Newspaper Page Text
■P A I. 91 A N A C. ~ 1846. I San I Sun I ■DECEMBER. | Rises. | Sets. | Moon's phases. H k Monda). 21 j I 39 I n, B Tuesday, 721 1 XI Full, -J 540 r.M. ■\Vi Jn -sday, | 7 20 |i 40 | Last qr. 10 4 7M. I 7 20 | 4 40 | I'inilqr.3s 1 26 a.m. 1 I 7 20 : 4 40 I I 7 30 J>l 40 | MARRIED, 29tli inst. by the Rev. Joint M. Duncan,! eldest son of George Duncan, Esq., Fridge! ■jK to ELIZA Hfbecca, eldest daughter of Levi Uoll'- Hdkp, Esq., all nl' Baltimore codtoty. * | ■ (in Tuesday, 20d ln--t. by the Rev. Mr. Duncan, G. iDAViniiK YVoodh tn Mi-> M xry Ann, daughter of An drew McG-iwan, Esq., nil of this city. * i I DIED, On the 23d inst. Joshua Gii.i., in the 71st year "f his age, tbrmerflß of Baltimore county, Imt for the last 12 years a resident of this city. latest dates. ion Dec. 3 I (hillton Aug. 28 •pool Dec. 4 Rio de Janeiro... .Nov. 11 i! Dec. 1 I New Orleans Dec. 23 :r dags bp at trb kxciianok rkaiunu rooms Marseilles—Fr. ship Zntiipn, with despatch. ■ Rotterdam —Ship Katharine Jackson, few days. Bremen—Ship Albert, with despatch. 1 Valparaiso and ports in the Pacific—Barque gomnry, Jan. 26. ■ London —Barque Tiberius, with despatch. - Rio de Janeiro—Barque Baltimore, soon. 1 Deinarara—Barque Francis Partridge, soon. Havana—Brig Midas, with despatch, PORT OF BALTIMORE. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 18467" ( Iff TUB EXCHANGE READING It) H )M BO< >KH. CLEARED. Ip Charles, YVedge, Old Point, Va. Ji>. Corner Sx rque Baltimore, Le II roil, Rio de Janeiro and a et, Kirkland, Chase St Co. rque Jane Tinier, Thompson, Liverpool, Clark h. rque Henry Slu-lton, Long, London, Garland 8t inghaiu. -que Francis Partridge, Travers, Deinarara and a et, N. Rogers 8s Co. g Y'ietorine, llobbs, New Orleans, John K. Rnn g Conway, Noonuu, Porto Rico, YY". \Y'. Spcnce ir Cinara, (Br) Strum, Halifax, N S,Clark St Kel ir S Mitchell, Conard, Charleston. J YY" Brown. ARRIVED. ir Gen. Taylor, Phillips, 13 days I'm Mobile, cotton ides, to \V. \V. Spcnce 8t ('o. amer Jewess, Sutton, from Norfolk. Reports oil' Point a malntopsail l.rig; oil' the Rappahannock, rigged brig: oil' the I'atnvent, a ship; out! olf tin line, another with bright sides—all hound up. amer Cambridge. Turner, from Cambridge. Saw inapolis Roads, sclir Mary, Howliiud, fin Bulti for Proviilence. lamer Patapsco, Sanner. having towed down the Raritan, Holmes, for Loudon, and left her under I Point. Reports all tin- vessels that were anelior ere, got under weigh and proceeded down the bay rdity—saw a ship ami a barque, hound up. MEM DRAN D.Y. rque James YY'. Paige, Crowell, for Baltimore, cl'd iston 36th inst. g Chipola, MeLellnn, for Baltimore, was loading n de Janeiro 1 Ith alt. lir Queen, Gardnt-r, hence at Providence 26th inst.! CA RD. H. W. TIL YARD, Suroeok DE.N tist, N. YY'. corner of EUTAYV AND LOM- D ETREETB. d3-3m I YfOXEY TO LEND, n sums to suit, from $1 -T a. to SI9OO, on all descriptions of Merchandize, Hate ami Jewelry, at. No. 47 SOUTH STREET, d7 3m* between Lombard and Pratt. €1 Alii). T \ I,I,MADGE I' CHERRY, J DENTIST, ' No. 117 Baltimore Street, Third door from South st. ''- 11 > i 'oivin Buildings. fklL CLOTHS. The subscriber has on hand an ■EF assortment of FLOOR and TABLE Oil cloths! he is s--!iing at exceedingly low prices. Oil painted Transpar iit Window Shad'-s of ■ every variet) :u tlie low price of (>nc Dollar E JOHN C. HOLLAND, I f K J Gay-st. near the Odd Fellows' Hall. | Ijnpoumation for ladies. ■* GUM SHOES. ■ •FL'' have just received an invoice of beautiful GUM i ■ SHOES for the Lixdies, Mis"-s and Children. We par ■ fieularly desire uie i.autes to call and || ELLIS A NICOLAI, B (1.21 No. 89 Baltimore st. EIX BAIIKEL REVOLVING PfSTOLS, 3. 4. 5 and (5 INCH BARRELS. BKOIUiV, 153 Baltimore street, op- the Museum, has just received a large assort- of the above article, which lie offers at very low nl9-tf ■L HALL, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER, ■ 1 • No. 8 EUT.IIV STREET. ■T opposite the Etilaw House. "■ Drawings of Buildings, Maeliinery, Specifications for tlie Patent Office, Seals, Steel Letters, and all kinds of wood and Copper-plate ENGRAVING, neatly exe ' euted, at the shortest notice. PATTERNS for Castings made, and BRANDS and STENCILS eut to order. I) It A YY' ING SCHOOL. Instruction given in the Art of Drawing. d-J.'t L'toAp MFOARDING. Four or five young Gentlemen can 19 be accommodated with BOARD in a private fam ily, on moderate terms, in a very central situation on Baltimore street. Inquire at 020 No. 87 BALTIMORE STREET. OVERSHOES. VERY CHE VP. RUBBER OVERSHOES, of all kinds, iBSnJ'Y-TSg for Gentlemen, Ladies and children, alt very low prices, wholesale and retail. Also, 100 pair superior Dancing I'U YIPS, 75 cts., at | J. NESI)PIT'S, No. 233 Baltimore st. | d 10-eOl lit next to corner of Charles-st. | ' for "the ladies! q All descriptions of RUBBER OVER SHOES, of superior quality and very neat style, ftirLadies. Also, Misses and Children's—- all a; very low prices, wholesale or retail, at J. NESIiITT'S, No. 233,Baltimore-st. i dlO-eolni one door ahovg Cluirles-st. i PU'stH'. 'Pin- -utiscriber is selling PUTTY", made | of pufc Linseed Oil and thoroughly dry Whiting from 30 to 40 per cent, below the market price. He I ks:eps'it nhfiand in large qiintilities; and making it by steam power, js prepared to lili large orders at short no-! tiee. J. YV. W. GORDON. j 1.72 YY'est Pratt street, (123 eo . opposite Bait, and Ohio R. li. Depot. I CIO.VL YARD. PHILIP W. i,( HVRY'S Coal ' ) Yard, FREDERICK-ST. DOCK, and Office No. 38 COMMERCE STREET, four doors below Pratt. The best varieties of ANTHRACITE and CUMBER- i LAND COAL, and at tlie lowest market prices. d23-tFe3 PHILIP YV. LOVVUY. GOOD NEYVS! GOOD NEYVB! * FROM THE LADIES' FASHIONABLE SHOE EMPORIUM ! s The subscribers have prepared. _ 1 fine assortment of beautiful andsrs*.uxi> ( asliionable SHOES and (WAITERS, suitable for the | tali and winter, which they would like the Ladies to call and examine, and can lie sold at the following prices; Gaiters $2; Hall (iaiti-rs, thick -oh-,51.62; Mo-1 rocco half Boots do. $1.25; Moroeeo Jeffersons,do. sl. 12; Seal Skin Half Hoots, ($1.12; Seal Skill Jeffersons, 31; Hisses half Boots, thick sole, 75 cents; children's Roots and Shoes, 50 cents. The above work is prepared in the neatest and most fashionable style, with every care for its durabili ty. FANCy, SHOES and BOOTS, for BALLS, YVED DIVGS and PAKTIES, made at tlie shortest notice. L1,1,1S 8c NICOLAI, de-Js tf No. S'J llaltiuiore-st. SPLENDID (OhOßi'.l) ILVGUWINGS. 