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Journalists (Continued from Page 1) because they depend upon strong er hands, organizations parties and sponsors, who rule them.” The journalist, the Pope con eluded, will be able to fulfill his destiny if he faces his problems with rlear and determined con viction based upon the universal truths, which include the uncon ditional acknowledgement of the existence of God and the order of His creation. War.: ads can make more noise fot vour product than a brass band with 1,000 members. Our 32nd Year Giving Columbus People The Deal They Want 555 W. Broad St. CA. 8-1555 SINCI 1885 ‘-’SS'iSy Polish Red Tactics (Continued from page 1) W hile Gomulka’s return to pow er seems to be a revolutionary event, we have to remember that it is a revolution within the Com munist party, not a revolution against communism. Gomulka was one of the orig inal organizers of the Communist party and of the communist gov ernment in Poland. In 1948 he was relieved of his post as secre tary general of the party and later was expelled from it as a “light wing deviationist. He was accused of espionage and im prisoned in 1951. He escaped death, seemingly because Stalin died before Gomulka's Stalinist colleagues had time to stage his trial. While these acts of lawlessness and violence were perpetrated, Gomulka was in prison. There fore his non-participation in these acts does not throw any light on his probable tactics with regard to the Church Third, in order to avoid any misunderstandings about the sit- Revolt on 500th Anniversary Th* present revolt in Hun gary began on the day set aside to celebrate the 500th an niversary of the death of the heroic Franciscan friar, St. John Capistran, who inspired a small Hungarian army under John Hunyadi to a brilliant victory over the Turks at Bel grade. nation of the Church in Poland, it is necessary to realize that the word "persecution” does not de scribe the situation accurately. There has recently been little evidence of any physical perse cution in the popular meaning of the word. The situation may be described more accurately as a deprivation of essential liberty, a systematic well organized and lagelised form of interference and oppression of the Church by the state. This is best illustrated by the decree on ecclesiastical ap pointments mentioned above. The bithops forcibly removed from their post* are not, a* a rule, physically ill-treated. They retain a degree of person al freedom—the recently re-ar rested Bishop Stanislaw Adam ski of Katowice is even allowed to send letters to hi* American friend*. Yet none of these members of the hierarchy are allowed to ful fill their episcopal duties in their dioceses. onsidering that Gomulka came back to power as the leader of the ARE YOU BUYING OR REFINANCING A HOME? Come in and ask us about nur low-cost Home Ixians made at current interest rates. "RAILROAD BUILDING A LOAN CO. 60 E. BROAD ST. CA. 4-5810—CA. 4-6342 H. Wild, Pres. G. D. Harns, Sec’y O' 4 CALL TODAY JIM FOX AM. 8-3085 Member St. Matthias Parish more liberal fraction of the Par ty, it can be reasonably assumed that he would not stand for any form of physical persecution. This -would contradict too flag rantly his much advertised policy of "liberalization.” As he did not take part in the imprisonment of Cardinal Wys zynski and other bishops, he could apply to them his new "lib eral” policy and free them with out the loss of face, something the other communist officials could not well do. The main issues of Church state relations in present-day Poland are the return of right ful bishops to their posts and the ending of oppressive govern ment control and interference in the internal affairs of the Church. These issues may be con sidered as a test case which will show whether the much publiciz ed "liberalization” is a real thing or just a mask on the old and familiar face of the communist totalitarian regime. Earlier this year he was re leased from prison readmitted to the party and now he has been enthusiastically proclaimed its leader. Th* mor* Hb*ral and mor* patriotic *l*m*nt* of th* party plac* great hop** on hi* re turn to power, which is only natural, considering