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isgUitttore cujjpct. [Reportd for the. Baltimore Clipper.) sJOth (OXCIRB.S-SH4 OXI SKSSIOW WASHINGTON', Dec. 30, 1846. SEN ATE. The Senate met this morning in mournful silence, and adjourned amidst tin: sobs and tears of its members, and the numerous audi tory fathered to hour the last tributes <jf i"Ve and tsspccl paid to the memory of Alexander Harrow. Mr. Johnson, Ins coll ague, announced tlioi death, and said that it was the fourth which Jlaf! ecovrrod in the L/ delegation with in-tlio three years just past. Mr. Johnson speke of his colleague in just and feeling terms, ■rid Mr. Peuton then rose to discharge, as he viid, an office of long standing friendship. He spoke of the'dcccased as one who was endeared to him, and one with whom his intercourse had always something of feeling in it, as Chough the dietis.sed said when they met and parted— "tlite w as a (fiend of my Father." Mr. Rreeso also added his tribute cf kind ties-, rind spoke with tenderness of tire friend ship '.'orur*ctod oetwocn himself and Mr. Har row on their last jourrioy homeward. Mr. Henuegan rose next, and it is impossi ble to do justice to his sentiments. Mr. Har row , he said, visitoti liim in his (Mr. H.'s)siek chiitnber not ten days ago, and liie eye lighted up, as ho talked of his approaching retirement from public life, and his return, to spend in bianqoility, the rest of iiis days, surrounded daily and hourly by those who were doar to him. Ma. Crittenden then addressed the Chair, but after muttering a few incoherent words, he co vered his face, over which tears were stream ing—begged pardon, and took his seat. Mr. Manguin, also in tears, offered the usu al resolutions, and silently and sadly, the Sena tors left the Chamber. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tho reading of the journal was dispensed with. Mr. Hatnlin moved that when tin House adjourn en Thursday, it adjourn to meet on Saturday. Mr J It. ingersull endeavored te.amend by sayinrg to Monday; but Mr Hamlin's'motion was agreed to. Mr. Starkweather made a personal explana tion with regard to what ho said yesterday of Col. Baker's responsibility for clothing to be delivered to the volunteer?. Mr. (laralsoc, from the committee on Mili tary Affairs, reported back the resolution rola trve to clotliiiuj, causing it to be distributed to the volunteers through tho Q rartarrnaster, at Government prices, to be deducted from their pay; and the resolution was agreed to. The Speaker stated the first bujiuoss in or der, to be the resolution of Mr. Cobb to amend the roles, eo-c.s to prevent a moniker, when ask ing to be excused from voting, from making a speech. No quorum voted seconding dl.e demand for the- previous question. ■Mr. Houston, of Alabama, moved a call of i the House, and asked for the yeas and nays, ! which were aidered. Being taken the call was refused—yess 42, nays 68. Mr. Bake:- replied to Mr. Starkweather; ami ' among other things said that he bad the prece- j dent of Col. Johnson, tho hero-of the Thames, s for leavingthe field and taking his seat in Con- J gress. He promised bis regiment, as they had consented to a leave of abs; nee, to bo with them before they see the foe in the field. Mr. Schenck had a resolution which be de signed to submit, instructing the committee or: electloue tc inquire whether the gentleman ! was entitled to a seat on the floor, as he hekl i a commission in the army. He thought the i question elected the independence of the 'House. Mr. Baker said: I object; I don't want my name dragged before the country lam going 1 away to-morrow; and I now havo the honor to . tender tny resignation as a member. I take leave of tho House, including my friend from I Ohio. [He retired ] Mr. Schsnck said lie would not now press i the consideration of the resolution. The resolutions from the Senate, announc- ' <ing the death of Mr. llirrow, were received. Mr. Morce, of Louisiana, delivered ati ap propriate s'Jogitim, causing the tears to roll down many a check. The resolutions were agreed to, and, as a ; further mark of re.-peet, the House adjourned till to-morrotv. [Corroap udeiiec of the Bate more Clipper.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 18-16. The Van .VM s Case was brought to a crisis I to-day. The Court this morning was crowded to hear the decision of the Judges as to the ! prayer of the defence, praying an instruction to the jury, that there had been no lawful evi dence given of a marriage bet ween the plain till end' John P. Van Ness, though tho evidence as far as given shall he believed. The Court i gave this instruction, and the counsel lor plain till' immediately filed exceptions, with ti deter mination of taking the case to the Supreme Court. Gun Boats. Ca|it. Easby has obtained n con tract for buiLdmg throe gun boats for the Gov ernment. Workmen aie employed almost un ceasingly on them. Mr. Fillmore, chairmin of the committee of 'Ways and Menus when the: Harrison Adminis tration caine into power, visited the House of Representatives to-day. He is one of the best men, in all respects, of whom wo have knowl edge. Mr. E. Whittlesey, so long chairman of the committee on Claims, is also on a visit to the Metropolis. There is every reason to believe, as 1 was yesterday informed by a gentleman who is largely interested, that a bill will be passed this session for the payment of French spoliations. All amusing incident occurred at the railroad dopot yesterday. There is a car for the recep tion of the mail. In this car a young man had temporarily taken up his quarters. A gentle man came near, an acquaintance, and hailed the o. eupant, "How are your What are you doing here, Mr. ," addressing him by name. In playfulness, he took hold of tho door for the purpose of cloning it on Mr. . As he was moving the door, tho cross timber tip- i ped off his hat, and threw it into a mud pud- ! die! Th js the juke was turned, and laughter j on both sides ensued. John MeLeod, an oetogoriarian, well known Hi a teacher of three or four generations, died | mi: the 2Glh inst. He was eccentric in some of his modes of instruction. The sign on the front •of (lis academy was, "Order is Heaven's first da u. C. j HEATHS IN NEW YOIIK. Tiiero wero ILLS deaths in New York last week; 43 tvere ujider one year of age; died of consumption 45; drop- \ sy 14;. dysentery S; fevers 22; inflammations MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS, Lieut. J. A. Felt has enrolled in his company, about 60 volui:ers. Capt. Crowinsliield Ins enrolled libo'it. 60 volunteers—'win) ■ Li-mL Abbott Ins 1 flbou' tin Mtinp number; ' j (<'ofrei|KJiiil<iiicc of the BaJtlißcrc Clipper J WASIIINT(N, OBI:. 