41AMS0N IYRTSS, P No, 110 BALTIMORE isTREET, Has jist received and opened, tlie most splendid lot of COLORED ENGHWINGS, Religious and other sub jects, tl„t pave ever hci-n for sale in this city, and j which he,win be pleased to dispose of and frame to order. d2B-4t I RkIRI'ITS! lIECHUITS! 1 YVAN'I'EL one HUNDRED strong, ae- I | B V(! young ncn, to serve with ROCHET and n 1 Til MOUNTAIN HO IT7.ER BATTERIES, now pre- m I F, PARING by Uio Department , for innne diate departure. In pay, provisions and CLOTHING, this RWRPS will IMS SU- , ■■Tior to any other yet raised, and, from the kind of, used, will constantly TX>rve witii the advance of ■ tlie Army. I The highest cliaracter for courage and physical ahili will be required for admission into the corps. AN ■P the Bemhvzvous, No. 59 S. FUEBEKICK ST. ! ■ L. A. B. WALBACII, W I®T Lieutenant Ordnance Corps. ■ A premium of two dollars will be paid to any! ■ ♦NE bringing A proper recruit to the Rendezvous. I , , ' the above advertisement was publish-; ■ ed, 1 have been authorized to state, that persons so en- , ■ listing ran be disrhargod, if desirous, at the end of the' ■ War, (132 tjaß L. A. B. YV. 1 HOLYDAY FItESENTS. BOOKS FOR TU B HOLY OA VS. *rfiSTiM*-** ose Aharon; Ladies Album; Pope's / /£!££ Ytj Works; Floral Gift; Voire of Flowers; "arc Bell; Rrmiunher Me, ami Forgct i W me-Not; Book that will suit you; Young | Husband and Wife; Manual of Politeness; Bibles and j Prayer Books; Great variety of Juvenile Books; fine I Note, Cap and Po-t Paper; Ball and Visiting Cards; j Prints and Frames; Perforated Bound. Also,second j hand Novels, at half nrice 2 iv I d3O-2t IICMPHRKY MOORE, 158 Pratt st. A(i.\IFI( E\T < irUISTM AS PRESENTH ' ivl will he opened this Morning, Imported Direct | from London, at No. 13 St. PAITL-ST., I door from Baltimore st. A splendid assortment of ENGRAV- I NhS, consisting of Landscajx's; Studies from Nature; iu Crayon, Colored ;uid Plain; Studies from I Raphael; Prints of Annuals; Sporting ami Racing I Prints, superbly colored; Marine Views; .Scrap Prints; j Scriptural Prints, after the best masters; Scrap Prints ! of Flowers; Caricatures; Changeable diameter*, very amusing; Uniforms of the British Army, &e. ke. ike. ALSO—A beautiful assortmctnt of JUVENILE BOOKS, consisting of— Grandmama's Easy Toy Books, 1 to // 16 engravings; Aunt Affable *s Toy Rooks, 7 to lb engravings; Uncle Bun ■JMll&kV kle's Toy Books, 7 to 16 engravings; Drawing Books, a great assortment; A Beautiful Min iature edition of Fairv Tales, with colored engravings. ' PERIODICALS. Graham's Magazine, a Gem, 95 cents Lady's Book, do 35 cents Sharp's London Magazine, a splendid Present fur the Holydays—Price ,<£3. Just received and for sale by WILLIAM N. HARRISON, d 24 No. 23 East Baltimore street. | 4 BEAUTIFUL PRESENT to ail Readers— 1 . SHARPE'S LONDON MAGAZINE, handsome ly bound in Scarlet Cloth, illustrated with nuiienms Engravings, consisting of Essays, Tales, Biographies, Historical Incidents, &c. 4. r 0 pages of Letter Press fbr,s2. W. N. HARRISON, d 94 No. 23 East Baltimore street. CIHHIBT9IAS PRESENTS. J NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE!!! I G. 7). CLJIRK'S Store will he open until 10 oVlk. I at night during the Holyday's. He offers for sale a splendid collection of WATCHES and JEWELRY, suitable for Presents. d 24 j jmmhb HANDSOME. COMFORTABLE AND CHULS'I'JI AS PKESEXTS.' *WwwMV,>n;FFB and VICTOR INKS, of over) ilc scriptioii, for ladies, tuisves and children. Beaver and Bilk Ii ATS, lor youths and children. Velvet and Cloth C.-Yi'ri do do. For solo by JAMES L. Mcl'IlAIL, No. 132 llaltimoio street, 494 next to Clipper office. ■ ■OLYEUVY PRESENTS. YVc call the at-' M 9 tention of those desiring presents to our exten sive assortment of rieh French China VASES; Fancy FIGURES; I'apier Mnelie YVAITLRH, exceedingly rieli :md in sets; WAl'l'l-'.llri in every variety; Plated • and Britannia TEA and COFFEESETS; I'lated CAKE ' BASKETS and CANDLES'I'ICKS; Cake BASKI'/i'S, j Card BASKETS of Gotliie and other patterns; Toilet anil Perfume BOTTLES; Fancy BOXES; Work ami I Fancy BASKETS, in endless variety; Ivory Handle! KNIVES and FORKS, in sets and dozens; SOLAR LAMPS; CHANDELIERS; GIRANDOLES, Sic., Uc. Besides tlie above, we have an almost endless variety of USEI-'UL House Keeping Articles suitable for pre ; seats, all of which will be sold on the most jdeasivg terms. CORTLAN & CO. No. 179 Baltimore street, I d-22 4th door East of Light street. CIIIRISTM Ys PRESENTS! J THE SUBSCRIBER j would respectfully call the attention of the public to his ] large stock, consisting in part of—Ladies and Gentle men's line Gold WATCHES, with Chains and Keys to j suit; Gold PENS, with gold and silver eases; gold and i silver Thimbles; Ear Kings; I-'ingur Rings and Breast Pins; Bracelets in great variety. Together with a well I selected variety of FANCY' GOODS, j Silver FORKS; Tabic, Desert and Tea SPOONS; j Britannia Ware in setts; plated Cake BASKETS and ! CASTORS. i N. B. Fine Jewelry made to order at No. 1.53 BALTIMORE STREET, opposite the Museum. dl 9 2w ROBERT BROWN. i jtfAJOR RINGGOLD. A capital likeness of 27 H Major IUNGGOLD, full length, and very cheap, at 59 cents. For sale at the Book Emporium of YV.YI. TAYLOR & CO., . dl tf Jarvis' Buildings, North street, BOOOIvS! ROOKS!! ROOKS!!! ANNUALS AND JUVENILE BOOKS ! FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PI!E- I S.EN'T-V. A large and varied collection for sale at No. 151 ill AL"L S"j(ISIST, adjoining the Railroad Depot, Which ,.