Newspaper Page Text
Je gpkmgmic L T JU . . · l , Zzs s » - » , -: D .· 1 « F-) o - ·· « - I . ., Volume 31--No 2 Friday, May 11, 1917. Springdale, Washington County, Arkansas. Eight Pages. Third District Convention of Fort Smith District Held at M. E. Church Tuesday and Wednes day The third convention of the Wo man’s Foreign Missionary Society, of the Fort Smith district, was held in Springdale Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The meetings were held at the M. E. Church. Some twenty-eight delegates were in attendance, coming from Rogers. Siloam Springs and Fort Smith. A feature of the convention was the Standard Bearers from Rc gers, and thesr orchestra. Miss Jennie Bridenbaugh, miss ionary from China, who is at home n a furlough, was one of those in atten dance, and her talk on “The Aider man Girls' School” of Chang-li, China, Tuesday night was a rare treat. Miss Kate E. Moss, branch officer, of Kansas City, Mi , a as another officer present. Her talk on Wednes day evening on “Our Work for the World” was exceptionally good. Wednesday afternoon the Standard Bearers from Rogers, seventeen in number, m charge of Miss Norma S’.odgrass occupied a very important place on the program, which they til led w th a credit to themselves and their director. Mrs. W. H. Barrett, conference sec retary f Little Rock, was another offi cer present, as was Mr- X. M. Ho r. corference treasurer C S.l- am Springs. A complete report of tm- two day meeting will be gi-t next > t*k by Rev. W. A. Piper, pastor of th M E. Church. SHERI! '' H NS 1NSTHECTIONS Sh* riff Morton Mh-. f ans Formulated ! or Registration l nder Draft Act in This (. nunty Fayetteville. May 3.— Sh‘i:*T Mac Morton has rtteivt i a te ••crurn /rain military headquarters giving ns:ruc tions f. r rec storing men eh-. bh for m’itwry service as provided >. tne se i. . t ■ . lai't b.J jifi\v before t ongress. Sin' liar nits -ares ere s-.-nt to • t ry other sheriff .n the stat* On the first Taft of 500.**00 Fay etteville Will ... d n • iMrir-li ab ut 22 me i. : :it • Mot s nuo'.a v ould i e —00 nit -1 rgenta • 4. . This is based on 1 man to every 2It’> inhabitants. Opportunity :s given for volunteers, however, b fore the draft is resorted to. The teieeram received by Sheriff Morton fullovs: ‘W hen the Select ve i >raft Bill has b r] npf to < i bt the IT> scient. veur seif, the . misty ..mi a* County }J< .ii i • ■ c • -v ill h i t. • e of In* . . 1 t • .. .. ' ouM . ■ mitt- •• will supervise a -i be ’ responsih • to ft it11' .1 authority f r ret*, r-r r.t .-1 in a-* >n;ar. « with proclamation of the Presiilent. * Voting: precincts of last genera) elec tion will be used a> places of regis tr'itif r: should any ha> e be !> Is olde not i'v v lin” • t General of city You will elect as rer-urar or re gus lars for each votin precinct ind - viduals of high character whose » handvrit ing is neat and legible. Pie; se convene the beard Upon re ceipt of this and complete arrange-1 ments f a 1 chi r« .• istrarinn and; report by telegraph t<» tite .Adjutant] General of the St;:U "to > the ar rangements have been n | Planks and additional istruetio s \\il) he mailed from Washington direct to slur;!' as - ■ n as bill s signed by President. You are author ised to accept the service of any one wh i may volunteer for this work. Federal government will pay any necessary expenses. It is desired to to complete if prat tumble the regis tration within ten days after the proclamation of the President. 1* is therefore of highest importance that ; jr board complete its plans an 1 report that it has dene so to the Adjutant General at as early oate as possible. CLARK NAMED EXAMINER Little Rock, May 8.