Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 30—NUMBER 40 SPRINGDALE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1017 EIGHT PAGES LIGHT COMPANY GIV EN AJCDGMENT FOR 838; COSTS The jury reuirned a ver dict in favor of the plaintiff in 'me of 83S and costs, . he i-.'/is onouir :’ig 10 811. The defense has served no tier «>f t i|; *. ; •-. {'jr , :t < oui’t. The suit for the collection of a heht !> ii. t.<-t• «: .). V, Sty ami Sprin I, a- «| I’ ... r (V was heard before fustic Atwood Thursday. The Plaintiff in tht case, tht Sn-uedale l.iyh? nd ( uni nany broveht suit t<> collect lights bills aggregating ill.Of. ft.i service to the Joyce i)r. y <to., from O. sober 1st, H»n; to January 17, 1917. The lights v ■ re o e.,nn a t d on January Kith, after ;t as evident that the partie <>’i. i IT, t si;. * mpromis . The contends that the i> entirely too high, while the plaint!:’ base tn r suit ••. ;i ■ nn r readings. Fh( cii .iil was hi fore a jury »n sistim: o! Powell, i, Marks. Geo. Rupole W I Sunders. VV. A. ilay pool up.l Hiaks Buy felt J. Wyth Waii;i r r -pt • ntiru tlie pin ntii'f. an John Mayes the deferfse. Quit ■ a mini bet of witnesses v,tre heard, .and the ease argued briefly, being turned over to the jury at 2:1.*> Thurs day aft« rneon. Quite a number w» re , inter-1-?, j spectators, SOME HAVE MEASLES Several eases of measles are report ed in * 1. different families of Sprinjr daie. o,i lah kiiiy serious is anticipat ed, a . : ?!.c ! ’('.'.1 i'hy;. ians have all case- w .. . :i hand. Krroi repi rts have been circu- j kited that Springdale has an i den . ■ , : • sere.* .the .a - < tme ret: ,i!;u as are not * nfojreeil, so that ••-. c. parties ar< be;n ■ x posed. S'i- . . <r! is i cry • th tjthry ae • the local nhysir-ia - de clop ! i; while there are nurrt c.i.o i t a : , : in riny from a > ue yea; ■ iolk.ri t. a a r arid-mother a ye : 8... a ei to e . i -t nicely. 1? just a’ d. vie iif measles as ust i ■ •• . t . t nr. :,•! the • i l i: - tme i ■■ let' i s are to,, irt eare of thi various i ist '. II: t you had the measles? W. !. * o'er hare a case, while you an . i young. They sometimes have i a b. J "i f. t i. th • iei folks, and .•ay. do . cpect to .! . ice mee -Jos | all h! e ? JOHNSON Jona Boswell made a basin “~s trip i to Fw i Smith Saturday. H* ■: BK yd has quit the hi al barber shop i?ul ; .v is located at I uBa.Okm. <)i ( run' ! ft r■•rently fur Ides! Mu ■ - (• vhcrc he cues to work tor a cooperage company. Mr . 1 Mr K! b< rt Purser. a' 1 ay ett< hy ■ re guests Sunday at the !: V* .. ! Mrs. i ari Maye VVd Cr. . . treat Austin and .less j Imp. - are at work making up craP n at< • | the Fruit awn's Union. B< i .fob. - is row out at i’uisa. Okla . 1 •; will return in a few days | and lit a o\ni-cts to go out about Salt Lula ('tty, t’tah. The f the o\; ra irurs f rail , road ■ ve.kors have departed and the new tee! tracks is n -w a speedway' lor ■ ! ns.-v. 1*1. f. i , \ . (die aid wife are now in North Carolim where Prof (die ha. i osi(-oo with the state uvi i cuh Old ilcti'i'' -t: :it : \ '■ I i-. 1 ' ., i , Black, of ( iiest. . \rk.. was ij.. Johnson .Monday making ap plication ft r the principal ship of tin next form of cur pul s iiu . A number of cases f ■ r.n are gruv d n. John -< o folks, .. i ,s a few rases of imin ns arid measles, which titr ’.ter :<■ beeon.e very i re valent. ('apt. Will Mayes returned Moo lay evening from fort Hoi th win re he n.. hero r\ nc .. a member >1 the petit jury in the reicnt term o! tie1 Fed-1 < ral f our* John Mastei son d'ed recently at liis , home south of Stony Point. He was buried in the Sttikey cemetery. Unt ie John had 1. "<• hi re many vi ms. and I'.svta numlvr of sorrowmu relativs and friend.