One Dollar Per Y ear. Springdale. Washington County, Arkansas, July 27. , O O Q I Ot >0. Volume 2. Number 12, Tiie News. *»*<>. P. STAI’FOKI), _ Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Entered at the Post Office at Spring dale, Ark., nsswond-dasa matter. The Bureau of Immigration request ttint "very Subseriher In llie slate, anil any other Arkaiisian receiving this pa. per, write upon it the Name anil Post, ofttre Address of the Sender, anil Mail it to Some Person Outside the Slate. Democratic Xu lion at Ticket. Election Tuesday, Nov. 0, 1888. For President, Grover Cleveland, For Vice President, AllenHC. Thurman, of Ohi'». Dotutcralie Slate lick el. Flection Monday, Sept. It, 18sH, For (ino rn<>r—■). 1*. Eagle, of Lo noke. For Secretary of State—B. B. ('hi«at, of Lu^an. For A uditor W. S. Dunlop, of Monroe. For Treasurer—Win. K. Woodruff, of P«laski. For C liicf Justice—Sterling If. ('ockrill, of Pulaski. For Kornev Ocneral—\Vm. K. At kin son, of Nevada. For Superintendent of Public In struction— Wood F. riionipson, of Drew. For State 1.and t'oinmissiouor— Paul M. Cobbs, of St. Francis. 7. ■NnTnrn.Tn'R,W'TTS 2L±'t I'i U U it U s-O. Volt CnNOUESS To the voters of the Mb Congcssion al District of Arkansas: Thunkint; von tnest sincerely for p:tst jaipport. I announce inyselt a can ar« authorized to annonnee \V. M. Davis as a candidate for icpresenta tivi. subject to the action ot the Demo cratic part). We are authorized to nnnot.nce 11 Milton lhitler as a candidate tor u p Teseutat i vc. dijis t to the action of the ■Democratic party. siticiii ii-h 'Vi are authorized to announce M S. Williams its a eanoidale lor sbeiaTT.' tuihjeet to the action of the Democratic convention or primary election. We are authorized to annonnee A. S. <( i ns ii ('iti HIHI ate tor slier i If. subject J.o the act ion of the democratic parly. Weave authorized to annoinioe I. it th > (»-•«•> 1 cs. l!r,Ai\F. is expected to return ! home soon iiml the Hopublicans arc making preparations to give him a grand welcome. The Republic savs “as ho is not running for anything, all this enthusiasm must be duo to the fact that he is opposed to the Free Whiskey platform adopted at Chicago.” Just His Luck. From tlic Detroit Free Press. Passenger—What’s wrong? Brakeman—The train behind us, can’t slow up. There’ll be an aw ful collision. Passenger—And i’ll bo killed. That's just like my luck. I was foolish enough to buy a,return tick et. A voi .no and newly married coup le who were on their bridal tour an noyed the rest passengers in a rail way coach by the effusiveness ot their devotion to each oilier. 15e sidis this they kept tho window op en a good deal, to the discomfort ot their fellow-travelers. Finally n lady who sat behind them leaned over, and with the sweetest amdc said: “Madam, will y.iu kindly re quest your son to close the window? I fear I am taking colo.” It is un necessary to say the window came down. i m■; ji 11 i s u i u , mi u1o i f \ i ' i • u of the tariff, passed the house Sat urday by a vote of 172 to 149, a ma jority of but thirteen. Four Demo erats voted against the bill. Thev were Bliss, Greeninan and Merri man. of New York, and Lomden, of IVnnsj’lvania. Three Republicans \oled for the bill. They were Brower, of North Carolina, Fitch, of New York, nml Nelson, of Min nessota. < >ne Independent—Smith, of New York, voted for and one Niehols, of North Carolina—voted against it. The country is now a:ix iously awaiting tho action of the Senate. Therefore. Be it resolved, by Un democratic state central corntoittee. That the democratic voter-, in each township in the state of Arkansas, where clubs are not already formed, are earnestly requested to meet at their respective voting precincts on Satur day, the 2Mh day of July. lass, at S o'clock p. in. and oiganize denuc atie (luhs by the election of a president, vice-president and seoretarv and the enrollment of all names in .