Newspaper Page Text
Slmertrau iiejmUUcan, AVII HAI.TIMOIiI'. Clill'l'EH. MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 11, 1844. MCIVB cor NT!! V'^ ■ijsfcC'- &*)- *. h: 1 CHANGE or NAME. At the earnest solicita tion ot' a large number of subscribers, and to make the title of our paper conform to the principles which we advocate, we have chan ged the name of our paper from the "Baltimore Clipper ," to that of the ".! Imerican Republican." We hope that this alternation will receive the approval of our friends. We have also coupled with this change, the substitution of the Spread Eagle, with our national motto, for the .Mary land Coat of Arms, us being more appropriate. OUR PAPER. The subscription list to out paper still continues to augment with unexam pled rapidity; and wo think we can with truth boast, that wo now circulate at least double the number of any other paper in the stale. It is with difficulty that we can print our edition in proper time upon our rapidly-corking Napier press. We need not state, that this is truly j grateful to our feelings, as evidencing public j approbation of our course, and of the cause in - which we are engaged. As an advertising me dium our paper now affords superior advan- , tag'*- To CORRESPONDENTS. We acknowledge the receipt of several communications, but have been so constantly engaged as to make it impossible for us to give them proper atten- j tion. Our correspondents will please indulge : us for a day or two, when we shall probably ' have more leisuro. CONGRATULATORY LETTERS. We are daily I receiving letters, not only from various sections of our own state, but from other stales, con gratulating its on the stand which we have I taken in behalf of American rights; and pro-! irtising cordial co-operation in the endeavor to ! protect American interests from being control- ! led by foreigners. It is universally admitted ] that, unless there be a change in the naturali zation laws uf the country, so as to prohibit' immigrants from interfering in our elections us J they do at present, it will become difficult to ' prevent our country from being controlled by j foreign influence. Tito necessity for instan-, tancous and energetic action is so apparent, I that there are few petsotis who really have the j welfare of the nation at hcait, who express an I unwillingness to engage in the effort to reform j existing abuses. American citizens of all par- j ties will rally under the standard of their coun- I try; and we shall be greatly mistaken if the j American Republicans will rot be able to ex-j hibit so strong an array to the n ilional n-pie- I sentatives at their next session, as will ir Juec \ them to make the required change in the- na- ■ turalization laws. But should their petitions i be denied, the remedy will be in their own j hands at the next election of members of con-! gross, and it must bo applied. The contest i will be between the American and the foreign 1 interest—the citizen and the foreigner; and lite issue cannot be doubtful. We believe that tiro ' ' citizens of our country are sufficiently intclli- j j gerit and patiiotie to govern themselves; and ( that they will be careful to preserve to them- j " selves the right of managing their own alfuirs. | AN ERROR. It has been stated to us, that [ T some of our naturalized citizens suppose, that i the design of the American Republicans is to i i deprive them of the right of suffrage. This is ' ( an erroneous impression. All foreigners, whe- j thcr naturalized or not, who may he in the , ( country at the time a change may be made in ' | the naturalization laws, will be entitled to their | [ rights as citizens, if they have been, or choose j , to become, naturalized. The operation of the | j change is intended to bear exclusively on fu- J , ture immigrants. The faith of the nation is j j pledged to those who have already become in habitants of our country; but we have the j | rio-ht to prescribe the conditions upon which . foreigners shall be hereafler received; and to | that object the labors of the American Repub- ! licans are directed. In these labors it is the i interest of all to unite. "OUR COUNTRY." This is the motto which J ' wc adopted on hoisting tho American Repub-j - lican flag; and we deem it the most appropri ate tiiat we could select, inasmuch as we go for the rights and interests of the whole cotiri-l ( try, disconnected entirely from any existing | , party. It matters not to us what party a man , may have been heretofore attached, if lie be , favorable to the pTopnsed change in the natu- , ralization laws, and to the principle that Ame rica is to be governed by Americans, he shall ( bo cordially welcomed into the American Rc publican ranks. We hope to sec a perfect . union of Americans, native or adopted, to car ry out tho great principles for which our gov ernment was organized; which cannot bo done ' unless the country be preserved from the con trol of foreign influence. SUGAR HOUSE BURNT. On Thursday, tho 21th ult., tho fine sugar house of Messrs. J. A. & F. A. Frere, of St. Mary's Parish, La., to gether with about G5 hogsheads of sugar, was entirely destroyed by fire, which was commu nicated to the roof by a spark from one of the chimneys. The works are said to have cost over §19,000, and there was no insurance; and what makes the disaster trebly serious, is the ' fact there are yet upwards of 600 acres of cane standing, which may suffer from frost. 