THE DAII.Y EXCHANGE is published every mornin (Sundays excepted); price Two C**TS; ved '"the'aly At twelve and a half cults per week, payable to the earn ers; mailed tosubscribersout of the city, a • - •• .' per annum. The TRI WEEKLY edition acnbcrsat FOUR I'OLLARSper riably cash in ance. vorth streets, Baltimore. East corner of BaliJ-ore- DUET' EXCHANGE. Letters to be alI rosed Baltimore, Maryland." 1 BALTIMORE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1858. Operatic \cw Vork is on the tiptoe of expecta tion Pin oLOMiM is coming, and JOANNA WAG MT is to follow the PICOOLOMINI. Last evening the* \cidciny of Music closed with a Benefit to M tx M : VRETZEK, who is about to retire Southward, bavin"' the Island of Manhattan in musical posses sion of clever Mr. ULLMAN, and his new importa tion ot Prima Donnas. Of course, the PICCOLO MEM is destined to create a sensation. It isn't every day we have a PICCOLOMINI among us, and it is rare, indeed, for us to welcome a charming finger and a born Princess in one and the same person. PICCOLOMINI is both of those; and the musical critics arc expatiating already over the nobility of her birth and tlie liquid freshness of her voice. We nre told by one enthusiast, that "all the world knows her story: ' but as the memory of "nil the world" needs refreshing oc casionally, lie proceeds to inform us, that "she is "a Princess by birth; a scion of the famous old '•ltalian family, the name of which occurs in the "history of Popes, and Cardinals; ' that she is not oniv noble, but that she Ims, in addition to licr blue blood, "youth, genius aud beauty," and that "she is a dear little wilful Italian lady, who "would sing, and would enchant all hearers, and "would be the toast of Young Italy and Young "England." In Italy, they wanted to unharness her tioises, and draw her carriage home in tri umph, but she would not consent that her coun trymen "should make of themselves beasts of "burthen." Somebody else has, however, discov ered that the Dublin Students accomplished the feat more recently, while it was raining in tor l-eiils, and that the lady did not interpose to pre vent them from making quadrupeds of themselves. This ungracious reminiscence has drawn from Mr. Manager ULLMAN a public expression of regret, that a certain class of journalists should be so prone to scandal. With respect to the Dublin affair, he quotes the London Times to prove, that Mile. PICCOLOMINI did endeavor to prevent the Dublin Students from making beasts of burthen of themselves: but as she couldn't speak suffi cient English to make iter wishes intelligi ble aud as they knew nothing of Italian, the lady was compelled to surrender at discretion. Moreover, as Mr. ULLMAN very justly remarks, it is certainly "not an easy thing to restrain the "Gownsmen of Trinity, when they once have re solved to give vent to their proverbial enthnsi "iism," —so the skirts of PICCOLOMINI are clear o* Ihat charge. Rut Mr. ULLMAN is still troubled. He has discovered that while there are some writers who gravely announce her marriage with nn English peer "of refined taste, ancient pedigree, "and immense possessions," there are others, equally well informed, who assert, not less gravely, that the Peer, and tlie pedigree, and the possessions, were certainly tendered to M ile PICCOLOMINI, but thai "the dear little wilful Italian lady" preferred to gather her singing robes about her, and walk the world "in maiden meditation fancy free." "A weekly paper, also," says Mr. ULLMAN, who seems determined to unbutton the whole of his griefs at once, "takes great pains in proving that "she is only a 'Princess' by the maternal side, and "a mere 'Countess' through her father." To all of such gossip, lie responds briefly, but—for an Operatic Manager—with the most delicious nairete —"I have yet to learn," he says, "whether it is of "any consequence to the public to know whether ."an artist has a pedigree two miles long, or not: "or whether she marries a lord, or does not. "M ile PICCOLOMINI comes here as an artist, and "not as a Princess, which title she dropped on her "first appearance in public, and not, as it is assert "e.l, by command of Cardinal PICCOLOMINI. I "certainly," adds the adroit manager in conclu sion, "have not made the slightest allusion, in "public, tohcr 'princely lineage,' and I trust the "public will not forget, after all, that she is a "young and enthusiastic girl, who has undoubted "claims upon the kindness and good will ofevery "body, and who lias every right to retain her "maiden name as long as she pleases." Now all this is admirable foolery; hut so far as Mr. ULLMAN is concerned, it is exceedingly cleverly managed. In his rebuke of the newspaper gossips, who have so kindly furnished him with the material for his mnsqucd advertisement, lie takes espe cial care to recapitulate all that has been said concerning the PICCOLOMINI. He explains how it happened that the Italian demonstration was not carried out, and how the Irish demonstration was. l!e refers to the report of her marriage with an English Peer, and tlie counter-report that tlie offer was really made to her, but that she declined the alliance. He notices the great pains taken by a weekly paper to prove that "she is only a 'Prin "cess' from her muternaj side, and a 'mere Cotin "tess'through her father." He repudiates, with the loftiest managerial scorn, the idea that the American public cares anything for rank or title, I and closes by an appeal to that public in behalf of i "the young and enthusiastic girl," to whose "princely lineage" he himself had refrained from j making any public allusion. Of JOANNA WAGNER lie says nothing. The PICCOLOMINI is to be first in- I trodneed, and Mr. ULLMAN is perfectly aware of the | perplexing nature of cross lights. JOANNA'S turn ; wiil come in due time, and then we shall be treated I to a similar dish of gossip, and the little manager j will come out again in an explanatory card to the j public, and so, the game of battledore and shuttle- \ cock will lie kept up until the novelty ceases to at- ! tract attention and tlie time arrives when it will be necessary to prepare the way for the introduction ! of some other "celebrated artiste." Doubtless the j distribution of all this stwee piquant is perfectly j right and proper. It whets the public appetite, which is apt, occasionally, to become cloyed and fastidious, and needs a fillip to arouse it. But all j good tilings may be abused, and it sometimes ; turns out that very excellent sauce is used to dis guise the flavor of very indifferent viands. Of course it must he true —especially as Mr. ULLMAN has "vet to learn otherwise"—that JAPONIC.*IIOM' cares nothing for crests or coronets, and religiously believes with TENNYSON, that: 'A simple damsel in her flower Is worth a hundred coats of arms." But, somehow or other, the "simple damsel'' does not usually attract quite so much attention as "a "Princess from the maternal side," or even as a Countess whose title is paternally derived. The PICCOLOMINI, therefore, will, in all probability, be a great success, although she did lay down her title when she went upon the stage, and although she has, or has not rejected the hand of an English Peer, and notwithstanding she has an uncle, and that uncle is a Cardinal, and his name is PICCOLO MINI. But what shall lie done for JOANNA WAGNER. who has no "pedigree two miles long," lias never refused a Peer, and has no uncle in scarlet ponti ficals ? The two branches of the City Council re-assem bled, after the usual summer recess, on Monday, the oth of September. On the day following they received a message from the MAYOR, covering the majority and minority reports of the special com mission appointed previous to their adjournment on the 11th of June, for the purpose of devising a plan for the re-organization of the Fire Depart ment. This message, with the accompanying docu ments, was, on the same day, referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Fire Companies. On the 16th of September the Committee reported an ordi nance which was substantially the same as that recommended by the majority of the Commission ers. On the 21st. of September that ordinance passed the Second Branch. On the 23d it passed the First Branch. It then only awaited the signa ture of the MAYOR in order to become effective. It is now the 12th of October, and some curiosity is naturally felt to know whether that signature has been, or will be, given or withheld ? Has (he MAYOR ; signed the Fire Ordinance, or will lie sign it? These are questions which are daily asked, and which the public would be pleased to have an swered. The City Council adjourned on the 24th of September, nearly three weeks ago. The ordi nance had passed both branches of that body on the 23d. How happens it that the MAYOU finds it so difficult to make up his mind upon the subject, or, at least, manifests so much reluctance to make his decision public? How much longer does it take a MAYOR to come to a conclusion upon any given question than a plain City Councilman? The Second Branch passed the ordinance on the fifth day after it had been reported by the Committee. The First Branch passed it on the second day after it had passed the Second. The report which the ordinance follows, was in the hands of the MAYOR before ever the Council met, in the first week of September;—the ordinance itself has been before him ever since the Council adjourned. Can it be that the MAYOR has purposely withheld his decision until after the election—or that he is