it A L. T i M O it E : SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1849. Ij AT EST I> V TES—FROM LIVERPOOL, July 28 | HAVRE,...JuIy 25 Letter Sheet Prices Current. A Review of the Baltimore Market, for the week ending last evening, printed on fine paper and adapt ed to correspondence, can he had at J. Robinson's Bookstore, 117 Baltimore street, 2d door West of; South street, this morning, by S o'clock, at 5 cents each. Mails and Traveling Facilities. On the title page of this paper will he found the ' time of the Arrivals and Closing the Mails in differ ent cities—Steamboat and Car regulations—Depar- j turcs of Foreign Steamers, Packets, Bcc. REVIEW OF THE BALTIMORE MARKET, 1 (AND INCIDENTS CONNECTED THEREWITH,) For the Week ending last evening. REMARKS. —We have no new feature to note in the general market as far as regards Domestic Produce; the demand for most descriptions continu ing moderately fair at steady prices, and money I more readily obtained for the usual ordinary opera- i tions at 6 V cent, per annum. The market for West India Produce is pretty firm; and although transactions have been only to a moderate extent in Coffee and Sugar, the cause may he ascribed proba bly to an unwillingness on the part of holders to sell at* the present improving rates. —We have great pleasure in reiterating our former declaration of the freedom of our city from any epidemic. The steamer llibernia's Liverpool telegraphic ac counts to 4th inst. were promulgated in our city pa pers on Thursday morning, but they arc of little in terest, further than to show that our market is not to he materially benefitted by them, or any subse quent advices, probably, during this season, as far at least as Breadstnils and other Provisions enter into our list of Exports to England. 1 larvesting had com menced under the most favorable circumstances. In dian Corn was depressed, yellow and white quoted 24@255. 6d. qr. The operations in Cotton had been more limited than for some time past. The sales of the week amounted to 42,200 bales, of which speculators took 9,300 and exporters 5,700 of Ameri- | can descriptions. Upland ranged from 4Ad. to 5Ad.; Orleans 4d. to7d.; Mobile 4]d.® .Vjd.; and the mar ket closed with a turn in favor of buyers. AMERICAN DRY GOODS.—A tolerably fair business is doing for the season; but arrangements are in progress, and preparations making tr a gen eral and an abundant supply of staple and desirable descriptions; and as money is more plenty, it is ex pected the Fall trade, which will shortly com mence, will be active. BEESWAX —Continues nominally at 21 u22 ets., the offering and accepting prices, with limited transactions. .Sales ot about 20Ul) lbs., in lots, at 22 cts., cash. BREAD—Is without change in price, and de mand only moderate. CANDLES. —The supply of Sperm is better, but still limited, and price firm at 35 cts. Adamantine arc steady at 27, and Mould Tallow at 11® 13 ets. V lh. COFFEE. —The transactions have been tolera bly large, comprising about 9000 hags Rio, at 7 cts. for inferior to 8 for fancy, the larger portion ranging from 7.1 to 7.H c f s * VML 9 mos. The stock on hand is now about 31,000 bags. There have been also small sales of Old Government Java at 101 ets. r P" lb., on same credit. The arrivals from foreign ports this week have been 4329 bags. COFFER. —We note sales of 3001) lb-. Old at 1C ets. ! l " lb , cash. COTTON.—The sales of the week have been onlv moderate, and no transactions have taken place since the telegraph report by the Hibernia steamer, buyers asking a reduction on late previous rates. Of the sales reported we note 25 bales fair Upland at 11, and 415 do. mid. and mid. fair New Orleans at 10.'// 101 cts. 'IP* lb., G mos. The stock on sale is about 1500 bales. DREGS AN D DYES.—There have been small sales of Crude Ginseng during the week at 30 cts. V lb.,cash. FEATHERS.—SaIes have been moderate, but prices remain steady, good Western 33® 34 ets. Hf' 1 lb., cash. FlSH.—Transactions have been chiefly confined to No. 3 Mackerel, and include 700 brls. Halifax inspection, taken from vessel, on terms not public; and 150 do. Massachusetts inspection, at $4,371. The prices from store, for considerable lots, are 81.25 for the former, and $4.50 lor the latter. New No. 2 are selling at $7- There are no No. lin market. FLOUR AND MEAL.—The market for Flour has been steady in price through the week, hut not active, and towards the close less disposition to pur chase was manifested. The prices for 1 loward street have been $5.12.1 for old, and >5.25 for new; the transactions, which probably have not exceeded 3001) brls., were mostly of the latter. The sales of City Mills comprise some 4001) brls. in lots, a portion to he delivered in short time, at >5.25, in some in stances at a small discount for cash; and IGOO brls. 1 larpcr's Ferry and Susquehanna, in lots, at $5.25 brl. The receipts of all denominations arc light for the season, tin; streams being poorly supplied for grinding, they enable holders to maintain prices with much firmness. The sales of Corn Meal com prise about 1000 brls., all from City Mills, ground from white Corn, and have been taken tor shipment to the British Provinces. Inspected this week: Corn Meal, 1,616 brls.