Newspaper Page Text
<‘IIK N FAYS. ,'\0. P. ‘T »■ IKU, Killer ilME 1XBLE. Coiso South., i 3 1* i riiillt 1 i>ii 1.1 5 I ’iR-MllllW 0:41 r. M 2:20 A. M. 12:01 a. si. 10:27 i\ st 10:27 A. SI ti UNO Xoiim. J’rpiulU r ui Freight l\,sst*i*tfer passeo-'* i'iv!4tr 1*1.a <1 > not cary passengers M. FROST, Agent. 10:27 1 SI. 2:48 I’ si. n on a. m. *1:17 A. M. *1:40 I >1. DIRECTORY. » i j i OFFICERS. 'I i* .*• M ; 1 Harry H > i*r*'i r. — il Itrjant. ■J'iW.isK i r. * Fetross. >.l ir-' tl. i F Harris .M,!(■>■.n. ii F.I>er e .1 IV. (Mam . s. X. II x o i. 'V. M I « I. F. It j t r ( UMKCIIKS. " «•; i:.—servi-TH eaeb lirsl .*. ,i ! 1:i 1 > .a.lay both mnrnin:: :ml i -tii I ,.i.meeting etory lours :i„ . «■ i. (' : ■ !,. i*l ’ af CVl*!> thill ’ - «. • • \. < ! i :;V MjsaU'.oti v Sc'*ii - •, , ■ ■ \ . i ; > nlav at •! :.''.i* »• 'Vo <-*■*,;s:iM ii*!t:i •*. meeting 1st Frida > i, .*\,• * in >a at 1 ::u i>st. > iu lay I •!: * >; i. '-.‘.*i a ■ . Sun-la). Il 1 l>i*av ' !{< -,. Js •' Matthews, Pastor. i ,:k k tam rnui'.cil--■ r 'iielling I C";'‘ \ ii -? .a,lay in nidi mouth. ;u mu'.ii'^ a hi i-vi ntng. Prayer meet ing everv V.T U-sdav evening. .Sun- | da-, s.'hool ever- Sunday at Si', w. Mr. A. .V. Milster, Pastor. M. E. Cur licit- Services first Sun-1 ,1av in ciicii mouth at tlic Baptist chinch in H n m and at night llev. II. 11. Scruggs. | Pinmai n k Baptist.—Services ev-i err seccn . i.mi.iy in each month nml • ,i hi las I . Sunday scho il 0.80 A M, .! I„ Watson. Sopt. id 1 it . Lot ing. Pastor, ; >tissni\Kiv Baptist.—Servlres ev-1 or. t !iird So i.d s\ on 1 at night. Prayer mcei ill t evil ' Tuesday night. I>. \V. Neal, Pastor. s'. I’liK-n'i i K inv.—Services at Bnp tist church ever. 1th Sunday, morn : ingaii lev;, ng by Bev.d. 11. Kelley. l.friiK': \ s. Services every Sunday nt in.;; i. a m. Sunday school every i S uidnv at T c m. ' K Under. Simt. il,-v. A. S U I thohinicw. Pastor. Sen • -;vii !>A' ™ VnvKTttisrs.— Snb hath r -hot>; a1. In o -lock every Sabbath. K. B. Voting. Supt SECBKT SOCIETIES, ETC. F. A M Meets at hall in Baptist phnrch Friduvjuiffht, on or before full moon in each month. B. F. Heaver, M. E. Atwood. Sc S. S. & !. CO. Meets first Monday in (i ic'.i month. L. It i’etross. Pres. Jno. 1*. Stafford. See. C. S ({ran* Cost No. 34.—Meets nf tei 'i'ion of i : ,st at unlay in each month, ami at m do o 'hlrdasaturday in each mouth it 1 (t- a■ B hall. .limathim Smith Commander. K. I’. 11,ill. Adjutant. OP ST. - L iJ CHAT. ({OSSIP WHO' TILED BY NEWS VV.NtTLLF.US. Items nr Interest Picked lip «n Our Street Corners During the Past S vea Days. JVy and dusty this week. The building boom 'till continues. Iv o-ybody lakes in the free F^ow. W'ioiv, O whore, is*that marble ordinance? Come to t' e picnic and lmvo a good time. C. Petros.* w,".t to Fayetteville V/ed liesday. Trade 1ms keen comparatively good tlil< week. Toe band n< \v has a complete set o Ju ”.v insiru n nts. The*Cann’iig Company t* now working oa tomatoes. What are y i guing*to de*about fixing up Hu grave yard? T >m White, of Faj'etteaillo, was li town tiist i t the week. A crowd id young folks were out from Fay.tteviii** Wednesday even i'*br .1. L. C uds oil brought us in some i eo peaiho and trail apples this w rok. Wo :;)%• ii. iehiedto II. A. Uftilv f r on* * I ins lievv ‘‘Sporting N ew s ' e g: V Wouldn't K s ri Avenue b^^-'.jee Ibis hot. dusty " . tUier V~c, ,p». only pjii iii.' ~ ^ «»■' t o-i. , :,..m:i' Gladden and L. J. ®8i*f h«-m«! : ’ ■ mindulates speak at Farmington fu. lay. A . Warm if Lowell, was in town Tuesday making purchases am aio our ru. ly bants. ,< \V. Jo’ i.s. -i mid family are vis a , Mr. .’oliiison’s tnothei and oilit-r r, laiiv.v . Missouri. Ma-lc .M:C;- iV, of Fayittoviljt, (nti»‘d on us Thursday morning y. - *n id'.B, ntonvillc. ' I f you are in doubt ns to how yon subscription stnndc come in and sei about it. We must have what i due ns. Dr. r. .1. Holcomb is down fron t lint'in, Mo., visiting relatives am ohl friends, uc will return hotni Sunday. A large number of pension appli cants made their uj poarancc before the examining board of physicians last Wednesday. licit Williams and lion. W. M 1 tv is came in