in any way influenced so to do by the considera tion that 'votes may possibly depend upon the course which he pursues? That he will ultimately sign the ordinance, we take for granted. It is true that we are not in the confi dence of His Honor, and do not, therefore, pre-! sume to speak by authority, but the decisive ma- | i jorities by wliich it passed the Obuncil—by a vote of 7to 2 in one IJrnhch, ni id of 17 to 2 ill the Other, justify- us in the supposition' that it is a party measure, and. a.s such. will iindouhtpdtv receive tlie sanction of the MAYOR. Why then should he hesitate to make known the fact? We should be at a loss to answer why,—did not a cer tain passage in His Honor's speech at the Tem perance Temple furnish us with a probable solu tion. In the cou:se of that speech, Mr. SWANN remarked, in enumerating his own qualifications for the MAYORALTY: "My enlarged experience and better acquaintance with the requirements of the City Government will also enable me to do more ample justice to the subject of appoint ments. With this latter view, I shall consider every office as having expired witli my own, and shall proceed to fill theib. at the commencement of my new term, with the strictest eye to the public interest, by the selection of good and reliable men, whether in or out of office." Docs Mr. SWANS here mean simply to define his powers, or is it a formal declaration of his inten tions? If the former—lie has only stated what has been true at all times during his term of office, viz.: that lie has had the power to remove inefficient men although he has never seen proper to do it. If the latter—he has certainly left his "intentions'' in a most convenient state of doubt, admirably adapted to secure the support and stimulate the zeal both of the Ins and Outs. It is in the same way, we presume, that he proposes to deal with the Fire Ordinance—and by withholding his signature until after the Election, avoid the risk of losing the votes of that large body of firemen who ate known to be violently opposed to its adoption. Such is certainly the inference to which his con duct gives rise, and he has only himself to blame, if it be unjust. NEW JiOOKS. We have received, from the publisher, Mr. RICH ARD EDWARDS, a copvof'TllK BALTIMOIII: PICTORIAL ADVERTISER AND ILLCKTRATED BI'SIXKSS DIRECTORY for the year 1858 and 1859." It forms a handsome volume of some four hundred pages, is well filled with advertisements of our most prominent business firms, and is rendered otherwise interesting by hav ing, in addition to numerous illustrative wood cuts, a considerable amount of attractive reading matter, interspersed at various points throughout the book. As a centre table book for the use of hotels, water ing places, and large public boarding houses, and as a work which may be consulted with advantage by country merchants generally, we regard it as one of the very best of its class. We also take this opportunity of referring our business men to the new UNITED STATES BUSINESS DIRECTORY, now publishing in Boston, which is de signed to comprise a complete list of all tliebusiness firms, Professions, Insurance Companies, Ranks, Ranking Houses, and manufacturing corporations in the United States. Mr. John S. Irish, 33-1 Bal timore street, is the agent for this valuable work for the State of Maryland, by whom it will be fur nished to subscribers. FROM WASHINGTON. {Correspondencenf the Arm Ynrl: Herald.] October 10.—Despatches have been received at tlie War Department of the Interior of New .Mexi co, giving account of a fresh Indian war in the Navajo country. Captain McLean, of the Rifles, was returning from Santa Fe to Fort Defiance with seventeen mounted riflemen and a few friendly Indians and Mexicans under Captain Bias Lnsscrn, when, within ttvodavs march of Fort Defiance, he discovered a large bodv of Indians attempting to surround him. lie forth with dismounted tiis men and attacked tlie Indians, who had signified by their war whoop their inten tion of attacking his force. He led tlie attack, and at a distance of three to four hundred yards fired, killed several Indians and dispersed tlie rest. A party of them, who gained McLean's Hank, opened a sharp fire of arrows and bullets. McLean was badly wounded, supposed at tlie time mortally. His men continued the light, and took a large amount of property, horses, Ac. It is sup posed this is the band of 'lndians which protected the murderer of Major Brooke's servant. Col. Miles, commanding at Fort Defiance, reports that this precipi:ates another serious Indian war, and that he will take the field without delay with alt his force, consisting of about three hundred mounted riflemen and infantry. It is said these In dian number about two thousand warriors. They are defiant, for when McLean's party drew tlu ir arms they laughed in their peculiar fashion. It is believed we are on the eve of a general Indian war. The department, in view nt these circumstances and the necessity of giving security to tlie overland routes, will act with determined vigor. [ Correspondence rf the New Ynrl- Tribune.] Perez. Secretary to Jerez, special Plenipotentiary from Nicaragua, arrived here yesterday. A grave difficulty on tlie Nicaragua question supervenes.— Jerez now denies having made anv stipulations as conditions to his reception by our Government, and refuses to perforin any pretended stipulations, lie will probably be dismissed by General Cass, and orders will very likely be given to take possession of the Transit route by our naval force till such time as the demands of this Government shall be conceded by Nicaragua. It turns out now that Douglas and Buchanan con cluded a formal truce before the Little Giant's de parture from Washington, and that Buchanan viola ted one cf the articles of agreement, and so Douglas pronounced at Chicago accordingly. TWO WEEKS LATER FROM THE RIO GRANDE. By the arrival of the steamer Gen. Rusk at New Orleans, from Brazos Santiago, we have the Browns ville Flag, of the 29th nit., which furnishes the fol lowing Mexican news. It appears that the expect ed battle between the forces of Villain ri and those of Miramon, had not taken place at last accounts. Private letters have been received in this city from Sim Luis Potosi to the 13th in.-t.. from which it appears that there has been no lighting there as vet. Vidaurvi had withdrawn his forces from San Luis Potosi to the hacienda of La Parade, near the city. It is said that .Miramon would not accept Virtaurri's otter of battle, and tlie latter now wishes to draw Miramon into the city of San Luis, where his defeat would be inevitable". The greatest scar city of provisions and forage is represented to pre vail in tlie city, which is almost deserted by its inhabitants, though the liberal army is receiving supplies and reinforcements daily. Theyaro abund antly supplied with all tlie appliances of war. We have advices from a very reliable source from the head-quarters of Gov. Garza, that the troops being no longer needed before Tampico, and having no enemy to encounter in tlie State, 800 men have been detailed for Vera Cruz, to be placed at the orders of President Juarez, who was forming an army and had one already quite form idable. The cavalry forces from Tamaulipas had been disbanded and arc to return to tlieir homes. This will account for the rumor that (ten. Carbajal was to retire from command. It is true that lie contemplates doing so for tlie present, though from no despondent feeling for the success of the cause for which he has so nobly acted. There being no longer a foe to meet in the field, he lias determined to retire with a portion of the troops, and seek a temporary respite in the bosom of his family. The purser of the General Rusk reports that the yellow fever was raging with great violence in Mate moras and Brownsville, ten to fifteen persons dying daily, and a large number of persons being down with the disease. The Brownsville Flay, of the 2fitli says: The messenger of death has been busy in our de voted city for the past two weeks. The fell destroy er, the yellow fever, in its most malignant type, has been with us and stricken down a large portion of our people. Hardly a family has escaped the sum mons of the sable-clad messenger. Among the wo men and children has the disease been most fatal, though it has swept off those of all ages. The re port of the city sexton, made to the Council on the evening of the 27th (Monday,) shows 53 interments from the 13th to the 25th. The Fluff reports 11 interments on the 26tli and 27th, and adds: We understand that in Ramireno there have beena few deaths, amongthcin 1). Jose Maria Vera. The nialadv is still with us, but not as it lias been: it now yields more readily to medical treatment. The Now York EeangiJixt states that more than I fifty new students have been received at the I'nion I Theological Seminary in that city. At Andover ! the class entering this autumn is larger than for several vears last past. It numbers over forty.