--aid town ships that become memheis of -aid club. The above is one of the resolutions passed hv the State Central Com mittee whieh’met jat Little Hock July loth. It will he seen 'hat it uigesnpon the democrats of the State the ncces.-ity tor organization an-t names Saturday 2sin*t., as a day suitable for tlie good work. Let every Democrat injthis town ship come to ‘town next Saturday . evening and we'll ali have a regular jubilee! Tv another place wa pubbsh the re.-olutions adopted by the Republi cans of tiiis county, Saturday, 14th inst. In tho 4tli resolution they “view with mingled'feelings of re gret disgust tho dispUcoment of our national ling by the Demo cracy, and its adoption ol an old snuff rag as a party emblem,” ete.J It was a conceded fact that the Kepubliceus would try and make political capital out of the bandan na, hut wo are surprised at the weakness of this effort. There is no logic ln it. The Democrats are proud’of the red bandanna; vve aroj proud of the grand old man who) uses this same “old snail rag, ’ but w e are prouder still of that which is dear to every American heart re gardless of party feeling—the stars and stripes. I{e|inbliuaii Ideas. The following arc tlio resolutions adopted by the Republican* of this comity at their recent meet ing at l;"vettevi!le: 1. Kesol vod, That we,'the repub licans of Washington county, in mass-convention assembled, hearti Iv endorse the national republican "plTTlfoiytr','1' as adopted by the republican pnYPy -'4&*einbled m ■ national convention at Chicago. 2. Resolved, '1’hat the nomina tions oi Benjamin Harrison, of In diana, anil l.cvi 1’ Morton, of New Vork, respectively, for president and vice president of the I'nited States, meets our moat hearty ap proval, and we heartily pledge our every honorable effort to secure their election. :i. Resolved, That we deeply tie plore the illness of Phillip)!!..Sher idan, tile gallant general of the I'ni ted Slates army,and unite with his family in a feivent prayer that he may soon he restored to the services of his country. 4 Resolved, That wo view with-1 mingled feelings of regret and dis. gust the displacement of our nation al Hag by the democracy, and its adoption of an oid snutV rag as a party emblem; that wo call upon ; all tr ie. patriotic An. riean citizens : to iv 1 iy around the s a. s and si ripe.-,: the flag un'lor which we have fought ' our greatest battles and won ourj most ,nr|oi-ion! victories -the sanu : •zmzxmKJ:SlSS isw. batwttk, Sih<<-r.yor to BAIRD & URIC I IT, Au'eiit lcr Am ©s Engines & Boilers,Eagle!lotloiiGins mt'l.Wi'XS-'.CO.’S S.'IW MILLS. 17//: O.YL )' G EX l 7X1:' MIX OFORl) COTxXJc H7/EX'/ V ILL* COTlOX TRESSES, SH/XGLE MXCUIXE, Steam Pumps, Jet Pumps, Stalk Cutters, Mowers an krc»i i.ast week.) cH.\:*rr.;: ;■ : r now T.VIIAS Kt.PT ms won I'. Norr!* was late atthv Ini’; on that ovont f ul morning, for after ling hairs r.f vvako fill misery. lnl e >:;i; t.» I 1 a in fever ish, uurefreshing on: h-s. 1; ■ arrived at tho sain j moment, with Mr Evcrloigh. who stopped out of his carringr, uooompaniad by a police officer whom he lieu picked up on tho wav. “Ah, Norris sp )k i tho banker, with extreme agitation. “Do you know what has happened I There has been a:i accident, it may bo a murder. TU ; janitor tolopli med forme. Childer is hurt, he say.*, -hut by burglars, who broke m during the night.’’ Tha three we at in t >;- her while h •• was speaking, and the janitor, who had tela p inned immediately upon making his ghost iydiscovery, met the.a with a frightened fare, and repeatu 1 his story of liiidiuR Childor, w uuded and seusoless. while an open win low led to th • supposition that burglars had effected b-i ctitmneo and been beaten off by the intrepidity of the junior partner, who pa 1 th i dear price ol this desperate, it might bo a fatal, wound for his bravery. The ball which h .d entered tho ehest had tom its way through the body, and was found iuioedded lu the heavy plank llooriug beneath liim Between them they lifted tho wounded man to a lounge and did what they could tc restore him toe'mdcl'jar.ncs i, quite without avail, until a physician who hud been sent for arrived. “An ugly wound," pronounced the latter. “ It will talro a s'.mg rooutitulion to pull him through. Hollas 1 ■ t ti great dial oi tfe'A we have not far to move him It l.ui h. r r*W , Norris touched jI*'Y££5$S *,d^ugg^the arm. “Komc ore ought t > tr.lcn tli* news ahead. With your pjrmisaoa 1 will g “No, no; 1 want you to remain in charge hero. Wo II sen i a messenger to break the news, and I will go w*.lithe iioo;- fellow my self. That little lister of hi -v.-as to be mar ried this morning, v.ui 6h ■ not( Well, well; tli -.'il bo no we Jem: n> w, of course, and J ho]io no wjvsc will eoaie oi this than putting off the ceremony. What did you say, sir!” to tho officer whs hid been Vx. amining tho premises. “I suggested that you should look into your safe. It does not seem to me to have been lumpen, i with i t all." An examination proved this conclusion to bo correct. No uttarnit ha 1 bo a, made to ward [< 'Y!ng tho: .a. -. Tl'O a - mo'dll hud evidently boon frightened away before he ssas r.biu to curry oct his buigl mous de signs. “Probably ho was surprised at linding the young man ii :;v, bred bis shot and iiod Without waiting to aeo its effect. What pu/zles me is that h should have left his revolver behind him loo you sjppo30 it likely that veer partner wua orrao l1'1 “ Not at alt likely. Men do not, as a rnlo, carry ill--arms inthii day. uud Lyman neither of a reckless nor a timid nature." Tho detective's uext question was put in o' -' trje Ker's ear Til KO. PARKER, IN Confectioneries, Cigars, and Tobacco. ?llsombuyer and shipper of all kinds of Fruits, I eejc btes, 'Poultry, Eggs, W'ool, Hides, and Grain. Orders I omptly Jilted. Business house .Yor/h side Emma .'Ivenue, -Tin? “OLD RELIABLE” HOUSE OF SSlS^SXCr'Sir «£a Is 'Stitt in the Market with a Complete Xfork of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, aps, Gro ceries and Queensware. COME IN AND SEE US. bankruptcy." " Then there was no motive for Th fell v/ who did the job was a bungler, that's all 1 can say now. Ta re was noth ing to prevent his making a clean sweep il he'd been a professional, since nobody seems , to have h r. d the shot. You are to be con gratulated on Kitting ciT without luss, sir.' Mr. Kvcrh itrh’o h art was too heavy for reply. He felt that any loss would be light compared to that which ho feared might come—f >r ho could not but realize thut Lyman’s life was in fearful jeopardy, and his own obligation to tao Utter weighed upon him heavily While they were thus engaged in survey ing the situation, the phy.-ieiau had been superintending the removal of the woumk-1 man. Meanwhile, the messenger who had been dispatched to break the evil tidings, ! limling himself in un unfamiliar locality, had managed to nnsa his way, and the shock | of seeing her brother borne, in apparently lifeless came upon Carol without warning. She was stunned by it. Rho listened mutely to tin- explanations Which the banker hurried forward togive, and to la a pitying words, but her only thought was of her brother's dar-ger (TO UK CONTIXl'KD ) CHAMBERLAIN'S Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every neighborhood throughout the Northwest there issomo person whose life has been saved by this great remedy, such persons loose no opportunity in speaking of its good qualities and what it has done for them, there are also a great many who have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by if and can not say enough in praise of it. Such persons it is who have most ad vertised