— Rye Flour, 21 brls.— Howard street Flour,. •. *8,541 brls, 2.>7 hf. brls. City Mills do 5,070 " GSI " Family do 504 " " Susquehanna do 726 tc " 15,441 brls. 938 hf. brls. forming a total of 15,910 brls. of Wheat Flour.— Exported this week to foreign ports, 3,GUI brls. Flour and 550 do. Indian Meal; 1235 brls. of the Flour were to Liverpool. GRAIN. —The supply of Wheat has been fair and prices pretty steady, red ranging from 1.03 to $1.07; ordinary white, 1.05® $1.10; and white, suit able for Family Flour, I.lo® sl.1 5. Among the trans actions towards the close was a cargo of GOO bush els white blue stem, weighing 65 His., which sold at >1.12, and 1200 bushels same denomination, 63 lbs., raised by Doct. Steuart of Ann Arundel, which sold at $1.15 V bushel. Penna. Rye is worth 62 ets. Corn has been in limited supply, but was less so yesterday, and free sales w ere making at 56®. 58 cts. for white, and 59® 60 for yellow, the latter firm. Oats, 25® 30 cts., the latter for prime. Exported this week 29,090 bushels of Indian Corn, 27,590 of i which were to England. GUANO.—The price has declined, and consider able sales have been made at $ 11W ton for Peruvian, and $29 for Patagonian, G mos. HIDES—Arc scarce, the only supply is in the hands of the trade. HEMP.—We note sales of about 100 hales Mis souri, in 2 lots, at 6$ and 71 cts. V lb., the latter for a prime article. INDIGO.—The supply is light, particularly Car accas, and prices of all denominations firm. IRON.—The market is inactive for Pig, hut there are indications of an improvement. MOLASSES.—The. market continues without a supply of good retailing qualities. By auction on Tuesday, 40 hlids. Cuba were offered, but only 15 1 sold at 254® 26£ cts. per gallon, 4 mos.—the resi due withdrawn. NAVAL STORES —Have undergone no change. OlLS*—'There is a better enquiry for all descrip tions, and prices are tending to an advance, particu- < larly Linseed and Whale—the former scarce. PLASTER PARIS.—We quote 2.125®52.25| ton, with sales at both prices, closing at the lat- | ter. PROVISIONS. —The market has been moder ately active; and although in general transactions were not heavy, their numbers would show a hand some aggregate —at well supported prices. Beef. —'Ime sales comprise about 160 brls. No. 1,1 in lots, at 12® $12.25 IP brl., 4 mos., the latter for City-packed. Pork. —There have been free transactions in 1 both Mess and Prime, the former at $11.25, and the latter, which is scarce, at $9,621, for 400 brls., and $lO for small lots, the latter City-packed. Bacon. —We note sales of 125 hhds. Shoulders, in lots, at s*j, and 42 do. u Sehooley 8t Son's" brand at I 6 cts. cash; 600 pes. loose, in bags, at the same price; and 200 do. extra cured, OA ets. IP Hi. Of! Sides, about 100 casks have sold in lots, at OA ets. I for merchantable; and of Hams, the various lots have been as follow : 1000 common, plain, but sound, at TkfaH cts.; GOO canvassed, 9A® 10; 700 do. 9A :a 11; 5000 do. 9 ets. U v lh. 3 mos., adding in terest, (all the foregoing were Western;) andßso do. ' Baltimore cured at 10 ets., and on same terms. Lard. —The sales have been comparatively heavy, and comprise 1720 kegs, 1300 of which were at 7.!, and 320 at Sets., 4 mos., and lot) do. very uniform ' pkgs. 7j{ cts. V lh., cash, all taken to go East. Small I sales of brls. at 7.1 cts. j lint ter mid Cheese remain rather inactive, i KILE.—We have sales reported of about lOOtrcs. in lots, at 4.12A® $4.25 'l v 100 lbs., very little to bo ] had at close under the latter. SALT.—Several cargoes have arrived during the I week from Turks Island, hut the sale of only one 'is reported, which was at 17 ets. ; |P bushel, 6 mos. ; | NEEDS.— Clover is scarce and wanted, and will | command s 1.25 P 1 bushel, at which a good article free of ripple has been sold. Timothy is also scarce. Flax sells in small lots, as it arrives, at 1.15 a $1.16. ! SPICES.—We note the sale of 23 bags Jamaica , Pimento, from vessel, at 9 ets. r i v lh., on time. In | store it is held at lOets., 6 mos. Sales of Pepper at i6l// GA e.ts., 6 mos. I SPIRITS.—There is no X. E. Rum in market. The demand for Whiskey is fair hut the stock light, and prices have improved. We quote hluls. 25, and I brls. 25A cts. per gallon. SUGARS.—The market continues buoyant, and prices have further improved, say .} // A cent l v lb. within the last two weeks. The private transac tions this week comprise about 509 hluls. Cuba, at 5 ets., and 50 do. New Orleans at 5.\. Bv auction on Tuesday, 25S hluls. 