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DAILY COMMRCIAL BALTIMORE, MP. FBIBAT MORNING. JUWE SB. Tn OOVRCIHRN'SCATH. Tf i notir<• **(rn be tnkmnf antmywov* cnmmtmicnfumit. Whrt'e* .t i irttfjirfrrf for iv.rrtion timet be authen ticates htt the name ami net/tree* of the writer — not necetot rifii for publication, hitt an a tjttoroe >jf or poo ! faith. Wit are tint fti he cort■ i'tcrcl reeftontti hle fat the oitiniontexiwevtetl!,y corrcttzurudents. NOTlCß.—Persons leaving tho city during the warm weather can have tho COMMERCIAL sent to thoir for any length of tiuie, for eighteen cents nor week, homo your address at l!io otlieo, Ko. 20 South street. THE RADTC.U. PROGRAMME AGAIN. As will have been already noted, the con gressional extremists have made another ex periment in the direction of frtrcintr negro suffrage upon the people of the i'islrict. show ing that it is with them a set policy, although their partizans here in Maryland—endorsers of their policy generally as against, that of the President—would have the people believe that negro suffrage is not u part of their general programme. It only proves still more con clusively that it really is the ground work of all they hope for in the way of permanent suc cess; that what they have ,o often avowed as to the necessity of having this "loyal" vote to fall back upon is a positive conviction; and beginning with the District of Columbia, will never be given up until they either accomplish it, or until the moderate of all parties rally in unison to rescue the nation from their mis- chievous designs. After the late financial peril, and with vari ous other matters perfectly essential to the nation's welfare claiming their attention, one would have supposed that these men would not have had the assurance to anew waste more time on a subject fraught with new divisions and new irritations: but now Ave see that the folly is chronic, that the negro and Avhat may bo made out of his condition is more to them politically th in the welfare of thirty odd millions of whites, and that the nation will neA'er he rid of these disturbers of its peace, these political incendiaries, until it arouses itself, and with a verdict which can not he evaded or mistaken, consigns them to the obscurity which will render them harm less, and is their proper place. But should not this movement, showing so pertinacious a purpose, carry that degree of warning to the p. A opie of this State, especially, such as should make them come up as one man to repudiate the policy of Sumner and Wilson? Is it not plain that whatever the radicals here may say or do, that they have no alternative—acting with the congressional re coustructionists—but to go along with them as sharers in their mischievous projects? Ac knowledging the necessity of legislation on subjects most vital to the trade and prosperity of the nation, aud knowing that an adjourn ment should have been reached long ago. do they heed the entreaties of even the Mew York Tribune to do something to save the people from financial disaster and possible ruin, and if still reckless in a crisis so grave, if still determined at this late hour to A-.-aste invalu able time over projects to make tlio negro available for their purposes, do they not need rebuking, as politicians hardly ever needed it before ? "ForeAvarned is forearmed," and if there are any here in Maryland who have for a mo ment been deceived by their sounding profes sions of patriotism; if any have been led to believe in their potver and willingness to lake a broad and libera! view of affairs in dealing with the nation's destiny, all such should at last see and know t hat their most careful and profound combinations are considered almost solely with reference to the demands of party, and that they are Avilling, as shown by their constant action, to sacrifice everything to the question of political ascendency, and that Ave need never expect to emerge from the troubles of debt and taxation, from constant disputes and divisions, until these factionists are driven from the places of trust they show themselves so willing to abuse. These revelations of a desperate purpose have not come any too soon; aud if we could for a moment have doubted the readiness of the people here to condemn these extremists, these unscrupulous schemers, theve is no room for doubt now. Foiled or defeated again and again in their determination to constitute the negro their great ally, they are not abashed: they do not give it up; and when they boast that they are just as ready for new agitation in regard to the status of the negro, as they Avere tArenty years ago, the American people know what they have tn expect— that they must either unmistakably condemn them, or be prepared to yield to their prepe terous demands. And if Maryland suffers herself to be duped in regard to this thing, she of all others AAIH deserve the least sympathy. Her people see everyday at the National Capital—on her own soil—Avhat strides these men are making in ' their determination to force social equality; aud as if that was not enough, this community has been favored with the advent of a "colored j lawyer," as the (want courier of a set whose demands stop at absolutely nothing in their purpose to carry out their projects. In view of all this, it will be the people's own fault, Ave say, if they are imposed upon at last. And although the radicals here may enter their protest against negro suffrage, it is plain who are their allies: and it is doing them no injustice to infer their real purposes, purposes in accord with those politically associated with them. The same men AVIIO force the "recon struction" programme, seek right on the heels of it to force negro suffrage on the District; and it is idle to oppose the.m in part and sup port them in part, let them vaunt their pa triotism as they may. Remembering that the Avar Avas not begun nor continued for anything like negro .suffrage, hut to save the Union: that it, along Avith projects of disfranchisement and other evil things were afterthoughts in the interests of party ascendancy, and it is the height of pre sumption on the part of these men to attempt to reflect upon the Unionism of the masses who must inevitably differ with them, and condemn them. Unionism means anything else whatever than the introduction of discord into the ranks of the country's defenders, by means of plans to the States separated and make the negro—politically—the arbiter of the nation's destinies, and therefore utterly regardless of the fierce assumption made of a more sublimated patriotism, of being the cus todians of the nation's AA-elfare, these men must be made to give ivay to those AVIIO are better calculated to save it from the evils which threaten it . Ihe time is at hand when Maryland must do her part in the contest; must show that she appreciates the importance of the crisis. The President cannot be expected, single-handed, _to contest the point with opponents so un tiring, so audacious, and he must lie amply sustained. And he cannot, he sustained by any chance efforts, by mere individual en deavors, where concert of action is wanting. His opponents are organizing, and making ready for systematic effort, and they must be met by movements us determined and well organized as their own. The people here Avill neA-cr consent, in the face of Avhat has occurred, and is almost daily happening, to be made the allies of Sumner and Wilson and Stevens, let them gloss over their misehie\ T ous schemes Avith whatever of fair pretext they may. They have not hesitated to show what they were after, they have dared, thus to defy the true sentiments of the American people, and they must receive that fitting rebuke from the peo ple themselves such as Avill put a quietus on their evil scheming for all the future. A MODKI, TENEMENT Rocs*.—Tho Boston aril hlndifl'm 2 ,1r .". a i d ( ' on, l'any nrc fitting up for their street, in n. tbecornor of Albany and Knoeland ,I' l3 to contain tifty rooms. The ieneVldlv £? 8 c are lQ the second and third stories, fwo or Th™. arr "" gc L at tenants can hare one, common hv i Jo 50 " 10 b " ,n / '"tended to be used in i 8 ™?Toted tn h.Vn oro familie3 - the fourth story clothea-drvinv renins, water c'osets, and voted to cook?n f basement is do votea to cooking for the building Thereisacnm £°"blic r °A dumh hß P . CCUpa,ltß ami for tho gen the cooW rooms o te v c ? DT eys the food from •mriM abore. ' be raoms the two ARRIVED OFT SAFELY.— The many friends of Lieut. Governor Cox will l>o pleased to learn that he arrived safely at Liverpool on the l:.lth of this month, along with his friend aud relative, Dr. Keen T, after a somewhat rough voyage, and that he was to leave for London forthwith, with health somewhat im proved. lie lias gone to I'urope as a delegate from the American Medical Convention to Foreign Medical Societies, and we hope to re ceive occasionally from his facile pen some thing for the columns of the Commercial which will make it still more acceptable to its readers. _ DIF.D OF GRIEF.