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Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED ADS Phone CA. 4-5196 CA. 4-5195 BE. 1-4259 20c PER LINE MAJDUN* FRIDA 1 NOON INFORMATION OLLAMA JAHN Parakeets Canaries, Breeder* Pet SuppUes Livestock, Feed and Coal BR. 4-1722 497 S. Central Ave. Raymond* Secret Service Private Detective Inve.tigetiont Confidential Reliable 804 Daniel Avenue, Newark, Ohio Phono DI. 4-2038, Evening* HOUSEKEEPER for three children. 1 block from church. Write to R. J., C/0 Catholic Times, Box 636, Colum bus 16.______________________________ WORTHINGTON FOUDM. INC. Maker* of Choplet* Specialty Feed* 6Mi Proprietor* Rd FR. 2-6369 AM 4-40*7 a A Via.o Serv. AM 3-14*7 TV Service Anytime to yhileo-Creeley Appliance. 8310 N. High OHIO MIDLAND LIGHT AND POWER CO. Electric Service Canal Winche*ter. Ohio________ MePHERBON (TONE QUARRY Boildins and Stepping Stone* Abo Wall Slate BR. 4-SM* JAY'S FARM SERVICE ANIMA1 AND PET FEEDS 3444 Denwno Ave.___________ AM. 3-1446 Learn BARBERING—A buaineaa of go«r own. Steady income. Approved for veterane. Visit our school. COLUMBUS BARBERS COLLEGE 848 8. High St. CA. 4-1421 Auld Crafters, Ine. BD BUCK Realtor Marysville, Ohio Pbone 6254 KIRBY VACUUMS REBUILT LIKE NEW-Other makes. AU prices. GUARANTEED. AX. 4-3596. ONTOS KIRBY, 1477 Cleveland Ave. FRIEDMAN FINANCE COMPANY Loans on Furniture end Automobile* 5 W, Gay St CA 4-3342 The National Detective Bureau MURRAY K. SEYLER UN. (438. 6 B. Long 8t. CA. 4-M42 WOCHERS—Surxlcal Supplies, Hospital bedi and wheel chairs for sale or rent. 201 Bast Broad Street. CA. 1-1435 FNEW LYORKIS The NEW $knn terminal HOTI I. 215 West 34th Street (Opposite Feiwwytvenio t. Brand new throughout. Each teem beautifully fvmiihed. Ono of the most control location* in New York. Only 2 block* from Empire State Bldg., few minutes *0 Times Square. daily rams *e Bern tingle ffevbte •ARABI FACIltTIIS AVAILAUL Affwmte retervofient tvggesieE. BUSINESS Construction Material* CONCRETE BLOCKS Ready Mix Concrete, Sand and Gravel Brick and Tile Building Materials BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Phone 3-2172 Chillicothe E. Main St. Drug Stere* The Central Pharmacy Dial 26-986, Chillicothe DRUGS SUNDRIES Phone 29*900 8 N. High fit. CA. 44285 TWICE SUPPLffi^ Filins Cabinets Desks Chairs STATE OFFICE SUPPLY CA 4-2125 44 S. 3rd St.______ Columbns SEE THE FABULOUS PFAFF at Be^b. wnld Sewng Center AM 2-1A91 ZANER BLOSER Hand Lettering sTudio Awards, Memorials made to order CA. 1-2573 612 N. Park St CA. 1-0918 Building Movers and Rigger C. W BRYANT SONS INC 90 N 4tb CA. 4-6600 SERVICE DIRECTORY Bakeries For High Class Baked Good* Cali DONALDSON BAKING CO. AX 1-4117 or 411* I4*n N HIGH ST Wttebn Charte Coa*we!al Loss* Mertn** laaas imneoMl* U»*a iMomft Bees* Banti** MOB CbrtMw etak MARKET EICIMCEMH CA. 4-3165 150 JEWELRY 448 8. High St. CA. 4-2844 Class Rings—lavitationo—Trophiv-v Your Seaiteet lee Cream Dealers THE TELLING ICB CREAM DEALERS 246 B. Town St. CA. 4-2171 FARMS AND SUBURBAN PROPERTY E. Main-Corner Main A 4th Each Account Insured Up to $10,000 STATE SAVINGS CO. North High Office AX 1244 N High at Fifth Ave. *-3744 AX 9-14*2 BANQUETS—RECEPTIONS BAPTISMAL WEDDING We can accommodate 400 guests for your reception or banquet. The finest tn quality Italian and American foods. Calf now. CApital 8-2262 