27 tres. and GO brls. Cuba Mus ! covado sold at 4.90,// $5.45, and 25 hhds. Porto Rico at 5.50/.' $5.80; and on Thursday, 22G do. New Or leans, s(7.50 1 J 100 lbs, which the better sorts commanded, the quality was not so good. The inspections for the week amount to 655 hhds. Maryland, and 471 do. Ohio—total, 1126 hhds. Exported within the same time to foreign ports 1919 hhds. Tobacco and 6 do. Stems—making the amount of Maryland and Ohio Leaf exported to 1 European ports since Jan. Ist to 15th inst., as fol- ' lows : This week. This year. To Bremen, hhds. 1940 9,075 Rotterdam, 9,659 Amsterdam, u ...3,520 Emden " 310 Marseilles, 3,030 Bordeaux, 577 Havre, 3,218 St. Petersburg,.... " 533 Cowcs, &.e u 836 Cork, See " 581) England, 9 119 Stock on hand 15th inst., 31,223 hhds. WOOL.—The only transactions reported to us comprise about 3000 lbs. fleece-washed of mixed grades at 25/// .33 cts., the latter for fine; 2500 do. tub-washed, 2 1 a 28; and 1501) do. unwashed at 15 // 17 ets. T" lb., all cash. FREIGHTS.—An American bark has been en gaged to load Tobacco for Amsterdam at 225. : U iihd.;unda Bremen ship is taking in for Bremen at 17s. Gil. We know of no other foreign engagements. Small sehrs. of 1000// 1500 brls. are wanted. BEEF CATTLE.—The offerings at the drove yards lust Monday exhibited a material decline in in numbers, only 450 head having been brought for ward, and of those but 270 were taken by city butch ers; the remaining 180 were driven Eastwardly. The prices paid ranged from 2.50 to $3.25, gross, equivalent to sft $0.25 W 100 11 j*. net. Live Hogs are without much alteration, but range from 4.50 to EXCHANGE.—SterIing Bills have further slight ly advanced, but transactions for the last steamer were on rather a limited scale. The operations in Continental have also been light We quote, to include Foreign and Domestic, as follows: Bills on London, J! stcrl'gGO days, 8a 5f.25 Hamburg 34 A fa 31!} Bremen (a7Bl Holland (7/10 Sight Bills on Boston par®— Vet. pr. New York City par®— do. Philadelphia par®— do. Richmond, Va A® -J dis. Charleston, S. C fj® 1 do. Mobile 1 ® 1A do. New Orleans A® 1 do. 1 .ouisville 1A ® do. St. Louis lA®— do. Cincinnati lA® — do. Treasury Notes, G V cents 114J® 115 Mcxi -ail Dollars par® A Vet. prem. Spanish do A®l do. American Gold par®— do! Doubloons, Royal IG—®lo 10 do. Patriot 15 55® 15 GO Statement of Merchandize exported from the Port of Baltimore to Foreign Countries, during the week ending on the 15th August, 1849. TO BREMEN. Shooks bdls. SO | Logwood tons 75 Oak Bark, bags 745 Clocks 8t Weights, bxs. 8 Rosin brls. 947 | Coffee, bags 287 Tobacco, leaf, hhds. 1940 I Sugar hhds. 116 do. stems 6 do bxs. 937 Dried Apples... .brls. 31 | TO LIVERPOOL. Oak Bark bags 1378 I Hams lbs. 270 Treenails in. 37 Flour brls. 1,235 Handspikes no. 790 j Indian Corn..bus. 27,590 Water Casks 3. Tobacco, leaf.... hhds. 9 Pork brls. 81 | TO DKMERARA. Beef brls. 7 I Scales 9 boxes, tubs 16 Pork 12 I nests, baskets 5 bills. Bacon lbs. 1,265 tinware 9 cases, mcdi- Hogs no. GO eines 5 boxes, currants Flour brls. 52G | 2 csks, almonds 7 bales, Indian Corn ... .bus. 200 I Scotch snuff 180 lbs; Biscuit cans 100 candy 15 boxes, hops 1 Biscuit. kegs 30 I bale, malt 10 hags, axes Lard Oil, gals. 203 I 5 doz, mineral water Tallow Candles.lbs.Booo 10 brls, butter 10 jars, (ieese 8c Ducks..doz. 10 | walnuts 1 bag. TO BRITISH WK.ST INDIES. Staves ni. 46 I Tallow Candles,lbs. 3,750 Shingles 70 | Tobacco, mfd 3,015 Fork ..brls, GO j Vinegar 2 e.sks, leather 1 Bacon lbs. 1,727 | bdl, potatoes 20 brls, I Lard 846 maccaroni 2 bxs, letter Butter 1,266 paper 1 bx, tar 2 brls. Flour brls. 775 | lard oil 64 gls, matches Indian Corn ..bus. 1,300 1 5 bxs, peas 8c beans 12 Indian Meal . ..brls. 250 bus, medicines 2 cases. Biscuit 105 | 1 carriage. TO BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES. Pork brls. GO I Rye Meal brls. 32 ] Flour 1,065 Tobacco, mfd lbs. 10,500 Indian Meal 300 | THE EASTERN MARKETS— Latest. At Boston : Flour was selling at 5.25® $5.50 for Southern, and 5.37A // $5.50 for Western. Transac tions in Corn light at G5 ets. for white, and 6N®7O for yellow. j At .;VUio York: Coffee steady. Cotton in good j demand at an advance of ',® Jof a cent. Sales of i I Ginseng at 32 cts. Flour in steady good demand, i with sales of Baltimore at 5.25® $5,311, and at close i held higher. Wheat and Corn in good demand at steady prices. Hides in moderate request without I change in prices. Sales of 1000 tons Scotch Pig i Iron at 20.25® $20.75. cash, the hitter f1 37A. Satinets are in good repute at Spring rates. Flannels arc active at advancing rates. The sales have he n large. In Foreign I >rv Goods there is something doing. The business is active in desirable goods. The supply is not in advance of the demand. Prints are in good demand at last year's rates. Stall Goods go oif freely without change. Mous. de Lairics are in moderate supply, .the American styles competing fully with the foreign. Blankets are in large supply and without activity. Dundee Goods are in moderate supply and good demand. Prices are improving. The demand for Linens is fair with a good business doing. The supply of French and Continental Goods i.s considerable and charged high ; er than la st season. Colored Silks are in demand, j Black Silks sell steadily at regular prices. The ; assortment of Ribbons is good, and Jobbers arc buy ing freely. I losierv sells at