—A touching incident, is related bv theM ilwoukoo \Yi*cou*in, an having occurred in 'hut city hitelv. Aboit two years ago Mr. Straus burg purchased for his child, six years old, named Willie, a yaunir Newfoundland dog, which was also called Willie. The two became very much attached. About two months ago the dog was run over by the team of Mr S , his leg broken, and bo injured so seriously that it was found necessary to kill him. The gnet it the little fellow was inexpressible, lie cried incessantly, and called continually for his companion. Idm father, to quiet bis grief, had tho dog's hide stuffed, but it satisfied the child only for a day. Another dog, similar in appearanc, was purchased tor the boy, but he would pay no attention to it, calling continually for Willie. Every effort was made to distract the little on's attention troin the ol.iot-t upon which it was fix*d,hut without success. i l or a week be lay in bis littln bed, hugging the stuffed dog skin close to him, moaning frequently, just above a whisper, and sometimes breaking out into paroxysms of grief, and calling loudly for Willie. Ho would cat ve*y little, and every day when food was given him, he would offer it lir:;t to the object beside bun, and upon no attention being paid to his desire, would throw it aside. One day ihc child's grief had settled into that, j quiet,half slumbering state that so plainly speaks an I approaching dissolution. Ho asked his mother, as he had dono many times b fore, if Willie had gone to Heaven, and when being answered affirmatively, asked, "Shall I see him there, mamma?" Yes, Wil lie, if you are good and try to get. well." "Mamma, I .l"' you and I love papa, but I want to g.> and see Willie. Hood-bye, mamma, I am going to sco.Wil'ie now." Before the mother could reach the child** si Jo, ho was dead—had died without a struggle, and without a gasp that could bo heard—quietly, elatnly, hi.- Utlo heart wuro itself away from the effect of excessive Krief. MUTTON THR MEAT FOR FARMERS.—The cheapest meat for farmers is mutton, it may safely bo -:i-l that it costs nothing. The wool that is an nually sheared from the body of tho sheep, richly nays for its keeping. In this climate it costs less to keep sheep than at tho North, on account of the shortness of our winter*. r ihcn there is the increase— an ite.m of great importance. The increase is so much eai pri lit. From this increase the farmer con get all hi- meat fr a year if ho likes. Or, he may save the lambs and lake some of the older sheep in their places. The pelt of the sheep, if killed lor mutton, is also saved and sold, which .- worta nearly as much as the sheep would sell for. It is also the most con v:alient meat to have on hand. In tho warmest weather a farmer can take care of one sheep jtUer being killed, without letting it. spoil. With bocf lbi-J is HOI SO C.'ISVr One baud can kill and dress a sheep in an hour. It takes but little time >r trouble i<> k 11 a sheep, not near s > much as to kill and dress n liogor a beet. On account of convenience and econ-imy, we say keep pbnc.p and live upon mutton. \\ o have said nothing about its being the healthiest, food. This is admit - tod. It needs no iirauo cots or facts to prove it. If i- !rue that pork is the chief meat of farmer.-. It i thc on healthiest of ali, whether fresh o* saturated with salt to prc-crvo it sound. Let every farmer sheep. They are tho m•• t profitable stock on alarm. The hog's hack only yields bristles, while th" rhcep's yields downy wool. All that you feed to the hog is gone, unless you kill if, while the sheep will pay for its keeping with its lleeee yearly. The hog is a filthy, voracious animal —tho sheep gentle a* a dove and neat and clou. — G'cncxsee Farmer. FRIEIDKOFA GERMAN RY POISONING.—On Monday night. August c udor/., aGcrmau, aged abnufl 60 years, went into the lager beer saloon of Daniel Kane, No. ]Bt Forsyth street, apparently very much excitod, motioned for something to drink. lie could not. speak, and the proprietor believing him to be suffer ing from the intense heat, took liiin out on the back sloop and placed him inn chair, thinking that the ir-•: si air would revive him somewhat. In about an hour he was found to have fallen from the chair, in sensible. and lay crouched on the floor. An officer was at once sent for, but on his arrival the man was found to be quite dead. The body was taken to the Tenth Piccinct Station House, where, yesterday, e'oroncr Govc-r held an inouc t. J)r. John Beach made a post mortem investigation, and found that deceased had been troubled with disease of tho heart, but that tho actual cause of' death was poison. Whether admi iist rcl by design or not, could not bo ascertained. On the ho ly of d*ccas"d was found a letter from Christian Stack, of No.Bo Spring street, inclosing $lO, and advising him not to do such an im im.nlj act as to commit suicide. Another letter was found on him from sonic friend* in Germany, advi sing him. should he fail ot employment here, to come hick to Germany. This would seem to indicate that b<- had not been fortunate ir. obtaining employment, and that be had previously threatenc 1 to commit suicide. A verdict of "suicido by taking poison" w:w rendered.—jV. )'- Tribune. ?"Ax Oi.n SrPKRSTiTiov, — A little girl was recently 1 ■li'.-.VDed in amill-raco at Titiu-ville. Pa. Her parents arc of foreign birth, and they have since brought :♦ charge of abduction against a< man and his wife of the -aiue nationality. It appears that about a fortnight since the defendants moved into a new house. Thcv have a supcrsiitioii, in common with others of their own people, that whoever first occupies n new dwei lin for a period of two hurs will meet with a shock ing and untimely death. Anxious to relieve them selves ot t his fatality, t ey deeoyed a little girl and :i younger sister iotothe hou.-e and detained I hem there several hour* by locking them in a room. A low days af ur one of thorn was drowned. Cbtrri.iKti tiocdK. —We take great i>lb:;iuie in ca.-iiug iiio attention of our reader; to the • J- advertisement of Messrs.Smith* Bros?., v Co., No. 40 Wet Baltimore street. Wospoak what vo kocrw when weaav Ihcir present slock of clothing Mnnot ho excelled. We commend tlris firm to tbo favorah'e notice of all who may want good* in their line. Thoy *:!! at. small profit*, and deal on the Miiaro with ov*rrbodF. <'oli;nlrV Arowatki Vegctitt'!* A superior '4%H04 prepared from refined in combination with Glycerine, ;:;d especially designed for tho ugc f f ?p.i ■•r tl\c Its perfume exquisite, an ' its A;. hing properties unrivalic - . :or ea'o by alt drug rists. foO-d&wly Itntriicr'N Mgbtiifng Fiy>Kß!er Makes <iuick work with flies, and if commenced ejirl.v, keeps tho house clear all summer. Look out l'-r imitation*. Got Dutchcr's only. j022-eoliu2dp Ayer's Cntharlir Aie tho mo ! . perfect purgative which wo are able to produce, or which we think has ever yet been made by anybody. Their • fleets lie vo abundantly shown to the couiuiuriity how much thoy excel the ordinary medicines in use. they arc safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate tho vital activities of the body, remove tho obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. Thoy purge out the foul hurnor.i wlibib breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered or gans into their naturnal action.and impart u healths* tone, with strength to the whole sysh m. Not only <!• thoy fiire the every day cointdaints of everybody, out also formidable and dangerous disease*. 'While thoy produce powerful effects, they arc nt the u a- tjuio in diminished d(se*. the sUbst and host piy. in that can bo euiidoyod for children, llcing sugar- CtuVod. they arc pic;* ant to take; and, being purely ycgdtah.e, are frc from any ii k ♦' barns, (hires have, been made which surpars belief, v. ere tliey nt sub.sLu.tiatcd by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid tho suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians ha ve lent their names to certify r. > the public the reliability •( our remedies, while others have Font us tho assu ranee of their conviction that our prepar:-.! ions con - j tribute immensely to tho relief of our afflicted, suf- I loring fellow men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis our American Ajmauac, containing directions for tho • ertlll<:Utr ' S 0i ( ' uro '°i following OostivcneTliiious 0. nu.laints, tthoumatism. l>rop"i. Heartburn, Ueaduehe arising from foul stomach, nausea. Indigestion. Morbid Inaction of Lie Bow eh and Tam arising therefrom, Flatulency Loss ot Appetite, all diseases which require an evae' ustnt medicine. Jhey also, by puriiying tho blood and stimulating toe system, cure many emnplainu? which it would 110* besuj.posed thoy could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and - . us Irritability, Derangement of the Liver and Kidnoys, (iout, and other kindred complaints arising froiu a low state of tho body, or obstruction of lu I une t ions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers v.i,h other preparations, which thoy make more profit Dtmai.d Aycr's, yii i take 110 other*. The sick w t tlm bc?t aid thoro i* forth cm. and they mould have it. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aver A Or, Low!I, Ma** , and sold by W. li. BROU'N V. BliU„ Baltimore, and by dealers. . ir."*-eo2m HITCHCOCK—CONSTANTINE.—()n the 27th in stnnt, by tho Key. C. 4. ReiL Edward lb Hit hcock to Co Jhtar.tino, both of H:.! imore couuiv MAIIAN\ —PAi,AliUE.—(in the 2(iO- i (nr>' I y the 11(.V. Father Chample, John K. Mahany to Mr. . Margaret C'alahce, all of this city. BIKD. ARMSTRONG.—On the 27th instant, John L. Arm stronpr, in th 34th year of hi; njre. BAXER.—On Tuesday night. 20th instant, at eleven 0 clock, John Baicr, aged 43 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. ins* ISBEPENnm <• BETS.—Attend tho V:r?f.J??- u l ar monthly mooting THIS (Friday) E\ ENIN(J,_nt eight o clock. All inombers desiring to continue in membership, arc rcqucsied to bo pres ent, otnerwiso their names will bo stricken Irom the roll- AItTHUK. P. M tRRLSON, it Recording Secretary. •] THE STOCKHOLDERS or THE V. PK M.S Y I.VAN I A OIL AND COAL COM -1 AN Y Ob BALTIMORE, are requested to attend a !??2j, , J\ l ' a k the Company's Office,42 Second street,.on "All l; DA) , tho 30th instant, at one o'clock P. M.. as bur iness of importance will be submitted for their approval. By order. J NO. M. McELROY. Secretary. 'Fh.p.'i . .It jt'TiMoio:, June 27,18t6. J IDENIim nStf Directors havedeelared aDiV uintl,,,v.iUK P , K ? CKNT - ibr the last six National on t\". n , a "e aUoI ' the of July next, national and state Taxes paid by the Bank. je2B-4t J - M- LiXTIU — Acting Cashier. OEO MItSSXO 'OM- 'li f , *fi" • > nU!ll Meeting of Stoekhohl ers will be hehl on MONDAY NEX T o'clock M.. at tho room over J S tli't "inns 'i' (■ > Bank, South street, when an Election of to serve for the ensuing year, will take place The Superintendent ot the mine will he present to ren der an necoiint of its present condition. It'i? tkcro fore, to the interest of every shaieholder to be ore ent. AUU'S C. PRACHT, je'27-dtm President. ft"srTW<l> BA CASES • I'II.LN CBKEIi Uagr BY DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY.- Mr. vitas?, of Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for tho benefit of all who sutSbr with the Piles, that ho has been troubled for eight years with an aggravated case of Piles, and his brother was discharged from the army as incurable, (he beiDg quite paralyzed with the Piles.) Both tnese distressing eases were cured with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Piie Remedy.— J ne recommendation of theso ger tteioen, brside tho (tally testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those suffering that tho mor* at--cravat- i chrome cases of Piles are cured by Dr. Strickland's 4 .ie Remedy. It is sold by .loth U; nee, Ids Balci vot S i r ",' ' n ! by Druygists everywhere. W holeeaJe Agsnts, TliO.M SEN ii BLOCK ana A. VOOELhR & CO: . tihiiu e. jukcjb;, Agent. BALTIMORE PAD/F COMMERCIAL-■FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1 866. \ LB'R \E ETA ITI.E SV € 11.1A N L-riy 11AI IT REN EW Ell, its effect ia miraculous. — The old, the young, the middle aged, unite to praise II ILI 'a VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RRVRWIIA. JT I. an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. We have such confidence in its merits, and are so aure it will do all wo claim for it, that we offer 91,0041 REWARD if the Sicilian Hair lie-newer (loos not give satisfaction in all cases when used in strict accordance with our instructions. # llall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Hon ewer has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for tho llair ever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound, and contains no injurious properties whatever. It is not a Dvc, it strikes at the Roots and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp, and makes the hair soft, lustrous, and silken. 11 is a splendid h-.iir-.frcss ing. No person, old or young, should fail to use it. It is recommended and used by the first Medical Authority. Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer and take no other. If not sold by Druggists in your town, a trial bottle will bo sent to you by express, upon receipt of one dollar by mail—-thus giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. Orders lor trial bottles must ho addressed to R. P. HALL & Co., Proprietors. Nashua, N. U. Sold by all Druggist*. Wholesaled by THOMSBN & BLOCK and S. S. HANCB. Baltimore. ia22-d.tweoly *• KAPFB The exercises will bo resumed on MONDAY N EXT, September 4th, at 8 o'clock A. M., on which JHJT now scholars will be admitted. T 'irco higher classes exclusively intended for young ladies, were formed last January, and ere in SUCCCCE faiI operation at present. Hsrente sending boarders, arc re.ioi.ited to provide 'or their ponctc&l arrival. v. RNAPV A StJrBBIOR KF.MEWY.—Wocanoon (FeS* scientiously recommend to thoae suffering from a distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Coush Balsam. It gives relief almost instantaneous and is withal not disagreeable to tho taste. There is no doubt that tho Mellifluous Cough Balsam is one oi the best preparations in use, and is all that i*r pro prietor claims lor it. Wo liavo tried i? during the past-wook and found relief from a most distressing jongh. Itia prop area by Dr. b trick land, No. 13y Sycamore street Ciueiur.&ti, Ohio, and for ealohy Druggists. Wholesale agents Tom eon k Block, aad A. VWeler A Cm. 'vff-1 V cy-prr.j-IRKMEA' S IXNEKAM'K OFFICE,) L -Y BALTIMORE, June 20,186*1. j The President and Directors of the Firemen's Insu- ! ranee Company >f Baltimore have THIS DAY i declared :i DIVIDEND OF TWO DOLLARS ! PER SHARE, clear of all taxes, for tho hall year | ending Jifih instant, payableouaud after MONDAY, j :M day of July next. je'>l tjy3 J. M. WINCHESTER. Sec'y. | i .•> NOTICE TO TRAVELERS aoISQ tr-V SOHTH.—The now LINE OF STEAMERS !• ives Spear's Wharf DAILY, Sundays excepted, for the following points, connecting at Norfolk and Portsmouth with Railroads for sil points South. Fare from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe $3.00 Baltimore to Norfolk 3.00 Baltimore to City Point 5.00 Baltimore to Richmond 5.00 Bailimore to Petersburg 6.00 tpl I-!.f RIRGivIIEAD. JR.. Aff't. tt r.r THCLSE auk sicii rfadj 1-.J MISHLER'S HERB BITTERS.—I 3. Mishlcr's Herb Bitter* are guarantied to cure Dyspepsia, Liver LODII laint, Fovcr and Ague, intermittent. Remittent and Typhoid Fever, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Af fections. General Debility, or VV oakness caused by excess, imprudence or exposure. Coughs and Colds. Rheumatism, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Cramp in tho Homach, Piles, Diseases of the Skin, such as Scrofula, Ulcor*. etc., etc. In Venereal Diseases these Bit tors are a sure euro. It is also certain to remove all obstructions to tho regular coarse of na ture in Females, and will rare Green Sickness or Chlorosis, Leiicorrhaa or Whites, "Womb Complaint or Falling of tho Womb, Ac., and thus preserve the Fair Complexion of those who use it; but, like all i cmedie* of this class, should bo used with caution 0v married ladies. As a Tonic and Appetizer these Bitters are unrivalled. 'J bos© Bitters have effected many wonderful euros in this city, among whom are—Rev. J. H. Ale Cord, cured of Dysentery; H. W. Eckert, No. 20 (Jrcou lnount avenue. cured of Nervousness; Samuel W. Tunis, police officer, cured of a bad Cough, and gen eral health great 1 benefitted: C.E. Hi lay, Front street, near Gay. cured of Humor plGhe Blood, two years' standing; besides numerous others. Read the following Certificate : BALTIMORE, May 30.1866. Mr. B. Mishler:—l have been suffering a long time from a weak stomach and pains in my limbs; yester day I was taken with severe cramp in my stomach, so that L was confined to my bed, and having seen one of your circulars of your medicine, my husband induced me to try a bottle. I;took three do-es, which relieved mo of tho cramp immediately, I have con- taking it, fuid find that I am entirely rid of she pains in my limbs, aud am perfectly wel, so that I cin do my daily h usework with ea*e, which for a a long time 1 was not able to do. I freely consent to give you tho u>o of my name, >uul shall rocommcnd your iueilieiue to all my friends. Yours repectfully, J IT. I A T. SMITH, No. 102 Preston street, Baltimore. TAKE NOTICE. If Mishler*B Bitters fail to remove :ill iuipuritiesof the blood, or fail to cure any disease arising from such a can so, tho money will bo refunded in each and every case by tho proprietor. B. MI3HI.FR. southeast corner Centre fc'quare, Lancaster, Pa. Druggists, Merchants and Hotel keepers will be . applied on libera! terms, by CALDWELL Sc CO., A,vcnts for the Ft ate of Maryland, North Gay street. Bait. PRICE H 1,25 per botll e. T i;e ingredients used in compounding MISHLER'S l.G'rb Bitters arc not kept secret by the Proprietor. t end for a circular. jc2t)-3ui M A G EE'S if ,a 4 Unrivalled Shirts OK A LI. KIN OS. AND WSHSTf.fcSIKN'H FIIKNIKUIftO UOUD-i, SO. 60 NORTH fill TAW STREET, ABiIVS LHXINGTOfi \I\£KZT. Hast v, hit,;; SI: 1 UTS made to order, or ready made C 1 AU ft 181E it E W23 I It TM , NiSGLKtSE SHIRTS. TRAVELING SHIRTS, AND AH MY SHIRTS, o? at.l kisbb AND =tvleb. je29-eoly PStft BA?.TI.HRE t'OAI, COMPANY'S E COAL.