1 ANOTHER ORGAN. The Albany Daily Ad- 1 vertiscr, a paper always conducted with abili ty, has declared its support of American Rc- i publican principles. i t THREW iu.R CHILD Ovf.RDOARD. An Irish ; woman by the name of Catharine Hewson, a | bout SO years of age, was put on trial on Wed nesday at Boston, on a charge of throwing her I child oveiboard from the steamer Neptune, | Capt. Corristock, about midnight of the 31st id | July last, while the steamer was on her pass ! age from New York to Stonington, and near | the mouth of Connecticut River. She had the j infant with her during the early part id* the I night; repiesentcd herself to be a married wo. I man; about 10 o'clock she carried the child for ! ware among the horses and hairgagt)crates, and | when she returned, some time after, she no longer had the child with her. licr movements had excited observation, and in reply to ques tions put by the other deck passengers, she ! first said tho child was asleep under her cloak; j second, that a friend was taking care of it down i below; third, that it had died in a fit, and she had thrown it overboard. But subsequently, to i Capt. G'omstock, she said she had ealen the child up. To secure her from annoyance by the ex cited passengers, he put Iter in a room on deck and placed a guard over her; but soon after ! wards she sent for the captain, and told liiin that she had made way with her child by throw i ing it into the sea. At tho sune time, she said , it was a poor weakly child, subject to fits, and • j that she was a poor, destitute woman, and un i able to take care of it. I ATTEMI-TED MURDER AND SUICIDE. On j Wednesday evening last, a murder was at j tempted in tho town of Marhletown, in Ulster | county, New York. A black man, named ' Adam Oliver, made an assault upon a colored I female by the name of Catharine Dewitt, struck - her down, and cut her throat from oar to ear. ; Koine hopes are entertained that she may re | cover. The ruffian made his escape after per ' pctrating the deed lie was seen in the neigh borhood tho next, day toward evening, when the inhabitants turned out in pursuit. About j twelve o'clock at night the barn of Mr. Levi I Benson was fired while tho family wore all out I in pursuit, and 110 doubt is entertained that it i was set on tiro by Oliver. Mr. Benson's loss !is very heavy. The burn was new, and filled j with grain, hay, kc., all of which were con sumed, together with three valuable horses, ! several wagons, and other materials. The j whole neighborhood was now aroused, and; I about dawn the wretch was driven down to-' | waid a mill pond. Being hotly pursued, ho I sprang into tho water, with the intention of j reaching the other sid.-; but finding the oppo ; site bank lined with men, and all means of escape cut off', he said if they wanted him tlicy j must come in tho water and take him, wheni ! lie sunk and was drowned before ho could be; seized. DISEASED POTATOES. A farmer at Port, Hope, Canada, had a field of potatoes in such a i diseased condition that lie thought that the best : ; plan of dealing with them would be to turn in i to the field his hogs, and let them help them-J ! selves, which he did, when ho shortly discover j ed that sixteen had died from the bad effects of; J the diseased potatoes. Mr. 11. M. Paine, of the j optical works at Oxford, Mass., has applied a ! glass that magnifies 3,000 times to the diseased i part of the potatoes, and finds them filled with bodies like the soldier-ant and legs like the, hairy garden spider. He thinks there is no! epidemic amonst potatoes, but that the disease; is caused by those insects. FROM TRINIDAD DE CUBA. By an arrival | at New York on Thusday night, from Tiini- , dad de Cuba, we learn that tho coifce and su- j gar crops had suffered severely from tho late , hurricane of October 6th. A Philadelphia j schooner, name not recollected, Haven, mas- ] ter, from Mansanilla, bound to Trinidad, wont { ashore the same date, six miles to leeward of j the port, and all hands perished except the! , chief officer; he was picked up by a small Spa- \ , nish schooner, and put in care of the American; ; Consul. | j A FAIR. It will be seen by the advertise- ; incut, that the ladies attached to the Calverl-st.; < Universalis! Church, will hold a Fair for the! s benefit of that Chuicli, in the Session Room, h to commence this morning, and continue dur-i , 1 ing the week. They announce a variety of | useful and fancy articles, and invite the public \ patronage. 1 j EARTHQUAKE AT SEA. Capt. Russell, of the brig Judson, arrived at N. York from l')eme- j rara, reports that on the 20th of October, the j Island of Saba bearing S. S. E., distant about, one hundred miles, a shock of earthquake was' felt on board the brig, which caused her to quiver as though sho had struck upon a rock.; The mate, who was asleep in his berth, was I , waked by the jar. I s OREGON AND THE BRITISH. It is stated that! Mr. Dunn, Agent for the British Hudson Bay 1 1 Company, has furnished tho Montreal Courier! 