's Furniture 65 E. Long St. Glick's Furniture Great Western Shopping Center Glick's Furniture Northern Lights Shopping Center Nelson Furniture Co. Main and 4th St. Star Furniture 130 E Mom St. Star Furniture 570 N. High St. I K Supply Groveport, Ohio A plea for understanding of different cultures of various peoples in United Nations was made by Miss Zizzamia. She al so asked her listeners to con sider taking foreign students into their homes, particularly those from countries having dif ferent culture* than ours, re gardless of race or color. Introduction of the newly plected Diocesan Council officers concluded the convention Mrs. Frank H. Vogel, the retiring pres ident. presented the following new officers to the Council: Mrs. I^o Jennings, St. Nicholas Par ish, Zanesville, president Mrs. J. Harold Breen. St. Christopher's Parish, Columbus, secretary and Miss Veronica Basbagill. St. Mary'a Parish, Delaware, treasur- Mrs. Jennings is a past preai dent of the Eastern Deanery of Daily Praises ans to write k Quit Beauty Contest VATICAN CITY—(Radio, NO —The Vatican City daily newspa per has praised the New England girl who withdrew from a beauty contest in l/indon because she aid not want to appear before judges and the public dresseu in a bathing suit. Mi** Janatto Da Montalk had baan elected "Mis* New Zea land" and was to appear in competition for the title, "Min World." In withdrawing from the con test she said she had been elect ed Miss Zealand on the tasis of grace, culture, education and intelligence and not .or the beau ty of her physical lines alone. The Vatican daily, L’ Osserva tore Romano, noted that at long last a contest was “honored by an honest withdrawal which amounts to a protest.” These fe male exhibitions, the paper ob served, were unheard of in the pagan world and are not jot ap proved in the greater part of the non-Christian world. The present type of oeauty contests, it said, are incongruous and contradictor}- phenomena in a Christian society. The beau’y contests, it added, bear close re semblance to zoological studies for the improvement of a breed of animals. Mission Society Celebrates Centenary DUBLIN—(NC)-—The centenary of the Society of African Mis sions was celebrated here at a Mass presided over by His Em inence James Cardinal D'Alton, Archbjshop of Armagh. Present at the 100th annivers ary of the society, founded by Bishop Belchoir de Bresillac in France, was Archbishop Albert LeVame, Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland. If you haven't bean reading fhs want ads, you have been losing monoy. Read them and profit. the Council of Catholic Women, and is Vice-President of the Di ocesan Lay teachers Association. She is a teacher at St. Nicholas School Zanesville and is ac tively serving on the Zanesville Council of Human Rights and the Zanesville Community Center, as well as the Zanesville Catholic Welfare Board. NORGE NfRS wtb be preked on Ike bam of Ike •ntrants who coms closest to the actual hours and mwMrte* of sunshine. Each of these vmntn wril receive a famous name electric clothe* dryer Ear best postmark writ determine the winner in case of he*. At the end of the tore-week contest, the entry that bo* come closest to the official report during the entire contest wiM receive os a grand prize e COLOR TV sot. Boginning October 22, tho following Speed Queen, Kolvinetor end Norge Dealers invite you to in and enter Operation Sunshine KELVINATOR D. L. Arnold 3301 E. Main St. B. F. Goodrich 1942 Parson* Avo. B. F. Goodrich 194 N 4th St Royal TV A Appl. Co. 124 E. Main St. *AIM Lyon* Electric Appl Delaware, Ohio NORGE Sun Appliance 276 S. High St. Hamilton Appliance 1921 E 5th Ave Molnar Appliance 131 Yearling Rd. Ebert Furniture 4133 E. Mam St. Electric Appliance 1229 E Mound St. Buckeye Radio Lab. 368 E. Whittier Steelton Furniture Co. 1857 Parsons Ave Clintonville Elec. Co. 3367 N. High St. I A A Appliance 2723 Cleveland Ave. Boston Store 168 N. High St. General Tire Sales 4th and Long St. Watch TV Weatherman 12 and 6:40 p.m. for clues of Operation Sunshine Mass Ordo^ LITURGY Of The WEEK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST: MISSION SUNDAY Green vestments, Gloria, Sec ond and Third prayers (in Low Masses) of St. Hilar ion and for the Propagation of the Faith, Credo, Preface of the Trinity. MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 FERIAL DAY AAASS AS ON SUNDAY Green vestments, no Gloria, Second prayer (in Low Masses) for the Pope, no Credo, Common Preface. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 FERIAL DAY MASS AS ON MONDAY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER FEAST OF ST. RAPHAEL ARCHANGEL COLOR Enter every week if you like? THE See- White vestments, Gloria, ond prayer (in Low Masses) for the Pope, no Credo, Common Pre face. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 COMMEMORATION OF STS. CHRYSANTHUS AND DARIA MASS AS ON SUNDAY Green vestments, no Gloria, Second and Third prayer* (in Low Masses) of Sts. Chrysanthu* and Daria and for the Pope, no Credo, Common Preface.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 COMMEMORATION OF ST. EVAR1STUS MASS AS ON SUNDAY Green vestments no Gloria, Second and Third prayers (in Low Masses) of St. ^varistus and for the Pope, no Credo, Common Preface. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 97 SATURDAY OF OUR LADY White vestments, Gloria, Sec ond prayer (in Low Masses) for the Pope, Preface of the Blessed Virgin. Lay Retreats 1P56 October 19-21 **4S4 MOOMtoOOS Women October 26 28 ______.. Women November 2 4 ..... Women November 9*11 ............Women November 16-18 ................. Mon LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Theresa Shrine S277 E. Broad Street SPEED QUEEN This beautiful You may •ntor the contest every weak but each entry mvet be postmarked be fore ewdmght of the Satuestoy preceding the week of your pwOM. Electric opphonce dealer* and toH butors, employee* of Columbu* and Southern Ohio Electric Company, their advertising agency and tomrito* ore net eligible to enter. Arrigo Plumbing Hdwg. & Appl. 959 Frebts Ave. Bill Owens Appliances N. Starr and Lane Ave. Browning Appliances 3945 Cleveland Ave Mayers A| 2300 Bennington Sales 2625 N. High St. Major Home Appliances tlianca Store lullivont Ave. Delaware, Ohio House and Home, Inc. 499 N. High St.