Newspaper Page Text
ffW’JJM The News. J10. P. STAFFORD. — Editor 1 IMP, l ABLE. tiojno South, #4:41 1*. M 2:88 a. m. 12:01 a. m. 10:27 l*. M. 10:27 A. m. b'oiNO North. 10:27 I. m. 2:4a r*. m. 0:00 a. m. 4:17 a. M. 4:40 l*. M. Freight-traijp do notcarv passengers. M. FROST, A Kent. DIRECTORY. dl l' .QFPICKRx. Mayor MiHanl Berry lU'4j£aer—K. H. Bryant. Treasurer.—C. l’etross. Marshal — .1. F. Harris. Aldermen.—B. F. I leaver. J.|P. Jlarr J. \V. Coltrape,*?. »>'. ^Jaxu*. H'. St l)av Freight Frejgh* Freight Passenger Passenger Freight Freight Freight Passenger l’assengei CHURGfltiS. M. F Church.—Serviees each fust and ,Qiir«l Sunday bath morning ^uxl ujLghit Prayer meeting every Thurs day night. Class-meeting every third Sunday. Children’s Missionary Socie ty eveiv first i>ynday at 4:30 eg. ®o m*v's Miosiojiary meeting 1st Friday ju e-yery nioidJj at 4 ‘itfW 1‘ ff. Sunday aetnuaat9130 every Sunday, BF Heav er. Snpt ltev. B. C. Matthews, Pastor. iPkksbytk hi an Church—Preaching every second Sunday in each .month, morning an'd evening. Prayer meet ing every \\ ednestlaV eyewing- .-»m Uay^cfcowi evmry Siiiulai wj d I’.M. ' Dr. A. w, Milster. Pastor. M. E. Chuju.^—Services first- Sun day in each month at the Baptist church at 11 a m. and at night Uev. II. 11. Scroggs. PuijiATijrp Baptist.—Services ev ery syecbiitt unday in each month ami Saturday before. Sunday school it.30 A M, .1 I. Watson. Sunt. Eld. . It . Loving. Pastor. MissioNKitv Baptist.—Services ev er. third Sunday and at night, Prayer in ‘eting everv Tuesday night. It. \V. Neal. Pastor. C. PHKsnYTEiiiAir.—Services at Bap tist church every 4th Sunday, morn i igaud evening,by Uev. J. II. Kelley. I ptiikkan.—Services every Sunday at'joio. a u. Sunday school every Sunday at 3 P to. I K tyad,er. Sunt. Iic.».‘A. S. Bartholomew, Pastor. Sky kstii-Day JA dvetnists.— Salt bath school at 10 o'clock every Sabbath. E. B. Young, Supt. SECRET SOCIETIES, ETC. f. A A. M.—Meets at hall in Baptist chinch Friday night. on or before full nitron in each month. It. F. Deaver, M. E. Atwood, See.’ s. S. tv l. CO.—Meets first Monday in each mouth. L. I>. Petrosa, Pres. Jiio. P. Stafford. Sec. U. S. Grant Post No. 34.—Meets af ternoon of first Saturday in each month, and at night of thirdlSaturday in each month at G. A. It. hall. Jonathan Smith Commander. E. P. Mall. Adjutant. LOG AL CHAT. GOSSIP (HKOMCLLO MV SEWS VKM.1U.EKS. ^teius of Intercut Picked up on Our Streel ( ornery (hiring the Past Seyen 0*j«. 1. 1*. Davis was down from Low ell Wednesday. ,C. W. Wright made a Hying trip to Fayetteville Wednesday. The Uentomilje railway is now grated with a new baggage car. Quite a number of Springdalians attended the pie uic at Wager last Saturday. Jlemember that subscription fnoney j'Q.u owe us. Please come in and pay up. K. D. Hellstorn, of Wager Mill, was iu town Wednesday and mado this office a short am! pleasar.t call. ^ Njtws reporter noticed that die tinguisbed young editor, Damon jjlarke, of Fayetteville, on our streets Saturday. As Josli Hillings says it is very .“amoosing” to see a man w restle ;»yitii his conscience when he goes to give ip his taxes. Tuesday oyeping while the mer cury in a Fa) repheit was almost registering 102 degrees a cloud came up from the southwest aid inside of 3o minutes it was down to 90 de grees. The Democrats of lingers have organized a club consisting of ove'f 100 members, (. apt. J. B. Stulc is J’^esident; F. Hooker, Vice President; F-A. Mason, Secretary and T. K. price, Treasurer. Our Democratic friend, James Davis, of Farmngton. w as in towp first of the week visiting his broth er Torn and ol>J friends He tells us that the Democrat^ of Farming ton are going to organize a Club. Henry Butler, a young printer, wh^ foy the past three years has 1 een working on the Fayetteville Demppyai, passed through tlje city Sunday evening euronte tor his home in Kentucky. Henry is a most worthy young man and we predict that his life will be crowned jyitii soccers ■Bgg— 11 m — ■ !