advancing rates. The sales of Cloths are largo at firm rates. The slock of Canton Goods in market is very small. So says the Dry floods Reporter. THE COAL TRADE F0R1849. [From the Miner's Journal.] The. quantity sent hv railroad, this week, is 38,038 05—by canal, 13,521 15—for the week, 51,600 tons. It is not to be denied that the coal business is un usually dull, at the present time, and that the prices for small lots, forced into the market, have been less than the usual rates, hut we have not yet heard of a single sale made below si.SO for white ash, and only one or two as low as that, which were forced sales to meet liabilities; but the tendency is unques tionably downward, which is aided and assisted by publications, made in certain quarters, through a morbid appetite to do mischief; and this downward tendency, if it continues, will result in a reduction of wages, which is as certain to follow as it is for , j water to run down stream, in spite of all the combi ! nations and unions in the country, as wc stated a i few weeks ago. If the market /locs not require coal,; it will not he purchased if offered at even >1.50, nor will it increase the demand for the article; and therefore we consider it the height of folly, since we have remained idle so long, at this critical pe-j riod, to mine an excess of coal, and oiler it at low rates, and thus lose all the advantages of the market for the closing three months, when it is admitted by all who have any knowledge of the business, from the demands of the market, that the trade must be brisk for that period, unless the disastrous effects of the present revenue laws of the country should prove more destructive than even the most desponding have admitted. We have always been of the im j pression that t here could not be any increase in the consumption this year, and have refused to endorse statements to the contrary in our columns, but we have yet to supply an increase of four hundred thousand tons, from the different regions, over the supply of last year for the balance of the season, to throw as much coal into market as was consumed that year: besides, the great number of coal yards in the various sections of the country, with but a few tons in each yard, will always require about 100,999 tons as regular stock. This would require an additional increase of 100,009 tons, provided the consumption only of last year i" maintained. Amount of coal sent over the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad and Schuylkill Navigation, for the week ending on Thursday evening last:— RAILROAD. Week. Total. P.Carbon 13,044 17 188,278 10 , Pottsville 3,959 04 80,301 04 s. Haven 17,582 11 245,811 19 P.Clinton 3*461 13 72,532 13 38,038 05 586,924 06 CANAL. Week. Total. P. Carbon 5,813 01 99,231 19 Pottsville 2,161 09 30,331 19 s. Haven 4,709 15 54,451 12 P. Clinton 838 07 16,421 11 13.521 15 197,437 <>! By Rail Road as ab0ve,....38,038 05 586,921 06 Total by R. R. 8c Canal 784,361 07 To same period last year, by Railroad..7-5,627 69 " Cana1....217,172 05 Total by R. R. and Canal 942,799 15 1 )ecrease this year. .158,437 18 tons. Clearances for California. —From a register kept in the Bulletin office, of clearances for California ports of the United States, as well as from England. France and Bremen, we find that the following is the whole number, from November 14th, 1848, to August Ist, 1849: United States. Europe. Total. 5hip5,....... 132 13 145 Barks, 130 1 131 Brigs 71 7l Schooners,. • • 51 5l Steamers, 6 6 Total Clearances, 393 11 407 Wool Growing in Illinois. —The Peoria Register gives a good account of the sheep pastures of that part of Illinois. They are becoming numerously stocked, with very superior qualities of sheep. The entire number of head in the county is stated at 30,000, and the wool clip of the past spring at 90,000 lbs. The venerable Bishop Chase is one of the chief wool growers of that immediate vicinity, owning a flock of 2,000 head. C. Stone also has a flock of t lie same size, and there are several other flocks of 1100 to 1500 head. The business of wool growing is receiving a great ck'al of attention there, and becoming one of much importance. An interesting account is given of a flock of pure French Merinos just introduced into that county, by Mr. Truman Humphreys, of Elm wood. These sheep are represented as distinguish ed for the extraordinary firmness and thickness of | the fleece, large frame and strong 'constitution. I The head and face is completely covered with wool,! down to near the end of the nose. The imported buck weighs some 250 lbs., and shears 22 lbs. of wool. The average weight of fleece from these sheep i.s said to be from 10 to 11 lbs. V head. Receipts of Breadstuff's at Tide Water. —lt ap pears that from the commencement of navigation to Aug. 7, the receipts of Wheat llour at tide water, exceed those of last year, by quantities equal to 140,535 brls.—The corn of this year exceeds that of last by more than seven and a half millions of bushels. The amount of flour, wheat and corn is nearly equal to that of 1817, the famine year. Pro visions generally have fallen off, as compared with 1818.