—Having determined to vend our own Coal, pure and unmixed with any other coal. We have now in our yard and are daily receiving Coal of a prime quality, and more free from Slate, than has keen received in this market in former years. We recommend our friends and the public to fur nish us their orders early, which we are prepared to till at the present low rates, as all the indications are that Coal must advance in price very soon. Our Coal is offered at the lowest market rates. I<Y WHOLESALE, At our OFFICE, No. 6 SOUTH STREET. AND ISY RETAIL, Delivered in any part oftlio city, by JAMES DIGGS, Agent, at his office, No. 2 SOUTiI STREET, opposite "Sun" office. By order of the Board of Directors. THOS. WILSON, i'rest. AW CtiAS. F. DIGGS, Sect'y. tIAT.TiaoRE, June/mob. jel3-lm jronwsxosrs Insurance Rooms, T.I and To SKt'tt.M) STREET. FIRE INSURANCE. MARINE INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. Aggregate Capital Sleprescnted, OVER TWENTY MILLIONS. Strictly First-: lass Companies. LOWJdST BATES. Promptest and Fairest Settlements. I.OSKE.H ADJUSTED AND PAID AT THIS OFFICE. TIIOS. D. JOHNSTON, myS-tfcidp UNDERWRITER. ■l9. irsilts If AT COM PANT. IsT Just oponod Spring sty lea of Silk, Capsim ere and Soft MAI'S at prices us low a: any house in the city. CANES and UMBRELLAS. - ' JOSHUA LYNCH 4 CO.. onhS-tF W BnintnoM atA*t.. mutr Ghtr, SAVES. LILLIE'S CHILLED IRON 11111 %sdP< FIRE AND IIURGLAI! PROOFS WITH CCMBINA 'I'ION LOOKS. A. PROSEUS. Oenoral Southern Agent, „ WEST LOMBARD STREET, fel'-tf Opposite Postofilce. gfiCLLIAUDS! 11l 1.1,1 A RDM HI 1,1.1 A RDM - I would call the attention of buyers to toy new COMBINATION CUSHIONS LtWj.whieh cannot bo surpassed by any ando'Liou 01 l 0 1" elasticity, correctness of angles, wl. a finn't y ' i Wh . ,c , l ?, l v 6e " *■ reasonable prices: thin®- c< rnl . , m with llic trade. Orders by mail to,t TAr* MM ACUm'RY 01L.'-l V oV I rale R br RA PWNK iw or. J®- 4 JONES 4 CO. Ie No. 34 South Calvert street. C 1 RAt'KERS AND MMIIJIT.-Pearce's cele > brated IV me and Cream Biscuit for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER 4 C&. feols Ag*aa, No. 15 Bowly'i wharf, MISC R I. LA NEOIJS. PNf'l'JtSlrtN TO COB B'S IS L \ X D ANO THE CAPHS OF VIRGINIA. 'lhc i'"w. ft and *teainor S v IsVES I\K"*! CAPTAIN .1011 A. POST, will Icn re N orfnlk SUNDAY MOR NING, July 1 sfc, at 6 o'clock, on the arrival of tb? steamer James f. Brady from Baltimore, lor Cobb's Island and the Capes, returning tb same evening. Fare fr the round trip from Norfolk $1 || || " " from Richmond 3.iKi " from Baltimore 5.U0 Meils and State Rooms extra. Passengers will be afforded n fine view of the har bor and Capes, and have ample time f >r bathing aud to dine on the Island, as the steamer will remain there from 4 to "> hours. All persons desirous of enjoying the sea air nid a delightful sail on ihe bay. have now a most favor able opportunity lo do so. IfTbe steamer JAMES T. BRADY. Capt. LnndD. will leave the foot of Spear's wharf on SATURDAY EYKNING. at f> o'clock, and connect at Norfolk with the steamer John Sylvester. MAURY (HrdlOir.B ROOK. "FOUR YEARS TN TDK SADDLE." $3. PRISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAY IS, $2. For sale at WAITE'S BOOKSTORE 138 Baltiioorn street, je29-2t Between Calvert and North st*. AAA MOW AT COHMAm "191 9 to lend in sum* of ?.\OOO to s6oJ'(n), for five or ten years. To he secured by a, mortgage or redeemable ground rents, with ample margin, to be approve ! bv t!>o lender; the proper y to be in located within the city of Baltimore, or the adjoining country, (ca*y of access, near tho city). Large portions of these funds are orphans' and tru-t, now in bank, for which [ solicit early application. For approved security the money will bo paid at | once. f A number of most valuable farms for sale Also, houses, lots JOHN L. HAMMOND, .36 Saratoga street. je29-tf one door above Culvert. FfVtl DF.H.4RT*KXT CITY COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. r BALTIMORF., June 26,1866. ) DISCOUNT ON 1866 TAX FS. City Taxes for 1866, if paid at t!ii> office on or bo fore SATURDAY, June )th, will he entitled to Four per cent, discount-on both B°l and Personal bill*. After which the discount will be Three and a-a.tif per cent, on Real and Two percent, on Personal bills until August Ist. Persons in arrears for 186a Taxe*. or other years, will save trouble and cost by settling them at once; otherwise it will become mv duty to ooUcct the samo by sale, as the laws and ord names direur in such cases. t AUGUSTUS M. PRICE, je2S-3t City Collector. A KfMM'IATKD M toVVIVK "j JI.VE 26,1866. J Tho President and Directors of the Associated Firemen's Insurance Company of Baltimore have this day declared u DIVIDEND OF EIGHT PER CENT, for tho pact six month*, payab e on and after July oth, 1860. National, State aud City Taxes paid by the Company. By or !cr je2B-tJy.-) J NO. DUK E H A RT. Sec'y. f REABIIRY DEPAraKVL ) " JUNK 26, 1860, j Notice is hereby given to holders of Certificates of Indebtedness issued under acts of Congress, approved March 1 and 17, 1862, that the Secretary of the Treasury, in accordance with said acts and the tenor of said Certificates, is prepared to redeem before maturity all Certificates of Indebtedness falling due afrer August 31, 2866, with accrued interest thereon, if presented for redemption on or before JULY 10, 1866; and that thereafter such Certificates will cca c o to bear interest, and will be paid on presentation at this Department, with interest only to said 15th of Jly. 11. McCULLOCII, jc2S tJ3*ls Secretary. KVSirVT ALllltl 8.1V&.-rf am v V pared to 'urnish to tho Builders and Contract ors Wood Burnt Alum Lime, at (12; forty-two cents per bushel, to building, at all points within the city limits. For building purpose* leave orders at No. 18 East Falls avenue, near Pratt street bridge. je2B-3i* JAMES 11. MILLER. & T AX KLKfTfOX. held on Friday, tho 22,1 liA. instant., agreeably to iu 11 *o notice, the follow ing gentlemen were elected Managers of tliis Insti tution tiie ensuing year, viz : rH oS * Wm. Kennedy, ihos. J. Wilson, Deeter Bnrgar, Ilaslctt McKim, .1. J. Tbonwen, '*?"* ~B' l ' n S dr., Wm. J. Ricman, V '• IC. Brown, (has. Mark-ell. J. 1. Baxley, * Dr. John K. Mef'ulloh. And on Monday, the 2"th instant, the Managers elected the following olliccrs for the ensuing year, viz: President. JOS. CT.SIirN'G, JR.. \ icc President, WM. KRNMI' DY, Treasurer. TPOS. J. WIT SON, Secretary, J. P. RAN LEY, Apothecary. 11. BELL. An■ for THREE ATTENDING PHY ST \ m Baltimore General Dispensary will be held at the Dispensary, corner of Liberty and layette stroets, on KB [D AY. the 2Mb instant to o'chH? r 'x ,(! M 19 o clock ' A - M - B,l ' continue till 3 Every five .dollars contributed will untitle tlie uonor to give on© vote for three phvsicinn?. . At this election nil mrfle contriliutors shall vote in person, hut female contributors may vote by prosy, and the right of voting bv proxy shall he extended to male and female contributor/who may be absent irom the city, or confined bv eieknes- or enraged ia the public service on the d*y of election; provided, always, that every contributor voting by proxy shall give a separate power to that effect . n , OA J. BHOWN BAXLEY, jeJs-Th* i'Jt Secretary. .Afl'n:kTu>% r,x<t s~ teZSstTO A>XAI'OLiS y, the Benefit of the MARA LAND SOLDIERS* HOME. Ill© Lady M anagers of the "Soldiers' Home" have chartered tho tino and safe > iearner KENT ISLAND for the above purpose on FRIDAY, June 2'.'th, lStkj, starting from Ihe. foot of Comvav st., at 2' . \\ M una re! urning at 3 i P. M. Luneh, Confectionery, Ice Cream, Ac., served at regular prices. Tickets $2, admitting a Gentleman and Lady,to be had .t i he Lady Managers, or of (Jen. A. W. Den Don, 51 Baltimore st.: Gen. V. W Bowerinan. Custom House; Oui. !l. Adreon. Lexing ton st : Major F. C. Tan, Bible llouse; Dr. K. It. llaer. layette st„ Committee. jc27-3l' p QMi SALTZIG BROTHERS, | N. E. Corner of Qay and Lombard directs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dsaless IN* 1' 113 3I X WITXI3 H Directly iuiported and warranted. Best brands of the choice t wine? served lo eusto mer?. Also, delicacies suitable to the enjoyment of the juice of the grape. Orders fir any quantity tilled with promptness and dispatch. jeEVlm C,St'E!TATE J.YE IX ISOXES For / soap making, for sale by It. J. Duk"r A Co. .'ib S. Ciia-liw -licet. j e 23 6l WM. lEY. READ'S Blackberry Syrup (oinpoiinil. tilacfifierry Syruji t'onipouiKl. Blackberry Syrup t'smjieaud. Certain and rapid in the cure of DIAKHtDK \. DYSENTERY, CHOLERA. CHOLERA MORBUS. SUMMER COMPL ANT. And kindred diseases. Recommended very especially for Children's use, as it will s>otbe the little sufferers, and after one or two doses the most violent, disorder will give way. In this season of disordered bowels, when mitt tic Cholera, with its attendant terrors, i? threatening the community, this is the very remedy to have in ihe house, and to apply t ■ attacks of the Dysentery and Diarrhoea, fhereoy this scourge of so many mil lions may he nipped in the bud, when it is yet eon trollablc by so loeasaol an agency. Most rouseieli cionsly we would recommend it as a preventive of Cholera, used in the early stage, when it is hard to be distinguished from ordinary dysenteric affection. Neglect at such time so frequently puts it beyond the control of medical skill and works death. 