— The middle class numbers thirty-eight, and the se nior class thirty-seven, with the expectation of ad ditional increase. Princeton and the lending insti tutions of the various denominations also report largely increased classes. The ease of Margaret Marshal! agl. The North American Kerosene Gas Light Co. was concluded in the New A ork Circuit Court on Fridav, after two days' trial. The husband of the plnintitf was enga ged in the factory, and one day the boiler exploded, killing him instantly. His widow brought the ac tion and claimed damages on the ground of negli gence on the part of the company. A verdict of $5,000 was given for the plaintiff. The Board of Officers of the New York Fire De partment have appointed a committee to receive subscriptions to he paid for replacing the apparatus destroyed at the Crystal l'alace. The box contain ing SI,OOO of jewelry, belonging to Tiffany A Co., was found on Thursday morning by officer Malum one end partly burnt eut. It was conveyed to the Nineteenth ward station house and finally delivered over to the owners. CORN. —This article bids fair to command a very high figure—engagements have been made for new crops in the field at 623-i cents, cash, and some has sold at 67 cents, to be taken awaybv the purchaser. We predict that it will be at least 75 cents per bush el in less than a month. This is attributable to the general failure of this crop throughout the coun try, taken in connection with the wheat failure.— 1 alley ( Va.) Democrat. The Philadelphia Mercantile Library Association found themselves constrained to discontinue the Westminster Reticle immediately on the appearance of an article headed, "Religious Weakness of Pro testantism." The article was in the stvlc of Pierre Leroux—treating Christianity as a tiling of the past, and the Catholic church as its only represen tative. The following advertisement appears in the St., Louie Republican : "ENGAGED. —Miss Anna Gould to John Caudal, Citv Marshal, both of Leavenworth, K. T. From this time henceforth and forever—until Miss Anna Gould becomes a widow—all young gen tlemen are requested to withdraw their particular attentions." A foreign paper says: The Olympian games, after being discontinued for fourteen hundred years, nre re-established at Athens, in the ancient Stadium, by a decree of the Queen Regent of Greece. The last of these games took place about the year 410. The Olympian plain is now known as Antilala, being opposite to the town of Lala. LARGE TIMIIER CONTRACT. —The Lords of the Brit ish Admiralty have contracted with a house in Quebec for forty-live million feet of ship timber, of which five million feet of live oak are included, to be delivered within two years from next November, at her Majesty's dock yards at Sherness, Woolwich and Plymouth. On Saturday last Hon. Jefferson Davis, Hon. Ed ward Everett, the Mayor of Boston, several Alder men, and a few invited guests, made an excursion among the islands, and visited some of the places of interest in Boston Harbor. The excursion was complimentary to Senator Davis, who is a member of the Committee on Harbors of the United States Senate. J ARTHUR HAS JUST INTRODUCED HIS MODEL (FALL STTL* HATS for Gentlemen, a superior article for $3; best quality $4. Drop in and see them, No. IW. Haiti more street, adjoining the Bridge. sel4-lm M A BR 1 E D, On the 7U< instant, hv Rev Mr. Newell, JOHN K. ASlf- BY to Miss I.AI'RA KENNEDY. On the 30tl> ultimo, by Rev. r. R. Howard, BRUCE -MALL to EA.VNiE.I. i'OWI.ER, daughter of IVin 11. Fowler, Esq. • At Roxbury. Mass.. on the 7tl instant, by Rev. Dr. Put nam. T. MEI,VIDLE PRENTISS, of New York, to LIZZIE \ ~ only daughter of the late William Taylor, of Boston. I) I E D , On the 10th instant, CORNELIA REBECCA, infant daughter of Ceo. T. and Rebecca J. Sheets, aged 14 months and 20 days. on the 9th instant, JOHN F. PECTIN, in tlie 38th year of his age. Suddenly, on the 9th instant, Col. NICHOLAS HCRKE, in his 77th year. On the 9th instant, Mrs. PAMELA HARRINGTON, in tlie COth year of her age. On the 10th instant, MARGARET, in the 29th year of her age, wife of Joseph Simms, Jr. At Elmwood, tlie residence <>f the Rev. Richard 11. Wa ters, on the Bth instant. Mrs. MILCAH. relict of the late James W. Dashiell, of Somerset county, in the 77th year of her age. At Galveston, Texas, Sept. 25th, DAVID McCLTRE RI'TTER, aged 36years, son of Thomas IL Rutter. of this city. HEALTH < >KM<• F.. R.altiimuv OCTOBER 11th, 1858. Report of Deaths in the city of Baltimore, for the week ending Monday Morning, Asthma 1 Inflammation of brain.... 4 Casualty 1 Inflammation of lungs.... 1 j Cholera Infantum 3jlnflammation of liver.... 1 Congestion of the lungs.. 1 Mania 1 ! Consumption 9 Old age 3 Convulsions • Organic disease of Heart.. 3 ! Croup 5 Palsy 1 j Dropsy 2Sinall-Pox 1 Droj syin the head 2 Teething 7 Dyspepsia 1 Tnkriown Adult 2 Dysentery. 1 {Unknown Infantile 10 Fever, billions •'• Whooping Cough 2 Fever, catarrhal 1 Fever, scarlet 14' Males 49 Fever, typhoid 3 Females 42 Gun shot wounds 1 Hemorrhage 1 Total 91 Inflammation of bowels.. 3; Of which number 10 were colored persons—S free, and 2 slave. Still-births. . f|Between 30 and 40 years... 5 I uder 1 year ];> 44 40and 50years... 4 Between 1 and 2 years 17 4 4 50and 60years... 4 2and 5 years....2o 4 - 60 and 70years... 3 " 5 and 10 years... 6 44 70 and 80years... 2 '* 10 and 15 years.. 4 44 80 and 90years... 1 " 15 and 20 years.. 3 44 90and 100 years.. 0 " 20 and 30 years.. 3 Above 100 years..... 0 By order J."\V. IIOUCK, Commissioner of Health. ITALIAN OPERA —SPECIAL NOTICE. To day subscribers can obtain a few choice seats by ear ly application at GEO. WILLIG, Jr's., Charles street, FOR THE FOLK EVENINGS. The box sheet for that purpose will be open at 9 o'clock. SUBSCRIBERS' TICKETS $5. Tlie box sheet for FRIDAY, SOMNA MBULA, will be opened at 12 o'clock, at the same place, when for that evening seats can be secured,' each. The box sheet each day will remain open until dark. The box sheet for the season, as well as for Friday, will continue open until Thursday evening. No preference, however, will be given to subscribers af ter 12 o'clock on Tuesday. MAX MARETZKK, ocl2-lt Conductor. CHINA, GLASS, Arc.—The great bargain store is at 105 Baltimore street, two doors below Sun Building, where they are selling Full White Stone Dinner Sots at S2O; White French ditto at S3O; l-'ine Cut Goblets at $2.50 aiul $3, with a large assortment of Rich Gilt and orna mented Dinner, Tea and Toilet sets: Blue India Chinai Fine Cutlery and Plated Ware; Coal Oil Lamps, &c\, &cA at the same very low prices. t CHEAT SAVING IN GAS. J. H. COOPER'S PA TEXT LEVER G A .X' REG VI. A TOR. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE MARYLAND INSTITUTE. Saves from 15 to 35 per cent, of Gas, ami prevents all blowing ami flaring of tlie light. JACKSON & CHANDLER, Agents for the State of MarylanJ, and District of Colom bia, at tlie office of Messrs. ORATTAN & EVANS, Gas Fitters and Plumbers, No. 8 North street, Jarvis' Building P. S. Certificates can be hail at the office. myß tf THE BOYS' ORIGINAL. CLOTHING STORE, Kept by MR. DENNIS, at 84Baltimore St., is the best . place to buy CLOTHING for Boys' wear. His stock is LARGE, bis assortment VARIED, and prices LOW. j Call and see him. oc9-lm COX Is now selling his Fall .Style of HATS for Gentlemen. They are of the handsomest patterns, and made of the best material. 100 Baltimore st., Xorth side, one door above St. Paul st. •FAS. W. (isi)PEss, Xo. 92 MULBERRY STREET, NEAR EUTAW. MRTAL ROOFIXG, IIOHSE GUTTERS AXI) SPOUTING. Also. REPAIRIXG AXD BUILDING HOT ATR FUR" XACES, LATROBE STOVES. ocS diy WE would call the attention of our read ers to the fact, that the Messrs. WISE k Co.. have opened a new establishment on the S. E. corner f Gay and Balti more streets,where they have on hand a new and splendid style of HATS lor the fall—not surpassed by any in the city. Tlu ir $4.00 Hats are superior to any other that can he had for the suae amount. They have als on ha id Hats and Cap*, in every variety, to suit those who may favor them with a call. oco-lra COAL NOTICE. A discount allow ed on orders for Coal that are pre-paid J. HKXRY GIESE & CO., Xo. 9 South street. The SAWED and SPLIT WOOD, for sale as usual ocG Ct w AsiiiMi AND IROM.NI; is still done for fami lies and individuals, at the Laundry, Xo. 1 East Baltimore st., by the bridge. A careful hand will collect and return the clothes. Call and leave your order and get a list of prices, rules and regulations. oc4-d3ai Das. HUNTER AND WILLIAMS, can he con | suited at their office, 52>2 Xorth Charles street, from 9A. M., till 5 P. M., by persons suffering from any affection of the Throat and Lungs. 529-lm BALTIMORE C'OAL COMPANY'S COAL. For the convenience of those living at a distance from our office, orders will be received on our account by the j following parties, who are authorized to sell at the lowest mine prices: MOORE & EMORY —corner Howard and Madison sts. X. H. JENNINGS & Co.—Xo S8 Xorth Charles st. JOHN W. BARRY&CO. —cor. Baltimore and Pearl sts. EDWIN EARECKSOX —cor. Baltimore and Caroline sts. WM. H. READ —Xo. 93 Broadway. | PENNISON & PRO. —Xo. 219 West Pratt st. STANLEY & Co.