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Bishop Ready meets with members of the executive committee of the Diocesan National Catholic Youth Week Observance to discuss plans for Communion Sunday, Oct. 28. From left are: Fr. William Johnson, assistant pastor of Our Lady of Victory, Jim Buzelli, O.L.V., Bishop Ready, Mary Schwarz and Jim DeStazio, St. Mary Magdalene par* Ish and Father Colby Grimos, assistant pastor of St. Thom as parish. Read "Trust in Youth" on Page four this week. Vol. VI, No. 4 Pope Defines Role Of Modern Woman Hits False Ideas Women Not Barred from any Human Activity but Must Remember Purpose CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (NC) “The high con sideration every decent man must always give a woman ihould also be incorporated into the laws and institutions of civilized countries,” His Holiness Pope Pius XII has de clared. In a strongly worded mes sage to th* Federation of Ital ian Women, th* Holy Father la mented the fact that modern woman "is often th* object of degradation and some times downright contempt on th* part •f a world fostering paganism." The Pope delivered his 4000 vord address over the radio to a convention of several thousand Italian women at Loreto. In it, he condemned the “false theor ies, frivolous customs and per verse associations” which he said are 'turning women away from their duties and trammeling their God-given dignity. All this, he said, is often hid den under the deceptive appear- «nce of the “exaltation” of ol womanhood. The Holy Father gave a direct answer to those, who “are con stantly repeating that the Church is opposed to the so-called ‘eman cipation of women from feudal systems,’ Propagandists who follow such a line, he said, have made a twisted and superficial interpretation of those laws and customs which are dictated by convention. He added that such people attribute to the Chuch something which it has rejected ever since its beginnings. “Oh how we wish that ... all the women of the world would gather around the throne of the Virgin,” he said, “to learn from (Continued on page 2) Diocese To Observe Cemetery Sunday Bishop Ready has designated this Sunday as Cemetery Sunday in the Diocese with appropriate ceremonies to be held in all Diocesan cemeteries. Ceremonies will begin at Mount Calvary and St. Joseph cemeteries in Columbus at 3 p.m. The following priests have been assigned by the Bishop to the respective ceremonies. Seton Hill Confers Honorary Degree On Msgr. Glenn Monsignor Paul J. Glenn, rec tor of St. Charles Seminary will deliver the dedicatory address at the cornerstone laying of the Reeves Memorial Library at Se ton Hill College, Greensburg, Pa., this Sunday. The new building enshrines the memory of the Fr. James A. Reeves, STD, for many years president of Seton Hill, who died tn 1947. Doctor Reeves was a triend and schoolmate of Mon signor Glenn. In conjunction with the cor nerstone laying ceremony, an aca demic convocation will be held for the conferring of honorary degrees. Monsignor Glenn will receive the degree of Doctor of Letters. October November November November Docember October November o----------------- Archbishop Mitty, Marks 50th Year as Priest SAN FRANCISCO— (NC) Archbishop John J. Mitty, head of the Archdiocese of San Fran cisco since 1935, observed his 50th year as a priest with a Mass of Thanksgiving. Mount Calvary Cemetery Celebrant Bishop Ready, Deacon Father J. Arnold Fav ret, Subdeacon Father George Kennedy, Cross Bearer Father Patrick Sorohan, Acolytes Fa ther John Fulcher, Father Thom as Cadden, Thurifer Father Thomas Lowery, Holy Water, Fa ther James Hanley, Mitre Bearer, Father Arthur Dimond, Book Bearer, Father Lawrence O’Con nor, Candle Bearer, Father Eu gene Yoris. Master of Ceremon ies Father James J. Carroll, Vice-chancellor. The Saint Charles Choir has been assigned to Mount Calvary Cemetery. Saint Joseph Cemetery Celebrant Bishop Hettinger, Deacon Father Raymond Bau schard, Subdeacon Father Har ry Estadt. Cross Bearer Father William Huber, Acolytes Fa ther James Haag, Father Ray mond Goode, Thurifer Father James Cooney, Holy Water Fa ther Omer Schroeder, Mitre Bear er Father Ralph Huntzinger, Book Bearer Father James Kraus, Candle Bearer Father John Tague, Master of Ceremon ies Father George F. Schorr. The Josephinum Choir has been assigned to Saint Joseph Ceme tery. Fall Confirmation Schedule Bishop Ready 30th 