-'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson, of Robinson \rk.. wen- in John - m yes terday to attend the wedding of Prii stly Thompson and Mi - 1,- on.trd. also of Robinson, who were muted in mar raige at the home ot John Horne, by Rev. VV. S. Luper. The Johnson public school was dis mi id Monday and Tuesday as Prof. Koulhae received a message early Monday morning stating that his father -in-law, Mr. Price had (tied at his home near Pea Ridge. Ark Sc n al will be resumed Wednesday mommy The sad news of the passing of Don’t Worry affected Mully ' ery much as we had been acquainted through the years since Don’t Worry came to Arkansas, and our work us country correspondent' for J he News had brought our friendship closer than the common lot of many folks. P- ace, sweet n ace to the gentle memory of Don’t Worry! The (Jregory drill outfit is now at work drilling deep holes at the lower lime kiln where a big blast is to be put off as soon as the deep drill holes are finished. The big shot at the up per kiln was exploded Monday evening and was a success as thei’e is a b g job ahead to clear away the derbis. SECOND ATTEMPT IS Sl ( ( ESSFl E Will Stamford, 55, of Garfield. .rn mltted suicide at that place Sutur es; morning, when he delih< lately «W r the ]•'fi i ja!,"-sei'*r train No. 1. Ths is the seed 1 Slta h'S tried t » take his <• vn 1 Ie. Os ■_ a . h r; time ago he c ; i ns. i i ram car to car. but \ \- m , tier a i si i rn •Th ■- . - < re still i.n it.oat. wh> * h s ins us-, prepared for burin i at ter 11■ . sou . s i dd by *■; . '...-'it" - Site'd.'erd walked along th< plaf rra . :.;u j'jeld as the train v. ns p id . < • .. . as the dining cur s ine <•: ... h<» was noticed to h« looking douse at .m wheels; just as the front trucks pass ed, he made a h< rul-hm;., live, directly under the car. 1! was near enough > to i If-S' •• s that they could ha\e grabbed him thiy knov. h: • «nt< i in ns, his body war *.ut ;. t\ > s .. . b< i e in.-tant. doe Nix, of the six-CaUi-f n , . :e. taking Co., of this place, was c;JI ••! to GarGeld Cat urn ay .: i. rn . i . pre pare t he remains for buria . *• • t . v...s - ..rv . vr I !■ - niff : ■ t ra: f hildren, ‘DONE DRY*’ R\i EY HELD EAST WwEK Held ut M. Church, South Thurs day Night of Last Wt k- Splendid \tteiidanfi*-—Rev i\al tn elmu <.a»c Way for Rally. ■ : , ■ . been i !-• ogress at the M. K .Church, South, for the past thr e Kt-.-k? gave ( way Thursday night of last week fori a “Bora Dry” * . iebrat > relic • t. j :t. - e„ • i the: Vest known *'!h e drr> .ei,i n b .'; .. h. i! pro a . .ts the -1e'*en.*•! ■ : ii .a ' r s 11 1 11 \ 1 kuI. MO. \i thorn, h hastily an . • i meeti• t v . • d ' . d- s the • si i. ' > • ‘ I •:; -1 titled .'o' i . ... Smith j pres e at the me'.tia ., a - .