Newspaper Page Text
s we Prmg stxe Volume 30—No. 51. Springdale, Washington County, Arkansas, Friday, April 20, 1017. Eight Pages. CAMPAIGN IS SUCCESSFUL “Prepare to Feed Yourself” t ampa gn Closes Friday Night of This Week Has Been a Grand Success and People are Interested With only three more dates to til!, Friday night of this week at Zion, Thornesberry and Robinson, the ' Pre pare to Feed Yourself" Campaign launched and fostered by the bu-ine-s men of Springdale will come to a close. The campaign has ben waged for a soli<l week, and speakers have been detailed to different points on each night and the country adjacent to Springdale has been very effectively covered. That the campaign has been a success is shown by the response ac corded the speakers in the different localities visited. Rarely have the number present fallen below seventy five, and in some instances the school houses were too small to accomodate the crowd. Another very gratifying part of the campaign has been the at tendance of the women folks. At no place have the women failed to attend and that they arc nterested and v. 11 keep the men interested goes without saying. It is now possible that the present campaign will be foiowed soc :i with another, even mure extensive, not cov ering any more territory, but will have for it’s object the work of community co-operation. The campaign now be ing formed will cover the same terri tory as the one just Hosing, but will endeavor to show the farmers, the r wives and their families the splendid results that will be obtained through community co-operation. This paper this ssue carries a re port of the w( rk that has been accom plished ir Springdale along that line, and the same work is advised in other communities. “Meet ami Organ ze” will he the slogan of the next cam paign. Friday night Zion, Thornesberry and Robinson. WMF DISTRICT C ANDIDATE: While .! was practical!} unknown in Washington cour tv. a j rimary was held in the Third Ci • '.•’ •■ssional Dis trict Saturday to name Democratic candidates for delegate to the Consti tutional Convention. Practical}’ complete returns show M tc 1 Bratv n 9l>o, McFervin 791, Thompson 717, Gates §50. With this result it seems that E. C.. Mit of chell of Harris n. and V. C. Bratton of Marshall have been select< d as candidates. A primary was he! i ;;1 only five counties in the D strict, Carroll, Boone. Newton. Searcy and Baxter. All these counties had candidates ex cept Baxter. There are ten counties in the District!, five others not hold ing a primary, Washington, Benton, Mad son. Van Hare , and Marion. There st ems i be some question as to whether Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Brat ton can claitn the Democratic nomi nation for delegate from the Third Congressional Distr t, n view of the fact that their total vote does not amount to as much ; - the vote ol Washinpon and Bent ’ f<> soy nm n inp of the other three count es. It s clearly not the voice of the Democrats of the district that :am- i the t 1 candidates, but the matter is very mixed at present, h< > • r ther* win always ho seme juestion a? to th.r nomination covering the cut i lurd District. TOWNSHIP ASSESSORS Complying with A t No. 4. ■ the laws of the State of Art.-n-as, County Judge Geo. Applt by has ap pointed the following men who with the Assessor '"'ill compose the Fown ship Board of Assessois of \\ ahing to County. The following are names, of township assessors in the town ships adjacent to Springdale. The complete list will be printed next wtu k: Springdale—W. H. Searcy, Fr d Reed. Harmon—R. Brown, Let Wh nery Brush Creek—,T. W. Pruner, L. A. Cogar. Elm Springs ,1. G. Webber, B. b Denver. Goshen—J. W. Oxford, G. O Tram mel. Wheeler—H. E. Snodgrass, E. 3 Cowan. Literal—J. W. Holst, A. H. Baird, Sr. * c* Mrs. Cora J. Wilson, and family left Tuesday afternoon * -r ■ he -• i. Okla., where they will make their future home. During her re-iie here, Mrs. Wilson made many f-ien is all of whom regret her departure. Mrs. Wilson will make her home with her s ster in Chelsea. * * * p p. ft * " NEW RECRUITS The following men ** “ have enlisted in Com- * * pany A during the p * past few days: Frank Cooper. * * Victor Cooper. ' Raymond Bridewell * Byron Smith. * Troy Couch. * * Arden Deason. p * Ervin Austin. Clarence Austin. John Watson. ** * Harold Ballinger James Scroggins. * Rov Renner p “ Hall is Russom. * William Odel. * Isaac Carter. p p Ray Griffith. ^ Ephrum Dorsey. *' p Henry Ritter. p m • p ' • » ■ p PATHIOOT1SM A XI) PKEPA REDNESS Orand Military Parade and Pageant In Springdale Saturday After noon at Three