—Troy F ( lark, of Huntsville, has been appointed ( ounty Examiner of Madison county, vice R. A. Ellis resigned. SCHOOL ELECTION Notices have been posted for the annual school election which will be held Saturday, May I Oth, the third Saturday. Two directors are to be elected, anti the school tax question voted. It is to be hoped that Springdale district will vote a tax of 12 mills at the coming election. SENATOR SIMS CONVICTED Little Rock, May9.—C. S. Sims who was expelled from the last senate j was today convicted of receiving a ; bribe and was sentenced to serve one year in the penitentiary and was fined $1,800. The principal witness against Sims was I. C. Burgess, also expelled senator, who turned state’s evidence and admitted frequent boodling esca pades. PROGRAM OF PUPILS RECITAL Complete Urogram of the Recital to Re Given at Auditorium Frida; Night by Pupils of Miss Clara Rice Following is the program of the pianoforte recital to be given at the Auditorium Friday night of this v.eeh by the pupils of Miss Clara Rice, of this place: Grand Caprice Horgroie, (two pia nos), Zelpha House and Cessna Staf ford. Fairy Fingers, Mar on Stafford. A Quaint Dance, I.ela May Mc Clinton. Son:* >f the Katy 'id, Majorie Chris tian. Flying Swallows, (right hands), •Josephine Baxter, Alyce Crutcher. Lena Lichlyter, Eva Campbell. I-’irst Violet, duet. Marguerite Own bev, ?>Iarion Stafford. The Sleighride, Josephine Baxte-. Operetta, "M< ther Goose 1-ho i.” twi ■ ty children. La Stella. Mabel Moody. Wedding of the Fairies, Eva Cam j pbell. Joyous Shepherd. (Gcht hand-). Grace BrogUov. M .hired (umir.9;..-. Lolita btugch:.. Kathivn Smyer Papillions Roses Paula Rice. Polka Brillante, duet. Eva Cam; - bell, Marion Stafford. \Lvknne Caprice, Lela May Me diated. Manitou. (for two pianos), Jewell ! homn.scii, Zelpha H < \-e. Humoresque, Dorothy Walker. Jugglery, Cessna Stafford. Maneau. Mo don St -ffo: 1 Grand Foli a de Concert, Zelpha House. La Fontain. Alyce Crutcher. C'Taerto F sliurp Minor, Clara a 1 Minnie R'ce. GcKMAN SVMPATHIZIR MluT Gravette, May 7.--John ( row, age 1 SO years, alleged to be a German >ym | pathizer, was sh< t ai J slightly \vo»n ! ded today in a right with memb< rs of the Arkansas National Guard win.u they attempted to arrest him for dis loyal statements. W hen Crow \\ as .n Gravette Satur* : . r s * ha; r fl no d* - ; ti*>d the guardsmen to conscript him. iand threat* i i’r -ident Wilson. : is als'i allotted he threatened to tear do -n a:: American Air. Private* ; Oldham of Rogers and Quigley and \ Patterson of Grn> ette. made an it ! tempt to arrest Crow n Gravette to i Jay. Crow fled to his h me. four and 1 a half mile west ■, *' the city and loek ! e ! the doors. The gaurdsmen forced an entrant ■to the house. Ctow leaped upon Pri vate Patterson and wren, tied away the soldier's ret Iver. la the strug gle the weapon was wscharged and j Crow '''as shot n the, left 1< r. He I was turned over to Constable Lakin 1 to await the proper authorises i Near Peaty, six miles northwest of | here, two German sympathizers nar ’ rowdy escaped being killed for disloyal ! remarks. Two *’ar:rte: s beat them 'with picks and shovels. Tie farmers wei gging a grav* at t he time they ! became in’, lved with the disloyal then. -* - COMPI LSOKY V UTINATION i Little Rock, May 4.—Immediate compulsory vaccination for all pupils, i teachers and employes of all educa tional nstitutions. public and pri J vate, was ordered by the Arkansas i State board of Health today as a war i measure for the protection of the civ il lian population. Dr. G. W. Garrison, state health of 1 fleer, said small pox of a severe type i rr. >r. pr.valtr.t in th< state today than in any time of the health depart ment’s history. -• . The belligrent* progress by inches and claim by miles. STRAWBERRY Cool Weather f’a^t Week Has Delay ed Car Lot Shipments—Price Drops for $2.75 to $2.00 Strawberry shipments the past week have