—Xo. 31 Light st., cor. of Lombard. JAMES M. LAMDIX —Xo. 1 Xorth street. DOB BIX & WAR FIELD, Sole Agents, 529 tf Xo. 36 Second eet. COAL NOTICE, WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM Our Friends and consumers of Coal generally, that we are receiving and prepared to deliver the Locust Gap and Coal Mountain COALS, which in appearance, quality and durability, can not be surpassed by any brought to this market. We i merely desire parties to give these Coals a trial, to con ' vince them f this fact; if taken at once we arc enabled to | furnish them at a much lower price than later in the sea son: 2,240 lbs. invariably given to the ton. We also keep constantly on hand, Lyken\s Valley, Short Mountain and j Cumberland COALS. WASHBURX k HOUSE, Office, 89 Lombard street, 2nd door, au7 West of South st. ROOFING ! ROOFING ! ! ROOFING !!! Economy, Durability and Security. Warren's Eire and Water Proof FELT AND COMPOSITION ROOPING. Unrivalled by anything yet discovered for Roofing Purposes. PERFECTLY FIRE PROOP, PERFECTLY WATER PROOP, UNEQUALLED FOR ECONOMY, UNRIVALLED FOR DURABILITY, ADAPTED TO EVERY CLIMATE, For further information address or call on JAS. 11. JOHNSON, No. 2 Jarvis Building, cor. Xorth and jy26 tf Baltimore streets, Baltimore. AMBRO-DAGUF.RRHOTV PES, &C. MR. MAR.3TERS, 147 Lexington street, near Howard street, will furnish his patrons with pictures on glass, J card board, plates or canvas; life size or in miniature from nature, or copied in oil, French Pastell or water colors, in a style of superior excellence. He has on hand a full j assortment of plain and fancy Cases; also, Gilt Frames, all of the best material. His long experience and attest ed success enables him to assure his patrons complete sat faction or no charge. s7-ly AT COUPLAND'S, NO. 40 BALTIMORE STREET. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS HATS. THE! THE!! REALLY NEW STYLE CABLE HAT! ' The Cable Hat is unsurpassed for its handsome style, with all other Fall Styles of HATS that have been intro -1 duced. All kinds of Soft Hats and Caps. Observe the name and number. ocß 2t* SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, AT 105 BALTIMORE STREET, ITAVL BEEN GREATLY REDUCED IX PRICE. We are now offering anew family machine at the LOW PRICE OP FIFTY DOLLARS, i R7"llemming guages of every width, binding guagesof all sizes, are adjusted to our machines. I&?~3end fur a copy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette. ocl-tf W. E. BRODERICK, Agent. SLOAT &. Co.'s NEW SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, Sewing every description of cloth work in a superior man ner, and warranted to give the best satisfaction. Price— s7o— complete. WEEDS 1 SHUTTLE SEWIXG MACHINE, The best in use for every description of CLOTH and LEATHER WORK, that requires a seam, making beauti ful, strong stitch , both sides alike. L. D. CHASE, Agent, 529 tf No. 99 Baltimore Street. j GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIVEN AWAY. GIVEN AWAY. GIVEN AWAY. GIVEN AWAY. AT F.YANS & IIOYT'S, AT EVANS & IIOYT'S AT EVANS k IIOYT'S, AT EVANS k HOYT'S, GRAND GIFT BOOK STORE, GRAND GIFT BOOK STORE, GRAND GIFT BOOK STORE, GRAND GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 41 BALTIMORE STREET, No. 41 BALTIMORE STREET, No. 41 BALTIMORE STREET, No. 41 BALTIMORE STREET. ORNF.R OF FREDERICK. CORNER OF FREDERICK. CORNER OF FREDERICK. s2oly CORNER OF FREDERICK. GREAT BARGAINS IN CHINA, GLASS, Btc. Citizens and strangers should go and examine the stock at 105 Baltimore street, 2 doors below Sun Building, as they will there find everything they may want in the house furnishing way, and always at prices a little lower than the lowest. oc7-tf y THE DAILY EXCHANGE, OCTOBER 12, 18-58. f From the New York News. ] NOTHING SINCE THR FOUNDATION OF THE Cuv oiNfw YORK IIIG produ'-d the excit-nieiil among alidade® that Prof. Wood- Haii ReJforativ<' lias done. All classes from the gray ami bald-headed sire, and the >il ver haired matron, down t-> the sprightly youth and beau tiful maiden with her glossy ringlets, are crowding the l>ejH)t at No. .'ll2 Broadway; the former to be permanently restored, and the latter to possess themselves of lit at which will prevent the inroad of envious time, and cause the ap pearance of youth and beauty to linger to the greatest age. Besides all the popular Druggists in the country are con stantly engaged in dealing wit tlie Restorative to their customers, "and the cry is still they come." CAUTION.—Beware of worthless imitations, as several are already in the market, called by different names, t'se none unless the words (Professor Woods's Hair Restora tive, Depot, St. Louis. Mo., and New York,J are blown in the bottle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent M dicine Dealers. Also by all Fancy and Toilet floods Dealers in the United States and Canadas, and by JOHN C. GIVEN, Chinaman's Tea Store, 829 2w 37 and 39 Baltimore street. G. K. QUAIL, Will introduce Lis FALL STYLE OF GENTS' JUTS THIS DAY. IN SHAI'E IT IS ENTIRELY NEW, And will be sure to please all those who want A FASHIONABLE HAT. In style and finish it cannot be excelled. By Also a fine selection of FANCY FURS for Ladies and fancy CAPS for Children. FASHIONABLE HAT EMPORIUM, 527 3m No. 238 West Pratt street. NOURSE & COWAN, M ERCHAXT TAILORS, No. 1 NORTH CALVERT STREET, 827 Baltimore, Md. A LITTLE BIT CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. —Fancy, Plain ami Common DINNER, TEA, "and CHAMBER Sets; INDIA CHINA DINNER Sets: Cut and Moulded Glass in Sets; COAL OIL LAMPS and every thing else CHEAP at JOHN A. DOBSOX & COPS. 2 and 4 N. Charles street. s2O 3in WHEELER & WILSON'S SE ivrxG MA CHINE s. NEW AND VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS. DIAGRAM OF THE LOCK STITCH. Tli is is the only stitch that cannot be ravelled, and that presents the same appearance upon each side of the seam. It is made with two threads, one upon each side of the fabric, and interlocked in the centre of it. Send for a Cir cular. OFFICE—I 26 W. BALTIMORE STREET, Alt E LIC AN' B UILDIXG, sIC ly Baltimore, Md. NEW AND SUPERIOR GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. GRIFFITH k MCCORMICK, Successors to John A. Griffith, No. 187 BALTIMORE STREET, AND 1# LIGHT SR., Have received a g-i era! assortment of CLOTHS, ('ASSI M EKES AND VESTINGS, Of both Foreign ami Domestic Manufacture, which they are prepared to make to ord- r. READY MADE IAHMENTS, of superior workmanship and material always on hand. A call is respectfully so licited. s2S eol in DSJI.ANY &. HARRIS, JI EKC H A NT TAILORS, No 40 XOBTII HOWARD STREET, Have a well selected slock of French, Fnqlish and American CLOTHS, CASS I MERES AM) VESTINGS, FOR THE FAI.I. AND WINTER. Gentlemen of fastidious taste are invited to call and ex amine our goods, as we think we can please them. sIS-tJanl KINDLING WOOD! KINDLING WOOD!! SAWED AND SIM.IT WOOD, OP ANT SIZE, Sawed and Split by Machinery. Owing to the constantly increasing demand for this wood, I have greatly increased my facilities for preparing and delivering it. lam now prepared to 1:11 all orders with despatch for OAK or PINE WOOD, of any length or size, delivering it to any part of the city free of cartage, guar anteeing the same quantity that is contained in a cord be fore being sawed and split. JAS. 11. JOHNSON, Proprietor City Steam Fire-Wood Mill. By Office corner of Baltimore and North streets, over Patriot Office. fh-xz>REFORMATION IN OUR CITV IkJ GOVERNMENT.—CITIZENS OF BALTIMORE: Our j local election on Wednesday, the 13th inst., is not of J a party character. The great questions are: Shall tin? i prodigal expenditure.-* of the public money any longer j continue? Shall taxes any longer increase'? Shall pro pcrty holders, from this cause and the torch OFFICE OF THE BALTIMORE & Dvj OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY, sth OCT.. ISSB Notice is hereby given that a GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THIS COMPANY uiil he held at this office on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, being the third Monday in said month, between the hours (jf ten and one o'clock, for the purpose of KI.EUT -1 N't* T\\ ELI E" I '.RECTORS for the ensuing year. The transfer hook will he closed from the 25th of October to the 15th November, both days inclusive. _oc9-tI(>X J. I. ATKINSON, Secretary. fl-rANNUA i- M EETING.—The 12th An- UvJ nual Meeting of the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SOCIETY for the promotion of the Evangelical knowl etlge, will take place in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore at 11 o'clock, on TUESDAY, October 12th. The members and friends of the Society will meet for prayer in the same place at 9 o'clock A. M. The annual sermon will he preached at night at half past 7 o'clock, by the Rev. DR "KDELL. ocll-2t A-p LFt'Tl KF.S ON ENGLISH LIT - F.RATI RE.—A Course of Lectures on "Engli-dt Literature as Illustrated chielly by the Poets, from the Earliest Period to that of the Commonwealth." will he de livered for the BENEFIT of the CHURCH HOME \\D INFIRMARY by the REV. A. CLEVELAND CONIC, at the desire of numerous friends and patron* of the In stitution. The entire proceeds of the Course u-iil Or. tie voted to this purpose, without any abatement far expenses. *.* Tiie Course will begin early in November, will con tinue weekly on Thursday evenings, and will consist of NINE LECTURES. Further particulars will soon he pub lished. oil-cot f n—