1 with a statement of the complete occupationof| Oregon unimo remauendi by the directions of! that company as the representatives of the Bri-j tish Nation. ORANG OIJTANG. It will he seen by adver-! tiseiaent, that the wonderful living natural cu-l riosity, a very large Orang Outang, or Wild! Woman of the Woods, is to be seen in Balti-j , more street, one door west of Calvert, and op-i i posite tile Museum. "AUNT MARY'S VISIT." This is a neat little volume, containing "a series of conversations on subjects moral and religious, for Sabbath Schools"—by a lady. It is for sale by Messrs. Parsons & Preston. NAVAL. The U. S. frigate Potomac arrived j in Hampton Roads on Thursday afternoon from Philadelphia. The U. S. store ship Erie, Lt. | Com. Turner, sailed from Norfolk the same day for New York. I A CROWD OF VISITORS. Three thousandtwo! hundred and thirty-five persons have visited the interesting National Gallery at Washington during the month. MEETING OF SAILORS. There was a meet ing of sailors in New York on Thursday, rela tive to an increase of wages. hi FRONT STREET THEATRIC AND CIRCUS. The -j general manifestation of public approbation gi -1 veil during the performance of "Putnam," for r two weeks past, has induced the worthy maua gers of the Front-st. Theatre, Messrs. Welch >1 and Delevan, to continue it during the present ;-j week. Owing to the continued political cxcitc r | tnent, wc have no doubt many persons have c' foregone the pleasure of witnessing this most el excellent American drama, during the past -1 week; but now, that the political fever ha H -j somewhat subsided, let all those who desire to tl j witness something really grand and pictures* uj que in scenery—to hear sentiments of lofty and s; holy patriotism—and to look upon the repre - scntati n of characters that live embalmed in pj the heart of every true American—go and ;vit ; ncss the performance of this drama. Besides i the imposing pageantry of soldiery—theclangor e o r arms—the roar of musketry—the tlasli and a i glare of rockets—the battle—the capture—the 11 escapes—the wonderful exploits of Putnam in - avoiding capture by the British soldiers, by des i cording a tremendous niggard rock-way, in - which his horse overleaps a tree fallen in his i path to prevent his flight—there is a fund of - humor and merriment in the character of the 1 Yankee Captain, Mr. Silsbce, as Jedediah 1 Homespun, and his new recruit, Cabbagcall, - Mr. Dickenson, which renders this play one of j the very best pieces that lias ever been prescnt jed upon the .Baltimore boards. This drama 'J will be repeated to-night; in addition to which there will he presented various other matters of ' entertainment; every way worthy of publicpa- I tron ago. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. The only serious fire ; which has occurred in this city for a lung while, says the St. Louis Republican of the Ist inst., took place on Tuesday night, about 11 o'clock. 1 It destroyed the building known as the llope Mills, on the corner of Fifth and llazel streets, consisting of a flouring mill, oil mill and card ing factory. They were owned by James C. ; I Sutton, Dr. Culver and Mr. Black, of this city. The establishment was purchased a year ago, I for;, f),000, and many improvements have since boon made. There were about 400 barrels of ■ flour on hand, of which, by great exertion, s irao IGO or ISO barrels were saved. The mill had been run during the day, but was stopped' at night, and the fire is supposed to have caught i accidentally from the furnace. The main build ing was of stone, with frames at tached to it.-- When the alarm was given, the flames wore bursting out of the windows, and the whole was' consumed in a brief space of time. We under stand there was insurance to the amount ofss,- 000 on the mil's, and SI,OOO on the stock; which will still leave the owners heavy losers by the disaster. CORN STALK SUGAR. Mr. John Beal, of! New Harmony, la., lias made 395 lbs. of good j sugar this season from the cornstalks that grew! ]on three quarters of an acre. This is at the i rate of 500 lbs. per acre. His plan is thus 'i i briefly noticed in the Cleveland Herald:— j "W lien the cars begin to form they are pulled ; off. When the leaves are dead, about half way , | up tire stalk isstripped of leaves, cut up at the! ! I root, the top cut off, and then ground in a su- • • : gar mill. Twenty stalks will yield about 1 weighs one pound and a half, and of this three . fourths of this is ground sugar. Mr. B. made | 80 lbs. in a day, with a simple apparatus of his [ own construction. Five hundred pounds at 4 1 s cents per lb. is S2O per acre. It would have ! " produced, say 50 bushels of com, at 25 ceuts, v or $12.50." FEI.L OVERBOARD IN- A FIT. On Tuesday, while a gentleman on board the Allegheny Belle, on its way to Pittsburg, from Franklin, Pa., was conversing with another gentleman in the social hall of the boat, he suddenly took a tit, and fell prostrate on the lloor. lie was im mediately carried to the air, and through the exertions of those on board was brought to, and was soon ablo to walk about the boat, ap parently as well as usual. In a few minutes after lie went below, and was seen leaning a gainstthe guards of the do,ck. Shortly after a splash was heard in the water, and tiie body oj the man was seen to sink, but did not rise a guin. It is supposed that he had taken another fit and fell overboard into the water. His name is not known, nor has his body been found. EXPLOSION AND ROBBERY. A few days since, the iron safe in the counting room of Thomas Gilpin, in Cincinnati, was blown to pieces by powder which had been ponred into the key hole by robbers, who applied a match, retreat ing at the same moment, and having previous ly prepared a clear way of escape with what ever booty they could clutch, while the confu sion consequent on the act was at hand. MEXICAN BRIO. The Mexican brig of war Santa Anna, from Vera Cruz, via Havana, ar rived at New York on Friday. " CITY INTELLIGENCE. U. S. Court. In the Circuit Court of the United States, now in session in this city, the application of James G. Wilson, foi an injunc tion to restrain Joseph Turner, Jr., of Balti more, from the use of the Planing Machine patented by Win. VVoodworth, on the 27th of Dec. 1828, and extended to his administrator on the 16 li of Nov'r., 18-12, under whom the complainant Wilson now claims as assignee— camo on to bo argued, and occupied the Court during the day. Solicitors for complainant, llcverdy Johnson and J. 11. B. Latrobe, Esqs.; for defendant, Win. Schley and 11. 