been limited to express shipment - only. The extremely cooi weather, the ra n and hail caused the berries to ripen very slowly, but it ,s expected that a car will be loaded be tween the two organizations Friday of this week. Johnson shipped their first car or. Wednesday afternoon, and had a hold • ver of about 100 crates. It is report ed here that the car sold on the trac ; at Johnson for $2.75, Express shipments for the past week are as follows: Monday__45 crates Tuesday .. _42 crates Wednesday _85 crates Tuesday all berries offered were sold at $2.75, but Wednesday more berries were brought in and the price rarnred from $2 00 to $2.50. Warmer weather which arrived Thursday morning will cause the ber ries to r pen very fast, and by the mid dle < f next week the car lot shipments should be moving very fast. The effect of the recent hail storm can be plainly seen in berries from patches in the path of the storm. Almost every berry shows the spot of being hit w th the hail, and while it has not : a used the berry to rot, it ieav< a dark hard spot, and makes the b* r; <-s - lifer on the market. The ; berries ffere-J the past week have been of fairly good size, but the cold weather ha- caused many “buttons" to materaiize. It is thought warm - i er weather will overcome th s. It is • now expected that the car lot >n.p ments will be at least forty-five cars. The Shippers Union started on their first ca.- Thursday afternoon, am! the Berry Growers Association w ' .(start car lot shipments Friday. Berry pri ces are somewhat lower than Wel ne-.-ay today (Thursday) an-: pat form buyers rae offering- $2.-' *■> $2 a. It is understood that the irst car of the Shippers Union has air adj. been sold at S2.“T>. Count rv ' _ib at Meeting Decide to lake Up Red dross Work in Present Crisis The Country Club met with Mrs. Lee Sanders, Friday, May 4th h the r an nl meet ng :’->r the election of --di cers Mrs. D. E. Eicht-r was ele- tc.l •J> <ident, and Mrs L. Marks S— ro tary and Treasurt r, for the -otuinir year. Ways and means of being of s. me ! service to our country in this - me | of «tres--- were discussed infernally j and t was dcc-ided to take up - me I branch of Red dross work. To this 1 -- * a committee was appointed with i Mi s R. L. Morgan as ha rm; . to ! enrr*-sp, nil •• the National Society ! I for an :a signment of work. > me | form of needlework on hospital -up pi.i-s v.iil probably be taken up. A great deal of interest in the project was shown and the committee - t i hav< th work started at th- ext j meeting which will be with Mr- C. i U Perkins, Friday, May IS, at two I o'clock. After a social nour anu delitrhtfv?l ' re4T- • dinients the meeting adjourned. -» lil KN HI) TO DEATH • Fayetteville, May k.—Mrs. Ac rge ! Mhoon succumb* d Monday night to I bums revived Monday afternoon at | tier home seven miles east of Fay etteville. Funeral services were held at the family home at 1 o'clock this afternoon and interment tok plate at Duncan’s Cemetery, near the home place Details of the tragedy are lacking, but ac ’ording to authoritative re -iris members of the family were in the yard at work when Mrs. Mhoon’s clothing caught fire from an open fire-place, liy the time Mr. Mhoon arrived she was near death and she succumbed late in the evening. Mrs. Mhoon had been in bad health for several years and for u while was in the state hospital for the nervous at Little Rock. For the past year she has been at home under the care of an attendant. The attendant was not in the house when Mrs. Mhoon’s clothing caught fire. JOIN RED C ROSS WORK Two Springdale young ladies have signified their intention of “doing their bit” n the war crisis with Germany, and have “signed up” to become members of the Red Cross. The two young lad es are .Miss Alpha Myers, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. W. !'