Newspaper Page Text
\\ KST FOKh M .« Brttie Moles ha- th< flu the second time. Aunt Amanda Wells is no better at this writing. Mr.-. Lofton West of West Fork died ; of the flu. We ..!*• having real warm weather for the last feu days. Miss Bea Moles is able to go around some by using: crutches. Olen and Edith Karnes visited at Stir-man Karnes’ Mondaynight. Mrs. Bill Winn and Miss Elsa Por due visited at ye scribes Monday evening. There was a spelling match at Pit kins Saturday. Several of the girls and boys went from West Fork. The Greenland ball team came up Saturday evening and played the West Fork hoys. The West Fork hoys showed they were the best stuff. Mrs. Webber received a card fr m her son stating that he had landed in New York from over seas and that he wou! dbe home right away. George Stockburger of West Fork and Miss Clara Fawbush of Sulphur City got married Thursday evening. We wish the young couple much hap piness. John Malone received a letter from his son. Osca Tuesday morning sav ing he had been operated on for ap pendicitis and was now up again. Ho is in Germany. Ira Underhill visited home folks from Friday until Monday morning. Red Hanlon. Ben Boren. George I.atham and Ed Hope started to Oklahoma Tuesday morning on a fishing trip. One day last week White Curtis was hauling ties and the 7 year old son of Mrs. Ida BulHon tried to eatch the wagon and was thrown un der the wagon wheel and hroke one of his legs in two places. He is now at the city hospital. W. H. Underhill had the misfortue of getting his truck tank stolen Sun day night. The driver went to Fay etteville Saturday and hroke some of the rods and had to leave it south of Ureenland when they went down after it Monday and found it had been cut up with an ax.. NOTICE! I aru constable of Spring dale Township and make a specialty of collections. I give prompt attention to serving papers and every other work devolving upon this office. R. B. BAGGETT I*. (). Box 115. Phone 55. Kodak Finishing l or better work send us y°ur films, bor anything photographid its the [lass Studios 1' ayettenille, Ark. SI I,i’ll I K < IT Y \M> HI \( h O \ K Some have begun to plow com. Several from around here nave gone to picking berries. C. L. ralmer took dinner with f; Ferry Sunday. Miss Holly Hill of Carter attended church here Sunday afternoon. Rev. I). L, Hood of Elkins and Rev Chandler of Springdale held services here Sunday. There were some parties out from Fayetteville Sunday looking at the J L. McConnell property. Mrs. Ben Hicks and little daughter Maud of Carter spent Friday night at the home of her uncle, H. F. Head and attended the hig singing was giv en for Mayo Head. Mayo Head arrived home last week from overseas but had to return to Camp 1’ike before being discharged. dim Ray anil Stuard Boaz took dinner with Mat Boaz Sunday. G. E. Stoekburger of West Fork and Miss Clara Ethel Fawbush of Sulphur City were married Thursday, May 1st. Miss Clara is one of our nest young ladies and was reared in our midst. She wore a lovely dress of white crepe de chine trimmed in white rib bon with a white panama hat and white shoes. The groom is one of West Fork’s most popular young mi n. M A. Stoekburger said the words that made them man and wife. May no cloud of sorrow ever rise to dim the horizon of their sky of mar ried bliss. Lone Star. OAKLAND Mr. and Mrs. Folk Bookout visited at Springdale Sunday. Mrs. Ed Ivey visited her mother. Mrs. J. T. Boyd, near Springdale Sun day. Chas. Graue of Springdale is in this vicinity this week looking after his-strawberry crop. Tom Roberts of Baldwin was in thi ' k 111 i uc.^ua) ' > i uh.