Newspaper Page Text
TV mcti cft u U c .].? it bli £Q- nI AS® B YLTI MORE CLIPI'KIt B \TUiIDA v MDBNING, Ft 14 iS46. CONCRKSV WO CO i-'ulor tt not at all i it probable that .n*ro will continue in session II: -.1 June, anil purbtpi, t > a later per hid; and yet it is semi, (hit quorum cannot bu Up, li.g, her in the lot tse o''repiC'ientatives. flirt c ••meson Thursday list was tho public business arrested for lb i iv int of a q lotum: it is thus lint these patriots—these lovers of the people -dtsahargo their public duties. The groa'est blessing which (J.cagrosa ceuld confer upon the people would be, to adjourn. Either there is no duty for members of the house to pcriorm, or they will not perform it—arid in either case, he expense of their remaining in Washington would bo belter saved. It would ha a wise and leiiefioial act, to restrict both so-sions w! Con gress to the fourth of March, us there would then be some chance of having the public bu siness done. Congress has already been in sex. siou nearly two months and a half, and what has been done? There has been a great out pouring of wind on the Oregon question, and that is about the amount of labor which lias been performed; and that could have been o ,nitted with advantage to the people, as about nine-tenths of lite speech s made were for ••Buncomb" and not for the public servico.— The house lias determined to give the Notice t i Groat Britain- that is one act—and we suppose that a rnajoiity of the members have undo up tfir-ir minds that our lute to the whole of Oregon is good, because God gave the command to "increase and multiply and subdue he ea;iit;" and yet these members will be in ecstacies should a compromise be effect ed by our yielding one half of the territory t-- Grout Britain; lor we will venture to ac-.<rt, that, however they may have insisted upon having "tho whole of Oregon or none," there is not a man of thorn who ever expects that we shall obtain otto fool of land beyond the 49th parallel of North latitude—not even Mr. Allen >1 the Senate, one of the greatest braggarts a mungsl those who brawl for "tbe whole oi < Jregon or none." THIE TAIUKK. According to u statement co pied into our paper yesterday, tho Secretary of th 'Treasui v calculates, that the revenue which w !! accrue from tlru tariff bill he has framed, will amount to about tivonty-two iniLions of dollirs; but we tlniili it probable that this is an orer-estimate. Supposing, however, that it ho correct, tho sum received will be insufficient to defray tho ordinary expenses of government — and how are extra appropriations for tho in crease of the navy, for the erection of fortifica tions, SLI. to be paid? By tho issue of treasury liol'. a, by loans, or by dire t taxation? This point, should bo understood, especially if the navy is to bu put up in the war establishment It is evident, th it, from the proposed reduction of duties, tlio Secretary of the i reasury can have no apprehension of war, however gloomy liio prospect may appear—and it has been sug gested, that E igl.tnd, much as she is abused by members of Congress and oilier.s, is to be con ciliated, by placing the duties so lotv as to give futi employment to her manufacturers and ine chanics, whilst our own will he lift destitute. vVhutevcr may bo tlio duiign, such will be tire result; but as it is a result which will have been produced by tho action of tho people them selves, wo do not know that any particular ceir sure should attach to out rulers, who arc only carrying out tho expressed will of the country. If the protective policy is to bu abandoned, tue present may bo as favorable as any other period to effect the object. Let our manufacturing establishment* be crushed, and our mechanics and laborers be thrown out of employment, if it be. the will of tho inajniity—and then, when people feel tho effects of the free trade system, they will possibly require another change of policy, arid a permanent protective taritf. It is likely that the bill of the Secretary of the Treasury will be carried through the House of Representatives, as every thing else is now carried, by the discipline of party, although tlio representatives from Pennsylvania may oppose it. It will produce ruin to thousands, anil prostrate business generally—but even this is preferable to the pe.rpetu tl agitation of the sub ject. Tho people are pleased with change and novelty, and must bo indulged, even if it be to their own detriment. We are a dissatisfied people; and when most prosperous appear to be most discontented. Wo tried a low taritf, and writhed in agony under its operation. We changed it for a protective tat iff, and have been biessed with prosperity and abundance—with it restoration of public credit and private confi dencc—with a full treasury and a sound cur rencv. Are wc contented? No: wo are more dissatisfied than when the national treasury was bankrupt; the currency depreciated; labor scar-re; prices low; and the means of subsist ence difficult to obtain. We arc satiated vvit.i the blessings which have boon showered upon us, and seek once more to make the experi ment which heretofore brought upon us dismay and ruin. We must be gratified in our desire; for, if wo have derived so little benefit from experience, it is proper that we should have a repetition of it. If we thus bring misery upon ourselves, we shall at least have tho consolation to know, that wo are contributing to the com fort and happiness of European workmen. FIRE AND LOSS OK LIFE. On Saturday night last the Vicksburg City Hospital was entirely destroyed by fire, and sn Indian squaw and a negro woman who were sleeping in the kitchen of the hospital, which ivns also burnt, perished in the flames. MARINE LOSSES. Tho losses of tho Boston Marino Insurance Companies, during tire last year, amounted to $210,000. By tho ship Hamlet alone, lost a couple of weeks since on the pausago to Now Orleans, the losses a mounted to $198,000; aod on the ship Sural, $91,000. THE ORETKK WAR RENEWED — Uullter SELL out .