and reserve your date. YOUR HOSTS: TONY PENZONE and JOE SCURO FLORENTINE RESTAURANT 907 W. Broad St. Berber Sheps JOBNNY'o BARBER SHtM* Open 8 te 4. Closed Wedneadaye 96Q Mohawk Hl. 8-2175 _______ Beauty Shop___________ Complete Beauty Service FAYFTTE bseaaLotny 1328 S. FOURTH HI. 4-8383 CHILLICOTHE ANNOUNCEMENTS RC-30 CHILLICOTHE____________ SOUTH END PHARMACY 331 $. Paint Chillicothe Fruit Ferm* J. LEO HIRSCH FRUIT FARM Huntington Pike PH. 23-382 6. Hess & Co. Draperies and Carpets 246 E. Main St., Chillicothe, O. Phone 2-5347 SAUL'S Chillicothe, Ohio Recommended as a Good Store for SUITS COATS DRESSES WEISENBERGER INSURANCE SERVICE General Insurance and Bonds Phono 3-2264 70 Control Confer Chillicothe JOHN J. BROWN Insurance Agency CHILLICOTHE 73 W. MAIN PH. 27346 Jeweler* WARD AND WARD JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Jewelry Budget terms to suit your purse. E. Second St. Chillicothe 14 PHYSICIANS* SUPPLIES RIEDER PHARMACY Cor. Church and Arch RC-9 INFORMATION THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHILLICOTHE, OHIO HOME DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 92/6 Ml tUVKM&lDB UTREEl CHILLICOTHE OHIO Boblett Dry Cleaning 81.- IM Bridge Sill Phone 47358 Chillicothe, Ohio 20th CENTURY RECREATION Bowling Alleys T9 I. End St. Dial 2-7944 GULF OIL PRODUCTS GULF FUELOILS The Finest Fuel Oils and Gasolines Your Money Can Buy. Full Measure Filtered Reliable Service A Complete Farm and Fuel Oil Service ■9326 CALL D. E. NETZ Olive Street Distributor Good Permanent Wanes Our Specialty We give the Spiral Croquinole, Machine lea* and cold wave*. Alto templets Beau ty Service. Air Conditioned Queen Beauty Salon 74* S. Sigh St- Colombo* Bl. 4-3*84 CAE WASH EIGHT MINUTE CAR WA8R—8peeia Spray Glaae. Open daily Sunday 4-12:84. 1*74 W. Fifth. BU. 4-7774 CARPET CLEANERS MARTIN CARPE3 RENOVATORS Rugs Scientifically Cleaned Repaired Est. 1890 445 S Front CA. 4-2533 CLEANERS COLUMBIA CLEANERS Serving South and Southeast 1398 8 22nd-St.Hl 8-1112 BANKS Contractor* E ELFORD 4 SON. INC. Industrial Plants Publie Bldgs SM S Front St CA 1-7389 FRANK A. DAVIS & SON ‘Electrical work" 1978 Lockboortie Rd FAST ELECTRIC COMPANY 109# Sullilvant Ave CA «-6*0] J. F. OELGOETZ CO. Mechanical Contractor Est. Our Business AM 2-4222 1914 Service Built Columbus Ohio Contractor* Equipment ALBAN EQUIPMENT CO. 1826 McKinley Avenue Celumbu* 4. Ohio Phene BRoudway -1399 Druggist* H. BRAUN SONS CO. 80 B. Long St. CA. 4-41BT Oldest prescription store ________ tn Columbus. Mt KIN LEV DRUGS Preaeription. Coametica Fountain ie*l W First EX. »-*4»i PHYSICIANS' SUPPLIES Wendt-Rristol Co, TRUSSES SUPPORTS BELTS EXPERT FITTERS New Fitting Room, on First Floor •The Prescription Store of Oolumbua" It” K. But. St. CA 4-ataa N. High St. CA 1-3153 BEXLEY Pharmacy Prescriptions Main at Cassingham BEXLEY The firms listed here deserve to remembered when you are distributing your patronage in these different lines of business. USED CARS 961 N. High 1352 W. 5th 1224 N. High At 5th with confidence" Kaufman Pontiac Richer Keener AUGUSTINER One of America's Two Finest Beers AUGUST WAGNER BREWERIES, INC INSURANCE Complete Outfitters /or the Entire Family MAYFAIRS CHILLICOTHE, OHIO Where to Dine RC-9A THE SANDWICH SHOP 258 K. Main Ph. 7308 S. S. KRESGE 44 N. Paint St. Phon* 5-4757 Chillicothe, Ohio KIEFABER'S Crown