^ \ > v v. r\ inr'|iw c - in^r the berry patches. Mrs. Geo. Ragis and children of Fayetteville visited her r-ister, Mrs. Claud Cardwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and lit tle daughter A1 Louise visited at the Ivey home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fritts and ' daughter of Fayetteville visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gulley Sunday. Mrs. Garland Ivey has been em ployed to teach the fall term of school at Spring Valley. This is her third term at that place. Owen Tunstil! who has a position with the railroad company is at home for a few weeks to harvest his berry crop. Mrs. Joe Ragsdale and children left last week for Crum Creek. Okla., i to join Mr. Ragsdale who has employ ment at that place. Blue Eyes. MARRI \GK LICENSES Nelson C. Moss and Miss Nellie M. Roberts, Lincoln. Glenn O. Gibbs and Miss Kathyrn Havely, both of Okmulgee. Okla. Granville Jones, 17. and Miss Helen Danford, Id, Blackburn. Consent of parents given. John Harris. Sulphur <'it\ and Mis Lucia Bowman, Farvi ru ton. Bryan Shumate, Farmington, and Miss Versa Carter, Fayetteville. Sylvan us Black. C>, and .Mis.- Neill io Ik Beckett, Id., both of Westville, ()!■.. Consent of parents given. "My son," said mother, you should never defer until to-morrow what y> t can tin to-day.” "Then, mother," returned the son. "we had better eat the rest of the mince pie to-night, hadn’t we?” LOAN EXCUSES 0? NOT GO PHI IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE SOME PRETTY GOOD ONES YOU WILL NEED THEM DOUGHBOYS CAN T SEE ’EM "If I Could Afford to Face Death You Can Afford to Subscribe,” Says Soldier. If you are framing up any excusi s for yourself as to why you are not ‘going to take any Victory Notes” you had better make them mighty good ones They will need to be vital ly impor'&nt to really excuse you, as there are thousands of mighty sharp critics listening tor 'hist excuses. Maybe you think you have some pretty good ones if so, you will need them. Dor.': worry trying to decide Just which is the best t-xcuse you hate. In one day recently -1,000 American soldiers landed in New York. The country is filling up with others who are back from the frer-r. You may haw seen some of them. Some of them have empty sleevi Others are walking with a (rut h . ;«tead of th. sturdy leg they had a year ago. Some of them have that gray and drawn look of the man who has tasted Hun gas. Some of them-have lost an eye. These boys know what that war game was. They have looked on the doings of the Boche in France amt Belgium. They know what the Ger I man did to those countries. looking l UWI,' Wi (in . . ; . i r 111 ; they got a pretty clear idea of what i the Hun had planned for America w hi n our time came Furthermore, these men are going to want to know just why any man who <i&!!b himself an American is hunting up excuses for not subscribing to a Liberty Loan. They know that it was Americans who signed the de ath warrant of the Hun overseas and they are going to ask some mighty pointed questions of the stay-at-homes, who stayed 3.000 miles awm from the danger and went calmly about their businesses in time. The fighting man .s going to argue this way "if 1 could afford to leave everything that made life sweet to me and go overseas for America; 1 could afford to take my changes with sudden death to get there and Fudden death after 1 arrived, I could afford to face fllfh. diseasf, gas, shrapnel and tra chine gun bullets; 1 could afford to facs cold steel and showers o! hand grenades and fight hand to hand with the Hun in a dirty ditch And these Americans who staved at home tell me ihat ihev can't afford to subscribe to a Victory Loan!" You can begin to see that you need some hand mane copper-rive'ed ex cuses. ran t you? You can begin to see tha’ these excuses arc going to have to be a little above the average run, can’t you? Those armless, legless, eyeless tnen who have com* back from oversea' w.i! be g;ad to listen to your excuses 'fry some of them e>n the first one voi rur, a; ross Try them ail on him, i; be h;:'- 'hi pat.enc e to listen to thi-m If you ' fin eonvit.i e one of these not: ■> In 1 < • li.iiki i in Hi' witJ: tf-e ltd off, on that sme »: ;;g Wisit r fiejn’, f.ncl can make him In lievi •c,.’ 