Newspaper Page Text
B B e e %53& G ] ,571%%:1"" M : LOCAL ITEMS, OF INTER. e T U OURMANY . B weabius. Mo aa e & M Susie Lee and her Sister Miss. Hattie eft Friday for We-tworeland | 80. W ora wonths visitto ber rel a Q&ra}i " Hanee will wvisit | Miss Mabalia Banks of N. Gilmore o R RR T e i P 4 ,}u*(r{?, ’wm':; 1»01‘ : ",elVl“e (]' reen A& A. whereshe will spend the mounth %flii‘fl DMissionary Society of dohn Wesley M. K. 8. 8. had quite an _ énterestirg Program. Sunday July, ~ 28th, 1 he lund was tohelp the Cause g}* hirist J, W. Johneon. Pres. Annie- Bobinzon, See. Lydia Peck. Tresa E. W. 8. Peck Pastor.—T. H. Smith Sup. e \;fi% The Perkins Square Baptist Church bad a saered Coucert last Sunday - might. The musice rendred was excel- Jentana very approriate. alargeaud flfenw wue present dnd expressed a _ deene for avother soon. The Church aaddsB UGianted Rev. Wilhams a six weation which will begin in ace L. Smith of Montreal - CaMda. 1s visiting her farther Mr. . Jopn Simpson of 532 W. Beddle St. ;,[@‘b will temain in the ecity several Wafeks. 4 Mrs. Rosa Russell and her two Litersare summering at Saratoga. WS, Macy Ctan ar®® Children left n Friday tor Westmureland Co. to visit her Mother and rather. M 5 Rebecca Mack of W. Biddle St. e orgamst of Divisiou St. Baptist pday Sebool. ' r. Randolph Williatus son of Rev. ilhans spenks of entering Wayland ewinaly 1n the ta'l. Mr. (icorge Cornish of George St. iglej orted as ‘being tbe best tenor gongsier in the city. | . In Winston N. C, tneie are three ecluied city ecouncilmen representing as wany words. Besides there 1s a colored policeuan that does service n Saturday. The McKinley Base Ball Club de ated the Rose Buds of pouth Balti ore iast week at Mt. Winan, by a ore of 22 104, I'ne McKinleys nad ¢in for playthings. Hathinson the r piicher of the sleKinleys were in the Lox and struck out 13 Iwen, Wr.J.T. Hill speaks of guing tov Wayand Semmary ‘in the falt to staa) theology. . Last Sanday was a great day at Euon Baptist chureh. ‘T'he pastor preached tn the mworning to a full songegation, At 3p. m. Rev. AB. Jains and his congregation was pres sit, AL Bp. m. there was a full ouse 10 iisten to Dr. Kenunard, 'the sipts for the day was $93,61. Jored Catholic Local UJnion eering last Monday night at ier Lycemn, Courtiand St. to loageet the Narional Cartho whizh will meet in New near future. L Mr. Oli7zer Creoxion is manager of a tranch «f the sons & daughters of Esdras that meets attue uwon Hali on Orcharg St. Ll’rot’. N. M. Moore of of Myrtle «v€. as cowposed apiece of music whieh he thiuks putting before the publiec. Mrs: Johnson of 418 N. Plpe St. has recentiy returned from Little York " Pa. where she gpent about ten days. Mr. Ernest Johnson is fast gaining a repuialion asone of the mosy clever and scientitic boxers in the city. - He has (fieu been offered large sums " of mouey togoon the stage but he thinks such a step might prove aisas trous 10 hiw at present. Mr ¥, Scheidtone of old advertisers of South Baltimore says that Afro _Anfezican isone of the best papers in ~ the e¢ity to advertise in it. Sharon Bap ist Churech next Sun day. Qua: terly Rally to meet a note ou the debt. All the members and friends will ploase help just a little. W. M. Alexander Pastor. Mr. Novel Shephard and Miss Ida Harrigan were upited in Marrage at theresidence of Mr Hopkins, 1711 runt St., on July Blst,at 8 p. m. Mrs. Alice E. Mitchell of 546 W. Lanvale St. has returned to the city ‘after a pleasant visit to New Haven __eonn, her foimer howme. Mrs. Mitchell isinterested in a kinder garten School ehich is greatly needed. ast Sunday was a great day at the ped Woman’s Uniou Industrial - 3. F. M. Rev. Dr. Lee of ‘ wA.M .E. Church was present B ied a vory able cermnon nal picnic of st. lames P. - B 8 cchool, Mr. Gardison D, STy, Superintendent, iev, Geo. ¥ Bragg/ rector, had its picoic at Druia H:il Park. on last Wednesday.