. Myers, and Miss Pauline Hough, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hough. They were recruited in the ; campaign, of which Mrs. W. G. Qwnbey, of this place, has charge in Washington county. -♦—-—— DR. ELLIS NAMED Little Rock, May 2.—Dr. E. F. El lis, of Fayetteville, and Dr. Charles Hcrtey of Rentonville, were nomi i nated for the state board of medical examiners from the third district by : the Arkansas Medical Association in convention here. There is no vacan y n the fourth district. The gov ernor will appoint one of the nomi j nees. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION Springdale National Farm Loan Asso ciation Permanently Organized Last Week The permanent organization of the i Springdale National Farm Loan Ass ociation, with headquarters in Spring iaie was perfected here Thursday af i ternoon of last week, with the election : of the following officers: J. M. Fra j zier, President; F. W. Letsch, Vice ! president; L. A. Smith, Secretary and ! Treasurer. The following Board of I- rectors was also selected: J. M. Frazier, ,J. O Nelson, 1. R. Rothrock, H. B. Rice, E. E. Kuehnert, F. W. | Lets h, Fred Reed and J. W. G. Bec i ker. The vs ■ mmittee as <ed is: J. M. Frazier. W. R. Bird and Fred Reed. The assoc ation has a capital stock ! of ? 8nd already loans have be : subscribed amounting to about j$50,0<'(i. The valuation committee has ; 1 -ten busy this week investigating ! ;he various property on which loans I an desired, and as soon as a block of *10.000 has been valued, and the j prop-, r papers filled out, the blanks li be sent to the headquarters at St. Louis. It is anticipated that the ioe s. ; : • st some of them will be made within the next thirty days. H ABBERTON M ss sherly Byrd, of Mayfield, is 'visiting Mi-s Opal Byrd this v. eek. Garie Nelson, of Sonora, wj s a ! Sunday guest of Otto and Fay Nel son. L y Bishop and family, of Fay etteville, were Sunday callers on Mrs. j Dillah Henson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts, of Sc.oo • ra. '.“re Saturday and Sunday guests ■of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harp. M sses Velva am! Ovid Mayfield, of .Mayfield, are visiting frit vis at this place and helping harvest P. A. Haro’s In cries. Elder Hinds, of Fayetteville, j preached three helpful sermons ; the Christian congregation Satur day evening and Sunday morning and j Sunday evening. Mrs. Wiley Harp, who has been con ! fined to her room for some three months or more with a lame limb, I was able to attend church serv ces j Saturday evening ami Sunday, i The - old weather is holding the j! rries back, so they are not ripen i injr 3' fast as was anticipated. The i hail did no serious damage to the | berries, but the weevil is doing e lite a hit of damage to some of the j local fields. i M ss Aquilia Jones who has been j teaching s nool near Alien, Texas, returned home Sunday. Miss \q< ilia J has been greatly .missed by our burg during her absence and we all il her a hearty welcome. Mfss 1 Apulia s or e of these “Sunshine ! Folks.” Monday was Mrs. Dillah Nelson’s birthday and her mother. Mrs. \. A. Sullivan, surprised her with a nice dinner. The guests were, Mr. and Mm J. E. Nelson and children, Mrs. Bet* e Nelson, Mrs. Josie Nelson and family including grandma Arnold and Mrs Jessie Rainwater. In the even ing the young folks surprised her with a birthday party. Even with a surpr’st Mrs. Nelson is an excellent | hostess and it is needless to say all j enjoyed the evening very much. Mrs. ! Nelson received several nice presents, ' All departed at a late hour wishing hor many mort happy birthdays Sarah Jane. “Prepare to feed yourself.” WILL ENTERTAIN THE EDITORS Makor Smith Ha* Named Committee' To tssist in Reception and Auto 'Trip for