4th 4th 6th 16th 7:30 4:00 7:30 7:30 3:00 PAA. Saint Mary Magdalene, Columbus P.M. Saint Michael, Worthington P.M. Saint James the Less, Columbus P.M. Opr Lady of Lourdes, Marysville F.M. Saint Joseph Cathedral, Columbus Bishop Hettinger 30th 7:30 PAA. Saint Mary, Marion 8th 7:?0 P.M. Saint Agatha, Columbus Hugh Graves, New Welfare Board Head Hugh Graves, a member of Our Lady of Peace parish and pur chasing agent at M. and R. Die tetics Laboratory, was elected chairman of the advisory board of the Catholic Welfare Bureau, at a meeting held last week at the Fort Hayes Hotel. Mr. Graves has been vice-chair man of the board for the past year and has taken an active part in many bureau committees. At the same time*Mr. Fergus Theibert, a member of St. Thomas Parish was elected vice chairman. Mr. Theibert is con nected with the loan office of the Guarantee Title and Trust, Columbus. Mrs. Charles Hood, a member of St. Agatha parish was elected Secretary of the advisory board. The retiring officers in addi tion to Mr. Graves, are Mr. Philip Baehr, of St. Christopher, former chairman, and Mrs. Herman Ja cobs of St. Thomas Parish, former secretary. Other members of the advisory board for the coming year are: Msgr. Francis Schwendeman, Fr. John Byrne, Fr. Harry Estadt, Norman Altman. Jr., Robert P. Breen, Eugene W. Butler, Mitch ell J. Buttress, Clarence Houck, Dr. Thomas Hughes, Mrs. Her man Jacobs, Thomas Keys, Dr. David J. Spangler, Robert H. Sweinsberger, and Eugene Wal cutt. -----------------o---------------- New Irish Diplomat Arrives at Vatican VATICAN CITY—(NC)—Thom as McCauley, new Irish ambassa dor to the Holy See, has arrived here to succeed former ambass ador Cornelius Cremin. All youn School Children 4Beg’ For Less Fortunate Next Tuesday Night Many Diocesan school children will be begging for pennies for UNICEF (United Nations International Child ren’s Emergency Fund) rather than for “Treats” for them selves on “Trick or Treat” night, on October 30. Many Diocesan school children will be begging furnished by the Columbus Milk Distributors for receiving the pennies when they ring neighbor hood door bells. Last year 6000 towns and cit ies across our land participated in th* Pennies for UNICEF and Columbus and Franklin County led th* nation with $4319 col lected. Th* 14 parochial schools which cooperated in ect turned in a total 29. /-r-r XT Al___ T—. A di 1 /^1 They will carry small milk cartons which have been the proj of $1025.- money ob- UNICEF uses the tained to help protect the world’s children from hunger and disease by furnishing milk, medicines, and preventive shots for them. Th* work has had both th* blessing and the financial sup port of our Holy Father th* Pope. Cartons are distributed through the Sisters in the Catho lic schools and by the Directors of Children’s work in Protestant and Jewish churches. Mrs. Wm. DuBrul, 949 E. Cooks Road, is serving as Co-Chairman of the UNICEF Committee, repre senting the Catholic women of Columbus and Franklin County. Mrs. W. L. Harris, 2538 Berwyn Road, Deanery PTA Chairman of the D.C.C.W., is serving on the committee. The Presidents of the PTA’s in the parochial schools have ap pointed chairmen to work with the Sisters in the distribution of the cartons and in the counting of the pennies, and then will send Catholic Youth Week 1 rr mi Eucharistic Crusade Rally at Coshocton receive Holy Youth week gets under way. Bithop Ready in a letter to all pestorc this week asked for full participation saying, "I am confident that it will prove in teresting for all who take pert Apostolic Blessing WASHINGTON (NC) Hi* Holiness Pope Pius XII has bestowed his special apostolic benediction upon all who par ticipate in National Catholic Youth Week, Oct. 28 to Nov. 4. This was announced her* in a letter written by His Excel lency Archbishop Amleto Gi ovanni Cicognani, Apost o I i Delegate to th* United States. in it. We hear much about the need of direction for th* young men and women of today. That help and guidance should come from the parent* and th* par Last Sunday- Bishop Ready was present at a lea given by the Faculty Council of Newman Hall to introduce the new Chaplains, Fathers Richard Walsh and John Keating. On Sunday afternoon at 3:30, the first in a series of discussions on the general theme, “The Catholic Church and the Modern Mind.” will be held at Newman Hall. This new program is an en deavor to