■ Jno. K. Harris* wa at Fayette ville Tuesday. Mrs. S. Q. Brown and son return ed home Sunday. Frank Fav, of Carthage, Mo., was in town Sunday. L. Hlaiiey is improving his prop erty in the western part ot town. We return thanks to a nunib-r who have paid back subscriptions I and renewed. The candidates for county offices ■ will address the people of Spring- I dj^yjiexl Thursday. John A. McClure, the enterpris ing voug business manager ot the Ft Smith Dailv ^pd Weekly Times was in town Sunday. Geo. Stokes left Monday evening for Carthage, Mo., where he will .vror^ in the Canning establishment of Fav A McGannon. Henry Hornback, marshal of Rogers came down Tuesday and urresteo LeeJaincsof that place for jumping a board bill and other sundry charges. S. B. Henderson and family left Monday evening for homo after spending a couple of woeks In Springdale. During thoir short visit here they have made many friends and we hope their visit was a pleasant one. We neglected in our last issuo to ■viuira mention of the picnic, at Stulls Mill, on Saturday, July 21st. A large crowd was prosont and every one had a good time. A game of base ball In the evening between the Spring Creek “Giants” and Benton County “Red Jackets," the score being 14 to 15 in favor of the latter. Taken all in all the picnic was quito an interesting PIl’ NIC NOTES. The hand only cleared about $6 on their stands, etc" You could hoar the praises of the band sung on every side. The crowd was estimated at be tween 1000 and 1200 people. The place of holding tbe pic nic was changed owing to a misunder standing with Mr. Stokes. The Band did nobly. Their mu sic was tine, and in the march each member acquitted himself with | credit, There was not a drunken man on the ground and everything was conducted in a quiet and genteel manner. The Elm Springs and Lowel i Lodges were prefert in full force and a few members ot the Goshen Lodge were also present: A lior»o race in the evening on Stokes’ race track between a horse owned by Dr. YVilkerson and one belonging to Henry Lee was wun by the latter by about 15 feet. After the installation was over j J. II Van Hoose delivered an ad dress which was listened to with marked interest by all. Dr. Welch l and Judge Hale also addressed tbe j crowd. /Springdale Lodge No. 316, A. b A A. M., wishes to return thanks P- G. M. J. H. Van Hoose. of Fay etteville, and I). L). G. M. T. G. j Welch, of Elm Springs, for kindly assisting in the public installation ' of tbe officers of the Lodge and al so Mr. J. Zimmerman far ths use of 1 his excellent gronnd. The procession was forme*! at the Masonic hr II over the Baptist churchamlat 1 lo'clock.andheadedby the Springdale Silver Cornet Band, over one hundred Masons marched from the church to Knima Avenue, up that thoreuirtitare and thence to the pic ric grounds, where J. II. Vanhoose, 1*. G. M., ot Fayetteville, with the able assistance of T. G. Welch, D. I>„ G. M., installed the following officers of Springdale Lodge No. 316, A. F. & A. M.: Dr. I). Christian, Worship ful Master; Jno. R. Harris, Senior Warden; J. N. Tierce, Juni or Warden, C. Tetross, Treasurer; I>r. Evans Atwood, Secretary; L. I). Petross, Senior Deacon; W. F. Daily, Junior Deacon; E. Adams, Tyler, and G. M.Bowman, Chaplam. A game of ball was plaved in the evening between the home team and a club from Spring Creek. John Banks, captain of the Spring creek club substituted three or lour play ers from Benton county, hut the home club did not kick until the : fifth inning when the boys conclud ed the umpire ("who, by the way, I was captain of Night Hawks, the , cliib which the Springdale boys ’•done up” on the Fourth) was giv ing them ’‘dirt’' and the}’ refused to continue playing without another umpire. This made the umpire .‘‘wTfthy’* and he gave the game to the visitors the score being 16 to 2.