* .a. j heid *. : • o:r is . . • i to ■ hur* h at ions. am as a V .si la! ceic su >n a: ft rally v ith ref • . e me bill. Many commendable tilings were -aid a,,r< •ruing the u-w law. and al! ms i• d ,n ihotr pr; -•» f< r Ids'. >. n'--r Brough, wiie sir ne. * the bad. Sen - aier (if utbouse,. wno intro lucea th bill, a-vi t'or Rv-pres id. it i • , Card., i, . I,,, voted for i he bii. '*1* . If A •'! • rna ■ e . a number. WILL LOCATE LK ' !) \ competent miner from Joplin s in Spriuydaie this week working- at the Costellos Mining Co's., holdings <>ii Whit" iii ■ ei, end-averiny ••• locate tin '••a i ■ ttn- * ■ re 'i ,ie !.y;. mgs s . t'a ha t* been vary good. hat from all ap pearance- the v ,n of ore nas r *t Diva located. The .Joplin party expects to uicate the lea ) v thout trouble. John Reed •lohn Ret ti was horn in Hichiaini ei'iitv, Wisconsin. February 11th, lhf>7. With h s parents he moved to Knox county, low a in Is-1 \fier a ten years stay in iowa tin family moved to Kansas, which pla. t has been Mr. Reed’s ever since. The liOth of last October he and hi w'I’e their sun, « !. Red. a ■' hone with their son, < . !.. Reed, m the hope that this climate and en* *i ' Uir-i - weulti briny renew d s* i\ tu th and . iiality. ■ V : a *.- ’ • VI. •; hi < nipanion h* ,> man- ".noa h .ill tin .a yea.. . I • > ‘ 1 ■ - - :::. ere '■ O' ■ -,\ hi!!;- a. "■ T faney ■>\ lit n a young man, Air. Re was convert. *1 aiai unittol v.o- o to ",et K. • ;' cni: * n« ir er ■ Fredrick, Kansas ts now situatet,. The passing year, ha e inert used r faith' and his transfer fr* ni tin church mil itant at Sterling, Kansas, must have been made to the church Triumphant in riit* Kti. rnal City. Tvvt> years ag*> health bey;an n fail. Diabetes tool; a strong ol’if on tile tenement i f clay. Too not unfined to ii *-■ bed. he gradually declined un 111 l:;-r S'itjriiay, a week, bis ear'.hi;; house v«bd the attack no ion"* i T ni : i; In- lit re i the mot t,ii>^; iv. n about ’t o’clock Mbn dav night he slipped away to that bourne from whence no .raveier re-, turns. Tb* earthly s. ay was ail years. 11 months md is days. Tlie wife of his bos mi. five hiM ren; (’. L., of Sj ringdale, O. i of llut -hison, Kan.. Mrs. Fame b ioyd. Mansfield, Mo.. II. 1L, of Hutchinson, Kansas, but in this city at pr, .sent , Mrs. Alma Repp. Sterling, Kan., one sister, Carolint Zander, .left, Okla. together with friends and many are ! -ft to look with wistful ey< ward the dawn of the Fternar morn. Funeral services ,\ . re t inducted Wednesday mommy a! tin Methodist Episcopal church, hy tin pastor Will A. i’ijier, assisted by Rev. W. I Rllodye, of the Baptist t'hurcn. bur- ! ial was made in Bluff Cemetery. X \ THE EIRE El EM) KAYS— Next to a cocktail Of sweet kerosene 1 love the aroma Of yood gasoline But a friend of the* writer’s With clothing to clean, Used the latter indoors, and She’s not since ben-zene. PROGRAM FOR ART EXHIBIT AT RICH SCHOOL COMPLETE I nurin' Corrpiete for livenitt. En tertainment at Art Exhibit at iii• n "tchoof K l>ruj r\ 7. *4 and !• On February 7, *i and P th<-re .'ill d ail a:4 inhibit, consisting of t ■ o h„ •. t if t.ii finest i • • i>r ■ • in : Mt - eld's must famoUC \V U'ks of .■I ■. ,■ the .. ciiti.riura of the High S- rui! !•'. Pin.. i’h's ■■biibit w ill • »••:« : t.i rn. to •> p. in . a ,-i fn m p. m to lu p m . on each «.■' the • i • date:4. The program wili be tric.n by the students in connection o ' h 4hi oit ht exhibition. Wedn*'day Evening at T TO f :arc. t1 Zclpba 11 to . a Stafford lb ■ ■•••' Katheriri" Smyi-r Sol •. i.: / -neth K< i! !'• i*'i. 3i: mP mat on - "The Three !! - ,!4 ■' ' '-\‘r i 1 : Glenn Rank, ires' i: Bein'- Or In- Kid-4 • Min :i s "ii Bear- Kuna 1 ib man. 1 ittl; Sm.iii Wee Bear Mu e uev fHvnbey. :: eh S' .1 Giris I»ou) Qaa.r H* ere • Mildred Thompson Vt a! Du« t -Jewel and 'A ;inie Phillips Pmi» t Duet— Josephine Baxter 1 D.