present a program for the Catholic faculty of Ohio State University so that they may meet on a social and intellectual level. Dr. Anthony Nemetz will lead the discussion Sunday on the sub ject, “The Catholic Church and Education”. This program is also open to interested graduate stu dents. The Masses at Newman Hall on November 1 will be at 7, 8, 12 noon and 5:30 p.m. On All Souls Day. Masses will be at 7, 12 noon and 5:30 p.m. Confessions will be beard on Wednesday and Thurs day from 4 to 5:30 and from 7:30 until 9. their receipts to Mrs. Press Southworth, 2258 Qeievan Drive. Treasurer of the D.C.C.W., who will turn in all the money from the schools to the general com mittee. people of the Diocese have been asked to Communion this Sunday as National Catholic -----------------o-----------------dam, Petition Social Security Benefits for Italian Priests ROME—(NC)—The Italian De partment of Labor and Social Provision here has received a pe tition asking that the proposed law granting social security ben efits to Sisters and Religious be broadened to include diocesan priests. Next Sunday, October 28, from 2-4 p. m. the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd will hold open house at the Brother Martin Home, 526-534 East Rich Street in Colum bus. The home, which was founded seven years ago, furnishes an abode for seriously and physically handicapped young men. Above one of young guests of the home makes a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. ent* and parish priest* since if is under their that the young spend so much of their time. I urge you to consider your own serious responsibilitty in this regard end to counsel the fa thers and mother* of th* par ish concerning their obliga tions." Following th* theme "Trust in Youth," th* lace! program of activities will "stress the need of a spiritual foundation for the leaders of tomorrow" according to Father Richard Dodd, diocesan director of youth. All this week the young peo ple will assist at Mass and re ceive Holy Communnon for the intention of the Bishop, Fr. Dodd said. At 3 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 4, at the new Youth Center on the Ohio State Fairgrounds, the Eu charists Holy Hour and Youth tally will end the week long ac (Continued on page 2) The Catholic Times Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, October 26, 1956 Bishop Offers Mass Sunday At Newman On the feast of Christ the King, Bishop Ready will offer Mass at Newman Hall, Ohio State University. In addition, Bis hop Ready will deliver the ser mon to the students and faculty of the University at that time. A IJ October 31 Fast and Abstinence the Next Wednesday is vigil of All Saints Day, a day of fast and partial ab stinence. Meat may be taken once at the main meal. All Saints Day November 1 Next Thursday, Novem ber 1 is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. All Catholics must assist at Mass. 4, z w U1 PAA Dutch Youths Arrive Here Two young Dutch immigrants set foot in America last week at New York's International Airport after a trans-oceanic flight which brought them from Amster Holland, to a new life in the United States. They came to this country under the Special Dutch Program of Catholic Relief Services National Catholic Welfare Con ference, under sponsorship of the Columbus Diocese. Diederik Nauts, 24, left, and Edward Van Emmerick, 23, a Diesel engineer and automotive engineer respec tively, look forward to taking their places among their new neighbors as citizens and craftsmen. They are the first of nine new arrivals sponsored by the Diocese. More than 150 refugees have been placed by the Catholic Wel fare Bureau since 1953. Card. Mindszenty Still Great Power Newsman Reports By C. Strachwitz VIENNA (NC) His Eminence Josef Cardinal szenty, although held under house arrest by Hungary’s communist regime, is still a great power in that country and loved bv all its people. That is the report made here by a newspaperman after a trip to Budapest. He also point ed out' that Archbishop Josef Groesz of Kalocsa. acting head of the Hungarian hierarchy, is wide ly admired and has the confi dence of the whole nation. The newspaperman gave the Brother Martin C’3311 House This Sunday ■Jr Father Richard Dodd, diocoaan youth director, briefs some of the local young people who will take over more then 40 government posts in the Central Deanery area next Thursday. From