•iy'aW- Tho Somerset ( Md.) Herald, < f the 1 Dili irist., gives it it account of anothi r oyxter difficulty in th<? water* ot tlit) bay nei r tint place. A party o." '"lhaggen," as Ihry urq t i, wore iofriij*vt vtiy upon tint rights >i the State by dntgguig > tin- at the man It" the Annan.- ex river. They had about twen ty hi.-its felly manned. foe Suuriff, with o pi, i cumi -iI n•, preci : a ed to ti o pluce to iir* rn,t them. The aggressors, says the I leu Id. "refused til submit to tie cfficer of the law hiul immediately prepared to escape. I" prevent this, with a view of intimidating thein, blunt, eartridgi • were tired upun the party,which they returned with ball upon the Shenll V party, wounding .\lr. Toll, ot Auniuncssex. Ihe Sheriff's party returned the lire, wounding two; —afler some hours chasing four boats were captured manned by filloen man, twelve I of whom paid the fine imposed by the law; the remaining llitue tire now in jail. By law the boats with all the etluets on hoard are for feited." litem. T IMPORTIVT DECISION. The Court j of Appeals of tins Slate, on Thursday, decided the important < asoof the State vs. W. I'.. May haw, l'resident of the Farmers' and Planters Bank, reversing the derision of the Court, be low, and ordering a procedendo. This ease, involved the question whether the Logislalu re has power to require the Presidents ot the to vera I incorporated Banks tit this Slate, to with hold from the dividends of tho stockholders the tax imposed hy tho State on their respective stick. The decision of the Court is in favor of such power, and that it was rightfully exer cised in tiro law requiring the Presidents of the Banks to do to. t)iumm . A nmn named John Clark, fell over the waii of the bridgo in Ohambersburg, a few iiiirlit* ago, and in tho fall had the flush torn off from tho eye to the car, and down the cheek for several inches, besides other wounds and bruises. lie then wuded and ■ swiutn about lor nearly two hours in the water, before ho was able to gain the hank. When | found lie was frozen stiff. It is thought, hnwi . j ever Ire will recover. MORI: FACTORIES. \ correspondent of tho Boston Atlas says that two individuals have purchased the site at tho Falls of the Potomac, ' in tho county of Fairfax, fifteen miles from Washington city, and near tho line of the Che sapeake and Ohio Canal, for §IIO,OOO. Tho water power to bo bad here is estimated to be capable of driving 800 Lactones, affording a j Jiving to a population of lull 1,000,000 people. 1 voir PUN HENCE or YUCATAN. Capt. Fins ! Icy, of the scltr. Ellen Perkins, arrived at New •' York, w hence she sailed on tho 20th : of January, confirms the previous reports that | Yucatan had again declared herself iruiepend j ent of Mexico. Tho Governor, or President i 1, ipez, who was opposed to this movement, had | been set aside, an I u now Pre-ident sat up in tho person of Honor It irhachena. ANOTHER ATLANTIC F.XPRCSS. Tho Boston Mail slates that a last sailing cilppor buiit schooner s tiled from Portland, on Tuesday evening, for Liverpool. Sins was chartered from tho owners by Mr. Pakonharn, the Bii lish Minister at Washington, and carried out j despatches from him by a special Messenger, j who I'tt Washington with thein on Friday i evening. j TIIE MYSTERIOUS VOYAGE. .Speculation is I still rtfo as to the object of the voyage of the [pilot boat Bonier. It lias been clearly ascer tained that "a man with a glazed hat and box coat" went out in her, but whether he carried despatches to England, or lias got possession of "litem papers"that Mr- Paine, "the great shot at," had in his hands, is still a quoslort involved in much doubt. LIBERATION. Horace King, a negro slave, | has been emancipated by the Legislature of | Alabama, by special enactment. His owner . had, it is said, often refused the sum of $16,- I 000, and urged the passage of the act. King ' was a very intelligent tnan, arid constructed a bridge at Wetumpka, lor which he has been thus rewarded. SAIIIIATII CONVENTION. The friends of the Sabbath in the District of Columbia, have is sued an address calling a convention to lie held ! in the city of Washington on tho 24th inst. at the First Presbyterian Church, to adopt mea sures fur the more strict observance of the day. STICK A PIN THERE. In Waterbury, Conn., there is a pin machine which makes eight mil lions of pins each day! CITY INTELLIGENCE. Exlennun of the Bel-*tir Market. There was j a talk some time since of extending the Bel- Air market lion-e, in order to accommodate ' the citizens and country people who resort there for the purpose of buying and sell ng produce, &c. Latterly, the subject appears to have died away, but we think that those who aro immediately interested should now, that tho Councils are in session, take some further movement in the matter, and bring the bene fits and advantages which would result from ' such an extension to the people of that por tion of the city, directly bi lore the corporato authorities. The increased population of this section, requires that the market house should lie enlarged, and there appeals to be no mure propitious time than at tbe present, i Jiccidcnt. On Thursday night, about nine o'clock, a man, who-e name we could not as certain, accidentally lell over the wall at the I Pratt street Bridge, over the Harford Bun, | breaking bis arm, and otherwise severely injur -1 ing himself. Suveial gentlemen, who were I passing, saw the accident and assisted the per -1 son from his unpleasantsituation. Ha wasen abledfalier a short time, to pioceed on bis way homo, in company witlt a gentleman. — We suppose alter u lew necks are broken, and I a few more trifling accidents take place, that ' some philanthropic society will go to work and place a railing along the Run, to keep pursuits from walking overboard in tho datk. L*ok Out C.irl! I| to last evening Bom 1500 to 2000 Valentines had reached the city post office. lu some eases 10 or 15 were di rected I> a single dwelling. So look for tho carriers to-day. The City Despatch Post also had a largo t.umber. St. Valentine's Day. We presume it is un necessary to remind the young and gay thai the 14i.1i of February, 1846, is the anniversary of the day sacred to the patron saint of sigh nig swains and love-lorn maidens. Of the origin and history of this festive day of Cupid it is not our intention to speak. Suffice it to say that the diy lias arrived, and that it be hoove- all iv ho are interested in observing and perpetuating its inn > enl and time-honmed oust -to embrace the opportunities which ii yr -outs ere it piss into o ihvion with days and years that were but ar--not. Already are the younger filks prepared to celebrate its return by sond ng their love-missiles through the Post Office and the Despatch Post to all iju irters ot til" city, and the booksellers and others, in an ticipation of this event, have procured groat; ntiuibers of valentinos of every size, shape and j en! >r, and of every elrtracier from the ludi-) cruus lo the sentimental. The ladies in parti-1 ; cular will no doubt uvail themselves of their , exemption from the icstraint wliieh custom on j olhei occasions throws around them; and, I though it ia ordinarily their province to bo > wooed arid won, t.liey are to-day privileged to woo and win; and wo express llie sincero hope . that tilcy may be successful in subduing the obdurate hearts of their dilating swains, and j bringing them to terms of matrimonial annex- L I alien. (livery body knows the ladies go for [ | annexation—to a man.) And as for the gen tlemen, may they no longer heave the secret' I sigh, and may they obtain hearts to beat in ' J unison with their own. Of the prose and' . poetry, good arid bad, and of the sentimentali ties and soft nonsense which w ill compose the ; bullion of these "billets deux," of course it ! . becomes us not to speak. Hut seriously speak-1 . uig, we cherish these old customs, and Imlievc 1 . 1 Ibey are promotive of human happiness, be cause they connect u.- with the past and speak of youth and liopo and love. They serve to ' | softy II the asperities ol our nature, and to pro rJ servo the kindly sensibilities of 1 lie heart, . | which too soon become blunted by contact : with the nmtler-of-llict world. To nil, then, I ! we say, prepare, m d send your valentines, and I may you live to tee many happy returns of 11 Valentine's Day. Mult High School. It will he perceived by tlie pioceedmgs of ilia City Council, that Dr. ' | Collins, chairman of the committee on 1:1 luca i : t:on, has made a report against the memorial r ' to confer collegiate powers on the High school. .; The report is an argument against mcmorializ : iog the Lienor il Assembly to give collegiate '! powers, as this would inquire a charter; and by i j making a corporation within a corporation, . j would, of nocossily, take some power or coii j trol over the school from tho Council. An or | diriitme was presented by Dr. Colli.a, along ,; with tho repoit, which confers on the School j Commissioners power to give tho pupils testi ■'! nionials, engraved oil copper, &c., precisely us' , j tlicy do in the High school of Philadelphia.— 11 The ordinance also confers tho same power as j regards the female High school. ! Cases fur Court. Officers Chisholin and Pam- J ! ptiillion, yesterday arrested John Porter and' ! James Taylor, charged with assaulting and; I beating William ,YI. Turner. They were both , | committed to jail, in default of security to up-| j pear at court, by Justice Shovacre. ■ i Ball'mvre .Mechanics. We loam that the) ■ I ''Mountaineers FIIO Company' oft Jumb rland,! i has contracted with Mr. Win. Simpson of this 1 I city, lor a new and splendid Suction Engine to) cost when completed #l5O. The running eiirsi are to tie painted a light cream color, the body I I ( ultta-niarinc blue, black levers, polished lever- j 1 poles, and splendid Octagon lamps over the j ' air-vessels. It is expected to be ready for thej company in Jiuic next. hood. Tliero is at present an abundant supply of wood on the wharves. Gaud oak is ' selling at Si 3 *5, tf t and $4.25 a cord; pine at ' $3, $3.25 and s:> 50 a curd; and hickory al - 4 and a cord. If the weather con [ I linnet moderalp, the price of wood will proha -1 bly tie reduced. j Cross-Jiving. Officer Ray yesterday arrested Eli/, i Heard, charged with assaulting and lieat • j ing one Matilda Woods, and her child. Jus r j lice Ridgley held her 11 bail lo appear at court. The suaie officer arrested Matilda Woods and i Thomas Heard, on the charge of threatening f personal injury lo Eliza Heard. They were 1 held to bail lo keep the peace. Throwing Stones. Officer Pumphillion yes- terday arrested Josiali Rosenburg, Geo. Smith, I Geoigo Slaughter, Peter Slaughter, George l r Tarrin, Grim Tarrin, and Edward Albuck,on " the charge of throwing stone at the house of l one Mrs. Matthews, on tho corner of Howard 4 and Leo streets. They were lined $1 and costs each, by Justice Sliovvacre. Police .Mailers■ We don't know the reason • why or wherefore; whether the officers or row- I ; dies