O’clock—Spet. h by Chaplain of f irst Ark ansas— Mo-. inn Pictures Ntxt Saturday has been des gr.ated as a day for patriotism and prepared ness in Springdale. In the after noon at three o’clock will take place a military parade participated in by Company A, a brass band, "Heme Guards," Federal and Confederate Veterans. Spanish-Amertcan War veterans, 100 young ladies carrying the National Colors, Boy Scouts 'oO school children carrying the American f lag, decorated automobiles, and cit izens t n foot. This will probably be one of the biggest parade- ever in Spr r.gdale. Immediately following the parade Lieut. Frank Gee, Chaplain of the First Arkansas, A. X. G . will deliver an open air address at the corner ,u mb street and Krama Avenu* Lieut. McGee comes to Springdale or. Friday s.nd Saturday, on a sp*. .dal re cruiting trip for the local c mpa- y (,f Arkansas National Guards. A matinee will he shown at the Majestic Theatre Saturday afternoon showing the Arkansas Guards, as well ;1s the local company on duty at Dem ing, N. M. Th* se pictures are shown in connection with the recruiting work of Lieut. Gte. The same pictures will he shown at the Majestic Saturday night in connection w th the regular program. * * RECRUITS COMING IN Company \ Rapidly Gaining Nev, Men —Many Have Joined This Week—i»e.«dre ( on-puny cf iMl Before Mobilization Rt ruiting for Company A has been progress nir rapidly the past few •lays, aati many m v men are enroll ing. Must of .the n*,*,v >• -uits a. e hcys from the country sectim around Springdale, and there is no doubt but that Company A will be composed :* thi*■ ere:; n of the young no :i t this section. The men who are no . > i listir.g are physically perfect, or al most M>, they are Mg. brawny, mus cular, and will mak< ideal soldiers. Tiie company now has an enroll ment of 80 men with two officers. Captain Own hey being appointed Ma jor. Recent advices from Little Rock are to the effect that the Sec ond Arkansas wTl be called for ser vice within the very next few days, and it ,s desired that Company re cruit to at least 100 men before the call. It is not expected that a re c rah in t party will remain in Spring dale after the company has betn •ailed i* p Married- At the past of the Rapt st Church Sunday aft-. rceun Mr. A! Luptr and Miss Flora (’aid well, W. 1. Elle ige officiating. A1 is the - >n *f Mr. and Mrs Sim 1.viper, of Johnson, while Miss Flora is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Andy Card well, of Johnson. These are splendid young people and have a host of friends who w:ll congratulate them anon their union. SPRINGDALE SCHOOLS C LOSING Grammar School Closes This Week High School C loses Next Week Commencement Program Springdale - schools are closing The examinations at the Grammar School have been in progress this week, and will be finished Thursday afternoon; the students will receive their g-ade cards Friday afternoon, and the present term ..ill then he at an end. The H gh School continues through next week, the extra work being nec essary on account of the loss of time during the winter. The Glass Day and graduating ex ercises v.i l be held Wednesday and Thursday evening of next week. The , graduating class this year consists of seventeen members, three boys and fourteen gir's. Sunday the annual bacculaureate u-rmon to the graduating class will be delivered by Dr R. T. Phillips at ; the Auditorium at 11 a. m. The ser vices will be of a union nature, all : churches of the city dismissing the j morning services; special music has : been prepared fur this, service. Following is the program for the Class Day exercises to be held at the Auditorium, Wednesday evening at ; eight o’clock: Piano Duet— | Zelpha House. Mildred Thompson. Invo< i.lion—Rev. Will Piper. Class History—Vernie Taylor. Woman’s Need for an Education— Mary Thew. The Civil Service of the United States—Byron Smith. Raphael—Miriam Glass. The Library Builder—Bula Rice. Selection—Girls Double Quartette. American Benevolence—Jewell Be j as ley. The Battle of Hustings—Vernal Masoner. The Spirit of Discontent—Oliie De ! lozier. Frances E. Willard—Marguerite i Carter. Violin Duett—Bernice Hough, Lo i rrair.e Petros. Clara Barton—Mildred Thompson, i Am lent Peru—Ruby Stofcaugh. The Industrial Revolution of Eng i laml—Lizzie Watts. A Contrast—Elmer Deaver. Class Prophecy—Zelpha House. Class Sonp—Class of 1917. Following is the program for the j Corninen * merit exercises to be held ; * | the Auditorium, Thursday evening at, | eight o’clock: Selection—Sailer <Irchestra. Invocation—Rev. A. H. Dulaney. i Selection— Sailer Orchestra. Class Salutatory — Ruth Wilson. Selection—Sailer Orchestra. ‘Commencement Address—Pres. J. I C. Futrall, University of Arkansas. Selection—Sailer Orchestra. Valedictory—Louie Horne. Presentation of Class—Sui t. F. G. Robb. Awarding of Diploma* —E. A. Gil- . let. President Board of Education. Selection—Sailer Orchestra. e CLEAN IP WEEK Elsewhere in this issue will be found the proclamath n . r Mayor Smith setting aside the week of April! 