Newspaper Page Text
l)on,t Say Drug Store, Say Joyce’s , |.|S< O TIME ( AIII) South Bound N() - TeSas Limited-7:18 a. m v°'-f, Little Rock Exp—12:35 p. m. 1* Texan -9:22 p.m. North Bound ^ g St Louis Limited -8:56 p. m. ( v? 716. Eastern Express..4:37 p. m. So 704. Texan--7:37 a. m A. M. Leitzell, Agent. auctioneer. I am a licensed auctioneer, and am , recared to cry sales in this section ■V the public. PHONE 201. Will ‘■Ve prompt, reliable service. T. H. McCORKHILL. Spripgdale, Ark. KOlt SALE—Good Alfalfa seed $9.00 per bushel; good Sweet Clover v.$12 per bushel; Prairie Hay x'-> per ton; Alfalfa Hay $30 per ton; p o. L Severe. Kan. , P. Ludviekson & Co. Severe. Kan. Smith & Banks Insurance \neRcy represents only old line companies. 38-tf W. O. W. LODGE Meets every first and third Mon day night in each month at local lodge nail. All visiting members invited to artend. Wylie Jones, C. S. H. H. Sturdivant, Clerk. -V Springdale Nursery Co. has Fruit trees and Plants. 46-tf Before you insure be sure and see Hamby. LOST—Day book and freight bills last Friday April 18. Return to News office for reward. f>2-3t -V We believe it will pay you to see Smith & Banks Insu rance Agency when renew ing your insurance. 38-tf Smith & Banks Ins. Agency Springdale Greenhouse Floral work for funeral- Phone 207. 48-tf --V— FOR SALT—Two yearling Mare Mules. See ' 2t-pd. W. M Potter. -V w. M. Ralston can save you money t paint Phone 822F3. .71-tf FOR SALE or TRADE—New Hack with top. A good one. See Wrnon Brooks. -—\ W WTK1)—Woman without depend ents for cooking and general house work in modern home. Must he neat, energetic, and competent. Give age and reference in first letter. Good wages, permanent position, working conditions ideal. Address Post of fice box 227, Rogers, Ark. 51-41 HlR SALE—Second hand 5 passenger Eord and sec ond hand •") passenger Chev rolet, both in good condition. Washington Countv ii.i_ V1_ * i u i u tt (i i v \ umjjdin STOP LOSING CHICKS FROM DIARRHOEA I’ut Ihis In the Drinking Water !,,“e|’.!i lose hail' of every hatch find seem to expect it. ('hick cholera 11 "hit** diarrhoea is the trouble. This loss ,s needless and easily ’■lopped, by putting Avicol in the rinking water. We prove it by this offer:— laii ;lt our store for a 25c or 50c of \vicol. If you don’t find ! at 11 Pr«mptly stops your chicks dy 'Y <ur,,s "’bite diarrhoea, blackhead 'n turkeys, and all other bowel diseas " Poultry, your monev will be re funded. Avncol revives the drooping chicks ‘n '’Ips them grow and develop Shows positive results in 1-asily used and inexpen fOR SALE BY ^•G, Owubey Drug Co. PO|{ S \ I f Ha rness. ‘ ""'i Hnvatha -Jut) --t-pd C'ood single buggy and ^ ill sell cheap. Also egg Incubator. (’. W Kuckman. v'i.l !■ bullish Giant Rabbits. Rhone ,X0*5F2l‘ Route 4, Box 104. up your expiration ,'0Ur insurance policies !7(l S(‘<‘ Smith & Hanks j» "nt rates for renewal. «e can save you mono>. .Ys-tf AUTO DRIVERS Springdale Arkansas, Mav 7th, 1919. My attention has been call ed to the open violation of all speed laws by some of our people who insist in making Holcomb Street a race track. Now folks, if you insist on this auto racing on Holcomb or any other street in Springdale, night or day you must expect to pay the price. This speeding in the resi dence district of Springdale must stop. We have been asked by almost every citi zen on Holcomb Street with a signed petition to put a stop to this racing and it will be done. Several names have been handed in and many others are yet to come. Should we for any reason not get your name and you fee! guilty of racing please call at the Mayor's office. Your attention is also called to jay driving and driving without lights also there are some who have no 1919 License Tag. Such matters should be looked after at once if you desire to save a fine and cost. 