are "used up,'' hut in all our experience r ' we never knew a greater scarcity of police inat . I ters. No fighting, no spreeing, no—nothing! J At any rate it argues well for tho peace and ' order of the city. i . , TUB WHKI.Y CLIPPLK. This week's paper is highly interesting ami entertaining. It contains an excellent story, called '•Life Assurance," by Joseph • Neat;" a humorous sketch of "A Snake till Irish man;" full and comprehensive reports of the pr - I cecdings of Congress and the Slate Legislature; Edi torials, choice reading selections; Local Intelligence; ' and a full and correct report of the lialtiinoro ruat - liet. Persons desirous of procuring nn excellent fa . ' mily newspaper, should subscribe to the VVeekly ; Clipper, wh eh will be found to be one of the most ' agiceable, interesting, and instruelivo weeklies puti - lished. Price only $1 per annum, or d cenis per : single copy. j FRONT ST. 'i'He*TßE— Benefit of Mr. Owcm 'J'iie' . bill for this i veiling is in ire limit ordinarily inviting. The drama of Richard the Third will be performed, , ia which Mr. Owens will personate Richard. After , which the elegant comedy of The eoldier's Daugh-' , ter will he produced, and the entertainment will con- j j elude with the 2nd an I 3rd acts of Dickens' popular , production, entitled "The Cricket on the Hearth."— We would remind tbe patrons of the drama that this evening is for Mr. Owens'benefit. This g ntlciiiaii . is well and favor lily known, and is distirr tuished as i an excellent comedian. All who have witnessed his . parsonations have manifested their warmest apprn i bition, iiul it is just and proper that his numerous i friends should be present at his benefit. | lUr rtNtoRK VJCSKTM. The pmy of the Hitnclibick will be repealed lb s evening Mr. West rn will give some drill personations of Yankee character, and ' rend some Valentines in his own peculiar style and ' manner. The per • rut nice will conclude wit i Val ' cntine's Day, or •' A Beau inaßadUnx." The en -1 tertainmcuts will be of a "serio—ludiero—tr igico coinico" character. The bill presents a laig i fund of ' amuseiiieiit, and will no doubt attract a nuniirous audience. ____ i' LECTORS ON THB KAU D . BOCCHIERI. Doctor V.J Pinekmy, of llie tJ. S. Navy, will leciure this after-j noon, at three o'clock, at the S ilon of thu Odd Pel-j low-'Hall, on the prop rties o'the ilocchieii Water.) T.ris gentleman, at led by others of tbe medical pro fession, has recently tried in this city some expert. | mouts to prove the i (Ti ca-y of the Mocchieri as a styp tic; and now to sa isfy tho furiosi y of the public and the profession, anil lo place the subject beyond all doubt, he has consent.d togiva an exnih lion ofiti, effects. We lire all interested in the decision of this matter, for upon ii rests much beucfit to the btlman j | family, fee advcrliaemeut. ' 0(7-THAT FAVORITE LITTLE LOTTERY, in whkh a package corns but a pitting risk, is up again for the gratification of the public. On SATURDA Y, Feb 11 tli, it will be drawn, and the capitals, SI,OOO and others amounting lo $5!),100, will tin n be distri but. d. All should have soino ehauce in these fortu nate little Lolteiiss. U is generally admitted that t'OI.VI V kb'O. are amongst the most ftvored in dispnsiug of espials; adventurers should, witliou. delay, end their orders for packages of wholes, h ilvrs, quarter*, eighties, n: single tickets, to them, at tho V ■ W. corner of Enltiiiiorr and Calvert sueel3. IVI2 3i (K7-CIIKAP PillVTlNu>,and PRINTING of every description, executed with great despatch, at the Office of the Clipper, 131 BALTIMORE sr. —as MAMMOTH (DLLS ( Much 'nrg. r than any otif r j office can execute. STEAM BOAT EXCURSION, LOTTERY BILLS, CHECKS, CIRCULARS, HILLS LADING, STAGE fc HATTERS' BILLS, RAIL ROAD BILLS, See. &c. Indeed it is needless to enumerate, ar we are pos sess! d of faci ilies (with latest styles of rype and new 1 and splendid machinery) fur doing woik, in every style, I in a martm r unsurpassed in tliis city. :%?• We are requested to state that the Lectures of Dr.. DUBBIN, announced fr next week, are post-i poned until luriher notice. It | QQ- LECTURES ON GEOLOGY, BY PROPER- ! Si'iß SILL I MAN. PLAN OK TIIK COURHK. To consist of en leclurt*, exelnsivcof the intro-: duetnry. In Crich lecture, r tne intcrrstirig topic, inteliieible ! Iy itMelf. will he ili ensued. Tt rmh. Pintle ticket Q'A \ (jGiult iii.'iM aii'J lady f A' dilion il n emhers of Hinne family, each *2 1 AdtnisHoii for a single evening 50-; Phicru wtcie ticUetH may he obtained—N. Mick-j maw's!; J. KobinsonV; b\ t*ucus; Curbing 6c Itroiher.j ami ai IM door. etßjEi r-Por MO.VDAY EVENIVf;, Feb. 16~ i)')(?.i, Meaiis. Results find Application of Geology." ! '•Fire and Water, the arc at niieiue of change—First 1 llie Rgcucy of Fir v ithin 1118 Liarth. ' fe!4 2t ■ i V&- DEFENDERB 11F liAI.TIMORE IV 1814, The Assoeiaiion of Defenders of Baltimore in 1814, aic requested to aitetid their s. oii annual ni> eling. to j he iiel.l hi the rhty Hall ml MONDAY EVENING, i IG l> inn., in half oast 6 o'clock. A punctual attend ance is desired. It. order, 1 fcll-St leas J HOWARO GRIPFITH, Sec, ' j (K7-THE 11 >.LI I.MOafi SATURDAY VISITER. 1 j The "Visiter" for lo dat, contain*, in pari, as ful-l , low 'The Good Fellow"—a g rod t lie with a good ' ruoral; Taking n Newspaper, a I.lie for farmers; Ori-I j ginal Skelch"H of the South West, No. 1; Toe Mys-j , tcriCß of Legislation, chaptrrj. of Mary In ml : i I*'ii>l i ion, including tin- debate on tho Visiter Re- J | solntioiiH, with comniPiit"; The Phtenolopcal de-| vi'lopmentß of Green, the llc'ormcd Gniiihler; "Who , >luill judge tlin jiidi r ,? —an article rohning to the position; The Altnck upon the Visiter—what j press and people s iy about it. Vo. 2, including the npin iornoftJ M. Clay's paper, and others in opnosition | | to it and other papers MI favor; Mr. Caudle's Table , Talk— continued; Proceedings of the Repealers;! Tales and Knutuias for the \ oung; News; Market*,; &c* Piice only 4 cent*—per year #1.50, or $ I for a months. Office No. 10 North et. It" {tr?