*'. A new umpire was or gaged, and the game was again called yyhen it was found ths.l a number of Banks’ men refused to , | play, and he theu threw up the game, the home le^m consequently dairying the victory by a score of 8 to 0. Being a participant in the gam.O we are not competent to judge to which club the victqjry properly belongs, but wo say ifiis tp the boys that it yojii can’t engage )n a social game qf ball without a “scrap” it | is best that you should hot1 pposs hats again. Nice little rain yesterday even ing. Herbert Holcomb is in Benton county. The improvement boom ba^i struck Springdale. Capt. J. 1?. Steel*, of Rogers, j*as in town yesterday There will be a pic nic at this j place next Thursday. Stirman Pollard, of Fayetteville attended the picnic Friday. A new sidewalk in front of our of fice is great improueme^t. The South side ofKinmn Avenue looks much hotter since the side walk iva» leveled. E. A. Linebarger who has been wrestling with a fever for a couple of weeks is out on the streets again. Jim Harris is building a new re sidence, which, when completed, will he quite an ornament to that part of town. Janies F. Harris and family went to Benton county last Snnday to help celebrate the wedding of his nephew and Miss. Last Tuesday was the hottest dav of the year so far—the thermo meter indicating 102 in the shade about two o’clock. Win. Patterson and daughter and Miss Minnie Lewis and B F. Wil son, Jr., attended a protracted meet at Elm Springs Tuesday. Come to Springdale if you wa nt to live comfortably during the sum mer. Our streets are sprinkled and there is no dust to annop you. During thin hot weather people should be very careful about their habits of living, and especially about their eating and drinking. Tho finishing touches wore put on the Canning Factory this week, and aside front some outside work everything is in first class shape. \V. E. Spicer, the gentlemanly traveling agent of H. K. Jlucklen & Co., Chicago, was in town Saturday and made this offico a busmen call. We received recently a pamphlet from C. C. Philips, of Council ill tiffs, Iowa, descriptive of Ogden, the railroad and commercial center of Utah. Score another for tho Spring City. We have a street sprinkler and our streets are always clean will-watered. Tho sprinkler is op erated by W. L. Stokes. Rev. Jas. Rice, a Haptist minister of Ashley, Pike county Mo., is in Springdule looking for a location. Lie is well pleased and we hope he will buy property and locate among us. Wo nre glad to learn that Harvey Pierce who has been confined to his bed for over throe weeks with typhoid fever is recovering, and with no bad luck will be eut in a couple of weeks more. S. M. Wright and family, ofTerro Haute, 111., arrived on tbe south bound train Tuesday night, and be gan at once to prepare for bouse keeping. Mr- Wright will proba bly build a residence soon, and pos sibly will elect a business house this fall. Mpnnvdale XarketKeport. Peaches.l>er bu Wheat. Corn Meal. Bacon . Shoulders. . <>n 00 M) 1(1 .7* Hams. i* Butter.15 Spring Chickens, per doz.150 liens, i»er don. 200 Kges. 5 I .anl.10 Irish Potatoes.25 Sweet Potatoes.100 Navy Beans.per tl> 4 Evaporated Apples. per It . Si Summed Apples.per Ih. < Evaporated Peaches, per Sundried Peaches, per lt>...*> Dry Hides.S Wool. an Tallow.t* Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens that for years wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, oid have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given such universal satisfaction. \\ e do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the pur chase price, it satisfactory result, do not follow their use. 'those re medies have won thei • great popul arity purely on their merits II. A. Daily druggist. What the Florida People lire Oo. “What do you Florida people live on in the summei”? “Fish.” “What in the winter”? “Yankees ” Alas! how many northerners draw their last breath in Florida, slain by that fell destroyer, consumption, who would have lived, bad they used at tirst that marvelous specific for consumption, when not too far advanced, Dr. 1'iercc’s Golden Med ical Discovery—better than hypo phosphites and cod liver oil, be cause more nutritive and tonic; also an invaluable liver coriective and blood-puriher, cleansing away all scrofulous humors (which cause consumption), and all other impure ties of the blood, curing glandular swellings, geitre