Hill Fruit Farm Cider and Apples Oreenfield Pike Phone 3-4663 Chillicothe, Ohio MORGAN’S Grocery and Meats Phone 2245 Frankfort, Ohio HATHAWAY STUDIO Portraits by JOSEPH E. VICKERS Phono 7826 32 E. 2nd Chillicothe, Ohio GROEBER’S Prescription Pharmacy 59 N. Paint Phone 4*1111 1 Chillicothe, Ohio soie-a-wayS US Route 50 West Chillicothe, Ohio WAWw/j^WSWM lWWWWO Electric Power Equipment Co. 57 E. Chestnut St. Columbus, O. CA-4-5215 Electric Wiring Power and Lighting Complete Layouts On School and Office Lighting Electrical Work WAIBEL elee. wiring and repairing. La censed Call HI. 4-7978. Furnace Repairs ACME BEATING CO.—New femeeoo. eonvereien burner*, elean and repair 4*4 N High CA. 1-8622. Hardware BUILDERS* HARDWARE I '“jPfciAusrs” Phone CA. 4-6019 Hearing Aid* BILTONB VV orld's Foremost Hearing Aid 312 E Broad St. CA. 8-3585 HOME IMPROVEMENT Roofing and Gutter Work. Siding ap plication. Carpenter work. Free es I timate. City Inspection. I _G!^9RGE I LAU Window Fans, Awnings at) I types Permaglas Water Heatera I WESTGATE MAINTENANCE CO I ’.518 W BROAD ST. BR 4-308. Inwrence vl’JTUAL OF OMAHA United ol Omaha F. Swisher Agency 63 E State St,______ insure leer Furniture House Automobile CALL Pauline R. Joyce CApital I 3566 20 South Third St. Celumbu* Lightning Protection ARTHUR PICKLES Lightning Rods 5705 Sinclair Rd. 30 Years Exp W'orthlngton, O. Phone TU. 5-5634 LOCKSMITH BOB'S KEY SERVICE Keya Locks Repairs Installations AM. 3-8759 1238 N High AM 3-2780 Lumber TH® FIFTH AV. LUMBER CO. 447 E. Ftfth-ev AX. 1*4*41 Meat Packer* BERGER MEAi INC. Wholesale and Retail 04 Foroof Rd.Del Hl. 44W Nursing Heme PARKWOOD NURSING HOME Private and Semi-Private Room, for Ladies. Reasonable Rates. CL. 8-3088 Private and Semi-Private Reoma, Good Food. Good Care 81 Woodland _________ CL. 8-8688 Office Suppliles LOOSE LEAF DEVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES FILING EQUIPMENT FAVORS AND NOVELTIES NITSCHKE BROS Iff any season! we p«oncT roue mom* with ADDEX Roof Shield is the answer to your built up roof problems. OVMSOYIAM IXPtMM QUALITY MERCHANDISE EASY TERMS BAMm KMUUIAMVILU WMtrf evrr* aixon riser cwc*i sommii tmec mecit-i*»«tuT A I 9 eooa CNfCK* *M4tei raiwe mrs-orTM THim«ote*-MtT*t sum *am rum AMtiw »r uoutt ■ml sou* MtociM caetarrt uMOffHo- Np *m*t atcevm-aMe too* tsms jtuMtac wmet enow* raum (ateti* atetMU m»ew*M root* «lm* aaeetas tseus ass *otM«t rot tf« PRINTERS STATIONERS 47 East Gay Street COLUMBUS OHIO How about those Aluminum Doors and Windows before the cold weather comes? The prices and terms will please you. BR. 4-0763 CITY WtM MMCi GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP xnnoiD GOFF & SONS INC. muSL CLearbrook 8-7478 Electric Equipment Painting Decorating GENERAL PAINTING K. R. PICKERING •29 E Royal Forest JAMES H. KING DECORATING cr Interior—Exterior Painting Paperhanging CL. 2-8168 CL. 2-8168 PLUMBERS SEWERS A DRAINS Electric Rote-Rooter Sower and Drain Service. 