—.V. York pop. IMPORTATIONS AT BALTIMORE. FOREIGN. Liverpool—Ship Franconia. Blankets 34 hales, woollens 14 do, fustians 9 cases, thread 4 do, bleaching powders 75 csks, Me 11 vain St Williams; mdze 39 pkgs, .1 C Brown 8c Bro; 1 do, Hoflinans Sc Co; 8 crates, Burgess, Dale 8c Co; chemicals 113 brls 25 kegs, T Wilson 8c Co; mdze 1 csk, W Proctor St Son; 1 pkg, W Graham 8c Son; G do, Stebbins 8c Co; 4 crates, Herring 8c Co; 10 pkgs, C M Keyscr; 4 csks, 14 11 Miller; 1 cases, A W Poulson; 1, 11 Easter 8c Co; 3, L W Gosnell St Sons; 25 csks, II Thompson St Son; 15 pkgs, J C Boury St Sons; 4, J Falconer; .3, F. P Tabb; 46, Tif fany, Ward St Co; iron 1054 bars 680 bdls, 102 moulds, J Brooks; 31 I bars G IS bdls, mdze 1 1 pkgs, 14 T Turner; 3 pkgs, F W Dammann; harbwarc 52 pkgs, Thomas 8c Co; 7 do, Canfiekl St Bro; mdze 7 do, Stellinan St Henrichs; 4 do, Hodges St Bro; 3 do, Rippclmeyer St Grauc; G, Sangston St Co; leather 3 hales 2 cases, B 1 )cford Sc Co; mdze I pkgs, F Konig 8c Co; 15 do, Hopkins, Lane 8c Harden; 20, B F Voss; 7, 14 11 Owing* Co; 11, Griflith, Fitzgerald ' St Co; 11, King St Hiss; 50, Penniman 8c Bro; S, D Lecche 8c Son; 50, Schaeffer St Loney; 7, Hoffman, Burneston 8c Co; iron 1657 bars 382 bdls, L Jones; mdze 187 pkgs, Aldridge, Higdon 8c Co; iron 612 bdls, mdze 17 pkgs, Sticknev St Beattv; 12 do. Cur ley, Clopper St Co; 38 do, Eaton Bros. St Co; 13 do, Duor St Norris; 24, Norris St Bro; 5, E Jenkins St Son; 2!) csks, Albert St Bro; 50 pkgs. Ward Bros; salt 0)17 sacks common 1110 do hne, imlzc 30 pkgs, iron 6855 bars, order. Itiver Ems — Bus. ship John nness. Mdze 29 pkgs, F W Dammann; 19 bxs, F Konig St Co; 32, Kippelmcyer St Graiie; 18, Spilker St Al bert i; 7, C Fisher 8t Co; 4, C W Caspari; 13 H Thiermann; ft, C Vezin, Son St Co; 41 Stellinan St Henrichs; 5, Delius St Halven; 5, J Trust; 6, Wal- ter St Baghauser;43, E Uhrlaub; 17, J Boury St Sons; I 120 csks, A Schumacher lie Co; 49 pkg", order. ! Cadiz— Ecu. ship Jidda. Salt 136A carts, leeches 2 bxs, J I Fisher. Rio Janeiro—Bark RavtiJbow. Coffee 1720 hags, J Hooper St Sons; 1 153 do, or der; 282, M Bat hurst 8t Son; 230, V Winchester; 40, i 1 Rieinan; 32, J E Wilson; 551 A, sundry persons. Cumann —Sch. Cecil. Ballast.. Specie >12,000, new San Pedro Co. j Kingston, (Jam.) —Brig Cambrian. Coffbe 13 hags, Pimento 2 do, rags 70 bales, wool 11 do, old copper, iron an/1 brass several large pr Is, i F. P Cohen; pimento 65 hag", coffee 7 do, R St H R , Tucker. Savanna-la-, Mar, (Jam.) Brig St . Jladre.xn. j Pimento 23 hags, old Iron 22 tons, old copper 2 do, Spenec St I4eid. Dcmcrara Br. brig Lady Chapman. Ballast.. Old Iron 5 tons, old copper and coinpo- j sit ion 2 brls, specie 2 hags, It St II It Tucker. Dcmcrara —Sch. I Yilmington. dd Iron 52 tons, old copper 3000 old brass , 437 do, Huvden 8t Coale. Arccibo, (/'. R.) Brig Royal Sailor. Sujfar 221 hluls, \V llowell be Son. Poiicn, (P. 11.) —Brig Stisrtn. Sugar 171 hhd" 16 hrls, Johnson St Trav< rs. Turks Island—Brig Water Witch. Salt 6392 bushels, Kirkland, Chase St Co. Ragged Island Brig Henrietta. Salt 1600 bushels, J Williams 8c Son; cigars 2 eases, old copper 2 pkgs, (ill Howard. Jl ilifar, (.V. S.) Br. sch.. IliLh iron. Mackerel 793 brls, J George. COASTWISE. / lost on—Brig Co ;t 1 r. Saltpetre 150 hags, tn.lze 1014 pkgs, sundry per- j I sons; mackerel 100 brls, master. Boston— Brig Ben). Franklin. M l/.c 161 pkgs. order; plaster 50 tons, master. ,\* tc York—Sell. Michigan. Wine 10 qr csks, L Thomson St Co; cement 50 hrls, G Small; sugar 20 hrls, J Park hurst, jr: tin ! plate 3') bxs, Wylie 8t Wilson; mdze 5 cases, F Ko nig 8t Co; champagne 100 bskts, coffee 100 bags, mdze 272 pkgs, sundry persons. ,\V//j York—Sch. Pharo. Cinnamon 120 bxs, pork 200 brls, mdze 45 cases. | orfer. ,Win York—Sch. S. E. .Merrill. Mdze 28 cases, Miller 8c May hew; tin 5 bxs, G Small; mdze 1 keg, T J Clare; copper Senses, W Spear; oil 11 csks 12 tres, hides 100, mdze 314 pkgs. ! sundry persons. . W:iv York—Sch..Mary .Mankin. Sirup 50 hrls, Withington St Eastman; tobacco 7 , cases, F F Pope; 2 hhds, Spence St Jteid; nails 5 ; csks, W 8c 11 McKim; anvils 1 csk, Thomas Sc Co; ' cloverseed 100 brls, mdze 347 pkgs, order. MARINE LIST. I BALTIMORE lrrivcd • Jlug. 11, 12. Br.brig Lady Chapman,Frith,Deinerara >1 Sch. Mary,* Gardner, Providence I Canal boat Cumberland and nine others, Susq. val. , Jlug. 13. Brig Henrietta, Dubel,.... Ragged Island 1 .dug. 14. Ecu. ship AJela, Echevanie, Cadiz Bark Buv State, Dill, Boston j > J. \Y. Paige. Taylor, ditto | ■ Brig Cambrian, Walter, Kingston, Jam. 1 Volusia, Borum, Police, P. R. | - Water Witch, Ennis, Turks Island 1 Foster, Biker, Boston j Bi-nj. Franklin, Flinu, ditto j Albion Cooper, Giles, Dighton j Uncas, Beard, New York , I Sch. Cecil, Binnev, Curacoa j I ; Pro&pect, Genu, Bangor j ) Sylvia E., Gibbs, Sandwich i! Minerva, Baker, Fall River j - Alida, Wiggins, Greenport ; J ! Michigan, Wyatt, New \ ork Sarah E. Merrill, Blissett, ditto j Wm. Burke, Lawrence, ditto j ) Lady Clinton, Cramer, ditto j l -Timothy Pharo, Lines, ditto 1 I *dug. 15. Bark Rainbow, Cator, Rio Janeiro j 1 | Brig Royal Sailor, Henlon, Vrecibo. P. 14. i -| Br. sch. Aldcliaron, Banks, Halifax I Sch. Harp, Pratt, Portland i j Queen, Niekerson, New Bedford . Win. Spear, Bose Richmond ' .dug. 10. Brig Samuel, Linn, Boston I Sch. Alary Mankin, Myers, New \ <>rk j j Charger, Blakeman, ditto ! .lug. 17. Ship Pioneer, Child, ...New York II Brig Zoe, Gayle, Rio Janeiro .lug. 10. Ship Zcnobia, Jackson, Liverpool .lug. 11. Brm. ship Marianne, Warkmeister, Bre men via another port Brm. ship Louisian, Ratjer,..Portsmouth, (E.) Bce. . Brig Margaret, Hill, Boston | Br. sch. Relief, Crowell Halifax Sch. Henry A. Barling, Gait, Now Orleans Sophia, Jones, Petersburg Falmouth, Creighton, Richmond Advance, Foxwell,. ditto lfendron, Fcnnis, ditto Jlug. 13. Brig KatePendergast,Evans,St.John's.\.F. Sch. Orb, Eaton, Charleston .lug. 14. Brm. brig Somerset, Black,.. ..Dcmcrara Sch. Union, Harrington, Georgetown, D. C. .dug. 15. BrisrT. C. Mather, Niekerson Boston . Sch. Juliet, Miller West Indies S. 14. Blakeman, Jackson, Charleston Miranda, Smith Norfolk, Bte. . .lug. 16. Brig Cynthia, Rodgers, Bahia, Sic. Sch. Naomi, Hall, Savannah ' ST. JOHN'S, N. F. .lrrivcd 1 July 20. Sch. Science, Holly, Baltimore j . THOMASTON, Mc. Sailed . .lug. 4. Sch. I. O. of (). F., Hill, Norfolk ) BANGOR, Mc. Cleared , Jlug. 7. Brig Osceola, Stone, Baltimore . Aug. 9. Brig Bcnj. Carver, Carver,.. Buenos Avres \ SACO, Me. .lrrivcd July 28. Sch. Caroline, Hill, Baltimore , PORTSMOUTH, N. H.— .lrrivcd .lug. 7. Sch. Meridian, Hart, Norfolk ' SALEM, Mass. Cleared f .lug. 6. Bark San Francisco, (new) Reutmonds, San Franuisco ' j BOSTON, Mass. Arrived [ Aug. S. Brig M. St J.C. Gilniore, Harding, Baltimore f Scli. Yeso, Ryarson ditto , Aug. 9. Bark Lowell, Loveland, ditto Brig J. Niekerson, Niekerson, ditto Aug. 10. Brig Dover, Clifford, ditto Aug. 13. Bark Zion, Reynolds, ditto Cleared Aug. 6. Brig Victory, Horsey, Buenos Avres Aug. 7. Ship Argo, Mcaeom, Calcutta Ship Robert Pulsf-ml, Cook San Francisco r Aug. 8 Bark Justice Story. Ryder, Baltimore . Sch. E. Atkins, Welilen, Norfolk j Aug. 9. Ship Almaar, Barry, San Francisco 1 ! Ship Norfolk, Rogers, ditto j Grotius, Leonard, ditto Brig Cronstadt, Hatch Buenos Avres | ! Aug. 11. Bark Grafton, Francis, Sumatra Bark Maryland, Davis, Baltimore j N. YV. Bridge, Brown, Norfolk . Brig Candaee, Mathews Baltimore Sch. Ann A. Parker, Baker, Norfolk Aug. 13. Brig Vandalia, Litton, Baltimore ! . NEW BEDFORD, Mass. Arrived ■ Aug. 9. Sch. Oscar Jones, Kellcy, Norfolk , Cleared \ Aug. 7. Ship Citizen, Howland, ....San Francisco Aug. 9. Ship Olive Branch, Place, ditto : ; ship Alex. Coffin, Hale, Valparaiso, &c. ; > FALL RIVER, Mass. Arrived j Aug. S. Sch. Richard Borden, Benrse.... Baltimore , WARKHAM, Mass. .lrrivcd July 31. Sch. Franklin, Gumev, Norfolk w YRREN, H I. : brwed ' Aug. 10. Sch. Jos. Turner, Gibbs, Baltimore j PROVIDENCE, R. 1. .lrrivcd \ Jlug. 3. Sch. Company, Burt, Norfolk ] .lug. 6. Sch. Queen, Dawson, Baltimore Aug. 10. Sch. Maria, Keen, Norfolk J Sch. Roxburv, Scars, Baltimore NEW YORK. Arrived , Aug. 8. Ship Patrick Henry, Delano, ... Liverpool . Aug. 9. Br. steamer America, Harrison, ditto 1 1 Ship Ariel, Copp Canton . Waterloo, Allen, Liverpool . New York, Lines Havre 1 Sell. Alice, Seaman, New York j Plato, Weeks, ditto -—-Baltimore, Sleight, ....ditto' Connecticut, Elwood ditto i Aug. 10. Ship Gladiator, Williams, London £hip YY r estminster, Doane ditto j Queen of the West, Hallet Liverpool New York, Cropper, ditto Brig Fiiidora, Mathews Para j Aug. 11,12. Steamer Empire City, Wilson, C hag res ! Ship Napier, Maples, River Ems 1 .lug. 14. Ship Leila, St afford, Rotterdam Bark Almira, Tarr, Para ' I .dug. Ship Sea. Springer, San Francumo , Ship Virginia, Salisbury, City Point I ; Jlug. 10. !)ut. .ship Van Galen, Decker,... Bat a via | Hark A. G. Hill, Curtis, City Point | ! 'tux- 'I- Ship Manila, Given, San Francisco J Ship Devonshire, iiovc.y, London Hark Fntncis Watts, Bearse, ....... Port Walthall I Seh. Lydia, Tunnell, Baltimore I 'lug. 13. Ship Mechanics' Own, (new) Malcotn, San Francisco ! Seh. Ann I*.. t)s|,orn Norfolk ■ Jlug I 1. Ship Napier, Maples Baltimore , Ship Vandalia, Norton, I ity Point i Seh. Josephine. I\ ingsland, Baltimore I PHILADF.I.PHIA, Pa. irrived ' .'lux. 13. Ship Wyoming, Miereken, l.iverpool j j Jlug. 1 1. Ship Europe, Itevnegom, l.iverpool I J Ship Minerva, Michaels,..' I.iinerick | \ .'lug. la. Ship Finland, Johnson, l.iverpool j Swed. brig .Inlia. Ilartz Leghorn I I Brig Clara, llcwitt, Turks Island ' . Jos. Cowpcrthwaitc, Brcvoor, ditto I lames Marshall, Loud Trinidad, Cuba Jlug. 9. Bark Cordelia, .Johns West Indies | Jlug. 11. Br. seh. Tweed, Albury,..Harbour Island I ; . /'l/f. 1 I. Bark Diamant, .W dler, \alpnraiso .lug. 15. Ship.lohnF. Whitnev, (tlidden, I.iverprsi! j I NORFOLK, Va. : irrived I .