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J\f). I*. ST i l lii>, Ktlltot • c. ^ i ii.ij -r *5- -t..--.- . l THK fOUriVAL >v \i?. K p bliran Si'ii 'furs Afraid Id 1 otirli the Turin' Question. WasHin'oton, l>. r., Align.-; : i.— The action of tlu> caucus oi the Republican :h na!<• i given ml ' was very generally discussed today around the Capitol, and alt!'..ugh t Mr. Allison mid some ol' the olio r Western Ilep bl can* who line been promising (or m:in\ months j limt the Semite would luii ■_ (drib a till iff hill, m e still telling those with . whom they talk that the measure j will lie fort Ik inning in a short; while, it will ho noticed that Mr.! Allison has been giving himself ample chance to escape from nU re sponsibility in the event that noth tug is done, or that no bill will lie; reported at all lie sins that tin bill will "probably” he reported to the full committee in ten days. I t does not givo much encouragement as to the date wh :i the full commit tee will report the hill to the Sen ft it* <1 l wR li ki 'tin] nrlmu I v that body. Some of the Republicans in ox pl.uning the situation sa> that of course they don’t know what the Democrats on the finance commit tee will do. Th's is nonsose, fertile VvOSon that it is generally known that tlie Demi-crals of the finance' committee, and indeed all of the1 Democrats of the Senate, with one possible exception, reirard tin Mills bill, which has already been passed many weeks by the Jloaseol Rep resontati ves, as a measure fullv en titled to Democratic support. It would not take the Democratic members of llio finance committee one hour to mule m a report recom mending to the Scnato the passage ot tho .Mills bill. One significant fact ab mt Iasi night's caucus is that lieittn .• of t Kan.-as Senators wore pres, nt I . deed, there has been mm li . m ment t. .day over the fa 'are i! <|uitea number of Republican S<>na tors to attend Mr. IMmunds’ cau.-us '1 here are at prs. nt thirtv five Re publican Senat«r> in tiro ci ty, and although urgent appeals were mad to each and every one of them !.■ be present, only twenty-two were j un hand, Fliis shows 1 m doubt that a iargo proportion . < the It. publican Senat >rs are not j worrying themselves very much about the t.iri fl question. 'J'|,e\ have about made up their minds that nothing can be done this 1 sien, and some of them have fi.on, tho very start loan opposed to Unj , attempt on the part ot the S- mate to ! pass :i tariff hi IP Messrs. Ingalls and Plumb, in view of their p st uttoramvs, ami hv the stand taken by other R'pub lican constituents in Kansu- cannot atlord to go In fore their people a: i say that they had consented to a 50 percent reduction on surar, espec ially when the caucus refused in any way t"into.»fere with i!i t xi ■ ing duties on lumber. Kan-. Ig. | Uo.i.ans want a red ictiou uii Inin borand tliec w ho .t i..,,..i. .. the sorghum industry has bcc.-nn 0no of stub im; stance in t: ,r State, tiny have been opj-u.