1801 W. 5th Ave. HU. 8-6758. QUALITY PLUMBING CO. Plumbing and Repair Work 5290 W. Broad St. FR. 8-3362 PRINTING SUPERIOR PRINTING COMPANY Wedding Inv„ etc. 470 Miller, Cola. PLUMBING AND HEATING The J. A, Myers Co. Your Plumbing A Heating Contractor 2491 Summit AM. 4-114* Lane Coater. HU 4-7744 STARR HEATING AND PLUMBING COMPANY 41S6 indianeia AM- *-7514 Power Lawn Mowtr* 77 WOODIN SALES CO. AX. 4-44M 1*4* W. Geedale Blvd. Refrigerator* UNITED SERVICE, INC 581 W. Town St. CA. 1-4231 Stop and see our new Fngidaire Ice Cube Machine Sales and Service Capitol refrigeration co. Carrier Distributor. Commercial —Industrial CA. 1-1727 623 N. High 8t REST HOME SUN RIDGE REST HOME MRS DOROTHY t. HAYSS, R.N. Member of St. Aloysius 441 Sunbury Rd. CL. 8-3922 Rettaurant* CATHEDRAL PAOLETTI'S RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLUMBUS Wall-known for Good Food end Pleasant Atmosphere Open 6 a m. to 4 tn. Closed Senders Bar Ser-lee Devoted to Good Food Since 1887 Pastries Lunches Candies 201 S. High CA. 4-5647 THE H188 STAMP COMPANY Rebber. Brsee. Steel Markina Device. 1*4 K Lent St CA 4-411* Roofing Siding SIDING roofing, spouting, combtnaQon •txrm windows. *creen* and doors. Coun try and Tour Improvement Co. 428 Parsons Ave. CL. 2.1234 JOHN N SCHILLINO Roofing. Heating, Sheet Metal Work 479 N. 20th St. CL 2-4915 Tile lAfEfC WtUC MARBLE & TILE CO. Genuine CERAMIC TILE for walla and floora. Wide .election of 539 E. TOWN ST. CA. 4-1772 000000000000000000000011 FANCY SAUSAGE PRODUCTS "You'll Never Eat Better" The J. Fred Schmidt Packing Co SAWS PSSRl.*** SAW COMPANY Manufacture— Repel' **r ell eccaetom 571 8 Third St CA 1-1321 Service Station* GEIkt.L hUHhH-ft Hvit lexaeo Products l-e» G»t'*u »wn L»’-1ngeton-Kelton CL. 2-0128 SEWING MACHINE REPAIR We aervice and electrify all makt* Free pick-up and delivery in Cnlum bus. All work guaranteed. Louie Stadlmavr LOUIE'S Sewing Machine Shop CA. 4-1517 923 Sulhvant "A business not a sideline" Sheet Metal Roofing EARL £. BRIGHT, INC 684 Ker St. CA. 4-1920 Stage Scenery A Equipment Schell Scenic Studio tor Scheels —Churches. Draperies, Scenery end Rental*. *41 8 High St. CA. 14*4* Steal Stair Iren Wid* Guard* Fir. Eeeapee. 2.4 8. Gift Jenkin*, Prtt. CA. 1-1414 Washed Sand A Gravel Bank Run Gravel, Top Soil. Pill Dirt Bulldoling COLVIN. HU 8-0444 HART RD SAND AND GRAVEL CO Bank mn gravel, crushed stone, top soil Immediate delivery HI. 4-0770. Hauling end Expressing 40 MOVING STORAGE Hilltop Van & Storage Co. BR. 9-8641 3481 W. Breed St. _______ Celumbu*, Ohio For Rent WIDOW' TO SHARE her home with emp lad. HI 4-3078 Hou*e* For Rent Hllhop kale* and ffentalt For Sale 3 bedroom Ranch. Small down payment, bal. like rent. For Rent- 2 bedroom singlet twin tingles and apartmenta. BR 9-9441 2506 W Broad. John Evans Mgr Al and Ray Tonti____________________________ TWO BEDROOM modern 485 per Ser month. 3940 Ventura Blvd., rove City. Children welcome. EX 9-1087. __________________________ BUS. LADY to ahare cozy 4 r. home with teacher. Near bus, stores. CL. 2-6234 MAYFAIR APTS 226 Mayfair Blvd BE 1 7094 Real E*tate for Sale GRANDVIEW 1299 Westwood—$13,500 1-floor—Five Big Rooms Built like the Rock of Gibraltar KENT HU. 8 5000 Cash tor Singles, Doubles or Duplexes HANSEL, Realtor. CL. 2 3113. SELL WITH' CONFIDENCE Buyer Available from 400 Salesmen and their Brokers thru Multiple List ing Service. Let this Office be your agent for quick prompt and courte ous service Cal) 24 hrs a day. AM. 7-1291. GALL A THOMPSON REAL. TORi. 2765 Cleveland Ave. Builder* A Bldr*' Supplie* HARRY WELINITZ Concrete and Cinder Building LmU 4”-6”-8”-12” Steel Sash 231 REFRIGERATION N. Princeton BR. 9-811J Fire-Proof Block and Builders Supply Co. EAST PLANT MOO E. Sth Ave. Ph. BE. 5-8631 