30, 1816. / 11 Hit Van Vesi Cast, a verdict was rendered to-day by the jury, in accordance vvilb tiie in structions m'l lie court—and they found tba'i "Mary Ann Van tVoss is not the widow ol John F. Van iVrss"—llio whole evidence in j the case, havirg. by the instruction of tile court, bean takon from lln- ; -consideration.— I'll'- jury, independent of the court, stood "1 for llio plaintiff, and 5 for the defendant; and they were riot enabled to make a verdict at nil, oulil, by consent ol'the ci uns-:l on both sides, ono of the jurors, Mr. Early, who would not succumb to the instructions, withdrew fronii the jury box. The plaioliti't counsel preferred doing this, and having a verdict against them,] than to having no verdict at all, which would have made a new trial necessary. They can now carry the ease to llio Supreme Court forthwith. C. [Reported fbt the Baltimore Clipper ] 91 VKV I, A \I) I.KO ISIATUR K. ANKAI'OI.IS, DOC. 30, 1816. There iva .a pretty general attendance of •i. lio members of bo'h branches of'tho Legisla ture to-day. In the Senate, Dr. Phelps, of Somerset, co., renewed his old and favorite project of inter rupting the sessions of the Legislature by ob taining leave to report a bill confirming the act of last-session providing for biennial ses sions. Mr. P. also obtained leave to report a bill providing for a change in the mudo of qualify ing the (governor. Mr. Sellniau, of this county, catching fire at the Doctor's indomitable perseverance in this matter, off red a preamble and resolutions, rel ative to the provisions of the act of last session, mid requiring the committee to which the Doc tor's leave was referred, to inquire, whether the original act had hecn curried out in all its pro visions. Tins gave rise to some debating and it was defeated by a tie vote—which, if an ev idence of the state of pa-lies in the Senate an the subject of changing the sessions, strongly indicates its defeat. The following standing committees were an nounced: Finance—Messrs. Outlier, Koyser, Soil man,'Phelps, Bowie. Judicial Proceedings—- Messrs. Hamilton, McCullougb, Blaekistone, Carey, Clarke. int. Improvements—Messrs Clarke, Naill, Blocker, George, Whaloy. Invalid Deeds. and Defective Proceedings— Messrs. Moores, Roberts, Parruu, George, Car ter. insolvent Laws—Messrs. Matthews, Key ser, Parran, Mooros, Blocker. Library—Messrs. Phelps, B >wie, Constable. Engrossed Bdls—Messrs. Matthews, Null, Roberts, Sellman, Cart.i. Pensions—Messrs. Roberts, Parran, Pliolps. Corporations—Messrs. Constable, Gaither, Bow io, Clarke, George. Elections—Messrs. Jilaekstone, Gaither, Mc- Cullougb, Phelps, Se'linan. Agricultural—Messrs.Naill, George, Bowie, Constable, Sellman. Colored Population—Messrs George, Sell man, Bowie, hdrran, Moores. Militia—Messrs. Iveyser, llambleton, Sell man, Clarke, George. Erecutive Nominations —Messrs. Hamble ton, Gaither, Howie. In the House, after prayer by the Rev. Mr. Hirst, the leading of the journal, &c., petitions wero presented by Messrs. Hamilton, Wilson, and by the Speaker. Leaves were granted to report hills, to Messrs. Cox, (abolishing i.npi isuiiinent for debt,) Donaldson, Duckett, Ege, Risteau, Ste phens, Baughman, Devi Ibis, Stephenson, Slie!- man, I lay don (to create a county of Howard District of Anne Arundel county ) and Mr. Murray (to regulate tho inspection of tobacco and to appropriate the outage received there en.) The subjects referred to in tho Governor's message were appropriately referred, and three thousand copies of that document urdcred to bo printed. Mr. Turner, of Frederick county, announced the death of Mr. George Doub, a delegate elect frum that county, in a brief manner, [lay ing tho highest tribute to his worth, as a Christian, husband, neighbor, and citizen. Ho also offered resolutions usual to such occasions; whereupon the House adjourned. The com mittees will ire n nned to-morrow. The resignation of John Johnson, Esq., (ap pointed Chancellor,) was received, and orders lor a new election, to fill the vacancy in the Anne Arundel county delegation, issued. An order has also been passed, directing a warrant of election to till the vacancy in the Frederick delegation. ir'jat.Mi-a iitukraai(UIM.unMMMiMRMMMMMHHMI District of Columbia AilriTtbcmrnls. g lIIUIST.UAS FKVI V,\ H. / TllK LADIES' SEW I N<! CIRCLE 01 tile i -luin! intend holding a sale of USEFUL anil FANCY ARTICLES, Refreshments, & c., the proceeds of which are designed to promote hie interests of the Protestant Episcopal Church in that pint of the city. The sale will he held in the large frame building on Tenth street, near Maryland avenue, adjoining the res idence of \V. M. Morrison, Esq. It will be continued for several succeeding days. The articles are such as it is hoped will give satisfaction, and will be sold at prices to suit tho times. ■ rj ri t j riIUUSTKK'j SACK. By virtue of a decree Hoi itul iui- r- County Court, sitiiug asn Court o( Equity, the undersigned Trustee, will soil si public sale, tv-r rush, on ilio promises, at 4 o'clock. I'. M . on THURSDAY, tin* 31st tiny of Deoeinber, (insi ) a lot of ground and improvement? on the noilh side i of Thames street, tie; second building east of Block j street, and desoiibed us lot No. 2g, l>y an assignment from Joseph Allendcr to Rebecc i Jacquette, record, d ; among Baltimore County I,and records, in liheiSlil. I folio illß. The lot fronts about thirty feet on Thames sire* t, anil has a depth of about eiithty feel, more or j less, towards Caroline street, narrowing f r ,„ n from to rear, and te.rniinating is a point, on or near Caro line street. It is subject to a ground tent of $6 per annum. Terms of sale cash W. H tI.L. Jr.. Trustee, dlo-law3w No. 2 Ppti-riet's Court. o'~ ~UI is NT Ala SA COON, ' " COAJYIKKCIAL BIJII.DIXGS, ('or. Cay ami I,milliard streets. I This splendid .SAHOOV will lie Hot for pri vate or public HAI, 1.8, 0il the most accemmoilating 1 terms, by applying lo the subscribe .on the premises. rtlOM.'R 8. DONAL.IIB'TV, till otjnl Agent M. R. mrOTIC'E IS 11 Kit Id It Y CJIVKV, That tin i* undersigned intends to make application to the Hoard of Health for permission to erect a slaughter house on McKim street, near Neighboretreet, and all persons interested will please take notice. dill w fr.niit [R] WM. H. KIMBBRI.Y. ClOhD GUARD CHAINS gAititii;r,~ N CI,ARK op' iis a great variety of Cold and Silver work this day, amo . which are handsome gold Guard ' 'l mills. ii,r ladies and itlei icn; also, '-old Guard Ko\ • • Foil Chains, and Peals, wth a gr. at variety of iipauti l\|l Jewelry, dfOo Contributions of refreshments, See. will be gratefully received. Admittance 12J cents. Tliis enterprise is most earnestly commended to the patronage of the friends of the Church throughout the city, {fey-The sale will continue till Saturday, the 2d Jan., when it will close at 0 o'clock at night. <l9Kit HP O TIII<R CITIZENS OF J (IKOKIIETOHN, O.V. tTlie subscriber would most respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens of Georgetown to his assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, which he will make to order in superior style, for such prices, for cash, that will give entire satisfaction. We would also inform those who prefer to furnish their own Cloth, that should lie fail to give a first rate fit, that he will either pay them for their goods, or fur nish others that will fit. W.M. A. RICHARDSON, Merchant Tailor, Itridge st., 5 doors west of Union Hotel. WANTED—An Apprentice., of industrious habits and good character. Apply immediately to d'JP-lin W.M. A. RICHARDSON. OJ-TIIF OM) ST.WD. DOtV'S MKDICAL AND SURGICAL INBTITUTK* \o. 1* v<onfl Street, \o. In. T ETWEES SOUTH AS I) GAY \\ A I. T i MO R E . T.