the remedy, and brought it in to gem ral use, until it has become the main reliance for bowel complaint in all its forms, throughout the west. No one who needs such a remedy can uso it without groat benefit. As a safe guard many families always keep a bottle at hand for use when needed, and by doing so, save much suffering ami not unfrcqneutly the life of soma person suddenly attacked with cramps, colie or cholera morbus. Physicians who have seen its good work and been loin ny im-ir pain-uts xviiul a .spleneliet meelioinc it is, have trie-d it, ami as one of them says: '1 found it as good or better than anything I could prepare'* 1 and now use and prescribe it with tlio 1 best results, Unlike most other pro , paratiuas in use for the same puroos. < it is rather pleasant to take e.-|>eeial!y when reduced witii water and sweeten ed. Children do not object to taking it after they have ouee tasted of it. it c*1 rev pain j),,» stomach. Colie*, »T* •• — *4 I.4 - rvf iiJ m-iKs H** i \ ^ cramps,.eindera morbus, dysentery, l cured it. 1 tliink it a*good remeely unit will continue to test it opportunity offers unt.i the bottle is n, ed up A Fisi.t s, linirdnieige, Iml. Shiloh’s Vitilizcr is what yen need Jor Constaputiui, loss of A]> - —**-'* niz/ini-ss Uriel .-ill symptoms A. J. HALE, Attonreu“at“Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collecting ami Ileal Estate Agent, Springdale, Arkansas. Will homestead lands, purchase un der donation laws, or otherwise at the State Land Otthv. Take do|>osiLions. ■ icknowlcdgmeuts of deeds, etc.1 Eronipt attention given to all business • entrusted io his eare. ■ CHARLEY A. MINNEY, 10.Y&ORI.'!L All'llSl. | Keen Razors and ( loan Towels. Shaving and Shampooing, Hail- ('titling and Hair Dress in*' in the Latest Style. -fall and see me. Springdale, — — Ark k Starkweather. J 1 ' * -DK LER IN Diugs, Medicines, Notions, Stationery. I Candies, Jewelry, and Tobacco Jr*!’"Proscriptions ourntelj' Coni pounded. Springdale, — — Ark. BLAC^SMITHING -AND wood: WORK. If you want any of the above work doUc, call on J. 1>. Raggett—cheap est and host workman in town. 100,000 Fed of Pry Lum ber for Sule ! At m% llockhonse mill in Madison Co . Ark., located in T. if North of U*> \\ *‘St. I Want it di ictlv understood that I UIVI'C -!i I.' • ■ 1 .1111 . . I .. nil II" sell \ i> ami [in! N :■* in with it. I also want t tiuded >t< that 1 have a l.ti . i- plain i will) l»lf evhnder ami 1 v heaw Iced i• >11'. that eost jt-SOO in Si !,. iis. to dress linnher wilh ii stead of dressiiu: with a inniillin^ machine. Ami 1 w : >i ;• l.ii tln r r U• > ■■ I .> i ;iM ; i. lical i ■:i>■ i.;n-st n the mai iiii i i \ in uimil i . Ii r. so it •*:’.! * 1 ■» good win'. Mi /. I'- Stump has I cen in it,i* I■ iii11»*• r lmsim-'s 1 *■ r the last 1* ■cars'■! it \r'i av w anting ji"" 1 hnn ■*.m> H-ivoi :.i .1 In nhi r i II mi her aim >. ,'**^*t It i hliouie mill. IVt). -s Sunup *"% a s: Below are in\ . ash*! 1„ VI.i • ferJHMt feet. No. 1 .dressed ami matched, $i do. \o.|ll,tiliesseil ami luatelual, I L’>. , No. 8, dressed ami matched, 1 00. ckimmu. I’er UIO feet No. 1, dressed ami matched. $1 In No. dressed amljinatehed, 1 Id No,j3, dressed ami matched, !J0 UXISlIi\o;n JI11KI!. l*ei lowteet No. 1. dressed'on two sides. *1 T-> No. 2. dressed on two sides. I So No. ;>. dressed on two sides, 1 00 BF.\ Itl.F.Il SUM SO. l’fl 100 feet. No. I. dressed on one side, >1 00. No. s. dressed on one side. 7d. .1 A < . BLACK lit' UN. M ai 'tills. \ i:. rouM enhy dinner ■ ami irn prerenteti by Ilyo k: • a Pyapeif'a tJahlelJ They are v j • . c enro for Pyapep*!