< he told at Mil 'ri,k, if at cout even. So come soon, one and all, while the assortment is large and complete. d2l 2w HOLYDAY PRESENTS YVK INVITE THE ATTENTION of the ladies and others wishing for presents-, to our splendid assortment of FINE, FANCY and USEFUL GOODS now opening. They consist in part of Mag nificent PAPER MACHE TABLES, beautifully in laid with Pearl and painted; do. Writing Desks; Card Baskets; Work Boxos; Dressing Cases and Tea Cad dies; l-'ine Rosewood WORK BOXES, inlaid and plain; do. Dressing Cases, furnished and unfurnished, all sizes; Rich Silver Plated TEA and COFFEE j SETTS; YVaiters; Cups and Cake Baskets, a great I variety; Splendid BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES, De j canters, Pitchers, Toilet and Perfume BOTTLES, Mugs, &e.; fine Balance Ivory Handle KNIVES, in setts, put up in mahogany cases for SILY'EK FORKS; do. dozens, without cases; SOLAR LAMPS, GIRON DOLES, Ste. Persons intending to select preseuts for their friends cannot fail to lie pleased witii an assort inent. Those who have seen our goods pronounce thoia exquisite. Give its a call. C'. K. WKTMORE & CO., No. ID North Charles street, d3l-d2w Opposite the Union Bank, CSTANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY. : CALLED HUNT'S LINIMENT, I Is now universally acknowledged to hi; the INFAL LIBLE KEMHDY for Kht'iiiiiatiHin, Sjn;tl AflW-tions, j Contractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quira's . | Issues, Old Fleers, I'ains 111 the Buck mid Chest, Amu ! in tin; Breast and Face, Tooth-aclie, .sprains, Bruises, | Salt Bheuin, Burns, ( roup, Frosted Feet, and all Ner vous Diseases. From the Mew York Mirror. HI NT'S LIN IMF NT. This invaluable Kemedy of , the many l *ills that flesh is heir to," continues to sited ; its untold ben- fits upon all ehuKCSofsociety. We have seen a Certificate from some of the most respectable, j intelligent, and influential citizens of Westchester, ; where the Proprietor resides, who arc above all at i tempts to mislead tlie public in reference to any medi | rim , remedy Or preparation; and OS their testimony is ' at once spontaneous and uniform in commending this ! truly excellent Medicine for Bheumatism, and.various ' other diseases named in the advertisement, there ean | 110 longer lie a reasonable doubt entertained of its ex | tniordinary success and triumph over the maladies in ; question. Hi no xSino, May 13, 1645. 1 We, the undersigned, do •certify that we have used Mr. George F. Htautoii's Fxfernul Kemedy, called 1 MI NT'S LINJMFN'T, and have proved it to be fully equal to the character he gives it. Its healing proper ties are truly extraordinary; and we most confident!} recommend it as one of the most certain external reme dies that has yet been discovered. M. Churchill, Principal of tlie celebrated Boarding School for Boys, j Samuel F. Reynolds, Supreme Court Commissioner, i It. R. Voris, District Attorney. Thcodosius (.'lark. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church. ; Robert Wiltse, late Agent M. P. Htate Pri on 1 Aaron Ward, late Member of Congress. Muitson I. Loi kwood, ('lerk of the County. Win. 11. Peek, Agent M. P. Mate Prison. B. C. Morse, Pastor of the Baptist Church. Philip G. Van VVyck, Pierre Van Cortlandt, Edmund M. Brunt, Benjamin Washburn. This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per bottle, by all tlie principal Druggists and Merchant- through out the country. WHOLESALE. AGENTS—Mnith & Atkinson, 268 Baltimore street; E. H. Mahler Co., 12J Pratt street wharf; Can by i<. llartlett, corner of Light and Lom hard-sts.; and for sale by all the Druggists in this city and Washington. Orders addressed to me at Mug .Sing, New York, will he attended tn. j d3l 2w GEORGE E. HTANTON, Proprietor. CIIANGE OP ROUTE. | K,. Tlie trips of the steaintT OSIRIS I j ~ JI; t * MichacK, Wye i-rindiiig, arid 1 vE:"7 Miles' River, will be dDgontinqgd ; after MONDAY, 1-itli Dep. 1846. | The SATURDAY trips to Centre-file arid Chestor- I town are discontinued. I FOR ANNAPOLIS AND YY'EST RIVER, leaves J Patterson street YVltarf every MONDAY MORNING, ,l at 8 o'clock; returning next day, leaves YVest River I every TUESDAY, at 10 o'clock for Annapolis and ! Baltimore. i FOR CENTREVILLE AND CIIESTELITOWN, j leaves as usual, every WEDNESDAY MORNING, at I 9 o'clock, and return next day. J d 25 J. I). TURNER, Captain. RFU SUPERIOR WATCHES, for ladies ] and gentlemen; also Gold Guard and Fob ■ K-I jijaChaina, with a variety of handsome JEWEL- I, -L<S.JRY', received this dav and for sale by GABRIEL D. CLARK, 1 d' 29 Water et. 2d door from C'aivett. AMUSEMENTS. _ HOLLIDAY STUEET TIIKA'I'RK. BENEFIT or MR. YV. U. liI.AKE. ( H Yll IS EVENING. Ui'i-'r. 3), will he performed 1 lilt: excellent oonit'tlv, in fiveaat,i t, culled dl,l) HEADS AM) YOUNG HEARTS. Rural, Mr. ; YV. R. HI.AKF,. I.ady Alice llautliorn, Mies CON STANTLY CLARKE, (of the Yew York Theatres, her lirst appearance in Baltimore.) Mad. AUGUSTA and .Vis lie DIMIEU will appear in a Grand Ballot Dance. To conclude with GRANDFATHER WHITEHEAD. Grandfather Whitehead, Mr. W. It. BLAKE. 53-I'rieou of Admission—Boxes ">0 cents; Pit 25 etc Orchestra seats 75 cts. &J- Doors open at half-past 6, performance to begin at 7 o'clock. It WELCIL MANN it DELAVAN'S NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, FRONT STREET. BENEFIT OF MR. T. V. TURNER, f H Vll I*s EVENING, Dee. 31st, ttie performances JL to commenee with A variety of Horsemanship, Ste., in which Messrs. F.. YY'OODS, DAN KICK W NICHOLS, T. V. TURNER, C. J. ROGERS, GEO. DUNBAR, .1. J. NATHANS, and FRANK PASTOR will appear. THE RIVERS FAMILY appear. Also, SIG. GERMANI, the Italian Horseman. To conclude with the ETHIOPI ANS. (to-First Tier 50—Second Tier 35—Pit 13{—Col'd Gallery 13.; Col'd Boxes 35 cents. Doors open at 6, performance to commence at 7 o'clock. It it \ LTiMOKE MUSEUM AND GALLERY OF THE FINE ARTS, CORNER OF H.I LTJ MORE J C.ILTERT-STS. rBVIIIS I-!\ F.MVt;, Dec'r. 01, will be perform- JL ed A CONCERT by the ORPHEAN FAMILY. La Smolensk;! by Miss VALI.EE. To conclude with VILLAGE DOCTOR. Bonca'ur, Mr. RUMBLE. Baron, Mr. ANDEKTON. Louise, Mrs. LOS EL. Baroness. MissI'OWNKLL. (cy~ Admission to the whole 35 cts—Children, under 10 years, Dixit price. Saloon performances to com mence at 7; o'clock, precisely. It VAN AMBI'RGII & CO S MENAGERIE. ROM.IN .IMP 111 THE JIT liE, N. CALVERT STREET, Witt OPEN ON MONDAY, mac. 11. 1840. 7*SIIE Proprietors would respectfully inform the Ji. public, that this immense and unrivalled enllee tion of the various and magnilieeiit specimens of Ani mated Nature, will Open for piiblh exhibition on MON DAY, the 14th inst. The popularity and celebrity at taehed to this well known collection, renders unneces sary the usual newspaper notices, which are thought to be inseparable from a pluec ol amusement or show. The study of Natural History is so important, that the public require but tlie opportunity, to avail themselves of its advantages. (it/-Hours of exhibition from 1 j to 4, and from 6j to 9 o'clock. (to Admission 25 cents, children under 9 years of age, 13' cts. dlO Im 1. O. it. AJ. g IRA Xl> HALL ItY THE GREAT COUNCIL ™ H OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND. Every preparation will he made to make this Ball the iiio-A magnificent of the season. It will take place at WASHINGTON HALL, on Tit UHS D.I J-*, Me 31sl rf.ii/ of December. Exclusive ot the