NlN ETEENTH AND TWENTIETH UvJ WARDS—Mr. SAMUEL LEVY is recommended to the voters of th<* above wartls to represent them in the Second Branch of the City Council. 011-3t* ' MERIT. o-p>NOTICE.—FAIR FOR THE BENE- FIT OF THE BALTIMORE ORPHAN ASYLUM - Tlie Ladies of the Adeipl.iad purpose holding a fair about tlie middle of the month of Decemlier. This fair Tor tlie benefit of tlie General Orphan Asylum was tlie first everheld in Baltimore, and lias always' taken place, during or prior to tlie holiday*, hut Tor tlie past few years, those interested ill it have been so discouraged that it was thought best by some to abandon it altogether, but another attempt will be made, and this early announcement ap pears that tiie managers of other fairs may make such ar rangements as will not interfere with tlie success of this. An earnest invitation is extended to aii who wish to lend their aid. The names of such left at tlie Bible House, on Fayette street, will l)e promptly supplied witli work. oc9-3t g&T&V, BALTIMORE RACES. CENTRAL COURSE. - will come off'on TUESDAY, (Jetober 12th. 1858. SECOND DAY—TUESDAY, October 12th. Parse $500; three mile bents; P. ('. Bush enters ch. m. Parachute, syears old, by imp Yorkshire: (lain Heraldv, by Herald. F. M. Hall enters 8. 8. One Eye Joe; aged, Prince George's, out of Register's dam. R. 11. Dickinson enters ch.h. Gov. Wickliffe, 4 years old, by Glencoe; dam Motto, by Barefoot. J Campbell enters ch. in. Laura Spillman, 6 years old, by Wagner, dam Glovina. oc!2 It CALVIN GREEN k CO. HERRINGS. —.Just received another lot of Susquehanna Roe Herrings, put up in half bbls., expressly for family use. HENRY GREEN MAY A Co., No. 48 S Calvert st. nd 2 tf COD AND HAKE FISH.—I(I drumsG. B. Codfish; 10 drums large Hakefish: landing per b;uk Daniel Webster, for sale by J. F. MILLER & CO., 79 Bow ly'g wharf. ocl2 lw African TORTOISE s H F. ll.—a small lot in store. For sale by it. If. ATWELL.4 CO., 68 South street. Rowly's wharf. oc'l2-tf Buy YOUR CARPETS AT HYDF.'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; IIIY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; m Y YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; BUY YOUR CARPETS AT HYDE'S; OYER 500 PIECES VELVET, BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, AND INGRAIN CARPETING! Received Tin- WEEK from the Great Auction Sale., in Bos ton, New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, and will be i sold at prices STILL LO WER T/LAX E VER. WE KIEL SEEL THE R K A I, KNG L I S H VELVET CARPETING at sll2*, worth $1 75; VELVET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $1 75; VELVET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $175; VELVET CARPETING at ?1 12*, worth $1 75; ! Y EI.YET CARPETING at SI 12*, worth $1 75; VELVET CARPETING at SI 12*, worth $1 75; VELVET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $1 75; I VEI,VET CARPETING at $1 12*, wortli SI 75; . VELVET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $1 75; A' KI.VET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $1 75; VELVET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $1 75; VELVET CARPETING at $1 12*, worth $1 75; WE WILL SELL TDK VERY BEST \ KLVKT CARPETING at .>sl 25, worth A2; VELVET CARPETING at *1 25, worth $2; V !•: i. VFT CARP FT IX G at 1 25, worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25. worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; \ KLVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth f2; VELVET CARPETING at 1 25, worth $2; WE WILL SELL GOOD BRUSSELS CARPETING at 50 cents, worth $1; BRUSSELS CARPETING at 50 cents, worth $1; I.RI SSELS CARPETING at 50 cents, worth $1; BRUSSELS CARPETING at 50 cents, worth $1; j BRI SSELS CARPETING at 50cents, worth $1; j BRI SSELS CARPETING at 50 cents, worth £1; WE WII.L SELL TII E RE A L EXGL IS H BRUSSELS CARPETING ats7# cen's, worth $1 50; BRI SSELS CARPETING at cents, worth £1 50; BRI SSELS CARPETING atß7j£ cents, worth $1 50; BRI SSELS CARPETING atß7j£ cents, worth $1 50; BRI SSELS CARPETING at cents, worth $1 5(: BRI SSELS CARPETING at 87 cents, worth $1 50. BR! SSELS CARPETING at 87 cents, worth $1 50; ;Rl SSELS CARPETING at 87j£ cents, worth $1 50, ' BRI SSELS CARPETING atß7js cents, worth $1 50; | BRI SSELS CARPETING at cents, worth $1 50; BRUSSELS CARPETING at 87£ cents, worth $1 50; BRI SSELS CARPETING at 87j$ cents, wortli $1 50; • WK WILL SELL s P L E X I) 1 I) THREE PLY CARPETING at 87cents, worth $1 25: i LI I RLE PI.Y CARPETING at cents, worth $1 25: 1 HEEL PLY CARPETING at 87% cents, worth $1 25; I.HREE PLY CARPETING at 87X cents, worth £1 25; liiEKE PL\ CARPETING at S7J$ cents, worth $1 25, lIIREE PLY CAEPEIING at cents, worth $1 25; A l 'M- 1 ' ' '"X < ARRETING at 87cents, worth Si 25; 111.*EE PLY < ARl'i-.IING at 87% cents, worth SI 25; Ml REE PLY CARPETING at S7j£ cents, worth SI 25; !! I!*; ]t \ \ CARPETIN G at 87cents, worth SI 25; THREE Pi \ < ARRETING at 87cents, worth $1 25; lIIRLE PLY ('ARRETING at 87jj cents, worth $1 25, WE WII.L SELL ALL WOOL I Nil R A IN c A RPKTIXG at 44 cents, worth 75; INGRAIN CARPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; 1 N GRAIN CAR PET ING at 44 cents, worth 75; 1 No RAIN CARPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; IN'RA IN ('A RPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; IN' • R A I \ c \ KPKTI NG at 44 cents, worth 75; INGRAIN C \EPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; 1 N( RAI X C A RPKTIXG at 44 < ents, worth 75; INGRAJX ' A RPLTJNG at 44 cents, worth 75; INGRAIN CARPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; 1 M RAIN CARPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; IX(• RAIN CARPETING at 44 cents, worth 75; \ ard wide List C A It PET 28 cents, worth 38... >IAIE( ARRETING from 10cents to $1 a yard. 1,000 Brussels RUGS 62j£ cents, worth $1 50. I,l NTKY MERCHANTS wishing tosave 25 per cent will please call down before purchasing. it /'THE GREAT UNITED STATES DRY GOODS AND ( A RPE I STORK is right on the northeast corner of BROAD MAY A\l> E. ISTERX A \ EXI E, Fell's Point. OCI2 T,M,S 3c S. N HYPE: DUU( ;< IISTS A RTK 'LES OF A 1.1. THE various styles, made of liard and Soft Rubber, Syringes. Breast Pumps. Pessaries, Nursing Bottles. Sur geon Bandage, Elastic Stockings, Teething Kings, Nipples and Nipple Sl.ields. Also Machine Belting, Packing and llose, n-hicli we will sell at New York prices. K. M I'UXDKKSOX k CO., °('l2 tf No. 209 Baltimore street. DYE WOODS, DYE STUFFS] DRY S ARTERIES. 3,000 bbls. chipped and ground DY'E WOODS; 20 casks Madder, free from sand; 1(H) " Bleaching Powders, high test; lot) 44 Soda Ash 44 • 44 2(R) casks and bids. GLUE. Irish and American. Acids, all kinds, Blond. Cochineal, Alum, lump and ground, j Lac Dye, Bark. Pot and Pearl Ashes, Bi. ('nun. Pot Ash, Pruss. Pot Ash, Blue \ itrol, Pumice Stone, Borax. Paris White, China Clay, Roll Brimstone, Copperas, R.-d Tartar, Cream Tartar, Red Lead. Cudbear, • Sugar of Load, Cutch, Sicily Sumac, Emery, Sal Soda. Extract I.cgwt od, S md Crucibles, Gum Shellac, 'Terra Japonica, Indigo Caraccas, Verdigris, 44 Bengal, t Whiting, Ac., Ac., For sale by R. j. BAKER, oc!2 1m 36 Sou tli Charles street. CIOFFINS. (/OFFINS. > HAYS k MOUSE, CARVERS AMI M A\TF ACTURERS OF COMPOSITION ORN AMEN TS. No. 41 CLAY STREET, NEAR PARK. BALTIMORE. Having commenced the manufacture of COFFINS, they offer to the Trade. Wholesale and Retail, a complete as sortment of MAHOGANY AND WALNUT COFFINS, ' made of the best seasoned in Aerials, and of the most ap proved patterns. These Coffins being made so as to be j TAKEN APA RT, offer great inducements to the Country Trade, as they can be shipped at small expense, and to the city trade, as they will occupy but small space, and in case of five can he sired without esjtosure. For sale LOW. For terms, apply as above. oc!2-ly 4 LL TilK SAFES V. AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE FIRE BI'RXED UP EXCEPT LILLIK'S. LILLIE TRIUMPH A NT—A GREAT TEST.—The fire at tin Crystal Palace, New York, furnished a test of Safes than which none more thorough could have been desired. Those who were on the ground say that it was the hottest | burning they ever saw. The wares of the Safe Manufac 1 turers were in an exposed situation. Lewis Lillie, of Troy. ! Stearns Marvin, of New Y'ork, and others were among the exhibitors. On overhauling the ruins Stearns k Mar vin's Safes were found burnt out: and others weie com 1 plete wrecks. Lll.l.lE'S AI.ONF. W ERE UNIN'J L'RKD, except in the "frying" of the paint upon the inside doors. The Institute could not have arranged a better trial, had a • special arrangement been made for the purpose, nor could Mr. Lillie possibly have secured a greater triumph for his remarkable invention. Troy Safes now take the 1 ad. — Daily Times. CRYSTAL PALACE CONFLAGRATION.—Among the greatest sufferers by the destruction of this edifice are Messrs. Stearns & Marvin, Sheet Iron Safe Manufacturers; also, one or two others. About $5,000 worth of these Safes were destroyed. LILLJE'S Chilled Iron Burglar Proof Safe was the only Safe unharmed.— Troy Whig. LILLIE'S SAFES were uninjured by the tire, except burning of paint. All other Safes were destroyed.— Troy The above is a positive proof that I.ILLIF.'S SAFES are the ONLY RELIABLE o\KS in GREAT FIRES. They are also perfect security against BURGLARS. An assortment on hand and for sale at the Agency. 192 Baltimore street. ocl2-fcf C. S. WILLETT. W/TIISKEV, BRANDY, EXPRESS ? WAGON AND HORSE. TO COYER ADVANCE.— I will s-.-il without reserve, on THURSDAY MoRX'ING 14ih in-E int. at 111 o'clock, at my store, No. 84 Baltimore street, to cover advance and charges, all the following . articles, viz: 25bids, old Rye WHISKEY. 3 do. Fine BRANDY. 31 gallons of very super old Cognac BRANDY, cost $4.10 per gallon. 4 dozen super BAY BUM. 72 bottles (Md Bye WHISKEY, in bottles, &c. Fine Brown HORSE, 16 hands high, well M calculated for heavy work. 1 nearly r.ew Express Wagon and Harness. ALSO 1 heavy 18 carot Gold Lever Watch. 1 do. is 44 Fob Chains, &c. Sale positive. Terms cash, SAM'L H. GOVKR. Auctioneer, ocll ts No. 84 Bltimorestreet. 1 1 THIS IS TO iil\ EN( )TICE that the sub * scriber has obtained from the Orphans* Court of Baltimore city, letters of administration on the per i scmal estate of GEORGE W. W. HOLLAND, i late of the said city, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the Ist day of May, 1559; they may otherwise by law. be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 11 tli dar of October. 