-T!URD LECTURE OF THE YOUNG CA-1 THOLtCS FRIEND SOCIETY. The third Leo- I { lure of the course will be deliverer! on TUESDAY i EVENING. 17th inst.. al Calvert Halt, at 7J o'clock, ! hv the Rev EDWARD J. SOURIN. of Philadelphia, j Hitbjec l —"The Church arid the Purple, in the mid- j Idle igeg. Tickets, adtriitlirrg a geuilemnn and lady, i 25 cents—to be had at the door on lire evening of the : Lecture. _ fcH Ut* i Ol?"' 1 "' TANNIN will reniir r boots and shoes per- , Cecily impervious to water, and double their wear.— Manv were wise enough to use Ibis article at the tie- j ginning of wet weather, and have k< |.t limit feet en- i rirelv dry, without the trouble of wearing over shoe s. | ' Marie ss and cairiage tops will wear double the time 1 ; hv the application of this article, and always have aj i beautiful polish. ; Tube hail at the coiner of Baltimore and Hanover I sin, Baltimore. Also at the corner of Baltimore and j Harrison s;s, and at CI Thames. 11 OFFICE OF rOIOKV fi CO. ( op osile Barn inn'.-. P.alt. Vld. > j IFF!'!! AI. DRAWING .>! I:.' Mil. Oonsoli ; ilatcd Loner) , class No. 211, fur 184(1: ' m 1312 32 28 26 5 12 45 62 50 5S 1 and 31 being tue Isi and 2d drawn No-.t-acli >25 ) 2 and 32. being the 3d and 4ih drawn Nos. each 211 j 26 and 28, b -ing rile stli and Gib drawn Nos. each 15 ! 5 anil 12, being the 7lii and Htli; or 45rind 62, lin ing the 'Jtli and 10th drawn Nos. each 10 i Ml having two of the drawn Nos. on them, each 5 i All having on" on'v ol lire drawn Nos. rp, 2J I llie celebrated prize firm of It EMOItV 4t CO., No. 2 V. Galvert-st. NEW HATS vs. SHOCKING BAD ONES. Messrs. editors of the Clipper. ijQ- Many are the ills and vexations one is subject j 10, who sports a shocking bad hat. In olden times i it was conceded that "the mind is the index of the : man," but now, in this age of improvement and great \ di cerement, let the body he the tenement for a mind j of the noblest attributes, of n heart ever so good and ! generous, how liable is ihe possessor lo lie cut, and I passed by unnoticed, if he. be not decked in the trap ' pings of fashion, particularly a fashionable HAT ! It | in fact, is now all and all lo constitute the man, for I who is not allured by outward appearances? Aye, | does not "the learned pate duck to the golden god" more in obeisance to what is on llie head than in it? i Therefore, your readers who would command smil i ing recognitions, and honied congratulations, should ! go to "KERVIL'S," 8 BALTIMORE STREET, there purchase a HAT cheap, and of a quality to o'er gloss ' faults innumerable, if such there be, the which, "Like richest Alehymy, Will change to virtue and to worthiness." Respectfully, WILLIAM 11. KEEVIL, ' le!4 eotfr Agent for the Proprietor. Dry-SON 8 OF TEMPERANCE— CRYSTAL ; FOUNT Dfl'fk'/O-V, No. 18, will meet ar Union | Hall, corner of Haltiin >re-st. and Tripolett's alley, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at7 o'clock. Cgy-The brelhren of Sister Divisions in good standing are cor dially invited to attend. By order, jalO-stf JOHN W. PBRBGOY, R. Scribe. FRONT STREET THEATRE. j fKT-OWENS' BENEFIT AND LAST APPEAR i ANOE. Mr OWENS begs leave to inform his friends I that his Bern-fit and last appearance will take place on SATURDAY EVENING, 14th Feb. ! When will lie performed the good old Comedy of CURE FOR THE HEART AC HE. In which BURTON. OWENS, Miss FISHER, and the whole strengih of the company will appear. SINGING and D ANCING in abundance. The p rfnrmaiice to conclude with a new and in tercsting DRAMA. (JQh Particulars in small bills. ! Box Book now open. IVI2 31 ! {h?-CORONER'S OFFICE, No. 128 NORTH HIGH i STREET, two doors north of Gav-st, mhl2-ly (K7- CITIZENS AND STRANGERS who wish to ; purchase Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES: Gold j Guard and Fob CHAINS; Silver Spoons; Gold Pencil ' Cases; Breasl-pins; Ear-rings; Silver Plated Cake BASKETS; Britannia Ware; arc invited to examine GABRIEL I). CLARK'S assortment, which is com plete, at his Old Established S.ore, Water si., 2d door rout Gal vert. 021 {K7-FREVCH AND GERMAN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, of every size, for sale by the case, dozen, or single Plate. ALSO, the most complete anil largest assortment of Mahogany FR AMES to be found in (lie c ity. Gill Portrait and Picture FRAMES, of entirely new j patterns, never before introduced in Baltimore, made toorderof the very best materials and by the best workmen: together Willi Gilt Hot CORNICES; RODS; RINGS; CENTRES; CURTAIN BANDS, Xic. Ste., for sale and made lo ordei, as cheap as they can be obtained at any establishment in the United Stales. K. S. FRYER, nti-tf No I North Gay street. CASH FOR SEOROFA. (jy-'lhe high si market price will he given for likelyynung NEGROES, ihtu are slaves for life. Ap- j ply at Hahbersef's W.t-hington Hotel, Pratt street, a few doors above Hanover street, where the sub- J acriher is perm mently located. All communications will Ire promptly attended to. a.4.