-ed a! so to this tremendous ut I,II Miyur. The whole truth of the matter i.. the Republicans ha, i 1 the i . wotest idea of getting a loll ttsrough. rt.ey are playing tin same old gauie of bluff which they commenced two rumlb- ago, am; their sole object is to h idvvinh am! deceive the people ef the North west. They may report a bill, 1 .t not one Dial. ill ten in this eitv who watches legislation believes for a moment taut they will seriously at tempt to pass the me..sure. Boss ' (}uny is against it, ami so is J5j-. Hlaine, and the poor old hVpublr can party is torn up and divided over the tariil issue that the voul.J. bo leaders in the Senate will be c impelled to waste t rue and tali; l'I<on irrelevant subjects until a short peril) 1 before tie; Novcn.boi CleCtl Jll.-Si. 1. ,1113 Republic. I he Heal Issue, iuetcal i>s';-. in th .3 ■'a;njiiiign i between ifemoera. v, labor and th people On .mi- hand, an) liepuM; eaoism, capital a.v.i tru - s on f. i’lh; r. Let not th-.> v,. ; aj. low himself I.. Im d, , |"'j false eric- of (he II • |■-i 1n , Kers, hungry hr (he sp -d- and reckless as to tb. m.'.-ii s by u |,mh hey may obtain tin „i, 1 •' ' i- m f , a id, . i BS' -* ■! i, 'i re n n I v i i!<i amount tectUMI iltcm ’V .> ;! n ' ;to|*v| fcum'id uii mi&.tUitc'iiit a n i L meant i>ut l,- <It-c-fi Vt«, clivc11 the peo ]•' >V i..i; Is fn.m that ismo. !: is a >i■}-j■;e one, and van be ea.ih grasped ntil ramomberod, It is' Democracy and the people a - iast | Kepnblieaiiism and the vnrmoi .:.« , combinations of capital am! mono p jh’. As for “protection,” that is now and ever has been one of the lead ing prii■ pies of trie Democratic j»:iit3 -t!io protection ofthepei ;dc from impositions and wrongs of all kinds, including war taxor* for the special Immdit of capital; the plund ering raids of railroad corporators mi the public domain; the aggrand izement ot monopolies and trusts In r hoir conspiracies to put i the prices «>! the necessities of life r their own cnoimoits enrieliment '.has inaugurating the reign ot an aristocracy of Jtlammon, t'u m 11 mo list rom of a!) despotisms that ever cm lied a people. This is the issue and the proof is not wanting. Mr. Blame hns de clared tha' trusts are private affairs with wlncli tlio I’rosideiil nor am body else 1ms any right to interfere. Mr. Blame is the recognized mouth piece ol the Republican parly. jnTSi-nUU;vos have iiitf.i'tiii-v'l bills to regulate trusts and prote<t the people front them; un4 tlie* Demo eratie Attorney Generals of the States of New York and Louis1,ina have instituted suits at law to bring the trust terming eonspirator against tlio peop*c to terms. Monarchy lias been defined as “the right divine 1' rule wrong,”! ,ind tie Republican party to day ’ mi oh t lie defined as‘‘the protector of trusts to rob the people.” A ‘ trust" is a banding logchet of rich mon tor the purpose of hi creasing their wealth bv raising j the prices of everything needed by ; the w >rking man, therony robbing I him and his family ol the earnings j of his l ihor by over-charges f.,r th< ! freees.aries o{ life. An apt illn«tra tion of this was given ii New Ymk City last week when the sugai trust, composed ol the wlule-ah grocers of Ne w York City and \ i •• init\ met and took such action as i will increase the priet of sugai by ; a cut a pound. N > doubt il . lie puldUan editors and orators will; soon come out and charge tit.' in crease to the .Mills lill and the Democratic patty. Let the voters remember the is sue—Denme racy a; 1 the p against Heptiblicanism and tin I; u>t .