\ H LISIIKIJ for thv p.-rtW t cure of all Din incident to the human S)Hteiii, but [utic ularlv PRIVATE COMPLAINTS, of cvf ry natur:-, from whatever they may orieiii ate, or in whatever fliey may be, from the inopt hirnpl'* CON' IRKHCKA, latin worst and most difficult Syphilitir Affeetioio?, am! under the personal superintendence of J. now. M. !>., tS; K. II VHCOURT,M. !>.. PIIYRKTANfI AND BI T RGEONS in consequence of the? increase in In* Ijuhiichh, and forth* hi t! r aceoiuiuodalioii of his numerous patient- 4 *, Dr. DOW h'tH with himself, Dr. EDWARD HARUOURT, of London, late Principal Siirqeon to the Venereal hospital at rfavarina, and for the* last four years Assistant Hnrjreon to the New York City Hospit al; hy this arrangement patients will always be sure of fuuiiii}! one of thetn at home, day arid cveninff. Dr. Dow, in his younger days, used to think it requi site to ifive the public some of the outlines of his su prtrior qualifications as a Physician and burgeon, and some of the advantages gained hy consulting him per sonallv on certain difficult arid dangerous diseasey, such as had ha filed the skill of all common physicians; hut this has heroine unnecessary, as his IJNIII VALLKP) SUCCESS has bceoine well known, and for the last H years his name lots been celebrated for the cure of the above disease**, in all the civilized countries on the Globe. It is siithr-ient for him at present to nay, that lie is a regularly educated physician, Graduate of the Philadel phia Medical School, iri Class IK#, ranee that he has devoted his whole time arid attention to the study and euro of ail difficult diseases, such a** require Practical Experience TO ENSURE SUCCESS. His practice is according to the latest improvements in the Krq.lish and French mode of treatment; he strikes at the root of disease, eradicates the: disease it self, immediately, then removes the symptoms as may best suit the cast • During his late no dical tour through England, France and G' runny, fvisitir.ig all the principal Hospitals and witnessing the latest improvements in medicine made in those countries,) he has made some valuable acqui sitions to the healing art, whereby many diseases arc cured in as few days a.- it formerly took weeks or months, without the slightest danger of a return of the disease, or secondary symptoms, if the case is attend ed to early. His m ilieincs are free from Mercury and all Miner al (Hysons, put up in a neat and compact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while i travelling, without cxjiosure or hindrance from busi iicss, and warranted to cure all cases, and that in the shortest possible time, without the least injury to the system or fear of d t etion hy friends. DOCTOR DOW, within the last 0 years, has cured more than *2I,NK) ca sen of Private Complaints, a practice, which no doubt exceed- that of all the other physicians of this city, and by his improved course of treatment ho guarantees to effect speedy and permanent cures, in all cases of CJinncn , Ulcers, Eruptions, &<•., and all other forms itf the Venereal Disease, if taken early, without dan ger of Secondi.ry or Tertiary Symptoms. Within the laid year be has treated 3,712 cases of PRIVATE COMPLAINTS; 633 eases of Venereal in their different forms and stages; 207 recent cases just broke out; 416 old ehronic case- , mum ot which kind had been years standing, ul eers in the throat, nose or roof ol the month, some with the partition of the nose gone, and tile palate of the mouth much decayed froin the ('tierls of AfERC U R V . given by inexperienced physicians, or others, not M. DA; some cases with hard and painful swellings on the bones, sores and eruptions on different parts of tile body,-Die. Ike., many of those chronic raises were re commended to us by physicians and others, who had known of our extraordinary skill in curing those old and ditfieult eases, hitherto considered incurable. l)rs. HOW -v IIARUOURT would take Uiis opportu nity to return their thanks to the medical tnen and oth ers, who have recommended patients to their care.— From their great experience lor many years in Hospit als and Private Practice, and front their improved course of treatment, by which the disease, if attended to early, is stripped of all its painful and horrible as pects, and a perfect cure effected in a few days, they hope to continue to MERIT THE APPROBATION OF ALL. Hardly a day passes hut they are called upon by per sons who had been hiking medicine for weeks and .months without benefit, where, in the first instance, they wen promised a perfect cure in about THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE. Therefore, ail who desire to be GVrerf, not merely have the disease elieeked for a while to break out in its worst and most ditlicult forms, will call at ■ts SHCOM) STREET, 48 BETWEEN SOUTH AND GAY STREETS, as soon as possible, after finding themselves diseased. Of the 623 cases above-mentioned, 64 are now tak ing medicine, the others are all thoroughly cured, and warranted that the disease shall never return in any shape or form. 3,0wil eases of Local diseases, as Gonorrhoeas, Gleets, strictures, Affections of the Bladder, Prostrate Gland, and other diseases of the Urinary and Genital Organs, of both sexes, have come under our care within the last year; of this number 70 are now taking medicines, llic others are either well or so much relieved as not to require the aid of medicines. Voting men troubled with Seminal Weakness, (In voluntary Emissions in sleep,) a most terrible com plaint, with its long train of bodily and mental evils, which, if neglected, blasts all future prospects, how ever frittering they may be; all moral courage becomes merged in the general imbecility of both mind and body —sin h should remember lirs. How & liorcourt, who have been unusually successful in treating the above complaints and warrant a |ierl'ect cure in all cases or no pay will be taken. 