that h* com** back as a hero martyred by th* old Stalinist regime. Can the Church in Poland ex poet’anything like a new deal from the new regime? Will the new and more liberal policies be applied to the Church as well? One might expect that Gomulka would free the Primate of Pol and, His Eminence Stefan Car dinal Wyszynski, who has been ii..prisoned by the same old Stal inists who had put Gomulka in jail. It is not easy to *cc*s* th* probable cours* of *v*nt* in th* moftor of Church-stat* relation* under th* n*w r*gim* in Pol and. But th*** ar* som* of th* factor* which may h*lp in mak ing a reasonable guess: First, the new regime is as communist as the one before it. Within the "collective leadership” of the party. Gomulka cannot have his way on all points, what ever this way is. As for the new leader himself, since he is a com munist he presumably has the same attitude towards the Church and religion as any other ortho dox Marxist. He supported his government’s policies hostile to the Church, while he was in power. The second fact is that Gomul ka has no part whatever in the far more oppressive measures taken against the Church by the Polish government in later years. Between 1951 and 1953. 15 bish ops and apostolic administrators were arrested, forcibly removed from their posts and deported to various places eway from their respective sees. The large Catholic charitable organization. Caritas, was taken over by the government and most of Church property was nation alized. ------------------_q------------------- Re ahle to say to your self: "1 have done what 1 could." Louis Pasteur 1822 1895). SUMS Alteo Statin Pwf tut eiaaalttu oeatlg 7 gun of aetaal home ate! Th* *m*, dupbewng nearly seven yean erf actual home me. conducted over a gruehng 66 hours Pumahment So the door easily equal to that inflicted by family of growing boy*! RmvWw After 100.000 doaun*. there wa* no visible sign rf wear or breakdown Alaco't box-beem frame, stainlew ateei hinges, and new push-button latch were still in excellent condition. Your cordial Ateco man can kd you mor* about this amazing Mt. Irf MzriwmW II MM mrf rv tywewam oat *S cio.wrn prr 4**. MOULATSON SAOH GION WlATHMITWIFVfO u« teetgtot and wWtte 1 fl V Ab*«t the 10 ALSCO Daars 81 VW Rdn away Hill mHHh ts b«yt OR CALL CHARLES MELFI BR. 9-6185 Member K.C. Council 2898 is Four Assumption Council Knights who formulated bank book plan are standing, R. Foster, seated, left to right J. Ryan, A. Self and M. Nelson. Knights Hope to Help You Get Big Dividend The Knights of Columbus in this area are busy selling bank books these days. Not much profit in that, you say? Well perhaps you’re right if you’re thinking in terms of dollars and cents, but the Knights are hoping to gain some thing better. A couple of months ago four men from Assumption Council. 3727 in Columbus, decided to stop talking about the trend to materialism in the world and to start doing something about it. They laid out a plan before then council for a new type of project a spiritual savings book for lay men. The four men R. Foster, J. Ry an. A. Self, and Nelson, drew up a rough copy of the unique sax mgs hook and with the Coun ciis approval submitted it to Bishop Ready. The book, which is a pocket size guide, containing the Ten Commandments the Command ments of the Church, an exami nation of conscience check list, and space to keep a daily record of spiritual progress or the lack of it. was given the Bishop’s im primatur. The initial printing expense was absorbed hy the Assumption Council but since then the council has enlisted the aid of all Colum bus Knights plus those from New ark. Lancaster and Zanesville. To help defray the cost of these unique hank hooks the Councils New Novena Starts Monday On Monday. Nov. 5. at St Mary Magdalene church Parkside and Roys Avenues there will begin a new series of the Miraculous Medal Novena This Novena hon ors the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rever end Hugh Murphy of the faculty of Saint Charles Seminary will conduct this Novena series. The sermons during this series will be on the Beatitudes of Our Divine 1/ird. under the title. "Happiness and You.” Novena Devotions are at 8 30 with Mass, offered for the inten turns of those making the Novena 10 a and 3, 4. 