or thick neck, old sores, and ulcers. Of druggists. Don’t Itawk; and blow, and (pit, but use pr. Sage’* Catarrh Remedy. AS afe Investment. Irt one which Is guaranteed ts> bring yon satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist u bottle of Dr. King’s New J>iscov ery for Consumption. It is guar anteed to bring relief in every case when used for any affection ot Throat, Lungs or Chest, suc h as Consumption, Inflamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleas ant and agreeable to ta**e, perfectly ate, and can always be depended pon. Trial bottles free at II. A. Daily's drug store. The liev. «eo. II. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., sa>s: “Both myself ami wife owe our lives to Shiloh s Consumption Cure.” Are you made miserable byindi festion, Constipation, Dizziness, toss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Sniloh’s Vitihzer isapo titivc cure. For sale by II. A. Daily. . Bleed lEUilr la the only * Blood Remedy gnarae It la a poaltlva ear* for TTlcera, Emp ImA It la a positive ear* for Clean, Ernp H^i or SjphiUtifl Poisoning. It purifies the whole syatam. and banishes all Rheumatia Md Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. Sold by W. Y. Winton. Why will you cough whon Shil oh’s Cure will give immediate re lief. Price It) cts., 50 els., and $1. For sale by H, A. Dally. Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy—a po sitive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria . r. i _ t( 17-Lav II MU VWII RCI -.•iiruin. * .7 H. A. Daily. BwaAEM*xu )i warranted, tl ImcauM it lx the beet Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Disaasas, pa rifle* the whole system, and thoroughly build* np the constitution. Ueiuetuber, we ganrant•* lk W. V. \VInton. “Hackroetack,” it lasting and frag rant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts For sale by H, A. Daily. Shiloh’s Cure will immediatel y relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by II. A, Daily. r\\ A and reliable Medicine* are ths boat VJ »*' to depend upon. Acker's Blood El. iiir ha* been prescribed lor year* for all im unritiesof the Blood. Inevery formof Serof ulou*, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it U invaluable. For Rheumatism, has no etjaaL Sold bv W. Y. Winton. For Dy spepsia and Liver Coni | plaint you have a printed gnarantei | on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitilizei It never fails to cure. Sold by II. A j Daily-. A Nasal Injector free with earl I bottle ofShiloh’i Catr.rrh Remedy j Price 50 cts. Sold by II. A. Daily ' CootOX SJuiS ‘o thousands loitering from Asthma, Con , sumption. Coughs, etc. Did you ever tr; j Acker’s English Hemedy? It is the be* preparation known for all I.ang Troubles sold on s positive guarantee at 10c., SOc Sold hr W V Winton. I NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION I Land okkickatIIaiiuisox. Auk., 1 .lime loth, lsbs l I Notice is hereby given that tie1 fol low ing-named settler has tiled notin of his intention to un»ke final proof ii support of his claim, and that sai< proof will 1# made before County Jndgi Washington Co., Ark., at Fayettevill Ark.,oil August r»th. 1KHS. viz: I* me C. Pharr UK No8«23 for the \VJ NV Sec 29. SK SE Sec lit NENK See 30 Ti 1H NK29 W. lie names the follow ini witnesses to prove his continuous resi deuce upon, and cultivation of. sail land, vi/.: .1. Iv (roodman, William T Philips. Sheri>d Anderson and Jo Hoi comb, all of Springdale Ark ILC. TIPTON, Itegi; ter. A. J.IIALE. A tt y wmuiur. APnre Het'ore A. J llalr. a Justice of tin Peace for Springdale township. Spring dale. Washington county, Arkansas. The Springdale Canning Company (j corporation) PaintifT. \\S <1. F. Williamsand J. 15. Roberts, do ing business under ttie tirni nameo | Williams A Robots, at Kansas City Mo.. Defendants. The defendants. (J. E. Williams am J. 1! Roberts, are hereby warned to up pear in this court within thirty day and answer the comidaint of the plain titf. “The Springdale Canning Comps nv.” A. J. HALE. J. P. This July 10. IS88. |has