2-11 .1. S. Ewalt, Mayor. NOTICE The Curtis Publishing Co. has made K. S. and K. I). \N illiams their Special Selling \gents for Springdale. Ark., which will bring In-tter service to the readers of the Curtis periodicals. The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies Home Journal and Country (Gentleman will he on the stand near the Depot. Marion \dams is sub-agent under the new agency. Messrs. F. S. and F. D. W illiams are also carrying a nice new line of periodicals and will Is- glad to order any article or magazine that they do not have. They are prepared to take your subscription or renewal. $2,000,000 a day is paid by Rig Business men to their Draughon Trained Bookeppers. Stenographers, and Secretaries. Write Draughon’s Business College, Springfield.Mo<, for free catalog. 2-lt-pd -V Irish potatoes for sale, California Red. See f>2-‘5tpd C. C. Holland, phone S08F3 -V FOR SALE—Set of 14 inch French Burrs, 2V-> H. P (las Engine, large cane mill 47-tf B. F. Scantland Springdale. Ark. FOR SALE—Good fence posts. blocks cast of feed yard. Inquire 2-lt-pd. D. M. LaShell FOR SALE—FreSh cows. Phone E. Norton. 821F.11 2-tf Springdale Greenhouse Carnations V5 cents per dozen. 50-tf How about the insurance on vour automobile, See HAMBY FOR SALE—New auto trailer, .lust the thing for hauling fruit and ber ries. Good springs. Will carry 1200 lbs. Also five passenger Ford in good condition. 2-tf .) .T. Wayt. -V FOR SALF.—Farm and store. Rfd 1 2-tf J. A. Luper, R. F. I). 1 Springdale, Ark. -:—v WANTED—A good farm hand. Will furnish board. Phone 802F2 2-2t Frank Reed. -V | EGGS FOR HATCHING—Ruff Or pington. lb for $1.00. 19-Ot .1. W. Ingram Phone 856. FOR SALE—Baled Oats and Clover Hay. 12-tf R. Ralston. -v PUBLIC SALE On Saturday, May 10 at 2 p. m., on street in Spring dale, 1 will sell at auction to the highest bidder, live year old mare; six year old mare, vear old fillv. two vear old filly. 1» 0‘"*s \ Linebar rer HERE AM) THERE « - i The Bentonville Record has installed a Linotype. K. X. Plank has sold his store at Decatur to Ray Carpenter of Gentry. --V Orner Garrett and M:.~s Minnie Doty of Springtown were married re cently. -V Reece Clarkson has accepted a posi ! tion with the Washington County Hardware. Bob Wood and Miss Bertha Brov | hill of Decatur were married at Ben i tonville recently. -V A number of cases of hoc cholera are reported in the vicinity of Pea Ridge, Benton County. -V Mrs. Pickens, wife of Dr. R. O. Pickens of Bentonville, died recently at the age of 3G years. -V Fvangelist .1. B. Andrews of Si loam Springs has pone to Vancouver, B. ('.. to conduct a serie sof meetings. -V j The "base hall team from Hendrix College will play the University of | Arkansas at Fayetteville May 14, lh and 1G. -V .Judge Beasley has appointed V F. Fry, A. R. Hickman and Dd. T. M. Wyatt pension commissioners for Ben ton County. v Vince L. Hammond, HO years of age, one of the old residents of Car roll County, died recently at his home i near Cisco. Miss Lena Phillips and Voyt Hedge peth of Green Forest were married at Berryville recently and will make their home in Idahe. -V Lawrence Southerland, 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bent Southerland . of Rock House, died a few days ago of typhoid fever. Mrs. Margie Smith has disposed of her newspaper, the Green Forest Tri bune, to J. C. Pinkerton, a real estate man of that town. -V F. E. Robb, 74 years rf age, died recently at his home at Sulphur Springs, the remains being shipped to Girard. Kan., for burial. -V Loyd McConnell came up from ! Prairie Grove and spent Sunday, the guest of his brother. G. L. McConnell, clerk in the local post office. -V Mrs. C. S. O'Neal, who was called jhere by the death of her daughter, Mrs. C. S. Bouton, Jr., left Monday afternoon for her home at Pierre, S. Oak. -V