5:15, 8, 6.45. 7:30, 8:15 and 9 p.m. There is ample opportunity for those making the Novena to go to Confession as Confessions are heard at each service. The easiest way to come to Saint Mary Mag dalene is to take the Sullivant Ave. bus to the end of the line. Hit hy Recent Typhoons NAGASAKI. Japan (NC) The Goto Islands in this diocese, where many Japanese Christians sought refuge during the perse cutions of the 16th and 17th cen furies, have been badly battered by typhoons. PREPARED FOR “RAINY DAYS" You, too, can be ready for “rainy days” the sudden financial emergencies that pop up in life. Just save regularly at friendly “FRANKLIN FED ERAL” Come in this week and start your account $1 will do it. SAVE "AT THE CHIMES" KDERAL SAVINGS X!°T MSN. “,7 feg&s# are charging 25 cents per book with any profits to go to a chari ty designated by Bishop Ready, to whom the book is dedicated. The Knights hope that other Diocesan organizations will lend a hand in this project. The men who originated the idea agree that the purpose of the project is to “combat materi alism to the best of their ability by helping ourselves and others in the practice of their duties in their state in life.” EASY Mass Ordo~ LITURGY Of The WEEK SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Green vestments: Introit Grad ual. Alleluia. Offertory, and Com munion of the Twenty-Third Sun day, Prayer. Epistle, Gospel, Se cret, and Postcommunion of the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Gloria. Second prayer (in Low Masses) of St. Charles Borromeo, Credo. Preface of the Trinity. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, FERIAL DAY. Mass as on Sunday. Green vest ments, ho Nothing to buy? No slogans to write HERE’S ALL YOU Stop at any cooperating efoctnc appliance dealer and ask- for an OP ERATION SUNSHINE entry card. V On foi* entry card mark down in foe spaces provided THE EXACT NUMBER OF HOURS AND MINUTES OF SUNSHINE YOU THINK THERE WILL BE NEXT WEEK. S»gn your name and address and drop the cord fo* moR box. No postage is required. Eod for fo. *Mfo MH WH EASY Seneca Appliance 195 Thurman Ave. Molnar Appliance 131 Yeorlmy Rd. Emswiler Electric 85 E. Long St. Morehouse-Fashion 130 S High St. Moores Appliance 1340 Parsons Ave. Fidelity Seles Co. 255/ Indianola Ave. Lawrence Grener's Appl. 2754 N. High St. Home Furnishing Co. 239 S. 4th St. Bill Owens Appl. N Starr and Lane Ave. Richlyn Furniture & Appl. 649 W Broad St. /'Al" Lyons Electric Appl. Delaware, Ohio Ideal Furniture Co. 641 N. High St. RCA WHIRLPOOL Sun Appliance Gloria, Second prayer (in Low Masses) for Peace, no Credo. Common Preface. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Mass as on Mondav. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, Mass as on Monday. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, COMMEMORATION OF THE FOUR CROWNED MARTYRS. Mass as on Sunday. Green vest ments. no Gloria, Second and Third prayers (in I^ow Masses) of the Martyrs and for Peace. No Credo, Common Preface. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE ARCHBASILICA OF OUR SAVIOR. White vestments. Gloria, Sec ond prayer (in lxw Masses) of St. Theodore, Credo. Common Pref ace. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, FEAST OF ST. ANDREW AVELLINO. ’White vestments. Gloria, Sec ond and Third prayers (in Low Masses) of St. Trypho and Com panions and for Peace, Common Preface. -------------------0------------------- Becomes Supreme Court Justice WASHINGTON (NC) Wil liam J. Brennan, jr.. of New Jer sey. became an Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court after he swore to support the Constitu tion and to give equal justice to the poor and rich. He succeeds Sherman Minton, who resigned because of ill health. Delaware, Ohio Rife's Hardware Hilliards, Ohio McCallas Just for guessing how much sunshine there will be next week! Pope Asks Prayer (Continued from page 1) the piety and faith of the Hun garian people, which he saw as papal legate to the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest during the reign of Pope Pius XI. "W* *r* certain," h* said, "that th* tarn* faith