-rtha Walker S . Mar ’n Graves. Loren N> i ham. Alber Backus and Giei.n Par rot. Re t it:-'1< - - ‘Plavinjr School"—Mil dred ('umni! c s. \ aim 1» a t—Bernice Hour';. Lor raine. P; tro.-s. i'hur.sday Evening at f 'id Si !■>- Zelpha Hous e 'or \ ,n. i Phillips and Donna ’v\ ahbon. 1 >r :n . / lino "Red Pidir." 1! I V Uni. i.: H • ••* 11ri '-1* Marlow1 > ' r r Ruth GaSav 'u r. , n Won -Pa",l Kile !.j W . ■ r;<>r Et.i.o-i o i .1 . das Holt. - i . Ira!: ■ t Kwalt. MaloLric Aceonipaimem ei • 'hia>t ..' Indian Iluu ;• . .:' 11 > Lit;; ! - - 'h - and e-rls of the nth s:'4adi . Rotiamuy Grubbier. Hie., S- <; : iJi,-Is I t.iu’ S' Qua: T*-V *_ • T.e ballon Bui'l Rose Pia.iti. i- •'Making Reuben Pr ii Ed.".; ivu- !er. 7 i . Solo- Bernice Hough. ! riba ■> R\ filing at 7 :H!) Piano i».o-4- — Mildred Thimpson, V> ”nc Mas. ner. Read! a- 4 i Wish 1 was at < 1 shy’ Stat’i Lu nor Williams \ n Mil Sol-1 Lnrr me IV tr Revitiitioi.- Marion Stafford Sunn; "X I Lay Me Dow:, t S'■ . ji’ ii!i a! cth Harrison. V’ a! cue -.Maurice Wilson. Irene. ]• i ••••nrm H uh S. h« e Gir!.- Quarteete. R‘ itatioa— Virginia Ownbey. Dialogue -4,< ireat Men’s Secrets" , .'rrry M 11 . Kelluir. Woodruff i ‘Lit|le Red Lit:!e Red Hen Hildren Ja< qui s. T*. P o —Harry White. '. :■ G. 4 Joseph Brace. The Rat —Robert McKinm;. ReePat n.n Victor lever Song—Julia Graves. »!I<; FIRE AT RO^ER p...Ark. .Junk -McNe ' fro; 2 oY-h>ck this morning. The lit*.' started n:: rear teem prol* :biy r •• in >*->n: :u,ee>: ■ , "rnbusti-.iii, and wh> dk-covered f-;> night polieoimi ti I .'elm, wa. barninr:' fiercely. ‘ .•• !• ire I'ejiu;tm nt responded prumpilv '■> th“ alarm and though their el'l >•' - ’ tin ! re was confine^ to McNii’; Pharmacy. whiih \»as a total i' .s. j I’he ■ u>( k ef goods is e«t male ! *t •'1 l,n'a. v. ;h insut unco of :5,5uo a 'he l niteil Drug Co,. $2,000 in <. ru mercial l nior of London, ami $1'»00 ir> th ' Carman American in New Voik. Loss of buildings owned by Mrs. Emma Ferrenberg, i-. amt SnOO. fully insured. mm i HijK\ <;r<;\ 1 ule Lena Austin of lov.ell spent i last week with relatives here. Walk, every farmer in this \U-ii.ny is plowing their ground and getting j r> ady to sow oats. While cutting wood last Wednesday !.. d. Fogle i ut his foot bad but i- able to be about a litle now. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Austin of near! Lowell spent .Sunday at the home of her niece Mrs. L. J. Fogle. All - i ' folk:- are improving nicely. Ross Fogle of Rogers visited latter part of the week with relatives and frit ads here Rev. S. Mayes of Spring Valley •l y in the ne ghb irhood and spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Linebarger. Miss May Tweedy of Ladonia, Tex.. .• ho ha.-, been visiting relatives here returned home a few day ago. There was a prayer meeting at the home of Ben Todd Sunday evening. Dora Dean. - THE FIRE FIEND SAYS— Honesty is the best policy, but the j insurance policy looks mighty good after a fire. If you like excitement string your electric light cords around on nails. ‘..OSES RESIDENCE RY FIRE Sl’NDAY !■ ire from a <it i ■ * i\ • > flue* complete ly 'fe-1 'jVm! the r- • i'iein properly of ! loi-. i ' our.iy ! ivasur'.-r, ai: l his father Sanford Unvjs, hero. Sun-lay -i •> i!y ft r no..; . Hie i - nonce was uerupictl by Kin I-ink anti family, an<i they were a? the '.vs- .aii Ihin- r. and v, to una ;no ■ f ■ ho •' - • • . • - [Ho, U. 1 )• 1 ~;!lg ’ " 1 ‘ I < I' , :l. house el ill !’ > 'lihe . a' v„: Vi ii a i’ii zo ' hen he fire v :is f r • r n ,1-. -v ... • . but r. - her .. :11 -hi* fuv h.;, - :v.