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2—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Pope Defines (Continued from page 1) her example the secret of every greatness and how to fulfill in themselves the divine designs.” Th* Pop* reid that the dig nity which woman has received from God should be th* basic idea of th* Catholic women's movement. But whil* th* dig nity of women is often talked about, he said, it is seldom pre rented as "an exact and true concept such as would prevent erroneous inferences." LIKE TO OWN A NEW CAR? Or maybe you would like to have the down payment for your “dream house”? What ever you want,'you can get it by saving regularly at FRANKLIN FEDERAL.” Sav ing every payday means fin ancial happiness for you, so start next payday. FREE PARKING IN REAR OF OUR OFFICE federal savings phone i LOAN ASSN. CA. I 7657 ICOlUMgiH OHIO IJk 1 1 Friday. Oct. 26.1956 Role “Is it necessary,” he asked, “to repeat the well known sentence of St. Paul which reflects the substance and the will of the whole Christian world: ‘There is neither Jew or Greek their is neither slave nor freeman there is neither male nor female. For you are ail one in Christ Jesus.’? Th* Holy Fath*r said that the basis for woman's dignity is the same as that of man, equal in one instance and com plementary in the other. The basic dignity of man and wom an is the same in that they are both children of God and redeemed by Christ, and both have the same supernatural destiny, he said. He added that they have a common basis for dignity in their common earth ly destiny as well. The Pope then said that women are not barred from any human activities. “Though subordinated to the primary functions given them by nature, there is absolute equality then in personal and fundamental values. But there are different functions which complete one another and are marvelously equivalent, from w i spring the different rights and duties of the one and the other.’’ The physical structure of woman, her spiritual qualities, and the richness of her renti ments all combine to make woman a mother, the ther said, and this is mary function. imXi CALL TODAY CHARLES MELFI BR. 9-6185 vMember K.C. Council 2898 Holy Fa har prl- however, On the other hand, he continued, the so-called doc trine of the “equality of the sexes” is a source of spiritual weakness and is only a way in which some women who do not have a clear idea of their own true value express their bitter ness. OCTOBER The month of the Rosary The month of October gives us an opportunity to renew our devotion tn Immaculate Mary, Mother of God. Praying the Rosary together as a family is especially pleasing to Her. Saying it privately a powerful, beneficial act of devotion. Here at the Shop ue can supply a Rosary to meet almost 50c for a child* Rosaries made of any requirement. Prices start as low as Rosary, and you can also obtain exquisite Sterling Silver and Rock Crystal. October is also an ideal time to begin spiritual rending program. Important hooks of today and yesterday are here for your inspection. They ran help make October an important month for you. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY HANDLED. nr continue your RELIGIOUS* ART MUTER BOOKS'* •’RO4**toB BOOKS GREETING CARDS Holy Land (Continued from page 1) L’Osservatore said, the solution offered by th? Holy Father is the most effective way of ensur ing peace. A new- war, th? Vatican City daily warned, could mean th? de struetion of Jerusalem. “This danger is not imaginary,” it add ?d. “as it was proved hy the short but bitter war of 1948.” “Catholics want pbace in Pal estine for two reasons,” the ar ticle concluded. “The blood of brotheis flows and hatreds are nourished on th? fields of battle. In the second place, the theater of these events is Palestine, the land in which Jesus Christ lived Hi* earthly lile and which hold* within its boundaries the most venerated shrines and mem ones of the Redemption.” SLAMS Alsco Storm Pwt tost simslttos nwlg 7 fun The tert, duplicating nearly aeven years erf actual home aae, wan conducted orer a grueling 66 hours Punsehment to the door easily equal to that infheced by a family of growing boy*! Rrevte* After 100.000 rloame*. there M»MM.ATtOM BASH GION W«ATHaM«TI»»FfMn •WUiLMIO* IMCIUMO AQK AUutthi 10 ALSGOOwnSIVEN Hdn AWAY FREE rrHiIrc Spirit wm xteel were no vhribte ■UTO of wear or breakdown Ahco’s box-beam frame, rtainlere hinge*, and new push-button latch Mill in excellent condition. Your cordial Atom man earn tefl you about this amaane tnott to buy! OR CALL JIM FOX AM. 8-3085 Member St. Matthias Parish always ends by van matter, and law by tri over the ruins accumu violence.—Pius XII. quishing umphing fated hy -Mass ()rdo~ LITURGY Of The SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28. FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. While vestments. Gloria, Sec ond prayer of the Sunday, Credo. Preface of Christ the King, l^st Gospel of St. John. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, FEAST OF STS. SIMON AND JUDE THE APOSTLE5. Red vestments, Gloria, Preface of the Apostles. St. Agatha's New Addition Dedicated Left, Bishop Ready prepares to bless the crucifix in the hall way of the new ad dition to St. Agatha School. Center: hun dreds of St. Agatha parishoners receive Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacra ment in the new auditorium-gymnasium. Lower: St. Agatha school after its' third addition since constructed in 1940. Hill Dover PT A Honors President DOVER An impressive tn bute was given in memory of the late Rob Roy Finley, presi dent of the St. Joseph parish. PT A recently when 210 members met on- Oct. 17. Mr. Finley was fatally injured in an automobile accident on Sept. 23. Father David Dressman, pas ter, was in charge of the memor ial service. The vice president, Edward Young, was named presi dent of the group for the re mainder of the school year. Announcement was made that the Nov. 21 meeting would be a “Harvest Shower” for the sis ters and will be held jointly with the PCCW. .------------------ o------------------- Credo, 30. THE TUESDAY, OCTOBER FERIAL DAY. MASS OF TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Green vestments, no Gloria, Second prayer (in Ixiw Masses) for the Pope, no Credo, Common Preface. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, FERIAL DAY. Mass as on Tuesday. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, FEAST OF ALL SAINTS. White vestments, Gloria, Credo, Common Preface. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, COMMEMORATION OF ALL THK FAITHFUL DEPARTED: ALL SOULS DAY. Black vestments, Mass as found in the Missal. The Sequence “Dies Irae” is said at. the first or pnn ctpal Mass only. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, SATURDAY OF OUR LADY. White vestments, Gloria, Sec ond prayer (in Ixiw Masses) for the Pope, Preface of the Blessed Virgin. BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER That's Why Millian* Us* Miracle is the dearest child of faith.—Goethe, Faust. ABC required. WESTINGHOUSE Harper's Furniture 2455 Harrisburg Pike Kahn's Jewelry 24 N. High St. Don Furniture 186 E. Mam St. General Tire Sales 4th and Long Margulis Dept. Store 231 E. Livingston Lindon Electric Appl. Co. 2621 Cleveland Ave. Brill's Furniture & Appl. 4404 Indianola Ave. King Sales 1288 Grandview Ave. Westgate Electric Co. 2655 W. Broad St. May & Co. Central Point Shopping Center Freshman-Dexter 255 S. High St. Catholic Youtl (Continued from page 1) tivities with Father Frank Gart land. C.S.C., of Notre Dame Uni versity and editor of the maga zine, "The Catholic Youth,” giv ing the sermon Bishop Ready will preside. Other activities throughout th* diocese during n*xt wook are Sunday, October 28, Par ich Tay throughout Diocese. Religious and Social Rally at Coshocton, also Speech Finals, Northern Deanery, Wednesday, October 31, annual "Pop" Con cert—Columbus Symphony Or chestra, followed by Chuck Selby's Orchosttra at Dele. Mayor Dittoe was elected by members of the Youth Council at a special convention held last week in the Virginia Hotel. Other elected officers include Dick Meyers, St. Agatha as City Attorney George Vargo, St. Lad islaus, Clerk of Courts Tom Eyerman, St. Mary Magdalene, City Auditor John Guzzo, St. Thomas as Judge of Municipal Court and City Councilmen, Jerry Gantzer and Bob Schirt zinger, Our Lady of Victory, Creta Santo, St. Ladislaus. Sue Synch, St. Agatha. Bob Duster hurg of St. Mary Magdalene, Dave Eberhart. Immaculate Con ception and Sylvia Bevilacqua, St. James. The mayor’s appointments in clude, Bob Mathews. St Agatha I I Nothing to buy! No slogans to write! HERE'S ALL YOU Y Stop at any cooperating etoctnc appliance dealer and ask' tor on OP ERATION SUNSHINE entry cord. V On this entry card mark down th* spaces provided THE EXACT NUMBER Of HOURS AND MINUTES OF SUNSHINE YOU THINK THERE WILL BE NEXT WEEK. Sign your name and address and drop Hilliards, Ohio Ideal Furniture 641 N. High St. Reynoldsburg Furniture Week Valley 1, Finals Cen- Thursday, November of Oratorical contest tral Deanery, 8:15 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 6th and Oak Streets. Eastern Deanery, Lan caster, St. Mary, 8 p.m. Northern Deanery. Coshocton, Sacred Heart. Southern Deanery, Ports mouth, Notre Dame, 8 p.m. West ern Deanery. Delaware. St. Mary, 8 p.m. Youth Government Day (Central Deanery youth operate government posts). One of the “firsts” in this Dio cese for National Catholic Y’outh Week is the operation in the Cen tral Deanery on November 1, Youth Government Day. Cathtolic Youth Council Mayor, Bill Dittoe, immaculate Concep tion parish, has been preparing his administration for a big day in office on November 1st. This is the day the Youth Council members will take over the task of running