1). Evans, Esqrs. Baltimore City Court. There was nothing done ill this court, on Saturday lust. Fire. Tho alarm of fire on Saturday morn ing, between 10 and 11 o'clock, was caused by fire breaking out in the work shop of Mr. Grif fith, No. 128 Baltimore street. A spark fell upon some paint which caused it to ignite and create a considerable smoke. '1 ne tl iincs were fortunately soon extinguished and no damage ensued worth mentioning. Injured by a Fall. A lad named Frederick Bailey, residing in Front street, while playing on a ladder, in North Gay street, on Saturday lust, fell to tho ground, breaking bis left arm, and otherwise receiving slight bodily injury. ColoniziUion. We understand that the Ma ryland Colonization Society's annual expedi tion to the colony in Liberia, will sail from this port on Friday next, the 16th inst. Q&- CHEAP PRINTING, ami PRINTING o> . every description, executed with great despatch, at No. ( 134 BALTIMORE STREET—such a* MAMMOTH BILLS * Ma ° h lan;er than any other I office can execute. LOTTERY BILLS, CHECKS, CIRCULARS. BILLS OP LADING, t STAGE &. HATTERS' BILLS, RAIL ROAD BILLS, lie. Sic. Indeed it is needless to enumerate, as we are pos * sessed of facilities for doing work, in terry style, and in t i a manner unsurpassed in thin city. M or?- DON'T NEGLECT YOUR COUGH. Reader, have von a cough, or any symptoms or the different I stages of consumption ? ,\s you value your lite, do 1 j not del,iv. Procure immediaiely souie ni' the l'ulino . nie Syrup, and be cured, otherwise you may, hy ne ! gleet, snon find vour ease u hopeless out". To lie had i at No. 20 N. GAY STREET. ol eo2m in-LADIES' PAIR AT THE UNIVERSALIST i CHURCH. The Fair for the Benefit of the Univer salis! Church w ill commence in the Session Room of •I the Church, corner of Calvert and Pleasant, on MoN i DAY EVENING, Nov. lltli, and continue every day and evening through the week, from 111 o'clock, A. M. • to in o'clock, P. M. The coHection of useful and ■ fancy articles is very large, and wc would respectfully invito ALL to visit the Pair. , Season tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman, 50 cents; single tickets 12£ cents each - to tip obtained at 1 the door. M. A. VV. MASON, President. MAKV E. SIIBIOLEY, Suc'y. N9 3t i ft?- WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA, &c. The "It' I lOOI'ING COUGH colli) 1.1/. 'H a specific ! or absolute cure for WHOOPING COI'GII, AS I'll i* MA, anil all Strictures of the air passages, &e. Itis believed to he the only Specific ever discovered for s these complaints. It nffoids comfort promptly, and when its use is persevered in effects a permanent J cure of all the diseases above mentioned. Upwards | ( of two hundred children have been cured of VVlioop . ing Cough within the Inst 8 weeks by the use of this I Cordial. To lie obtained only of Dr. GIDEON 11. ! . SMITH, Basement of ilie Chesapeake Bank, Ninth street, and at his residence in Mulberry street, lie-| twei 11 Peail and Pius streets, Baltimore. Price oxn I DOLLAR pur bottle. nSI-lm* | - ft?-ANNUAL MEETING. MERCANTILE LI- I RRARY ASSOCIATION. The annua! meeting of the Association will be held at the Library Rooms on | THURSDAY EVEN ING, Mth instant, at 7J o'clock, j when the Board of Dircctois w ill make a statement j 1 of the affairs of the Association for the past year. . Honorary member* are respectfully invited to attend. ! lis J T. ENGLAND, Cor. Sec'v. j 1 fry-ELECTION NOTICE. MERCANTILE 1.1-\ I RRARY ASSOCIATION. Notice is hercbv given, that an eleeiion for officers to manage the affairs of' the Association for the ensuing year, will he held at ' the Library Rooms, on SATURDAY, Ifith instant.! between the hours of It). A VI. and 5, P. M. i>B J. T. ENGLAND, Cor. See'v. i o ;-Mi:i;c.ANTir.E LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.' I Regularly nominated ticket, for Officers of the Asso- , ; ci.ttion, lor the ensuing year: President. CHARLES BRADF.NBAt'GH. Ilre-jire-idcnl, J. HUMMING BROWN. Cor. Secretary, IIAI.I.ARI) JOHNSON. Ace.Secretin'!/.JOHN S. HARDEN. Treasurer, " 11. II I.OVVRY. Doer tors: AI.LSTON ALLEN, I JAMES CAREY CO ALE, , OTTO PRANK, I SAMUEL J. LOPEIL JOHN 11. NEI.M VEIL IC. WIGHT ANDERSON, i S VMIT.L IIOWAUU, Jr. j j The gi iitleiin n composing the above ticket have j been selected from among the oldest and most active I members, and are respectfully recommended to the j voters ol the liistiiutimi, as entirely worthy wf their confidence ami support i oU9-eoUill VV. H. DORSEY, Ch'nNom. Com. j ft/-MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL FACULTY ! op MARYLAND. A semi annual meeting of the Med cal and Chirurgical Pnculty of Maryland will he held in Baltimore on MONDAY, the 11 ill November! next, at 10; o'clock, A.M.. in the Ses-ion Room, over 1 isCOTTI'.