'J obo had at 147 Baltimore street, one door tolow Calvert oOcts., sl, $1.50 per bottle. All respectable Dru-- gists keep it. WH. B. READ, PEAi aa ts CREABS SYRUP MINERAL WATER. From Porcelain Fountains. s'isiv I'am y Govln, Ti/ilcl Arilch'H, i'erluiuery, Ac., do. Including full stock of Hair Brushes, Bcswell & Warner'? Colorific. Tnutli Brushes, Bachelor's ilair Dye, Nail Bruslic.:, &e. IJpham's Japanese Hair Stain, Soaps & Combs, ChrisUuioro's Hair Dye, Fans, Sozudortt, for iho Teeth, Flasks, Jews bury & Brown's Tooth Paste. Parnctt's Colnrne .irivl Florimel, Poco fc Books, liumett'b footli V/hMi J?Cocair.o. Hand Mirrors, 1 ,Nau.V DcpiLD.-rv ±\>.?d •- Gold Pens. UphamVFrecklo.fcPim r !eßanither liu£ctß, London Hair Olor Rfc^oior, UwbrM las, Canes, Luu.-ii de Baris, Opera Giasjes, I.airi'a Blootu cf Youth, Music (Gorman Farir.a Cologne, Labia V Extracts. <: suxctic for tho Whiskers, Lubir-'c Sonpr, Ster'-ingV. Ambr- ••• f,. r •. u . 3 Lubiu'y Hair nil, Kendall's Aral ollne, Coudrny's Extr's, Elder Fiowor Soip, „ Eon}s, L o.v'a Brotvn Winder Soap, Pomades. ii'imr'bvcyV li* r:-ap,ithy, " Stick Pomade, Chevalier's Life lor the ii.Hr llyg. tSoc.'s Fx -, Hall's Si'j'iioii iioncv.-ir" llyg. Sue. Heaps, Head's Hair Tunic, II yg. Foe. Pom v Head's Hair Restorer. Hyg. Sec. H'r Oil, Fiery Serpent.*. (jprn Piasters. WM. 11. READ, 147 Baltimore street, ';na d ;ar east of Calvert. liiN'RT S. 2BHTCCI. HENRY BSHYOCK. H. S, SHRYOCK a SON, Cabinet, Ohair and Sofa MANVFAVTUIiKav, No. SOUTH CALVERT STREET, Throe -ioors south of Baltimore stmt, Baltimore. SiaSavir „A largo assortment of CABINET SPRING MArntEhaES. Ac., always <l!1 hand and made to order. Ships' Cabins and Steamboats furnished on tho best tCTm -i- oc2-tf NFEAMER HKST ~ fcSt&Gsskßtr FOR CHARTER Eoli EXC'JR- J_!Laotsi'aijß™_SlONS. Apply at tha corner of Camden and Light streets. jo7-tf2p R I!S UIiEKX & t'O., <"* REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 59 SECOND STREET. BALTIMORE. Are prepared to buy, sell and exchange Real Estate, lo rent and collect renin, to borrow and loan money, to attend to investments and other busino-s concerning Dust.?. DUELLING HOUSES—Dwelling Houses for sale on Saratoga, St. Paul. Monument, Eager, Hoffman, Garden, MeCulloueh, Eutnw, Green, Le.ving on, Pacu Row, Carey, Franklin square, Calhoun, Ensor and Albemarle stroets. *AO GROUND RENT FOR SALE.-$2,000 per annum ground rent, on a warehouse on Balti more street, near Charles. 823,000 TO LOAN—In small or large sums, on good security—rates low. OLD FREDERICK ROAD.—For Sale or Rent, a handsome Cottage on the old Frederick road. miles from the city, 11 rooms, good out-huildings. fine shade trees and superb view of city and river— with 1U acres o! land attached. FREDERICK TURNPIKE.—IO acres on Catons vilio Passenger Railway, five miles from city, weii improved, good fruit and nater. Price SlO.Gfiii. FREDERICK ROAD.-EligibleßuiMiDg Lots f.ein 3 to 5 miles from Ihe city, on the Frederick road, commanding view of the city, country and river, lor sale or lease lo v. FARMS FOR SALE.—Farms from 70 lo 1,000 Acres, in most of the Counties of Maryland and Virginia— for sale low. Apply to JOHN GLENN A CO., laelT-tf 59 Second streeti Bait. A MUSEMENT3. |.glArA ' STetEKT THEITKE. TSrgnj: enter,r, of the celebrat ed COTTON AMU t llltl'llV'S CALIFORNIA MIMSTBKbf! tVho will appear THIS KVi'NTXO, and Kvcry Evening this Areek, in a. programme of great attrac tion, comprising o-i' >S I XSTttF IA-Y In great variety, with new Songs, new Burlesques, * ! ►■, n -crt, ,ve ißiun issrk nem •MONDAY EVENING, J one 25th, and every Even ing during the weV, SANFORD'S BURLESQUE OL'EKA TROUPE AND BRAS 3 BAND. Introdncing an Kntertainni "ot F.Qt-AL TtJ iffy Ji VF.Ii GIVE if. Admission to ali parts of the Hall 25 cents. Front scats reserved for ladies. Open :u' ~'A, commences B'4. j22-St MATISKK ox S.tTt ttn.t v NRXT. COAL. Coal. $6.50. Coal, OTO. 10 SOUS 22 3TK.E332. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CONSUMERS UNION COAL.. CO M P ANY, II ave erected the following Directors and Officers for tho present year. JAMES F. PURVIS, President. AUGUST M. PRICE, | BENTLEY C. 8188, ' JAMES P. Til DM -s. 1,,. . JAMES X. GIVEN, ; Directors. J. O. FULLER. | JAMES p. PURVIS, JR., DANIEL McCANN, Treasurer. J AS. I. GIVIFIN. Secretary. The public arc invitcl to call at, the Office. Xo. fMWM'Ia .VrKEET V, hero they can subscribe for this valuable Coal 1 btock — p> ice icn Doffart J'er Share. i. price ol Coal \;my size} to Stockholders, is \ per ton ol 2210 pounds, delivered. Ksm'u Sliare of Kntitlea the Holder to receive 6XI. TfiX OF tTO/if. .• T 4.'41.5 T. nmqirily and perpctu -My, and a Dividend out of tho pruiiu from the sale ot surplus Coal. jelG-tf SCMM> Yi'r- $6.00 COAL. TRKVO RTON NUT COAL (SAME CHARACTER AS LYKENS VALLEY) FOR COOKING PURPOSES, $6.60. Also for saIe—BALTIMORE COMPANY. SUH BU RY, and JChE\ ORTOX R. A. SOFT COAL, Nos 1, -i arid J. The bast CUMBERLAND COAL, all at lowest market prices. For sr.! l.v J. HENRY GIESE. OSco No. U South street. YARDS: ap2l-6m Spear's wharf and on North riroot. HAM MHU BAI.TJSEOHE ■rei.AE. cttsMXT. BALTIMORE OFFICE.BESCHANGEBUILDING. The undorsigned are prepared to supply steamboat companies, manufacturers and shippers with tiia HAMPSHIRE AND PALI IMOP.E COAL COMPANY'S Celebrated semi-bituminous Coal at lowest market prices. SUTTON GEMMELL, Shipping and Sales Agenta, fcs-tf Jo .Exchange i'laoe. ! eOAZ,! CikAl. I N r ; Baitim'-rc Comp •: y Gray'?. Lee'.-:, and Diamond i, hitoAsh, i.yken.s' Va ley. Lorbarry. and Minbnry Ke.l Ash. Also, George's Creek, Cumberland, and Lehigh Coals. For sale at the mines, by thu cargo, car load or t'invlo ton, delivered in the city. E. STABLER, Jit., it CO. P'ffioc—No..! Pouth si.. Sue liuildin.TS. Wharf and Yard— Comer York and William Us. .'Lor No. i~ BANKING. t HAN. E. WATCHS A- EAH TEkt, BANKERS AND BROKERS. N. TV. Cor. italic, asset Charles stM. GOVEIiKMENT SECURITIES, EXCUAXGE, STOCKS, BOXES, GOLD AX I) SILVER, _ _ , Bought and soM. Order? fromLauks aud Brokers will receive prompt at lent ion and an as favorable rates as offered else where. Deposit* received and money advanced ou collateral. .Purchase and sell .Stocks for cash, or on margins, in this and other markets, e.rclittivcfjj on connni-iKion. Collections promptly made or, all parts of the coun try through reliable correspondents. fell-lint SBUI'HE£S ISfMJJt, BALTIMORE. N. E. COK. BALTIMORE AND CALVERT &£s., isjkei*s ant! Brokey*, najLEas IK GOVERNMENT SECUP.ITT SS AHS DOMESTIC AND STERLING EXCHANGE. STOCKS. BONDS and GOLD bought and sold ex clusively on Commission. Having a Branch House in Now Fork, can give the best attention to Stock Orders or other business there. Advances made on satisfactory securities. oc2-tf |JIHAKJJ OS KAftf I'ISANt ISCO, 4'AUFbKMA. Also, on LONDON i.n :t DUBLIN, i i suu-3 to suit I'ENDIJItOAST, I'EN- I'tKO-u -i <lS:mt6 s wharf. Agents for WELLS. Y 3 KQ-.) - (>.. TYow York. t1e.30 tf "® r ©U r 5 " % Hoop Skirt M ANU FAO TORY. i-.xsiEii.jao.? & ©oEBXKAxa-, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in nil Styles of Hoop Slciir-ts, So. 5120 stml 5*22 BaKiuiore JSI., UP STAIRS, ap7-3ra 3XL2,TimOHE. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS SOI'TH ASH SttlJT'O WEST. THE CHEAT VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE Air Line Railway, Comprising the following railroads, viz: NORFOLK AND PRTHRSBVISG AMI StICTH S[l>K KAILROAPS, VIRGINIA AND TFXNESSKB R. R„ EAST TENNESSEE AXD VIRGINIA R. It., East 'i EXNEHSEK ANI> GKOUGIAK. it., , . . , MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON R. R, forimngr.n unbroken gaugefrom Norfolk to tl.o Aiis- U'l'i \ alley. This line, and nil its vuriousccinec t>ons running South and Southwest, is now in full operation, and will Bive through contracts, ouarnn t ' lnn (I fixed price per hundred pounds,/r<-e/<*,on nil outttde rxpratM /or rommiMtum, at Throuak tre*ght Hatm, between il A 1 TIMORE and PE I'KRS BURU, I; I ..'RKi:sVILLI;, DANVILLE UHEBNS BOKO' CHARLOTTE. LYN* M HI'KG, BRISTOL, KNOXVILLK.DALTON, CHATTANOOGA, NASH VILLE, .'UL.uVIY,, liACbj, MBMPI! is, VICKB - NEW ORLEANS, anil intermediate points. Shippers Will ptcaso take uotico that the VI Pi- IM A AiND ruNNHs.