'ou have done everything ou nugM do and a:: ’hat you e-an possibly af ford to do, why then you ought to to have -o very niu-h trouble standing c ff the Victory Loan salesman wh<r ' rrn u:'h * hf- • ijh- *r: pv r tn tiks for the Fifth, last and Victor* Loan Be peep.i who hav. already tried it on the returned soldiers are not very enthusiastic They haven't had WITH THE vreadnffltaht PLATES6' Springdale Garaoe murr. lurk at convincing these who rj;d the fighting for tht rc-st of Uf that th^re la anything American abom quitting on Uncle Sarn »hrn hr if- mak ing hi- last call and i < cds all that n can do for him Frankly, there isn’t much uae ii polishing up the excuses. You maj frj to believe in them yourself, bui down In your heart you know thin for what they are—just excuses to helj you dodge a plain duty that is yours and yours alone. May as well make uj ^our mind to subscribe every dollai that you honestly and conscientiously can, and let it go at that. WAR LOAN MEDALS TO EDITORS Every Newspaper in Eighth Distrlcl Will Receive Uncle Sam's T oken. In every county in the Eighth Fed eral Reserve District, a group of met have been persistently u.i unceasing !y Uncle Sam put over his Lip war work enterprises. These men ha.« no official connection with the goietn ment nor the War Loan Organization - Without their help lh« great thing that ban been done in this conn' i and the world could cot have beer a< hieved. They are th< editors and publisher. Of the newspaper- Th»> are ih- nn r w hos- lives are deii fed in leading pub !., the ;•!:•. ;o tc iliin tin p. oplt t|: truth on all qu- -".on; of public .n f presen.lug ho’h sit! s of 'tit story that the p< pit may know ,nc d» <•;«]•• inti iligently. Tui ir work ': ruUghout the war i -p ... in the inti st oj be Lib erly Loan drive.-, has been invahubU 10 in'1 fcotfruiM'-iii Aiiifcial Eyes. Inning i'i y r lvHi Professor B'ds Mine«a iT [ ran e < rented what coul( honestly he calk’d au eye that \va human in a p| tear a nee. The methoi of munufa'tunng was practically flu .same *> that employed at the presen time, with the exception that In tic intervening year* great improvement: have teen made in iinitaling the col ors, that are almost lifelike in thei effect. Besides, many improvement haw been made in the shapes, whici are practically molded to conform t< the socket and till all the “vailabh space. U*« Time to Advantage. Time, which never stand* 'till itself will not allow any one of us to stnm still. It delivers into our hands sixty minute* every hour and compel* u* t< dispose of them in some way. Whethei we will or not a constant aceountirij ha* to he rendered. One who falls int< the habit of dissipating time dissipate: not only opportunity tut happiness, fo the spendthrift of time become* t spendthrift of the other things whi'l tnske life worth while.—Forbes Mnga line. -V James M V\oodruff of Harrisoi died recently at Fort Benjamin Har rison, ha\ inc .just recently returns from overseas I>ecea-scd is survival by the widow and one child. The re mains were interred at Bellefonte. -V The new! bridge across th< Osage* just west of James Berry’ on the Bentnnville and S; loam road is nearly completed. The bridg is of steel and rests on coneret piers, w ith a concrete floor. Th< bridge is 40 feet long and costs u the neighborhood of $1,000.- Ben 111,. L>.I ♦ i .'H‘ 14 months old child of .Mr. am Mi’s. Miss Bivens, who live -outhea of hero <01 the head of Herod-- . _K died Wednesday and was burn Thursday at the Brashear- cemeter. h1 -1 no A hite eoo-1 u-t. -1g the fun duct mu the funeral services. Th ehild die-d from the .-ffe.-ts of l,urn reee:v.-d about a week ago, when nr; of the older -hildren of the; ' ' I e e pot - •*' the V spilhr.L th>- scalding liquid on th little no. - back St. Haul Mountaii Air. Residents of Holcomb Street h.:n presented a petition to the city auth orities asking: that the o”d:t:.inee pro nibitinj, ediny be enforced, so fa as that street :s concerned, at least This street has developed into speedway for the reckless motorists and th-. practice of racing- up am down tin- street with cut-out open ha grown to be a nuisance, as well a being dangerous. Mayor Kwalt tell The New - that hi- proposes to comph with the request of the petitioners si far as it is possible for him to do so so tlie motorists who travel Holcoml Street from now on had better elosi his muffler and slow down. -- .. -•».