■lug. 11. Brig Palm, Hall, Boston i Sell. Vietorv. Blinker, .' New York j Leader,'Clark ditto ! ; .lug. 12. Sell. Id. II lleirick, Grant, ..Thotnaston ; Sch, Elizabeth is. Helen, Nash Troy | I Splendid, II New York • . tug. 13. Sch. Gen. Taylor, Crane, Camden | ! Sell. Eorotas, Trefelhcn,.., Portsmouth John A. His. Pieraall New York ! Sherwood, Van Name Stnten Island 1 . lug. 1 I. Bark Samuel Train, 1 lopkins, New 5 nrk . ] Brig Malvern, Jerman ditto ! Seh. Daniel Franci , Harris N inlucket NF.WBF.HN. N. C. Irrived ' Jlug. 3. Brig Clara Fisher, Gordon Baltimore j CHARLF.STt)N, s. C. Cleared ' Jlug. 7. Brig Magnolia, Morris San Francisco 1 .lug. 11. Seh. Louisiana, Pritehett Baltimore I SAVANNAH, Geo. Irrived ' • .lug. 2. Sell. Brilliant, White Baltimore I I S.-h. Marv Willis, lit to . tug. 6. Seh. (Icean Queen, Parker ditto Sell. Ellen Goldshorough. Brown ditto Jlug. 7- Seh. Southerner, Caruthers ditto MOBILE. Ala. -Cleared 1 . .lug. 1. Seh. Belief, Campbell, Salt Francisco N't (TICK. T > MARINERS. A fog hell weighing about 750 pounds has been set up near the light on lobby Island, mouth of < Marinas Harbour, which is rung by machinery in! , foggy weather. ! THE MCTCAE LIKE IVSIKVSCE P VNV t)K I? YLTI.MORE, I OFFICE, CARROLL HALL, L Corner of llultimore mul Calvert Streets. j I.XSI RANGE O.N LIFE in any sum not ex ceeding >IO,OOO. A wife can Insure the Life of her husband, free j from the claims of Creditors. ' Joint Insurance oil the Lives of husband and wife, or any two lives, so that when either lite tails, the j survivor mav receive the sum insured. To accommodate those who wish to insure at the | I lowest possible cost, without regard to profits, the j | Company will grant policies at the following rates i of premium to those who will relinquish their right j I to the profits, retaining their right to vote and ail other privileges of membership : PRKMII -MS FOR INSURING MOO >N \ SIN- | GLE LIFE, WITH AND WITHOUTPR( I FITS: Annual prein. Annual prein. Annual prein. j > For for 1 for Life, for Life, J I ~ one year. years. without profits, with profits. i2l >0.89 A0.96 51.69 >l-S2 25 0.97 1.07 1.90 2.04 i 50 1.10 1.21 ' 2 19 2.30 35 1.25 1.37 2.53 2-75 : t 40 1.44 1.56 2.96 3.20 45 1.65 1.78 3.17 3.73 50 1.87 2.10 4.21 4.60 60 3.46 4.31 6.68 7.00 Pavable YmiiiaUv. Semi-antiuallv. or Quarterly, j THOS.M. AISBE I'T. President. JOHN A. Tilt )MPS( IN, Se -rotary. . 1/t ilicul Hoard : J. R. W. DUNBAR, cor. of Hanover and Lorn- \ bard streets. G. U. M. ROBERTS. M. 1).. 125 Hanover st. For information on anv branch of the business, re- j fer to the printed pamphlets of 1 lie Company, or to 'I IIDS. B. ADAMS, Actuary, se 30 tf No. 16 South street. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THAME MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE 2 INSURANCE COMPANY, at their Office, j corner of GAY and I.tIMBYRD-STS., will insure Marine and Inlaud Navigation risks—and against fire on Dwellings, Warehouses and their contents, j By the Charter of this Company, insurers with if, , t shmc in the annual profits. DIRECTORS. William YV. Spcnce, John D. Early, Col. O'Donnell, Richard Norris, Willian Loney, John K. Randall, Henrv Winter. KIi.MOM) I >IDIKR. Prrt. j 11. A. Pidicr, Sec'y. an 28 tf AYAI. A 11. M'KIM, HAVE constantly on hand, and oiler f r sale on j liberal terms, the following articles, viz: | SHEATHING COPPER, a full assortment, from j 14 to 36 07.. Also, Copper and Composition Nails.! YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, Mi mZ" PATENT Emilish Siieathinu METAL— the will i known reputation of this article, and its superiority to any other manufactured, entitles it to preference; a constant supply received direct front England. ZINC—" Mosselman's" Sheet Zinc.—We are now receiving direct from the manufacturers in Bel gium, a full assortment of this superior article. COPPER INGOTS.—Refilled Copper, Ingots of best quality, manufactured by the Baltimore and Cuba Smelting and Mining Company. jv 22 FREIGHT TO PITTSBURGH. GJ ; 1). LEECH '*'Jfe**f*Tow Boat Company's new steamers 1 \\(y\sTKß, Uapt. Tomlinson, and JUNIATA, Capt. Sprague, will commence their regular trips to Havre de Grace and Port Deposite, on TITKSDAY, 29th instant, leaving the lower end :of Smith's wharf every KNING, (Sundays ex | cepted) at tf o'clock. Returning, will leave Port Deposite at 1 o'clock, and Havre do Grace at 7 o'clock in the evening, j Goods shipped by this line, and destined to any point on the Pennsylvania Canal, will he forwarded j free of charge for commission and storage. • Shippers arc respectfully requested to send their.j | goods early. For freight or passage, apply to J. S. MURPHY, Agent, Lower end Smith's wharf, Balto.; SAMUKL WILT, Agent, 1 lavre de Grace; WM. W. McLKAN, Agent, I nia 5 tf Port Deposite. PATENT HAMMERED SHIP AXD BOAT SPIKES, MADE BY THE ALBANY IRON AND NAIL WORKS, TROY, N. Y., of superior j quality. Also, RAIL ROAD SPIKES of all de- j j script ions, and BOILER RIVETS, a large supply i I constantly on hand for sale at manufacturers'prices, j by E. PR ATT k BROTH Kit, I je 12 27 &C 29 South Charles street. I JOB PEIKTIN6, . J/ji/ 'f (S/trarA, r A ru/A, V- tica/ait, CHECKS, ENTRIES, MANIFESTS, BILLS LADING, £}anbbills, Catalogues, Store iVills, Labels, Certificates, A i/srtisements. Notices, EXCURSION BILLS, EXCURSION TICKETS, &c. See. Print oil at tin- very shortest notice, at row PRirF.S, by J OS. ROBINSON, No. 117 Baltimore St., next to corner of South Street. TIFF A. N V & DICKINSON, CO. \I. MrsSlo. V Milll(. IUL\TS F >r the sale of PRO\ ISIONS. \MI \V EST EH \ PRODUCE GENERALLY. PP-WOMP TIITWV, .I, . 