enjoyments upon such oecnsons, there will he imparted to this all that novelty and in terest which belongs to an appropriate represi ntationof tltat better portion of the Indian character, amidst his wild home and native forests. Caricature of every description will In- carefully avoi ded; but tlie Red Man, in his wiginan—the Chief, stand ing erect beneath the wide spreading branches of the lofty oak—tlie Braves, in their warlike dresses, with a imrapiiernalia entirely drawn from nature, will, all combined, present a scene so enchanting as to require hut little effort of the imagination to transport the he holder into the wild and sylvan homes of these red chil dren of the woods. Their war dances will lie personi fied, their ways exhibited, and their virtues imitated, throughout the entire exhibition. An additional interest will he given to the truly beau tiful display which will he presented to the eye, by the exhibition of various relies illustrative oflndian patriot ism, talent and glory. There will he seen tlie beautiful Paddle of tile illustrious Princess Pocahontas; various Cannes, and amongst the rest, one of the precise model of that with which the Indian King Philip escaped from his enemies; War Chilis; Arrows; the Indian Calumet; Likenesses of the most eminent Indian Chiefs, with various instruments of war, consecrated by deeds of chivalry anil heroism worthy of any ag" or race. Neither time or expense will he spared to make the whole affair brilliant beyond comparison, worthy of Hie benevolent order of the Red Men, and with a "dignity and chasteness which should always distinguish' tile Chiefs of tlie Great Council. Committee of Akhvnoements. P. S. Lnvys, p. S. Mullioffer, " Moiser. Titcoinh, " Krebs, Hooker, "' Otfo, a Burgess, '• Wood, " Williams, ■V?-Tiekets, admitting a Gentleman and two Ladies, .sl, to he procured of any of the above committee, and from th members of the order in general. Murray's Cki.kbrateo Cotii.mon Band is engaged. C. C. PHILIPS and CHARLES L. SPIES, Esqs. Ballet Masters. ,| ( , c oy ,]t|| ' MILITARY BALL rjplirc BALTIMORE INVI.NC IIILES an ■ nounce that their ANNUAL BALL will take place on TUESDAY, the sth of January, 1847, at the WasiiiNotov Ha 1,i,, under the direction of the Pillow ing gentlemen: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Col. Jas. M. Anderson, I Lieut. Parks, Joseph J. Parrutt, | Daniel Mince, J. Martin l'eregoy. MANAGERS: (.'ol. Jacob G. Davies, Col. John PiekelT, Lieut. Col. Hotfntan, ("apt. W. A. Poor, Major, ('apt. Cliiffelle, (.'apt. Bltentian, Capt. Grundy, (.'apt. Kalkuinn, Lieut. Hall, Lieut. A. YV. Thompson, Lieut. Ballard, Quartermaster Edwards Ensign Greaves, Paymaster Jackson, Adj't Durham, Thos. B. Iliunhletou, Thomas It. Jeffrey, 11. A. Dayif, Tlios. i'. 11. Setll," Samuel Barton. Tlieo. J. Haskell, F. tV. England, John German, J. Coim-einian, John G. Hooper, to-MURRAY S MILITARY and COTILLION BAND has been engaged. Tickets ONE DOLLAR, to he >,;ul of tlie above Managers, or of the members of tin- corps. Mr. CI I AS. 1.. SPIES, Bullet Master. d.'iO dtii DAVIS' d.vgiibrreotype ROOMS, Nos. I I 8v 15 FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, -V. E. corner'NOßTH \ 11.1 T.TIMORE STS. Entrance from NORTH ST., 3d door from Haiti). (Xf Likenesses taken in Clearer Cloudy weather, and warranted not to i'ade../,-Q The proprietor has caused these rooms to he remo delled, the arrangement of light improved, and possess ing tlie most superior instruments and materials, exe cutes correct and elegant Daguerrian Portraits in the shortest (tossiblc time, and at very low prices, lie has just received some handsome newstyl" morocco Cases, well adapted for IIOLLIDAY PRESENTS. Br INCUS DAGI ERUIYN CU.I.KRY, MV !i!7 BALTIMORE STREET, (sear onxß The Oldest Establishment in the City. With Light expressly adapted to the Art, the most superior Apparatus, and certain Chemicals, the Pro prietor, by giving his constant personal attention to his profession, has been enabled to produce the most correct and beautifully toned DAGUERRIAN Y6IN IATURES thai have ever been exhibited. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and exa mine. specimens. Hours of operating from 9A.M.t05 P. M. Instruc tions given and all materials furnished. selß tf NEW DAILY LINE TO I.KL-AIR. CHURCH VTLLE AND HARFORD FURNACE, via Perrymansville, on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and llalliimire Railroad. (except mansville; tlienee by Stage, arriving at Bel-Air by one o'clock. Fare from Baltimore to Harford Furnace 75 " " " Cburcliville SI.OO " " " Bel-Air 1.00 must be procured at tlie oliiee before taking seats in the ears. BURIN'S EXTRACT*. A supply of the above -i justly celebrated Extracts, suitable for the hand kerchief, just received and for sale by CHARLES B BARRY, No. 182 Baltimore street. There also may be had. Farina, Cologne. Lavender and Florida YY'ATKRS; Fancy SOAPS; China and Glass FLAGONS; Odour Boxes, and all articles suita ble for the Toilet. tlB-U" II It'll HIGH COLORED WOOLLEN ■ V PLAIDS. Just received by the Caledonia, one case rioli TARTAN PLAIDS, for Ladies' Dresses, id* high colors and new designs. Also, will open on Mqndav morning. Mth inst., one case riati PLAID 91' UN SILKS, received by tlie Cal edonia. F. GARDNER, dl 2 No. 195 Market street. OPIUM. The subscriber has on hand a supply of OPIUM, which he is selling considerably below tlie market price. .1. W. W. GORDON. No. 152 West Pratt str.-et, i129-co opposite Bait, and Ohio Rail Road Depot. j FOix oAlt k Rr-xN':. ; FOR No. LiS Baltimore Sfiiii; Ht,w,tti ° r w '^ ,out tin?" ,() ni> - j orv. To good tenant, the rent will be mad" accommo dating. Inquire of .