revolutionized th world during the las llialf century. Mot leas among the wonders of inventive pro gres.s is a meth and system of wor that can be performed all over th country without separating the work ers from their homes. Pay literal; an one can do the work; either sex. voun or old; no special ability requiryet Capital not needed; you are starte free. Cut this out and return to ti and we will send you free, somethin of great valueand importance to you that will start you in business, whic will bring you in more money righ a wav, than anything else in the world (iraud outfit free. Address Turn Co., Augusta. Maine. _ Call on John R. Harris A Bros for all kinds of sewing machine ne( dies, oils and parts. Read the “ad.” of J. A. (’. Black burn on last page. (■Jo to Bob Orr tor your fruit cans Heaviest tin can os the markf. and warranted. Sevier A Lewis is the place b have jour w agon tires set, if yoi w ant a good job. Your account with us is due am you arc requested to call and settl at onco or it will be placed out lo collection. C. W. Wrioht. All who are indebted to us are quOQted to call and settle at once 1’KTH'iSS Bro’s. Here We Goipe. Bring them all along, if you wish as we can fit them out with the goods they* need. We have just received n larger stock than ever. Wo have the nicest line, of bouts, shoes and dry goods ever opened up in this town, and they have got to sell. B. F. Dkavf.b & Co. B. F. Deaver A Co., pay cash for all kinds of produce. That 3 ft. bar soap it B. F. Deaver & Co., for 13 cents is very cheap. B. F. Deaver.A Co., have sumo jobs in clothing to cl >se out very cheap. J>. F* Deaver A Co.,'have a hand some line of white goods and their prices stdl them. The trio cigar is the best 5 cent cigar in towm and only kept by B. F. Denver A Co. Smoke the trio cigar if you want the best Havana filler. Buy that 3 lh har soap at B. r. Denver A Co’s for only 15 cents. Money is scarce but a little goes a great^way at 15. F. Dcaver AaCo’s. Tbo following prices will be good for a few days yet. 20 yards standard Prints for H.00. 30 yards of fawns for 1.00. 20 yards white dress goods for 1.00. 0 lbs coffee for l.oO 5 gal. best eupion oil for 1.00. 3 lbs good tea for 1.0O. Don’t fail to call at B. F. Dcaver A Co’s, and see their immense stock ; of shoes. The best in town. I Those #1.25 ladies shoes at B. F. Dcaver AV’o’s.’are Jgood ^for the . money. Those #2.00 men’s boots at B. _ F. Denver A C’s, are a “drive.” Men’s fins shoes $1.50. They must go! Dcaver’s is tbo place. B. F. Dcaver ACo. deliver goods j anv whure in the city free of charge. Leave your orders with them and ’ they will be tilled promptly. 1 i 1 I AH' accounts made with B. F Deaver & Co. i n 1SST mnst ho settle* 1 at once or they will bo ’placed ou < for collection. i t i » f r i s I ll l k 1 3 1. T .LANE, A. E. LIXEBAlUiER, K. .V' Lane, Linebarger & Co., Successors to P. McGANXON, In Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Ilats., Caps, Groceries and Queensware. Highest Price Paid for Country Produce* We solicit an Inspection of oar goods Before purchasing olsewhere. Thanking the public for a liberal share of their patronage, we solicit ttie same in ihe future. UKAl.F.a IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. A now lino of prints, laws, ginghams, oheose cloth, eto„ Just re ceived. Country produce taken in oxchango for goods. -KEEPS 7he Larged and Best-dssorlcd\Slocl\ of Drugs and School Books Of Any House in Springdale. NOTICE FOll IT BUCATION. LaiidjOftice at Harrison Ark.,. ( Jt’NK 2*ith, 1888 J Notir e is hereby given that the fol low ing naineil settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Judge. Benton Co., Ark., at Bentonville, Ark., on August 30th, 1888. viz: Rich - ard LaBoimly. UK No 8W8. for the n K S\V n tV SE See 8 Tp 18 N It i!!t W. He Lames theljtollow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Fran ‘ cis M. Christison. .bdTerson I). Brown, Benjamin C. Martin, Benjamin l’liilllps all of Lowell, Ark. II, C. Tipton. Register. DENTIST. Work done with neatness and dis I patch. All work WARRANTED. lljce utB. II. Welsh’s Furniture tore. Springdale. Arkansas. WEBSTER’S I UNABRIDGED Wllk ar vllknt Faiaat laAaa. Jour AHaaMoa It I»vlto4 to Ik* fart tot* t» *«s ebttlBi tot ittott Ittut tf tint atfk, $M A tv: - a:__ H IIIUUWIBI J BBBtaiolag tUOO Boor* word* tad bobjIj 9000 nor# UlaatrBtioao thaa ba7 other Amerlcaa DioMoaary. 