1 ,Mi I .'I I laymhrtrd street, WVI. T. DICKINSON. j BALTIMORE Md. dec!t f R. HORACE LOVE, C. V. MARTIN, (IF.". It. W. ALNL'TT. LOVE. MARTIN A i <>. GEN Eli \L Gt I t!. MIS -it )S M EUCII ANTS, .i.vo wr.s i pitovi ce dealers, 'NIP, 5 EXCHANGE PEACE, jan 1 tf BALTIMORE. JOIIV S. WENT, CO M M ISSU.I.N ;\I E it C II AN T, ,Ni>. 75 Jluictifs Wharf'. of. II (1 BALTIMORE. WALTER E. HARDINPI. I ICIL'S REE.LP HARDING A liEEL), PRODUCE AM! GENERAL COMMISSION MEIiCUANTS, *Vb. ti, Jlruatlway, NEW YORK. Givpi prompt ;it i fill inn 1,, I lie execution ,pf orders for American Produu ~nd Miivhuudisc generally. Ad vances ippaile un consigipiuenL. je 'J If ROBERT IIOOPER, BISCU IT AM) CRACKER BAKER, ,\u. HIS I'rult street, near South. 21 tl BALTIMORE. COTTON SAIL DI CK. JOHN HENDERSON be CO. Corner of Pratt and Commerce streets, Aireipts fur the spple of all kippds ipf oc 2 tf' COTTON NAII. DUCK. AYESI.EV STARR A HONS, 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND AGENTS FOR THE SAI.E OF LEAF TOBACCO, w ESLEY STARR, I No. 4 Light street Wharf, ; itoiiEUT v. STARR, V BALTIMORE, Md. w M.M.STARR, ' junta Iyr I W. RHOADS. JOHN R. RHOAIPS. AV. RIIO ADS A SON, SHIP BROKERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Spear's It half anil lS'utt-st. ap. 21 tf BALTIMORE. s. HOWARD MOAI.E. CHARLES MEDCALFE. MO ALE A: MEDCALFE, PRODUCE. SHIPPING. AND GENERAL I'< 'M.MIsMt >N MERCHANTS, .Ah. a O' Do mull's Wharf, may 20 BALTIMORE. MR VAN A CO. DISTILLERS AND RECTIFIERS—CANTON. (Ip/tCf, .Ah. S5, Howlfs ll'hurf. South Street, BALTIMORE. Manufacturers of WHISKEY, GIN, BRANDY, RUM, PURE SPIRITS, Ac. nov 0 tf HODDEN A CO. BISCUIT AND CRACKER BAKERS, Corner of Lombard aipd Gay strepits, opposite the Custom House, BALTIMORE. All the varieties of si IIP BISCUIT and CRACK ERS constantly un hand and for sale, wholesale appd retail. June 5 tf JOHN 1\ PLEASVNTS A SONS, TOBACCO AN i' GEN EJJ Al, CI).MM ISSION MERCHANTS, •No. 4S South street, j'me 5 tf BAI.TIMORE. WM. COOK A SONS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the -ale of I.E VP TOBACCO, •Ah 75 Eight street ll'hurf, june 1 Iyr BALTIMORE. J. A 11. WARDEN, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .Vu. 2'J Commerce street, J no 25 Iyr BALTIMORE. GARLAND A CUNNINGHAM, COMMISSI! >N MERCHANTS, ,Ah 7d Bowly's ll'harf, | oc 2 tf BALTIMORE. ROBERT LESLIE A SON, SHIPPING t, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .ACI South Gay Street, oc 21 tf BALTIMORE. DRAKELEY & FENTON, tVHOLBS A I. E (i it O C E IIS, PRODUCE s. COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, 571 Sf 37C Baltimore street, je 12 Iyr BALTIMORE. W I LI.I A .11 LAII I* I NO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Agent for tlpr sale of Leaf Tobacco, No. 75 Light street Wharf, je a Iyr BALTIMORE. TO SOAP BOILERS, GLASS MAKERS AN l> RLE Ai HERS. rw lEN N A NT'S SODA Asll, BLEACHING B POWDERS, Sec. constantly on hand and for sale PPII liberal terms, by the agents lor this market. McILY AIN Se WII.LI.VMS, jv 3 tf 10 German street. JOHN SULLIVAN A SONS, COMMISSION MERCH ANTS, Si AGENTS for the sale of LE \ F TOBACCO, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, .Vo. '.id Eight street Wharf. BALTIMORE COMPANY. BAKE-HOUSE, O'DONNF.LL'S WHARF. Salt's Rooms, A">. -10J I'ratt-s!., near Frcderick-st. Manufactures for exportation and consumption : PILOT AND NAVY BREAD, SODA, LEMON \NI) WINE BISCUIT, SUGAR AND WATER CRACKERS, At.SO HAND-MADE WATER CRACKERS. gTr-VF.SSF.LS SI PPLIED WITH STOILF.S. By giving early orders, Bread will be prepared and packed to stand the longest voyages, jy 10 W.'H. BEATTY. W ESTERN BACON, AC. a .Ait C VSIvS Western Smoked SHOUL HMf DERS 100 casks Western Clear SIDES 72 do do Bone do 100 dip Canvassed and plain HAMS 200 bales Kentucky aptd Missouri dew rotted 11 EM P 21)0 barrels superior Lard OIL 100 ipf. barrels do do do 300 bushels Ohio CLOVERSEED 50 barrels Mouongahela appd Bourbon V\ IIIS KEY, very old and superior—for sale by LOVE, MARTIN Ik CO. j e to tf 5 Exchange Plaoe. faJI'PEKIOIt II ICON.—'The subscribers have CV heretofore becpp ipnaiple tip keep on IIUPPII through (put the sumntir, a constant supply ol thbir much ad mired SUGAR CURED BACON HAMS. They have now ready lor sale a large quantity,ami, invite the attention of connoisseurs. Thipse desirous of a SPipply throughout the supnmer can secure, at mode rate jpriees, any quantity aipd have it kept in good order until wanted lor ppse. They also oiler for sale superior Sugar Cured Bacon SllOl LDERS, Beef TONGUES and Ppire Leaf LARD, in small pails. ADAMS S. STEVENSON, Lexington street, m h 24 tf opposite the Market House. 43