-* Hit! , bur with little avail. All the farni ui ■ in the house was -avr i but the ' i.!•'i). o,... a total loss. The h-ss a . ■ i*:i ,r.. • about 3 1 .'00 with $S0U m ,uranee. The residence was located on one wt ‘.r ito < t small lots in Suringdalo on tic wo • ei]il of Emma Avenue, and < I future plans of the owners as to ■ huiluing have not been made pub - * S\IE BFILDINC ROADS o' t.uihiinc the road loadin ' ' Springdale to Hewitt t oru ", . ■r-ssing nicely. A 5 ready the a i - .■;/ has been graveled almost • r; from Springdale to il *t S .. a.y s a. ’is!aP> e of two miles and a The work is under the tiireetion , of Road Overseer Gillett and he is! r e.rm ably assisted by tins .'armors : i th it ection. ileginning on Emma Avenue, .here tVi - . Id Wire Hoad crosses gravel ha' e been hauled on the road to thei ■ donee of day M. Frazier, just at foot of the mountain. Then be ning at the of Geo.! Mono hun the road ha:- been graveled to the top of the hill at Hewitt Spriu:•- The jrravel is now ready ■ i - heavy roller or crusher, vhich \. ill be List'd after the road has been ■ reded on each side. Thirteen ! •aid teams core busy Tuesday hauling’ a el t'l'iim half a mHe below Hewitt .1.' ami p'.ai ing Kam on the road. !■ : dov .-rseer Gillett e\»ects t.» f.u : this part of the road this a. • . i th«.ii move west of Springdale, and ! ■ . the same kind of work; also over the road . Gin norl i < asi ;; m .<:••• ing<t 'le N«-\t winter 1 ■ finish graveling the Hewitt sor >k;s r ■ , t> til" township i. east, i . White liver. fhc fends subscribed by the in- . o S iringdalt are aiding ii rhe ; i • * : .i work. AND DIDN’T IT i'll A N D r it’.- a quick route from sixty above to zero, i)ut that’s what the weather | mail nanded this vicinity Wednesday. The day dawned warm and spring-like 'out by tea o'clock the wind was in the northwest, and the thermomter hunting the bottom. It grew colder as n vht came, and dropped to two belov- zero before morning. The cold map was accompained by a high wnni from thi northwest, which made it ail iht- more disagreeable. Comme line: with last Friday, below readings f.«r the week: Fr lay Hipest dH; lowest J9 Saturday lie In -! 68; lowest d, Sunday Highest 75; lowest 30 ill ida M s ;h< st 6£ ; i >w > st 4*5 Tuesday Highest S(i; lowest 17 Wedn sitay- Hi.chest 86; lowest >7 Thursday Highest M; lowest • -2. These readings wc>e made at eight o’.dot k « at h morning. - -«• SPRING CREEK Will Muldrew came in Monday from M arm. Ok la. Mr. Graham and family moved to wif-> ila v! O .o os inst , e.-k. Wo are having some spring like weather, and the farmers are busy plow ing. Belie Brow R ««f Kaiiwiew -s >. is,tin:' .: h r i:ui■ n dl er’ A. ' Nancy Brown this week. Beryl anti Ruby Barron spent Sat urday night with the.r aunt Mrs. ( lit! Bright •: Osa.ce. John Brown is recovering from an ..Hack ot pneumonia some others are still having la grippe. Air. and Mrs Evans are enjoy in visit from a daughter who cam ■ in Saturday from OKlahoma. 1 larla: Siiary and sisti rs Kelvia and l’reda visited with their sister, Mrs. Ed Malay near Lowell Sunday. Ale and Mrs. Motley of near Center ton. .no Mi. and Mr-. Burks ot a\ Springs p< tit Sunday at tin Bradley home. We are sorry’ to h ar of the death of Don't Worry though we had never nr t, wc knew him through lm writ ings and bv them we knew him to be a righteous nr.*n, and may hi.