--Amer can Catiiolie News .3! !M.i: lilHDLYVS TUI It. am. ii.. iccnts Made for the Old lie., man's Trip To Nee York. Col t MBt s, O., Aug. dl. ,lu Igc ; Thurman expected to make the dates i t In.- Y i a York m. et: ii .s fi r some time the latter part of Sep tember, blit has been pre, a. h i ....; on to yield to the dosi re of t lie N a - ; tie nal t a mini tie c an i viii •avel'or N i' .i \ui k on Sept 'ini*- r •>. next Wednesday. On the evening o1 the Cth he will bo present at tin Democratic meeting t > he lodd in Madison square, at waicli lie will! be tin principle speaker. Tin meeting will bo und r the direeR control ot the Nr Guiamitti o. and vfi i ts are being i-.rk to have an immense rally of the Democratic’ hosts, a gathering surpassing any ' . tut- ituiim.'j uri.iuj.'i i »* i i'T i t .s ‘t i1 y> ir. idle party will h a\ New 'i . rk on the return li ip S j tember 7.-'ml arrive at Columbus Saturday or Sunday following. •- , that Thurman ran h. in t 111>..1 during tin week ut tlu Xtuionul Kncamprnent of lho. Army. Already Judge Thurman ha re-' reived a largo number <d' Idlers fr m ' i.hl soldiers no;in ; him that thoy will call to pay their res pects during the week, and this fa t, no doubt, has mmii to do with the hnet stay in the Mast at this tunc. Judge Thurman, not leaving lu re until \V dm sdav, will he aide toll present at the? opening ot the t en tenia! Kxposition on Tuesaiav next. I ll-, intention is to arrange the triji in such a way as to avoid the crowds as miieli as po- .,l.»ie, h : the Judge v 1 hardly' In- able to km ; lieiii making several speei h < along tl r«.a<i. l'he details for the, journey haw not yet h. ,-n c,triplet ! c !, the route not having yet been , deeid -d up di, imr is it known who will a.; dupany tin* Judge. t 'h i r. t ‘ or!e i.. J ,viu id the iK i.ioeralie State Kxtvuiive 1 'omnuttce of Indiana called on Fudge Tinman last tight a view io curing uni) b. ■ 11-■ in forma ''1 di as t" i!;e hitt r s proposed trip ti i igh 1 ndiana, I t'h .« will 1 , not ini.•' J.elii, i i•: as i date deluded up n 1 nf i! alter th<> t.-ij to N, .* 1 "' v. A d h gmion from )ndimia l"'*lis veil1 call on rinirman at J p. t- nil r w ..j extend a in v,|al u 'i him t . \ isit that cilv .— %> ■ -C “V- ,-.-u * **C‘-.V i T ’ I ( ' | l ;uiu a v_.iou(i, Gearing Hir».?^If. THE THRILLING AND AS SORBING STORY OF ONE GREAT CRIME. ]!Y .J i:\NIK DA\ Is JUliToX. (CuNTIMKM 1 ROM LAM' WI.I.K.) •' I ..Gel or; v.- : unites • • : • . v <vn< up w. ' t’. 13 yet. V.'I,. re' In,; Ki ,'avt 1" . r • - ,i, i .y girll l* i ti *j n: l-m \vh..t, tiv.ii Nun forty- Lt. C me ,S(,r: • ,s („ u;i 0fll .S; V.’ho -iCr >:;i llllid them, Ulld lit :, re ell | ten I tht> r. .re which 1 , l 1 sou it tin i: t' : ■ :i 1 v. .-. will.; l u\v. t.i n* llev Avery's ;iii,nit', to I ns a liv.h di.'Appoint ! l.-uit in .. that the t :ir'!ry were li search t f 1, 1 not been L • iv ' ail. It W.'U i. i l'aui! f : . i'.ei .*::, ei's tin." , the;, were Luis lute upoa lie lit iviji LI In;*, e tiuwn str; ieM fr. : . L. ;t miser ut,1** ,.1‘ai t.:Htsi 1o i ,i,! *1 r.jt 1 .*. : * itn ! i ' st . .. the r A he Ire‘ t n:!. vinos topper 11j .' 'i .* j • *t .• ' ry mi,-... .tv - a proceed i.. “ fit), ne. .. :•;*.: 4* l'r 'hire , f the sort : You art not ptitrr to al .ri i i'.ii* bird an. have him take to the v.