from the canvass Saturday eveting to be with t t.ei i families Sunday. Bet is feeling jubilant. C. W. Phillips is Greeting a new dwelling house on bis lot on IIol comb street. Mr. Phillips says that when completed this will be the best house in town. All those who have not paid for street work are requested to call and settle at once. J. F. II \RRts, fttrect Coiunrssioner. Republicans in favor of organiz ing a club at this place will please meet at the G. A. li. hall, Monday evening, July 30th, at 8 o’clock. Bn Kkqlkst. Martin Walaer, living one mile west of Lowell, crossed the line Wed lies lay to see the bo«t town in v* »-iiiNi/? >ti fountv. an i whilo here h -tpc i to increase the audionce ad dress. I by the candidates for prosecuting attorney. i'li'.* celestial Exhibition Smidav nigh was grand. About 11 o’clock fair Lady Moon, perched in a corn loan *-ky and radiant in her fullness, received the earth’s shadow with a grace that was truly maidenly. The eclipse lasted an hour and a half. A largo crowd attended llio speak of the candidates for prosecuting at torney Wednesday. Mr. Baker and Mr. Walker arc both gentlemen, and made good tittle talks. There is no ill-feeling whatever between them and they are getting along nicely. We call your attention this week to the announcement of .1. K. Suttle, who is a candidate for county clerk before the Democratic parly. Mr. Suttle is a young man who has worked himself up by perseverance and hard work aid should the De mot-racy honor him with the nomi nation tho office will lie in comp - tent hands. We notic" in (ho Little Bock Ga ze ttc nn account of the death of lion. Husia McGuire which occured Monday night at his home at Mc Guire’s Store, S miles cast of Fay etteville. Ills death was caused by cholera morbus which was brought on while on tho cans ass, he being a candidate for re-election to a scat in the house of representatives. Tho prohibitions met at the office of Gill & Vtnccnhellcr Saturday night and organized a prohibition club with I lev. Evan Thompson, President; Esq. John Sunders viee President and Ohas. Baker. Secre tary and Treasurer. The club meets every Saturday night. All persons in sympathy with prohibition are invited to attend the meetings. A correspondent from Mis sissippi writing to the Arkansas .Methodist pays the following high compliment to our tow nsman, Bev. J. A. Peebles: “A number of our colleges have conferred cause hon oris, the degree of I). I>. upon worthy and well qualified brethren, upon none more worthy than upon our friend and brother. Rev. J. A. Peebles, presiding elder of'Fayette ville Distric t, Arkansas Conference. jim 1 e» uiea w in our m'ihkii iiime in the days of “wild lang Bine.” IT" was u graduate of old La Grange Colloge, Ala., in tlie year before the war, and was our fellow labor er and brother beloved in tbe min istry, in the years immediately pro ceeding his transfer to Arkansas.'’ We are informed that there is a gentleman in,Springdnle who claims that Xebbnehadnezzar is the name ot one of the hooks of the l?iblc. We have also boeu numerously Informed by a certain other gentle man that there were more ‘'sucker's” in Springdale than any ether place oneaitli. We nre also informed that Prof. Frazier (colored) who entertains tho people who gather around the stage which stands near the tent of the manipulators of kid ney and liver pads, had learned through our reliable informant of the fishy character of our popula tion. and decided to angle in our midst. We arc also informed that his success last Saturday night would have made Isaac Walton green with envy. We also have it upon relinbl. authority that tl e l’rpfessor used a cotton twine about seven hundred feet long, both ends oi which wero attached to a leather battery, with which the expert fish erman proposed to perceptibly shock as many persons as would ; take hold of tL~o ■sty^‘ir r mie rush "1. suer man's line was.'m nieiise, and strange as it 11 ay appear the gentleman whom we have quo - ed as authority on tho number of tho “sucker-’ population of Spring dale, was t: c first man tor-nich on to that, string, and tin \, ry hi't n no to turn it