1111 eases of the above complaint have commenced our course of treatment within the last si\ weeks; the most of these have wholly recov ered; the others are improving as fast as could be ex peeled, considering the severity of the eases and the length of time they had been nttlictcd with this most horrible complaint, llts, l>. RU. can. without boast ing. say, they have cured thousands from the above disease, and have never yet met a ease in which they could not elicit a rapid and permanent cure, their treatment operates as if by magic, cheeking the emis sions and restoring those organs to their natural and healthv lone in a very short time. 'l'd Tin: LADIES. You who are troubled with Suppressions, Irregulari ty, &e. of the Monthly Turns, Weakness or Whites, or any of the numerous ills peculiar to the female Sy stem, are respei tinllv invited to call at ■fx Slot oil) STREET, IS where Drs. D. & 11. are confidentially consulted, and a cure warranted in a few days, by <heir improved course of treatment. Advice gratis. Dr. Dow's PREVENTATIVES for Married Ladies whose health will not admit of their increasing their family, may be obtained as above. Price >vi. This preparation lues been in extensive use for the last eight years, and has proved a blessing to thousands of deli cate females. For sale as above, Dr. Hareourt's celebrated COUGH OHO 1' S , for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Su\ &.e., with directions and every thing in full. Price 50 cents single, or $3 per dozen. Beware of counterfeits—none genuine unless signed E. Ilareourt, M. D. Surgical Operations performed according to the im provements in modern Surgery, Midwifery, ike. attend ed to. Apply as above. SURGICAL OPERATIONS performed for the poor (gratis) between the hours of 13 and I, every day hut Sundays. Diseases of the EVE and EAR attended to as obove. N. If. ADVICE GRATIS—A cure warranted or no pnv. Recoiled 48 SECOND ST., Drs. DOW & IIAR COIRT. j You who apply as above, arc certain of a perfect [ cure; you tire certain their remedies contain no mer cury or poisonous substances; you arc also certain that i Drs. D. N. 11. tire old mid skillful Physicians and Sur | geons. and understand the above diseases in all their i different varieties. These are some of the reasons why all those who read thisudvcrtisenicnt will, as soon as occasion requires, he sure to call on Drs. D. & If. to be cured. Cure warranted. Strangers and others in search of n Physician in whom they can plaee confidence, will he sure to call as above. Office open Day and Evening. Private Apartments, so that patients never come in contact or see any one hut the Doctors themselves, one or both. All who desire speedy and permanent cures w ill call as above as soon as they find themselves diseased, hit a very lew days will then be required to effect a cure. I)rs. I). & it. are willing to consult with physicians of respectable standing on any difficult ease of disease. Also, calls made in any parts of the city or country Charges reasonable in all eases. i 125 VKtiKT.AIiLK FILLS. ' SH H F. GENUINE V 10 GET A RLE PILLS & AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR GUNOURIKEA, GLEETS, STRICTURE!?, &c. Stc Of all the reme dies yet discovered for tbe cure of these complaints, the Vegetable Pills have been the 11101 effectual, as they have never been kitnwii to fail ■ rt'cctapermn llentcurc. They are mild and pi • t nt intake, yet powerful in their action, and inry e taken without the knowledge of the nio.-t intimate friend. These Pills are pel op in square boxes, vv'tit full directions accompanying each box. {)!?- For ral by J. o. :< v. McCormick,N. fiay-rt. (O. T.); and by 0. Wiseman, Light-st., appoint a Fountain Inn. In Washington —by .V Dnlany, cor. 4f street and Pennsylvania Avenue and bv C. tlcott,cor.flit st and the Avenue, Prir.i Alti box ial? SIIM Y WORK BOSK*, suitable for l're sonls. I have just r. eeived a handsome assort ment of the above, for presents; for sale by <lOl J A ■>. M IIAIG. IC' j Baltimore street. DR. TOVVN*END'S COMPOUND Extract of Snrsaparilla. riMHIS EXTRACT is put up In quart bottles— ft it is i'i timet cheaper. pleasanter, and warrant id suorilor to any sold. Ii cures diseases without Vomiting, Purging, Sickening or Deliiliating the pa tient, and is patliculnrly adapted for a SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. The great beauty and superiority of ibis darsaparilla over all older rent, dies, is, while it eradicates disease, it invigorates Use body. CONSUMPTION OURRD. CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN. BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, LfVBR COM PLAINT, COLDS. COUGHS, CATARRH, ASTHMA, SPITTING OF liI.OOU, SORENESS IN THE CHEST, HECTIC FLUSH, NIGHT SWEATS. I IFFICULT OR PROFUSE EX PECTORATION, PAIN IN THE SIDE, &o. HAVE AND CAN HE CURED ! Dr. Townsi nd:—l make the following statement it, order to express my gratitude to ynu airl to recom mend yout Sarsapnrilla, and your compound Extract ot Sarsaparilla to those who are so unloriunate as to have lung complaints or consumption. Whilst resid ing in the south several years ago, had a long am' severe sickness, which with subsequent exposure, very materially injured my constitution, I being able however much of the time to work, although nty lungs were affected and 1 had a cough; for the last year I grew much worse, and the last winter I caughl a severe cold. The pain in my breast, distress in breathing nnd coughing very much increased. I took a number of popular remedies for consumption, bul they failed to relieve me. At last I was confined to my room, and was so bad with the consumption that I did not expect to remain here long. I sentfor Mar cits I). Moore, who resides at the cornet of Lydius and Grand sts, (who will confirm this statement) and niarit a disposition of my property. A few days af ter this a friend si nt you to see me; ynu ordered a bottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla I took it ac cording to your directions and immediately I felt re lieved— my pain gradually left me— I soon breathed freely—my hacking cough subsided—l raised easily and slept soundly—and to my astonishment and de light, when I had taken the contents of th i bottle, I was able as you well remember, to walk from Ferry to Beaver st, to obtain more. I have continued to lake it, and am now about my business, although it i. not more than two months since I commenced with your medicines—and am thankiul to the Lord that I was induced to try them. SAM. H. STUART, 26 Ferry st. Albany, May 16th, 18-16. Probably there never was a remedy that has been so successful in desperate cases of consumption as this, it cleanses and strenglhelis the system, and ap pears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, and the pa tinnls gradually regain their usual health and strength. READ THE PROOF. Dr. Townsend: I had been afflicted for months hj a dry, hacking cough; at least I raised great quanti ties of bad matter, aud experienced a severe pain in lily loft side, accompanied with a distress on my lungs—my cough very much increased, and I had cold night sweats. Learning that you had a remedy for such cases, I concluded to try it. I purchased a hnlt'e of your Extract of Sarsaparilla—before 1 had finished taking it, my cough raising, and the pain in my side leittue, and I now have tegained my gen eriil lualth. Believing your medicine to be aver) valuable one, I cheerfully recommend it to those who art similarly situated. 