* Bniost delightfvl time wes had. | @ Miss tanie O. Waters, ove of our BE popufar schivol teachers. is spend > govde time uear Moutreal, Cana s Howard (irey, of West Lanvale . is spending sowe time in West Bitiva, | Mr. s d M}rs.(‘}. H. Gi'es, of Ensor Bt , Lave been on a trip 10 Harford ounty. L Catonsville Catchings. \ Alessrs Walter Green, Harry Web kv and 6enj. H. Harrison, with Risses Georgie Willinws and A. *3reen Peisited Catonsville as the guest of [ Miss Cornelia Crallie. They were pleasantly entertained by the nany society ladiesand geutlemen of the Fillage. Alter dinuer they were pre lented with a delightful ride through RRE ggt s g el Bt B S T e R R T L Geatinek ' . BAVIRGS - e SAVINGS : i | | 1 BANK, i <BANK.. | Tl No 314 N. ECTAW STa o No, 314 N. EUTAW STeii e No. 314 N. EUTAW ST, ™ B Gl Y R Bt P i Pays 4} Per cent Interest on Déttw Pays 4} Per cent luterest on Deporits. Pays 41 Per cent Interest on Deposits. 95 Cents up received on Deposits. 95 Cents up received on Deposits. 95 Cents up received on Deposits. OPEN AN ACCOUNT OPEN AN ACCOUNT. OPEN AN ACCOUNT. Bank Open Saturday Night From 7 10 10 Q’clock, - FACTS. 1. Inecorporated M.y, 1895. 9. Capita! Stock. $lO,OOO. 7 3 All Officers ard clerks bonded in the American Banking and Trust Cowpany." 4. Even it you have an account with every other Bank, open an aecount with “the Lexingto. Savings Bank* LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. E. J. Waring, BisL.opA. W. Way man, Georze M. Lane, W. H. Daly- J. H. Murphy. Dr. J. V. Brownmg, George B. Mills, V. E. Toney, Thos. H. Russell, George E. Hazleton. Hen ry R. Hooker. Gecrge W Barroll, Al fred H. Pitts, J. A. Seaton, Alex. Heweley, Julius C. Johnson, George Stanley, Walker W. Lewis, J. Edward Lansy, Kev. J. H. Collett, Rev. O, 1. Robiuson, Rev. John J. Jones, Rev. P. H. Green, Rev. P, H. A. Braxton, Rev.l.S. Lee. Levi White, Isaiah L. Brown, John T. Deaxer, Marcy o Garaner, William R, Mason, Robert Peters, Join H. Thomas. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, 314 N. EuTAw ST. OTHER CHURCH NOTICES. ‘ Division St. Baptist Charch. 1 Services as follows: Sunday school ) at $.37 a. m.and 230 p m,_ Preaching l at 11a. m. Preaching and the adin | istration of the Lord’s Supper at 8 p 'm. Wae call special attention of our ' members and the public at large tc | the well fitted lawn in therear of the ! chureh, at which place we will con. | duet our water-melon festival witk |othor refreshments At whiel T 8 literary and musical entertaimaes will go on during the montl of 8 nst. Cards of Admission T 8 Watermelon Free. with.a SESSSSE. gramme each evening Prosee the benefit of the building - furc =S order of the chureh. ‘A.;‘fé*fiifi@j_’qfi, | Pastor. 2 ';{*-'.‘L“.T‘-m‘ e ] e , Enon Baptist Church. ( Ll | | August 4. Preaching at 11 a. m | Speecial sermontothe S 8., Baptiz | ing and Comwunion at 4 p. m. At & ' p. m. Stranger. Sunday school at 9 a. m.and 2p.m_ Rev. Jores Wat kins, Pastor. Wm. Hol'iday, *Supt. " Thos. Brown, Cor. St. Johmm A. M. E. Temple Lexing ton St. near Pine. 11 A. M. Pastor special Sermon. 8. P. M. Holy Communion, sermen by Rev. S. V. Robinson. Sunday School 92.80 P.M 4. 15 Christiar Endever E J. Wering Esq, Supt. Rev. O. D. Robinson Pastor. i et A e Brooklyn, Md. y —_—lo— Dav service was held Sunday, July 228th. The fcllowing program was rendered: Openiug ad dress by C. C. Fitzgerald, Esq. Re sponsive service by Miss Sophia Sor reli. The mwusic was underithe direc tion of Miss Lizzie Wesley, of Balto. WASHINMNG MACHINES, All kinds og washing machines and wrirgers - ior sale. Exchanged or Repaired. John Trible, & Co 208 N. Eutaw St. Geo. H. C. Kiung, the colored ftailor at 567 W. Bidale St. ia ready to sup ply you with any style of suit that vou need. The best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repsiring Also special attention given ladies gar ments. A. Goldman. Fine hand-made e¢ig ars and Dealer in Tobacco, ;Pipes, &noff and Cigaretts. £O7 Druid Hill Avenue. Attention extended to all customers. MIDWIFE & NURSE. - Best eity References. MRS. K. HAMILTON, 626 North Eutaw dtreet, Baltimore. BARBERS. Andrew