loose a lien the shock came, these statements ere ati made on reliaoie information and a firm belief only, and not from any information derived from personal expertenc e. For lame hack, side or chest ust l-ii', Vs Perms Plaster- Pr -e ‘_’’i efs. sale by Id. A. Daily. • I a. .). Roods,of Delaney, was i > (town Wednesday and Thursday. James l>. Kelley and John F Woods, of Eureka Springs, were ii i town Thursday. | I)r. John Shackelford was ii town last Monday lor the first lino in many months. •General Good was out promcnad ' ing with an army of young ludie. | Wednesday night. Rev. Harry May, the converted i Jew. preached to a large eongivga ! lion Tuesday night. Theo. Park r is improvin'* hi | properly by huildim a neat portlet | in ft .it of his re den -e. Rev. Wines, of Van Buren preached an interesting sermon al the Baptist church Thursday night Horry & Harris have a bran new two horse spring wagon which they propose using in »heir real estate business. Leslie Durley, an insurance man <>f Little itock, was in tho city Thiiisday, looking after tho insur ance interests. So far Untdc John Liehlytcr is the boss tomato grower, he having dcl’vered more to the factory than any other man. 1 ill* wild Ulllv K Mil ] y crop is im i in on -»e tins year and those brought I to market hero have command e I i better ju ices than usual ( . W. Wright n building a neat I and substantial veranda in trout ol j his store room- Ft will be tiie only tiling of the kind in town. Mr. Re Idiclt and family, of Gar field, was iii town this week to do up some trading, lie is a relative ol our townsman, \Y. N. Pierce. Kd. Goodman brought us in twe very large yellow tomatoes Satur day, and John Cleintner brought in some Tuesday. They were all very tine. In most of the northern cities the t hermometer indieatt us run as high | a« 10n degrees, wtiile hero we have failed so far to see a register above it5 degrees. There is 1 n!k of organizing a coat | piny to prospect lor natural gas and mineral in the vicinity ot Springdale. By ail means let the work begin. James I). Allsbaugh has bought twelve acres of land trom Fer dinand Thornton 1 mile and a hall southwest from town and will prob ably engage in fruit culture. Many farmers are breaking wheal Ian t. The early bird will succeed, and the earlier and the deeper the ground is turned the better the chances will be lur good crops. S. H. McGlothlin recently bought a farm of 260 acres fifteen miles west of town and will move soot) Me. is a good citizen and the coin inanity can hardly afford to lose him. Just north ot the railroad stock yard there is a large pool af stag nant water which should be declar ed a nuisance, which it positively is to all living in that vicinity. !l not removed soon serious illness may result from it So Itase Hall. There will be no game of hall this evening as before stated owing to the fact that tho “Browns” could not be hero. The picnic will bo held in tho grove east o! the Jinp j list chnrch. S. M. Wright, of Terre Haute, Hi., shipped liis goods to Springdale Se vern! Jays ago, and wrote Berry A Harris that lie would probably ar rive with his family this week. He expects to locate permanently in Springdale and engage in the dry goods business. If all the property owners from Dodson & Co's, west to Pollocks furniture house would tear out thcii wooden platforms and Py brick sidewalks and then erect awnings as Dodson A Co. have done the tide of pedestrian travel would be turned to that side of the street, and bus: ness there be much increased. A contract to do the entire job could be made on more favorable terms, too,than one alone. We hope that the proposed pros porting and mining enterprise will become strong enough to have a five inch hole one thousand feet deep at some point within or near the corporate limits of the town. The possible revelations of such a ■hole in tlu> ground" would prove startling to the most imaginative of our citizens, and might add millions to the material wealth of the town in six months. A vein of coal within fixe hundred feet of the sur face would be a bonanza; an _ i iptUiiklV*4VAvT)Idd be a roaring e.itar i art of wealth, while a rushing | stream of natural gas would lift us ■ all out of our old boots. One ot j these three possibilities would bo [almost a certainty, besides the ; chant' of iludiug i no ofthe previ ous iuetitij in i ty ing ; iant;t:os. S'; ( : ght', too miserable i hv th:V. terrible cough. Shiloh’s cure is h ■ Remedy foi you. Hoi sale by 11. A. Drily. Catarrh Cured, health an 1 sw<*« t breath cured, hv Shi! >!»'