\. 1 v's th:;l I i iipress buriiieo: -you've _*.-! Le el. u* your- , te)f there— anil lnj. it h*>!<N t :<* view tt I tvlnit became of thi money, t . remember. There's too much iuvolv; t to let you spr.i I Eli for a et,; i.iu iiR.i in.. (.'■■!!..■, tvc'l! | (to around to the Tromout House, have a : bath and breakfast, and settle ou out j course. I’ve a frieml who i pa 11: .re. a . magistrate named Steele. We'll rout him j out and see what must bo done in the tvay j f Dflllr.if out u Will* i 11 ll’i.i 5 . ,!t i.' i served." The fates that hail been with Ing >1 hr re- j tel at • to the ot her ido v Humlorvd so blindly into J ri.-e Stock s oi'ih e lii the hour that . \v the oth- r 1- .1 ty t! ere securing the 1« a i 11 is neces sary hi their purl,' sc of deli a.,::,/ him. i. u, the i..mister’s house, the three made all haste to reach the depot, and i.t the entrance i d the clerk win, had shadow d uti l who s dated them familiarlv, with an air of visible y lief, “Oh, here yt.u ar 1 was just in nig h teb ph o . to 1 S‘ V ' r puriy's in there. lie was taking tickets for the southern tr i n. which ksn t duo yet fer two I the joke el ll " \v! ' tiling is that he came to t: •. to h • tied. Steele v.i aid have ki pt him at the e.neo, hat h> ieV. iairi'i’, uiiilij iv.. ■ cu t-s- . -it him down." The party turned toward ti waiting room, Nnrrii'i was Jlr ’ l1 . lest’, i cat ’U sigh’. of a c ■ tain white. v.\ ary, wistful f . i‘ v. ul::i .■! “ t >h <'an 1, thank lb ivi a ■ thank Heaven, that you are not married to that man 1— that we ar. in time.” Ho h.ul neither eyes nor tin eyht ; r nr.y but ie r. it was the clerk who tui d i.i wonder, doubt r.i.d final cum wti : i. "Why, win re has he e :_e; Ilo w: a hero tie' two loiout s ;.e \V 1. i reek n he took a . kU:L lit was about i that I didn't suppouo 1. a, ;>p i , tii" 1'are waste of time t 1 . 1 r him new, pi nti.-inrn. That Co-.-e knaves w; at he's about V,' rk tho wire far ail th 1 ■ • i.i.'.-' U- j . titti lira." cHAin ?.u “ 11:■)?i on: \*is to . . ....3." Ingot v ? cot i . . .. ■ : 1 1 ■ y portr.nity, he war eiT lh, V ry ; . nt t, r Uo Was too ;i.i ;> *a try t" “ ‘ e.viy by one of the outgoing tr 1. 1 .1 dr- opr,I hiii light o.,:\ at i.i the vat ! c si i-. t'ereJ after told;,y '!:• te-k ts, c.r.d in In sauntered through th crowd, be wound t iareo muffler about la a fac • like one who suffers fr >sn tootluie! •, mid e pi: h.u bat a knit jersey j> . , ' drew flout hut p:-.-Let, dr. hpu# th.- hut v.:i[vr e- i. -at ft.liner on, uud in th,1 slight disguise of hi - i * *. . d nypi nr..m v, lie le d p is led cl "»<* l.y i in ■ party, bo. plutel by the clerU, were at that - tit turning into tho wailing-rooma in s i.-.-li of hi;a. It require-1 son.- rvo to w.ek slowly stray when Is-- reaeht 1 the stre t, but 1 .• ] got did it, and made good Us cscapo, whlh-Uni’lc Am-a and the ik/.h--- sergeant went sending messages to hav a train hud just pulled <-ut uv.itil ; ’ its* :■ opjie [ y ~s\., was reua surit c thu startled girl whose heart, thro ui-ul v.u a itr.u ' f erm turns as .-ii' h- .--I. i-at.' \, ' ml tills meant. .1 >y that the fihiilinu ir f her promise eou i t . uvt. iv*| re-J l>y Ingot: tear lest Lym ta might he -oa Ua e (ry fret . t other was T f at having t . t f ! 