*, Is digestion, liiuclency and Couf mdistv " " c,.,-,,. t>-s ti-Hfu. Jr, ftjjd tO cwniA | v\ou |:r*0 \r Millard lierrj, Jim .K. Harris Noiauv IViiLic. Berry & Harris iLg’eirats** Sl’IU.MiDA IjK, ARKANSAS LAND FOR SALE. 8 40 acres. I1, miles S E of Sprit)” dale, 80 in cultivation, balance young timber, good land but na buildings—price Sl5 per acre cu-l» or part on time. 10 40 acres 1 mile N E of Spring dale; good frame bousoof'3 rooms; log stalde, good well, all fai m well fenced, 80 acres in cuMivalion and over 100 apple trees—price $40pcr acre; cheap. 13 >0 acres three and one half miles N. Id. of Springdale. '0 in eul11\ntion and under fence, fair house, good frame barn, 2 good wells, few apple and peach trees just beginning to bear, 3u acres lies at foot of mountain and is goof fruit land; price and terms on ap plication. 1<; 80 acres 5 miles north west of Springdale and H miles from Eln* springs. all under fence; HO a res in cultivation, bida'iee in t'lnber; good average buildings: l> ' apple trees, 1 bearing and lot of) .ring peach trees. -I 55 acres, .*> miles .Southeast, 4"> in cultivation lOactes in wheat 140 apples trees, some htaring and some young; also selection of cher ry, peach and plum trues; g. od well, large log hoi!s(', log stables, corn crib Ac, 4 acres in meadow red top timothy ai.d clover mixed, corn and hay for sale with the farm. 23 *0 acres :i-4 mile north east, 48 in cultivation 3 acres in orchard good frame house, good well, nil line land and every fool tillable. Price $2800. •'4 HO acres 2 milcst n onth east 55 acres in cultivation and 00 tinder fence, entire Ho can be ciiItivated, good box house of two rooms, double leg stable, I lo bearing ap pie trees (young) and strawberries,, raspberries&c. tor family use, price ¥ MoO. 27 52 acres 2 miles Seuth West, •24 in cultivation, fair log house 2' rooms, and other buildings, good well, 51)0 apple trees, one to four yrs.old all strong land, suitable for fruit and grain, -sTOO cash or equiv eluiit in g ood pn -pe tv. 2’ fjacres in W part town ahmvfc 50 bearing apple and nearly IOO bearing peach trees, and assortment crab apple, plum, ami small fruits good Iranio house, 5 rooms, sur rounded by grove of forest trees. I'rice 2Hl Nice 41 acre lot in west pat'll of town, beautiful resident e lot price s.'dJO. u2 ?•> aeres 3 miles S W td Sj >ing d.ylc, ; 5 in cultivation fair bouse log barn good lots & e, 475 apple trees of tine growth, price 81000. 3d Nice frame residence of 5 rooms in N \V part of Springdale desirable locution, foOOcasb. 38 120acres, miles north, 9.2 acres under good fence, good house and barn, good water, nearly GOo fruit trees 1 hearing, small vineyard and plenty small fruits, 75 acres in cultivation; cheap at 8-10 per acre, if cash, bal. turn. l4 1*7 acres -'! miles Sir from Springda'e; 70 acres in fine state of cultivation, 85 a res under good fence, no other improvements, $20 per aero. 4 b 160 acres i miles Sw from Springdale, *0 acres under fence, and in cultivation, balance timber, 3 acres in orchard, item Iy nil bear ing, box house of 2 rooms, good well, timber very good, 820 per acre. ipl l-T acres > mile north of Springdale, JJ 0 liuit trees, 600 of which arc b ginning to bear, frame liouso id •> r.'itms, ]50 rods post and plank fence, - wells, one pnro wa ter and tlio other mineral of some medical propel ties, price S.'tOOO. 47 Nici, framo residence n ■ foivl 1 it iii siiii111 part of Spri .*•• • s t»0 cash and s dale, pi 'i--— time on balance. 48 Brick residence near part oftown, 2 stories of *, basement ol 2 rooms an lot over200 feet sijnare, ]» o55 120 acres 8 mile acres under fence, 70 o cultivation, ft'acres or houses, fair Imildir wheat, 2 good wetls. 59. K'O aero fat 0b acres in cultiv* good fence, 3t> in ' fenced with v ii no apritier '' at asim'9fs*~ rooms J cellar, .Ice *lb00 i west, and i which is in ebard, 2 gs, 20 .witi* price $2b00. 21 mil •tie a iro. ? BW, Hfltftr other out and 100 pe..c cova nnd 1 to in rgodd fond iar, \ if sold r iinnse; i t cIn* •Hidings, j0p J t • Ot-s, re in >i ... , •*■>#«. ii,‘ i c crop - .4 i„7''cs wnti Co terms ham a'’cs hi