-L No. Ift SOUTH .STREET. The liiemhers throughout the .stale are respectfully ! requested to be punctual in attendance. I ROBERT A. DUKKER, M. I). n.i-Oi Recording Secretary. I fcj IIA WW : SHAWM ! OP THE NEWEST j k? STYLE. We have THIS li.AY opened a large | arid well assorted stock of Sil tIVI.S, to which we ! invite the attention of the public. We mention 54, j G 4 and 7-4 Printed Casinnere Shawls;B 4, 9-4 and 111-4 | heavy New Style do.; 8-4, y 4 and 10 4 super quality i Camel's Hair do ; 9 4 and In 4 rich India (a new ar ! titde) do.; 8-4, 9 A and ltl-4 rich euihroitlnred and plain j Thibet do ; 9-4,10 4 and 11-4 super Terkeure Thibet j do ; 8 4,9-4 and 19 4 rich heavy India Silk do.; 8-4, | ! 9 4 and 10-4 rich Damask and changeable do.; togeth I ' er with a large assortment of low priced SHAWLS, j which we offer on very low terms. it. McELDOWNEY & CO, nil tf IG.'I Baltimore st., het Calvert and Light, j TO FRIENDS & FORMER CUSTOMERS. HIIOUI)f .\OTT lakes this opportunity to in- ! © form liis friends and the public in general, that ' * he lias returned to the cHy after an absence of about i s ix years, and lias recommenced his former business i of BELL HANGING, LOCKSMITH and WHITE ' S.ViITM in general. All work done by me shall be warranted, and on a* low terms as can be done in the city. CJ. HODDINoTT, Baltimore street, nll-eoQm .'I doors west of Eutaw Mouse. AMERICAN REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER AT WASHINGTON, I). C. PtJAJtli undersigned propose lo commence, in a .< short liine, the pulilienlion of a newspaper i the < ity of Washington, devoted to the cause of AMERICAN REPUBLICANISM. The Prospectus, giving the plan, fcc., will be issued in a few days, and the paper commenced as soon as out nrrangeiiiciils can he completed. J. & (J. 8 GIDEON, Printers, ill! tit Ninth-st., Washington, B.C. N EVV ~G6bI )S! N KVV GOOl)S!! is est' RISCKI VJ3I) from New York, Piiiladel olr phia and the Enstern Manufactories, a first rate assortment of CLOCKS. JEWELRY, OOMIIS ol every description; BUTTONS of all kinds, HOOKS and EYES; I'm*, Needles, Tapes, Slay Laces, Hoot Lucre; German Silver Ware Pencils; Linen Thread; Spool I 'otton; Skein Goiton; Hosiery; Gloves; l.inen Collars; Segur Case-; Head Purses; let Buttons: Fancy Snaps; Cologne Water; Bear's Oil; Beef's Marrow, &e. For sale at wholesale or retail, at the very Iwest prices, by EI.(AS IIAI.E. 11l Kit No. 11l "alrmi-r- TO tiOttSL I itiAlthlls. Just received, a superior lot of DRESSED \ / JEANS, lead, brown, dove and fawn colors, nil ■Jft \of the best quality, by the yard or piece, from -2*; [r, 1,, -yo ets. per yard. Also, a lot of colored SATINS, all shades, from 25 to 37 J els. per yard. Those in want are invited to call and examine for themselves, nt MRS. BOSLEV'S CORSET STORE, ull-3t N. Liberly-st., Ist door N. of Baltimore. FOR HEVT. A comfortable three story Slfffl'''i DWELLING HORSE, containing 8 rooms, iM|JjJ carriage house and stable, with a hydrant in w>t['!lLtlte yard. It is pleu-antly situated, in Lom bard street, In-lween High atld Exeter, inquire of M. A. DYSART, in Canal street, live doors from Monu ment st. nil co3t iiUXES superior Family STARCH •3 Ay 500 gallons best Winter SPEU.M Oil. 5,000 lbs. fresh CANARY SEED. Just received and for sale by nil MARCUS DENISON, 51 Baltimore st. LOOK HERE—NO HUMBUG. rgvii*; Subscriber, determined to reduce his stock u of DRY GOODS, at the ivgenev stnre, No. 77 Baltimore street, will sell at LOW CHICKS and AT COST for tiie reariv money, CLOTHS, CASSLMERES, SATTINETTS, FLANNELS, CASHMERES, CftAPE, MOUSELIN DE LAINES. SII.ICS, ALPACAS, MERINOES, PRINTS, SHAWLS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS. Sic. kr. See. LtJTHEU J. COX, Agent, No. 77 Baltimore st., nl 1 3t '2d iloor below Tripoletl's alley. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF! ~ B N OKOER to reduce inv stock. I shall this day, R[ commence selling off at reduced price. The pub lic are requested to call and see for themselves I have on hand a large stock of superfine CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES and VKSTINGS; super Cashmere, (all wool, French, of beautiful patterns;' ids--, low priced Cashmeres, handsome styles; French Mouse line du Liiincs, (extra quality;) block and colored Sttk Velvets, for Bonnets; also. Bonnet Silks and Bonnet Ribbons, cheaper than ever; black ALPACA, very cheap; Bombazines, Merino;., new style fancy Dress Silks; bl'k and blue I,l'k Silk; extra quality white Damask Silk, for party dress; also, white Satin arid other Goods, for evening dresses; with n large stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, which I will sell off cheap, ami no mistake. J.-EDWARD BIRD, No 117 BaHimorc-st., nil [ej 2 doors above South street. HilLh'l) BUCKWHEAT PLOUR, war ranted parr, unit equal, if not superior, to any in Hie market. received anil for sab by O. H. REESE k BROTHER, Piatt street, nenr Hanover, Opposite tiie American llotel. OIJ- Delivered fiee of Charge. nU -lt* A CLOAK was lst last night on Rowly'n wharf. $5 will be given the finder if left at the Rutaw House, u9 3t* " t n ( ! V, ' E ' S p "raß DEPOT. The old spol | i. , '" r prizes. Considerable excitement oe- i ea i-med in consequence of DOYLE having sold 3' three No. tickets in one day 'This is nothing very i r extraordinary either. It is almost itiipossihlc to get a! blank, and consequently the tilace to get piizes is at I M. DOYLE'S Prize Depot, No. 144 Pratt street, op | posile the liailrond Depot, next to Rradshaw's United States Hotel. The ."ol,owing splendid schemes arc to ; be dutwii this week. Capital prizes on band and _ lor sale. TODAY—I Capital prize 0f512,000. 