-EB AIR Li.Vi.KAtL- V ''l Will recognize no contracts for the transporta tion ot treigatat through rates, except such as arc issued by the authn-i-' J aaent. of the line. Shippers to the South and Southwest by the Va. A donn. Line Ran way are rect iter ted to ship as here to fore oy t-..c ;\KW LINK fcT EAIIK;: : ONLY, as no oihor nno of .-teauiers ruimii.* to Norfolk is reo juiied by the Air Lino Railway in through enn*rwl:?. AD for io*i or dumoye t>u*t>iined by goods in AQT* t ? promptly ectt td on application to the SHORT LIVE TO PETERSBURG. Passengers and freight leaving Baltimore at 5 P M arrive IU Pttei. burg at 11 A. Si. the Pillowing day, '-rfehoapcr than by any other line. rtthlGill rcec.vci! daily at Root of SPEAR'S It HARK until 4P. ill. Mark Packages VA. & TENS. LINE. For full shipping directions, stencils and blanks, apply to .. C.A.ELMORE, Agent \ irgiaia and Tennessee a, . ... ™ Air Line Railway. (tFFiGES —1*3.1 West Baltimore street, and dooc of Spear's wharf. my 19- NOTICE TO SBIPPF.RB. ■ffieSWgfflSfe FREIGHT FOR RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG. THE OLD BAY LINE, Union Dock, foot of Con cord street. The Baltimore Steam Packet Company is now pre pared to reecivo freight daily for Richmond and Pe tersburg, and forward the same at as low rates a3 any other line. Shippers are requested to hive their Goods dis tinctly marked and ordered by tho Old Bay Line. myl7-tf L. B. PARK, Agent. " 1 "" —mm i mi in.—i ■■■■!■ jagMwagMMiaMmeßiE. MJORBAS'S WHITE Kl U'll i K NPiOSOS. The above celebrated Watering Place is offered for sale on favorable terms. The property is situtted in Frederick county, Virginia, witain fivo miles of v. luchu-pter, and a mile and a half of Stephenson's Depot, by a Rood turnpike nad. It consists of about one hundred acres of Laud, *ith l*rpc Garden and line Orchard* of choice fruit. The principal build raZti are of onck, three stories, substantially built, contaiinnar about ninety rooms, with Lath-houses. Teu-i'ir. Alloy. Stables and other out bail iinru erected at a co?t of $40,000 in cheap times, ;dl oi v/hich can be put in complete order at a small ex pense, and be ready for visitors within thirty days. The garden is now being filled with vegetables, and the lee Houses are stored with Ice for the season. Abe healthiness of the local icy and the virtues of tie waters are so widely known that they noed not here bo dwelt upon. There is a constant demand for tbo water for transportation. Visitors leaving Balti more or Washington in the morning ear; reach the Springs in time lor dinner. No place of summer re sort offers so many advantages as this, nor can a more surely paying investment be found than is hare pre sented. Terms of sale, one third cash, remainder in one, two and three years, with interest. Titlo unques tionable. Apply to GEO. M'. TINGES & SON. mh2l-tf No. 3 St. Paul street. U-EK.I A3SIJS IIiiEA RTS, JfitJ* INSURANCE AGENT AND BROKER, No. 13 North street. Baltimore. Agent lor the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMP'Y, N. Y STATE INSURANCE COMP'Y, JERSEY CITY EQUITABLE INSURANCE COMP'Y, PHII,A. LIFE, I'IBE rtui! 31A HIS E IHSURASt'E, in responsible Companies, KSeated oa tin meat ffsvorshls Terms, ap2-4y BOOKS, PAPER, ETC. CUDHINGS & BAfLEY } BOOKS3EUEBS, Siaii ouers, Gliik Boob Mnctnlaeinrers, 283 BALTIMORE-ST., OPPOSITE HANOVER STREET. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, CLASSICAL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS, TEEOLOGICAL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, STATIONERY, TILL Labgkst and Most Vasied Stoc* TO EB TOCHD IN TH3 CITY. PiGLD AOOOUBT BOOKS, Made of Superior Likkk Papks, at short cotice ruled and bound to order in any style. Banks, Xhskbasob CoriPAHira, CoxpoaATiosg aho Mshchants. furnished at reasonable prices, 00 Mil ffSAPEB WAKEHOCSE. tn„ , N0 - 3i . HANOVER STREET, trrn a?v r ? i ffJwV, 0 -fef o , r . snl ° * fllil assortment of ! . ' and BIRD toRS BOARDS, ooi!abid* f,, ■ii ARo PHr°Hr^ r^?, 1 M c akiae and Book BiJdin". Paper; Manilla, Straw and other Wrap,. , „ RUDOLPH i JEN'NESS 11 Pricos p &i<i tor Rags and waste *'. noS-ly SAPER WARESOUSS, No. I'd Soutb Charles (Street, BALTIMORE, MB. SUBSCRIBERS offer for saia a large and MN (IP V P m ttl? ® n -m KIT k N,J anJ V.RAP PINU aAi ER.s, v: Plat Caps, Demy*. Folio Post, Mediums, pUin and ruled: Letter and hJotes. Abo "* > ,°if ler WRAPPING PAPERS, all c.,l'b i •' t Boards, Printers' Cards and ii'fa ve . upes v Wtc0 f ,,rp ' Raper Bags, Arc., to winch e call the attention of i <fra!ors. N- B.—Cash paid for Ragj aril B U i LDI3VG MATERIA LS~ Fancy Front Do :>h; Inside Doors, Plain and Mould ed, 4 panel and ti panel, 1W ineb, \% inch, 1)5 Ineh anu l/.s inch t.ucK.. made of best seasoned white nine ash, chesnut and black walnut, of a variety of sizes' trom 2 foot s>y t> feet to d feet ti inches by b foot. Also! Store Doors and holding Docro. We offer for sale, at cash prices, 6,000 Doors, ready finisnod lor use, at wholesale and retail OEO. O. STEVENS A CO., , irt „ West Pratt street, mnl-6m Near Spear's wharf. VKWEId, POSTS, d-w BALUSTERS AND HANDRAILS. Stair Builders' supplies generally can be had at , , .0. STEVENS A CO'S., ™ 47 West Pratt street. For Outside and Inside, with STATION ART AND PIVOT SLATS. ALSO, PANEL SHUTTERS. Cheap for Cash. GEORGE O.STEVENS A CO.. 47 West Pratt street, mhl2-0m Near Spear's wharf. IfOCSE-OTILOmS' M'Pl't.HN. from a FRONT DOOR to a BACK GATE. Our stock comprises Window and Door frames. Sashes, Dhnds and Doors, Newel Posts Bal ustres. Uandrivils, Washboards, Casings, Brackets, Mouldings, Mantel Pieces of wood,slate and miirblo, biato Hearths, Hardware. Window Glass, Ac Ac G. 0. STEVENS A CO., , . 47 West Pratt street, inhl„-Cm Near Spear's wharf, HAKTEM. A fine assortment now on hand and for salo by the Solo Agents for Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia. GEO. 0. STEVENS A CO., , 47 West Pratt street, mhl2-6m Near Spear's wharf. SJfOT KIIIS HA SSI EN, GI.AZED AND UNGI.AZKD. A good stoc a to be at reasonable prices, at 47 WEST PRATT STREET, bv mhl2-fka GEORGE 0. STEVENS A CO. Builders supplied at lowest market rates. Our stock ranges from 3 ft.?, to 14 tbs. Special patterns cast to order, GEO. 0. STEVENS A CO., , 47 West Pratt street, inii I --ijiii Near Spoar's wharf. E" JEha. ,"<a_,'Ts\\ r ja^u, TO The Ladies. N. R. E. MAYES'S PATENT POH <! WASHING MADE EASY." WASHING! WASHING! ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT BOILING OR BLUEING. A chemical preparation for washing clothes, the coarsest, as woll as tin finest and r.iost delicate fabrics, without Rubbing or Boiling; siring in the procoss half the time, one-third ilia Soup, J i i .IS II a 2 w § Hi y - i r h ■■■ :s y b n=| 'i i'la !i t S* A w II 113 i! 1 4 111 8 § M s 'S "J" 5 1,1 == s z— F Bi. i 71 o ~V.C id hd b =s HH* S! § n w ,I -u >s|§9 : 2 " ul S-j's J '■>* - sc— • r- oj J "-J' SS~-. 2 ="s ~ fc'-s.l'g §s y, M M SS-agjjggo gj, ejjO § c <lj 23 5 3-7 s3 J 3if a snfcngS s < |3 I SSSsslt if 2 n -.-.•s-Yc-.-: 5 -°.2 ■*- h, v S Lj _ 3 3*— O MANUFACTURED BY ROGrERS, JAMES & CO, No. 18 N. Liberty Street. fold by All Grocers, my3-ly "SIiESMiHTERHSr CHINESE LANTERNS! FOR Fourth of July. A Large Assortment I AT J. W. LOAJlb's csrrra STATES FUG I>EIT, 67 W. PRATT STREET, .ieU-tJyl NEAR SOUTII. T 1 WE PROG RESSIVE EVENING SCK OOI, : KNAPP'S Institute, Nos. 29. SI and 3.i Holuday street, opens each evening at 7 o'el'k. Pupils will please be punctual at the hour. Circulars can be obtained at the Institute. feti-if merchandise. F ,^"l','o r by I ' J:M<^S Boxes EDWARD L. PAI.MFR I: CO.. ' * No. lo Bowly's wharf. A.511.-cjft Bbls. landing and for sale by ; EDWARD L. PALMER A CO , j--n-Tt No. 15 Bowly's wharf. tT '• R A-V BE Kft l ES-14 WiTole <J superior Cape Cod. for sale by mot ir EDV/'D L PALMER & CO.. jo2l-tf - No. 15 Bowly's wharf. tJTA IMTS.-Kingsford'e Oswego. Fox's Refined ►o Pearl, antl Johnson A Clement's Madison. For sale by NORRtS. OWENS A CO., je9-tf 37g West Baltimore street. Kouxn SFIfES.-Icb .I.l'oiT.k Bro.'s cel7- orated Ground Spioes and Growers' Drugs. For s "!V>y NORvrs. Owens A co.. je - 378 W. Baltimore street. I Gross A Dietrich's Oleine. Dobbin's xj Electric nnu other brands. F>r sale by . q NOKRIS. OWENS A CO., "" 378 W. Baltimore street. S-ffaCHNAPPS. FLASKS. &e. For sale by SEIM A EMORY, d ' !23lf 29 Hanover street. o ! sa^ob'y KN ~" > ° 0l ' OXO!i Messina - 'anding and for . „. f E. L. PALMER & CO.. J *" No. 15 Bowly.s wliarf. lE!WNS— 200 boxes Messina and Palermo, land m mg and for sale by . E. L PAI.MER A CO.. J i No, 15 Bowly's wharf. §N TtT' .