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6—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Friday. Oct. 26, 1956 MIESSE Consistently Hammond 1 Mentor of Um P.DJ.C. Read the Times Classified Ads SEIBERLING TIRES Recapping and Retreading Bird** Shell Oil Station 121 S. Mein Phon* 9252 Kenton, Ohio Shredded, buehel or yard. Route 93, N. of Beach City PHONt BEACH CITY S-UM MASON SAND FILTER SAND FILL DIRT TOP SOIL •RAVEL-DRIVEWAY Interestedf We've Get ‘Em, and Bargain* In Other Good Coache* From 9300 to $700 Of Them UNDER $3,000 Bateman Trailer Store 1M0 I. STATE ST. ALLIANCE, O. PHONE Phono 6-3692 111 W. Third St. Youth Notes BUYERS' GUIDE "I THE FIR^T NATIONAL BANK OF KENTON .......................................... Blanchard Station Elevator Provlco Feed* Cement Fence Seeds Fertilizer Custom Grinding Blanchard Station Ohio RO No 1. Dunkirk Ohio Phono Kenton 4-1220 SLAG COAL Immediate Delivery Vic Bazzoli & Son, Inc. 119 W. STH ST. DOVER PHONE 42045 OR 51734 n PAY* TO LSE THE TIMES CLASSIFIEDS 10 FT. WIDE Pop Concert October 31st, Speech Contest Set Thursday A patron list of more than 100 has been announced by the Catholic Youth Council for its second annual Pop Con cert of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra at Velley Dale on Wednesday evening, October 31st. The program which begins at 8:15 p.m. u ill include light clas sical numbers by the orchestra under the direction of their new conductor, Eva Whallon. Follow ing the concert the music of Chuck Selby s Orchestra will be played for the annual youth week social until midnight. All young people and adults Musical Entertainment Round and Square CALL BOB CL. 8-9938 KENTON The HILL DRUG CO. Professional Pharmacists Hardin Quarries Company Crushed Slone Agricultural Limestone Meal BLANCHARD KENTON PH 4-1229 CHEVROLET ADVAHCE-DESIBN TRUCKS Dependable performance* Low cost per mile! Wide choice of models! There's a Chevrolet truck that's lust rtgb* for your business Harken Chevrolet Co. 200 St. Detroit Phono *9204 THE SMART SHOP LADIES' READY TO WEAR, JEWELRY. GIFTS AND NOVELTIES BUYERS’ GUIDE Tuscarawas County CORELL’S PEAT MOSS SIDING FREE ESTIMATES 5 YEARS TO PAY Nome Engineering Co. 3S0 Blvd. Dover Ph. 39904 BOLTZ’S Located on Rt. 8 & 250 2 mi. N. of Uhridisvillo "An Adventure in Fine Foods" Family Style Chicken Dinner Steaks Sea Food Private Parties and Banquets Welcomed Phono 1815 CARMOLA’S DOVER SHOE SHOP "Fine Shoes for Dad and Lad” Over 36 Years of Quality Shoe Repair 323 N. TUSCARAWAS AVE. DOVER, OHIO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••eeee* Ornamental Iron ROY PRINTZ ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee^ PROTECT YOUR FUTURE SECURITY! HANHART AGENCY INSURANCE BONDS K. H. HANKART Awnings Now Philodolphio DICK GRAY BOB BAKER Phene 423S7 ■9' iy»{Jt\9'UV9i)L»9/itv9':lA9/ l\9)nv0y,ye '9 .:va/.»-r. 9:t^^ AUTO GLASS Auto Parti Accemoriet IT recker Service Walton Auto Parts 355 S. BROADWAY NEW PHILA. e a :'/a^'.a' a.I a. 9' ra a^: ^■.•raV .at../a.7ot' ^£^^iava^et Invest In Security With LIFE INSURANCE AUTO FIRE LIFE HEALTH HOSPITALIZATION ALLTON INSURANCE CENTER "INSURANCE AT A SAVINGS” 311 Wooster Ave. Phono 5773 Strasburg .... ......... ..................... ....... .. Dover THEFT ACCIDENT are invited to take part in this annual Catholic Youth Week program. Tickets may be obtained from members of the young adult clubs in the city, the Cathedral Bookshop, the Virginia Hotel, the Catholic Youth Bureau or at Val ley Dale the night of the con cert. Speech Contest Entries Speech contest entries have been recorded in all parts of the Dio cese and plans for the youth week finals have been made in most of the Deaneries. At Lancaster St. Mary High School four entries from Zanes ville, New Lexington and Lancas- ter will vie for the prizes offered by the local Knights of Columbus Council. In Coshocton at Sacred Heart parish entries from Mt. Vernon, Dover, Dennison and Coshocton will meet on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28. Central Deanery finals will take place on Thursday exenmg at 8:00 p.m. in the Knights of Columbus Auditorium at State and Sixth Sts. Other contests will be held in Portsmouth and Newark. Winners of the Deanery contest will meet in January for the prize trip to Washington and participation in the National Speech Contest. Resolutions to extend the Young Adult program to all the parishes in the Central