— Advertisements have been postei calling for bids for carrying the mai from Springdale to Huntsville, th> designated route being by way o Sonora, Spring Valley and Whitencr and returning by way , f Whitener Mayfield and Habberton A moto driven vehicle is to be used whet weather will permit, and the scheduh calls for departure from Springdah immediately after arrival of train and 4. and not later than Hi a. m to arrive in Huntsville four hours af ter leaving Springdale. The returi trip is to be made within four hour after leaving Huntsville. Bids vvi! be rec ived until June :{ and servic. ^ to begin June Id. A bond o J-iiKi must accompany each bid. Thi n ‘ route is given a- :i'J 4. j m h . a> The Leopard Can t Change His Spots By C. M MORRISON. THU MAN who whipped the Hun know* the Hun better than any one else in the world. That man Is Held Marshal Ferdinand Koch, coni' 1 mander of all the allied armies In I Europe, and who repeats that the leopard cannot change its spots. "We must stay on the Rhine," says 1 Foch. "We must doublelock the door." The man who says this is the allied ! genera! who was given the well-nigh I super human task of stopping the Huns when they were beating back ! the allies one little year ago. Remember,'’ says h^, "those 70, 000,000 of Germans will always be a | menace to us. They are an envious and warlike people. Their character l6tice are not changed. Fifty years hence they will be what they are to day Dp not trust the appearances of ! the moment." Those of us who have been telling ourselves that "the war is over" and | that maybe "the Germans will settle down pretty soon and go about their business in a peaceful manner’’ will do will to ponder rather deeply what Marshal Foci: says. Hi.- utterances on the very eve f ‘he action n the peace treaties ii. !:■ :■ -he dread, the utter distrust ■ of *b* Huns that Is f' lt by their nt‘4 no . rs. "TL - ext time." says General Foth, "remember that Germany will pjhki no m - a'iCe. They will break through into northern Prance and seize the ohann -1 porta aa a baae of operations against England They failed the iast time because they d;d not believe Eng iaiid would come in and when they 1 found she was corning in it was too late to change their plans ” ‘You think," he added, "the Ger j mane will have no arms for another attack' Ho! Ho’ How do you know’ By the rime you had found out that , they had them it would he too late." WHIN the man who has spent his life in measuring the German power for wnr who has studied the very soul and brain of Germany for a lifetime, who iias given *he hest that was in him in I ! meeting and beating that expected at task when It did come, when a mar. ake this utters such warning w» may . I be sure that there is still a profound ■ | dread of German strength in Europe , and that we in America have not as i yet done all that we might be caited upon to do His utieranies sound a warning to i those Americans who have been in dined to think lightly of the Fifth Ixjan, the Victory Liberty Loan There ; are a good many of us who seem to 'hink that it does no: matter mucn ; whether or not the Victory Liberty Loan f subscribed That the country i win get along someway even should i the loan fall short of being subscribed The thoughtful utterance of Marshal Foch gives us more than a hint of some of ihe danger that America and , j the rest of the world are still facing ft is not a time when we can afford to trifle with duty It is probable that the crisis in the affairs of the free nations of the earth in swiftly ap proaching That they migh- possibly ■ find it necessary to fight, and to fight i soon, to preserve 'heir liberties against another Htin con'rived menace thaf may w<e[ up out of Central and Kaat • rn Fur me fertatnly ,t ,s a poor time for an i V '. h» n a . arrt worker ; in the rause of An., r.nanism, who has ! bought ' f'iijoh* , ‘ d served to down Hut . ’»> d :i' w .vh.