• AMSON CAR! ss, N'l4 > Haiti more street. tl.'l Mt O.IOU S ALK. olorcd woman, ar d *js years, slave for lift*. Shots a good cook, washer and ironer. She will not he sold for any fault, and .to one need apply who has the least disposition to take her any great distance from the city. Her present owner esteems her an honest, upr-.ijht servant, and reserves to himself the privilege of making such inquiries in n for nice to applicants as will cnsitre her a good lumie n Baltimore city or county. at the Clipper offir\ r1:23-tf. FIX OWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY, S AT UEDUCEIP PRICKS, LV VARIOUS PARTS OF THE CITY. One dwelling on 8. Chttvh.s st. tor #1,500, <24 y/jjjl feet front, 101 deep, three story and hack Imild- JS&ifLiii!!; one do. East Haiti more *i. .10 feet front, 150 deep, with extensive improvements, for #11,000; also, many others, variously ioeatcd, at prices making good investments. A FARM, eon tuning v£jo acres of good land, with splendid improvements, 16 miles from the c ity, price $12,000; one do. of 130 acres, the soil excel lent, for $35 per ac re. Also, Ground Rents in various directions ©f the city —one of S3OO at 6 per cent, well secured, and some at 7 per cent. Those wishing to purcbaae mil please aj>- ply at No. 51 SECOND-ST., to JAMES IIANfJE, or d3tf JAMBS BARKY. MARSHA IAS SAI.IC. |k_ h By virtue? of a writ of fieri fheias. J JiA*| Issued out of the District i 'ourt of the I 'nitcd States, tor the District of Maryland, and to nic directed, at the suit of William McKim and Ifazlctt MeKini. against the goods and chattels, lands ami tenements and hcredittirtients of the Baltimore and Rappahannock Steamboat Company, I have seized and taken ikwscs sion of the Steamboat .MARY WASHINGTON, and Notice is hereby given, That I will proceed to si II the said Steamboat to the highest bidder for cash, on the FIFTH DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, at one o'clock, at the Exchange. MoRF.Air FORREST, dls ts United States Marshal, District Md IJOSTF.D V\l) PnUdSHEDat tin? door of 13 St. Peter's K. O. Utmreh. Baltimore, Md. St. JonVs Day, "27th Dec., 1846. fltT-Gospel— Oh Virtu?) how aminhle thou art! 1 doth hereby proclaim to the Public, this great and surprising c ure that has been effected cm me by Mr. ROUT. OF,I. AN FY'S INDIAN VEGETABLE U( IM POUNDS, No. 3*2 Lombard street. My complaint was the most aggravant! bleeding Piles and Uo-.tivencss, Pains through my whole System, with latterly, a se vere Cold and Cough, for winch I VDw treated by some of the best talent m the city without any other than temporary relief. | became more alarmed by that great talented man's, (Lawyer Reed) death, the same coin plaint's victim. I was recommended t< Nicholas Brew er's (Magistrate) published letter; nl<o ('apt. Youee, ( olleeter: Mr. Roiff. Met'leiirmlmn, Grocer and L. If. Wilson, Esq., who was cured of my disease of seven year's standing, by the same. This, with Mr. Dela riey's Note Book, signed hy the Mayor, a numbers of Magistrates and County Court Seal, with security and references to some of the most respectable merchants, professors and business men in tliM city. Mr. Delancv guaranteed me a cure in three weeks or no charge, with obligation, if cured, to make tiii< public- dec laration, as he stated he would have no certificate unless worthy of being tested hy the Court. Now, in tin? presence of my God, I thank Heaven I am restored and feel com fortable. In gratitude to Mr. Delaney, the author and proprietor of so great a discovery. I heartily recom mend lii> treatment for the Piles, a- an infallible reine dy. His internal medicines relieve the system of all impurities; his salves soothe and' heal. Also, his general bill of certificates is a blessing to the human family—(be it known Mr. I), is a perfect stringer to inc.) His certificates are no greatvr than his virtues and kind heart on this occasion. {&/*• Reference to inv Pastor, Congregation and Mr. Knox, cloth manufacturer, Saratoga st , near inv resi deuce, Sigtied J AS. STEWART. West Saratoga st. roy-T<> HEADS OF FAMILIES AND DELIC \TE FEMALES, having the Womb Disease and Gravel, se vere Ctnigh, fir.-1 stages of Consumption, I)ysp , p-in, Co>tiveiioks, Piles, ('holies, Rheumatics, severe Agues, S|deeii or Pleurisy, Impurities of the Blood, Worms. Habitual Head ache, Ike. Also, his MIXTURES for Croup and Spasms hy worms: saves a child's life in five mhmtes, fccc. Fe males. treated Ibr dropsy for years, have been relieved of huge worms and rc>farod to health by hut one bottle of my No. I. To r move delicacy, Mrs. Delaney will receive personally h.fib d holes, ami in return will give a statement, with honest certificate, No. of address, £<.-. p. S. I do hereby guarantee die cure of the whole of this card. Security given at any merchant's office in this city, sealed hy tin Author, endorsed hy the County Court, .Mayol, and 13 Magistrates, with let tars and references from the highest testimonials. It< character for curing the Yellow Fever in Mobile, established by ("apt. Robinson, No. r&Thames street, signed and witnessed by Col. N. Brewer. .Magistrate— is no less than my bottle No. I, curinipthc mo>t danger oiis Cholera Infantum, Diarrhea and FTirx. So intteh so, I gnarrantee the worst of Cholera. These are hon est facts that have been published, signed bv Captain Win. c. Wright, of sehr. Allegany; ('apt. J* Turner; Mr. Wm. Montgomery, (old town.) Satisfaction. ( guarantee a sworn certificate for Agues, &.c., for every day hi the year, scaled by the Mayor and County Court seal. Reference to Mr. James Johnston; Omdorff &. Co.; Messrs. Mills & Co. and James Girvnn, Esq., mer chant-. John C. Holland, Esq., Gay street, I>. Coo nan, Marsh Market Space. ft?- Community at large. Indian Vegetable No. I Panacea and Rheumatic Extract Solution, Blood Purifier (no matter the cause,) and Worm Destroyer. For sale bv the Author. ROBERT DELANEY, d'Jff d No. 32 Lombard street, Baltimore. MEDICAL All). A FFIJCTFiI) recollect tie Old Slay id, HOW'S J * Medical and Surgical Institute, 4S SHC< >\T)-ST. DRS. DOW H ARCOtJIvT are old and experienc ed Physicians and Surgeons, and understand disease in all its forms and variations. Private complaints, diseases of the skin, impurities of the blood, solitary habits of youth, &.<•., are completely cured in a few days, if attended to early. Beware of Quarks who make promises which cannot he fulfilled. N. 11. A Cure guaranteed. No charge for Advice. Take the advice of your friends, and be sure to find the place. 4S SECOND STREET, between South arid Gay Btri < i>. d 34 tt ' OR, OPERATING ROOMS, No. % i\ V. LAV STREET. Whore he still continue* to practice all the \.i ./TV rious branches 0 f PjF.N- '• I ]'l r TISTRY, viz: Inserting, Plugging, Clean •Vf... Extracting, Filing, &.c.. on f h• most i"ea>o table terms, and guarantees all operations ) sA u perforjiied byhitn to be bene • ' . ficial to the patient. Dr. I. 7. likewise continm s to Extract HARD and SOFT CORNS, ItimioiiSy Chib Xuils, .Y ails jicnctnU inj the Flesh, in Five minutes, without the h i t Pain ?ir Rr.uon, in a manner that they will nkvkii kkitrn. The best of city references given if n quired, and eer tiPirates from tic tir-t Surgeons and Physicians of the world, can be seen at his office. dl I HJ)ATi:\T DIAPUaIUM FILTERS, H FOR PURIFYING THE WATER! This invaltiabfc invention lm.s been ~ honored by tliu AMERICAN INSTITUTE ! wiUl 'fIIRBK GOI.J) MFJh il.S.