the City of Columbus in the first Youth Government Day project sponsored by Catho lic youth. to Mayor’s Executive Assistant Judy Jacobs. St. Thomas, Mayor s Secretary Sam Hoffman, St. Thomas, Building Superintend ent Judy Wesner, Immaculate Conception, City Clerk Mary Dehner, Holy Spirit, Civil Serv ice Director B. Carroll, Imma culate Conception Public Health Nurse Charlene Steelier, St. Au gustine, Civil Defense Tom Hard. St. Augustine, Superintendent of Electricity Mike Mann of St. Au gustine. Chief Engineer Jim Mc Andrews, St. Aloysius, Fire Chief. Mike Nester, Our Lady of Vic tory, garage superintendent. Dave Kossman, St. Ladislaus, su rerintent of garbage disposal George Schlegel. St. Aloysius. health commissioner Alice Mar tin, St. Mary Magdalene, Jack Raymond. Holy Spirit, superin tendent of Janitors. Mary Ann McGovern, Immac ulate Conception, superintendent of markets Penny Kramer, St. Thomas, off street parking com missioner Bill Huhn, Immacul ate Conception, superintendent of parks and forests Barbara Wolcutt, St. Thomas, personnel director Jane Durhin. St. Aga tha, planning commission direc tor Tom Lane. Our f^ady of Vic tory. chief of police. 501 Satan Avenue Just tor guessing how much sunshine there will be next week! MAYTAG You may win one of these famous name electric dryers! Reynoldsburg, Ohio Emmetts Appliance Pataskala, Ohio S & A Auto Parts & Appl. Westerville, Ohio R. J. Blausor A Sons West Jefferson, Ohio McCallas NERS wdl bo pkhad oa lb* bam of the entrants who com* desert to the actual hours and nwnvtes of wmhine. Each of there wMwrers w»U recerv* a famous name electric clothes dryer Earliest postmark will determm* Mre winner in core of **u the entry that has come dosert to the official report during th* entire contest wti receive a grand prue a COLOR Beginning October 29, the following Westinghouse, Maytag end ABC Dealers invite you to stop in and enter Operation Sunshine Senate Appliance 195 Thurman Ave. Hamilton Appliance 1921 E. 5th. Ave. Electric Appliance 1229 E. Mound St. Schottenstoin's Dept. Store 1885 Parsons Ave. Rife's Hardware Centerburg, Ohio Holley Variety Store Canal Winchester, Ohio Watch TV Weatherman 12:10 and 6:40 p.m., Channel 10, for clues on i Trimble Home Furnishings Mt. Sterling, Ohio MAYTAG Good Housekeeping Shop 180 S. High St. East Broad Appliance 2988 E. Broad St. Cook Furn. & Appliance 2862 E. Main St. Emswiler Electric 85 z. Long St. Morehouse-Feshion 130 S. High St. Ohio Furniture Co. 265 E. Main St. Moores Appliance 1340 Parsons Ave. Jacobs Furniture & Appl. 195 E. Livingston Ave. Fidelity Soles Co. 255/ Indianola Ave. C. C. Robinson Co. 102 E. Gay St. Dave Radcliffe, St. Ladlfl«tt public defender. Larry Kendall, St. Michael, public utilities di rector Eugene Maraxika. St. Lad islaus, purchasing board agent Dave Kreuzer, St James, recrea tion director Joe Murphy, St. Augustine, safety director: Rava Heaver, St. Michael, service di rector Charles Pickard, St. James, Sewerage and drainage engineer Frank Keneavy, St. Michael, slum clearance. Paul DiSabato, St. Michael, -moke regulator Pete Charles, St. Thomas, street cleaning Ed Bainter, St. James, traffic an, gineer Delores Marino. St. Aga tha. city treasurer John Broer man. St. Marx Magdalene, water division superintendent. Diane fircone. Our Lady «f Victorj. city sealer Bob Pagura, St. Aloysius. workhouse superin tendent. Joe Martin. St. Mary Magdalene, zoo superintendent, and Don Mueller St. Agatha, air port superintendent. The young people wifi take office at 9 a m. Thursday, Novem ber 1st. They will lunch with city officials at noon at the Virginia Hotel and return to City Hall for a Council meeting. Parents and friends are invited to attend thia latter function. --o-------------------- Our need of God’s merejs— Look upon me. and have mercy on me: for I am alone and poor (Ps. xxiv, 16). George J. Igel and Company, Inc. Crane Service Excavating COLUMBUS S. OHIC ERSONHF1ED A GYROMAT1C by GIRARD PERREGAUX I FREE! CA. 1-4401 Fine Watches Since 1791 ers Columbus 49 N. High CA. 4-9484 WESTINGHOUSE This beautiful COLOR TV SET Enter every week if you like! You may enter th* contest every week but each entry must be postmarked be» fore midnight of the Saturday precedta£ the week of your guess. Electric appliance dealers and butors, employees of Columbus cred Southern Ohio Electro Company, *eer advertising agency and fonwtees are Mt eligible to enter. tetwefwea Bill Owens Appliances N. Starr and Lane Ave. Richlyn Furniture 649 W. Broad St. Russell Grein Co. Hilliards, Ohio Major Home Appliances Westerville, Ohio The Electric Shop West Jefferson, Ohio ABC D. L. Arnold Co. 3307 E. Mam St. Mayers TV A Appliance 2300 Sullivant Ave. Filter Queen 1234 W. 5th. Ave. General Tiro Service 2434 W. Broad St. Royal TV & Appl. Co. 267 S. High St. Oglesbee's Storting Serviea Mt. Sterling, Ohio Loveless Appliance West Jefferson, Ohio Operation Sunshine