1858. RICHARD J. GITTIXGS, ocl2-law4w Administrator, 33 St. Paul street. ! 100 HX s - PRIME LEGHORN CITRON. 1 v i\J 20 ('asks Currants, prime /ante. 20 hags S. S. Almonds. I 10 44 Palm Nuts. 10 44 Walnuts, For sale low by JAMES SLOAN. " ,- U2tf No 91 Lombard street. MUMM'S (CHAMPAGNE Veraenaf. Cabinet and Royal Rose, in pints and quarts, for sale 1 by GEO. HoLLIXS, 14 N*. Charles st. ocl2 tf 1 J received, and for sale by JAMES SI.HAN, No. 91 | Immbardstreet. ocl2-tf I PRUNES. —20 CASES, for sale low, l>y JAMES SLOAN, X'o. 91 Lombard street. ocl2-tf j I FAMILY HERRINGS.—SO bbls. Susquf-' . banna Family Roe Herrings, for sale by J. F. MIL LER \ CO., ?;♦ Botrly's wharf. ocl2-lw ; rjIHE CtrPAHTNI'.USJIIP FORMER-: I I.Y existing between F. QUITZOW and J. McMUL- I.EN, is tltis day dissolved. Tlie business will be carried on hv F. QUITZOW. Baltimore, Oct. 11th, 1858. ocll-tf j i\TOAH WALKER & co., CLOTHIERS. WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, BALTIMORE STREET, ocll-tfr Between Light antl Calvert streets. GIF.O. YV. ARNOLD'S I" DOMESTIC BREAD, Xn. 118 WEST FAYETTE STREET. AGENTS WANTED! AGENTS WANTED!! Having dissolved all connection with the Mechanica Bakery. I am now prepared to furnish for the trade from Ito 5.000 loaves of bread per day. au4-eotf i 1& R O 1J in N S & CO., HjmM PROPRIETORS OP ffSV* THE BALTIMORE STOVE WORKS, A.TD MAMPACTI'RERS Of GOLD'S AUTOMATIC STEAM HEATER. ALSO, Wholesale and retail dealers in COOKING, PARLOR, and HALL STOVES, Ship's Cambooses, Ranges, Grates, Tin, Sheet Iron, and; Hollow Ware, and all articles in the Stove Business. Kepairing done at the shortest notice, and upon the best terms. WAREHOUSE—Nos. 46 and 48 LIGHT STREET, s3O tf S. W, corner of Balderston street. r PREASURY DEPARTMENT, X COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. Mr. THOMAS D. JOHNSTON, Agent of the following Insurance Companies,-has duly complied with the LAW relating to the "AGENCIES OK FOREIGN CORPORA TIONS," passed March 8,1558. W. H. PURXELL, Comptroller. MARINE INSUHANCE. THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL. MARINE. INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW Y'ORK, EI.LWOOD WALTER, President. Assets January 1,1858, NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Scrip and Cash Dividend i TWENTY-EIGHT AND ONE HALF PER CENT. OPEN AND SPECIAL POLICIES ISSUED ON' THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. PREMIUMS LIBERALLY CREDITED. THOS. D. JOHNSTON, 70 SEt'O.VD STIIEET. SECURITY EIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BT THUS. D JOHNSTON, PHEfJIX FIRE. I INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $280,000. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BY j TIIOS. D. JOHNSTON, ETEVJ WOHX.3 FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $234,000. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BY THUS. D. JOHNSTON, RESOLUTE FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. | CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $240,000. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BY THOS. D. JOHNSTON, ■AXiSE&IARXiILTXRIFI. INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. CASH CAPITAL AXO SURPLUS, SIBB,OOO. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BY THOS. 1). JOHNSTON, LYNCHBURG. INSURANCE CO. OF VA. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, SIBI,OOO. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BY THOS. I>. JOHNSTON, INSTJHASTCx! COItXPAItfV OF THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $354,000. POLICIES ISSUED, LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID BY THOS. I). JOHNSTON, The stock of the above Companies ranges from 30 to 60 per cent, above par, and they pay annual dividends of 16 to 20 per cent. Their assets are invested in the most reliable find a vail a ble securities, and are ample for any emergency which could arise under the sagacious jurisdiction which controls ! their operations. JOHNSTON'S iftSURANOE ROOMS, 73 SECOND STREET. ! OC9-T,TH&Btfr | PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS j Are invited to examine the large and splendid assort ; ment of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, i carefully selected by one of the firm in the manufacturing | districts of Europe, NOW OPEN n 2nd and 3d Hours of 199, 201 & 203 BALTIMORE STREET, which in variety, style of Goods and low prices will coin 1 pare favorably with any establishment in the United j States. ' I OUR RETAIL STOCK (FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT,) : presents a magnificent stock in every department of the ; trade. s3O-tr HAMILTON EASTER k CO. QHARLES D. DkFORD & CO., TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS AXD LEAF TOBACCO, No. 37 SOUTH GAY STREET, B.\ LTIMORE. MA XUFACT U R E D TOR A CCO. , We are agents for most of the manufacturers of Tobacco in Virginia and North Carolina, and through them we are * ! regularly supplied with all the various grades of Chewing ' Tobacco. f HAVANA CIGARS AND LEAF TOBACCO. j Our arrangements for supplies of Cigars and Leaf To i bacco, through our Agent, who resides in Havana, enable us to offer as large an assortment of the various qualities ■ ! as any house in the United States. p AMERICAN LEAF TOBACCO. We have always on hand Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Con ' : necticut, Ohio, and other kinds, suitable for home trad and exportation; also, | SNUFFS, SMOKING AND FINE CUT CHEWING TOR A CCO, PIPES AND TOBACCO KNIVES, j.vlO tf LIQUORICE. TONQUA BEANS, Ac. ;; QUIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! MADE TO ORDER FOR For $1 50 and $1.75. AT 11AVMO N D ' S 3f> WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ! EQUAL TO ANY MADE ELSEWHERE j For S'J.OO anil §2,50, j A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED ! A great variety of VXDEII SIIIRTS AND DRA I VERS, Adapted to the fall trade. BOYS' SHIRTS, Of all sizes. TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, IIDKFS, &c., &c., of new styles, Embracing every article usually kept in a first class GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS STORE, ALL AT s2l 3mr VERY LOW PRICES. OFFICE OF THE MARYLAND SPORTSMAN'S CLUB, D. B. TRIMBLE. au2S-tf jjOO Baltimore street. DEAN, ADAMS AND DEAN J*. COLTS REVOLVERS, small size. D. B. TRIMBLE, au2B-tf 200 Baltimore street. PURDY'S, LANCASTER'S And DEAN, Adams 4 it Dean's Gl XS, imported to order, by D. B. TRIMBLE, | an3o-tf 200 Baltimore street. SINGLE AND DOUBLE BARREL DUCK GUNS. D. B. TRIMBLE, au2B-tf 200 Baltimore street. THE CELEBRATED Carroll Island Din k X GUN, by Westly Richards. I). B. TRIMBLE, au2B tf 200 Baltimore street. DOUBLE BARRELL BIRD GUNS— By Richards, Man ton, Greener, Moore, and all English makers; for sale by 1). B. TRIMBLE, :u '2 s tt 200 Baltimore street. BOYS' SINGLE AND DOUBLE BAR RELL BIRD GUNS. D. B. TRIMBLE, au2S-tf 200 Baltimore street Tj^BENCH BREECH-LOADING SHOT I A GUNS. D. B. TRIMBLE, | au2B-tf 200 Baltimore street. TTU'HRY ARTICLE IN THE SPOUTING J JLI.NF. to he had at THE SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, I>. 11. TRIMBLE, au2B tf 2ho Baltimore street. DECOY DUCKS, at Manufacturers' prices D. B. TRIMBLE. au2B-tf 2(10 Baltimore street. CARPETING S, CARPKTIXCS. FALL STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES. WALSH A COXRADT, ocl dlmr Xn. 1 X'. Gay St. VELVET, TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETINGS, j Purchased expressly for this market. WALSH A rONRADT, j ocl-dlmr No. IN. Gay at. gUPEII AND FINE INGRAINS, TWILLED AND PLAIN VENETIAN CARPETIXGS. A large stock on hand that will he closed out AT PRICES TO PLEASE. WALSH k CON It A I)T, ocl-dlmr X'o. 1 X. Gay st. I QIL CLOTHS, VELVET RUGS'AND MATS, DRUG GE TS. CO CO A MA TTIX G, Ac., Ac. , j Which will be sold as LOW as any in the city. WALSH & CONRADT, ocl-dlmr No. 1 XL (.'ay st. \ LL Wool. iIEPTiS. A CRIMSON. .MAROON. GREEN, BLUE, and DRAB, WILLIAM HOLLAND, 0c..-3m X'o. 72 N.otii lioo-ard st., Baltimore. 'F KEI.LV A SON. X . MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 3 LIUEKTV STREET, Have received a full assortment of the newest STYLES OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE FOR TIIE FALL AXD WIXTF.R SF.ASOX. and respectfully solicit a call from their customers and others. WTo cash purchasers a liberal deduction will be made 82(8-3m r JOSEPH E. WILLSON, PAPER HANGINGS, AND WIXDOW SHADE MANUFACTURER, No. 109 X. HOWARD STREET. Between MuUjcrry and Saratoga, BALTIMORE, j Plain, Buff and White LIXEX WIXDOW SHADES made and put up to order ire the neatest manner. Alii kinds of PAPER II ANG IN G done by careful workmen in the very best style, ocl dly and at tlie lowest prices FOR CASH. a J. S. McCLELLAN, FASHIONABLE HATTER, No. 343 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, NEAR KBTA-W Manufacturer and Dealer in HATS, CAPS. CHILDREN'S FANCY GOODS, T'MRREL LAS, and all goods usually kept in a first-class i *8 3mr Retail Hat Store. Mutation. HH. BRUNING, . TEAUHEB OF THE 3F.KMAX, FRENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGES, Can be seen at tlie COMMERCIAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, No." Franklin street, from 1 to7.!s P. M , or at No. 139 Lexington street, one door East of Howard. 524 eo.'im RUGBY INSTITUTE. —THIS ■ A SELECT Boailing School for boys and young gentlemen, sit uated at Mount Washington, six miles from Baltimore. 