'Pickets S-l, j shares in propoitjon. TllhsllAV—Capital $9,000, tickets $3, shares in . pioportion. , | WEDNESDAY—CapitaI of SIB,OOO, &e. Tickets I 11 $5. shares in proportion. . | THURSDAY—I Capital of $20,000, tickets $5.09, I j shares in proportion. FRlDAY—Capital $13,090, tickets $4.00, shares in I I proportion. * , SATURDAY—SI,OOO. Tickets only $1 00, shares A liberal discount tvtll be made to persons wno par- } chase by the package or quantity. I | For sale in tile greatest variety of lucky numbers, by I ; the package, single ticket, or share. All orders, pet ! j mail or otherwise, addressed to M. DOYLE, No. 144 Pratt street, 1 I " ft] Opposite n. St. O, K. it. Depot. ' EGERTONS 1 EVER LUCKY OFFICES. A NDI'IIEII LUCKY HIT! Comb. 3? 67 73, the handsome prize of $1,500, was yesteiday | sold at our office, for the trifling sum of 37 cents, tints ' ! realizing lite true object of a lottery. Large returns | for trifling outlays. The drawn Nos. class 43 arc— ; ] _ 77" 74 10 73 37 67 2d 20 47 6 1.7 54 59 23 THIS HAY, will be drawn Consolidated Lottery of Maryland, class 119—78 Nos. and 14 ballots. To ' : draw at 5 o'clock. SPLENDID SCHEME: I 1 prize of $12,000 I 10 prizes of SI,OOO 1 " 4,000 | 10 " 400 I " 3,000 20 '< 200 1 " _ 1,164 |4O 159, Sec. Tickets sl.oo—shares in prttportion. j Tickets by the package or single share for sale at EGERTONS' EVER LUCKY OFFICES, Corner South-st. and Exchange Place; or, | It Corner Commerce and Pratt streets. i rglilY TtIK IHitPI'lPlI, SCIIUJIE IN ! J. TO-DAY'S LOTTERY, AT SCHOOL-FIELD fc j CO'S, where was sold on Friday, to Nos. 2 29 .33, a ! prize of S6OO, to a citizen; Nos. 53 56 57, a prize of j S3OO, sent to a patron at Cumberland. Mil.; Nos. 2 36 I oi. a prize of SIOO, sold m the c ty. Nos. Maryland Consolidated Lottery, class No. 43, I drawn Nov'r 9—lowest piize .*1.50: j 77 74 10 73 37 07 26 20 47 6 45 54 59 23 1 I Draws TO-DAY, the brilliant scheme of Maryland Consolidated Lottery, class 119. 78 Nos. 14 Ballots. 1 THE CAPITALS ARE: 1 prize of $12,001) 110 prizes of SIOOO I 1 1 " 4,0'1b 10 ' 400 I 1 I " 1,300 |2O " 200 I 1 " 140 150,& c. 1 Tickets *4.(H): halves $2; quarters sl, j ' In which fclioolficld St Co will sell, on certificate, ' 1 I packages of tickets for only sls. For the capitals, send on vour orders to the ever i ' I fortunate SUHOOLFIELD Sc CO., I ( No. 1 Calvert stieet, j j U First office fiom Baltiiuore street. ' x hi. iiiiarr i\ THE WAY OF PRIZES ; ! Vk AT THE LUCKY PRIZE OFFICE OF MIL LER it CO., where were sold, in tin- Mil. Lottery, I j drawn on Friday, no less than three 3 No. tickets all ' j to citizen customers—one rfs3oo, half ticket, Nos. 51 | ; 53 56; SIOO. quarter, Nos. 2 29 57; and one of *6O, . ! Nos. 10 46 63, quarter—all sold by the most fortunate ' j prize venders, MILLER &. CO. j ''HIS DAY will he drawn llie Mil. Consolidated • ' Lottery, class 119- 78 Nos., 14 drawn ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 prize of $12,000 | 10 prizes of SIOOO { 1 " 4,008 , 10 v 400 : I " 1,300 120 " '>oo ! 1 j 1 " 1.104 1 -10 " 150,& c. i* | 'I ickcts S4.C0 —shines in proportion. i Risk on a package of tickets only sls. I I'm rich and brilliant prizes, by i' • package or sin- ! ; gle shate, apply to the all fortunni' pr ... owner of ' v MIL; & co. 1 I Corner of Baltimore ami H Paul stiaets. Drawn Nos. of the Mil. Consolidated Lottery, class ! t 43, iliawti Nov. 9—lowest prize *1.59. | c 77 74 10 73 37 67 26 20 4 7 6 45 54 50 23 h I j V HK .\ T EXf'ITKMEST AT EMORY & j I'O S. Good again! The grand little capital of 000, Nos. 10 71 77, win sold to a gentleman front , \ Hagcrstowu, Ml.j S6OO in a whole, -old to a citizen, ' J to Nos. 10 73 71; one of .SIOO and two of KID each—all fold by the lucky prize venders, EMORY N. Co, : I This is doing a tall business in the way of solliu" ! prizes in a mall Cry. '! I §114,OOO! THIS DAY (haws the splendid little 1 I scheme of the Maryland Lottery, cl. 1 IS) to be drawn ' at 5 o'clock. 7k Nos. and I'l ballots. BRILLIANT SCHEME: ' i 1 prize of f l-J.OOV | 10 prizes of #I,OOO i '■ " 4,000 . 10 " 400 1 " I I.'ill 10 II 8... 1 1,130 1 io " 300,& c. Ticket* $4 00—shared in proportion. Risk on n package of 26 quarters only £15.C0. | Drawn Nnu. of the Md. t:onsoliilatci Lottery, class t i 4.'), drawn November 9—lowest prize £1.50: , ■ 77 74 10 70 07 67 26 20 47 6 45 51 5.9 23 < | (K?* Orders meet with prompt attention. EMORY & CO., No. Z Calvert-st., . ; Baltimore, Maryland. ■J CHEAP FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, BTIOK the especial convenience of HOUSEKEEP ERS, HOARDING HOUSES, HOTEL?, Ac.— ■ | Convinced such an establishment baa loop been j needed in Baltimore, wo take plciauic in inhuming tin! public that one is now open, whore can be seen a j collection of the creates! variety of new and useful j lltlUdbKLKl'lNtJ Aill'lCLKti to tie found in ti,(' i city. Many ol the articles are of entirety new pat- I | terns, and w ere never before seen in Ibis uiarkei; tliey . ■ have been seleeieil with great care ami labor, and will ' 1 be sold at suell prices as cannot fail to please. Iloitse i keepers will finil it lor their interest to v i-it this eg j tahlisliaient, as they can here obtain almost everv article tbey want without the trouble of going else ! where. VVc shall sell our goods at a small advance . | and consequently can bate hut ONE PRICE. H'o j are tonvhieed that this is the true policy lor the buyer f | as well as for the seller. For li list oT goods see the i j published catalogue, or the occasional advertisements II in the papers. C. F,. WETMOhE be CO., I Howard street, i ' n9-il3m 2d door north of Baltimore, east side. JAPANNED WARE. JUST RECEIVED, a large lot of JAPANNED WARE—consi-tiug of j Fine Gothic TEA Tit AYS, in lots, some very beau . I tiiui patterns j Common TEA' TRAYS, of different patterns, in i ; sets and single I : Waiters of ditfcient sizes, by the pair or single one i I Japanned I.AMI'S of all kinds j Chamber Candlesticks; Bread and Knife Travs , 'J EA CAN ISTEKS, ah I ! Gentlemen's DRESSING CASES i Might and Nurse LAMPS | Match Safes; Light house Lamps TOY CUPS, for children I Wash Bowls, Spittoons, Bust Pans, Ac. Ac. I At wholesale and tetail, at the manufacturer's I price*, ut No. 2 N. Howard street, (east side.) ul 1 eoAn C. E. WKTMOKE A CO. ! OLA It I.AMPS, for burning Lard; also, Lustre Candelabra*, liall Lanterns, Ac., at tlielNEW j FCBNISIIING WAREHOUSE, i\lo.2N. Henvnrd-st. j illl-eo2m C. E. WEI'MOKF it CO. BARNOKItsr KKA iJEIpi i ilriws and'wire FEN HERS; Nursery Guards; Bird Cages; W ire and Hair SEIVES; Oy.-tei Griduous, Ac., at whole sale mid retail, at No. 2 N. Howard st (east side.; iiH eoSin C. E. WETMOHE A I; 0. BRASS ANDIRONS, of various patterns and sizes, some witli Fenders attached, a new article j SHOVEL and TONGS, in pairs and sets, with and { without standards JAMB HOOKA; STAIR RODS Copper, Brass and sheet Iron COAL HODS Copper Pea Kettle ; (.'haling Dishes Kiiin'iird Heaters; Brass Kettles, of all sizes, Ac. !jr/- For sale at the NEW FURNISHING WAKE i HOUSE, No. 2 N. Howard street, (east side.) liU-eo9m O. E. VVETMOKE & CO. IVO 11Y NAPKIN KlN GsTuliimdassnrtineill, ai the NEW FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, < nlleojin No. Si N. HOWARU-ST. (east side ) BLOWER STANDS, U new aiticle to use witli grates. Also, lloor Porters, Foot Scrapers, Ac. | at the NEW FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Howard j street, 2d door HOI tit of Baltiuiore-st. nil eo9nt MATS, MATS, MATS. Manilla, Alicante. Jute and Sheepskin MATS, of various colors, at the FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, | nl l-eo2m No. 2N. Howard street. : sf ) ttINIISTOVK,>. Small family Grindstones, ; for sliarpvning dinner knive-, Ac., at the NEW FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, No. 2 N. Howard st. (caAside.) nU-eo2m . BROOMSTBRUSIIBST BASKKTS, and a general assoitment of WOODEN WARE-For j sale at No 2 N. Howard street, nearly opposite the j Wheatlield Inn. i.JI-eoQm CIIIKAP CARPETING. The subscriber has 1 jast received a large assortment of cheap Ingrain I CARPETING, some very good, us low as B7J cents I per yard. JOHN R. DUVALL, No. 340 Baltimore street, | nil 4t 6tn store W. of Charles. HAUI/LANTERNS, a new article. Also So lar LAMPS, LUSTRES, Ac. For sale at 1 ojO-euQw No. AN. 110WA11D-ST., (east side.) ' k r.r, v i AGfcii%TiifcjMEN'B HATS, h\jr •Autumn and b"intt r, LIST OF PRICES, OR WHICH ALL SHOULD READ AKD {a?- TAKE MoTICE. /jj) ■ only, for an excellent Silk Ilat, on a uH Krssi.% loj)y• ■ S3 is the reduced jtirc of my bat quality BLACK CASHIMKRKS!!! I s•* is the price ol my No. I Nutrias, warranted Bodies, hcsl that can lie matte. MKN'S AND Boys'CAPS, VKRY LOW. RKMSMUEH, UK.NTI.EMKN! "KKF.VIL'S HATS:" ■ 4KB TO HE OBTAINED ONLY! ■ j .11 OS BALTIMOIIE-ST. ■ East of llollidav street.™ j WM.H. KEEYILB Fashionable and Practical ilattel TO FAMILIES. ' ROWLAND 'S PATENT CON DENS I N't; CO FEE BOILERS being the only article ever < lered to the public that will preserve tbe good props ties of the C>Jfee. Coffee made in this boiler is d enledly better than iliat nisde in any other way, as preserves all that rich aromatic flavor so much i sued in Coffee, which, in all other modes, flies off stcant. ! I his Boiler requires fioni one-quarter to one-tlu less ol the grain, as more of the aroma escapes, ai much less cream anil sugar, as there is less of the b ter nstiingent in it, anil it will retain the fiavoi at trcslmcss as long as iho condenser is kept on—a who day, it necessary. The CONDENSING BOILER is much less trouli for the cook than the ordinary one, us it cannot U over, the condensed steaiu falling back, keeps dot Persons are respectfully referred to the follow! named gentlemen, who have the condensing Boiiei in use, and highly approve of them: Hon. 11. L. Ellsworth, Commiss'r of Patents, I " Judge Craneli, Chief Judge of the Dist. | 2 " " Judge Mason, See'y of V. S. N. / Doctor Be well. i t " l.indsley, j They can he bail of ALI RED If. ItEIP. 335 Baltimore street, n " _ Sign of "Gold Bath Tub." ARRIVAL OF MADAME YOUNG ~ rjHUSt'ELEBttATED PIIII.OSOPHE] late Irom Philadelphia, has the pleasure to at notiuct to tite ladies and gentlemen of Baltimore, tlti has returned, and can be seen at No. 1 PI 1 r dPKKKT, (south sinr,) near Exrtur, wheresh i> prepared to receive litem Hie will, by her tmive sallv acknowledged skill in Phrenology, Physiolog and Philology, inform those who will iuve&tieate h* talents, of their lending transactions of the past, th present, and the future, as if she had known thei from birth. She neither wishes to know the nam nor age, but guarantees that all who visit Iter wtll n< regret it. Price 50 cents for a gentleman, and 25 cents ft '<wy. nll-lta* GLADES BUTTER, LARD, BACON &7 8t> it (7 th R EDS ULADES BUT'f'EK, part vcr prune and suitable for table use 30,91)11 pounds BACON, Hams, Sides and Shoulders 509 prime HAMS, in I ags 111 hluls. prime SHOULDERS. 