\ US In glass jars, kegs and casks, for sale a ED. L. PALMER & CO., ly No. 15 Bowly's wharf. Rajsixh— ion hexes London layu-s and loose Muscatells, for sab- by ED. L. PALMER A CO., 4 No. 15 Bowly's wharf. S*"; ! T A !l T!I -V, 50 ® Ground Alum. LiOO sacks Marshall's Fine, now landing from ship Yazoo. For sale by ALEXANDER KERR k BRO., * "**" 13 Commerce street. llOSEribAliF f'F.Evr. ITDR T A^LVcem ß^^ N A^> lb co ' s C6,ebrated Constantly o„ hand. a^at PLASTER LO Vi'LST JtA TJiP, by „ „ J. HENRY GIESE, iny2l-,uv 21 Spear's wharf. KFXTI'CHY AND Plllo FEAF AY!) MANUFACT! KED TOBACCO, for sale by JOHN HENDERSON A CO.. my IS-tf Pralt and Commerce rta. ¥ ,*®NU3IVITJS.— For sal, a • uperior article of 12-9 bt. Domingo LIGSUMVIT2E, in lots to suit purchasers. Also, several logs of MAHOGANY. Apply to K. M. H ESLEN, Northwest corner Prait and Gay streets, till further notice. myls-tf 171 LOUK. — Choice brands Extra FLOUR, for fam i!y use. for sale bv JOilN HENDERSON A CO.. my9-tf Pratt and Commerce streets. 425,00* ****- Including CARINAS. PART AG AS. FIGARO, I.A IvSPANOLA. PRINCE OF WALT'S, CABARGA, AUG! ELLAS and a variety o] other brands of vari ous sixes and qualities. Imported and for salo br F I 511 E It BROTH EltS A jal-ly No. 52 bnr-ii Gat Struct. OHAXCIES. —500 boxes Mosainn, binding and for sale by EDWARD L. PALM Kit A CO., a P 9 15 Bowly's wliarf. Ci UKKANTS.—25 casks prime, new crop, landing > and lor salo bv EDWARD L. PALMER A CO.. B b 9 No. 15 Bowly's wharf. ASSlXli.—l\ holo, half and quarter boxes Bunco and Layer and Mats Seedless, for sale by EDWARD L. PAI.MER Jt CO., f 'b 9 No. 15 Boivly's wharf. C 3 FOAM.— prime and choice new crop Porto Rico Sugar, for sale by J. A. RICHARDSON & CO., mh2S-tf Calvert and Lombard its. EIXULIKH I'H'B KAUFI —SO SL A fur nuio bv , „ EDWARD L. PALMER k CO.. __ ln h No. 15 Bowiy's wharf. OKAN4IES.— 500 boxes Messina and Palermo, landing and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., m " No. 15 Bowly's whorf, NWrlal'eby nl Braxil EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., tnh -2 No. 15 Bowly's wharf. (IBANBEBRIES— 10 bMs. prime Eastern, lai.d- J l eg and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO.. mhl9-tf 1, Bowly's wharf. •WSrillWSY.— Pureßourbfitt and ItveWU T iK Y. v .l years old. in choice oaekaxes. For :-,lc liy ... r JOHN HENDERSON A CO., mliM-tf Pratt and Commerce sts, HITSNIA, lIASILLA AX 3 AMKBICAS - HEMP AND POPE. Tor sale by ~, , JNO. HENDERSON A CO., El i'*' l f Pratt and Commerce sts. f OO BAO3 NAPLES AND bltiLY , landing and i.,r sale bv ED WD L. PALMER A CO., . Slfia ? >r 7- TURKISH,' :mdso kc 3 s JS- FRENCII, lor ile bv BDW'li L. PALMER k CO., _ 15 Bowlcy's Wharf. i bid-, double Eade extra choice Bay )C?stato, Maryland and New York golden; also low grade. For salo by J. A. RICHARDSON Co., fel9-tf Calvert and Lombard streets. —I,OOO drums and 20 caoos, in cartoons and bags, for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., n27 t. No. 15 Bowly's wbarf. OitA.'vtlKS.— 2i"i t.oxes, landing and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., ,i:i27-tf No. 15 Bowly's wbarf. PEANUTS.— 200 bags Wilmington and Virginia, in store and for sale by . EDWARD L. PALMER A CO., ja-7-tf No. 15 Bovvly'3 wharf. SAKIMXk S, !YO I' S. whole, half, and quar ter Boxes, lor tr.ic by EDW'D L. PALMER A CO., lo Rowley's Wharf. tJTARIH, K5 SUGAR, COFFEE. GROCERIES. •s,<itt f; e> X K w DTIRYEA'S Si', I .ROB. 100 BABUKI.S SYltllP. 50 BARRELS HOMINY "GRITS," PRIME RIO AND JAVA COFFEE. Choice P. R. and ENGLISH IS!, AMI SUGAR for sale by iiOLLINS a; :;i i ...E'j. t, jaii23-tt' CA YVo.t Pratt s r reet. Iff CASES CASNEiI PfSACHXS ehi'Xjrfiy lt> eases Green CORN. 400 cases TOMATOES. IOC do. ST RAW B ERR I ES. 100 do. COVE OYSTERS. 100 do. DRAKE'S BITTERS. 100 do. WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS. 380 do. CATAWBA BRANDY. FINS OLD HKNNESSV BRANDY; " " BOURBON AViI7.SUY. • SCOTCH " JAMAICA RUM. In wood and id-i.: For bv GREEN A YOE, tS West Baltimore street, l.ctwcer. Gay and Hclliday, WA ITTS. DirAXTI'D.-YESSKLS to lo (1 Cetlar lumbur v v on West Coast of Florida for Xf.w York. A \- l>ly at ooce to WILLIAM O'l.'RTl- . AY, je2o-10t N. E. comer Guy ami Pratt sts. WAXTER-A lAlf;'U KEH, (silent or active,) with a Cash Capital, in a rai-i lly increasing VV holesald Grocer's and Commission I3u.sine?3. A i>- ply at this office. jel-2awlm — I)\V ELI.IXG IKH SES m the gSim North and Northwust for jmrchasers and ten 'ants. Also—Business property on Baltimore, Hanover and North Charlos streets. AIso—GRUUND HL • T. 6 and MOKTd AGES. GEO. VV. TINGES k SON. fels-tf 3 Sr. Paul slr;et. YKfANTED.^2OO Per paid to vv Aeents to introduce our Now sl6, $lB and S3J SEWING M A CI! 1 N ; S. Ketchum's P.uonr. Address, with stamp, Mu/.A.DNOCK REVVING MACHINE CO., VYinchondou, Ma. .., or Phiiadel phia, Pa. jeS-3ind k w FOR RENT. UtTAS t'At'S.i; OFFIC'FK r-')K Itl'X B'. V THREE FRONT OFFICES above the baae raent.MdjheßAClCOFFlCEilOOM.- intiioMAttY LA..l) BUILDING, marble fion'. Second -tree' om.osite the Poat Office, and the LARGE ROOM ii! the upper story. Also, a fine Si B CELLAR, paved and rxt-proof. under Hie frunt part of the building. Alsu, PAR 1 of the. Old Office recently occupied bv •lvf,.S'i' UC n' N ' ?' ? or . ncr 01 street anil Inpoictts alley. Apply to •,g.r „ , TflOS. E. HAMBLFTON, J-" t' President Maryland Fire Insurance Co. P4±-- WAITHOI'WE t hit HEX if—No 17 R:;;: GERMAN STREET JaiiL HENRY W. ROGERS & CO.. je-S'-tf cor. Charles and Fayette streets. MB , * KENT-DWELLING 231 Hoffman ta Mik.^s7oo per annum. HENRY W. ROGERS A* CO corner Charles and Fayette streets. ,ie2o-tf fp; d'v' s ®KT.-FURNFuEiriiotiii~fa .iffiil N. \7. section of city. Country Seat on West ern Maryland Bailroud; do. one on Falls Road- do (turr.ishodj tn iiP-rfurd county. . GEO. W. TINGES A SON. myfl-tt 3 St. l'aul street. 'JT? on*'TH.- wv?uY7. l o. UUNISIIt:D HOUSE"IN JBat'-0..T0a! TERRACE, containing a!! tho mod ern conveniences, will be routed by the vear wi'h lmmeuiatc possession. Apply to GEO. W. TINGES & SON, _ 3 St. Paul streot. <p FI'KXISIIEI) ttdl'SK IX IIARFOFD Sk COUNTY FOR RENT, with Orchard, Lawn auu Garden, Stable, lee House, (filled] Dairy, Ac. Situation high and healthy, within a mile and a half ot Ducr Creek, eight miles from Railroad; stage to the door. To be rented by the year. 1 or lull particulars, apulv to t , GEO. W. TINGES A SON, !. i o fct. Paul street. 1 v |^ T f S , K A 7*'AL E O It Liai HaUiN 1. A hanUhomely improved place with ei cry uccesshry comfort and convenience, containing over 30 Acres of Ground, with abundance of fruit and water, five miles north of tho city, in a desirable neighborhood; if not sold within a few days will bo rented. Apply to GEO. VV. TINGES k SON. ws2-tt 3 st. Paul street. SUMMER KESOIcTS. MWSAILE Xl l.l'ill lt AM) CHALY BEATE SPRINGS. Doubling Gap, Cumber land county. Pa., now open for boarders. lor lurcher information app.y TO C. 11. MANN, Jones House. i9-liu Hairishurg. Pa. IOKETTO SPJSBXGS. CAMBKIA COBS. A; Y, Pi., will bo open 26th June. Being situ ated on tho Allegheny Mountains, is unsurpassed for health and fine scenery. Circulars may bo had at M. A. Waite'B Book store,. 138 Baltimore -treet. For particulars address: at Springs. je9-eoliu* F, A. GIBBON, Jan Proprietor, FOfl SALE. UH-iW'S HULL FUR SI I.E. One of the most beautiful budding sites nbout Bait,more, three miles fro,., t| l6 city* on the York, road, passenger .cars every hour; the view is unsiir- P.isseil, embrucmg a iarge extent of countrv the river and city. HENRY W. ROGERS AGO' je2B tf Cor. Charles and Fayette streets. Hsi, -A FARM of 735 acres ofohoki . j i.and, equal to any in Virginia, in I.oudon ■jUaMcoiiiity, <i miles from Leeshurg, 21 miles from I,'.'!?''[ Rocks known as the Monroe Estate, Oak Mill. I lat „f fee Land, as surveyed for the late F.x • rre.-iiient in lsis, a t my oflioo. Saratoga street, west oi u invert. WSTMLVI I ' , {4* n,fS of all kinds, splendid Mansion, Ac., v V„OS \ S ' • i before the war has been i- ,ow at sß® l >cr 9cre, cash, or bor ' i r or ten years. Eariy application isdesired. JO UN L. HAMMOND, jf-'i it 3| Saratoga street. m, , , YHexp BWEIiMIfO. p4>'?L rZ!?i ,li'r KCS P northeast corner of - ourrland end Mulberry streets, recently rut 0 J, r .'.vnv ir'{wti e enE n ""nnvenienoes, • ,n'?r ly HaNRY W ROQEHS ,t CO.. jcAMI corner Charles and Fayette st*. fP P 1 " 1 . 1 ' •"•-Several first-class S:a DWELLINGS, in this agreeable locality for sale by 1! KNRY VV. ROGERS Jt CO.. ,ielß-tf Corner Charles and Fayette sts. IT WW FARM 4 Vii t'OIX IKY MEATS FOR SALE.—A tine farm on Annapolis ltail roud. good improvements, good soil and perfectly healthy. Also FARMS on salt water. A most elegant COUNTRY SEAT, three miles from the city, handsomely furnished. For sale by HENRY VV. ROGERS A CO.. jelS tf Corner Ohnries and Fayette sts. fS Kl,Efil*T DWELLING ON Jflll'ST JB2L VERNON PLACE.—A first class Dwelling a* above. Lot. kOxlfio, containing every desirable im provement, v.ith hi rye Stable and Carriage llouso iu the rear. For particulars annlv to GEO. W.TINGES A SON. _ ■' St. Paul street. HPI.ENI.II!) t'n rNTIt V SKAT ON CHARLES STREET AVENUE.—An opportu nity is now offered for a purcheserto obtain the most desirable property in the vicinity of Baltimore. For particulars apply to GEO. AY. TINGE A SON. jel4-tf 3 St. Paul street. KENT* FOR 5.41.K.-Large. per- YM mancnt, central and well secured. HENRY AV. ROGERS A CO.. jcT tf Corner Charles and Fayette streets. fix* DWI'I.I.iXG FOR SAl.E.—Three-story tiiiDWELLING HOUSE, No. 171 AY. Saratoga st, with ell modern improvements, water andgas, will be sold on vory reasonable terms if immediate appli cation i.j made. Apply op. the premises, or to CRO AV LE Y, It ti SSE A CO., jt-G-tf NOS. 4, 5 and ('. North st.. (2d story.) BYXDIt ft A I.E.—A FARM of 158 acres, 14 miles H- from toe city, on the Bel-Air pike, and near Kingsynle, Harford county: 115 acres cleared, bal- Jf" I murovements consists of a large f ''. A-Hh D\v 1'.i.1,1 NG containing 11 rooms,and out bui.dmg oi a ! kinds suitable tor a Farm of this site. Admins the lan ts of Messrs. Garrett, and Quiulim. Apply to JAMES ST AN SB I RY. 3e ° 61 S. Broadway. £'i FTRMSHKI) SSSSISF, FR RENT.— Will Tho large andcomfoiUbleDWELLlNG.No.od 1 ranklin street, on reasonable terms. Apply to GEO. AY. TINGES A SON. jcl-lf 3 St. Paul street. |E| CHEAP inVFJJJNi-Ko. 234 Hoffman s±iil street. Possession immediately. HENRY AV. ROGERS A CO., je2-tf Corner Charles and Fayette atreeu. Dkikapi.:; i>v.e:;.;lX<;S FOR SALE. Several fine dwellings on McCulloh street. Modern plan and fini-h. HENRY VV. ROGERS A CO.. jot-lf Corner Charles and Fayette streets. A*.T IVATIIK FAR VIS—In Talbot county, binding on the bay, at a steamboat landing, a very attractive and cheap farm. All salt water luxu ries in abundance. . HENRY AV. ROGERS & CO., iel-tf Corner Charles and Fayette streets. EASTERN SHORE F4RII FOR SAI.E. One of the most valuable farms in Talbot coun ty, adjoining cbe town of Oxford, containing 2 li acres, with good improvements, and all the ad vantages of sa't water. The terminus of tho Mary ,rtiui and Delaware Railroad will be on this farm, and it is expected to bo completed the coming autumn. This will add largoly to the prospective value ol the properly, and presents a lino opportu nity for an investment or speculation. Apply to 11 LO. V\ . TINGES & SON, 3 St. Paul si reel. So\ ora.l hundred other farms for sale in Maryland and Vir ginia, and one near 0- ttrsburg, P nnsylvania. GEO. \V. TINGES A SON, uij'Bl-tf 3 jjt. Paul street. ©„ l '.Vl"f STREET WHARF.-A valuable tiir> I roperty. con In inn: three STORES, for ss.le by . _ GEO. vv. TINGES a SON, b -0 g St. I'oul street. BYHOK SAI.E-TWO FARMS IN BALTIMORE COUNTY, two in Anne Arundel, and a Country Seat within six miles of tho city, and several small Houses in ditt'erent parts of tho citv, can lie bought a great if applied for immediately, at No. 12 Law i uildings, to J i'i-tf NATHAN HARRISON. FffA <* NA I.E.—The Barge J. E. SHAW, 55? EHs s 1 tons rcgisler, or about 150 tons burthen, ..... mi,.- will be sold low. Apply at once to . R. M. HESLEN, nv2s-tf Northwest corner Pratt and Gay sts. A '* ®*AXD, binding on Bclair avenue cir'ti] pavod, for sale at a great bargain. HENRY W. ROGERS A CO., my2ti-tf Corner Charles and Fayette sts. liAl'K NAI.E.— Fifty thousand (50,000) feet of 5-1 S \ iI],LOW PINK FLOORING, from Savannah, (ia., now landing at Flannigr.n's wharf, and for sale by RENDER!>AS T. FEN WICK A CO., my 2- tf 77 Smith's wharf, (up stairs.) IjRIR ULE-AR EI,EC. AXT COVHTBY a- SEAT on Charles ttroot avenue, and a number ol others very desirable. GEO. AV. TINGES A SON. my2l -tf 3 St. Paul street. rant J. ia:stint \xi C >AI, DEAI.ERX AXI -BL M ANM"FACTUREKS —FOR SALE Oil LEASE. LO I . corner ot F.den street and Canton avenue, 340 by (is i feet, onei square jroln a wharf and having a railroad track binding upon it connecting with all the railroads leading from the city. HENRY AV. ROGERS A CO.. iiiyl7-H Corner Charles and Fayette sts. FREDERICK STREET FlttlPKi.'l v.— S3 Lot and improvements tiO by 65 l'eet on the rautheaft eoracr of Freder ck and Second streetß. lor sale by GEO. AV. TINGES A SON. "bV '-tt 2 St. Raul street. ol> VAM ABbi: U'lltKF PKIIFF.R'I'V AT ■iTHE FOOT OF COMMERCE STREET.—The stEAMBOAT AVHARF AMD WAREHOUSE, lo cated as above, with two water fronts, for sale, in tec, with immediate possession. For particulars ap ply t<> „ GEO. W. TINGES & SON. apl2-tf No. 3 St. Paul street. gat IHV''t; IH9LSE.S AT RE>FFEI> rSeil PRICES. —First Class and Medium DIVELL- I NtlS ou North Charles, Park, Cathedral, St. Paul's, >1 nunnent, atadison, and other desirable rlreots, for salo at reduced prices by GEO. AV. TINGES A SON, ap7-tf 3 St. Paul street. E.BJtIKA I I.Ati.H RBOlSil KEX'T OF 7 A per annum under part of Camden Station, B. k O. R. K., for sale by GEO. AV. TINGES A SON, : : 1 3 St. Paul street. gS FIRST AT, VSS DWEI.I.IXG HOUSES. flual- A superior DWELLING in the Northwestern section of the city, new and replete with every con venience, with side lot, fruit ami grapery. For sal-y by GEO. W. TINGES A SON, inhiO-tf J St. Paul street. jS-J A SPS,ES!)II) 4JKAZI.AU FARM OF .tails. 550 Acres, lying in the Glades of Ailegany coun ty, Md., seven luiies lroui Oakland, with a tram road to the railroad. This land is as fine as any in the Glades; improved with a valuable Barn and large Dwelling, for id,l'm. ALSO. SoVtral valuable tracts of COAL LANDS in Alle gany county, Aid. P'iees range from $5,000 to Sou,(100. SUTTON A GEMMEt.L, fe2B-tf 56 Exchange l'laoe. Ml Fl'tHfleHFJD DWBLUXG FOR | LEASE. —Will LEASE for 3 years a desirable SBDWELLI Gin the vicinity of the Washington Monument, completely tiirnished. HENRY W. ROGERS k CO., tnylS-tf corner Charles and Fayette streets. B AI.TTSOKE, JUX'E is, ISBti. OFFICE OF THE MARYLAND KAOLIN company OF BALTIMORE , , ... AND CECIL COUNTY. Orders for lire Brick, Cement. Gas Retorts, Glass Pots, Crucibles. ,vc., w ill be received at the Otiieeo the Company, No. 67 Second street, instead of a Canton ad heretofore. By order, N. POPPIEIN. President. P. 1)E MURGUIONDO. See'ry. THOMAS J AMES. Superintendent. jel l-Oui CHOLERA "V X DISIRIB[D!I!\ The Chief Causes of Pestilence Destroyed, OK. E. UOURTAKK-rS IHHIKFEATIXH FLI IDS, secured by Lottors Patent in the tinted Statß and France. Prepared solely by the eNCwJork Disinfecting Company, at their L ibora !v- y ' /W'?* 3001 und 302 Hcnry btrect . Mew York. Oiiico, 42 Cedar street. This Comi-any organized on a perm men t basis. Witli Dr. CourUuret, the celebrated French Chemist m charge ot itsi Laboratory, is prepared to tarnish its DISINFECT IXO FLUIDS for sick rooms, nurseries, uri nals, water closet*, privies, cesspools, sc.vui-. gutters ships, railroads, hospitals, prisons, and public insti tutions ot all kinds, slaughter-houses, oila!, and fat boiling establishments; all kiud? of manures, (tin men-eti/ increasing the value of the latter to every farmer.) and wherever poisonous and offensive gases exist. These agents are deodorizers, antiseptics, anti putrescents, ; nd disinfectants in the scientific mean ing of the words. They remove noxiousfraaesand odors by chemical principles—leaving in their places healthful air; they aro DESTROYK RB, and tot merely absorbents of poisonous gases—not injurious to u'en sils in which they are used. The attention of medical and scientific men is directed to these disinfectants. Attached arc testimonials in favor ot this great dis covery , which, with hundreds of others, can bo scoa at the Company's office. DELAY AX liorsn, ALBANY, March 30,1866. To the President of the New lork Disinfecting Com- Dear Sir: Dis r.U it is represt ntcd to be. We have made many trials <-t disinfectants, but now consider that we have found an article which surpasses all others as a remedy against ail bad odors. T. KOKSSEL & Co. ~ ... NKW YORK, April 9, ]B ,. To the President of the Aew lone iHsinJ'ecting ;\,m puny: . Dear rir: Wo pronounce it without oxcopticn to bo the best we have evet known. Its effect upon every matter is complete antU.nstantaneous. | C. A. STKTSON, Astor House. i>-N. B.—fhcse Disinfectants are used by the scavengers, under the direction of the sanitary police ol tho Metropolitan Health Department New York. POWELL A THOMPSON, ~ . ,_ , . 12 Cedar street. New York, General and Sole Agents for the United Status and the Uanadas, to whom all orders should be addressed. For salo by all Druggists and General Penlrrf in tne United States and anadas. inylt-tsep4 #12,000, Rs>,Ottt and 8 2,0 TO LOAN ON FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY in the city or its vioiaity. * HENRY W. ROGERS A CO.. niySLti cor, OharlM I ayeUo on