left to right, Fr. Dodd, Bill Dittoo, Immaculate Conception parish, mayor for the day Bob Schirtzinger, Our Lady of Victory, city councilman Judy Jacobs, St, Thomas parish, mayor's secretary and Jerry Gontzer, Our Lady of Victory, city councilman. Current movies are rated on Page seven this week. Price Ten Cents $3.00 A Year Renew Efforts For Holy Land Peace Solution L’Osservatore Urges Jerusalem Be Internationalized Now VATICAN CITY (NC) Renewed efforts should be made to achieve a peaceful solution of the Holy Land crisis and the internationalization of Jerusalem, which has been repeatedly called for by His Holiness Pope Pius XII. This appeal was made by L’Osservatore Romano, Vatican city daily, in an "authorized article. This means that the article wes either written at the suggestion of the Vatican au thorities or published with their explicit approval. The article warned of the grave danger of a new war in the Holy Land and pointed out that there is great anxiety throughout the world for the safety of the hoiy places. The L’Osservatore editorial ap peared the day before U.S. Sec retary of State John Foster Dulled sent a personal appeal for moder ation to Israel Premier David Ben-Gurion. The appeal was said to be based on reports that the present crisis, marked by weeks of border skirmishes between Is raeli and Arab troops, poses the greatest threat to peace since the Arab-Israeli war that ended eight years ago. Today’s threatening events. L’Osservatore stated, bear out the wisdom of the Holy Father’s many statements on the Palestine problem. The Pope was issued two en clices on th* matter—In Multi plicibus in 1948, and Redemp tor is Nostri in 1949. Both called fo1 the internationalization of Jerusalem and vicinity and the protection of Christian rights there. The encyclicals follow ed the destruction of many Christian shrines in Palestine during th* Arab-Israeli war. In 1919 the United Nations voted to internationalize Jerusalem but nothing has yet been done to put the U.N. decision into ef fect. Considering the fact that the status of Jerusalem, which is divided between Israel and Jor dan, has been one of the greatest sources of tension since 1948, (Continued on page 2) Father Kotter Speaks Here This Sunday Mind- following account of his attempt to interview the Cardinal: "At the Foreign Office I was received very politely, but when I told them I wanted to interview Cardinal Mindszenty, the officials became visibly em barrassed. ‘What is the difficulty?’ I asked. ‘Some time ago, when Western newspapers rep o e that the Cardinal had been sent back to prison, Budapest official ly denied the reports. So I can see no reason why I should not be allowed to visit him.’ “The reply was: “‘Of course, that report was quite untrue, we can assure you. But, you see, the Cardinal has no function whatever You will understand, it is a difficult situa tion i However, we shall do our best and then ring you up.’ “Needless to say, the telephone call never came. "Meanwhile," the newspaper man reported, "I asked as many people in Hungary as I could, irrespective of class or creed, what they thought of the Cardi nal. This is the result: “Whether former ‘bourgeois’ or confirmed socialists. Catholics or non-Catholics, their practically unanimous opinion was summed up by a factory worker, who told me: ‘Yo” know, Cardinal Minds zenty is a great power in Hun gary. We all love him for his loy alty and courage. He is a symbol (Continued on page 3) This Sunday a* 4 p.m.. Corpus Christi Church, the Legion of Mary, Queen of Hearts, Praesid ium will sponsor an auxiliary meeting for all members, their families and friends. A special invitation is also ex tended to members of other Prae sidia to attend. The meeting will climax a month-long drive for auxiliary Fr. Edward B. Kotter members and pay homage to the Blessed Virgin .Mary at the close cf the month of the Most Holy Rosary. The ceremonies will consist of the prayers of the Legion, hymns to our Blessed Lady, an address by a guest speaker and solemn Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The speaker, Fr. Edward B. Kotter. Mount Saint Marys of the West Seminary. Norwood, Ohio, is Spiritual Director of the Cin cinnati Senatus and has been close to the Legion of Mary since its beginning in Cincinnati. He is a well qualified speaker in the field of Mariology. The gen c~al public is also invited to aV tend.