1 found the medicine pleas ant to the taste and strengthening to the tiodv. WM H. McKINSTKY, 384 Grand st. New York, April 20th, 1846, RHEUMATISM. This Sarsapniilla is used with the most perfect suc cess in Rheumatic complaints, however severe or chronic. The astonishing cures it lias performed ate indeed wonderful. Other remedies sometimes give temporary relief. This entirely erudciates it from the system, even when the limbs and bones are dreadfully swollen. Dr. Townsend: I was attacked with a distressine pain in my hip Joint, so bud that I could not walk without my crutches; and much or the time I was obliged to keep my bed. I tried several remedies, hut tliey did not relieve nie. 1 then called on one ofour first Physicians; he did not help me. I beard of your Barsapatilla, and obtained a bottle, and in a few days , it entirely cured me, and lam as well now as ever. ! ASHKELL WALKER,22 Daniel st. I Albany, January 2, 1845. QtJ- Hear Mr. Seth Terry, one of (he oldest and most respectable Lawyers in Hartford, Conn. The following is ar cxiiactof a letter received from higgt Dr. Townsend—l have used one bottle of your Bar saparilla, and find it is excellent in its effects upon a chronic rheumatic pain to which I am subject, from an injury wccasioned several years ago in a public stage. Please send me two bottles to the care of Dr. Seymour. I have conversed with two of our princi pal physicians, and recommended your Jfarsaparilla. SETIi TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1815. Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I have been entirely cured, by nig your Extract of Sarsaparilia, of a chronic intlammatoiy rheumatism, with which I have been afflicted for the last two years very severe ly. I have endured the most agonizing pains; my feet and legs were dreadfully swollen, and there have been months when I was unable to attend to my business, lining cured of the Rheumatism, and having my general health restoted by your agreeable medicine, I thought 1 could do no less than acquaint you of my success in using your Sarsapaiillu. Per haps I should add, that 1 used the presetiptisns ol Pit sicians, and purchased some of all the embroca tions and ointments in the market, and received no In netit. Yours, &c. WILLIAM LIPPINOOTT, 225 Water si. New Yotk, November 111, 1845. Dr. Townsendt You remember that when I ob tained a bottle of your Sarsaparilia, and promised, it it effected a cure, to give you a certificate. lam Itaffpy to have it ill inv power to return the favor. I had been sorely afflicted by the Rheumatism for months: much of the time so bad that I cou d nni titer eat, sleep not walk. It would be impossible for me to describe the pain and agony I endured. I tried a number of remedies without being benefitted. A gentleman, who knows the qualities of your Satsa parillc. induced me lo try a bottle. I did so. and, to my great astonishment, it in a few days effeeted a perfect cure; if any are incrcdu'ous, I invite them to call on me, and 1 promise to satisfy them of the truth of the above. IRA GODFREY, No. 5 Liberty street. Albany, March 26,1845. GIIEAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilia is a soveregu and speedy cure for incipient, Consumption, barrenness, Leucorrlioe, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system; no matter whether the result of inherent cause or causes, produced by irregulutity, illness or accident. Otj-Nothing can be mote surprising than its invi goiating effects on the human frame. Persons, all weakness and lassitude htflore taking it, at once be come robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause of barren ness. It will n the expected of us, in cases ofso delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, can assure lite afflicted, that hundreds of ca ses have been resorted lo us. Several cases, when families have been without children, alter using a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed Willi healthy offspring. Dr. Townsend:—My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and genetal debility, ami suffering eon tinually by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and having known eases wbete your medicine has ef fected great cures, and also hearing it recommended for such diseases as I have described, I obtained a bottle of youi Extract of Sarsaparilia, and followed the directions you gave me—in a short period it re moved her complaints and restored her health. Be ing gratelul lor the benefits she received, I take plea sure in thus ncknowlefigiifg it, and recommending it to the public. M. I). MOURE, Cor. of Grand and Lydius sts, Coxsackie, Sept. 28,1845. Dr Townsend: To all whom it may concern—This is to testify, :hat ray wife used one bottle of your Sarsaparilia pre vious to her confinement, under the most alarming and delicate circumstances, being troubled with the dropsy,swelling ol'tlie feet, nervous affections, and very much debilitated; with my persuasion, and re commendation of those who had used it, she was in dueed to try it, with little or no faith, and suffice, it to say, the medicine had the happy and desired ef led, not only in the hours of confinement,but aftei the expiration of one week ofits use the dropsy and her nervous affeotinn gave way to an nstonlsbirede ttree, and her health is now better than it jias beet, fur a long time previous. If this will be of any service to you, or any one thnt doubts the effects of the medicine, you are en tir-'ly welcome to it, I subscribe myself your most obedient and obliged servant, s. S. JAMESON. For sale by BETH s. UAVCK.IO ' Lsltuuuti 9ti if. I corner Onirics and Pratt -to * 1 •* 1 t'pOb lie, or tlx tallies le.r $5. "■ * MEDia.iL OFFICE, No. <i south Frederick street (f'lrßl door fiotu Baltimore st. going toward* the dock) ritiKE NOTICE of Mr. ROGERS'NAME on Jt different paits of the Oflice. Attendance Ironi B A. M. til! 10 at r.ight. CURE H'ARRASTED. OC-Nt> PAY UNLESS A CURE BE EFFECTED IN TWO DAYS. DR ROGERS, Meinbf r of,the Medical and Surgical Societies of New York and Louisiana, Graduate of the University ot Pennsylvania, and Hursorary member ol the Wash ington University ol tialtiinore, of ten ycuis stand ing, may be consulted on till diseases to which til" human frame is incident, hut inert particularly in that class or cases coiiiinqcl>called SECRET lilt. HOGEttS. fniiii atf. etilar nodical education and a practice of (exclusively ib voted to r the treatment of these maladies,) in New York, Ila vauii New Orleans, Mexico, and this city, is enabled to WARRANT t.