- dee'1 ndants follow in his foot steps. Some of the young people spent the evening at the G rims ley home Wed nesday of last week. Those prest nt : were Louis Downum and two brothers. Isom Pace, two brothers and soster, .M ss vlyrtb Uilton and brothers Lovis brought their musical instruments a long and had music and singing. Blondy. * FIRST ARKANSAS LEAVES DK.MING FRIDAY MORNING Doming, N. M . Jan. 29. It is ex pected thr^L the first Arkansas Infan try will leave here over the Southern Pacific 4\>r Little Rock at 10 a. m. Friday. There will be 594 men and 16 officers. The troops will move on two trains. Col C. L). James will com mand the first section, and Lieut.;Col. L. R. Ellis the second division. The troops should arrive in Little Rock Monday night or Tuesday morning. ♦ BOVS AT ]>EMI\(i not wxiors TO RETURN HOME liOVS of < "\" Lila < n>s at Dtining Wa ;■ Will K Muu. h to Str'f I lit II umpanv Hv-.'aH. il-—Kincaid * of d. e ism-nta! ScTeio'. i• • Harry Ibaghl Ai'i.' riling to pi sent hidica.. our service on the border is aim : completed. but prehaps the closm. cidcnts of the “Arkansas War" ii I ■ ■ of interest. Of the troops stationed here, Shose, from Delaware ami the 1st. Arkan sas start home first; the report that they will leave here Us 2nd February, We ary at a loss to a count for the selection of the 1 ir-t Regiment ns we ai d' etl here h» ■ they did. The first Regiment v, ill be taken to Fort Logan II. Roots, and pr ibntih oimrter >d ir the barrad - there, until mustered out. The bar racks will not hold both regiment.-, which is possibly the reason dy o •raiment returns at a ’ ,n , the -eeond regiment wifi return anotht r questi >n %\ » h< .11 all rt of rumors, and don't believe any m them, but it is certain that v 1 can me. lie moved until the First Regiment has left the barracks at the Fort, and it s probably that we are good for at least a month here. Tho all the boy-; pretend to be “sore” because of our retention here, 1 don’t believe that the majority of them are averse to re maining in the service until spring, and ‘here are better prospects 'nr' work. The ri'-ruiting officers, who had been 1 reached here today. Frank Graham r> ailed ! a the j os - ; • r- a am! Truest Krwin, both of Sori-ige , 1. .joined the company • wentl weeks -. and another hecruit is expected temoi row. We have several men in In h -- peal, but none of them ere -i-riously ill. When it was first reported hat the guards stationed hen- cere order 'd home, about half the boys in the hospital discovered that they wet\ md as Sick a.-* they thought they v on, and returned to their companies. fn • x pec tat ion of our leaving here 111 ’.he near future, one of Uncle Sam' hos pital trains stopped here last n it. and picked up a number ol until nt-,1 who. with others garnered at place along the border, are being t sen 1 • the Army and Navy General Hasp tab at Hot Springs. Ark., fur treatment Gulp. Oscar Garton, of this company, was taken. Corp. Clifton “Bullet" Murphy’s time was up yesterday, and Bullet didn't hast date a minute ab >ut hitting | the back trail. As C harley Oii dl puts I alone, and beeause of his ability as a : it. ' Bullet” was great at seraping j barber, he will be greatly m ssed."! My own time is up Monday, but un less I change my mind by that time 1 intend to remain here, s< rving <n my reserve, and return with the company.. About Christmas time, all the mm here rec eved a Christmas pr* sent of a recruit k t. Though they came ' through the government, they are r. • j ported to have been the g ft ol a j | votnan philanthropist in the east.1 The boxes, which were greatly ap articles: Toothbrush, soap, hair brush, j 1 razor, shoebrush, whiskbroom, comb,, (shaving brush, box of shoe polish and .i “housew,fe”— a roll containing ! 