1 vr I i hv eiu w! 'Was u, a ! . ti 8*< not hi ■ lip I, told f the t' -'ii ! uoss dure • li i.ux* >ty i r h'r hi ’her was upper;:.... t. " i .. \ h f I:. - 11 •* • I. ,:i 1 bat" h- ' tl away fi ::i ■ ' “ V i - a . .*• ’ a ii . v. y. : u hi let your fa l shwu .a h-a ' . a, w.U \ i rat: It In.s rtt'ved the s to be shut away 1* i. vou in va tivulile 1 thiitl; it is tier tra'uli;. . t*. ■, th . ;h 1 w. h i not say It to any i • i 1* yea. “Althea! Ob, 1 eou led -re ' : Uiv er:\i i are. -• W:t,: is p< r \ •: . h ■ ■ set jou s her' Sh s a urn: fri ..a . f > h:ui a -1- -hr : ho ' ' “She has done nothing—:*■ I; is what h .. . ■ ■■ ■ e . :*s: h -r ' r ehiid never though. i "• -per**: .g to-r.s if f . “ it i . m will state araeti-ir, if ho ever gets aveiih’ If. t- qUiVei . - tears pliutenuig i u her long lashi > t!i d *'.\ v.t white oho--Its. hi m.i felt a p:t g of do * *i v, ,. I.ymaii and that vp-'v* wrong at -.vlh-.-h s* > hint !, or— “ Vou ar not ie< aua In t ha tui But ' ■ • fo: f I even when you t ..... t rviHie’.il to be hat j > *.v:t:i ban, r.i.J 1 ' 1 u ; if y.e. nut i- “ “(ill. no; that was nut what Inn ant. I did not intend to marry him, then Lyman \ had told mo 1 need ti-at and 1 e.q. vted to j ho fin ■ from him r :i the day after 1 saw yen. That was why I twp tit !• very happy •■ifier n. o .avow rtr*i Sv. j i 1 •' : : 1 i; - " >■ ■ C • -•..■! v.o.i t,j\ eye: tUingin tan v.. < t 1 a for." A grave shade fluted w> tt.o girl’s fair i ,- i , I ’ v. r < y's so his v.’ilti o. f : low f r r ' ry ia *• i; 1 ..•■in;. ‘ , ’ :j "t cn l;l." - '■ y. 1 T;ie o ara —an: rm why it i-> be.ter that you sh >i;M ];n ’.v i- i ..ft ra.f-t H ' . a. . thor. IT.rget. r.r:'. if you do caro i -i ure. Think ,> rmo .... ■ , f Althea. her s'-.l: well an y” “I v.v«h I c-rald you to sea Altiw ,. 0b migh i. ;vo jectic 5 to this lit! I * erra id. if vium. to wall :.i r.y si We v. I i. . apeak of i„ now. Hero y i i are, at ho:a Sarah * y< ned tha do :r before ho could riu;; til.: boll. *• :•!:<*- fin r. ill'.; in the parlor. Uo in There, Mi.-s i •ami." Hoj.v•' in the tv > nan’s faco struck a’.'. '.-t: f.•: ■ ... : to C.inn’s heart ‘•Oh, vliut l. . I.ymau—” "Til,:: I, ,i a change. lie’s cor.:'.' to hi .- if. li . idhav.. nl right ,.J lor Mr. Thvrler a. •• •! : . : ■ U in, I ein't d; till I o him,’ he lo p' mg on, and Tim : aid we inus'u't fret hi ... Han't luol: so, my pool* Iambi Tim says he’s us Idea to go one way as t’other; th y always tl. . ., they is dyiu’.” The parh r door opened. Carol f -it her sc t drawn in and 1 I i< l cl. ,u Alt' . -’s arms. Thera were uo words, no tears, while they waited, but oh! the agony of s'.ieU waiting tvuea * life hangs in the ha'.* am.'. I ivo minutes pass-.!, a:. .1 Mr. Kverleigh’s stops c line clowly down. “He ivor I . th m h the fever ha . Tth 1 he v. as r. .1 f .■ . :t t. ;t raving. • 1 want to die, but that 1 ad I. Id.., Mi back. It is all yours, so why don't y t take it, Kvorleigh -Ev> igb Ids ,-le lil* Though hi was looking straight at do it was ipnie evident that ho did not know u •. Thrum': • gave him u p verful sedative, iitid hr eu. tor a -w. I would stay Ion; or, »■ . be want d.ubo, JJorris." IT. • two went OU* t wtlr-r, ut.d Carol s! way from tl. cla -p of h- i IV. uni, s i;, i ; in . : ■ V iu w lid not vantt ton d. m il j i know ail, Althea. Imust tell you, though yi o > aie . . eh. 1 d. .'tti h I... . ui wui raving, he was trying l<> toll that the mon ey- Hi,- fortun.