1! !rd t.i 2Mh, .is Clean Up arc! Paint Up Week for Sprngdale. The cl' ' has arranged to haul away all trash and rubbish, provided it. is placed in ■ alb s, eets, nviently, in suitable boxes and barrels. This is the annual clean-up week f<>r thl place, and it is hoped that a.1 t i zens join in the movement along with all other “prepare to fetal yourself” measures. PASSES FEDERAL INSPECTION The Federal inspection of Company A was held at the local armory Friday night of last week. The inspection was made by Lieut. Walker, U. S. A., and he certainly did “inspect” to use the words cf some of the loecal rrtm bers of the company. At this time the formal reports of Lieut. Walker on the local company have r.ot been made public, but advices have been received from military headquarters e.t Little Hock to the effect that the local company had more men in uni form than any othi r company in th<: state, and that the local company made a very creditable showing. Headquarters at Little Rock van’ Springdale to furnish at least a > m pany of 100, and Lieut Walker com- ; plimented local officers <-n the re cruits now enlisting. ► r Possibly the biggest parade of its . kind ever seen in this section in Springdale Saturday after.v- 1 at threee o’clock. p r “Prepare to feed yourself ” i « * p at ■ * p * CITY LOTS FREE! * Mayor Smith autho- * * rizes The News to an- * nounce that the City is * * prepared to furnish va- * * cant lots to deserving p * families of Springdale * * who desire to plant a " * small garden. The city * owns a one-acre tract " * on the east side of the " * railroad, and this will “ “ be cut into convenient " * tracts for gardening * * purposes. Seed will be " * furnished parties free. m p to all who will put in a * “ garden and cultivate * same so that a crop * * may be raised. Parties desiring to * secure this land as well p * as the seed should see p Mayor Smith at once. * * p 1 ■ m. p * p PROCLAMATION Or country is at war, with all its horr rs increased beyond our possi ble imagination and our success de pends upon the co-operation of our people, with President Wilson and his advisors. It behooves us to keep in touch with all appeals and respond as quickly and completely as it is possi ble to do, regardless of personal sac rifice or feeling. The first appeal to us by President Wilson is for production of food stuffs not only for our own people, but for our allies in this war. So serious a problem is this that President Wilson and officers of the Government are giving it their com b ned attention, First Assistan^ to Secretary of Agriculture has been sent throughout the country, advis ing of the importance of food pro duction and appealing to us to res pond Government statistics show that our wheat crop will be short by 50, 000.000 bushels. Energetic mtasci>es ;.re being adopted to induce action on the part of our food producing citi zens, to increase production by an extra tffort along ail lines. In ; ursuance of this- plan and to co-operate with many requests of our itizens, I respectfully anti unofficially nr< claim Saturday, April 21st, as a uay set aside tor the people of Wash ington county to assemble at the vot ing prt-cir. ts in their respective town ships, to take counsel of each other and put in effect plans for increase of food products, that a commensu rate production may be provided, for the maintenance of our citizens and also soldiers and their starving fami lies of our European friends in this terrible war. i nere is r;o ciiiHUT iai\rn .ng food stuff? of all kinds as surplus of our immediate family needs can be disposed of promptly at high pri i os, the all important matter is to have it available. 