— |H At tin l recent Fair held in N. York ' it was awarded th LAST (.OLD MEDAL, , . for tltc iinprovcil mt'diuin, wltioli 'iiM consists of ■•li'ltSl 1 ARTIFICIAL STOVE. av;.lfl,f They urc iviirriiiitcil to 1.i.-t illul , .;hjjRUN FREE liir years, can rciniil) -ij Ins attached to the coininon liy ~ fcfdrant. and arc for sale and exhibi tion (for the present) at Mr. TEW ANT'S, No. 3 South t., where the Aaent, who is conversant'with their manufacture, is in attendance. d9-lm riVK A FFWCrEO will Hot delay in takina fi the advice of DRS. DOW St IfARCOURT, Old and Skillful Physicians and Surgeons,4S SECOND STREET, who aivo their attention to the. cure of all difficult Private Oomplaints, such as have hitherto linen considered almost incurable. By their improved course of treatment, all those diseases ore cured in a few days, which formerly required weeks and months to cure. N. 1!. No charge for Advice, and cure warranted or no pay. Office OPEN DAY and EVENING. Private Apart ments for those who have to wait a few minutes. dUI tf FIRE! The subscriber has been appointed A oust of THE SPRING GARDEN MUTUAL INSUR ANTE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, and hav ing complied with the requisitions of the Law of the State of Maryland for Foreign Agencies, WILL INSURE ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY, IN TOWN OR COUNTRY, nt reasonable rates, —and as an old Fireman, respect fully solicits a share of public patronaec, at his Office, No. 23 South Calvert street, Baltimore. JAMES LOVF.GUOVK. BLANK BOOKS made in FIRST RATE STYLE, as usual. JAMES LOYEGROYE. (123 t29f BLACK" SILK KHI VOKS. Very wide—for Cloaks and Scarfs, dill J. M. HAIO, 133 lifdUinoK strc.t. W A S[ T s ; .. , ,'--g n ■ PIA.\ FOHrE WANTED MMEDIATELV Any person oaviiiß o [T Q[ vT fT good second handed Piano to dispose 3 -of very cheap, may find a purchaser hy addressing a note toT. N., Clipper office, staling the lowest price possible, and where it may )■ seen d3l-2t* UT ANTED, immediately, a loan ol SIOO3, for six or 18 months, for which good security , in hand., worth s3d(io, will he given li>r the above loan. Apply at SCOTTI'S Intelligence Office, d3l No 10 Exchange Place, BOARDERS M INTED, A Gentleman and his Lady, or two or three single gentlemen ran he accommodated with Board and furnished or unfur nished apartments, in a private family. The rooms are large and airy, and situated in a pleasant part of Han over street, within five minutes walk of Baltimore st. r Perms moderate. Apply at 139 llanover-st. d 3 )-10t* ANTED—A Woman, who can come reeom -7 ▼ mended, to do the cooking, washing, five., of a snail family. Apply at No. 24 North Eutaw street. 129-U' [a] WANTED— Immediately a number of HOYS of good character, from 14 to 16 years of age asap prentices to respectable Mercantile business. Apply at HGOTTi 'S Intelligence office, d '- yi No. 10 Exelnuige Place. VV.ANTED -By a young man, ' ' X'/ho can come weU recommended, and can speak the German language, as a porter or assistant in agro I eery, flour or commission store, or any other respecta-! ble mercantile business. Apply at SCOTTI'S Intelligenec office. ill Exchange Place. C\ HOUND BEAT AVANTED, of iji3oo per j N aiiunui, it uiunediate application he made to 1 JAMES IIANCE—i>r I JAMES HARRY, d'-J No. 51 Seeond street. I ffißhT ANTED. A'oung men, with or without eupi v V lal, may hear of line opportunities to engage in profitable business, hy calling on BCOTTDK Intelligence Office, d " r ' No. in Exchange Date, .iTION AA AN FED—By n young man from f * A irgiiiln, in a Grocery, Flour ni torn in inn store, or any oilier respectable mercantile business, where he ' loin make liimsell useful to his employer. The best of i reference given as regards to character. Apply at SWITI'S Intelligence Office, No. 10 Exchange Place, j have hccii permitted to enpv the following V T letter from a lady of the highest respectability in '■ Boston to her son, a young merchant, doing business in Balliinorc. The article the old ladv alludes to, iv", be- i heve is IMXCK'S }IO~IHUiJUSI) SVllL'l' and ( l)Y, which is doing wonders in the way of rul - ing Asthmas and Coughs [A*. Mirror. Dear Thomas, you know my affliction. The cold thai I caught at a dance, Bo I beg yon will send me a bottle, Of Hi 'AKIIOI'Nl), extrude d l>y IIANCE. Airs. Johnson. I dare say you knew her, And the story will sound like romance, lias been cured of her cough of long standing, By Inly ing some syrup of ilance. There'- the doctor, too, bless the old fellow, I'or his In .rich, went a travelling to Franoc, And eame home to he cured of consumption, And lays it to lloarhound and Hance. Mrs. Martin, your father's first cousin. Lav two or three days in an ance; And the first thing she said upon waking, Was •-send for some Iloariioiind to llitnee." I yesterday sent for the doctor, Who >niil. "f can see at ft glnnoc, There's hut one tiling ran cure your disorder. And that is some Hourhnund from llanee.'' So you see, dearest Tom, my condition, ii you would my enjoyments enhance, Do oof fail to forward to-morrow^ A bottle of Syrup from llnnce. c Do not trust it with William, nor Peter. For tear of some ugly mischance. For what shall I do, dearest Thomas. II I get not the lloarhound from llanee, One bottle Iqr me, and another Don't forget to direct to your aunts; They sell it nt Bands', ) reckon, Rut be sure 'tis the genuine llanee. .Mrs. Itrown was bent double with coughing, But now she's as straight as a lance; And the change has been wrougiu. she assures me. By taking the lloarhound from llanee. As I went to the store hut last Friday. Mr. Biittcrman eyed inn askance,' And whispering said, "Mrs. Davis, You must send for some lloarhound to llanee." .Mrs. Pitts, who subscribe* to the Mirror, 111 that Journal encountered hy chance, Very lucky, the first advertisement, Had been seen in our village from llanee. 