—was at ver , :rs. Lie took it fr nr tod! r, I I n’t Un.ev how. ln tr.e told me, mid that Lyvirn sho t himself. ' «ha'. a Hal, -\l'iieal >' a, 1 k . ■ he susTon*1 t- rrlblv, terribly, to (la rucU a thin:?, coil 1 lovo him. ImU ’tlovc lum uil the more, because now, it ho Uvea, ho will never have any ono lust me." •■1 suspected sum'thins? of till:-,” nuU Althu:1, in ■ .. it • i "-•ii, til s si. if draw uiv iv ir -si ip. , < ,uw. y ia hav ■ done noth in-' set ■: L>- . is. ' ■ y fm id through tin., f id'', aud d i; a b ■ ra . . !•: 1. to >, amln tr :V. ■ p • r,,.si,i 1,:, ,w —can y •. .... '. .. . ..! Carol ■ • m to t. sable. " I a;:i , 1— Chi. Althea! stun! 1 toll y a tvh;s* I tii s.h "... .dot 1 ■ '1 that t inawor for. 1. Uo u. , . . s . . . U .: Lyman Ch.i \ r did »< t die. 'i'h • roat . -t .. • / 1 . i t . :i *w au <’ I t: . i t. a*, h a: II * i. . is.- .. I-r. r 1 .. . i \y, out. of .v . -U iv •.. . ,t only i dicat i: - U . . s ti- ■ p-urnd. in f Which ,«. . 5 ... .a. . i.■. 1. - ., 1. uli u «.. .... 1- • •• A •• " U •• S • \ a. v.s u. . • • ; , . • v in Ui3 .. .. i'. So US'S.. . i'i u. ” i.a , 1Sdisn, It,' . So bo ; . .... 1 b [I..- I : . : • •; is at I , a ■ . .s’, 1.. .y hav: .* V,. a. . a fiiiiy • . hslia I, ..a; a 1.5 ill .- bruin . v. . -a uo u; ;-y tii r i . or. Th ivsvr day3 of .usp: i... for time \v.■ • inter. a s ,.i in . s' m b, : r ■ la ha .uv tv.S3 . ... . Sis; . i, ,.:.l lie was i r.-acuisccd si', n! a a 1 :. tiSAl’llaH THIS IiSSMj AN'S) Sill. Ito-S'lV S. The b- s'd . . m .-.a 1 >".-n ... and Vu r! Am hi. a. . ti.. a t ..simusiy, v. it a vay ! s-. .va |» - s. . ii in . a lo v.c in las iicighbos . .1, ui- i -.tsUtii- former. “ 1 hav not heard til i . a . , : . , • rv, and t.1 a ;• iS.i ip.;, yd i -oar t-1 I*: \ .Hi .. ..i t iici ..i * ' four tijaii has....: try t1 ■■y a l_r the second t.a. , L'iiv.' s As...... "Scarcely," md th 1 man chuckled "Via. hVi'l'i,aii.l ll-SS [. bill .1 lilt t<J be bard to bins, bat 1 thought it best, vails t. this, other in; . a so stirred up, to get hissi out of the way ;■ r a lime, so Ilia truth ii, I've seat hisa out lo thr cottage." ■' V. ,i are a famous dbleetivc,' said o'er r.a, with a laugh. "First run your «.:i 1 naa, Siilil tbs .1 - him .; 1. as:.' . l' Lie— far Usui . . v. lust it will ana aiii i . •. "lusn only at rstsd '.tail ho will not live \a y la,;. p" S' f.'lloV.'i ( .. .as Ni S'l'is, yoli .s' s 1 liot objaet, bins ' V . , sefu 1 ■ t-) live with me, and lade ti \vi dd iind it tail'd to get a situation whore i.e could s sjiiv.rt him self. No on: would tare to him With that blot of cisho.i, sly hmnsaio , v r him. and, besides, he is not now lit I r any ti a...' except to p-b er « u [Huec i.i.o mins:.'' "All eminently goo-1 mil k..' fa -biry reason., Uti ■■ Ass." . 1> st ,i; . I to van! until 1 pay j >u \ isst. tn ra t . . ;rs. w. it he s.ev in the ba i!t that night Kvid» -a ,a you do is. I regard him as. l.y..imi Ciai-ier'a aa sah aiit." "No. ( udder'' own h.mtl »"u.i mitted the es-iiib' acumst him ■ if, yi i snav kuoiv why, though \ u keep no quiet uIm t.t it. u what Ki.r-t u says. It w a only v.'Ii-it tho r .dor 1; iv v.