> botli sexes a safe, speedy and perma nent cure, for the WORST CASKS ol them, or any of the effects resulting from the use of mercury for the malpractice of quacks. I'eisons afflicted with copper-colored blotches, on the face and head, pains in the limbs or body, nodes on the bones of the arms and legs, ulcerated sore nose,mouth or throat, or any other symptoms of that loathsome disease," THE COESTI'J UTIONAL AEFE C77OA," persons afflicted with obstinate urethral discharges, or weakness of the urinary or gans,or who are suffering fiom indulgence in a cer tain destructive habit known as the " SOLITARY VICE," and who. fioni disgust and disappointment, have abandoned all lit,pes of a cure, are strongly urged lo call alhis office. II NUT CCKKD no money wn.i. BE demanded. GONORUIKEA AND GLEET—Cured in from 9 to ao hours by a single application, without requiring patipnts to take any medicine whatever. This treat ment cures ill one-sixth the time of any other. It is perfect. 11 requires no change of diet oi habits. No nauseating doses of Balsam, Turpentine, Harlem Oil, tec. No astringent injeciio is cr botigitß used, but a cu'ine obtain, dto certain!;/,'in the time named, without pa'n, inconvenience, or diseovery. STRUCTURE. This diss use is of very frequent oc cuirence, and often exists in persons who are not the least aware of it It frequently prevents men from being fathers, who otheiwise would have children,— It induces impotency, great weakness "of the pans, fistum. dysp, p.-ia, diseases of the bladder, the meters i lid kidneys Dr. Rogers treats the discmeon a new plnu. known to be the only method that tvel perma nently removes Stiictures. All other methods of treating it ate mere PALLIATIVES. They only suspend the symptoms lor a short time hut cause the com plaint toietuin with redoubled violence, and render it more difficult to cure. Dr. Rogers i<l contract to n move Striclitie ftrr a certain sum payable when it be ascertained that the disease is pi'munently re moved. In all cas, s a cure be obtained to certainty in as many hours as it formerly required days, or even wrcits, without pain or inconvenience. (KJ-DII. ROGERS can refer lo soms of Ihe most respectable persons of BaltiiriCte, that have been cured by him of st icturcs that bad, for a lung time, been pronounced incurable. SPASMODIC STRICTURE removed in an hour. DISEASES OF THE FRUSTRATE GLAND and aflbctions of the eyes and skin speedily cuted. {|-AII diseases of Females, speedily attended to SURGICAL OPERATIONS—Such as tor Squint ing. Citib Foot, Sic., performed on the poor gratis. Separate Private Offlccs. Strict SECRECY oliseivef and charges moderate. Persons at a distance must pay postage. FRENCH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE spoken. TAKE SPECIAL. NOTICE. Ih. Rogers conducted f r several years the most < xtensive Veneital Hospi tals e"<:r established in New York, Havana and New Orleans, mid it is generally know n lhat his practice, experience and success, in the treatment of private diseases, have been TREBLE that of any other phy sician south of New York. For evidence of legal qualification, he refers to the Piofcssors ot the medi cal colleges named above, and for proofs of unequal led success in the treatment of the most desperate cases, to numerous certerfieates (substantiated by oath) tendered him by graceful persons, afflic'ed with diseases lhat were considered absolutely incurable. The following, from a very respectable gentleman, is selected from a number, for its brevity. It needs lit tle discernment to perci ivu that one well established cure is wolb all the PUFFING, AUCTIONEERING, ami SELF-LAUDATION, in the wo Id: CERTIFICATE, This islo certify, That I was afHictod with Stricture of the Urethra, at times accompanied with a gleety discharge, for a term ol fifteen years, the greater part of which lime I was under the charge of several emi nent physicians, who all failed in doing my complaint any good. 1 had tery great difficulty in passing my water, and was obliged to get out of bed several times each night to do so. My health became very bad. I had pain in the back, about the kidneys, and dyspepsia, and I lost my power and became impo tent. After endurine the greatest sufferings, I was advised to apply to Dr. Ropers, wl.a ...„ p., fectly in about ten days, without giving me any pain, and although several months have now passed, 1 have had no return whatever cf my complaint, and my health, in eery respect, is as good as that of any person. (Signed,) J ** * 11. G * * *. State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, SCT: On the 12th day of April, A. U. 1844, hi fore me, the subscriber, a Justice of the said Stale, in aad for the city of Baltimore aforesaid, personally appeared j il G***, and made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God, that the facts staled in the fori go ing statement are true. Sworn and subscribed be fore D. 11. MCDONALD. MEDICAL OFFICE, No. 4 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, [First door going frm Baltimore st. towards the dock] Established in order to afford the afll ctvil sound and scientific medical aid, and for the SUPPRESSION of QUACKEHY. DII. ROGERS To young men and others, who may have injured themselves by improper indulgences. IMPOTF.SC Y- IMP UISSJtSCE. One of the most frequent penaltiis paid by those who give unr- strained license to their • lesions, is a loss of virile power. The young, unaware of the fearful results that may ensue are but too apt to com mit excesses. Impotency may and does occur from stricture, gravel, depositee in the urine, and front many other causes; hut by far the most frequent source of it is abuse of the sexual organs, by exces sive venery or self-pollution—particularly the last.