1 further suggest that on Sunday, April 22. all min sters of the gospel, in all churches in this county, bring this subject before their congrega te ns with emphas's; and that all teachers it: I’ubl'c Schools an 1 Sunday Schools keep this slogan before tne pupils <>f the county. Let it be re membered that every little helps; ev en the children can lend a most help ful assistance. Yours very respectfully, GEO. APPLEBY County Judge of Washington.c mty ■ » HOME Gl’ARDS ORG\MZKI> Qu te a number of men and boys of Springdale met at the mayor’s office Friday evening to organise the Home Guards.” (’has. Smyer \n.s chosen chairman of the meeting, and Guy (’. Stafford, secretary. The ob ject of the organization was made clear and twenty-five were enrolled the first evening. It v as do ided to drill each Monday evening at 7:30. It s anticipated that the ‘‘Home Guards” will number over 100 by the time the organization is perfected. Major Ownbey and Lieut Brogdon have agreed to lend their assistance n drilling the “Horn* Guards” dur ing the time they are at home. A per manent organization, election of offi cers, and other matters will come up Monday r ight, and it is desired that all be present' v. ho wish to become members -o that they may take part > ; le organization. r ■ The theory that like cures Mice seems borne out by .the fact that so me of the new dances are j roving a cure for the insane. » * ‘'Prepare to feed yourself.” BUSINESS MEN RESPOND Patriotic Business Meeting Held Thursday Morning Accomplishes Notable Deeds—Banks Behind Movement to Furnish Seeds At < ost It has always been so, and it will always he so. The merchants and business men of Springdale have nev er been called upon in a crisis but what they responded, and responded with a whole heart. A meeting: was held at the Majes tic Theatre Thursday morning from nine to ten. and all business houses ■ of Spring-dale closed for the hour. Patriot -m was placed above the race for the elusive dollar, and merchant, farmer, doctor, banker and business man stood shoulder to shoulder in the launching of a campaign that will mean more to Springdale in the future than any move ever placed before the citizens. Shortly after the organization was affected with J. P. Deaver as chair man and Guy C. Stafford as secretary, C . W. Pool introduced the following resolution: “Whereas a food shortage exists in the United States and other pro ducing countries of the world, and which shortage s now affecting the supply in our town and state, and, “Whereas the stringency can be re lieved only by increased production that calls for united efforts of all citi zens in planting seed, cultivating ground and conserving all food pro ducts, and, "whereas the banks of Springdale offer to loan without interest the nec essary money to buy seed for plant ing and sowing in a limited area about Springdale, and, “Whereas it is necessary to act on the offer immediately in some concer ted way in order to get more seed planted and more ground cultivated j to increase production; Therefore. “RESOLVED: That a Commision | of three men be appointed by the Chairman of this meeting, to devise ways and means for getting and hand ling seed for producers, and by vir tue of their appointment to act as executives of the ways and means they may devise." The resolution was quickly adopt ed, and the chairman appointed as a Ways and Means ('ommiss on. C. .M. Phillips, E. B. Cummings and I.. M. Riggs. The intention of the Commission is to immediately arrange for the <h:p ment of a car load of cane seed, and a car load of seed potatoes. Just how soon these seed can be furnished is not known, whether they can be purchased and where, is not known, but if cane seed can be had in the li mited States, and if seed potatoes can be bought Springdale will have them. The two banks of Springdale are back of the Commission with suffi cient funds to purchase the two cars. A '-nr f cane seed will cost approxi mately S'J.OuO, and a car of seed pota '• <> the - me arr unt. The financial burden s handled n equal basis by ’he First National Hank and the Farmers & Merchants Bank. V< hen the oed have arrived, it is 1-h(* ' "» 1 f t!u Commission to them tn th( .-.rmers of Sprlng a.e ; : surrounding sections at cost, the t remission will not expect to a ' : . but the seed may be Pur t;: • i ' exa.-t:;. what it costs to place them :n the houses here. Imrm aie!y following the appoint ment * th s (...mmittee the following resolution was adopted: "KF.SOLYFii : That a Commis sion r three r, i ■ appointed by the Chairman ol this meeting to receive offers of vacant lots or lands and to pose of p. rmiting any parties to cul tivate said lands for their own use under such restrictions and such direc tions as the Commission may direct, and the Commissioners be directed to make a r« port of proceedings of the office wee dy in The Springdale News. The Commission is also authorized to furnish seed and judiciously expend g fts of money, labor or seed that may be. contributed to their office.” On this Commission the chairman appointed C A Ownbey, C. G. Dod son and .1. S. Ewalt. The duty of this Commission will be to secure a list of ail vacant lots in Springdale, and to turn these lots over to responsible parties who will cultivate them, and take care of the erop. Parties who have lots or tracts of land who will donate them for this purpose are re quested to see the members of the Commission at once, and give a list and location of land. Parties who desire to secure one of these free lots are also requested to apply to the Commission who will take care of their wants and needs. Immediately following' this a com mittee composed of C. W. Pool, J. F. Harris and Chas. L. Smyer was ap pointed to solicit funds from the busi ness men of Springdale; the funds to be used to purchase seeds and the seed to be given away absolutely free to all parties within the town of Springdale who will plant them and raise a gar den or truck patch. The list was op'*?d at the meeting and the following funds were sub scribed as a starter or the committee: Farmers & Merchants Bank $25.00 First National Bank __1_25.00 Famous Hardware Co._15.00 L. M. Riggs _ 15.00 C. M. Phillips . __ __ _10.00 A. E. Smyer fr Son _10.00 W. J. Crutcher _10 00 Kimmens-Walker & Co _ 10.00 t'ash Dry Gods Co _10.00 The Leader _ 10.00 W. J. Echols, Ft. Smith _ 5.00 D. E. E cher . __5.00 A. J. Turpen _5.00 Matt Logan . _ _ _5.00 Ross Grocery Co. _5.00 Springdale Grocery Co. _5.00 Springdale Milling Co.__10.00 The committee met Thursday af ternoon and ■frill continue to solicit cash can donate seed or labor, funds. Parties who cannot donate 1 ..r to on aid pad MAJ($K OWNHEV NOW Information was received in Spring 'I e Saturday afternoon to the erTe t that < .pt. Wm. G. Ownbey. command ing Company A, A. N. G., of this • lace. 5. id boon appointed ns major, assigned to tl I *st bajta <>n, Arkansas National Guards. Capta-.n Ownbey is very deserving of the com mission, he .as ranking captain of r iiitary organization of the state. H s many friends in this section are veil pi‘*ased with his apointment, and feel sure that the First Battalion no", has a commander of which it v, J! be justly proud. Major Ownbey succeeds Major E. L. t ampere, who has just recently been anointed lieutenant-colonel of the ; 2nd Arkansas. He will be .n com mand of the First Batalion, composed: of Company A of Springdale, Com pany B of Faveteviile, Company C of Dardanelle, and Company I> of Fort Smith. There is litt!» doubt but that Lieut. ; B. B. Brogdon, of the local company; will be appointed as captain, but there is some question as to the office of first lieutenant. Just recently, L. D. Litres, Jr., second lieutenant of the local company was transferred to the reserve, at his own request, and Sgt. Harry Hough was commissioned sec ond lieutenant. On account of the fact that Hough has not yet qualified it -. ill probably keep him out of the higher office, and it is highly possi ble that when the 2nd Reg ment is ailed, the reserves will be (ailed also, and Lieut. Petros assigned to the lo cal company. At thV request of the military department of the state, « apt. Ownbey recommended Lieut. Brogdon for the position of captain, and the appointment will soon be made. Lieut. Brogdon is one of the best officers in the entire Arkansas Guard, and that is shown by the efficiency report.' in the work he had in charge ■ at Columbus. N M. That he will handle Company A in a maner that will be a credit to Springdale and the state is a fore gone conclusion. The appointment of these two home • men, both of whom are very deser ving is greatly appreciated by all the citizens of Springdale., and while the members of Company A regret los ing Captain Ownbcy, they are as proud of the appointment as Major O.vnbey. . id pleased with the appoint ment of i tout Bros. d. n as the r _ com mander. p * N VItV HK( KITTING OFFICER A recruiting officer for the U. S. Navy will be m Springdale on Sun day, April J'eh. and will remain over Monday, for the purpose of securing recruits for the Navy from Spring dale. A room will be arranged in which to examine the recruits who may apply for enlistment. All men and boys who may desire to join the Navy can leave their names with Postmaster Stafford, who will in turn take up their enlistment with the re cruiting officer. m tea Methodist Episcopal Church There will be no morning service at ;;r place of worship. We will unite with the other churches in the service at the Auditorium. However, Sunday School will be he'd at the us The evening services will be held as usual. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF HOUR AT NIGHT SERVICE. E. L. at 6:45 and Preaching at 7 ;45.