011 the N. Centra! Railroad. The number is limited to twen ty two The next session (of five months) will commence 011 the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. For circulars, &c., address E.ARNOLD, I.LD. ocfi-enlni Mount Washington. Baltimore Co., Md. MOUNT WASHINGTON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES.—The WINTER SESSION begins November 3d, 155.8. Tlie course of instruction ;n the usual hranches is full and thorough, being under the direction of an efficient Faculty of able and experienced Teachers. Every necessary appliance required for Female education is at the command of the Institution. Parents who desire a thorough education for their daughters, with the comforts and advantages of the Christian family, are ' invited to examine the School. For terms of admission and further information, A lress Rev. CEO. LEWIS STALKY. Principal, Mount Washing ton, Baltimore Co., Maryland., or Rev. Dr. 11KINER. Sec ond si.. Baltimore. Catalogues can be had atCUSniXGS It BAILEY'S, Baltimore st. S!5-ly UALL OF ST. JOHN, AO. 271 MADISOX AVENUE. (SECOND DOOR ABOVE HOFFMAN ST.) RECTOR: BENJAMIN B. ORIS WOLD, A. M. This is a Protestant Episcopal School for a limited nnm ' her of H0,,.*. French Classes under M. PES POMMIERS. Boys received from 10 to 14 years of age, and retained until carried to any degree of advancement desired. The School re-opens on MONDAY. September 6th. Circulars at Mr. WATERS' BOOK STORE, and at the I Episcopal reading room. AU7 dtf I npHE COLLEGE OF si. JAMES, 5 MARYLAND.— The next ANNUAL SESSION begins ! on WEDNESDAY, September 29; h. Punctual attendance I on that day is requested. Applicants can enter any class in the Preparatory School, or in the College, for which | upon examination they are four. D (JU.'.lifted. COMMER ! DIAL STUDIES pursued by those whose parents desire it. Ample accommodations are provided for one hundred and twenty pupils. 1 Terms — Two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for the ! session, payable semi-annually in advance, covering all expenses of Tuition and Boarding. For admission apply ! to the Rev. Dr. KEItFOOT, Rector, College St. .lames Postoffice. Maryland. jyS tf (Wants. TTSTANTED.—A well secured Ground r ▼ Rent of about $2,500: apid.v to sll tf P. H. SULLIVAN, No. 24 Second st. I\/A:\TEI) TO BUNT.—A small Dwell ▼ ▼ ing within ten minutes walk of South and Balti more streets, rent not to exceed $l5O. Address IN QUIRER, office of Daily Exchange. jj'26-tf tjHjjj VV ANTED.-—A comfortable throe-story jjj; DWELLING, with passage and hack -building, in the ! Western part of the city, but East of Fremont st. — Rent not more than SOSO. Please address A. (I. at this of* i EE * S7 tf 17* OR SALE—For a term of years, a Ne _ gro Girl, as a house servant; apply at thisoffice. * j ocs-eo4t .N, M|.;|{( HANTS' BANK, BALTIMORE, October 7th, 1858.—DIVIDEND.— A 1 ! semi-annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., has this day I been declared, payable on and after the 13tli instant. The Bank pays the State tax. JAMES MoTT, I ocß-4t Cashier. LOOKING GLASSES! LOOKING GLASSES!! LOOKING GLASSES! LOOKING GLASS, ! PICTURE FRAME, CONSOLE, CORNICE, BRACKET, TRIPOD, AND PIER TABLE MANUFACTURER. I'iroToanArmc ovals • of all sizes, patterns and styles, at tbe lowest cash price \VM. McGREW, No. '24 X. Liberty street, . J Baltimore, Md i Importer of French and German PLATE GLASS and French and English ENGRAVINGS. T The attention of the Public is called to the style of work i exhibited at this establishment, oniy equaled in New York . ■ and unsurpassed in this city, i ALL ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY IYILI. RECEIVE PROMP I ATTENTION. jy2S dtf DR. Fn P. MOROXG, SINCE HIS RETURN FROM EUROPE, Molest an exclusive sjwcinlh/ of the treatm'-ul of DISEASES OP THE EYE AND EAR. MEL)!' 'A I. /, V A \l) SUE R . Cohen, J. F. Petri. S2O-COLM&2TR BOGUS, COTTMA.N & <•<>., Nos. 44 and 46 LOMBARD STREET, OPPOSITE PUDLIC STOKES, BALTIMORE. IMPORTERS OF WINKS, BRANDIES, DIN, S KG* A US, Ac. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN* DOM KST lOLIQUOItS. U O R I) I A LS, Ac. Cognac K Bochelle Brandies. Old Rye Whiskey, of differ. Pale aud Dark. ent qualities Holland Gin. German Tonic Bitters. Jamaica A Santa Cruz Rum. Peach, j ' Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Blurry, Madeira, Sherry. Port Lis- Lavender, !,, boil, Malaga, Champagne, Uaspb-rry, F BRAND,ES and Claret Wines. 'Blackberry, | Havana .N Principe Sugars. Ginger, j jy29-tf Cordials, various qualities. X' KVV YORK STKAM H SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT, OFFICE 142 LEXINGTON STIIF.ET, BALT. We would beg to call call the attention of the public to the fact that we are prepared to do, in the most superior , manner, every description .f SILK AND WOOLEN CLEANING. We have no French patent right for covering up spots: hut, by certain improvements in machinery of our own. coupled with the chemical knowledge necessary to effect the same, ale now ready to thi.rouyhly cleanse every de ; scription of ladies' gentlemen's and children's wearing I apparel, whether £ ade of VELVET. SILK or WOOLEN GOODS, : and do not requre the ripping of the same, excepting in • cases where it would be of decided b UCL'T so to do. PAR ticular iittcntiou paid to CAMEL'S HAIR, WHITE. CRAPE, . and other SHAWLS, LACE CURTAINS, SILK DEE. SES, EM | naoiDEP.IKS. MKRINOKS. KID GLOVES, &*. | SPOTS OF GREASE. !L, PAI NT. ICE CUE \M, : or of any other nature taken out, if without | cleansing the whole garment. Gciitlom -n's garments will he prepared by A regular tailor, thus insuring a proper finish. Bel4-(frpr RI STYLF. or HATS FOR °"' S - We are now selling 11.C Full Style of Hat for Gentlemen's wear, tn which WE invit -the attention | of our friends and the public, aud we assure them that they cannot he surpassed F-.r I GOUTY OF STYLE AND FINISH j by any that may he offered in this City. I Also, a large assortment of the most fashionable Soft I Felt Hats and Caps for Gentlemen's and Youth's wear ' . , SAMUEL HINDUS & SDN, J No. ICO North Gay street, third door from Bridge, West 1 BIDE - seplS liar ; -AH JOHN H. WALKER, : .. XO. 487 W. BALTIMORE ST., UL-A '- Wishes to inform the puhlic that he is prepared to I furnish all kinds of STOVES at the shortest notice, as , cheap as can be bought in the city. Also. HOUSE PLUMBING and Joh Work in general, and most respect | fully asks for a continuation of public patronage. I oc2 ltnr PRESERVING JARS—FOR ERESIJ OR SUGARED FRUIT. Ate., AT REDUCED PRICES. ARTHUR'S Self Sealing, Glass, Tin and Earthen; an old I and reliable article. POTTER & BOD IN E'S Airtight Glass; new, good ami 1 cheap. SANDWICH JARS, ground glass stoppers, air-tight | cheap and excellent. ! BENNETT'S Yellow, Earth'-n, air-tight. ' TOMATOE and Preserving Stone Jars, with corks PICKLE JARS, Glass and Stone. The very Iwst assortment of the above goods ever 1 fered in this city (with minute printed directions eratis AT PARR'S CHINA HALL, 2 r, tfr 211 naUim °re'street, ! ' near Charts ( J ARRETING. V_Y GREAT REDUCTION IN PP.ICFS J O II X T U R N B U L J.", 242 BALTIMORE ST., n FOT.II'V": I |'J J :, ~IROCT FR " M TL,E ' ,RI,LCI P !LI Manufacturers England, .ILL tlieir new and choice patterns of VELVET, BRUSSELS, Axn . . TAp F.STRY C'.I KI'KTIXGS, \\ Inch for beauty of design and brilliant eeioring surpass everything in that line heretofore imported. Also, a large and beautiful assoitment of | 3-PLY, SUPERFINE, INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPFTS DRUGGETS, RUGS, GABTAIA DOOR MATS, &c OILCLOTHS, Of superior quality and rich designs, entirely new. \\ e are oOering great inducements to purchasers and . solicit a call at 242 BALTIMORE STREET, ' fr2mr JOHN TURNBULL. I\/J EKKILL, THOMAS & CO.. v 4m ,'I R . E ." MV "PEN'UB, t their NEW WAREHOUSE, No. Al9 l.altn ore stre.-t, near Charles, a beautiful assort ! mentof GUNS. PISTOLS, GUN MATKRI AI! I" la"lv , arrived per steamer at New York, rendering their stock one or the largest and best selected in the countrv, to wlitch they respectfully invite the attention of the trade OCO-tf (" M>RNS, BT IN IONS, NAILS I'ENETUA J TING THE FLESH, extracted without pain, so tha tne boot can he worn immediately without the least iucon ventence, by DR. PATXTF.R, . n , „ Surgeon, Chiropodist, I J y9lv Office No. 2i x. Calvert street. JNO. (JAVNOR, p ROVISION DEALER, I 48 SOUTH STREET. ! Constantly for sale Bacon, Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Lard, Mess Pork, Ac. SO 14 DM 1 / IARKOLL HALL. VV "MIDSUMMER MGUT'S DREAM. MRS. MACREADY, The only person in tlie world, who has succeeded IN so doing, will give the Recitation of the entire of Shake speare's Great Comedy of MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, On THURSDAY EVENING. Oct. 14th, 1858. I On which occasion Mrs. Macready will appear in the personification of twenty-six different characters. Tickets fifty cents. oc!l-t014 ||OLLIi)AY STREET THEATRE. POSITIVELY OXLY FOUR NIGHTS. The Great Havanese ITALIA X OK ERA COMPANY\ 1 (On their way to theTacony Theatre, Havana) now per forming with very great success at the Academy of Music New York, in LA SOMXAMBULA, IL TROVATORK, LA TKAVIATA. The Fourth Opera will he announced hereafter. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 10, 18 and 19. Senora PEPITA GASSIER. Sigu'A BEBTUUUA MARATZEK. Miss ADELAIDE PHILLIPS Signor STEFFANI, Signor SBRIGLIA, Signor MACAFF.RRI, Signor GASSIER, Signor CESARE NANT, Siguori ARDAYAM, GARIBOLDI, and GASPAROXI, i With the Grand Orchestra and f'horus from the Academy of Music. New York. Conductors —MAX MARETZKK, A NGELO TOKRIA NI. ADMISSION: j Parquette, Dress Circle and Boxes SI.OO ! Secured Scats 50 cents extra I Galleries cents | Private Boxes ?10 A subscription will be opened for the WHOLE F(>l It NIGHTS, on Monday, October 11th, and parties whodesiie to secure seats for the whole series of performances may have them secured at FIVE DOLLARS A PLACE. The sale of Tickets will begin on TUESDAY, October ; 12th. The Box Sheet for the subscribers to the four evenings will be opened at GEORGE WILLIG, JR'S , Charles street, i at the date above mentioned. ; This Company will also appear in Opera at the Theatre Washington. D. Oc7 111 IJOLUDA Y "STREET THEATRE. I KVNKE L& CO l essees JOHN T. FORI) Manager On TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 12tli, 1858, Will be performed PAUL PRY. ! Paul Pry W. Pavidgc ' Eliza Mrs. .1. 11. Stoddart To conclude with THE DREAM AT SEA. Trevanion N C. Forrester 1 Anne Trevanion Mrs. J. 11. Stoddart PRICES OF ADMISSION : Dress Circle and Parquette 50 cents. ' Family Circle 25 I Colored Boxes 37X 44 Colored Gallery 25 44 No extra charge for reserved seats. Doors open at 7 •J o clock — to commence at 7 o'clock. : SELECT DANCING ACADEMY, . 1 Y'% Mr. and Madame MARINI, late of New York, will • F* A eonuiience their Select Classes in Dancing, at \> U-H • , /'niversify Hull, No. 14 Lexington street, on MONDAY, October 11th, at o'clock P. M. The Lessons will comprise all the latest and most fash- J ionahle DANCES. Applications received and Circulars containing refer ; encesand all particulars obtained at the hall as above, be ween tic HOIIRRF of three and five o'clock P.M. OCB IM* Agricultural. MILNOR & CURTIS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AM) DEALERS IX ■ GUAXOS. FIELD SEEDS, Cc., No. 93 LOMBARD STREET, J , Baltimore. Liberal advances made on consignment. on* tf I RIIO PIJRL'HASi.iis or : A PERUVIAN GUANO. We still have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO, of the MOST ' recent and direct importation into this market, and in spected by Mr. Pitts, State Inspector, and are the ON LY HOUSE who have had such Guano for sale during the en , tire present season. The opening of the new agency of the Peruvian govern ment in this city, obviating the necessity of procuring Hipplk-s from New York, enables us to inform farmers and dealers that we will continue to furnish the same MI pot ior article, the demand for which has exceeded all others this season, of latest importation and inspection, at reduced prices, in quantities <>r one to one thousand tons. P. MA LCDM FC CO., Grain and Guano Warehouse, Wood street. <"7tf Bowly's wharf. PERUVIAN GUANO.—The entire cargo of THE ship "Ocean Pearl," just landed, being tne strongest in ammonia, and the be.-t in quality and condi tion of any cargo offered in this market during the present season; for sale by P. MALCOM K CD , oc7-tf s Wood st., Bowly'A wharf. GUANO".— No", i PERUVIAN AND CA LI FOUNT AN. anil A. A. BLIOWX MEXICAN, for I sal.-. X. K BERRY, S4 tf No. <3 Pratt (tract. n EESE'S JUL "MANIPULATED GUANO," ANALYSIS. Ammonia. 8 per cent. Pliospate of I.ime, 45 to 50 per cent. Water, 6 per cent. In perfectly pulverized condition. CALIFORNIA GUANO. ANALYSIS. Ammonia, 10 per cent, j Phosphate of Lime, 23 per cent. \ Water, 28 percent. ' By comparing the above analysis, the superiority of REESE'S **MAXIPULATED*' will be apparent, both in reference to the relative quantity of WATER and phosphates For sale—The above articles. Also, PERUVIAN GUANO. JOHN S. REESE & CO., No. 77 South street, an 23 Over Corn Exchange. ill AJNO! GUANO! IT I'EItUVIAX. CALIFORXIA, COLUMBIAN, WHITE MENU' VX anil "AX" BROWN MEXICAN GUANOES, All of tiif hcit qualities. AUO. BONE DUST. RERNI-.-'s SUL'EK PHOSPHATE OF LIME, and I.ther Fertilizers, for sale in lots to suit, at THE lowest market prices, by WILLIAM ROBINSON, Nos. 4 and 6 Hollingsworth street. au23-tf near Pratt street wharf. ROMULUS R. GRIFFITH, ; GUANO AND PHOSPHATE OF LIME AGENCY. No. Exchange Place, up stairs, offer for sale, GI'ANOS, PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONES, and other fertilizing manures. aul6-2m* 4 ( UA.XO ! GUANO ! tons -llrowo ; vJ.Mexiean' 7 GUANO, analysing 65 per cent bone phos phate of lime, for sale by WM. F. MURDOCH, AN26 5 O'Donnell's wharf. W 1 DR. BAAKEE TREATS ALL DISEASES FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. BAAKEE will also give special attention to the FI.L lowing cases: Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, Inftu enza. Asthma, Bronchitis, and all other diseases of tbe Throat and Lungs, LIE will devote particular attention to the treatment of all skin diseases — Lumbago, Scrofula, Rheumatism, (acute and chronic,) Neuralgia, Paralv.-i-, Epilepsy. Dyspepsia. Piles, aud all derangements .F t! .• Stomach, Liver and Bowels; and also to all chronic Fem::H* diseases. Special attention will HE given to the treatment of the EYE and EAR. Without the use of the Knife or Needle, and he has con stantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful At titicial Eyes, an Tympanums.or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages — inserted in five minutes. DR. BAAKEE has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the Cataract, and R store perfect vision to he Eye without the use of the knife. Dr. Baakee can produce one thousand certificates of his perfec t success in curing Cancer, old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula. Swellings or Tumors of every description, and without TIN' use of the knife. Special arrangements must be made with Dr. Baakee FOR the treatment of the last named diseases, AS they will require bis constant advice and attention. DR. BAAKEE is one of the most skillful and celebrated Surgeons and Physicians now living. His fame is know it J personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters directed to Dr. Baake.-, (enclosing one dollar.) 1 from any distance, correctly staling the nature of the dis- I e;use, shall be promptly answered, and a package of ne .I ! cine will be sent by mail with full instructions* for treat ment. All patients with chronic (or old) diseases, can BE successfully treated by correspondence. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. DOCTOR BAAKEE. Office CORNER of CALVERT and LEXINGTON STH. opposite Monument Square. Baltimore. Md. oes tfr WATCIIKS. JEWELRY, AND SLL. W . 11 . I. AIIMO VI! . NO. 10 I.iglit St., nppo>ite ILIO Fountain Hotel I.i-lit t., INI it'-s til.- UTH-ntiou of puvcliasi T'.. to HI-; N, W .J' LI GOLD nnd Sll.\ ER CABES, and warrant. D npiinilid UHM KI'I'IIORS. Also, a choice stock of ITCM-LI ami American J I.U 1.1.HV. of the latest patterns: St. rliiijr PIN e,- ami Alll.ta Ware of every variety of st\le; Hold and St 11 ! speetaeles; Eye Gitiss; C'loeits; I.iquer Stands; Fain I Goods. Ac., at low prices. Watches and Jewelry repain'd in T!,■ ■I, T manner. \,eli TTV OALTi.ViOIJI-; KIRK INSL'KAM'K CO (ESTABLISHED IT'WARDS OF HALF A I CENT! RY.) XE IF UL ILDIXG, S. W CORNER "! SOUTH AND WATER STREETS. This Company INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DA M AGE HV FIRE, in tlie city or country, on the various de scriptions of property. BOAKD OF DIRECTORS. J. I. COHEN, JR., President R.A.TAYLOR, WM.GILMOR, W. G. IIARRISOX, J. PENMNOTO S. T. TitoMt'Sox, JOSHUA I. COHEN, GEO. R. \ HIKERS, FRANCIS T KINO, B W - Y-RI('KS, HENRY CARROLL, S. O. .IOFFMAN, R. S. STEUART W U ! 'O-' W "-SON, WU. LL. BBCKB. W. R. \\ OBTHINOTON, FR22-eotfr. FUED'K WOODWORTH. Secretary OLDEST ESTABLISHED STAND IN THE CITY ANDREW E. WARNER, No. 10 N. GAY STREBT, yAXCFACTI REK OF SIL\ F.R WAHK AND FINF. G(L1) JEWELRY, _ T _ AND DEALER IX SILV ER PLATED WAKF., . AND FANCY ARTICLES GEN ER ILI Y, ; lias in store :I beautiful ASSORTMENT f New St\ B < and Patterns of Rich Jewelry and Silver Ware suitable for presents, embracing a great variety ef SOT and Plain Gold BROOCHES; Mosaic, Carlmnkle, Coral, Pearl. Lava, Cameo, Etruscan, Ac., EAR RINGS; BRACELETS; FIN GER RINGS, set with Diamond. Ruby. Emerald, P, -, Opal, &C : Ladies' GOLD CHAINS; Vest and GRURAL Chains; Miniature LOCK ETS; Gold Thimbles; Cuff R tons and Pins; Signet. Chased and Plain Gold Rings, p. I. cils and Pens; Sleeve BUTTONS and STUDS; Gold ! Jet Crosses; Jet Bracelets. Pins and Ear Rings HAIR JEWELRY of beautiful designs. AC Also a complete assortment of Best Quality Heavv sil ver Plated TEA SETTS, Waiters, Ice Pitchers,Yak -1 Baskets. Fruit. Butter and Salt Stands, Castors. Candle I Sticks, lVarl Handle Dessert Knives, SPOOXS. I "iks, Ladles, FANCY ARTICLES, Arc., which will be 's.dd U ! the most reasonable terms. TF PtItKMX STKA.Vi M.VKLIKK WOKKS. ESTABLISHED IS2O CORNER SHARP AND GERM AN STREETS PersiHts ownitii: family lota in puhlic n-im t> " !" V | vate burial ciounds, tire respectfully invit,A t" ,H purclia>ii:j; lu i-c, and examine the stock of MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, I Of the LN-st American mid ITNLBM LU.-N L'l'- ;I nnd fur ST.IE at the above estaMi * stantly on hand. _ INPRSS, Proprietor, ALEXANDER (.API G KUCKKV mvffiSs rEIUMMIS ' , co " J JW G EAVKRT STREET, BALTIMORE. . r.H- AIU-n A Newlles' SUP. PHOSPHATE Sol.; Agents f" r * 2 tr WM D THOMPSON, Jr. OL 'LV PAPKHS FOR SALE, „ n NEWSPAPERS FDR SALE AT 26 CENTS pjrMKP - I', 'V ot OH. Ofltr,. p2O T' FOR SALE.—One supeno PT A NO—very little usrd Apply at No FL" J |H \] Y 84 A isquith STREET MN R AT NO. 42 North Calvert street, cotuforia tile Rooms and Board can ho had for married or single ere M l. MARTIN GOLDSBOROUGH, j aulO-tf Agent for keepers.