-n the final ■* ' r,n t. b. n toward ruakirtc '■■■: k< ■ p nr th. p a> of 11 . . trth T fir. I NITT.D STATES govern ■ 'o • i f ■; • no f'jni- t '• a arc 'a bo :.11-»•: 1 by the Victory Lib tM> ! fir':, nly tl. request fc r • i a Pr,l1 liar loan would n> v«>r h;tv> been made had 'he (ir .nciers of th.> gov j ofntiipr.t b'■ ti able to g *t through file t>r* s• nt f-r sis without b Nations are 1IO' fond of >- gi'.antii loan - : * 'bf: •' !»»•."ft i n war, without trk Ti- * i'' th ight concerning their ac i uial needs. Tb" observations of Marshal f'och : Put a point upon much that has been i: und written concerning the actual i ending of the war and the possibilities P of it-, blazing out again within a few .'"an. It is evident that the man who ; smashed the Huns is under few il lusions concerning the German charac ■ !fr Studying them for a lifetime and j observing their conduct during the 1 "ar. hp has formed the conclusion . i that they are a menace and they can >! not be trusted. . And whatever may be the individ ual op nion of the Hun here in Ameri fa, it is plain that his neighbors in 1 Europe are by no meaus willing to 1 trust him yet Nor will they be for a . good many generations. At first hand 7 they have seen the Hun as a crucifier of cap' ured soldiers, as a murderer of women, as a sea-assa: sin, a rapist and ’ ! ti baby killer Here in (he United States we should ! at least retain our keen interest, finan t f ial as well ar historical, in the w ar ‘I "hat it might have meant and sti'l ; may mean to us It is too soon to as sen that it Is all over, and that we ‘an turn our back on Europi . forget the wa' and let somebody else buy 'he bonds. These Victory Liberty Notts ar. necessary to the main tenance of the government that helped beat the Hun t;i(k across the Fthine, .•nd they are net-dea right now to strengthen America whether that • strength Is to be used in peace or in w a. , , KfR'V Noti . - ’ “,k,,n upo,> W,yM> :i '>«. ,vi,h ne ‘U,^y Ma. Owner ma, ,, ' rout ,.c , . A haV< »»« hy ‘'0^ of k«-p an,I ,kj:r V D Phone 8:?3|,'3 llCe' PHlfir, laying j Ml No. . Sealed bids will r off,,., of ,h, St»tt Hi « ment, Little Rock, A-kan Df“pa P- ni. May 31. 1919 ' ,yis> um They will then be publi.-iv SS compared upon a basis of tll neers estimates, copies of WJ* Z be secured free oAharge f ^ ! sr'r,or ,!,e ■»”»>■ »* z, Plans and specifications can be i CUtrVl T lhp StaU> HWhwv Be at the office of the Board of C Spr';'lr<lale' Arkansas j ‘!t th ‘ off,*-e "f the engineers p. etteville, Arkansas. ! .BJ',S mu^ he accompanied by a w i,ied check, payable to the ord» the Secretary of the District in', sum , per cent of the amount' tn< bill, md a construction 1 I’f,r Cf>nt of the amount of then. , irari. \v]| ho required of the sue.-. i ful bidder * Th • right U reserved to reject u ! nr ail bids. Hoard .,f Commissioners Wash | ton C«.U! ty Road District No. I • 1?- Hroydon, President. 1 I). Petross, Secretary. •I. W. Grabiel, Attorney, Fayetteville, Arkansas Hamilton A Shreves, Engineers. Fayetteville, Arkanaj May 0. 1919, JdlUlf’HHIi ^laMMSI) \N NOl N('EMENT. To the people of Springdale and surrounding country, I uish to announce that I ha'e opened a Dental office in the ( . H. Hewitt building in Springdale, and it will be a pleasure to me to sene those w ho are m need of my pro fessional services. Office Phone 221. Resident Phone 237 NO LON HE1.STERN ilhFiihlitll’w.M/ifMIliKIWa® G. W. KENNAN Registered Optometrist I guarantee all my work, and am hereto make good. Way every ok* traveling fol low that comes alor.: have your business ana hold you up in prices. My prices are right and goods are the best,com? and see me. St door west of OmW Drug Store. '“"s “"tszz—■ B. C. BAIN, M.D Practice Limited to Eye, Ear. Nose and Thr Kers Oftice: Mondays, Jays and Fridays^ fljn ntonville Office: Tuesdays, lays and Saturdays. dr. b. f. McAlister OSTEOPATH. OB,,,. 25.: FAYETTEVILLE. ARK' lUCTIOWEEn . _.,/'honef' hen you»an, m a sale and help me see me .1 tk celorc.lln.eonft"* w. *• "ICE ... -^-y.-***'* •X-: