Newspaper Page Text
DAI!A' COMMERCIAL BALTIMORE, MD. Roiwd of TriMlc. C-jmmittre of Arbitration for June. AVM. WOODWARD. J. P. KRKMRT.BIRO, IW. 11. CRAWFORD, SAMUKL DUKK, I JOHN R. SKKMULLKR. COMMERCIAL RECORD. Raima! (he llnttlniare Start. June 28. 1886. trIRST BOARD. American Gold. j \ merican Gold 5.000 ... 154 I 5,000 ... ?■■ flat 153 1.500 ... 153!^| 1.000 ... sJO tlat I'd 1,000 ... 153 1 /.! 5,000 ... .00 Hit 153 5.000 ... 1)2 flat 153'/,I fi. s. 5-20*8. 5.01N) ... b2 fiat 15352.1 5,000 ... Istissue 104', 200 ... 153/a 3.000 ... 3d ... 108'.. 6,000 ... 15:('4I 2.Q01) ... 103'4 504 ... mixed 15 -'., I'. S. 7-30's. 5,600 ... 153U! 1.61)11 ... 3d ;erics 1 (KV£ 1,000 ... 1.631.1 500 ... 3d ... 103W 1,000 ... SECOND BOARD. Ameiioaa Gold. I American Gold. 10,000 . . s5 flat 152 20.000 ... I>2 flat 152 10.000 ... 1)5 Hat 152 i 5,000 ... s5 flat 151% 5.000 ... s5 Hat 152 5,000 ... so flat \al% 16,000 ... si lint H2 11. 5.7-30'?. 5,0(5l ... slO flat 151%; 7*ooi ... Ist scries 101% 10,000 ... NY 152 110,000 ... 2d ... I<W 5.000 ... NY 151% 1 TRJRW I *S<TUII?W HI KEW JFOVU V.T TKLFLORIRIT, f\ir*%itheci by Leonard J. Tormey dr Co.. Stoch and liii Broker*. No. 22 Street. Juno2S, 186 S. Ist Board 2l Hoard 5 P. JVL IT. 8. C* UPODS, 1881 11 OFVJ L! K'l U. 8.5-20's old lOtV; - IT. 8. 5-20's, new 1081 i Ift. 0 . 11. S. 7-30'S Ist series 103K 108' IT. 8. 1 year Certificatofl OoU lvj'j i:,2S Tennessee 6*B 99 ... North Carolina VS... Missouri 6*s 7S ...... Canton Company MS 54% Cumberland 4. r > Qnicksilver 48 47 S New York Central Krie 01*% M A I'l'^ Krio Preferred Hudson KK'S Reading 109% ... I" 4 ."'* Michigan Contral 104 104 Michigan SOUTHERN 78% 78% 78% Illinois Central 121 121% Cleveland and Pittsburg.. S:; : S 8-8 82' V Chicago and N. Western.. 80S •' ■ St .".Old *' " Proferrcd... MP.J 50% Cleveland and Toledo IOIPV l(ri% Chicago and Hock Island., 1'4% 91% 91% JVIil. and PrairieuuChion Fort Wayne 98% 9*. '7 Uton and Torffc Haute. Ohio and Miss. Cert 27% 27 Tone of Market Firm. Steady. .Strong. THURSDAY, JUDO £B. Tho last advices from tho other ride of tho Atlantic ha? produced some little stir and commotion in com mercial and financial circle?, and already there i? much speculation rife as to what effect a serious Eu ropean war would havo on tho general in terest? of this countrj*. There aro those who contend that the cxistenco of hostilities, such A? nrc now very likely to take place, will very much benefit both the finance? and commerce of tho country. There may bo those in the old country who would under ciroum ftances of a widely extended and protracted war in Europe be disposed to send some of their valuables to this country for a safe doposit, and doubtless to some oxtent this will bo the case, which would, U3 a matter of course, 'cause some relief to the money market by increasing tho capital of tho country, which is already large and moro thin suflieicnt for oil tho requirements of tho limited trade at the present, but whether this would compensate us for the restriction and limited trade which would neces sarily follow, is a matter which scorns not to BO sat isfactorily and definitely settled in the minds of many whose opinions in such matters are entitled to some consideration. Ours is a producing country, consequently, the larger portion of cur wealth must arise from this source. Then, in order to derive the greatest possible benefit from our rich mineral and agricultural resources, it is necessary to have undis turbed commercial intercourse with the markets of all countries, which enuld not be the condition under tho rulo of hostile relations between many of the great Powers of the old world. There was quite a large business done in Gold to day—the sales include some $200,000, opening AT IM and selling down, both at tho first and second Board? as low as 151%, tho transactions being ehiclly short* sales. Tho Government securities showed rather more firmness, and a slight improvement IS noticeable in thcin —5,000 old Five-Twenties sold at 101%, and 5,000 do. of the third issue at 1081, We also note the sale of 21,000 Seven-Thirties at 10.-s]'l*lo3, closing quite strong. There is a deposition based upon Die idea of ? very easy and plentiful money market, which will necessarily cause JI speculative feeling and a rise to trade in good stocks. There are, however, very few of this description offering at our Board, and to-day, while the bidding would have been spirited, there was nothing done in them. In miscellaneous and fancy stock? there was noth ing done. Money continue? very easy. This will doubtless be tho case for SOUM time, a? the Government will between this and the 15th proximo pay oft' all her certificates of indebtedness, which must largely in crease capital. Loans can easily be HURL on call ut ."> @6l* cent, on tho deposit of good stock or Govern ment securities. At Now York to-day, tho Stock market has buen well sustained, considering the large amounts of stock which have been gold to rc.alizoat tho advance. Tho disposition of tho street is favoring tho "bulls,'* and appearances indicate an attempt to run up tho prices of several of tho speculative stock?, among which Erie is most conspicuous, which closes firm at 01%, having steadily advanced from 00% this morn ing. Private advices received by the Java to-day report a continued scarcity of the stock FOR delivery in the London market, and a. sympathetic feature ha presented itself in New York, although to a less ex tent. Nothing scorns to daunt tho ?ertinacity of the bear*, who have been freely offering the stock to-day, both on the street and at the boards, but they have been met by ready purchasers, ami it remains for the future to decide which of the?e opposing interests is pursuing the most profitable course. New York Central has ranged betwoon 18% and 98% and closes at the latter rato. Tho manipulators of this stock are doing nothing at present, and its fluctuations to-day are the result of outside speculation. Rending hns been steady ut 111, but with comparatively little doing. Michigan Southern opened AT-TVS 1 ,, and with some little variation during the day, it closes steady at 78%. Pittsburg was firm ut quotations. Rock Island declined to 94 at tho first board, but recovered to 94% at tho following, aft or which it sold at 91%, ami continued steady throughout the afternoon. Fort WAYNE advanced to 95% this morning, but gave way later in tho day and closes dull at !8' Tho North western stocks have generally been well sustained to-day; the "common" closing at 30% and the "pre ferred" at 59%. Canton declined to 53% at one o'clock, but reacted to 54% at tho next call, alter which it becamo weak, and declined to 53% at. SP. M. Cumberland reached 5% this morning, but fell to 44% at the LAST board. The war toorin has sounded in Europe, and IL is impossible to dotermino the confines of the struggle which has just beon inaugurated by the present bel ligerent powers. It must certainly havo its effect here as well as elsewhere, but to what extent or in what particular manner, opinions widely differ. Thus far the preliminaries of tho conflict fcuve ex erted no pernicious influence on United States secu rities in Europe, and their quotation? are about tho same as at previous advices. In arguing the prcfor enoe of our securities on the Gontinent. it should bo remembered that experience has taught that it is more than likely tho process ofhoarding gold will be resorted to by a largo number of persons of limited mean?, and as a suspension of specie payments must speedily be looked for, it may be fair to presume that a temporary rush will bo made by these individuals to convert their available resources into the standard of value, which may bo the means, for the time being, of causing a slight depression in our se curities. On the other hand, aa England will un doubtedly use overy endeavor to avoid the calamity of war, our bonds offer too great inducements to their capitalists to admit of a serious decline for any pro tracted period. Five-Twenties have been in great demand in New York to-day; those of *O2 advancing to 104%, and the issue of '6l reaching 103%, an improvement of % per cent, since yesterday morning. Seven-Thirties ad vanced to 103%, and Ten-Forties sold at 97. Geld opened at 154% on the street this morning, and gradually declined to 151% at 2.40 P. M. T from which point it recovered somewhat, closing firm at 153%. It is still scarce, and borrower? have to pay from 1-32 to 1-16 for use. Money is without material change at 5 per cent, on call. Baltimore Market*. Ju-io 28. COFFEE.— We have to report JI very small trade in this article to-day; tho onJy sale reported is JCO bags Rio at 18/„#l9 cts. The market is steady We continno quotations as they wore, viz: Good Rio at 15%@16 cts for common, cts for fair nml 19@20 cts for good to prime, long price; Lnguiyn. L • @20% cts. and Java 26@26% cts. FLOUR.— Thcro is no chango in the tone and char acter of the market to-day; the tendency is still to dullness. Tho only sale roported was 1(K) bhls Chicago Extra at sll R* bbl. Wo quote West ern spring Wheat Super at s9@-9.75; City Mills do at $9.75@10; Extra Western spring Wheat $10.50#! 1.50; do City Mill? $11.25# 11.75; Howard Street Superfine, choice brands, $10.25# 10.50; do Extra ami Patapsco, Reservoir and otnor choice brands of Balti more Family and Extra at $17.50 for the former and $15.50 for the latter, and Chesapeake Extra at $14.50 bbl. Rve Flour v;o quo! E at $6.25@6.50, and Corn iMeal at $5#5.50"W bbl., with a good inquiry. GRAIN. — The supplies continue? limited both of Wheat andCoru. The offerings com pi ise I,o<N> bushels white corn, 1,500 bushels yellow; 500 bushels wheat, and 4,000 bushels oats. White corn sold at 115#122 cts; yellow do 100@103 cts. White whe:U maybe quoted at 27U@300 EB? for fair to prime, and red 250# 275 eta for good to prime. Winter spring is Unsale able. Oats are dull. We quote Maryland and Vir ginia at 65@68 cts, and Western and Pennsylvania at #3O cts bushel of 32 pounds, and Rye at 120#125 cts for Western and Pennsylvania. MOLASSES.— There were no transition* reported to-day. We quote Muscovado at 55@65 cts; (Rayed 50@52 cts; English Island 55#75, and Porto Rico at 60@80 cts gallon and nominal. PROVISIONS.—A good jobbing demand pre vails, and prices are very firm under tho limited stock on the market. We quote Bulk Shoulders at 15% cts; do Sides 18 cts; Bacon Shoulders 17 cts; do Sides 19%#2'J cts; Hams 23@25ct.