* < atari 1 Remedy. Prie. * SO cvnt = ■ i injeci- '' rsale by H. A, i Da !; . A Hentiliful Seal *ikin ( lank 3 ' is a becoming garment 1c a lady If she has an elastic slop, an aw oi , grace and modesty, ainl the glow of health on i cr cheek; she will al v. ays command admiration. With ' out these, no woman can appear to .* i advantage. With sickly counten mice, painful gait, and listless air. she is an object of pity. How man) ’ I American •women daily drag out a •wretched existence, ignorant of the blessing of perfect health! All her weaknesses can be cured by Dr. . Fierce’s Favorite 1'ieseriptiou, the great specific for prolapsus, lencorr ’ hea, ulceration and unnatural dis charges. a he only medicine sold ! y diigg'sts, under a positive guar antee of giving --atisfaction, or inon I ey refunded. Head guarantee | printed on its w rapper, j l>r. Pierce’s Pellets, or Anti bili ous Granules; in vials, 2? cents; use a dose. ww r»« »v>—.i'ercsi cetrar *. aatevxsntax mi tmmmm mm I «v v\vv Of tho (rood thtmrs of thii are sorrowfully let p.loro on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion ami Constipation; aold on a positive guarantee at &5 and 50 costs, by W. V. Winton. won Til KNOWING. Mr. W. If, Morgan, merchant, Lake Oitv, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a dis tressing cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. 11 o tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh and had oiili culty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, and af ter using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and lias had no return of the disease. No other re men}’ can show s<> grand n record I of cures, as Dr. King’s Now Discov ery for ('onsumption Guaranteed to do what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at 11. A. Daily drug store. ryy A and reliable Medicinesarexnebest NJ todependupon. AcUcr’oBIoodEl ixir has been prescribed for yours for all 1m purltleaof the Blood. In every formof Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is invaluable. For Rheumatism, bus no equal. Sold by W: 1 . Winton. UKNKWS IIKK YOl I'll. ! Mrs. riin'be Cheslcy, Peterson, t lay Co., Iowa, tells the tallowing remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the resi dents oi’tho town: “I am 72 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness tor many years; could not dress myself with out help. Now I am free from all pain and Soreness, and am able to do all my own house work. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having rone,wed my youth, and ro ( moved completely all disease and pain.” fry a bottle, 50c. and ?lo0 at If. A . Daily’s drug store. ■BKanRnamvrsDnrffKair. .tb*3 ^\ca\n. tboasteds suffering from Asthma, Con eumption, Co ighs, etc. Did you ever try Acker’s English K< -cedyf It is the best preparation known for all I.ung Troubles, sola on a positive runranteo at luc., 00c. Bold by W Y Winton. That hacking ('ougli can ho so |inck!y cured by Shiloh’s (lute. We guarantee it. Sold by II. A. Daily. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and f.iver Complaint? Shiloh's Yituli/.er is guaranteed to euro you. i For sale by II A. Daily. 1 Shiloh's Cough and Consumption (lure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by II. A. Daily. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. For sale by II. A. Take your peaches to Parker for highest cash price I Tlu* lust cigars in town at Par ker's. Milk >liake an>l ico’oold drinks at Parker’s. Call on John R. Harris & Bros, for all kinds of sewing machine nee dles, oils and parts. Peach boxes for sale at Parker’s. Read tho “ad.” of J. A. C. Black I burn on last page. (lo to Bob Orr foryonr fruit, cans. 1 (eavie t tm can on j iii; mauket and warranted. Go to Parker for corn cither | shelled or in the car, 200 bushels tor sale. For Sale, Cheap. We have for sale live hOi'is, '! t uhrs. elevators line hid-Yog, etc. We will sell at a!iry?C«t air price. y PmtbossBro's. r.tke yomyfhickens andoggs t<> rarktr and get the cssh. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Land orn chat IIaiiuisos. Auk.. ) I*. f • S ) Notice is hereby given tk.t tin- :'ol i lawing-uann l scttl-r has , . no-icc , f hi - intri i • it t< matte !’*;•! *ih I in *t:ppi r* o* b - i ! dm, ilia! • . proof will b*. inadebef at', in Bulge W.sliinyton t < . . ii'k.. I a> r. r»■ v:lie ‘I,.., oii August ! ’tli. ’ sss. viz: .lames l\ tit N . 'S W N •>’ S I- _ . MiMArr I'.' Mi \ . -■< , ■■* i p 1 l N Bit* V.. ii> names the t\ .t IlCsiC.' to pl'oV*- 11. ■ ' i...t ill II! 1 1 * '■ me up >a. and ■ • - ’ d . I, viz: ... i*.. . win) n, William T. ?>J. Lp. •••'!. * ...» . ,.i uni ' * II ' - ■ ccii.b. . -'v.o.i-. \ .. t . Tie .*.#>' he .. t-' A. ■ !! A ! . ’*.'■ Bring them all along, if you wish ns wo can fit them out with the goods they need. We have just j received a larger stock than ever. We have the nicest line’of hoots, shoes and dry goods ever opened ! up in this town, and they have got to sell. B. I\ Dkaver «& Co. B. F. Deaver it C'o., pay cash for all kinds of produce. That 3 lt> bur soap at B. F. Deaver & Go., for 15 cents is very cheap. 15. F. Deaver & Co., have some jobs in clothing to cl >se out very client). 15. F- Deaver A Co.,'have a hand some line of white goods and their prices sell them. The trio cigar is the best 5 cent cigar in towm and only kept by B. a . iv Smoke the trio cigar if you want the best Havana filler. Buy that a lh bar soap at B. K. Denver «fc Co’s for only 15 cents. Money is scarce but a little goes a grcat^wav at 15. F. Denver & Co’s. The following prices will be good for a few days yet. 20 yards standard Prints for $1.00. 30 yards of fawns for 1.00. 20 yards white dress goods forl.oO. 6 lbs coffee for l.oO 5 gal. best eupion oil for 1.00. 3 lbs good tea for 1.00. Don’t fail to call at B. F. Denver & Co’s, and see their immense stock of shoes. The best in town. Those $1.25 ladies shoes at B. F. Deavcr <&*Co’s.*are *good for the money. Those $2.00 men’s boots at Bv F. Denver «fc C’s, are a “drive.” Men’s fine shoes $1.50. They must go! Denver's is the place. B. F. Deavcr .CCo. deliver goods anv whurc in the city free of charge. Leave your orders with them and they will be tilled promptly. j All accounts niailo with B. F. Heaver & Co. in lss; must bo settled ' at once or they will be 'placed out for collection. I i . i. ^ «< - *-B ' va K. A SYMidt.S. I. T .IjANK. A. <-■ LTNEHAlUiKH. Lane, Linebarger & Co., SucccssniN to I*. M< CANNON, Dealers i»« Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, llats, Caps, Groceries and Queensware. Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. We solicit an inspection of our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Than king the public tor a liberal share of their patronage, we solicit the same in the future. IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. A new line of| rints, laws, ginghams, cheese cloth, etc., just re ceiveil. Country- produce taken in exchange for goods. 2EE. A, -KKKl’S ]he Largest and Besl-tfssorlcd <>(•]; of Drugs end School Of Any House in Springdale. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. LundJOlliee :it Harrison Ark... ) ,J i n i: 2<Hh. 1HHS )' Notice is In rehy gB *mi that tin1 fo! low inji named settler lias lik'd notice of | his intention to make tin a l [.roof in sup ; port ot his claim, and that said proof will lie made lief. re (.'omits •Indue, Benton Co.. Ark . at Bentons ille. Ark., mi August : ot a.;- - . viziltloli nrd LalJountv. ill) No sjas. for the n K S\V nW SK See s Tp Is N It 2» " He names the ^following witnesses to pr« ve Ids eontinuoi's residence upon, and eultivation of, said land, viz: Fran cis M. Christison. Jefferson J*. Brown. Benjamin (' Mai tin, B n jamm Phillips all of Lowell, Ark. II <Tipton. Kegister. ■—mu——namrr ■ —— DENTIST. Work done w ith neat ness and dis pate li .All work \VAlt 1! A >'TK1J. fliee at B. II. Welsh’s Fnrnitiin 11 ie. Springdale, Arkansas. WEBSTER’S TJNABBHJGED \\ Iih or irlkhont l'ak'nt lmlox« u,n k YO/Cr/MAj?JF /TSrLf T*.»ir Attention \d irvriUvi to tho fact that in pur* chMing tho latest lusui' of this work, you got A Dictionary TOniBinmE more •* >1 uh ana ivuriy more Illustrations than any other American Dictionary. A Gazetteer of the World •ontainine over 25.00R Titloe, with their pronunci ation and a amount of other information, (recent*/ added.) and A Biographical Dictionary giving pronunciation of names and brief fart* concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also various tab tea giving valuable information. All in One 3ook. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary i« recommend ed by the Btato Superintendent* uf Schools in 34 States, aDd by lending (.V tiler* Pr< *identa of tho United States and Canada, it is Standard Au thority with the United States Supreme Court, rind in the Government Printing Office. It has been selected in every ca** where State Purchases have teen made fur School*, and ir the Diettou aryjj^pou which nearly a;l thj school books are Get the Latest kk- Best It is an invaluable companion in every School, and at cverv Fireside. Specimen page* and testimonials sect prepaid on application. Published by G. A C. MERRIAtf A CO., Springheld, Hass., U. S. L BUCK LEX'S ARNICA SALVE Tl.o Best S;il\,■ i.i tlie world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chap od Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Shin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is ganranteed to give ]>erlect satis i faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For :Po by 11. A. Daily t ' • ■ n 1 L' t T KhNSlJ »iuiphir. i «»ii ICE C RErIM PRRLOR. I Always keeps o.. hand ieo cream | lemonade, soda pop, < igars, etc ! Give !ma a «!! N uia A. e ■ a-. . >" a v ! vveallt. r t m t*a wotulsrs exist tit thousands l\ > in . but ire surpassed by he marvel.- . t invent ion. Those v lid are in need el'prulitabe w ork that call lie done V hi! Ii\ .: - at home should at mi e -end tli address In Mallet iV ( ii.. Portland. Maine and ... nee til-11 information how cithei m\ of all ages, ( .in earn :v« ui tCt to sy > per day and upwards wheievei they Ir e. You are stalled tree, t'npitn! lint lcjimed. Some have made ovei ‘adln nsingle day at this w rk. AU^sueeeed. NOTH’K FOR I*l HI.1(1 A’l I UN. Land Oflice’nttlIai rison. ,Ai k. i •It x 11th 18ss i Notice is hereby given that the fu! - lowiiiK-nained settler lias tiled notice of his intent!'n to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before <.’ounty .1 inltre Washington Co.. Ark .at Fayet'm illo Ark., on July'-’sth, lass. \ iz: Lucinda K. >li Carter, foiniorly widow of Atlas J. 1 >anlev dec'd, II K No. Oitsit for the XL SK Sec. is I p 1M N it 2M \V. lie names the following w itnesses to prove is continuous residence upon, and cul vatiou of, sai l land, vi/.: William oy d S. S. Steal ns. A. W . ltoyd, and S. S'cal ns. all of ( reel'll. Ark II. C. TI l’Tl )N . Register. ) ii,'! oys Att .v. G. M. GABBERT, DKAI KP. IN Choice 'Staple and Fancy Groceries. All goods delivered free ofcharge inside of city limits. North sido 1 of Emma A venue, SPRINGDALE, , ARK \NSAS. NOTIC'K FOR PIRLICATION Land ()i fu k at Hakim-on, Auk j Mat .>th, 1'Nn J Notice is hereby ni' eti that the fol lowiiiff-muned settler )u>s til’tl notice of his intention to make iitinl jiroof in support of his claim, anil that said pi ool will lie Hindi' In fore < 'minty -I mine Washington Co.. Ark . at il ayott; villc Ark., on .Inly Until, lsss, vi/: Mtutlia A Ulackhurii, widow of Danial N. ISlaiklnirndec'il.. || F, the N F s F and St N F See Uf Tp 1H N R -N W. He names the following wit nesses to piove his continuous resid ence upon, and enltivation of. said land, viz: Jasper Cook.of War Manic ' Mills Ark. .Jacob W. Murks, of War M »nle. Jaekson (ireathouse. of Sprint! Valley and Jesse Rose of Valiev. 11. C. TIl’TON . Renistcr. [yon £ Healy, CHICAGO, ILL., DEAI.mtS IN Musica Instu.Tont s v s D HAND LOU Il’MLNTS. i l ui/iinns. i I.! lets, I I’iutne Ki aul otes, Re'is, P ; ( . Should.