1 remain, my dear Thomas, as ever, Your motlver, in love's fond durance, And il you would keep ine here, darling, Pray send me the lloarhound front llaitec. UAM'E'S SYRI.'P AND I'AYMY are for sale VI 108 BALTIMORE STREET. CITY COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, V ! Bsl.timokk, Dee. 21, 1846. ( \ rgA HOSE PERSONS who have not y< t paid their I 8 CITY TAXES, levied for the year 1816, are re spectfully informed that interest will l>c charged on the • respective amounts, due hy them, unless the same a* j paid I'itEViois to the tsf day of January next. d-23 td3l HENRY SNYDER, City Collector. I I CHINA. GLASS AND <il'EE\S\\ \KE. i No. T. ] SOUTH CHARLEB STREET. )C If O 1. K S A L F.. Just received, a fine assortment of COM-i S MON and PRINTED W ARK. well suited to J wholesale trade. Country merchants are re / quested to call and examine my stuck. K /•: T A I L . Also, another large lot of Flowing Blue, Hong Kong, Dinner, Ten, 'l'oilett and Breakfast WARE, of entire new patterns. Together with a- good a stock of Mm ;d --ed and Cut GLASS and CANTON CHlNAascan be, found in the city . 'J'lie ahoi e stuck will he sold low, for cash, till Jxa- ' Uiiry I, 1546, after which time the subscriber will re-1 move to No. 41 North Howard street. Crr 'All persons indebted to J. S. 11., tun requested to call and settle such accounts, as were contracted previous to Sept. 16, lt-46. oiv.jiil JOSEPH s. HASTINGS,Jm fBIALLY HO! T \ LI.Y HOIS The inenstsing K demand for the TALLY' HO RAZORS is the strongest proof jsissihle of their being duly appreciated; theirTiimc is now fully e-1 iblielicdami their superiority admitted. The uifuiufygturgr, Frederjcfc Fenney. of Sheffield, West rilling of Yorkshire, England, has au thorized the Agents to refund the mow y, for any one pronounced, upon fair by lite original purchaser, defogtivtAhraringupon them the corporate mark, "Tal lv Ho.I none are genuine unless riiis mark is upon Hte£"fYsiipplv received and for sale al ifcjtf No. ma BALTIMORE' STREET. DOCTDI! LEACH, (jit llie ut' the golffcn > 1 ■*ri; i. nmkes Foicili) caiiiidt only 1x- worn with l M ' r ff' rt ''iw l <ui(l comfort, '" ll Nf tuiill> sustain a oitjlit of lYom 10 to 15 pounils. Yc toothlcFß oiiort call and try il! All op-ration* porfonnnl in tip top style. dl-y JP. SOI THCOMB, • SURGEON DENTIST, AM) M i.Nt'KACTCHKK OF IX CO Hit UP T A tt 1. E TKE T U, ('.nitinucs to perform all operations on if9¥ff' l ' TEETH with a view to their beau ty ami iiealtli. His facilities for iuaert - r i'n% ARTIFICIAL TEETH, enables iiim to prepare them at reduced rates. QQF All operations warranted to prove beneficial or no eliarue made. Office Removed to No. 50 FAY ETTE STREET, between the Post Office and Uitv Hot. I. d'J4 tf * J tST IN SEiYSON. The mbueribcr would call the Att< ntion of his friends and the public to the following list of articles, all of which are just in sea pon, viz:—Lane and Small DISHES, with spirit lamp* and covers complete, if KnglMi Block Tin—a beauti ful article: ("IIAFFLNCi DISHES of various kinds; OYSTER DISHES with spirit lamps; lint Water DISHES and PLATES, very handsome; OYSTER BROILERS; Oyster TOIIJIS; J♦ ll> Strainers, made on the most approved principle; JELLY MO I LDS, a va riety of patterns; TAUT PANS ofvariou-vp.apes; Apple Roasters; Bird lton>ters; Upriirht Stake Broilers; \Y \F FLE IR< \S, (or eookina ranpr-s, round and square; NutUrackers: Nut Picks; Chopping Blocks, kc. &r. \lso—Coal and Ash HODS; Goal SHOVELS; Coal SEIVF.S: Fire Carriers; Dripping Pan*. k<\ See*, for sale at low price,-., at U'ip\s < Furuishiinj and Tin Warehouse, No. 335 lialiiioo,. St., second Tin Store above (loxvarff st. d-21 ALFRED 11. REIP, Il'inr r.L\( K RIWP. A beautiful assort ▼ T mi ut u ! and. A2V J, M. UAIG, 135 BalUinore sirevtx B V { - SVVEE l 'il.K S EXTRACT * 9 OP LIVI'.RH'ORT ANI> TAJH. A Veri table Extract composed of 'J'ur, Dark und Li* ••rivorl, for the cure of Coughs, Consumption, Hpu ting of Mood, Aa t! i! nn - Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Croup, Liver Compiaoit, pain in the si us and breast, and iiil diseases arising from cold or a disordered condi tion of the lungs. I he proprietor of this preparation in offering it to die public, do. so under a conviction of its cdioacy in cur ing tiie complaints for which it i.r recommended. The i firming prevalence ot pu!mun.*j*y consumption, ami it. extreme FATALITY IN TIIE UNITED PTATE9, renders a mudicine Hint will ciicck its progrcaa, and when taken on the tirst appearance of cough or cold, will entirely prevent' it—of extreme importance. Un der tire impression the EX TRACT OF LIVERWORT AND TAR will answer this purpose with better effect than any medicine hitherto prepared, the proprietor hopes that Uiost afflicted will give it a trial. Read the following wonderful euro of CONSUMPTION, OOTIGfI, SPITTING OF BLOOD AND PAIN IN THE CHEST. Herewith is appended one of the remarkable eurea that this wonderful medicine has effected. New York, Ocf. 4, 1845. Io Dr. S. I!. SwcotHtri—Hsr: Last October, being now twelve mouth.-* since-, i contracted a vi .dent cough and cold in returning late on A COLD NIGHT FROM A BALL',. th* sodden change from the warm air of the room, fo tin? intense degree of cold without, I tliink wan th* ox acx'?.HMe of it; at lirst it ww. EONFINED PKINCIP " ELY TO MY IPHAD and body, and snch was the j.ain T suffered that I was forced to go to bed for three dtiys. During the time I was in lied I took CONSIDERABLE PURGAQTVE MEDICJ7K, whicttdrnve it froin my head and body, hut It Mi iue with n-violent cough; I then had'recourse to a GREAT MANY MEDICINES, I Haw advertised in the papers tbr 4 coughs and tion, and *<> me of them appeared'at first to give tempo rary relief, hut none of thorn appeared to have sirth cicnt strength to eradicate the diftaaca:. After pursuing the course for about three mnnriis r during which time I took about FIFTEEN DOTTLES OF DIFFERENT MIXTURES,. Syrups ami' Balsam, and I found* that my cough had' fettled into ■;* hacking rough, and that in addition to it, I wag now ttrmbled with A PAIN CN TIIE BREAST. Thin I had alf the winter with diilftrcnt degrees of se verity, according as I would contract fresh cold; how ever. us the Spring came on, iny cough abated very much, and the pain in the side and breast would only trouble me at' jntei v;ilH r during the Summer months. I became nearly well, hut as the Fall ket in, every little cold I eontrai led caused the most violbnt (jnuGIIP, attended with very severe PAINS ia the BREAST' and SPITTING- of BLf)(>1). Seeing a circular of yours, witting forth the g • (Pets of your EXTRACT OF LIVERWORT AND TAB, and being impressed with the idea that a medicine prepared from tar would prove BENEFICIAL IN CONSUMPTION. 