|„, y WILLIAM BARKER, j : on-A fieah supply of Doctor J. 8. ROSE'S ME-J | DICINES, for Lttng and Chronic llispeser, See..just; 1 received, consisting of Broalhing luhrs, Cough Sy -1 tup, Prophylactic Syrup, Liiiiineuto, Tonic Pd.e, five., will! a lrealise on Corisumtilioii. For sale by ROBERTS k ATKINSON, Agents, Corner of Hanover and Market sis., n24 3m Baltimore, Md. jT* C ASES AMERICAN BRITANNIA WARE A? and COFFEE MILLS, landing ami for sale JAMES OORTLAN u SON, No. 18 Baltimore street, f,j 14 nearly opposite the Centre Market. I rniAVLOK, VVIL.UK & co w WftKKLi UULLRTIN OF viAV PL'BLI' Godey'g Lmly'# lor Fe ruar, So cents a it it in b r, or pr a Hum s.'3 00 Knickerbocker Magafcinu Tor Fob,, 50 cts. N'o or 5 oO , I be £t*p Mot'icr; by G. I'. it. Janice, pan I now rciiilv 25 Roger Dut'on; or, (be True Prophecy, by W. P. R Ja . e*, 19[ I Claiborne, ihe Rebel, n Knnrifirn of Marvbinrt, yf I eiuh Hum*.* Itulrin I*o* i\ in three paitH, h. ing Nog.r.), 513 St 54 (Wiley & Putnam'* Libra ry of eh ice reading) each 28 llommpnthr, Allopathy and yniirg Physic, by John For Ins. >l. F. |(, S. Of\ Love's rt 'erifti e, or Ihe Rival M< rchanttqa play in 5 acta by George Lovcll, l?( John's Alive, or the It rid** of a Ghost il'minted, |*2| Oregon, OI K UIOIIT ANDTITLK, by WyirJlum Ko la* Jr. or Viigiiiia, 00 On Hounding* and off, oi Tales of Ihe land and sea, I *24 Matilda, or in* Spectre of the Castle, 121 Hunt's Magazine for Feb. 00 cts a No. or 5 00 Family Circle ami Porlor Annual for March I 00 Harpei's Pictorial Bible, No. |9 A few more numbers will complete tills excellent work 20 A variety of Pocket. Almanacks for 1646. very chap TAYLOR, WIUDE & CO. OFFER great induce merits to the trade an iney are enabled to sell all the cheap and valuable publications of the day at the publishers lowest prices. TAYLOR, WILIIE & CO. NM. 4,5 and 6 Jams Building*, i It North street, Baltimore. . IOVR, WAR AND TIIE Pl.Vifi A UTS I 1 A Do not neglect, intelligent reader, to procure I TUH WESTERN CONTINENT, I For the week ending Feb. I lib. It is more, than 1 usually replete with II vel and entertaining rending. I | Among its contents are a magnificent ballad. qnal to j the best of iVlcCattley's, entitled ' M.irston M or," ! : by W. 11. Carpenter, Esq , author of "Claiborne, the ! | Rebel." "The Ph dge Redeemed," a most exquisite Ro>; mauce of r* al life ; "Bruin and the Bear," a new and cliirinhig story for youth, as good as any of the Arabi in Nights. "Mrs. Hannah Moore's Housekeeping," a novel j instance of "high life below stairs." j "(JnclK Sam and the Fine Arts," a searching criti j C ism trom a distinguish* d and competent FMU rice, on i . tb* slate of ihe Arts in America, with a view of wlial J lias hi en done at Washington. i STIi L FOR WAR—an article on the folly and i 1 wickedness ol ilia false alarmists, who are creating the very evils tlicy predict. But that portion of the , | paper which will cause a lively emotion iri certain quarters, is enli led "AN Ai FAIR OF THE HEART," P* i.ig a full and true n trmtive of a recent rrrnarka j , hie occurrence, in which a cc rtain he lie and (Inching Capta u were corcem-vf. ! Be sides the above, there is a capital ankle, ad j dressed lo YOUNG MEN', by the celebrat'd Laurie j Todd (Grant Thorburn.) which treat.* of Courtship ■ Hint Mariiage in a novel way. Indeed, this number ; of "THE CONTINENT" will be found peculiirlv j j full of rch and rare articles. | Qjj- (Tall and subscribe early, if you wish t. fie. cute , j thm aily numbers. Only *2 per annum, or 6| ctr. a : ■ number, mailed or ihln imcl in any part of the city. ! TAYLOR, WIiiDE & CO., Printers, Publishers and Booksellers, , it Jams'* Buildings, North at. j i "IT AL KNTINEBI VALBNTIA I v L ovc inhabits earth and sky, <) ibs in unison onward fly; V cry seldom though on earth, Ever love outlives his birth ! We are fast approaching the festival of that a*ch little rogue, Cupid, who iMiends giving his votaries a treat on Valentine's Day, on a scale of magnificence j and in a profusion never before seen. For this pur pose he has selected the store of TAYLOR, WILDE & CO. As a depot for his presents, and we have only to add, j i that on this day and to-morrow, the notable 11th of ■ Febinary, they will be found at 4,5, and li Jams' | ' Buildings, Noitli-st., the largest and handsomest as ! sortineiit of Comic and Seutimetital Valentines t''at { ; ever sighing Swam or fond Lover looked upon. Our j : scale of prices is from H cents up and the Valentines both Native and Imported. Every desire can lie met both in price and s lection, but we will add, that the • i it Bt visiter shall find the richest field to cull from. TAYLOR, WILDE &. CO., Printer?, Puoltsh rs ami Booksellers. : It 4. 5 and 0 .larvis Buildings, North street. ! i Af (JP 4'iiE ! Vt > "FLAG OF OUR UNION." I The Flag (if our Union, tor the present weeK, can I i tains a great vaiittyo miscellaneous matter, as a | glance at Us contents will prove: I "Ennuia; nr the Helle of Broadway," a Romance .if il.u < tiy of Foitm.iin*, wlltten fur Ihe Flag nf Oar Uninn hy II -nrv II tzel, | "Haw Mr Akruin Eslcrly was put down," ky Fan j ay Forr- sier I "Mr Caudle's Breakfast Talk." which shows thai ] Mr. Candle has married Miss Pretlimau altet Mrs. ; I 'an lie's death. Th "tiiti-h Museum—Round to till Oyster; Queer j Old Humorist; The Ancient Regime of dpuin; For j tiiue'- Loss; How True: 010 Bull's Violin; i x-iggca line shown up: llumanily; Ideas; Ambassador (it Mo- I rncco to the Court of France; Whispering, for lie j Whispering Gailciy WEEKLY MELANGE: | A sketch of Crock ford, the celebrated keeper of j the lie 11 of London, written for Ihe Fag of Our IJnon. { "The Cascade, or the Exile Rock," by J. li. lngra- I ham, Esq. | "The Fruitless Signal." by the author of "Otnts ! iug in the last war." f A column of Wit mill Humor, j Also, oilier matters of intcresl. {JQ- I'lice single copies 4 cents; subsciiption $4 per | annum. For sa'e t all the periodical depots, and at | the office, No. 1 NORTH