Deanery and to bring about a greater spir it of service to the Church through these groups were passed by the 50 delegates attending the annual Young Adult Council con ference last week at the Virginia Hotel. The delegates gathered at St. Joseph Cathedral for Mass and at tended a breakfast at the Virginia Hotel Paul J. Lynch, prominent Catholic layman, addressed the group at the breakfast. The conference was the annual business meeting of the Council. Reports were given on the past year, the program for the coming year was adopted and officers were elected. George Gaus of St. Augustine parish is the new President Jer ry Bott of the Cathedral Club is Vice-President Rita Taraba of St. Mary Magdalene parish is Sec retary and Shirley Pigginger of Our I^idy of Victory is lhe Treas urer. Catholic Youth Organization The CYO Committee met last week for the monthly meeting. Plans for publishing the bulletin were made. Joe Murphv of St Au gustine parish i- editor Stall members include Bill Huhn and Judy Kabealo of Immaculate Con ception, Jack and Dave Raymond of Holy Spirit, and Barb Weber of SI. Mary Magdalene Discussion was held on Catholic Youth week programs, the CYO Holy Hour and the coming basketball season. Delegat. s from 10 of the 11 par ishes were present. Named Student Couiuelor NEW YORK (NC) Father James E. Rea, who served for 11 years as professor of theology at St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwood ie. N.Y., has been named counsel or for the Catholic students at Columbi. University, it has been announced. He succeeds Father John K. Daly, who was transfer red to other duties. LONDON. Ont. (NO A plea to sacrifice some of the lux uries of modern life in order to cultivate the intellect was made here by an American prelate speaking to the national conten- SAVE ON GLASSES at LAMBERT OPTICAL Complete Glasses $8.50 t. SIL 50 1000 Frames In Stock $3.95 $5.95 to at LAMBERT OPTICAL 143 N. High St. 2nd doer north of Union Store ||ATIONWIDI ■LjP MUTUAL WTMMAHC1 COMA AMT Michael "Berni." Fox, Jr. 2467’A Cleveland Ave., Office Columbus 11 Ohio PHONE: AM. 3-3424 Res. AM. 3-711S CHILLICOTHE Mayor Forrostt Har per of Chillicothe signs the proclamation making Oct. 28-Nov. 4 Catholic Youth Week here, as students from Catholic Can* Cardinal Calls Reckless Auto Driving A Sin CHICAGO (NO In a pas toral letter on the “moral re sponsibilities of motorists.' His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch said “reckless driving speeding and disobeying traffic regulations are sins.” The Archbishop of Chicago asked that young people partic ularly be instructed on the “im portant moral obligation" of safe driving. He said the sta tistics on auto accidents “are shocking" and that. His Holi ness Pope Pius XII “recently found it necessary to enlighten all men on this moral responsi bility of motorists." “We know that reckless driv ing, speeding and disobeying traf fic regulations are sms Cardinal Stritch's letter said. "Please in struct your people and particu larly your youths on this import ant moral obligation. It is our duty to enlighten our people and stress the moral obligation of safe driving by motorists.'’ --------------------o------------—— Circleville Woman Attends Toledo Catholic College TOLEDO. OHIO Anne Stock len. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett Stocklcn, 146 E. High St., Circles die. is attending Mary Manse College for women. Miss Stocklen is a sophomore. Mary Manse College offers de grees in arts, science, music, sci ence in education and science in nursing. Miss Stocklen is a member of St. Joseph s parish, Circleville. Makes Dean's List Mary Kunesh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Kunesh of 445 Hilltop Drive, l^incaster. has been named to the Dean's List at Notre Danie College in Cleveland for last semester's studies. A graduate of St. Mary high school, Miss Kunesh is secretary of the sophomore class and is majoring in mathematics. Neuman Federation Told Sacrifice Luxuries, Develop intellect for Society's Sake tion of the Canadian Federation of Newman Clubs. Msgr. John Tracy Ellis of the Catholic University of Amari ca urged the delegates to give up some of the comforts and entertainment, of the modern world and to concentrate on ac complishing something of intel lectual value for society. “Any right-minded Catholic.” he said, “hopes his life work will redound to the credit of the