1 was induced to give your medicine a trial, so F pro cured a Dottle and commenced taking if according to the directions. Soon after commencing it I began to experience relief; the tar appeared to heal my breast and lungs, and cause tue to spit up immense quantities of matn r and phVghiii. Before I had nrtished the so cond bottle, nip cough had entirely left me, but I thought I had hotter take a third bottle, though long before I had finished if, I was entirely wIL Thus lias your invaluable luedieines performed one of the most remarkable cured ever known. Ann* a S. tr>i>AMs, Outage it. lv f • Oncol tin: most eminent medical wri.urs who has written on DISEASES OF THE LUNG?", remarks very justly, that the greatest difficulty attend ing the treatment of Consumptive cases, is in the first pIan (JK'ITINf! I'ATIFNTS TO TAKE A MEDICINE for what they confidet a mere cough or cold; some re mark, its only a < I always let a cold hike its own course, and it • • ars off itself. Now in some cases T , VI BE TftUE, but I can assnn %*• IP ring with a cough or pain in the biett-t, that in NINE CASES OF CONSUMPTION OUT OFTEN, they have invarinhly resulted from a neglected cold. Another class of even object to take any me dicine for what they consider Consumption, but I can assure tli*rm that in many cases if tin y tike great care of themselves and use a proper medicine, they may ef lbctualh cure rht'in-wlvcs. ASTHMA OK DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING can and Tar. F.ron hifi - and Sore Throat wil. also yield to its astonishing effects. DR. SWCE'I SEiUS EXTRACT OF LIVER WORT AND TAR will be found extremely useful to those who suffer from the evil influence of night sweats. The following W(>*DEKFUL CURE OF ASTHMA was performed by omv time bottles of DR. SWEET SER'S EXTRACT OFLIVER WORT.INT) TAR: JVutcrvilln, Oneida Co.. N. V.. Sept. 1845. Having suffered at times for nearly ten years with that most distressing of all complaints, Asthma, and having fried all the ph vsirians of our neighborhood and S( >ME OF NEW YORK CITY, and failing to obtain relief, I had recourse to many Balsams, SYRWPS, CANDIES, LOZENGES, ftc., wliich I saw advertised in the different papers as ccr tain curtails for this and many other distrcHsiiig com plaints. However, none of flies*' afforded me any re lief. Being in your city about a month ago, I called at your office and purchased three bottles of your celebra ted EXTRACT OF LIVERWORT AND TAR. On arriving, I immediately commenced taking it* and before I had finished the third bottle I found myself en tirely relieved and have not had an attack since. Yon can make whatever use you choose of this. Cyrus Williams. To Dr. S. 11. Svvoetser, New York. Price $1 per botth ,or s ix bottles for Prepared onlv hv Dr. S. 11. SwecHrr. Fronts*., New York. For sale by SETH S. FIANCE. No. 108 Balti more-t., and corner of Charles ami Pratt >n. Also, by Perkins, corner of Franklin and Green St*., and corner of Green and Baltimore streets; Thomp son, corner of Howard and Fayette stre* i-e, Tylor, corner of High and E. Baltimore streets; and Hopkins, FelFs Point. d%T-eowßiu NO CI'RE NO PAY: A CERTAIN DISEASE iV CURED IN TWO DAYS! The inoM spneriy remedy for Pains in the latins, Gouorrlirra, f.ii et Strictures, Affections of tin. Kid neys, Disease of ilm* Bladder. Gravel, sen,iit;U w ak iiess, involuntary >• initial emissions, and iinpotcney. Persons wli . by indulging in as eeret habit, liavu en tailed on themselves Constitutional Debility, oj* any obstacle t marriage, should apply immediately to DOCTOR JOHNSTON, of Ihe 1i.11.Tl MORE LOCK HOSPITAL, office No. I North FREDERICK STREET, two (Loon from Bal timore •//:•/, opposite. the Magistrutchs otfvc. Be par ticular in obwr.-iii* the name or you trill mistake the place. . Tins hospital was established a number of years ngiqV : for the supprchsiou of uuaeki ry. there being .-.o many persons, without knowledge, name or charm ter, who put advertisement'* in the public papers, that an insti , tution of this kind was highly necessary t* prevent the affiictcd, espeej tll> strangers, from tailing into the hand of some unskilful wr-t li, who, instead of curing, might send his victim to an untimely grave* There fore the nfHi*te<! should shun the numerous pretended physicians who know nothing of the practice of medi cine, but consult Dr. Johnston, who cures A CERTAIN DISEASE, in one or two dnys, according to the state of the pa tient. without the use of mercury. No merennal rem edies are us<-d by Dr. JOHNSTON, his medicines art palatable ami harmless, and all patients ore honorably ' shit Mod from even the possibilty of being discovered. He who places himself under tiie care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, nud I confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician, and if lie is not speedily relieved n< remuneration will he de manded. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. | Young men who have injured themselves by a cer tain practice indulged in when ui me—a habit frequent ly learned from evil companions, or at school—the ef ; feets of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and ! if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and bodv, should apply immediately. ALL LET TERS POST PAID. TAKE NOTICE. Dr. Johnston has had a greater praetice in the above affections than any physician in the U. S. He also possesses nil advantage over allotli , ers, from the fact of his having studied in the great Hospitals of both Europe and this country, viz: thow! of England, France, Spain, Russia, Denmark, Ac.,and the Hospitals of Philadelphia. Thousands in Balti i more can tc-tify that he cured them after every other means had failed. Read Dr. JOHNSTON'S \I) V F.RTI SEMEN T on tiie front or the First Page of this Paper. d*2l-tf mo THE hll LO TED. VS -v Ihto I all w the attention of our readers to tin- nl\ -itisi im.-nts i of Dr. Dow, a regular medical man, whose profession al education is not surpassed by any physician in the country. His having devoted his attention tor many years to a particular brunch of the profession, and hav ing been extremely sue< e>sfnl in curing long standing i and difheuJi eases, nidi i- were ifiisidcrnl almost in curable, i- sufficient toe*mincml him to the public as worthy f the • vteusive pa;i 'nago he is daily receiving. To those acquainted with the Doctor, we say nothing to bis skill, lion >r, or intcg.ii *, as the? are well known; but strangei -in enroll oni nhj'sleian. we Would reoom 1 nundto carefu'ly read Dr. Dow > advertiseinenta, and be sure, when calling on him, t* observe that his office : is in Pecond street between South ami Guy 4 hw (hivcitltfiHiH-uto.