— It is a fact well known to those who understand tho ma ter, that all those who practice the solitary viee lose the power of pro-crea ing sooner than the more ptudent. Too great excitement of the genital organs is, however, productive of o her effects besides pre mature impotency; it tends to derange the diges'ive fanctions and weaken Ihe physical and mentnl pow efs. Thus parents and others are often deceived as to the true source of the complaints of youth and young men. It could be shown how the attenuation of Ihe frame, palpitation of the heart, derangement of tire nervous system, cough, indigestion, and a train of symptoms, indicative of consumption, are of en ascribed to wrong causes, when in reality they are the consequences of an alluring and pernicious practice, glike deslructive to the mind and boilv. DES RERTES SEMINJLESINVOLU RTJURES. The most common result of self-abuse i 3 Involun tary Seminal emissions, for various reasons, but a passing notice of this distressing complaint can be given here. It comes on very gradually. It com mences by a precipitate emission of semen eit> er in coilion or during lascivious dreams. The emissions nre premature and without force, and the erections slight and incornplele and sonn subside. As the af fection increases, the emissions become more Ire quonl and more readily excited, are induced merely by eiatic ideas or the least contact or titilation, and take place without erection and without pleasure satis secousse ct sans sensations volupluese. In th s weak and susceptible condition of the organs—pol lutions are liable to occur both d.iy and n ght, gradu ally undermining the health. The patient becomes pale, thin and weak, suffers from pains in back and head, has disturbed visitor, and a sickly languid look, and feels totally unfitted for active bodilv or mental occupation. His mind being constantly absorbed will, his sufferings, he eagerly peiuses ev. ry thing relative to his complaint. Obliged to conceal his situation from bis friends, and ashamed to apply to those who from education, knowli dgo and practical experience are alone able to assist him, he Hies to some ignorant quack, by whom his pecuniary means are drained, for which he only meets in return with bitter disappoinment. At length, epilepsy, catalepsy, mania, or somet other disease of the nctvous system, makes its appearance, and the patient is relieved from his horrid situation bv a prematute death, the cause of which had fre qucmly been entirely overlooked by his unsuspecting friends. If this publication should meet the eye of any rne who, in the indiscretion as u imprudence attendant on youth should have brought on himself any of the evils alluded to above, to such, Dr. Rogers offers his servi ces, and pledges the most honorable secrecy. Ho be lieves thai lie lias the tneansof remedying their suffer ings and of obtaining for them a permanent cure. If such however should not be the case at lecst no loss will be sustained by tin ir applying to him, Inasmuch as '■ If no cure can be effected no pay will be require !." J!D VICE—C.I UTioN Person* nfHicted wfh Impotency must avoid the alluring promises and smit eiingacqniretnents ol Ein pirios and (Auicics who, one and all, ate perfectly ignurn i ol tlv iinimnc.iahld cqpses of ihe affection, am! >< •>•" us do much more hour, than rood, vo u a jgr i' ; ►' H nsnin ent is erteciual; a vrmifpof onuses most be removed by a vm-rebrof tenuities, Dr. ROGER:*as continually being applied to by pi rsbns atllfdted in this u'tiy, whose means have been n hausled by advance payments, and who recsjve no benefit whatever Item lite commencement, nib A DOCTOR HUET, MENBb.II OF '| HE MEDICAL. F.V 11. ol PAItIS, Licentiate o: the Medical I "• of NHV ORLEANS, Reg net red on the Kit. . Also, a Giadnate oi the. Medical Faculty ol in land, since the Ud oi April, 18,*19. I'HOI'KIETUII UF THE FRENCH MEDICAL HOUSE. ' 16 SO VTlt FRED Eli It K STREET, (It Yrf t TWO TREES BEFORE THE HOUSE, f Q3- THIRTY ODD YEARS ol expel ion f Paris and America have enabled tins 1 tench I : to cure any form or stage of secret disease ill :Jk short but reasonable lime. Strangers be ois guard. Before you pay enormous tees, read -fiP' plete treatise on secret diseases and destructive; of youths, called etlhary vice, wiitu.n and soD the French Doctor of the French Medicul Hons, South Frederick, west side, two trees bt the House. Price of the book So eerie;. Affil. remember that this French Doctor makis the medicine which will cure stricture without boti and restore impotency to prime vigor with strict I esly. Wiittcn guaranty and forleiturtyif desirt Terms moderate. N. B. Diplomas from the Medical Faculties of! timore and Paris framed in the office. NO MERCURY OR COI'AVIA. 'I bore are t ways to treat a Secret Disease, the. first so H I boasted of, is merely the temporary disappearanc the symptoms, by means of mercury or copavia, requires hut a day or two, hut it is very injurious deed; the second way is to eradicate it out of system, slowly, safely and surely, without Mtu. or Copavia. Victims of an improper tieatment, and wen. with disappointment, may confidentially apply. 1 sons who have injured their Health by a certain pr tice called solitary vice, which brings impotent w ill be restored to prime vigor. This is the or place in Baltimore where sure cure can be bad <_ written guaranty and forfeiture, witli strict honej— and terms moderate. The most espectatde city reKr enccs will be given Advice gratis. ' g CONFESSION. I, llie subscriber, publicly c* fess that I have been afflicted with a secret disc 1 ever since 1823; I had thirteen eminent pliysicir whose names are recorded at the French Medi House; some of them abated the disease, but it ways returned worse than before, until it catr away both sides of my throat and pierced the top the palate. I also lost several hones of my nose ; was almost blind of an eye, and my lace was cov ed Willi an immense quantity oi' scabs, bctwe which the skin was as red as seat let, and I was i deed in a most deplorable condition, so much so tl the learned professor 8 pronounced me incurable It was obvious lo n e, then, that a common do coud not extricate nte from the jaws of death tlioy nil follow the same o d routine, with their I of mercury, mixtures or pills, Invmted by ignurai and continued by cupidity, and do no good lo any I the; venders. Several persons recommended Doc HUET. ol the Medical House, No, Iti SOU'I ri F1 I DEBICK STREET, as a scientific man and a r , genius in those complaints. I went lo him md pledged to cure me on written guaranty. I uid hesitate r.t a'l on seeing ?u many likenesses of , tierits who are living evidences uf Hit many won fill cures he has ptifunned in almost every k ; -, disease. Then he had my daguerreotype lilt taken, and I look his medicine lor about a , which completely cured me. He had tk< nmy likeness taken, and both ate to be seen at his o ll this meets the eye of some wretched being ir grasp of death as I was, let him fly to ibis pi worthy philanthropist, whose deep knowledge of vital principles which animate and move the huu frame, are know n in botli heiuispli res and 1 belie from my very soul (not forget ting that I am orroa./. thai his exquisite genius will discover as many ne and well appropriated remedies, as new diseases m be formed. HKNRV BRUMMBB Sworn before Justice Win. McJiltoo, the 30th U tolier, 1645, Baltimore, Md. ' o DESTRUCTIVE HABIT. How many youth spol their health by the hateful antl dangerous practice! solitary indulgence. 