1 iieedles, pins, buttons, thread etc. Th-- past week has been a strenous j j one for the boys. On the first five j I days, a hike was taken each day, the (troops working out some military pro-i | hlem on the way. Several am bat - j ' ties were staged, one lay wits di j voted to trench-digging, and at the end ,,f th we.-i e felt is 1 holt h W !l; - lone same actus.! cnmpaytiing. i.t. tMrruss, of this company ha. been detailed to the Camp Ordnance ' Depot, to nd.e the place <*i l.t. i i Davie.. who ,s away arranging for ti rent 1 of this lept.t ti CMumbus A fortnight ago, Sgt. James O. 1 Hunt was elated because of the a.-- j rival of his motner aid sister, Mr Charley Hunt and Miss Nora Hunt, < ! .Springdale, v. ho had come to pay Ol e. ■ ' at. Their visit was a s irnri - * to Ol, though a number of the other I hoys had known that they were on the v. av but had carefully kept Oi , from ’'mding out about it. T >tb of i - ,ur visitors entered into the spirit <d the camp, and we hope enjoyed their their visit. This country was on its good behavior, and did not produce any of the firce sandstorms to which .w have become accustomed, but nevertheless, 1 don’t think you could give Mrs. Hunt the whole of this state for Washington County. The whole company is glad the mother of ( one of us was able to get down here i and see howe we are living. The c min authorities recently j placed heavy restrictions on the sal- > uons here. A provost guard is ! stationed in front of each saloon to see j that no soldier carries away with him j any botlcd goods; and several bars, whose propietors have been caught at tempting to evade the regulations laid down for them, been closed entirely to soldier trade. In order to give those of the younger guardsman, who desired it, a chance to keep up with the studies that they are missing through being in the service; a regimental school; was established some time ago, with Sgt. Charles Kincaid of this company a former school teacher, in charge. THE F IRE ITENI) SAYS— If you love the excitement The fire bell induces Let your children have matches And then make excuses! II RE BOVS WANT A MOTOR TRUCK 1 ■ ' ’!>' local fire depart >' r;t • • i for some time that the ' .* : a! engine is entirely mad r'ir- d;i. - ■ ■ r■ *• . and they have now decided • ■ a ■ : m;i ign to raise funds ■ ' • uivhase a regular It h.i. h r estimated ry property owner .in ■sl ;r. • <0.4hi donate the small 1 !i i t'ne truck could be t iie f' r; company ecure the popular . i }} ■••• , ... : purchase a truck. ■ p way of gett ing the chem ' d ■to. >K' to ;1 fire, is entirely too i .gin* has demonstrated u'- worth on fires w thin short dis tance the fire hall, and easily bet of absolutely no ae • f' • : ■!'(' any distance away. the engine is too small; in - i .1 ; or boon large enough t' ii ■ -'.js of Springdale. Until '■ fire protection fpom u ter • apply secured it is best that ^ look to the present fire • hi m in gettiti - a true'; a.- Tins is the one best r.ys ' a; i the present "bone dry" i Springdale. — 2nd BOVS \RE DAZED ( 1 m. at Headlight) fiv \ i t-, :,. ;< War is over. When the Headlight broke the news Mon day n r: : th* First Arkansas and Fir.