69 kegs No I, notl 12 kegs No, 2 LARD 10 bills, new No. I LARD 5 " No. 2, and 3 bids. No. 3 do. 50 boxes and 10 Mils. Philadelphia STARCH 50 boxes No. I Soap. For sale by JOHN I). TUSTIN, . ,l! ' (lt J2 Commerce street. at OOIIY 17 \ IPS WATKR.PHOOF RUT ™ * UK" SHOES, warranted to resist tin. most in tense heal, and will not haidtn by extreme cold. Ft sale by the manu'aetiirer's agent, 11. U. FIELD, 245 Daltimore St., _"l 1 4t"r gd door below Charles. STRAY COW. Y*3 , "v A dark brown COW strayed from N< v\ £sMl? ? N " r "' Omen street, on Thursday, 7i .' y s t-. about noon, long tail, tipped wit ... white, no other white upon her n collect ed. An adequate reward will be given if brntigf 1,9 Hi* r ('> ' y SCHOOL WORK. " AUNT MA s. 7 It A 5 \ LSI P— A series of Conversa'ions on sub iccts moral and religious, for Sabbath Schools, by i Lady For sale liy I'ARSON'S & PRESTON, lloiiksellcrs and Stationers, 1,3 Pratt at. adjoining the Kaihoad lienor ! I 1 ■'■ijiHiinig uie luiiiiouil uepol. W11.1.1A 01 11. EMORY." 1). C. HOPPER EMORY, ! _ ATTORNEYS si? LAW, HAVING removed their (dltoc to .-a lit Par . street, No. 1., next door to tlie Masonic Hal | otter their professional services to the nul lie. an I will continue to practice in the Courts of Initiator city, the Courts of Appeals and Chine r>, in th County Courts of the Eastern Shore, and 'lie Count Courts ol Autre Arundel and llowam: District, lie terences: Messrs. Sangslon St Co., Isiad Critlitlt, J Edward Bird, Emory St Stevens, lowlier J. Cox aH Dr. F, Waters, Ualliniore. o^-Talbot Court will set on Monday, 18th instanl Claims placed in their hands will receive prompt at tendon. I). C. 11. E. is now on the E. Shore, at Cen U rvillc. WILLIAM McILVAINE, MEIt VII AN T T AII.OR, 358 BALTIMORE STKEET, UnHEH IHE EtITAW IIIIPSKy fIMIE Sulisciiher has constantly on hand a selec lit of CLOTHS, CASBIMEKES am \ ESTI MIS, wliii li he will make to order ill the lates styles and on the most reasonable terms. Gentlemen furnishing their owu materials can hav thoin made in the most fashionable style and work manlike manner. n(i-sw* " &e. Mlt KOXEs best charcoal brands 1 of Till Plate i x and ex. sizes t direct 200 boxes best charcoal brands of Leaded ( import Plate, 14x90 for Rooting ) atioo 200 bundles English anil American SHEET IRON 50 packs Jacobll' Russia do. 2liu bundles bright and annealed Iron WIRE 50 do. brass and copper d. 50 pigs Government Uatica TIN i 100 llruziers and sheutlliiig COPPER 60 rolls sheet LEAD Pie and bar Lead; Spelter; bar Tin; a hill assort lucut ol tinned and iron Rivets; also, a large assort tnent of Tinners' Tools and Peeks Machines, in seu or single pieces. For sale on liberal terms, by > E. PRATT St BROTHER, ill-3m 27 and 29 South Choi least. CH KVVING TOIJACCO. gOMETIIIAG GOOD! Tliose who may desir It something really superior in the way of TOIIAC CO,can be accommodated by calling upon WILLIAA M.TAYLOR, manufacturer and dealer in Tobaccc Cigars St Smilf, No. 35 MARSH MARKET .SPACE three doors above llatvk street. This article is mnnu factored of choice Peach Leaf Tobacco, and can t> recommended with confidence, as far exceeding an : thing ol the kind for sale in this cily. {gj- Remember to cull at No. ,35 MARSH MAR KET SPACE. 021-tf SHF.F.T IRON AND TIN PLATE, &cT AMERICAN ANI RUSSIAN SHEET IROI Tin Plate, 13 x and extra sizes; Wire; He Iron; Block Tin, in pigs and bars; slieal Zinc; Spu ler; sheet Lead; Lead Pipe, and pig and bar Lca Tinned Copper; tinned and black Rivets, America! make; Stove Ornaments, Sic. For sale low (i>r cash by S. 3INDAI.L, Nos. 48 and 50 South Calvert street, 0f73-lm* One door below Lombard. (A AMI). The subscriber having this day rb-posc J of his interest in the wholesale Drug, Oil ai Paint bii-ineva, to Messrs. Cool-on St Co., avails hu self of this opportunity to return his thanks to I friends and customers, for the patronage so liberal extended him, and respectfully solids a continual! of their business with his successors, who will eo duct the concern upon the same terms as Bait, turpi. 24, 1844. WILLIAM EMACK^B {6J-CO-PARTIVERSHIP. The timWgnH having purchased of Mr. WILLIAM E.VIACK stock of DRUGS, &c., have this day entered into CeH partnership, under the firm of COI'LSON 8t CO , anfl will continue the business at the old stand, No. 4 LIBEKTY-ST. GEORGE J. A. COULSON/^B GEORGE F. BROWN. ■ Baltimore, 24th Sept., 1841. n7-d4t^| A MERICANr" PAPER-HANGINGS. I IHAVE JUST RKCEIVKII another and select assortment of AMERICAN I'Al'Ufl HANGINGS, BORDERS, FIRE BOARD Stc., to which the attention of persons wishing Hanging dmu is respect fully solicited. Patterns and prici'H low— cannot fail to please. H SQH I have also jn-t received, a new and flrat nssortinent of TABLE OIL CLOTHS, all wiitlhM some on Canton Flannel Cloths. Cull and see JOHN C. HOLLAND, Upholsterer, ■ ti9 48 Gay St., 2 doors from the Shot Towej^H JUST RFCFIVED-A full supply of new CHEESE. Also. Pine Apple and old For snle by MARCUS DENISON, ■ nB 51 Ualtiinore street. H EN Oil IIIIIK, a colored man, a first rale eook^B every res; ecl, and can come hi ti ly rei •'d. Apply at SCOTTI'S Intelligence uil No. 10 Each