and th* *«m* lev* for Our Divin* Re deemer still inflam* th* souls of th*** people. Th* support er* of atheistic communism, however, strive with every m*an* to strip from th*ir minds th* ancient religion of their forefather*. “Therefore. We feel fully con fident that this most noble peo ple. even in the grave turmoil in which it now finds itself, will again pour forth fervent prayers to God for the ardently desired peace based on right order. We also cherish the earnest hope that everywhere throughout the world all true Christians, as evidence of their common charity, will join in suppliant prayers with their now only a day! SEE COLOR EVERY NIGHT THIS FALL See “Living Color” plus black -and-white on the same set. The new Aldrich has 254 square inches oj viewable area. Mahogany grained or limed Coma An twtaj! You may win one of these famous name electric dryers! DO! HERS writ be pecked on foe bases of foe Bsrtrunls who come closest to the actual hours and minutes of sunshine. Each of foese winners wM recerve a famous name riectric efothes dryer Earliest postmark wifl determine foe wenner case of ties. V At foe end of foe fore-week contest, foe entry foot bos come closest fo foe ofherat report durmg fo* entw* contest w*N recerv* as a grand prize a COLOR TV set. Beginning November 5, the following Easy, RCA Whirlpool and General Electric dealers invite you to stop in and enter Operation Sunshine. Boston Store 168 N. High St. D. L. Arnold 3301 E. Mam St. AAay & Company 30 E. Long St. City Furniture 2288 Sullivant Ave. Royal TV A Appl. Co. 124 E. Moin St. Margulis Dept. Store 2dl E. Livingston Ave. Superior Hdwe. & Appl. 493 E. Livingston Ave. Wolfe Electric 2427 W. Broad St. Teele Appliances Centerburg, Ohio John Evans Appl. Westerville, Ohio Good Housekeeping Shop 180 S. High St. Luckoffs 60 E. Mom St. Ohio Furniture Co. 265 E. Mam St. Loe Appliance 225 E. Mam St. Gold's Dept. Store 362 E. Long St. S. A A. Appliances 2723 Cleveland Ave. Seneca Appliances 195 Thurman Ave. Clintonville Electric 3367 N. High St. GENERAL ELECTRIC Cohagan Hardware 4000 E. Brood St. Gus Groner 2189 N. High St. Clintonville Electric Co. 3367 N. High St. C. C. Robinson Co. 102 E. Gay St. Montgomery-Ward 261 S. Third St. Goodyear Service 124 E. Spring St. Grove City Furniture Grove City, Ohio 276 S. High St. Watch TV Weatherman 12:10 and 11:10 p.m., Channel 10, for clues of Operation Sunshine brothers who are oppressed by »O many calamities and wrongs.” The Pontiff called especially for the prayers of children. She SMrteti. Modal 2fCS7t1. This beautiful COLOR TV SET Enter every week if you like* V You may enter foe contest every week but each entry must be postmarked be fore midnight of th* Saturday preceding th* week of your guess. Y Electric opphance dealers and distri butors, employees of Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company, foeir advertising agency and fomfoes are Mt ehgibie to enter. tetMCHHCa He asked all the bishops of the worldf to join their exhortations to his own. The encyclical, dated Oct. 28, the feast of Christ the King, was entitled Luctuosissimi Eventus (Most Sorrowful Events) from the opening words of the Latin text. o------------------- Happy, the man who bears within him an ideal of beauty, and who knows how to obey it and ideal of art. of science, of coutry. an ideal of virtue ac cording to the Gospel—Words engraved on the tomb oPLouis Pasteur (1822-1895) in the Pas teur Institute in Paris. Central Assurance Co. Life end Health and Accident Insurance Ml K. Breed St CA. 4-S1JJ ___ only OCA Moneaaad and Dwafopad CoMpadfala Cohr MmM(* HOERMLE’S 1894 Parsons Ave. HI. 4-2195 HL 4-2196 FREE! Bolenbaugh Hardware Canal Winchester, Ohio Cleve Appl. Center 2594 Cleveland Ave. Gordon Barber Appl, 2433 Cleveland A**e. King Sales 1288 Grandview Ave. Wingeier Supply Pataskala, Ohio Delaware Hardware Delaware, Ohi*i San-Dean Furniture Westerville, Ono Loveless Appliance West Jetterson, Ohio Sunbury Electric Sunbury, Ohio Trimble Home Furnishings Mt. Sterling, Ohio Arco Electric Appliance Co. 2775 W. Broad St. Mann Furniture Co. 3440 Sullivant Ave. Hoermle's Appliance 1894 Parsons Ave. Jacobs Furn. & Appliance 195 Livingston Avw.