1 A Gazetteer of the World a»atalaina e*«r 16,000Tui«», with their proamoP •Mob bb! b TMt amount of cthar lafonnattoa, • ( rwcBBlIy added,) Bad i A Biographical Dictionary ^ §lfi»l proaaaoiBtion of bbodob Bad briof facts ••Bears tag a oar17 10,000 Noted Perooao . •!•• I farlnaa Bah loo gif lag rai liable tafcrmaMoa. All In One Book. VtWIU'l I'ubrldcod Dtttlnnnrj U rMCHBUi ad bj thn Suta Sapwlatmdtilt nf School# laM f*-* — and by landtag Oollagn Praatdaata af tka I'alud Hum and Canada. Tt it Wfadard Aa tAarln? "ith L'nltad Hutat fluprnma Court, and la thn OoTaromnnl Priming Often It hat been talaoUd ia ntnry raaa vharn SUU Pure ban barn baaa uada for Srhoola, and it thn Incttna at7j^oa which nnarlr all tba aeac^l boo it art 6et the Leteet and Beet ii M iaealaable eompateioa la of017 Sehw •Add at BfBTT FlrwBtde. SpaeiOM eegw Bad Ml prepaid oa appitea*** ^*«. * ( BUCKLEN’6 ARNICA S Al/V] The tast Salvo in the world fo Cuts, Hriinc8, Sores, Ulcers, Sal Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chap ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, an all Skin Eruptions, and positive!, cures Piles or no pay required. I is gauranteed to give perlect satii taction, or money refunded. Pric 2o cents per box. For sale bj’ 13 A. naily J. W. KENSIL peopeiitob ICE CREAM PARLOR Always keeps on hand ice creanr lemonade, soda pop, ciga>s, etc. (live him a call. North side En ma Avenue, next door lq A. Stark weather, DM iSea wotidsrs exist in thousands w forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need ol protitabe work that can be done while liv inn at home should at once send their address to Ballet & Co., Portland. Maine, and receive free full information how either sex of all ages. can earn from $5 to Sis per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not textured. Some have made ovet $.r>0 In asingle day at this work. All succeed. NOTICE FOR PLBLICATIO N l.and Office at Harrison. .Ark \ Jt N 11th 1RM8 . } Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-uainfd settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill l>e niadejbefore County Judgr Washington Co. Ark .at Fayetteville Ark .on July isth. 1 H88 viz.: Lucinda L McCarter, formerly willow of Atlas .1 Hanley dec'd, II E .Vn. ilDSif for the NKSK Sec. 18 Tp 18 X It is W, He nanresthe following witnesses to prove is continuous residence upon, ami rul vation of. said land, viz: William ovd S. S . Stearns, A. \V. Boyd, and . S . Stearns, all of Creech. Ark H.C TIPTON". Register. »,• •>■ i r Sc J ons Alt’?. G. M. GABBERT, I DXAI.BE in ! Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. All goods delivered free of charge | inside of city limits. North side , ®f Emma Avenue, S P R INC DALE, ARKANSAS. ! — ■ - ■— .VMII'K FUK IT IlLICA l IO.N Land Office at II auki.non, Auk ( May 5th, 1888 f Notice i* hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has Bled notice | of his intention to make tinal proof in support of Ills claim, and that said proot will he made before County Jmlge Washington Co., Ark . at .Fayet toville Ark., on July noth. 1888, viz: Maltha A. Blackburn, widow of Danial N. Blackburndec'd., II E No. 7571, for the V E s E and Si N E Sec it Tp 18 N K ‘J8 W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous resid ence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jasper Cook, of War Eagle Mills. Ark. Jacob W. Burks, of War Eagle. Jacksou (ireathouse, of Spring Valley and Jesse Bose of Spring Valiev. H. C. TIPTON. Register. Lyon & Healy, CHICAGO, ILL., DEALRKS IN Musicallnstumonts AND BAND EQUIPMENTS. Uniforms, Hats Caps, Shakos, Helmet*, Flumes, Epaulettes, Belts, Pouches, Shoulder Knot*, Band Instruments, Band Music, etc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 1-39—2-?f>