STREET, (up stairsA W. BENNET, Publisher. N. B. Dr. Holllck's new work on the 'Origin of Life," with ten colored plates, for sale at our office. I'e 13 2t DU, T. JIAJILY, SURGEON DENTIST, EHOM PHILADELPHIA, j Will perform all operations in his line in the best j style. Manufacturing his own Artificial Teeth, can ! insert them much lower than others, on gold plate. TEETH filled with Gold, ®l.0l) do. do. Silver, ' 0 50 EXTRACTING, 0.25 Teeth on gold plule, warranted to fit and answer I the same as nature, at 2to S3 per tooth. Please call and examine specimens. {tg~ Dlt. MANLY'rf Office ! is Corn r of Pratt ami Exeter streets. ! fe!4 tf 71 PRATT STREET. I I CARD. WM. ICEILHOLTZ, Hnttsuand SIGN j /lL PAINTKH. has removed bis Paint Store from his Old stand in Market street to the Corner of FRANK- I UN Hod GREEN STREETS, opposite Pennsylvania I Avenue, lie nouns his sincere thanks to his eus | miners ami friends for the very liberal encouragement J that lie has received, and he hopes a continuance of I the same, as lie pledges himself, as he lias done here tofore, to use the best materials in evr-rv respect. | N. B. PAINTS, OILS,GLASS, BRUSHES, VAR I NISII, PUTTY, itc. tec., at the lowest call prices, 9QKA Bow Window for sale. fel4-law3t* Observe Ihe .Vatite awl jVo. of the Store. HATS AND CAPS, ,a FALL STYLE t - P A REDUCTION IN PRICES. AT No. 40 BALTIMORE STREET, Five doors below Frederick st. CO U P LAND Ai ORf> V E. I First and Second quality NEUTttI A BEAVER do CASMMERE and RUSSI A, best article do MOLE SKIN, extra supetline do SATIN HEAVER do. do Silk HATS, with every description ol Men's, Boys' and Children's CAPS. It* j MtaL FOR RENT. T lie two story Dwelling ; House in German street, second door from jjj the Bank, eurnerot German and Howard sts [ilLstand< hack, stable and carriage house in the | rear, with hydrant in the yard—possession given ah art I the first of March. Apply as above, or at No. 215 Baltimore street. fel i-suiStr SN PANTS' EMBROIDERED RUBES. Mrs. NICKER-ON, No 54 N. Howard st. has I just received from New York a few more of those I French Embroideied Infants' Kubi s, from S3 to sls, fc 14 rA POLKA COMBS. Mrs. NICKERSON J has just received from New York a large assort j | ment of La P >lka Combs, various patterns and sizes. I She can sell them lower than any establishment in the city. 52 N. HOWARK-ST. I'el4 I PS!WILLED GINGHAMS. Mrs, NICKER 1 1 SON lots just received from New York a few pieces yard wide twilled Gingham.-, suited to tltesea snn. 52 N. HOWARI -ST. li-14 ZEPHYR WORSTED -FLUNG OFF! AT COST. Mrs. NICKERED", wishing in j I close her stock nf Zephyr VVorsltd, wih sell it at ISj ' cents per ounce. 52 N. HOVY'AHD-ST. felo i arj)ERPUJtIEIt Y. Mrs. Nickerson has just re it ceived from Philadelphia, the agency of Jules j Hands Perfumery, Hair Dye, Bears Oil, Beef Mar row, Vegetable Tooth Powder. &c. tel4 52 N. HOWARD S!'. | 7t WIN! VTL'IFii BUREAUS AND sHAV- I if* INO CASES— A new nrllcle, to which wetn vite the attention of Fancy Goods dealers—just re-, ceived on consignment, and fori ale by FREDERICK FICKEY & SONS, felt No. 299 Baltimore street. > GRAND FANCY St FJRBHKNB' BALL. '•"-a- UIVI > . KI .v r. . uAI "AN V wdl liokl * their TBVTII ANNUAL "ALL at IVASH- I \CTON IIA I. L, on MuvptY EVEN I NG, lliih 0 Febiukry, 1c43 The Manasets wili Use tht ir best eif.ots t.i en-ism the character of ibis Ball, a.iil Ihey pledge thi'inseiviis to ep ir: to ith . p tius nor ( Xpertso ill oid.r In give e.'tislac ion h, ail who insyfdvov them by their attend on - I'M fV.mkiiti Ho #e C'cots pnyo/ P/iindilfiMn will bu iresetil mi Hie occasion. flu re win also h HCVI nn I'ANCV Im\CES.!II\I{ tin- Evening, by a (froth in HI and a Lady, wlio lutwt volunteered. i EXECUTIVE CuMV| PTE": William c. Ross, j Will, in, w. IVnile, John P. Wo il, f lionin- J. Cullin, George VV. Brown, | UNION —Tlios. IV. Levenne, YVilliarn Hissey, Heil Peek, Conrad Euler. P. tor Newell, J. liu VV Potter, Win G Miridieton, Jas J I'uiin, i'aiiick Buckley, E. Fo hush, Charles Small, Henry Walker. MCCHANIOAI.—CIi s. L. Spies. FRIVNUSIIIP— Pa'tic k Kilcy. I)c PTKOH o Rehj nniii Ih-uey LIBEKTV Buiio y Hayes. laoei'KNnr.Nr— I'ii'unas Bins up. VimtANT—C. C. Eg'rlou. New MARKET—Oliaries McDonald. COLUMBIAN— CIiarIe' Jaauson' Fntsr BALTIMORE— John llahaull UNITED —John Banner. l'ltANKl.lN—Robert Scotl WASHINOTOK—WiIIiam G. Bimeis. I'ATAI'SI O—William P. Posey. HOWAHO William Helms. WATCHMAN— H. E. II ot >n. LAEAVKTTE— Frederick Davis. ttlj- Tickets l, adiniiling one Gentleman and tw | Ladies—lo be had of any of the above Managers, or at Ihe door nn Ihe night of the Ball. I'.ICE'B B AND will he in attendance. fell Bt Prof. c. L PIBB, Master nf Cer, V CAR IT. GRAND CONCERT. THE SOUTHEDN SEH h NADERS. f ROM NEW ORLEANS, Would most respectfully announce lo iho Ladies and Gentlemen of Baltimore, Hoy intend giving a series of their chaste and agrei a ic CONCERTS at the AsstmhL Rooms—itie first to commence on MONDAY EVENING F.L ieih, On which occasion ilu y will appnar in elinracteristie cosiuuie, mid sing, in eoirect parts and faithful sytn phonies, an mti. o-.-ting seri • of new SONGS, I GLEE-', CHORI'SSKS, j NEGRO DITTIES, HU RLE-HUES, | OPPEHA I ICS, LECTURES, | CONUNDRUMS, Lc.A". (|iyCards of aiiiuission 2.4 cents. Doors open at 7 O'clock—Coins rt to commence at 8 precisely. tlli" A rigid I'nliee is engaged, and good order will be obs rved. M. K TAYLOR, Manager. (Iff- For particulars, see programme. fc!4 7t PACKAOEN PACKAGES! CAN RE HAI> TO DAY lor a mere son: al SCIIOOLFIEL D L CO'S, which can dr w ihe ihree capitals. They fold yevterdny to Nos. 50 6S 02 a pri■/.