'This is very injurious to the Jfl dividttals whose complexions becoming pale, aid! tlieir bodies feeble, bad digestion, their stomachs vet windy, and sonic pains are to be felt in the slomacl many times in 111 lungs anil i Isewhere, according . the dotation of this destructive vice. I have seene. gri at many youths carried to thi ir graves befon twenty seven years of age, for not having quit it an 1 be relieved in time. Study frequently produces this affection, since th head, strongly taxed, irrit tes the entire nervous ays tern, although there is little propensity in nature I. pursue litis vice during sleep, dreams are ready t seduce the senses of the young vietim, until he in voluntarily becomes guilty of the weakness, f-oin the effects of which all the skill of the n edical pr sion has much difficulty in saving him. ft is 11 I ries of circumstances which gives rise to the i ' the result of which terminates in nocturnal excite merit. During my residence in Paris, which lasted ~<tr than a score of jears, I had occasion to examine a great many thousands of those eases which acquaint ed trie wiih all the peculiaiities of that J , .ols and injurious habit which s„on nr late will kill tin patient, or what is \vor** vim. brine him to kill him- Among the very many which I have treated a cured there, I recollect a man affected with ihis n erable complaint, who on the eve of suicide cain see me; the reading of a scientific journal wliii published at that time, gave him some roys of h • and he detailed me his complaint us fo lows: I am a man of thirty odd years old, a portrait ■ ter by trade, and in easy circumstances, but the i miserable being in mind that ever lived, ( never any intercourse with any being whatever but my From my boyhood I sought lonely places and indi ed in this v ce of nature, but soon alter my digest organs became weak and windy, hard digro-tio, feebleness and above all so nervous that the |et> ' noise made me jump with lharlulness, though / / 1 no fear* You were right said he to call this complaint noc turnal, for it was at night that I indulged the most h that horrible tiraciice, hich debilitated rne to such extent that I was unable to walk half a mile withu taking some rest, my parents were alarmed at u state of my health, called a doctor who suspected me of this practice for he turned every way to find out the truth, I denied all, even the knowledge of it, bui resolved to quit it, but it was in vain for f resisted all. I lie 'iny long, but at night the dreams came to seduce' my senses and ruined mc. I thought if i got marrir ' it might change the vice. Therefore sir f have com to the conclusion to put myself unreservedly und your care, and if you don't lit nie to get married at have a family, 1 will soon be out efthis world. First thing 1 bed to do, was to re establish the dis orderly organs of digestion, then to strengthen the de bilitated organs in question, then another kind of medicine to break the violated habit of nature, after which the patient found himself of a more lively dis position, gol married and hadfevernl children befor- I left Paris. v I will now cite another case which occurred latelw in my practice in B'"limore. The patient presented me the following certificate after b. ing cured j TO THE AFFLICTED OF THE SOLITARY! VICE. I am a man of thirty years of age, and hav.j been addicted in my boyhood to Ihe destructive habi! termed Solitary Vice; I have learned it from bad hoys] and practiced it for about ten years, but thank God ij have quit it and recovered my health und strength] once more. Soon after the commencement of this abominable practice instead of growing strong, hear ty, and blooming as youths generally do, my health impaired, my body feeble, and my digestion difficult. It was not lot g before my parents were somewhat aliutncd and stnt for a physician who pronouucec nte affected with a Liver Complaint—several othel doctors wete called in succession, sonic treated nit for Consumption and otl.i rs for ditease o< the Heart, however tie v all agreed that I had the Dyspepsia.— When about 20 years of age I became fretful, treni' ling at the least noise, and shunned all com. any, pt' tieulaily that of Females. I choosed to t c alot though i was not ruinpany to my self, and thousand and thousands of timers I soerotly desired that dent would conic to rid meldf my miserable • vistehce (t say no moti.) The perusing o' a little treatise trans Inted from the French which fortunately fell into nut hands, instructed me on the true cause of ivy suffer ing, I then resolved to quit 'his nocturnal practice mid accordingly did so for sr years, but that infernal vice did not leave me, and it committed its deureda tions in my sleep—while in this precarious situation I saw a treatise on litis disease advertised in the Fun. I bought it and found that it explained my disease so minutely that I resolved to put myself unreservedly under the care of its author—l did not hesitate mner for he showed me several unfortunate beings who had spoiled their health as I did, among whom v as n young physician, and lliey all indeed spoke so highly of the skill, ability and experience truly learn ed physician,that I cannot but join with them its re commending him particularly in this complaint for I positivtly certify, that he perfectly restored me mi every respect, for at this present time I wphb forty two pounds and three quarters more than I did two years ago, and I sincerely thank the AlmipHy for hav ing thrown me in the way of this good nan. BENEDICT G, GREEN, State of Maryland, Baltimore, ctty t* uiit:— Be it remembered, that on this 2d day of January, 1845, before nte, the snhseriher, r Justice of ihe Peneo of said State in and for the city aforesaid, persona!' ■. appealed Benedict G. 11. Cni'ti.and made oath on tlefl Holy Evangely o< Almighty G"d the matters and facß t,"t lot h 111 the libcteutiiv X"f eortifiratc are lust at ■ truer," at ,ed. Sworn A*Tore IHihSftJ CLOUD, J. f J If this imM.eVioii should met t tho rye of any on el win , in the ifidlscreilon end invnidtWe attendant on you h hmil'!h.t* bronchi on bites If.-.r-yoft, M ■lilt;,:, tl to ibews. til. thy Fr Poctflt ■ ills EPfI'IOPS. ifß' 4 *•' I 111" I.' •''■ 1 ■ ifiTnV J • am. (•:# Mllntfr >'•,->! ;., h'hs Mil ins nl It EM 9 riVK< TURIR SiTF-l'.i.'iVOV •! '' <.mV.iM.Nfl for tmkm a PI'.RM/.v' vr it:.i im cheif' tpotiir. <i (fry- l.stteis received. pn=(; ni<l, rsd ir ((Hone ?sn, to any jK.rt of tiio couutry, nl9-l'itr I