- I,.re regiments, that they had -n recalled, the soldiers could hardly heliev* the tidings. Me.vs spreads rapidly in this clari fy 1 atmosphere, and it was only a short time until the report had cir cti’aled through* u Camp Ueining. In a few minutes the vamp vva3 alive, and i* only res a red the First Arkan sas regimental band, which is s;< popu lar . ith i-iviliaus and militiamen, a few minutes, to get to their instru ments, a id - they were parading ieh the i >c puny streets playing " ■ .* e * Sc. Home.” The e w ,,f the Second Arliiii - ■ d. • - • i 1 that the war department had overlooked them in Uv- official rut r- to ..... home, but they are ail n v. thro i ■ Vily acclimated and many i;> that th* y prefer not to re turn ' mis - ns.-a of the year to Ft. !.• gan H He *' ■ at Lite!; Rock. The Arkansas boys have been ■ hipn . 1 tnt«> anuj the great improvem-mv in '■ entire brigade was evi 't id at the !• v i".t' held recently for < I* ru ral Funs*nn. The regiments from Arkansas, though, have been un fortunate in their mortality record, but there is a ea -* for this which is not cent rally km.v n by the average layman. Their high death rate was due to pneumonia, developing in con junction with m< asies, but in every ease of this- nature it was discovered that th* malaria parasite was present in the patient's blood. This condition complicated all such cases, and it re quired the most strenous eff>.*rts ami utmost vigilance on the part of th* physicians at th* base hospital l*> pi* - vent the number of deaths from be ing much larger. The Fourth Hr'.gade has become a part of the lif* of Deming and it is with sincere regrets and best wishes that w* part rnpany with any por tion uf it: our relations have be* n p! a-ml and it >s a matter of con gratulation that these units are be ing res? .r**d m u * cully intact to their hum* .'id r*■'iti' *■' and friends; the • has been ser * I and they return with th* fia; ' untarnished and t’noii muds u -1; * d by the blood of tF i Mi - \ 1 : N1 A KLDEKTON Mrs X ir Eiderton, wife of Jim i- iderto . e-i of pneumonia Satur day at " ■ home at. this place. De ri - . • sixty years of age. Fun eral nr . wor; held at the resi h i. in re Sunday, interment follow - in t . o ne tery at Shady Grove. IV • osed is survived by her hus !>, id. end three sons, Homer and Harvey el Hi place, and A. W., of Tulsa, at d two daughters, Nila and X- i of 'd rir.'dale. T! •. f'lrndy have the sympathy of the comm.:' {;• in their loss. HI.XT "A1TOHI YHiS" li ••••’> a new malady—“autobuy itis.” You've probably heard of ‘auto it:>,” i e’ll this ab ve mentioned and chronieled disease or malady bears the same relation to the last named as i nben ulosis does to consumption—a rent difference. It's all in owing to 11,, person affected. Several of have “uutobuyitis,’’ but the pleasure )f "autoitis" falls to the lot of the few. Anyway, disease or malady, several new ear are making their appearance ia Springdale, and we understand from a ver\ reliable source that many more will be purchased before tin first days of summer. And the new cars are not confined to any special make. There is the well known Ford, the Chevrolet, The Dodge, the Brisco, the Overlanf, the Oakland, and second-hand Fords all making their.appearance in the hards of new owners. A sure sign of prosperity— or a mortgage. liven a doll faced girl isn't satisfied with sawdust breakfast food. Farming is a lot of fun—unless you have to do it to make a living by it. The smile of a good woman will do a man more good than a dozen handed him by the bartender. If it happens it is in The Mews.