Members of Arkan sas Press Association According to all information now available the special train carrying the editors of the state of Arkansas will be in Springdale Thursday morn ing of next week from 8:25 to 11 o’ clock. The time is very short and Mayor Smith has named the following com mittees to assist in the work of the entertainment and reception. Finance Committee—L. M. Riggs, C. A. Ownbey, Fay Stafford. Reception Committee—W. Cardwell L. A. Smith, Jno. P. Stafford. Transportation Committee—D. E. Richer, J. F. Harris, J. S. Ewalt, ( . G. Dodson and Chas. Smyer Supply Committee—W. Cardwell and E. A. Gillett. Music Committee—C. A. McQuaid, Clyde Martin and Jim A1 Baggett. Entertainment Committee—Mrs. Jno. P. Stafford, Miss Bertie Smyer,( Mrs. t'has. F. Renner, Mrs. R. L. Gosnell, Mrs. Frank Deaver, Miss Clara Ewalt, Mi*s Phillips and Miss; Clara Henson. .Mayor ."smith nas request'--! tnu. iin different committees meet and formu- ! late plans for carrying on the enter tainment and reception, and that a meeting be held at his office Friday J n ght of this week, of all committees.; and a report as to progress be made. The present outline of the plans . is for the holding of a short recep tion at the local station, where the editors will he met with the local band. Following this an automobile trip through the sections surround ing Springdale, the route to be arran gi d by the transportation committee. At . tiie automobile trip strawber ries will be served by the entertain ment committee in the local park. Should there be time the editors will be invited to visit the strawberry shipping sheds, where the are beinu shipped in car lots. It has been suggest*'.! that the strawberries will be furnish' d by the Springdale Berry ■<jr .vers Ass. ciation and the Shippers Union, but this matter had not been ■thoroughly decided at the time of go ing to press. -- MOUNTAIN HOME Inman Clark working for ». J. i Cannon. Born to Mr and Mrs. W. V. Cle ment, a daughter. A. J. Cannon has gone to his bro ther Will's, down on White River. Mrs Mary i lark and family are going to Zion to camp through the berry season. Tht cool weather and much rain is holding the farming back, as well as the strawberries. A great many from this no ghbor hoi d art* going to the berry patches to seek th< r fortunes. The ci-ol weather and he >vy rains are had on the farmer Lnhe-j little eh a sens and turkeys. The people of Mountain Home are -ill- triad of the switcHboard wlm h h. - seen started at Goshen a rain. Mrs. Leona ' 'annon and children are , • - to pick h -rries for Walter Nelson at Hnbherton and be at home nights. We hare had several he ivy f • . Is : the luM. few mornings. seems t i be damaged bad from them though. Mr. Weburn and Ward Mavis caught three young foxes a \vh;’e back. They sold them to John N* Is- n ! at Habhert n. 1 nuss Mr Nelson s preparing for a big fox hunt some time in the future and is Lo be sure he has a fox t > hunt. Bumble Be -•— ALL TO MWIMI M STRENGTH Little Rock, May 8.—All the com-j panics of the Second Regiment have ; been recruited to their maximum peace strength of 100 men or more. It is believed that fewer of the men , will be rejected this time than former ly, as they have been selected with a j 1 great deal more care. All sheriffs have reported to the ’ ofiice of the adjutant general that j they have completed arrangements for the registration under the selec tive draft law. and are awaiting furth er instructions. i row NSIIH> REGTSTARS Registars to serve in the various voting precincts to register all men j eligible for rv'-tarv service unde1 the c. draft ac* '‘ ere ap/ inted re certlv by the County Registration b«'ar :, t.imposed of Sheriff Morton, < ounty ( Jerk Pearson, and County Health Officer Dr. H. D. Wood. In the townships adjacent to, and