Sergt. J. J. Norris, son of Mrs. B. B. Norris of this place, is now at I Camp Pike awaiting his discharge, ' having recently returned from over l seas. C. Kelley has sold the variety Iiikiiip's's : 11 Rprrvvillfc* Iv:*rl Ray of Hurtland, Mo., and will go to Wenachee, Washington, to accept a posit ion. -V Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wayt of Sac City. Iowa, arrived Monday evening for a visit at the home of the former's brother, J. .1. Wayt. on Holcomb Street. -V l Rev. S. W. Brumfield of Neodesha, Kansas has accepted a call to the pas torate of the Baptist Church at Ben tonville. He formerly resided at Eureka Springs. -V The Bentonville Democrat recalls the fact that sixteen years ago April , MO this section was visited by a severe freeze destroying the apple crop to gether with other crops. -V Bryce Wood, residing near Benton ville, bedded down about 150 bushei of sweet potatoes and expects to put out 10 or 12 acres of plants. He wdl grow the Nancy Hall variety. The I. O O. F. and Knights of Pyth ias lodges at Prairie Grove were re ore anized recently, R. 11. Skelton be ing elected N. («. of the former and M, I Hilderbrand C. C. of the latter. -V Seahuro Brown, son of 1 laden Brown of this place recently enlisted in the regular army, and at last re I ports he was on his way to France | with other troops to relieve o\ers<ns i • r< >aps. -V J. F Harris, \. B. Sharp, -1 H. ; Shelton mil I D. Petros- have just Okla., where they attended a meeting of the O. K, Truek Co. *rhey brough* ha k with them a 10 per cent dividend and they are great boosters for the O. K Truek. Fay Stafford left Wednesday night i tor St. I.ouis as delegate from this district to the preliminary meeting of the American Region, an organiza tion made up of men who participated in the war. -V Mrs. Sarah Cloud, 77 years of age, | died recently at the home of her daughter, Mr.-. W. K. Hill, at Kureka j Springs, the remains being interred ; at the former home of deceased at I Grand View. -V G. 1 McDavid of the Liberty Hardware Company suffered a badly lacerated hand and the loss of part of his thumb while demonstrating an engine yesterday. Fayetteville Dem i oerat, Tuesdav. -V Carl Ownbey of Springdale, B. B. Brewster of Cane Hill end Dr. M. F. McAllister of Fayetteville have been selected as jury commissioners to se lect jurors fur the fall term of Wash ington circuit court. -V M home Tuesday of last week from Mineral Wells, Texas, where they spent a few months for the benefit of the latter’s health. Mrs. Suit re turned much improved -V Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Vanzandt from Los Antreles. Calif, arrived last week to visit, with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vanzandt This is Mrs. Vanzandt’s firs ttrip to Ark ansas. -V F. \\ Sirnonds, who recently bought the Ruckman farm north of town left yesterday for Protection, Kansas. He will return here in September to make his home and will keep posted on local matters through The News. -V 1 he survey of the proposed road leading north, south and west from ! Roirers wili lie finished next week and the profiles will soon be ready for the : contractors to bid on as several ---- ■ — —— draughtsmen have been brought in from Kansas City to work up the sur vey notes. The abstract sheets for the assessors are nearly completed and the assessors will be ready to be gin their work in a short time. Roy ers Press. Information has reached Springdale of the arrival of Henry Jarvis, son of .Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Jarvis and ('has. Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Phillips. They will probably be sent to ( amp Pike for discharge and may reach home next week. -V The business men of the town are 1 contributing monthly to a fund to pay for the services of a man to patrol the i business street and keep it clean. The work is being done by W. P. Gregory. : and it certainly adds to the attrac tiveness of the business section. I -\ Mrs. Lyle Bryan, who before her marriage was Miss Melba Hulse, died Wednesday of last week at her home in Fayetteville. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of her death, which she contracted while on her way home from Phoenix, Ari/.., where she had been for treatment. -V Frank Sailer and family left Fri day of last week for Tabor, South m i r nifv I t'laiiv land they contemplate locating in that j section. They formerly resided in the north, but we doubt if they will be satisfied up there after having once enjoyed the blessinjrs of Arkan sas. V Mose Smith lost fifty of his goats by the cold weather last week When the warm weather arrived first of the- week the heavy worded goats showed signs of suffering from the heat so he sheared them. Then came the cold spell and fifty out of eighty-five sheared became so chill ed that they died.—Berryville Star. S. R. Baxter, a former resident of Springdale, but who is now located at Texarkana where he is engaged in I the fruit commission business, arrived! la<t week to remain through the berry j season. He has followed the season! up from the south, and reports grow HARTFORD FIRE m^ORAislCE C& Protect y our home. A simrli policy in the old. reliable Hartford l ire In surance ( ompany will completely protect your house and household Bonds from ill) possible loss l>\ lire. Let me quote rates to you. Consultation free J. F. HAMBY b printed ale Insurance Agency Sprindgale Arkansas t-rs in all sections having a most prosperous year. He tells of two growers down in Sevier County who had about fifty acres each in berries and they will clean up about $12. 1)00 on this season's crop. Barron & Son have traded their saw mill, here for a larger plant now at Thompson, which they will remove to Jasper, Newton County, where they have recently acquired considerable hard wood and timber holdings. The manufactured products from this point will be transported to Harrison over the new state highway now being built. St. Paul Mountain Air. -V A memorial association has been or ganized at Harrison, the object of which is to arrange some suitable memorial in honor of Boone County men, who served in the war. Th*‘ officers are: President Marvin A. Hathcoat; first vice president Mrs. John l>. Tyson; second vice president, F. K Patrick; secretary, May Zeiglfr; treasurer, N. A. Freeling. - Suit an Any Price Don’t Buy a 6oods! UutilXouSee« „ n«er Guarantee " I. rlOTHES ALL WOOL CLOi $*1.50 Made to tour Measurements and Requirements For Only I Two-Piece Suits, $21.50 Three-Piece Suits, $24. 50 Made from the Same Splendid I All Wool Materials That Go Into the Average S30 and S35 Suits These suits are made only to special measure. Every garment is carefully tailored—just as you or der it. The woolens are of your own selection and the workmanship is exactly as you would have it were you a tailor making, the suit the verv best you knew how. SCORES OF ALL WOOL PATTERNS We offer for your choosing scores of exclusive all wool patterns and colors—cheviots, blue serges, unfinished worsteds and fancy suitings. ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION Of special importance is our guarantee accom panying every suit we tailor. You alone a’v the one ordering the suit and you alone must be pleased. This guarantee means much to the purchaser because it insures absolute satisfaction and clothes economy. SPECIAL! A Bitf Assortment of Splendid Fabrics at $16-50 For Two-Piece Suits to Order $18.50 for Three-Piece Suits You’ll have to sec these pat terns to appreciate what won derful values they are. AOENTS For SINGER SEWING MACHINES Sold on easy payments Holifield & Harp’s Tailor Shop --«-—-—