Church But he should direct his efforts at attainment of truth for its own sake that way the Church is best served.” The prelate said that one of the reasons for the low intellec tual prestige of Catholicism in America is the failure of Catho lic leaders to view the intellec tuals role as being of prime im portance for Church and State. Archbishop J. G. Berry of Hali fax. episcopal moderator of the Canadian Federation of Newman Clubs, urged the delegates to make Christian doctrine the uni tying force in their lives. “The deepening of your relig ious faith your better under standing of Christianity is some thing that will serve all your life.” he said. Let us show you that EYEWEAR not only offers nocot sary Visual Benefits, but is remarkably effective in achieving desirable Facial and Fashion effects. CONTINUOUS VISION LENSES. Artistic Designed Frames. Harry Schwartz Optical Co. (SERVING CENTRAL OHIO SINCE 1925) 169 EAST STATE STREET (at 4th) CA. 1-4000 COLUMBUS, OHIO Chillicothe Mayor Proclaims Youth Week Mrs. Martha Bowers pins a Star Scout badge on her son David at the court of honor held by troop 266. After a short lecture on pois onous and non poisonous snakes by the scoutmaster a bit of comedy was added by a demon stration of “A Battle With a Snake" by Raymond Radar. The opening fleg ceremony was conducted by Mickey Col burn with George Parker and Michael Echelman as color guards and explaining the twelve points of the Scout Law. The following troop committee men were introduced by Mr. Saling: Mr. Parker, chairman Mr. Wm. Moriarty, Institutional representative Mrs. James Tip pett, secretary, and personnel man Mr. Pearl McCrery, ad tral look on. They are: from left to right, Sally McKeeser, Frank Hirsch, Ann Grady, Mary Lou Hollis, Bill Purpero and Lewis Dielh. Holy Name Parish Troop 266 Holds Court of Honor Troop 266 of Holy Name Parish, held a Court of Honor and family night recently in the school auditorium at Pat terson and Adams avenues. An outdoor campsite, complete with flickering bonfire and scenery was set on the stage. The boys put on an un rehearsed skit of “A Day at Camp.” This included cooking, knot lieing, first aid, signaling, and nature discussion. The high light of the skit was three boxing bouts, the first match put John Ruyters against Pat Hoben. fol lowed by James l^ne and Mike Eschelman. The last bout match ed Bill Lucas and Mickey Col burn. All bouts in the troop are exhibition bouts, stressing skill and sportsmanship with no de clared winner, according to W. J. Saling. scoutmaster. W- New Lexington Metzger 4 Ins. Agency i, Complete Insurance Sennet 113 N Main 221 dh. A. ute u®. jso. -wk «. te*._ A Je*. ...........- Het Point Appliances i Television Soles A Service Ellis Dept. Store $SS N Mate St Now Leeinrtan Ptooe 1ST oooooootioodxiocirrir vancement, and Charles Ham bilton, outdoors. Second class pins were received by James Tippett and James Lane, Home Repair merit badges wore received by George Parker, David Bowers and Michael Ech elman Stamp Collecting by Char les McCrery, First Aid by David Bowers and cycling by Michael Glockner. The boy with the most advancement since the last court of honor was David Bowers whose merit badges advanced him to Star Scout. The troop has adopted a new policy of awarding the mother of the boy with the most advance ment a gift. Mrs. Martha Bowers received a set of crystal goblets. Refreshments of cider and dough nuts were served by the commit tee. The next court of honor will be held January 14, 1957. o----------------------- Named Cam Fire Girls Director NEW YORK (NO Margar et M. Kelly, former field repre sentative for the National Coun cil of Catholic Women, has been named Middle Atlantic regional director for Camp Fire Girls. Inc. Prior to her new appointment, Miss Kelly was program consult ant for the St. Louis Archdi ocesan Council of Catholic Wom en and an English instructor at St. Ijouis University. o------------------- Priest Saves Firemen Injured in Wall Collapse ROCKOFRD, Ill.