~; Lard 22% cts lb in bbls and tierces, and MESS Pork $34#35 T bbl. RICE. To the trade in small lots we note sales of Rangoon at 4#4% cts in bond, gold, and 10@10% cts, duty free in currency, and Carolina at 12%@13 cts. SLGAR.— There is more inquiry to-day and we ?Tl°* A i FCHDS English Island for refining gt 11/* cts; 27 bhcU Demerara ohoice GROCERY at 13% ct*-10 hhdsdo Porto Rico at 13% cts, and 333 hlids do balance of the cargo of the Cuptcr on private term?. | We continue our uuotat ons: Cuba atlo%<> 11 <*fs for ! fair rpfining; 11#11% eta for good to prime do; 11, * j #ll% ct? for lair grocery; 12%#12% ct? *or cood j do: 13#13% cts for choice do: Porto Rico ♦l9> #ll ' for fair refining; ll<&ll%ctn for good do: 12 ini l 2 u 1 ct3 for fair grocery; ]2%'c}]Bct? Lr good do: ' ct? for prime and choice do; English Island U * to 15 ot quality. . . . . ~r SALT—I? unchanged in price to tho trade. Bo note ale? of Ground Alum at iS-.10, AI -.nhaJ s and Worthington's Fine at 20#'.. S k: "*K. NO Asht'qi's Fine in market. Turk s Itlanu ficin at 00 i cts 18 bush, from storo. . . SEEDS i hero i? some inquiry for Clover, but we lienr of no ale?. Wo quote it at $7@7.75 £ hushel, as to quality. Flax is selling in ?iuall lot? ut s3@3.lU. TA LLOW.—There is a fair inquiry, but wo have n > ■-ale? to report to-day. We quote city rendered a: 18 .£13% ot- t * |b. W H ISKY.—Asaleoflflftbbls v: cstem was reported, the term? of which did not transpire. We quote Western nominal ar $2.27#2 23. (ktiliit)oie IJvc .Slock [ilarket. [Reported especially for the Bsiltimoro Commercial.i Liv E STOCK SCALKS. June 28,1866. RECEIPTS FOR THE WKKK. Bocve? 712 Sheep and Lambs 2,616 Hogs 2.SIU Total 6,168 There were received at the following yards: Itecve*. At the Calvert on yards 231 At Uedsccker'? yard? 423 At tho scales, direct * 3 712 PRICFR OF RF.EK CATTI F. AT THE MARKET THIS WEEK. Yory best on sale to-day Bi%#9;7c. That generally rated first quality S (V"B%c. Medium or good fair quality 7 @8 c. Ordinary thin .Steer?. Oxen and Covr? 6 (oft c. Inferior and lowest grade? of Cattle 4 #u c. General average of tho market to day H Extretuo range of prices (&9f4c. Most of the salc3 are from 7%#9 c. WHERE THE C.LTTLE ARE KUOM. Ohio ! 233 West Virginia 149 Illinois 298 Maryland 32 Total ~712 THT ROUTES BY WHU'H HIKY CA2JK. Ilr.ltimore k Ohio R R 609 N-.rthern Central R. R 92 On foot 7 Boat 4 Total 712 LIST OK DROYKRJI. The following are the name? of drover?, owners or consignees of the principal drove?:, and where the cattlo arc reported from : Murphy A Bathgate. Illinois 158 Fawsctt k Means, Illinois 74 Edward T. Bolton, Ohio 45 HUthouse A Alb-o, Ohio 45 Minor k Diehl. W. Ya 'u> W . E. Roberts, Ohi • 33 James Adams, Ohio . 81 Kelly A Cock ins, Ohio ;>! David k Robinson, Illinois. 28 David k Robinson, Illinois ... 25 W. H. Ilallcr, Maryland 21 Murphy A Bathgate, Illinois 18 W. Jewett, West Virginia j.- P. 8. Basnett, West Virginia It'. J. Loober, West Virginia p; A. Fmith. West Virginia 1 A. Wilson, übio 10 J. J. Lang, West Virginia 16 Lemuel L. Wardw. W. Va 16 A, Baumgardner, West Virginiaa 15 REMARKS ON UEF.F CATTLE. The receipts of cattle during tho week amount to 712 hfjid against 1/221 head recoivod Inst week, end thcro were sold "ti head, which compare.* with 1.0-V, h'. ;td bust week ; - Tlie following comprise tho .-ales : To Baltimore butchers 355 hc;id To Washington and Annapolis butchers... 91 To Murphy & Bathgnte. gov'mt cont's 2S " To O. Scullj' for Philadeli'hia market 13 " To Norfolk butchers 12 " To Country butcher? 12 " ,541 " In addition to tho n.'oovc sales thcro wore taken by .Murphy A Bathgato for Government 117 head, ship pod from tho West bv themselves, and included in 1 receipts above. The balance were left over unsold. The market to-day was rnthcr slow, owing to tho over supply of last week, but tho scarcity of good and prime cattle caused an advance of fully 25 cts. V 1m las. us to quality on that class of cattle, while on tho lower grades there was a slight decline. BROKER'S SAI.K3 OP CATTLE. Tinker k Wilson sold 12 rough Ohio cattle, for R. R. .Martin, at7-10#S% ct?; 6 Ohio scalawags, for A. Wilson, at 6% ct*. Wm. L. Simpson sold 16 common West Virginia cattle, for his own account, at, 7%#8 cts; 16' common to ei.od West Virginia cattle, lor Lis own account, at 7!.iW Saiu. Wilhelrasold 10 common Illinois cattle, for Murphy k Bathgate, at 8% cts; 39 head, for th' siiiiie par:v of common lo fair Illinois catclo, ut s] • cts: 19 common Ohio cow?, heifers and steers, for Eli 11. Davis, at 7%#8% ct?. Edward T. llolton sold 45 fair to good Ohio cattle, , for Charles Bou*eman,atcts;9common stall- ! fe I cattle, at 7% ct?. N. Leluoann sold 45 go d Ohio cattle, for S. Allen, at S 7 <'u9 1 4 cts; 31 fair Dhio cattle, for James *(lam=, a' $8 45' ft hundred lbs; 15 fair West Virginia cattle, for Lemuel K. VV ardor, at 6%t3 s% eta. Seymour k Wdton sold 31 lair Ohio .-leers, for W. i ots; 28 fair Illinois cattle, for David k Robinson, at 8%@9% ct?; 19 fair fllinois cat tle. for Fawsott A Means, at Ss; s #9 1-10 cts. A. N. Ba.-tuble k Go. sold 35 fair Illinois cattle for Fawsott k Means, at Sl2#9 cts; 25 common Illinois cattle, for David k Robinson, at 7@7% cts; 13 stale cai 1 :it 8%#8% ct=. Moses Fox sold 17 fair West Virginia cattle, for his own account, at 7 1 cts; It) Pennsylvania scala wag?. for bis own account, ct 6 ct*. J. lillinger k Co. sold 36 West Virginia cattle, for Minor k Dichi. at 7cts; 9 West Virginia cuttle, fr A. Baumgurdner, at ct?; ]1 West Virginia cattle, for J. J. Lang, averaging about 8!-7 cts; 13 West Virginia cattle, for J. Locbcr, at 6?4@8% ct.-; and 4 very common Marylami cattle, lor J. W. Wood, at 4(4*7 cts. Lewis Myers sold 15 extra hoavy Ohio cattle, for Kelly k Cockins, at 9 1-5 cts; 10 medium Ohio cattle, for his own account, at 7\(<vß% cts; 10 medium qual ity West Virginia cattle, lor his own account, at 7 9-10(a.8' 4 cts. Williars -v Kirk sold 21 fair West Virginia cattle, for W. 11. Ilallcr. at 7#8% ct?; 16 fair Ohio cattle, for Kelly & Cockins, at 7%@S cts: and 3 common Maryland cattle, for Wm. Switzor. at 6% cts. TIIK SHKKP MARKET. The receipt? this week are as follows: At KcdscckerV yard 2,152 *'Oalverton yard... u63 " Gray k Judiek's 201 Total 2,6i6 • QUOTATIONS. Gray k Judick quote sales of Sheep at 5#6"7 ct?. Samuel Wilhelm k Go. quote sale? of Sheop at 5# 6% cts;, and dull. THE SWJM: MAKKKT. Tho receipt? this week are, viz: At McClelland k Logan's yard 1,424 " Hedswker's yard ; S.i " G ray k J udik *s yard 520 Total 2,840 qi'OT A J IONS. i Urav A Judik quote IJogs at 14!-i**14% ct. S. Wilhelm k Co. quote Hogs at 18%# 14'. 1 ct?. Ulery & Shoiry quote Hogs at 13%#14%ctsund full supply. .McClei land A Logan quote Hogs at 13%@Mj% cte and supply full. New York KarkctN. NF.W YORK. June 2S.—Flour dull; sales of 10,009 bbl-: State .76.20#9.90; Ohio $5.55#13.75; Southern S10.10& 17. Wheat liuii; sales 13.500 bush'ds; Chicago Spring $2.10; white Kentucky $1.30; Canadian $3.25. Corn has de< lined I §2cts; sales -l 60 000 bushels .-it w -> "OO cts. Beef quiet. P >rk firm; sales oi 9.501) bbls: 51cm $31.62] Lie* ;i .95. La rd s I cad vat 19%#22] \ cl s. Whisky dull. Cotton dull: sale? of 1,0(0 bales at 7 (r 9 ct?. Eugsr quiet. Spirits Turpentine dull at SO -jet?. Rosin dull at s3@B.f>o. Petroleum dull. Freights firm. Gold 152%. Pliiliulcliiiiia Markets. PHILADRLPHI A, Juue 28.—Flour i? very dull and slow of sale, hut prices unaltered. Wheat quiet.— Western red $3 05. Com quiet. Yellow si. Mo.-s Prk $-32 50: oily packed Mess Beef $23#25. Lard 22%@23 i ts. Coffee heavy. Rio 2?.)<&2(j cts. Cuba Sugar 10r5i@ll cts. Whisky dull and unchanged, t liicago Market*. Clin AGO, June 28. —Flour is active, and price? have advanced 10@15 ct?. Wheat is active, and prices have advanced 3#3% cts; sale? nt. $1.71# 1.78 for No. 1, and sl.o6(§*l.l3j|!br No 2. Corn is active, at 54#54' t cts for No. 1, and 53@53% ct? for No. 2. Oat-* dull at .2% cts lor No. 1. and 30#:I"% cts for No. 2. Pro visions dull. ('iiiciitniill Market*. CINCINNATI, June 28. —Flour and Wheat are un changed. Mrs? Pork firm at $32. Whisky stead v. Lard dull at 21%@21%. Gold 152 C&153. Wilmington Market*. WILMINGTON, June 28.—Crude Turpentinestoady at previous quotations. Spirits 1 ct lower; sales at lb cts. Rosin dull. # llihvankic Market*. MILWAUKIE. June 28.—Flour is firm, but market quiet. Wheat quiet at $2.05% for No. 1. Imports—Foreign. Police, 1* It—Schr Island Queen—l 77 hlids sugar, 100 bbls do, 40 pUDchs molasses, Stirling A* Ahi en-. Fvporli—l'oreigti. Sydney, C B—Br bark Helena —ballast. Total v due of foreign exports for the week ending June $297,085. I iiiports—FOlMl W ISF. Norfolk—Steamer JasT Brady—l9 pkgs rag?, 17 sacks suakuroqt, 25 do wool, 17 do feathers, 16 do ginseng, Ac, Wilson, Burns & Co; 20 sacks r gs, C D Slingluff Sc Son; 25 rolls leather, Jcr.kius, Staylor A Co; 10 sacks wool. E J Foley, Bro k Co. Boston—Bark Had ley— 29s doz pails, L 51 Beebc k Bro; 40 bdls blind?, 40 do sash. G O Stevens .fc Co: To pkgs wooden waro, Lord k Robin son; 163 bills iron, order; 350 empty hag?, Griffith k MoElhiney; 386 d do, order; 30 doz lard buckets, George k Jenkins; 150 bdls hides. G Bantz. Frederick; 50 bbl? vinegar, T R Matthews & Sons; 157 tons copper ore, 40 grindstones, 224 pkup uidse, sundry persons. Nortolk—Steamer Tho* Kelso—lß hhda rosin, Whedbee k Dickinson; 39 bbls do, 10 do spts turpen tine, Griffin. Bros k Co. ltichniond—Steamer Petersburg—33 bbls tar oil, A A Perry: 129 bur? iron. Buck k Conklin; 17 bags wool, order; 50 kogs nails, E Pratt A* Bro; 41 pkgs tobacco, J 1' Pleasants k Sons; 100 pkgs tobacco, order; 143 bags wool. Jas Baynes k Son; 1,000 pkgs mdse, sun dry persons. UP. NA L . E'OBT ( BALtiUMIBE. THURSDAY, Juno 2S, 1860. Arrived. Steamer JamesT Brady, Landis. from Norfolk—to J Birckhead, Jr. Steamer Lancaster, Tomlinson, from Harre do Grace—to J J Taylor. Steamer Thomas Kelso. Russell, from Norfolk—to M N Falls. Steamer Petersburs, Travels, from Richmond—to J Brandt. Jr. Steamer Columbia, Harper, from Alexandria—to J C V\ ortninßton. Steamer John R Thompson. McKaig, from New Y ork—mdse to J A Shriver. Steamer Richard Willing. Cundiff. from Philadel phi a—mdse to J A bhnver. t Chattanooga. Fry, from St John's, P R-to Kirkland, Chase & Co. Schr Jas Brophy, Packard, from Wilmington, N C —old iron aud naval stores to Hopkins A Jauney Barge J A Shriver, Meckins, from New York— mdse to J A Shriver. Bark Hadley, Snow, from Boston—mdse to R M Heslen. Schr Island Queen, Conory, from Ponce, P It, 12!h inst—to Kolsey A Gray; sugar and molasses to Stir ling & Ahrens. Schr Eliza Jane, Watts, from New Y'ork—mdse to Kelsoy & Gray. Cleareii. Steamer Thos Kelso. Russell, Norfolk—M N Falls Steamer James T. Brady, Landis, Norfolk—J Birckhead, Jr. Steamer Lancaster. Tomlinson, Havre do Grace—J J Taylor. Steamer Planter, ICirwan, Patuxent river—M L W eerns. Steamer Josephine Thompson, Moore, New York— J A Shriver. Steamer Florence Franklin, Pierson.Philadelnhia —J A Shriver. Steamer E C Bi-hili. liriuy, Norwich, Ct-StSekaey A Co, BALTIMORE DAILY COMMERCIAL—FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1886. Bark Helena, (Br) Swain, Sydney, C B-Loud, Cla ridge & Co. CU K o, a - Nash, Boa ten—K G Rioman k C... ,'jiir K B Cluxton, Lamb. New York—E Pratt & Urn. Schr Oleander, Debouis. Newark, N J-E Pratt & 15rn. ,v> (*br Anna 811 ay?, Tilton, Providence—BiTclow A Bnrgent. Bchr M S Mizcll. Nelson, Plymouth. N C-P P Cloin^ntH. Sahr Win Kennedy, Patterson, Philadeli hia— Btiekney & Co. _ Fchr Clotilda, Koid, Wilmington, Del —Stickncy & Co. Barge J F Hebbnrd, MeGuiro, New York—Stick ney .fe Co. Barge 0 L Nitns, llobsoD. New Haven —*4 M Ham ilton. Barge K A .Stevens, Rainier, New York—J A Shriver. Sailed. Br brig Olotu, Port Spain. Trinidad. Heinoruai<t!i. Ponoo, P R —ln port June 12th, brig Euru*. for Nn gimbo. next, day to load for New York: schr Frade Wind, for Philadelphia in s day?; sailed from do 12th, brig Agnes, (Br), for Crab Island, to load for New York. Spoken Juno 18th, lit, 28, long 71, brig Mary. ——. of Camden, bound to New Orleans, by schr Island Queen, at this port. Bark Norwegian. (Br) Dillingham, honoo at Pan ama, remained at Montevideo, May Ist, repairing. Brig Alfred. Hufnagel, was loading at Montevideo May Ist. for New York. Brig (Hendale, Monroe, was loading at Havana 23d inst. for Baltimore, Brig Emilia k Cetestina, (Ita!) Savarcse, sailed fm Palermo, June 2d, for Bnltiuiore. Scbr E'nn, Riekotts, sailed from Nassau, N P, 15th inst, for Baltimore. By Telegrapli. J To Merchants' Exchange and News Room J R?o Janeiro—Arrived May 17th, hark St Crania, • Rr) Lan faro, from New York; do 31st, bark Adelaide, Etchberger, from Baltimore. Gibraltar—Sailed June 9th, llr brig Minn, Holder, from Leghorn for Baltimore. Boston—Arrived June 28th, sohrs Ceo N Devucux, Smith, and R Peterson, Peterson, both from Balti more. Boston—Arrived June 28th, schrs Julia Anna, Harding, and Isaac Baker, Purvere, both from Bal timore. Spoken Juno 26th, 50 miles E by N of Capo licnlo peu, ship Magnet, from Boston for Baltimore. [Correspondence Merchants' Exchange and News llcow.l FORTRJCSS MONROE. June 27, 1866. Passed in Capes to-dav, brigs Chattanooga, fm St John's. P K, and W A Rogers, from Domerara, both for Baltimore; also, a large ship, unknown. Passed out, brig Isaac Carver, from Baltimore for Boston. Arrived in ISatngUoii KontU. Schr Bravo, iioin Richmond for Havre-do-Grace— lu in bur. Schr Julia, Post, from Norfolk for Phila—lumber and shingles. S-hr Mary E Banks, Smith, from Norfolk for Bar b.vines—shingles. Weather clear; wind fresh. SMV. Arrived JI! Norfolk. Schr S II Trovers, Harding, from Washington. DC. Schr YVm Severe, Haines, from Washington. D G. Schr Geo S Adams, Fisk, froiu Boston. ~ HOTEL ARRIVALS.- BARNUM'S HOTEL. J A Mvivcan, Wash | A Baldwin, Pa J W Hsivnes, N Y .1 W Fletcher, do II W Johnson, do .1 T Wilkinson & la, Ga J Jiar r al, Phil J h Morgan A la. Pa G La Monte, W Ya K J) L Wilkes, Tex •I V. Baughcr, Phi! <M T Girdem A: wf, il.n'nii A S Stevenson. N Y K T D Myers k fa. Rich L L Springer, do ! A E Hemith. N Y D S Hunter, Pa |.l 11 Myers, Wash E \) McCarthy, N Y W A Tire, St Louis A J Heath, do I.J k Waddy, Ya W (,' 'S B CnrlVtlor, Ind Mrs G W Burd-'all, N.l ;it <J Corfaler. do J Newman, NY i B Thomas. Aid 'f W Gough, Mass i J Cauueld. N Y J St err N J r AS Cullen, do J R Kieling. NY J II Gutewood, Mexico *• Pendall, Md j.Yliss it Bowling, Aid T F Allynn, N Y IM S Geil, Pa A L P Green, Tenn |.J E Rciley, St Louis G Dick k wf, ltich : A U Baylcy, Ivy .1 Nichols, N C 10 A Crcightou, do G Adams, Colorado \S V ltnsse. do A W Willetts k wf, \ a |\Y A Robinson, do it Mcnyel, N Y iE M Tedvall, do E W Sehon, Md 'Mrs Tedvall, Ya M Field, N Y (Mrs A C Sullivan, N Y •J 1) Mirules, N O (.- K Grundy, Norfolk Miss M Tongree, AA no 0 Grundy Jr, do K P ftillett k wf, USN .11 vv illiauis. Md B F Grady, Ya I Miss R H Waddy, Ya .1 B v\ alkvr. West Point j.J G Abbott, Phil .1 I! C Hillery, Md |R D Cutis, Wash il 1! llefort. Pa |Miss M 0 Dunn, Mt do Sa Col \V Allen, lowa Miss G Col 0 Morton, Ivy 'Miss M Cuthoert, do N (J Wilson, Pa j Miss •* Cuthbert, do A Farrar, Boston Miss M Strat'on, do F F Farrar, Pa Miss Bragg, do P L Ram lets, N 0 ! W H Watson k wf. N Y VV it H ugh let t, Md -L !i Holder. Bait T llughlett, do L Maiden, Salisbury T J Moore, Ya jMrs Otpt Pleiie, Ga L A Parsons. N Y Miss Wimberly, do A D Chase, Harford jj it Branch, Va A F.vconer k la. Wash IW F rrice. Rich D 1) Eleharty, U S N Mary W Wood,do E A Farringlon, do IJ \V Congdon, N" V Miss L Flitter, Rich (Hon A VV Bradford, Aid J B Wilbyer, Wash IJ A Le'and, N C FOUNTAIN HOTEL. It II Rabbins, Balto [T Uorsueh. Md i> M Sprogle, Aid Dr Ilays, do "I Dawson, do (1 M Id, Pa L W Grnnby, do |C Ilorner. do L .! Joeo, do ID Horner, do It L Hart, do ; K L IStain, do E Tavlor, do jMissLotta, Washington l>|) Robinson, N C |Mrs Crahtree, do r V Gilmore. Port Dep't M Brcughcr, Norfolk .1 !l Rowland, do TJ Ilayman. T'aito [) Blanchard. Pa ir W Rued ,V ly. Md .J Dolton, N Y Miss Armstrong, do I C Austin Pa . Miss M Pryer, do T B Wood, do L H Clayt n, do f Atkinson, do IS Collins. Ya J J Francis, Phila ! A Edwards. Md W It Hunter, NO (111 Brevoie, do W \V Ljunin, Ml L M Hay ward, Balto J Grippis, do j R S Bailey, Ya .1 P Adams, Balto \V E Hill, do W J llay, Phila |i> Wilson, Balto D F Shure, AM IS D McTate, N G M McCurley, do |T M White, Pa .) Jones, do < W Spates. Md t' Jones, do | l F Kruiupe, Pa E B>wle ; j, do R1 Shafer, do B F Legg, do |.J 11 Larkin, do I* Mridge, do | lion T A Spencer, Aid AI Eldridge, do iG W Jefi"erson, do J A 110 5 kins. Balto !L S Clayton, do .1 Waters. Md IW Oallowan, Belair .1 MeGenie, N Y K W Shoed, Washington Miss L ftreenwood, Nor'klM Tucker, do ATss K Greenwood, do j.J F Gcdultisr, Md Y Tucker, Washington W B Morgan, do Dr J V Simmons, Fred'klL K Thompson, do MALTBY HOUSE. J Lacy, Nottoway 1 ?lisa Owin3, Phila E M Turner, W Va jO Johnson, Rich S MeCollom, Phila G II Samrucr, <• tl B Towles. Wash ! E S Canning, N Y W Shaeklett. Pa jj MeGeorge, N C R B JConnerson, Yt IJ Mills, Ohio .1 0 Raw. Md jMrs Balbnlire, do C M Rhodes. Conn jMbs McGlou i, do Miss E Rhodes, do 1J E Res?, Aid Y II Bevan, Ind 'H Wilson, N Y V/ Malt by. Pa iS White & la, Phila II Tngersoll. >lo jAliss A E Carroll, Wash C Foster, N Y jO Marburg, Md R Crane. Pa I<l Andrews, La C S Kaufman, do Aliss R D Clark, Aid W G Case, do Miss M Campbell, N Y P B VVorrcli, do i<l Bradford, do '1 H (dark, do iJ M Senccndiver, W Ya •111 0 wings & la, do i B Robbins, Ya i\ P Hays, Ya [II P Roerers, N J AJ T Mix. Wash T M L Kcpp, Bid W Jones. Md I Miss E Dcgolicr, do .J E Robertson, do ! Mi. c s K Stevcason, N Y ?tliss F Steptentoe, Wash, N F Cone, Wis Gal la boy, do MPs T Cy blight, AY ash EUTAAY HOUSE. A M Simposon, AVash |Mrs McAlurry. Ga W II Barbour, do S A Da*', Ft Monroe • 1 Brown, do D S Ohesley. Md E E Iliggins, Cinn J AI Kinloch, S C TJ D Champlin, do B O Foster, Mo W E Pratt, Phila I) R Harden, Frederick P B AVorrall, do tl Macomber, Boston J 0 Longstrcol, do ; \lr> G Alacombcr, do Mrs J C Longstreet, do j B Hecht, N Y N Van Horn, do ' jJ AV Sweeney, do J C Hay sis, Mass S '/.cimer k la, do SI W Fleahcr, W Va I OILMOR HOUSE. J 0 Jennings. N Y 10 Monroe, SIo J (i Gurney, do i' Monroe, do K 11 Hyatt, dti iS Boycr, 1/ S A T.I Moore, I'o E N MeCleane, *fn33 I) T Miuligan .t fa. Rich IWTaMian Me Miss A Dubant, Md I' Josclyn, Cincinnati 0 P Cumminu;', NY' !G \V Henderson, Alex OILMOHR'S HOTEL. A M Lomsabaush, Halt IW II Banes, Wash .1 B Haynes. Sid jO G Buchboltz, do II Hay ties, do • .T JleCall, N \' 1( Browner, ('on ! S <t Cole, do TV Scbooly, Md j J Morrison, do II 0 Chamberlain. Ya !>S M Drake, do EG I.ehmans, Knoxvillol.l W Owens, Niagara Falls E Kay, Del i W E Taylor, Ga J (rhirly, Phil !J H Giliett, Va GENERAL WAYNE. T S Baylie, Wish l J G Slitchcll, Halt eo w Baternite y Va :P C Weseott, Rich S ShoM-ard -i A eo ;'\-.i>t Giiiingbain, do 0 shepiiard, do !.f It Holland, Va J C Harness, Va |E Newman, Ilalt il Seymour. Va i.l 1 Keller, Md • R Prior, Sid -T C Boone, A A eo Dr II M Drach, do .1 L Moore, Del J W Jaeltson, Phila lO 11 Gnrcy. Phila W T ituudail, Bait eo M Grant, Va HOWARD HOUSE. P Hirsh.Pa T P Hazlett.Md 1 Best, \ a i 11 ShonerA wf. 11l G SI Kenf, do Sliss L Shoner, do II G Claiborn. N Y I E Bell, N' Y S D McGintry, do jit Wells, do B Best, Va _ |M E Fisdall, Del J Henry, Piiila 'J Fitz-iminons, Slonte'do \V W Wintner, Wash ! J II Darst, \a Col J K Langwell. Sid IE (i Johnson, do MANSION HOUSE.: S A Richardson, Md H S Heed, Boston A A I silton, do N W Howard, Md J IV Singleton, Tenn A Smith, do JS S Slalizel, Wash IA P 'l'atmar, do J E Reynolds, Sid IW E Jones, do G E Price, do E L Crouse, do J H Holt, do IW Stinson, Va THREE TUNS HOTEL. T Lawrence. A A CO !H Griffith, Howard CO H M Smith, Bait J C Hunter. B k 0 11 R S S Phipps, Phila lit Falconer, Md 'Flue tireal Railroad Case. The Pittsburg l>i*patch of Tuesday says:—Wo re ceived last night a special dispat h from Williams port, from which we learn that '.ie evidence in liic great railroad case closed ves'erday, when Mr. La trobc commenced hi? nrgu' imt in favor of the t'on nellsville road. He gave an elaborate history of liic railroad system and policy of both Pennsylvania and Maryland, and argued that there had been noth ing whatever to show lhat theConueilsville r, ad had uot acted in good faith, or that its charter had been either abased or misused. The case will probably bo brought to a close on Thursday. So far as we are able to judge, no doubt is e:.tertained thai the result will bo favorable to the Connollsville roail, in which event wo may look for the speedy completion of this important enterprise. A RECENT return to the British Parliament shows tho number and tonnage of British registered vessels, exclusive of river steamers and colonial vessels em ployed in tho home and foreign trade of the Bnited Kingdom and Channel Islands, (not including their repeated voyages,) with the number of men em ployed. classified according to eanaeity.not including masters, for the years 18&4 and 1865. The totals arc as follows: 1864. 1865. Ships i Hi .513 21,626 Tons &, 268,468 5,408,451 Men 195.756 197,643 This gives one man os.boy to every 27-.. tons on the average. The classitieati in of tho crews for 1865 gives 24.292 mates, 13,516 petty officers, 72,05S abio seamen, 19,221 ordinary seamen, 20.063 apprentices and boys, 16,241 other persons, 3,178 engineers, 8,72-1 firemen, 20,289 foreigners, and 40 Lascars. —The members of the editorial staff of the New York Trilunn have formed a Tribune Club for social purposes, and are to have a bamtuet at res it < lf intervals. Tlio lliirrtcaiio at Biiffiilo-lireat Destruc tion of Property and f.os-* oi* Life. Tho Buffalo Courier of Tuesday gives :i sad ac count of tho storm that visited that city the day previous It says; But a short time before th storm burst upon the oily, the clouds became dark, and heavy flashes cf lightning and light peals of thunder alternated; the air was oppressively quiet, and the most expert meteorologist, would scarcely have dared to prophesy more than a heavy shower. A4 s \ M. a heavy rain, intermixed with hail, ar.d a fearful gale, pet in simultaneously, and for half an hour the storm raged wi'h a fury which we have never seen before. How to characterize it we?ca*c-?ly know. It was a gale, a hurricane, o whirlwind, a tornudo, a cyclone—it was any or all of these —a wild, wicked, relentless teini>est which seemed bent on the utter destruction of the city, j r came almost directly from the west, with a plight inclination to the Fouth, and at first directed its s'rongth rgainst awnings, and signs*, and even thing that lav loose on t>esidewalks. Horses took fright and ran in various directions. Then chimneys came crashing down: roof 4 took flight; windows were forced in or otherwise dam aged; buildings were Mown dnn, and large trees wera uprooted as it thc.v had been but weed? in tho bauds of the gardener For h -ll'an hour tbo storm raged, anil strong LuihFnir? tivnibled, and devasta tion became broad capr; d yet, were we net called wjon to chronicle 1 ?.-•? .• lib, and Periou. injuries to several persons, wo should, under al! tbo eiiciim stnncos, consider tho dainaaros to property compara tively slight Tho first casualty reported wo* that, of Mr?. Sarah J. Mallory. who w;? killed on tho • rn: l ho 1- Moni tor, lying in the rro e k a* the foot '■^f*Washington street. Tbe seho* ncr MazcpiJa, lying nc:tr tho Sturgps U'cvalor. was torn from her mooring and driven with great force against tho schooner Go shawk. Tho latter, yielding to the violence, broke away, and drifted before the storm to the south side, where lay the canal beat. So mo of tho men on the Monitor seeing the danger, tried to assist Mr?. M.-Glory out of tho cabin, but be l':re they c aid eft l -** her rescue the seboonrr eamc cra-hing avainst tho boat with teriific force. The woman, who bad her child, two years d , in ber arm?, had got part the way out of tbo cabin. The child win saved, but ?ho was caught between tho broken timbers and her body was terribly mutilated. SI en i! at once taken t • t)ie can&l boat Buffalo, where, she died in about half an hour. Tbo second fatal casualty was that of a man who wis killed near the Rolling Mill", at Black Rock, lie was standing on the track when a car was blown against him and ho was instantly killed. The front, of tho brick *■• tables of the United Sta'os Express Company was blown down, and Mr. T. T. Gould, iho Fuperintendent, buried in thodobii?. One of his leg? was !ratiived in two places, his snino in jurrd, and his head badly contused. Charles Camp, a German, had hip skull fractured by some falling bricks. The roof of tho west wing of the Foundling Asylum, on Edward street, was blown in. and three children who wore in the play room at tho time were almost buried in the debris. A boy named George Taylor received a severe cut in the forehead, and was con siderably bruised about tho head; another of tho children, M-ry McGovern. was cut in the, and tho third, a boy named Thomas Henry,* ha i one of his lingers bad'y lac;rate-;. The ws-UDouf tho chil dly-a from instant death is almo.G miraculous. The western half of Kremlin llail roof was swept away, and the heavy timbers, the light wood, anil the tin covering were swept in almost every direction. A heavy beam found its way to the roof of Captain Dobhins'bouse on Niagara street, through which it crashed. The rear part of tho lr use suffered con siderably, but fortunately no ore was hurt. Tho canal barn of Thomas Uoffee on Henry street, was almost entirely demolished, tho roof and upper story of the building being a complete wreck. The new brick building of George -Vinter, corner of Engloand Washicgton streets, was unroofed, tbo chimneys blown down, and the upper portion 0: the gable wall? found their way into the interior and tu to tho sidewalk. Nearly half of the upper light roof of tho Niagara Falls depot gave way to the storm; tho tower on Bt. Joseph's Cathedral followed: an 1 tho wood work of Ft. John's Church was awept almost entirely awny. The following is a brief memoranda of tho further losers and losses, A~<. Hundreds of chimneys were Mown down and seven houses unroofed. Tho storm robbed the city of some of its finest trees. One of the first feats of the storm was the blowing in of one of the windows of Kurtis A Co. ? banking office in the Mansion House block, and the release of the U. S. bonds and .State currency to tbo amount of which wwo swept away on th * wings of the eddying blast. The lost bills consisted of two SIOO, 7-3 1 bonds; two SSO 7-20 bonds, and s3' M in State cur rene?. Of this amount Mr. Cook, a barber in the same building, recovered sl:>s. and a press boy at tached to the Courier office $lO, MIPSHIPJIEV GKUSI ATKD.— The following is a list of tho graduates of the midshipmen at Annapolis, ar ranged according to their respective merits: S. N. Kane, Rhode Island; A. L. Sprague, New York: W l . Maynard, Temie:-- e; R. M. Cutis, Dbtriet of Columbia; 11. V'. Lyon.Masssehusetts: J. 11. Day ton, Indiana; A. M'aiker. New Uaiui'slure; M. K. S. MeKenzie, New Jersey; (J. M. Totten. Now Jersey; 0. S. Spefry, Conrc t ticut; F. Curti:*, California; W. Watts. New York; W. W. Rciaingor, Maryland; LC. Rich, Delaware; YV r . T. Burwell, .Mi?.- uiri; J. J. Hun ker. Ohio; J. O. Soley, Massachusetts: !l. C. AV'uner. Michigan: VI. N. Little, New York; M. B. Field, New York; F. Hanford, New York: D. llohbin, Ohio; R.N. Griffon, Pennsylvania; G. A. Il.ihly, JMinlrigm; F. W. Crocker. Massachusetts; B.M. Berry. Kentucky; D. A. Stewart,Missouri; A. A. Blair, Missouri; 8. A\ . Very, Massachusetts: E. W, Davis, Pennsylvania: T. S. Williams, Iowa; O. H. Judd, New \ ork; B. U. Peck, Missouri: Thos. C. Ferroll. Indiana; Q. A. Bickweli, Indiana; J. M. Taft, Rhode jslnnd; 8. F. Clark-ou, Now York; M. S. D:.v, Massachusetts: Tl. M. Mainy, Minnesota; 11. R. Wilson. New Jersey: F. McOor mick. Maryland;C. L. Ph Rips. Pennsylvania; J. E. Morse, 1 . C. Todd. Kontncky: R. Waterman, Rhode Island; G. A. .Korris, Maine; G. Pholsm, Pennsylvania; W.J. Moore. Virginia; W. If. Parker, Virginia; D. T Richard?, Pennsylva nia: J. T. Morris, Now York: 11. U . Mcfvoe. Ken tucky; FraM: Trumbull, New il: inp?hirc: J. G. Tal bot, Kentucky; J. N. Hemphill, Ohio; A. B. JI. Lillio, Now York; W. T. Swiqburno, Rhode 1 ! ;mi; E. Woodman, New Hampshire; A. i>. Carter, New Jor se>; 11. Whelan, Iowa; L. \'. Housel, Pennsylvania; K. McU'.rmack.Ohio; \V. A. I'.-m ry, D. <!.;<?. T. Ilut ehins. Pen:; vlvarria; S. M. AckL y, Massachusett?; R. M. Lisle, Pennsylvania-B. 1 unn-yl vania; C. B. Gilt. New Hampshire: G. W.Costar, New York; XI. W. Gili:ilric!., K:m-a. ; J. J. Y ares, New York; L. G. ling, at large; C. F. Arnold, New York. Tli< Proitelier VVlup Manlered lii* Child. The account, of tho whipping to death of a child three years old by it:? father, a clergyman, be.c tuse it would not say its prayers near Medina, published in the l'/iioa yesterday, awakened the greatest indig nation of our citizens against tho inhuman father. The report was hardly credited, so unnatural nnd monstrous was the erimo committed. We blush to fav it, but the most sickening and dreadful part of f his unparalleled horror wa.- not published. Lindsley's (that's the moti3tcr's name') statement before t.ho Coroner's jury, given jesterday, is corrob orated bv other witnesses before the jury. T* e body of tho child told more plainly and pathetically than words could, of tho terrible punishment it bad un dergone. Several of its fingers were broken and the bl'jod oozed from every pore. To conceal he crime the father tied tho ITGe one's hr>ds bahind its back and placed ii in its coflin. While physicians wero making a ->ost .tiortem exami nation of tho body, be sat by coolly looking at the jircccfdings. After avs liilo he spoke and a iked them if they bad not o-irried "this thing about farm ugh.'' The physicians discovered no disease about the child; it died solely from exces.-ivo and cruel punishment. The little one would have been three year- old next August—whipped to death because it would not say its prayers. We are told that Lindsloy his horrid work. He thinks it was his duly to punish the child until his will was broken ar.d he obeyed. Linda ley was arrested yesterday and committed to jail in Albion. It was with the utmost difficulty that the officer? who had liim in charge could keep the citizens of Medina and neighborhood fr *in lynching fhe mur derer on the Lindsley is a man about five feet eight inches in height, well proportioned, has black wiriskcrs and dark complexion. !Io has the appear ance of a man of violent temper. As t > his charac ter hitherto we know nothing against him. ile has a farm, and D reported to be a in in of some means. He ha? not charge of an established church, but I*reaches o?cassionally—is what is called a mission clergymen. Tho murder is the all-absorbing tonic of Orleans coonty, and tbe passions of the people have not as yet cootai sufficiently to allow them to loolc upon the affair calmly, and say what should be done to this man who lias so grossly outraged their feelings and dignity.— Roche*'er !)> m<> rat. IMPORTANT CIRCULAR.—The following circular was issued on Wednesday, by lli-a. Hugh McCullceh, Secretary of the Treasury ; TREASURY DEPARTMKXT, 1 Juno 26, 1860. I Notice is hereby given to holders ot certificates of indebtedness issued under act? of Congress approved March 1 and 17,1802, that the Secretary of the Treas ury, in accordance with said acts and the t nor of said certificates, i- prepared to redeem before matu rity all certificates of indebtedness falling duo after August 31, l&ki. with seemed interest thereon, it pre sented for redemption on or before J u!y 15, lhfri, and that th.rcaftcr such certificates will cease to bear in terest, and will be paid on present; - .tiou at this de partment with interest only to srid th of July. Hi.'GjUM CC' LLOCH, Secretary. ENCOURAOTXO ACCOUNTS.—Encouraging accounts s ill continue to come in from various quarters, in re lation to the growing crop?. It is confidently stated that sufficient will be produced, if no unforeseen event occurs, for^ ample subsistence through a lice years' famine. We delight to linger over such pleas art pa Stages. — .4 f cs" nrfri<t_J-iv. TTTY ROYMTIL. THURSDAY, June 28. First Branch. —A quorum of member.-; pre .?e t, with J:i?. Young, Esq., President, in the chair. Mr. McOuiro n communication from the Commissioner? of Public School?, stating tliat they had c! *rt -1 Rev. J. IN' . MoJilbn : uperintendcnt of public instruction, at a salary ofs3.'. ,f! i per year. Mr. Gorsuch rcp<>rted a resolution granting per mission to Michael Boone Son to orp<rt a steam en gine on their premises. No. s Swann ?!.: adopted. Mr. Prtco reported n resolution arantirg 1 crmio sion to John f. Fardy & Bro. to build a platform j>ior at the foot of Montgomery street; laid over. Mr. Jones presented a resolution inquiring of the City Commissioner what will he the cost ot fitting up the hall over Ilollins street market; adopted. Mr. Marsh reported a resolution granting permis sion to W. H. Ilebden to put up a certain sign; adopted. Mr. Lankford reported a resolution appropriating $3,000 for a resurvey of tile harbor: laid over. Mr. Green called up the ordinance prohibiting tho manufacture of lampblack within the city limits after the Ist of August next; laid over. Mr. Herring offered a resolution directing the City Surveyor to furnish this Branch with a plat of the proposed extension of German street to South street; adopted. Tho Branch then adjourned. Second Branch. —This Branch mot at the usual hour; present, Daniel Harvey.. Esq., President, and a quorum of members. Received from tho First Branch a resolution to lease alot on the cornerof Caroline and Rank streets, and to build a school house thereon lor Primary School No. 25; rea l find laid over. Mr. Irelan submitted a resolution of inquiry di rected to the Health Commissioner,as to how.uiaryof the sanitary polieo could be disposed of at the pres ent time: adopted. An ordinanco was received from tho First Branch authorizing A. A W. Don mead to extend their wharves at Canton, which was road and laid over.— Adjourned. I'BOREEDBMJI.S OF THE 4'OMITS. _ . THURSDAY, June 2d, 186*). SapcrLor Court.—Hon. Judge Martin.— Win. A. Dean y?. Ilobei t W. Christopher; attachment under act ol 1804. Motion by defendant to quash sustained on the point that the affidavit was detective. I tiitcd States District Court—Hon. Judge Giles. — J. A Lsriton, indicted for not taking out license as a butcher, pleaded riot guilty, and recognized irj the sum ot S2OO for his appearance at tho next term of court. Samuel A. Richardson, of Queen Anne county, in dicted for not taking out license as butcher, pleaded guilty, and sentenced to pay a line of $1 and costs, and the cost of license, S2O. Nathaniel Frampton, of Queen Anno r-ounly, in dicted l<r not taking out license as a retail dealer in liquor, pleaded guilty, and fined $1 and costs, and tho amount ol the license, $25. f 'oU'-t of Common Pleas —lion. Judge King.—Wm. Hamilton vs. 0. E. Hosiner; motion for new trial granted, RS also in (he case of Win, Hamilton vs. Au gust Umsted, and iu tho cose ot Muses Cohen vs. Amnu L. Goldsmith. J. if. Thomas vs. Mayor and City Council ofD.ilti more; appeal from Justice Spicer: judgment reversed and in favor ot appellee for >BO 49 and c -sts. $ iuire Fisher vs. Robert J. D uglass; appeal from Justice Blake; judgment reversed. Jauioi \V, McElroy, trustee, *B, Ilolloway et abj motion to strike Gut judgment granted, i yggtf, A BOLD ROKIIKRT.—Tn Cincinnati, on the after noou ot the22d, two men entered the office of the Amcioan 1 xurivs and, approriching tho in inev-receiving clerk's desk, one of them :i-kcdtho clerk to address a package for him, saying he could not write. 'lhe clerk stepped to the counter and addressed the package as de.-ircd. While the clerk WHS thus engaged, one of the men walked round be hind the clerk, and picked tip a money package con taining tour thousand four hundred and fifty-seven lioilavj that, was lvinu r with ether? oh tho desk, put it in his pocket, deliberately walked out of tho office and disappeared in the cr >wd on the street. Tho cadrier, who happened to be near ly, witne?sod tho whole operation, but instead of giving the alarm at once, rushed to the other end of tho office fr bis pistol, and when lie returned to arrest the robbers and make them disgorge, tiie.v were gone. A WAIF UPON THE WATBK.h—A most interesting event transpired yesterday, which will long be re membered by tho purlin concerned. As a crowd were on the banks of tho Cuyahoga, watching the (1 r.fing mass s swept down by tho Turbulent waters, an onjoef wis seen a short distance from tho spot oo cupiod by Lhc spectators, which excited not a iiiile curiosity. It turo-d out to be a cradle, and when at the instance ot u lady i, was drawn to tbe shore, was found i> contain a beautiful child, fast asleep, and hap| ily unconscious of .lie nerils of this rough com m-neemcnt ot its voyigo of life. Where it cauio from and who its parents are, are facts unknown.— Clcci luu.l Ploinde iter, Jkk. MAIL ILlrX*l'Uli,\S. 2Hhte of Arrived- cnul Cloxina of M'tilx ut the Pout Ojjice, B*itimor C Md. OLE. • CLOSK. Ef\r.t. A. M. P. M. A. Jl. P. M. Phila., New i ork, Boston.) 4.1R) '3.*) S.U<l b.iu through, daily ex. Sunday > B.:j:i 11.30 On Sunday ) 4.00 o^o Abingdon, fails ton, L. ttuu- # P. Deposit jfcPhil'aj- 1.15 7.00 Del. an i lower counties oi) E. Shore, Md., daily ex. S 3.20 t>.:)o Saturday ) Upper count's L. Shore, Aid, t .... c daily ex. Sunday / Cub Hill and Greenwood, 1 Monday, Wednesday and V 2.20 2.00 Friday.. j " Tuesday, Thursday, 1 w fV , Saturday j '■'*> -30 7.00 7.30 011 Saturday 7.00 12.15) Cuinljerlaml uud Wheeling, > , . ,Way. / 5 -^ J '- tK) Frederick, "ild ii.iiO 5,30 7.W) 3.00 tiagerstott-i., Cumb'd, all of) I red., Wash'n, zMlegany;- E.30 7.00 cour. ties, Md j KlUcottV Milk 5,50 700 2.30 Bait, and (Jttiab'd Way 5.30 7.00 Catousville y.-jO Hurt I'. Toledo, Chicago. St. Louis,) through, daily, exeert > Sunday j g.tX) S.OO York, liarrishurg, Cham-I c beiaburg, BitLioarg J tiA '° wl o (.00 8.00 Sunday, " " S.OO 8.00 l'ork and Harrisbur„- Way 6.00 7.00 Kuutcrtcwu. Wcdtininsier,j, 600 7 w Bull'aio, N. York 8.00 ...... 7.00 Freedom, Md., Mnu. Friday 5.01J y.iL) CaUforuia, via St. Joseidi, 1 g laJ - ~j So'uth. Washington, D. C., daily,! 8.45 1.00 6.00 1.00 except Sunday 5.00 3.00 On Sunday ! 7.30 9.00 I 7.30 Qoorge'own and Alesan-1 1.00 dria > 8.45 9.G1 P. George's, Charles, St. I o Mary's co's., Sid i S ' 4j 9 -°° " ex. Saturday V.OO Yfashington Way, diy, ox-1 s <- , lu . ccpt Sunday J v I,uu Annapolis, Aid I 8. fa 7.00 6.09 2.00 do. Way / 6.00 9.00 Calvert Co., Tuesday, Thurs- 1 oj- .... Q (ir , Saturday / S ' id 9 - , JO Old i'uiut Ooinforl. and Nor-1 .. li.l k f •••' <-" SJBLIPJPIifG. ~l£Zh , " ,T "^vxssaiiniAr- The line: Steamship FANNIE, Captain Snioot, is n.nv loading and will sail for tho ahovo port, from Union Dock, foot of Concord street, on FRIDAY next, tho 29th inst., at 3 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, having good accommoda tions, apply to JAS. B. ANDREWS, Agent. Baltimore uud Savannah Steamship Co., 90 Light s'rec! wharf, jo2S-2t foot of Union Dock. kPwx FOB niUHSBTOsi X. C'.—The fine agva>cop!iered hrig FANNIE. Capt. Mados, will -axz- ji for the ab.vo port on S ATURD AY, Juno 30th. For 10 giit apply to KELSEY A GRAY. je2B-2t Cur. Buchanan's wharf and Pratt street. r.£X _ * 'i: HEVBUtH, 1. C.—The schooner r-f.rtrVMAIL, Goslea, master, is now receiving MMliagfreight. and will stdl SATURDAY, June 3d. For freight apply to D. F. KEELING, j2S-3t ear. Spear's wharf and Pratt st. . ~ WELU, FA 800 .fe NEW YGHK AMD CALIFORNIA EXCUAJSGE airta;. No. 84 Broadway, N. Y. Exchange fur sale on Caliiurnia. Agents in Baltimore, PENDKRGAST, FENAYICK t CO.. 77 Smith's Wharf, un stairs. 1,28-tf aMtt FOBCHABIaESTOH,S. BIBBCT BAT.Ti MORE AS !) CHARLESTON SfEAMSH IP COMPANY. The splendid A i steamship STAR OF THE SOUTH, 1,200 tons burthen, Captain RIF.D, is now loading at Flannigan's' for the above port, where hills of lading will he signed. This steamer has accommodations lor fifty first class passengers: wLI ho only thirty hours at sea. Tho cr ine department will be under the superintenden o of one of the best Stewards from New York, and the tables furnished with every luxury of tho season, and no pains wili be spared to make tho passengers com fortable. For freight or passage, apply to PEN DEKGAST, FEN W tOK & CO.. 77 Smith's wharf, or SAMUEL BLAISDELL. JB., Genera! Freight Agent, at Fiannigau's Wharf. Goods insured on open policy. Agents in Charleston WILLIS .t CHIBOLM. je26-tf , -.p.- B'O't CDABLEmW, H. C.—DI- l.Tl\fiH! ■-• AND CHARLES TON STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FREO7IIT RECEIVED DAILY". To fail 8 VTUROAY, 20th inst., at 4 o'clock, P. M , Tho A1 Bleamshii "E. C. KNIGHT." Captain HOLLIKS, IS R.ow Mannigan's wharf, v.hrre bills of lading viii bo Dinned. For freight or passage, having first class accommodation?, apply to PKNDKRG AST, FLN VYIOK & CO., 77 Smith'? wharf, ui> stair?, or tu SAMUI2L BLAISBELL, Jr., General Freight Agent, ut Flannigan's wharf. Goo is insured on open policy. Agents in Charies ton, WILLIS & OHISOLM. je26-6t D m B< IIAST' BALTIMOftE AND 11AHLkSTON STEAMSHIP LINK. Composed of the Steamers LuLIE; 1. GUILDS, Commander. ADKLK; H. L. H.M.L, Commander. The Adelo is now receiving freight at Boyce's wharf loptol Ooncor-I street, and '.riil sail SATURDAY, .1 unc 20th. This Steaunr has line state rooms and ex cellent cabin accoinmodarions. For freight or passage apply to I>. F. KEELING, Agent, corner Spear's wharf and Pratt it. Agents in Charleston, jelSatf A# STREBT BEO. & Co. y- A?-VS::iTOV, Tl-;.vThe coppered brig JENNIE MORTON, Fusholz, master, is now loading for th 3 above port % and having the most of her cargo en gaged will have quick di patch. For balance freight or j'assago apply at once to It. M. IIESLEN, je4-tf N. W. corner Pratt and Gay s Is. £4r£ IEOK ItHMnoXD 5MKtM'T.—The SCHOONER SERENE, Capt. Skinner, is sateK now loading and will sail with despatch. For torins or freight apply to Al. A. MITCHELL, ' ~ Wharf. jel4-tf JFfTi l 3i WIIIUINWTOX, N. A'.—The fine sailing achr. O. M. PETITT, Clark mas | ter, will be ready to receive cargo in a few days, ar.d having nearly all her cargo engaged, will have quick ! dispatch; for balance freight apply to R. M. IIESLEN, mh2t-tf N. VI. corner Pratt and (Jay sts, H W wrSBO.—A VLSSFJ., about 1,509 or 2,0*0 barrels, to load for Apalachicola. A ply to JOHN HENDERSON A CO., mh9-tf corner Commerce and Pratt streets. FOK SAYANNAH, A. THE BALTIMORE AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S STEAMERS are new running a? follows: —Leaving Baltimore troia Union Dock, foot of Concord .-treet, EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. Returning, they will leave Savannah for Baltimore EVERY THURSDAY. Goods for Augusta, Qa.,and tho interior, consigned to our agent* in Savannah, La Roche A West, will be promptly forwarded. For freight or parage, having good accommoda tions, apply to JAMES B. ANDREWS. Agent, Office -3 Light st. wharf and foot of Union Dock. N. B.—All bills of lad.ii;? signed r.t the steamer. iuh 5-tf • tfK BCNSTO9-M9PATCH LIKE. The Regular Packet Schooner ANNA S. BROWN, Baker, Master, is now loading for the above port, and having tho most of her cargo engaged will have quick dispatch. For balance <1 freight or passage apply to R. M. IIESLEN, N. W. corner Pratt and Gny streets. i'h3-tf f FOR &A VAXAiAir, GKIHiGEA.- A ves sei w iK be dispatched for the abovo port *n #ks.£6h9s case sufficient freight offers. Apply at once to M. IIESLEN, N. \Y. comer of Pratt and Gay streels. j till farther. ja2o-t; T- • HOOPEK, SAIL MAKER, Ko, V/lmrf. SaiLi, Tents, Awuluk, Flogs, Ac., made and repairsu. to order oc reasonnbio terms, end at tbo bhortost notice. Also. Canvass Cover 1 for sale | M:-* mill a , PHIS, LA COMPAGNIE LYONNAISE, BOULEVARD DES CAPUCINES. 35 AND 37: RUE ST. ARNAUD, No. 7; and RUE NKUVE DES CAPUCINES, 16. SILK STUFFS, MANTLES, VISITES, CLOAKS, Ac. I'SlVfEi# MKSIiINH, LACE. INDIA CACHEMIRES. FRENCH SHAWLS. TISSUES. Tho COMPAGNIE LYONNAISE has the honor to inform American Ladies that they will find at their Establishment Ware-rooms for the immediate (\ittiag- ; out and Mai. ing-up Dresses in tha first style of Fash- ' ion and most elegant Patterns. DECTC* oTOrsts. Since its foundation the COMPAGNIE LYON- I NAISE has not ceased to occupy itsolf particularly in tho selection of articles of taste and of superior quality, eoasequeclly tuii Company is unrivalled iu Paris, and enjoys a Uttivwriol roputftUon, ! ' 1 IIVSURANCE COMPANIES Union Fire Insurance Company OF BALTIMORE, fcc. 42 SECOND STREET, Norta Sidn. Corapacy inurps ajralnr.t DOSS OU DAMAGE BY FIDE on all descriptions o'. property, either in tho oity, for a week, month or year. it hj i!o makes INLAND INSURANCE. Short In surances maao on Merchandise in bonded anil etor* JP® wareeouses; and where risk has terminated, toe I reanuui tor the ucoipirej ttine'wUl be rotura *• * JOHN COAXES, President. _ BOARD OF~DTR'KOTORS. Cbauneey Brooks, .William F. Pontr, Henry S. Shryook. John C. Bridges. ''.rkhurst, James o.Spear, William Bndsrcs, Joseph Matthews. , ; non ft. Uewes, William Chesnut. John lariibuti. Jr.. John E. Hurst. OTIS SPEAR. oei-Iy Secretary. THE UNITED STATES"FIRE AND Marine Insurance Company OF BALTIMORE, OFFICE 17.1 SOUTH BUOAWWAY, In Use Kcoime (ormcrir ouuitjiiH by I!s< Srcnnii hniioun! U!,iU, This Company insures without charpe for Policy, Buildings. Merchandise ami other Property in or out of the oity against Los? or Damage by Firo tor one year or for a shorter period, and Insurances inav bo mado lor seven or ior a less number of yearn. The Company also insures Vessels and Cargoes on Inland, Navigation and Marino Risk. Applications for Insurance or for information in lIU, F bo made to JAMES T. RANDOLPH, \ ice President, or to HENRY C'. JONES, Secretary. PRFSRNT BOARD OF ifIRRCTORS. R. K, Ilawlcy. J John J. Abraham?, Jas. T. Randolph, Jas. G. Rain?ay, Win. H. Cathcart, iGoorge A. Coleman, Charles T. Morris, jXfcoi. Booz. John S. Gi'man, J Caleb B. Hyncs. mol2-tf JOHN W. RAN HOLPTf. President. TO PROPERTY HOLDERS AND OTHERS. Perpetual and other Insurance. THE MARYLAND FT RE INSURANCE COM PA N A OF BALTIMORE having obtained front the Legislature at it? last session a PER Y I T I AT. CHAR TER, with an authorized Capital of s.Vn>.Ooo, pro pa rf! to grant PERPETUAL POLICIES OF IN SURANCE on substantially built property, both in the city and country, against loss or damage by lire, on the same terms and conditions as those of the oldoßt ami best established Companies of the country. All deposit? of money inado for this class of In surance will he kept separate and distinct from that of the ordinary kind of yearly risks, and invested safely in Real Estate as security to those insured by this Company in this form, and such deposits cm be withdrawn by the insured by giving a short notice to retire the risk. Beyond the advantage of he.ving property contin uously insured, without any contributions being called lor as under tho mutual system, it will be fouud a considerable saving to those who prefer pay ing in advance the modcrato amount required lo effect it. AH properties thus insured must undergo a careful survey, and a certificate of its condition, Ac., filnd with the Company. Further particulars given on application at their office, AC A HBLE BUILDING, SECOND STREET. . Opposite City Postoffice. written communications promptly attended to. Other insurances by tho year or shorter period on ail dweripti n3 of property, in the city or elsewhere, can also be had on reasonable terms, and as this well established Company ha? an ample GASH CAPITAL independently for toe latter class of Insurance, the continued liberal patronage of the public is hereby respectfully solicited. THOS. E. HAMBLETON, President. JOSEPH K. MILNOR, Secretary. DUiZCTO US: Ira C. Canfield, CLarlei J, Baker, Charles W. Lord, Alien A. Chapman, Edward W. Robinson, John S. Barry, John R. Seemuller, Charles Spilker. John A. Hambleton. Rots Campbell, Hugh A.Cooper. John Stellwann. _J e l vlstp-lt co2m Tho Psabody Fire Insurance Comp'y OF BALTIMORE. Having been orscutized and loeatsd Li SI2COND S'iKEET. ADJOINING THE POSTOFFICE, Is now ready to insure ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF BUILDINGS. FURNI TURE AND MERCHANDIZE, I n the city or country, nnnu&Uy or for short tenr.r.. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: THOS. 1. CAREY, President. Galloway Chcston. • Anson Dull, Enoch Pratt, i Peter Mowcll, Thos. I John H. L&troba, Win. Kennedy, H.D.Harvey, Jesse Tyson, IJ*UMM 0r.r07 oc2-tft As so'j in loci Flrom-in'g insurance Co. OFFICE, NO. 4 SOUTH STREET. OPPOSIT* SUN IRON BUILDING. Recognised for the prompt p-'omenX of iti lo s?ea and exhibit Policies, insures Dwellings, l umiture, Ves sels, Merchandise ar.d other property, in or out oi the city, at the lowest rates of premium. YVM. A. HACK, President. JHBtCVC EH : Wis. A. Hack, Thomas J. Flack, James C. Whoodoa, Eamuel Kirk, Allen Paine, Francis Burns, 11. C. Mason, James Y'oung, Jacob Trust, Jan. E. George, Sr., James Getty, F. A. Miller, Noah Walker, Wm. tihambarg. Lancaster Onld, JOHN DTJKEHART, asi-ly Secretary. Kational Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore. Incorporated by tho State of Maryland, 1843. OFFICE NO. 30 SOUTH STREET, (HKW BUILDING,) OPPO3ITH SECOND STRUET. This Company insures every description of prop erty, in and out of the city, against loss or damage by Sre. Short insurances may bo eli'ecco J for a single day or a longer period. JOHN 15. BEIDENSTRICKER, President. BOARD OS' OIIiSCTOBB: Henry M. Bssh, j George YV. Howard, George Eart.leU, Joseph W. Jenkins, Thomas S. Benncr, George Small, E-dward J. Church, Thomas Corner, Wci. Woodtvard, Hugh Sisson, Win, Ecalii, Robert Lawson. 11. Q. LAN IMS, foi9-ly Secretary. Sftitimors Fire Insurance Company t>. W. COR. SOUTH AVI) WAT2R BTRJSS7H. This Company insures AFTMIII? IOFS or damage by Fire, in the r: f .v or country, on the various ueacrii>- tior.B of Property. J. I. COHEN, .Tr. : President. BOARi> Of UIF.2CTORB : | W. G. Harrison, I J. Pencin^ton, Georgo R. Vickera, Joshua I. Cohen, F. W. Alricks, R. 8. Stewart. Francis T. King, TVm. 11. Brune, Henry Carroil, N. Von lvapfi*. David S. Wilson, T. Robt. Jenkins, W. F. Worthingtoib G. Morton Stewart. Thomas Franklin, FREDERICK WOODWORTH, iaSTT-wsmtf Beoretr.r7- Irjf4DlE A::wi> FOI;ION iksubakcr. TIIE FIREMEN'S iNSUIIANCE COMPA NY OF BALTIMORE. ESTABLISHED IN 1825. Office N. E. corner South and Second streets. Insures all kinds of property, at home or abroad, against loss by lire, on very favorable terms. HENRY P. JJUiiURSX. President. aoAUU a? PissoTo&B : Austin Jenkins, . F. W. Bennett, A u gust us J. AI bert, i Ssin ue 1 Hart, Chas. D. SiinclufT, I Hugh Bo! ton, Francis \V. Elder, ! Jas. Jas. Taylor, Edward Jenkins, I James McConky, Frederick Achey, I John G. Reaney, Thos. W. Levering, I James Fields, George R. Berry, I Garrett Brovni, Joshua Dryden, j John M. Gait, Jolm Cushing, I Tho.;. Wilson, George W. Flack, Uenrv 11. LoudGi man, MGnacs I. Coheu, Caleb Parks, G. S. Gibson, George Franck, John A. Needle?, V/E. 11. L. Rcita, Jas. M. Andorson, Isaac M. Denson. John A. Shrivcr. J. MARSHALL WINCHESTER rah£3-lawtf Secretary. koofinETO. i iiiyc-eTAhii; so 6 c> 5 S £5 S IN C* fe, b op 6 o op o o f- & P? ca PASS'S ESLT, ORMBBT AND CRAY EL ROOF , . IN js the bos* in s*. esd hr.s fcsr>. wall Kc:t?a *cr P.I taoa ye&w. Vie sunrantcs all nctr work fr-r five ytats. it i. J butter than Tin, and eoets half aa msch. Old Roofs rspoired at ibort notice. We nro the only aiKiafactnrere cf ROOFING SIA XT'aTALS in Maryland, all of which sre fcaop con stantly on hard ;cr aalo. TIIiUOOFe Wsd IRON FSNOLiI vrf-fei or;rX- ATNNT FASUJfJJNE tRNASJi. VAQE BROS i CO., TOOACUO. e. TT. SAIL. OHniCTTAS ay. 0. W. GAIL &. AX. Siarivfaclurert oi all oj s4i#t-3Fine t;-js fSiowlT's ToGaoca ttadl Me. on. AL3V. Impcyters of Pipes, Sjp.uff Epxcc., 2iO„ &3., &D. SO. & BARRE CTSBIJT, Bahoaa h Chart?* :::ul Light cere, BALTIMORE, MD. c. w. BAIL. OFKicrun tr.. eroatin j. .tobtiLsa. BoLsimoro. Scitinrre. JXnt Tcrk. OAR?,; AX & KBCBSEB, Tobaoso BD't C~snmsas;33 Ucuts®. piyr? o? 4?. W. CALL <0 AX'S X&SVrACTO&SH, ?ALTIMORE. ITI 5-iid IVS -* A'l If it : 'll. uf. i ccc Maiden I. ran FEW YORK. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE.""" OFFICE. Ho. S3 S3COE3B KTHEKT. J. <?. PROUD x SONS, AGENTS, WITH FULL~POWERB. AGGREGATE CAPITAL REPRESENTED. $7,000^000. .Ctna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. SpriDgfield F. and M. Insurance Company, Mais. Massasoit Insurance Company ot Snringfiold Merchants' Insurance Company otliartfcrd." England lire lomranco Company o? Hart . MfiK&o'itißftts losaiahco Cnmnaay of ; l ivtsSauj. 1 Cs ® cs2J d ***>■ RAH, ft OA ?> NOTICKN. •'JlllS KAi.Ti3i-.tiit. . .a- if 11 js > fci.r . i~., jxJa BH? HIWSIKiJMP Or and afrer SUN I av. 17. i 3. two d.Liiy irair," will run between Baltimore and Wheeling and Par kcreburg, as follows: MAIL TRAIN will LEA TO llalriin-rn daily (EXCEPT Sunday) at 8.50 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN will leavo daily, (including Sunday), at HP. M„ and the ACOOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Cumberland for '.V beoling daily at 10.15 A. M. (except Sunday). These trains connect a*, Belair and ParkcrsbutK for ail points West. Southwest and Northwest. FREDERICK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 4.30 p. f-1. (except Sunday). East—Leaves Frederick at 7.15 A. M. daily, (Son day excepted.) Tho ELLICOTT'S MILLS TRAIN leaves Balti more at 8.20 and 10 A. M„ and 1.20 and 5.40 P. M., and Kliiooit's Mills at 7.2) and ii. A. M., and 2.55 and 7 P. M. FOR WASHINGTON. Leave Baltimore at 4.10. 7.05,8.45 and 9.45 A.M.. and, and 7.45 !'. M. On Sundays at 4.10 and 8.45 A. M., and 4.15 and 7.45 P. M. Leave Wjuhiua ton at 7, 7. 0 and 11.15 A. M., and 2.45, 1.40 and 8 P. M. On Sundays at 7.30 A. M., and 2.45 and X P.M. The 0.45 A. M., and 3.15 P. M. trains only from Baltimore, and the 7 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. trains i'roia Washington, stop at. way points. I' l c 7.05 A.M. and 4.15 P.M. from Baltimore, and tho 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. from Washington, conucot with trains on liie Annapolis road. Trains leave Amiaiiolis at 6.. J) A. M. and 3.40 P. M. lor Baltimore ami Washington. For rurthcr information, ticket? of ovcrv kind, Ac., apply to .. ~ ENGLAND, Agent, at. Camden Sta tiou. or at the Ticket Office. V.'. p. SMITH, rr .„ , Master of Transportation. h. M. COLE, general Ticket Agent. iny2h-tr t wp HTi CWUBWkRAKITA X' AA' S UEsi A - !'•: fiSJafeWABK B4V Itttl.XOtl). Only direct, route to Long Branch. The whole dis tance by rail. No change of cars. No travelicq by stage. On nd after FRIDAY, June Ist, 1X66, the trains on this road will leave rho depot of Cam don and Atlantic Railroad Company, at Cooper's Point, Camden, as follows: U. 20 A. 51., Express train for Long Branch and New l ork fiiiu mtericeiiintnstations. .">.30 A. M.. Mail an<l Uxi.rc- for Neir York. m . . RETURN IN9. Trains leavo Pier -52. loot o" l>unne street, Ncth Liver via steam"Jcsrin ir-yt.*' t 11 A. M , Kx trs':• 'or Branch. Cauitlen. und interme diate fctotionami P. M., f. r :il! stations on the road. I 'Uc iu ar.d from New York to Lonsr ftranch, $!?. Lxcnrsioa tickets to Lot>? F> ranch from Onmden. fr>; WAI. .N. CLAYTON. _ Jclo-oP Superintendent. PHIIABBM>aU. WlMlSiroi Aim' liAIiTDtIiRG StAHLRKS-AJr. GST 658 "3S-Sf9saS3 On and after Monday, April Cs-'.srw.o. ' - TTc kar-li;. th,c trains will leavo Presi dent htroct Depot aa follows, viz: v. ay Mail Train for Philadelphia ana >7ay Stations at 7.25 A. M. Express Train for Now York only at 9.2(1 A. M. 'Exnrow Train for Philadelphia and Nov, York at 1.10 P. M. Accommodation Train for navro de Grace and in termediate Stations at 4.45 P. M. Express Train for Philadelphia and New Y-rte at 6.35 P. M. Express Train for New York at 8.20 I'. 31. The above Trains leave daily except Sunday. ON SUNDAYS. For New 5 nrk and Philadelphia at. 5.20 P. Id, Tor Princess Anne, and intermediate points on Delaware Railroad, take 7.2.5 A. M. train, and for Dover, Delaware, take tho 1.10 V. M. train W.M. (.RAW FORD, fe7-if Acont. eS m&: Xizt&s&nu 541> I'ibKK SI CiiSTKAI, BAUiWAT, SUMMER SCHEDULE, On and alter Monday. Mav 21. ISfS T1! AINS N 0 RTHIYA RD. Leave Baltimore as follows: Y-wk Accon.m dation, INO.I 7 "3 A. 51. Mail 11.15 14 F:'.* 4 Line 12.10 P. ?-I, Parkton Accommodation, No. 1 12.30 44 York do 3. 3.30 44 Parkton do 3 5.30 44 Pittsburg and Frio Sxrross 7.20 44 Pittsburg and Klmira Express 0.45 44 TRAINS SOIJTUWAIID. a r.Riva. Pittsburg and Elmira Express 7.00 A. 21 Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 O. ' i York Accommodation, No. 2 b' 44 Fast Line 12.5.1) P. SI. Parkton Accommodation, No. 4, at Bolt m 4.30 44 Mai] ;..:jn 14 York Accommodation, No, 4 0.45 44 Mail: Fast Line and Pittsburg and Elmira Express, will not stop between Baltiuioro and Parkton. Fast Line, Mail and Accommodation trains, leavo daily except Sundays. Pittsburg and Frig Express, leavo daily except Sat urdays. Pittsburg and I'.imira Erqiress leaves daily. Mail and Ac- oinaiodation Trans arrive daily ex cept on Sundays. Klmira Express arrives daily except Mondays. Fast Lino arrives daily. Mail Fast Line, Pittsbursf and Erie Express and Pittsburg and Fhr.irn klips-ess.makecln.-cconnections with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad at i'arrP horg for Pittsburg, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Fort 11 aync, Louis ville. Cairo, and tli points in the \V est, Northwest, and Soutlivrest. Mail and Express Trains cnnnei 4 Elmira v.ibh the New York End Erie Railro.i-1 for all p-.-inta it. Northern, Centra! and Western i-'evi T'ork. For further infotmation, ai>"ly at Cslvar. 4 Slat-,a. .I.N. DUBARRY, Genera! Superintendent. 15D. -5. YOUNG. _col2-l! General Passenger Agent. FM SB! "-• •';> IK"" VI:K >. Z> fc,{W - - -y;..=. t C'iiSllITRIi AND 1 ! • ■)- MAC K. R.— TO Tit A VKLLEUS OOlNil SuVTU. TVi 10S DAILY, (Sunaau 7 A. At. Excited.) Tba qaiokeat aciti most direct route to Richmond, Va., End the South, via the Baltimoro r ail Ohio Railroad to Washington Potomac .'tcamers from Sixth Street Whnrf, Wash ington to Aquiu Greek and Richniond. Fredericks burg and Pocoinac R:iilrojwl notv entirely completed from Aqui.i Creek to Richmond, Va., connecting there with trains on the Richniond and Peterluig r.nd Richmond and Danville K iilroads, for Peters burg, Weidon, Raleigh. Greensboro*, Salisbury. Charlotte and Charleston, b.C. Trains leave Camden n att.h,' A M ;ml 3.1" and 4.!- r ) P. M.. ."onnoriing at Yf .".shington l' h steamer leaving Sixth Street wharf (Sunday morning oscepted), at ti.4") A. M. and 7.00 ]"* M. t s-ad arrive ici Richmond at 2 V. M. and 3.3i> A. M. THROUGH TO RICHMOND IJS TEN HOURS. Fifty Miiea Snorter and 3 hour a wicker than any oikcr Jio'ute, 13e sure and cot through tick eta via Aquia Creek and Frcdericksburi? to Richmond, at CamdonStution, Caltiniore. and get through baggasre cheefcr, Oanibussea and baggago w?.gons ai*,va\. in ror.-il nesr. to convey passengers and baggego to the steam ers ir. Wasliini ton city fret of chtirpe. A. NI"R7)IiAM A SOS, Ixo. 142 Light street wharf, General Agents, CHAP. M. IIASEY, ocs-ti General Passenger Agent. CAIOAHV3I.3E BAIL AVMM EH A RRANQEMENT. FAR W R FDI'OLD. Ou and after MO XL) A I'. April /)mh, lSod, Car- will run hourly from f> A. M. to 7P. M., and :<r OP. M., i ALL7 . j*UN DAYS KXCFPfICI). On SUN if A YS, hourlv from 7 A. M. to V P. M. Passengers t and from LLLICOT l"S MILLS will leave daily. SUNDAYS included, at 7, iandll A.M., and 2. 4 and P. M. OFFICR —West end of Baltimore street. WM. W. ORNDORFF, a dm Secretary. YOltK wlV 11 BVIL ' On an<l after JULY 9th C rs will leave City Hall at each hour, from 7A. M. to 7 P. M. Night car for Townsonton at 11 P. M Leave Tow son town every hour from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M ~ except 12 noon. Night car for Baltitnore leaves Townsontown at 9 P * M - j 2-3-ft IIION WOFTK.~ PORTAGE IRON AND~NAiL~WGRKST JOHN MUSSELMAN, Proj>rietor. Biglev, Hock £l CO., Ajjonts, 121 TSTGRTtt STREET. Are now receiving, and will keep constantly on hand, a full assortment of the above superior brand of NAILS, which they offer lor salo at th ; lowest market prices. mh2-3ui " POOLE & M.UNT," .ILVkST Hk, !>., uiKcrAorrsn Eortauc asa Stationary Htoam Kngiao,'] an-i Bsiiara. Steaa Biro Fniin-.a, Vcrtoble Haw Siilla, Grx uml Sincle Saw Mi lit Mining Macbinory, F rlebl, Grist Mill*. Flooring biiii Mwjkini-tj. Cuttca ••l-'rew-, Kailroa.l Can. Cm Wboßit 1 Axiea, Uydraalia Pmsss for Oil and Tobaao ■. T Mould,, Cox vVojks J-cs-av,. at U all kiadc. r'f lhw fcf.i OITTCB OF TIIK COHMIfMIOKCBID FOR OPENING ,-TKETS, Byi.riuoßE, May 3D, 1866.) The CommisEioners far Opening streets in aceoril aneewith the 6th .-action of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide for exercising certain pow ers ve-'tcd in this Corporation in relation to streets in the city of Baltimore, approved April 3d, 1866, hereby give mil ice that they will meet on MONDAY, the 2-1 dny of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at tho office of tho Commissioners, at the City llail, and proceed execute I he, powers and perform the duties a-.-i.rne 1 to olid required of theui in regard to opening Baker street, from Pennsylvania avenue to Gilmore street, io accordance with an Ordiriuneo of tho Mayor and (.'it;- Council of Baltimore, approved March 24, laic'.. WILLI 4 M BROOKS. DAY ID TAYLOR. GEORGET. YVILKTNS, Commissioners. my3l-lawlw JAMES 11. COoK. (ilrrk. Bg"(slfS IS TO 441VK SOTiCB, That the rub .£L reribers have ohtainod from the Orphan ' Court of Baltimore city, letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of JONAS li. HAY WARD, late of said city, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before tho 7th day of J ecember, 18'6; they may otherwise, by law, ho'cx clttdecl from all benefits of said estate. A ll persons indebted to said estate are requested to make lmnieuiatp payment. Given under our hand-, this 4th day cl June, 1866. lUNRY STOCKBRIDGE, ~ , , , . . . .MARY A. HAY WARD, jeo-law4w Admnustrators, with the will annexed FfIIHIN IS TO MvTsrtmFElSatthe sub- J4. acribers, ot Baltimore fity, have obtained from the Oriuians Court ol said city letters of administra tion on the estate of MOSEB ENGLISH ART, late ol said city, deceased. All pel-sons having claims against the said de ccased arc hereby warned to exhibit the same, with tne vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before tho Bth day of I)ecm bcr next; taoy may otherwise, by law. be .excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this sth day of June, 1806. SARAH BCUENTHAL, .. , , JOSEI'iI SCHENTHAL. _ jeo-law4w Administrators. CI3TY KEGISTEH S OFI IIIL ~ 1 BALTIMORE. J uuo 2), ISOG. ) OPENING IIOFFMAN STREET. ike Comuiisfioners for .Streets having made return of their corrected statement of damaces and benciitfl foropening and condemning Ii OF LAI AN STREET, from Cathedral street to Lovcgrove alley, notice is hereby given that tho said statement, witn aer.ompatijring plats, will remain at this oflico lor thirty days from this date, during which time wppeaD may be made therefrom to the Superior Court ot Lai timore city. JOHN K FLUMM LB. je2U-luw4w Cffy Register. CIOSSICSEE'S NOTICE.