-itli nt t v11 Liiv:. lluhl j,i in ' io I’XP*****''-' ci ■ f liti-.l sg I '...i'h r ci -1 la 1 a ■ • III;.■ tint v. I h In. i ■ ... ' ■ Vi si ..... I! Ison htt i •: sc ... f j • la ti: • • Vi. •J-Htigl,:;. s’artio the <•! il'T a ; he t in. -d tli > i -! '• a r.i: ‘ l.unv !f mid - ll. ■ b.i'l rr;1 .|i .• hnine, meaning ii. to si.11 Lie’s ji..:'i - -s i.iri'Vi p. L. i-.hi iuu.1 net a doubt bat that this ha.l b a doin'. N, a bnr.v la.i'i at the best, atul ron iuTo l i- r - l uivardiy by a year of 1 yltlvo ■ listen ©e, he was appalled by the cons®, qaetices w.neli ii.igli' rolled. r.p:i !i.1 f. Wil l V i'. ■ 1 i.ulieve that ii o '.J i 1" . that p,.a at !. car f. >e air p'l p ■ • • hut cv i. < !’ Hi i . i. i ..a, that hi .a. nf li ■ othi is suicide would b u ti ir aud blni s-.'li I- I 1 .Viil;. .,rdl 1 'ids is! U a-. s’ill HI'S lip .. ... - 1 hi twvetl l 111* P.V l i... .1 i. ::.i :o tli.-- .: V’n.'buL’1', ua-i is ya a led i ! s i ■ a. r- sad mude g1 1 'i.i h.s i "i ■ p. . i 1 t i . pains h. obliter ate a!! ta.irlts of ins pp, s. a .■ ti. a He I... <1 brought tin"1 lies'.- "iverad v 'u■ . their n I »h vs a : j I them p in the alii i !. - • he had f.uai-1 a hiding pi a Slid is '. !•• all . no • of l his;, r u .d li .. t. . i' ae . id a itio ' ! the tilling a Taa v.a.s . .. la..' I si’ All t a a d *i ii. T. ■ s*’1;ail l tin’ . ' •: , ', t. ■ ■ i.. y to thO one n ystory i f h I.yaiati (,'hihler laid r. I). . .... i > l • will, trust, . 1 ..a, ciiiai! lat r, v.-ilftt the -si; rn.n was so far rCo .1 • ill’ ••••'. Ill' . 0 ilhn ,!. th i' l.’il oiiiy th ... ..a i.i...’ !' bin 1 i'. d h-Mi i 'll' day, .t h.s i • ' 1 i . I • i a: hr ..a;. . v. ’>i him .. ■ a1:. : ail with v. ' ;-i he li.ul a b -ns . ..dain1 o-.\ thadivisi a sap-onati:. i it .-f ti. ' a r. . inr ., iv. Ui.i’.w’’ V. . I -N' iv.-s had done id;, w .Lid. nk conriM : i ■V rr-'inr /'-./• /•'. XXIIX m)n i iti ,ivztiKZSf: ’»■'•■'«®*»T ,-ac.ffi* ,s.; .Mir t'. LJ A11 v I) A; I*HIU Ii ! Ae u* 1 i niesEiiiiiiies&u Boilers,En^leCottonUins HUMS MEM E CO.'S SAW MILLS, mgk ■HIE 0.xL ) ' OEM/ '/ME HUMDFOUL)MORME H 7/EMJ M MILLS SQmiimv: COl'lOMPRESSES, SIl/MOLE MMCHIME, Steam Pumps, Jet Pumps. Stalk Gutters, Mowers anti Reapers. CORNER SKCON I) AND LOUISIANA STS. LITTLE ROCK A ,T. T. BACON, TRA\ PILING MANAGER. "■“■S ■■OL lxPor Wo Endeavor tv> ii»ko 'i'ME MKWS Interesting t-o Both ‘Mie Ot,U emid VOUlfa. 1 lie Militsvrijjiion j * i<k* <i this newsy }>i«f.<cr is wnly ** 5 iCA JltS Wo have added n e ve tl at material 1 o our juls ilTle *• Hu *]d*s the rk department. and are now prewired to do asthma ia elu spest, and * ill gtiurniit*** to do »ou ' " Work 0 J • t. I Advertise and let 1 j 3 0u nre selline ths people ki,n\v xvlmt; »ve doing |f , „ ? ' 'os 1-t litem *|,(sw it. Or if you w*. t<> ocll foiling a farm dry K odn, 1#,! them know !>o Somo Advvriism S <1* ft.lvevtisem. a . ! will know that y ,u Lave a farm for sale. Or tliat you ati'l tho people will road th0 l'ftve gi’ocorleB or dry goods to sell. rl b< •* A A §^( I SH"** 1 A / tf0^ ? 5' : \\ ill do I Vour adwt! ;'imy in s(yir. and also as cdn ip as any lu ivsjMpcr. Call ami inat in; nave not|irevaricHtt*i] an in. i, jn tins matter see us and l>o cotivir je-i