including Springdale the appoint j ments arc as follows; Springdale—Austin Ownbey. Brush Creek—J. R. Morris. Elm Springs—(American)—W. H. Fergus. Elm Springs—(Italian)—Leo Mae l stri. Goshen—Vernon Sherrod. Harmon—H. G. Thompson. Littrell—A. H. Baird. ~-♦ LO< \I, KEGISTARS NAMED _ Every day sees the war being brought nearer and nearer to Spring dale and Springdale people. Last week the local registars for the four wards were named. In Ward One, Mayor L. A. Smith will have charge of the registering of all in that ward w thin the age limits, in Ward Two Vernon Brooks; in Ward Three, Ar thur Dyes, and ;n Ward Four, Oscar Cardwell. As soon as the age limit has been settled, and the selective draft law. becomes effective, and President Wil son issues his proclamation, the prop er blanks will be forwarded to the lo Ical parties from Washington, and ; they will start the enrolling. DR. J. A. FERGUS DEAD Well Known l’h>sician of Elm Springs Die* After Long lllne^'—Was Well Known Here Snr.m iale people, many of whom had known and admired him since Ins boyhood, will regret to leam of the death of Ih\ J. A. Fergus, which occurred Monday even ;ng at half past seven o’clock s t the home of his m ,ther. .Mrs, J. W. Fergus, near Elm Spr death twing due to rheuma tism. Funeral services were held at the M. K. Church, South, at Elm Sprint' Wednesday morning at t<*n o’clock, services being conducted by Rev. defferson Sherman, pastor of the M. E. Church, South, at Bentunville, an .d tioy-hood friend of the deceased. Rev. Ynncy, pastor of the M. E. Chin' h. S iuth, at Regers, Rev. J. F. Carter, pastor of the Elm Springs church, and Dr. D. C. Summers of Elm Springs, assisted n the service. The remaii - were inter * n Elm Springs cemetery under the auspices »>r the Elk h age of Rogers, a special train being run to accomodate the members of th< -irder. The -e-vices were largely attended, a number from this place b*ung present. There were a >,u:n* r . i»-autiful floral offerings. Decease I a- born at Robinson, Benton < unty, November 12, 1881, and in h s early youth moved with his parent'. !:. and Mrs. ,1. W. Fergus, to Elm Spring- which has since been the family h me. Adopting medicine as his profession, when nineteen years of age he onto re 1 school at Louis ville, K v , and remained in school here and St. Louis for four years. He then returned to Elm Springs, and for rive ye; rs engaged in practice with his father. Desiring a wider field he removed to Rogers and soon ■built up ..a cxcelle' t tractive, later <rr0in» to a scnoei in c nicago ami ias • Rp ... cia cor. se mi the treatment , f . .. ,,<,»« . i the ; . ear. nose and throat. \fter completing thus course he returned tp Regers, and resumed his work, with pro .<}>•.cts of a success ful career, when the disease which caused his dentt fastened itself upon him. am! for the past two year* he has Wen an -.valid, spending most of that time at the home of his mother. For a > ar past-he has been confined t-> his chair ami bed, being unable to walk in the tail i deceased made a pr, fesg of religion and united with ; the M. E Church, South, at Elm Sprint's In the spring of 1911 he was united in marriage to Mis's 1 ra Oak ley of Rogers, who, together with his mother and two brothers, Ebb S. and William IF. of Elm Springs, and a sister, Mrs, Carrie Roads of Osceola. Mississippi county, survive him. All i Were present at the funeral. The large assemblage at the fuu i era! attested to the popularity of the deceased among those who knew him. I Those who paid tribute to him at the i funeral services dwelt on the fact that ! he always looked on the bright side of i life. Throughout his long suffering he bore himself cheerfully. He was conscious to the last, and bade each member of the family farewell, and had a cheerful word for each.