<• of SIOOO sent to Lanca.ter. Pa. Nos. I 2 )'! li pri/." of S2OO, and Nos. 28 45 40 a prize of S4O, both * ilil in ihe eily. Nos of Mil. Consolidated Lottery, class 20, draw* Feb. I3lh—lowi i t prize $2;, are: I 31 2 3! 28 20 5 12 45 62 50 53 Draws TO DAY, the he utiftil scheme of Mil, Coii.mlidatcd Lottery, class 7. THE CAPITALS ARE: I Ire nl * 4,001, I prize of • S3OO 1 ' 1,000 j I " 200 I 6OO j 1 172 Ne. Tickt ht sjl—sliarcß in pioportisin. Orders hy mail receive prompt attention. In which Sclioolfie'd Si (Jo. will sell on certificate packages of 24 whole tickets lor only sl4, halves .$7, qrs. For he piizcs ia packagea, single tickets or ahare* be sure and call on the all lucky rICHOOLFI ELD 8c CO., No. 1 Calvert street, It First office from Ballinwtrestreei. mms DAY, Fob. 14, will he drawn Md. Cos a solid.Red Lottery, class 7. 75 Nos. 13 drnwu halloo, lot the benefit of the P. F. Scmimary. .SCHEME. I prize of $4.000 l I prize of v.300 1 " 1.001! I 2OO 1 " 600 | 1 '• 172,8 i.c. 'Tickeht sl slinieg in pro|iortion. Risk on a package of 20 quarter tickets only $3 50. For lucky tickets by the package hi single tickets, apply [o the prize verniers, MILLER M CtJ. t'enter ot Baltimore anil St Paul slreeK. Draw,r Nos. f tire Vld. Lottery, Clas-20, drawn Fr It. 13 -loivi s' prize ,f 2J: I 31 2 32 28 20 5 12 45 62 50 58 DIRKCT YOUR LRTTIBI to Mcaan. BYRNE 8. CO. No. 37 South st. for tickets in any of the following lotteries to i>e iltawit riexi week. MONDAY. S O'dl for 5 TUESDAY, $lO ObO for 3 YVEDNGSD v Y, 4 of $10,00(1 for 5 •niURSDAV $15,000 tor 5 Fill DAY,.SI2 0011 lor 4 SATURDAY. $5 00(1 for ij j Be particular in directing your Ictti'ts to BYRNE 8. CO., 37 .-uutli st., Raltimoie. Md. FLETCHER 5c CO. > Franklin Buildings, the Post Office, y : r|MIE LITTLE S4OOO Lottery .Laws TO- A DAY. CAuarter tickets 25c, halves 50c, wholes sl. Packages sl4, $7. ami $3 50 each. Next Week's Capitals are: 1 MONDAY. $20,000, for $5 | TUeSI)AY,.SIO,OOO, for 3 I WEDNESDAY, 4of SIO,OOO, for 3 I 1 THURSDAY sls 000, for 5 FRIDAY, $12,000. for 4 SATURDAY, $.4,000, for only li Persons at a distance abe nd always address their orders for tickets or packages to JAMES FLETCHER &. CO., N0.3 Franklin Bink Buildings, Baltimore,Md. 'BID Dlt Ot:Kits" AND DRALKIIS. i Extensive sale of damaged TEAS, COPPER, Ac-at my Auction Store, on MONDAY MORNING, Feb. 16, 1840, at half past 10 o'cloek. The entiro stock saved from the late fire at the Canton Tea Com pany, corner of Frederick and Baltimore-su., em bracing on or about 150 parcelsTEAS, well se lected, and to he sold on account of whom it may concern—some of which is but little damaged; to gether with 30 bhis. and some 30 bags of Rio, Bt. Domingo, and other C- >FFI4E. The whole is now for inspection, and to be sold for cash, without the least reserve. The atticles are now for examination. No postponement on account of weather. fe!3-8t H. W. BOOL, Auct'r. I OTTKRY TICKETS FOR J t'il.Vfg J On every SATURD.A Y the 85 cent lottery wilt be drawn. Capital prizes as follows: Ist Capital Prize ol ,S4OOO is S4OOO 2d do do do DlOOis 1000 3d do do do 6IKI is 600 •Ilil do do do 300 is 300 &c. Ac. Ac. (#J- Single tickets only 25 cents! EMORY' &. CO., lite well known and popular lot tery firm, opposite Barntiin's, will sell during that week and on Saturday, until 4 o'clock in the aller noon, tickets In these pretty lolieries by the package (a package may contain the four highest prizes) for the trill ing sum nf $3 50. All persons, whether al home or abroad, who may wish tickets in the above ot any other lotteries, wilt please be earefol to direct their orders to the old es tablished house nf E.MORY A. CO., 2 Culvert street, H Baltimore, Md. 'MUtJfifIIULKY & CD'S NATIONAL ' 8 LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICK! This great Capital Prize Office still continues on in its career of glory, distributing Fottunes to all our customers. We sent last week lo Georgia a capital prize of $10,(100; lo Pittsburg one of ,$4,(i00; lo Mi Iwood, Va, one of .$5O; and several in the oi(y 'rum SI,OOO down lo SIOO, and "a few more left of the same sort" in the following splendid lotteries, which wili be diawa this week: FRIDAY—S7OOO, 200(1, 10 of 1000, Ac. Tickets $2 50; qrs 62 cts. Certificate of package $7 25. SATURDAY'—The favorite Small Fry—Capital of S4OOO. Ticket" $100; halves "0 i ts; qis. 25c. Cer tificates of packages of wholes sl4; halves $7; quar ters $3 50; eighths $1.75. MP For the prizes in the ah ive Lotteries apply to TREVtBLEY A CO. No. I Rimt'i Charles street, It one doer from Baltimore street. OYEriTRIZki DEPOT, No. 144 Pratt st. opposite the Ruilroad Depot, and next to Bradsliaw's United States Hotel. Ithas now bccomu nn esutbli'hed fact, that this is the must lucky office in the United -talcs. During last week tin-re tvss truly an exlrarorilinary Row of luck at this office.and iht te can be no doubt but that the same extiaordin ary luelt will continue. FRIDAY, capital prize $7,000, tickets s2j, shares in pr qtortion. SATURDAY, the favorite Frederick Female Semi nury Lottery will b' drawn. Cap-tal Prize S4OOO Tickets ,sl, halves 50 cents, quarters 25 cents. Thi is a splendid lottery fi,r packages Doyle will sell,o>- . c-eitificete in lbs lotteiy, a paskagn of 25 whole tickeile for $lO, halves $6. qrs. $3. arid eighths $1 50. All orders per mail should he addressed to this office. A liberal discount will be pam to persons who pur chase hy the package or quantity. For sale in the greatest variety ol lucky numbers, by the package, single ticket, or share. All orders, pet mail or otherwis. , addressed to M. D')YLE, '■ o. 144 Pruitstreet. '( 'll Onnnrilr RAD It, R O .-oot DM.AU TYV IT, 01 all s)i ides and colors, for sale hv the stiea or dozen. lel4 fw] J.M.HAIG, 19! Baltimore-#!.