—The porsignees of J a lot nests Buckets, per rehoocer Lucy A. or atr, from iloxtc-n, will please attend to recwTicg M (key arc stor*Uy# Fktl* 1 " ?. gnakshAb's nbsti Vti SB; HOTELS, ETC. 1A I'iF.nitr HPI SF, " f. . PHILADELPHIA. it IIM been " ' VU '" ,CASC(I THIS favorite House, REFITTED AND REFURNISHED ... ,X AN KT-' NANT LIANSEK, And is now prepared wuh the M perfect appoint- TI F went* for the reception of yuen'g. The Bret position among FIRET-CLAJIS Hotel, will be inaintainca in the future, as in th„ |, AS T. OLD BAKER 4 FARLEY. Pacific Hotel. A70.172,174 176 GREENWICH ST., (One Square West of Broadway.) SSYWEFN COTJBTLABD AVD DBY STKKSTB. NEW TOBI, J4N RAri'KS, Jr., Proprietor. H ° R REI. IS well and widely IS MW2SJPJ?„^'I7 RV ® ,RMK "Oldie. The location is H ,-, L , J '° merchants and business men; I REIG OIV-T'JIY 7 TN TT),, bopincss part of the I 'TtLf-, of Southern and Western and Stoa M THA ""ncipal Railroad F }'' '•'( ''■* B : ' R ,BBEREIL.AEEORATOODA(IONS for over •> GUESTS, Uis well furnished and possesses every B1(. lern improvement for the comfort and entertain mant OI its inmates. The, room, are spacious and woll ventilated; provided wita GAS and -water; the at tendance is prompt ana respectful, and the table is gcrerousiy provided with every dolicaoy of the season. The subscriber, who, for the past few years, has boot, the lessee,* is now sole proprietor, and intends to identify LLuself thoroughly with the interests of his house. Yvith long expericnee as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to MAIN tain the Cvyc-raY'L reputation of the Paeila Hotel. if. P.—TO PREVENT overcharge by hackmen, the eo'tcbes of the Hotal r.ra owned by the proprietor. LEDLIV JRIFTN PA'UPEN. JU. E DIC A L. 13 o incoopat ?i ic i> e o i fi <• h • f K. provod, from tho most, umplc experience, ? i n i l! en m;° Bucccas ; Simple, Prompt, Efficient and llenaolo. Thor arc tho only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—so simple, that mistakes cannot bo in using them; so harmless, ns to bo free *rom danrer, and so efficient-, as to be always re r.aolq. ihey bavo received the highest comuienda tion Irom all, and will always render satisfaction. .. , A, Cents. No. 1, Cures, I wew, Congestionp, Inflamma tions 25 No. 2, do WorniH. At'orm-fever, Wor colic..*. 26 No. 3, do Fryiiiip-coHo or Teething of infanta. 26 No. 4, do B>inrrhtpft of children or adulta i 8 ..'O. r>, do Griping:. Bilious Cholic 25 NO. (T, do A 'I:-T,-C„ Morbus, Nausea, Vomit „ _ . I>M ® I, do 4 •.NFl'!!*,. Hoarseness, Bronchitis 8 No. 8, do .'VR;IL'A if.. Toothache, Faccache... IK No. it, do S£A-:IIL3MRI-, Siok Headache, Ver tigo 35 No. 10, do IVV|I'{A*3II, Weak Stomach, Cos tive 26 No. 11, do KNJ.S.RPSSW!, Seamy, Painful Pe .. .. nodr 35 No. 12, do _YVliit--H, L'roi'uso Period 24 N'.- ... no < Difficult Breathing 25 M, .io riul' Hheuti], Erysipelas, Eruptions.. 25 NO.LR., do 2T<;OIUNAII*:IZS, Rheumatic Pains.... 26 I*o. LB, do KT-VOS 4 and Ague. Chill Fever Ague.. 50 Ho. 1.. oo Pile*, laternul or externa! 63 No. 18, do 4>itthlstty, sore, inflamed Eyes M N->. 69, do I'UTNS-rSi, acute chronic influenza 40 No. 20, do HOOPING- Cough, or Spastnudie.... 53 No."], do ASTBSINO, difficult breathing 50 NO 22. do Kar Discharges, Impaired Hearing.. 59 No. 23, do Kcrot'nln. Enlarged Glands Swell ings 50 No. 21, do 4IR-norL Debility, Physical Weak ness M No. 25. do RIV|TN.R and Scanty Secretions W No. 26, do NVTA-Sickness, Sickness from Riding.. M No. 27, do liilll<-y Disease, Gravel SO N0. 28, do Sierveus Debility, Seminal KIIIIKKBOHU, Involuntary Dis charges 150 No. 20, do Sore Mouth Canker No. 30, do I rluary Ineontinence, Wetting 8ed..... 80 No. 81, do t'i'.tssiiil Periods oven with Spasms. 50 No. 32, do Huflfertmpt at Change of life 100 No. :.3. do KJIILPJIAY AND St. Vitus' dances 100 No. 34, do LTISITLICRTA. Ulcerated Sore Throat. 54 Fiiitiily fanes. Of 35 vials, morocco case and book $10.09 Of 20 large v> .JS, in morocco and book G.OB Of 2!) large vials, plain case and bonk i .OO Of 15 boxes (Nos. 1 to 15) and book S.M A9"Thesc remedies, by tho case or single box, are sont to any cart of tho country, by Mail or Express, free of charge, op. receipt of tho prioo. Address, HUMPHREYS' Kpec'.HE TFFLHINEOII'jIIste MEDICINE Co., Othco and Depot 562 Broadway. N. Y". YYM. 11. READ, Wholcsalo and Retail Ygont, 147 Baltimore street. FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICIXB DEALERS. Dr. Humphrey? is consulted daily at his office, per sonally or by loiter, AS above, for all forms of disease, F--V - EM IL v SBPK. JOSIKSTO* Its BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. OFFICE No. '7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Discovered in the Great Hospitals of Europe the most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Weakness of the Back or Limbi, Stricture ;, Affections of tho Kidney.; and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Debil" ity, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Soil-Its' Confusion of Id, Palpitation of tho Heart, Timid ity. Trembling, Dimness of Wight or Giddiness, Dis eases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Afibctiona OF the Livi r, Lungs. Stomach or Bowels— those terri ble disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth— secret and solitary practices more fatal to their vie tims than the sung of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or an ticipatious. rendering Marriage, Ac., impossible. DR. JOHNSTON. Office No. 7 G. FREDERICK STREET, left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from tn:. career. Fail not to observe Name and Number. Letters must contain a stamp. 004-tf EIBESCH HEEtIOIHES IH VOGIFT. I" BY GRIMAULT & CO., Tiinnßis T K. f. H. Prlnee Xapolewii. 4K RUE RICHELIEU, PARIS. NO AN)HE COD LIVER OIL. GRIJIAULT'S SYRUP OF IODIZED HORSE RADIBLI. This syrup is employed with tho greatest success, in place <D Cod Liver Oil to which it is infinitely SUI erior. It cures DISEASES of the chest, scrofula, lymphatic disorde-s, green sickness, muscular atony, and loss of appetite, itreg nerates the constitution, by purifying the blood, and is. iu a word, ihe most powerful depurafive known. It never fatigues the stomach and bowels, and is administered with the greeted efficacy to young children subject to humors or obstruction of tho gland. H'O More T'oiisninpiion. GRIMAULT'S RYRUP OF IIYPHOSPHITE OF LIME. This new medicine is a sovereign remedy in phthi sis and other diseases of the lungs; promptly re moves ail the most serious symptoms. Tho cough is relieve; l. the night sweets cease, and the patient rap idly recovers bis health. No .More Poverty or flio lllootl and Palo Complexion. DRB. LERAS' I'UOOPHATE OF IRON. This new ferruginou' medicine contains the ele ments of the biood and bones, and iron in a liquid state. It is different from all hitherto offered to tho public, is liquid, colorless and tasteless. It speedily cures chlorosis, pains iu tho stomach, difficult diges tion, dysmenorrhea end anemia. The majority ot the Academies of Medicine of Paris recommend the Phosphate of Iron to ladies of delicate constitutir.u suffering from anemia, and ail (fiber persons fatigued from over anxiety, nervous emotions, overwork, general debility and poorness of blood. Nervous ißeaiinebes unit Nenralglas Instantaneously cured by GRIMAULT'S BRAZILIAN GUARANA. A vegetable substance, used from time immemorial ia Brazil, and entirely inoffensive. INTERNAL OK LOCAL NEW CURATIVE AGENT. GRIMAULT'S MATICO. TIM new remedy is prepared from the leaves of a Peruvian pepper shrub, called MATICO and cure# promptly and infallibly without any fear of inflam matory results. The great majority of Physicians in Paris, Russia, Germany and New York, now use no other remedy. Full directions accompanying each bottle and Packet. GF.XXSAI. DEPOT: In Paris, at GRIMAULT A CO'S, 43 Ruo Richelieu. In Now Yoik, at LONGER A A VANDERKICFT, J) William street. And A. B. SANDS A CO., 139 William street. In Baltimore, at my.H-lawMtf zmvfzsiiv&rz XIVSYROVUIVIJANT HICKS' PATENT DIRECT-ACTING, RECIPRO CATING PISTON (DOUBLE CUT-OFF) 8T EA M-E NGI NK 8. Saving 75 per cent, inspace, weight, transportation, friction and number ol' parts, over tho best engines, with groat economy in steam and repairs. The cheap est, simplest most compact and durable male. Adapted to Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomo tive, OIL and Mining uses. Of any cite. AUDEK33, THE 111.1-KS EKCiIKE 4'O.HSMSY. . 83 Liberty Street, ia23-2!awfiia New York. CMAITL'ETSL J OIL CLOTHS I MATTINGS! UR „ DRUUGETS. ETC. U. s. OMMIII, 89 and 91 BALTIMORE STREET, (Opposite liolliday street >, Now offers for sale one of the hands-iin est, most ax tenr-ive and be-t reiecfe-L stocks of V ELY EX. (double and single widths). ENGLISH BRUSSELS. TAPE - TY IS RUHSJSL:-. XJI.'-IK-I'LI, XAGKAINIand VENETIAN C'AI-.D'E'lLN'rf CLL CZAJIUS. in WIDTHS and QD ' ' IP; MATTINGS, DRUGGETS. CRUMB C LOIRS. i'4b. '.NQ Step OIL CLOTHS, Ac., to equal, if not to cxcoed, anything ever offered to tho public. To the trade great inducements are offered. Goods at factory price-;. . . Strangers in our CLIY. and any M want of goods ia DIV line are iwritod to cai! bolore purchasing, Q'oiu.E low for C v;H iais-ly RVTFFI. having been apnoint- JL • Agent icq- the 31 ol "O'NEILL'S PHILA DS'LMiiA AJ-K '> preyaied to fuinu-H deEeisia tif S SC-UU I. LKU AM PTSOXCMLISD CWFLH io -..VNXRN-, KRDS-s solicited. HS VHARS* L; Y.Q.vws! '- '--nssact RAPPLY ou UAUD. JAG. B. LIPFINCOTT. .... No. 17 BSPJVRSTON itreet - 7T - T ' N.:, W 7S T4' 441VK NOTICE—That tho sub- B -cnber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city, letters testamentary on the estate of JOHN LED IS, late of said city, deceased. Ail persons having claims against tho said DECEASED arc hereby warned to exhibit the same, wilh tho vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or beforo tho STH day of December next; they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all bonofit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to MAKE immediate payment. GIVEN UNDER MY TOED | this 2D DA? Ot J ÜB6. isa. .. , . . ASS &. LSWIA, - igSrl&XW'