—(NO—Quick action of a local priest was cred ited with saving two firemen from possible serious injury’ during a $280,000 fire here. Father Joseph McCarthy. O.S.A.. athletic director at St. Thomas high school here, walked through a shower of falling bricks from a collapsing wall and helped two injured firemen away from the scene. Father McCarthy was not hurt. •COVRTEOV8 The Catholic Ladies Of Columbia Fraternal Insurance Society for Catholic Women and Children Certificates issued from $250.00 to $5,000.00 tor Whole Life 20 Pay Life and Paid Up at 70 years. Children Term policy from 1 to 16 years. HELEN DOYLE MARY L. LETT Supreme President Supreme Secretary MARGARET DAVISSON EMMA DURKIN. Director Executive Secretary Newark, Ohio 16 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio CERTIFIED Refrigeration Service Walter Carney New Lexington, O. Phone 106 jb.1' Sheeran's Quality Drugs 1 Opposite Court. House Now Lexington Ohio I PERRY DISTRIBUTING CO. Distributors For Burger Duquesne Schlitz A 24 E. Third Ave. Columbus, Ohio Seven Diocesan Women Attend Mt. St. Joseph Seven graduates of Diocesan schools are enrolled as freshmen at the College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio, near Cincinnati. They are Miss Anne Downey. Miss Nancy Huhn. Miss Molly Eileen Mahoney. Miss Mary O'Keefe, Miss Margaret Mary Houck, Miss Nancy Jo Castor. Immaculate Conception Parish Miss Downey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Downey, 275 Blenheim Road, Columbus, is a graduate of St. Mary of the Springs Academy. She is majoring in dietetics. Miss Huhn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Huhn. 419 Oakland Park Ave., Colum bus. Majoring in elementary educa tion, she is a graduate of St. Mary of the Springs Academy, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R. Mahoney, 50 W. Weber Road, Columbus, Miss Mahoney w as vice president of the senior class at Our Lady of Victory High School, and a reporter for the Ohio State Journal Youth page. At present she is majoring in a liberal arts course. St. Mary Magdalene Parish History major Mary O'Keefe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Keefe, 162 Guernsey Ave., Columbus. Business manager of the Jun ior Achievement club, she is a graduate of St. Macy of the Spring Academy. Miss Houck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Houck, 280 South Brinker Ave, Columbus, is also a graduate of the Springs. She is registered in nursing. St. Mary Parish—Marion Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Haanen. 273 S Prospect St., Marion, Miss Haanen receiv ed a scholarship to the Mount. Graduate of St. Mary High Member of Multiple Lifting Service OMAR REALTORS HI. 4-9205 511 Hinman HI. 4-9509 Gladys Louise Haanen, Miss School, she was vice-president of the senior class, mission repre sentative, and received the relig ion medal. She is enrolled in mathematics. St. Mary Parish—Chillicothe Miss Castor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Castor, 30 S. Mulberry. Chillicothe. Graduate of Catholic Central High school, she received the religion medal for four years and the Latin award for two. She served as vice president of the Latin club and as editor of the school paper, “The Record.” She is majoring in nurs ing. o ... Today, as ir. the first ages of the Church, there is no task more essential than to announce to the world the word of God.— Archbishop Montini of Milan. PHILLIP’S WALLPAPER 173 E. MAIN at 4th 20% DISCOUNT ON WALLPAPER PAPER HANGERS Wallpaper Trimmed Frog PARK IN REAR CA. 4-4330 PARTS DEPT. BE. 1-2753 CAR DEPT. BE. 1-4200 BROS., INC WIRTHMAN NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS Salvaging Junk and Wrecked Automobiles and Trucks 3315 E. Main St., Rt. 40 East. Columbus 9, Ohio WANTED Your Property Residential, Industrial, Vacant Land Investments, Properties And Lots CASH BUYERS. LET US PROVE IT. MORTGAGE LOANS FHA and Conventional Improvement Loans Fergus Theibert Donald J. Kramer The Guarantee, Title & Trust Co. 22 W. Goy St. Columbus, O. Est 1899 CA. 1-5531 in Time of Need THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced Catholic Funerals offer CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE MAEDER-QUINT FUNERAL PARLORS Fine Funeral Service Since 1970 Hickory 4 -1185 Large Private Parking Area 1068 SOUTH HIGH ST. North Of Greenlawn Ave. McNAMARA FUNERAL HOME Catholic Funeral Home Upholding Catholic Ideals, Following Catholic Prineiplea Sam A. Skunza ax. John (fhiint anb Sons FUNH“™ 1ITT W. Fifth Ave. CA. 1-2311 JERRY O'SHAUGHNESSY ROBERT O SHAUGHNESSY Ambulance Service 9 Whether in Your Home or at our parlors our services are conducted with utmost sym pathy and understanding. Ample Perking Area AX 9-1233 AX. 9-5477 ESI ABUSHED 1UU O'Shaughnessy FUNERAL HOME 405 E. Town Stroot Columbus, Ohio