WEST PLANT 800 W. 3rd Ave. Ph. AX. 8-1126 Manufacturers Besser Vibrapac Quality Concrete and Lite-Stone Block and Concrete Brick We stock Richmond steel door frames and Galena Shale Brick. If you are planning to build a home, garage or farm building call at our office for free plan book. A Trac tion ©f Friendly Hospitality 1 1 HOTEL 1 /letropole Tel Pathway 1- 51OO RATU thing—for butn»M or pleat era. 400 cheerful room*, many air-condriionod nationally famout food end beverage* ticeHoni Wnnct ... our bid for your oewtenfmenf NEW YORK -—TIMES SQUARE dSmtt west O» **C*0WAVffl I wont an» *w ssoaowav "S KNICKERBOCKER DETROIT Hotol FORT WAYNE 300 delightful rooms from COLUMBUS, O RUBBER STAMPS «m BROAD-UNCOtN |4M I SO Choice rooms from BUCKEYE FEDERAL Low-cost Home Financing. Safe, profitable Savings Accounts earning 3% insured to $10,000. BUCKEYE FEDERAL *aving« loan astn. 36 EAST GAY STREET Groot We.lorn Shopper. Mori Food Mart*Kk NORTH MARKET-2* Spree* »t Qualitv Nd**.—Ne Pre-Peckegma Complete Line Under One Reef HAP*8 MARKET tresb Meat Fruit. Veg Open til 1 At Dailv end 8»t 9-1 on Sun 419 W *tb AX 199? Wanted to Buy Diamonds Old Gold HEISE & HOLZER, Inc. BROAC ST SU1TB W i Autc. Service Repair* 87c Peel De wee rhewete*. lee. New end Used Cer* e Broe* St CA. 1-2391 N. KERNS OR 8OTO PLYMOUTH *9 Un* »t CA 4-714* BELlG fender and body CHOP “We take the dent* out of accidents' 902 E. Main St. CL. 2-4214 Wart ads can make more noise tor your product than a brass band with 1,000 members. NOW AVAILABLE Ballroom At The Knights Of Columbus Club State & Sixth Receptions Wedding Parties Banquets Dances Reasonable Rotes CA. 1-4451 BUYERS' GUIDE THE CATHOLIC TIMES—9 Friday. Oct. 26.1956 Central Assurance Ce* Life and Health and Accident Insurance 741 I. Bread St. CA. 4-8137 82 See ‘JAN ROSS’ For The Finest In Cadillac and Oldsmobile car buy* JAN ROSS MOTOR COMPANY. INC. “in Year* On Breed St.* 424 E Broad St CA. 8-1M1 A Complete Line of Religious Articles For the Church, School and Home The Church Goods Co., Inc M. E. Quinn J. J, Quinn 182 E. STATE ST. CA. 4-4716 COLUMBUS, OHIO Take Advantage Of Our Christmas Lay-Away. MT. VERNON CLASSIFIED SECTION EXPERT INSTALLATION of eastern floor* linoleum, plasde wall ttlo counter tops. Free estimate* HAGEN'S FURNITURE Danville Ohio Phone 12-B Open Evening* CARRY OUT MYERb SUPPLY BEER A WINE STORE 118 N. High Ph. 23801 DELIVERY SBRVICB SPEER’S MERCHANT DELIVERY Phone 52976 666 N. Sandusky Mt Vernon, O IT PAYS TO USE THE TIMES CLASSIFIEDS Round Hill Farm rbere U A Difference in Milk Homogenized Vitamin Milk Far Hsote Delivery Phone (tail Mt. Vernon, Ohio YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS FREE ESTIMATES Millwood Store Co. Millwood Ohio Open Evenings RUG BINDINC REPAIRING LAYING MERGING SEWING GUARANTEED MOTHPROOFING RAINS 506 Cline HI. 4-8395 COLLUBCS. OHIO TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, AAA. 2-1 Ilf See Our Complete Line Of Religious Christmas Cards and Nativity Sets Patronize these reputable merchants who make possible o Mt. Vernon Sec- tion in the Diocesan Catholic Press. HARDWARES THORP HDWE. A ELEC. CO. Danville flit-B Danville. Ohio Jewell Ice Cream & Milk Co. 9 N. Sandusky—Mt. Verner HOMOGENIZED MILK PASTEURIZED lee Cream Butter Cottage ChooM Telephone 21245 Hadley’s Furniture and Appliances 23 East Gambier Street ".. -H—r