Gross, shaving parlor, 44 pPruid Hill Avenue. J.M. Fletcher, fashionable barber, Mcts. Shaving 10 ects, +ions and workman- uce St. Osbourne, Barber shop. atterson Avei Shaviug o, Shampooing. Child ting a specialty. n’s hair cutting shavin w: Lanvale st betw att;d Division ?t: Cislil ting a specialty. Sat nteed. ‘f::m honed B eSR i M i T S eR R B T L A yearer two agu a monument was | rected at Fort Mill.S. C.. to the mem | ry of the Confederate soldier who | had died for his country. Ttalian i, seulptors : re now a* work chiceling | »ut « statue graceful:y typical of the | Southern woman, whose endurance | in suffering, foriitnde in defeat and patience inaffliction have made herl ; immortal. ‘U'hismonument also will stand m?t »üblic square Fe othercountiz, Wik B e € Milksilte will “be i d. fi it botgebaiis e OoL e | Prate ®oldid* 111 every Southern State { and several memorials have been ded | iratmm?lm women of the South, | bu* nowhere has any shaft been rear- | ed to the Scuthern Negro. Thesrate | and the South and the world will be ,i indebted to Capt. Samuel t. White, | of Fort Mill, for this restimonial of ! gratitude to the hnmbiz and faithful slave who fed the Southern armles | while th.y fought, and who protected | with snblime devotion the wowen | aud children committed to their care. | 1 In his great oration at the Texas | State Fair. the greatest in our opin-| jou. of his many wonderful public ad- | dresses, on *“The Soudh aud her Prob | lems.” Henry W. Grady, of Geoigia | paid a wmost eloquent tribure to ihe | loyalty of the Southern Negro, as fol- ! lows: . L History has no parallei to the faich | kept by the Negro in the South dur jug the was. Often 510 negroes 10 a | gingle white man, and yet through | there dusky throngs the women and | childreu walked insafety and the un | protecced homues restéd in peace. Un- | marshalked the biack battalion mov- | ed putiently to the fields in the morn I ing to feed the armies their idleness | would have starved, and at night 1 gathered anxiously at the big house | 10 ‘‘liear the news from wmarster,” | though couscious that his victory | wade Iheicchaims“euduring. kvery | where humble aad kindly; the body- | guard of the belpless, the rough com- | panions of the lictle ones, the obser vaut friend, the silent sentry in his lowly cabin, tke shrewd couuseler, | and, when the dcad came howme, a | mournerat the open grave. A thous- ! aud torecues would nave disbanded | every Southe)n army, but not oune | wasiighted. When Jne wmaster,go- | ing to the war in which tiavery was invoived, said to his slave, I leavce | wy house and loved ouesin your i charge,” the tenderuess between wman | and master stood diselosed. And | when the slave heid that charge sa- | cred, turough storm and tewptation, | he gave new meaning to faith and | loyalty. 1 rejoice that, when freed ol came tovhim, after jyears of wait mg, 1t was ali the sweetc” because | the black hands from which the shackles fell were s ainless of a single erune agaiust the helpless ones cou fided 1o his care. | ~ Mr. Grady was right when he said | hiscory has no parrallel 10 the taith kept by the Negro in the South dur ; ing the war; and we areglad that au ola Confederate soldier of South Car olina—who fought tor Southern inde | peundence 1n the war between the | stales even as his fathers fought for Americau independence in tue Wer of the revolution--we are glad that ' he wiil have the honorabie dist ne | jon of beiug the first 1o pay this axibuie 10 Southeru slave. | SBl honor to Samuel E. White, of | Pt Milil Hisexawmple should be au | BiFation (o the people of the South | R 0 shonld esteem it a sacred duty O fesc the od Coufederate Cap- | b 01 i coluwu 1o the douth | eru Negroin the war. Lhis monu- | ' ment suould not be the graterul work | of one mwaun, but it shou d ve built by | ! the whole people ot the South, aund | ' be buil. under the direct auspices of | Southern wowen aud cbidren.— Charieston Lews and Cowrider. ‘ AMEMORIAL HOSPITAL, , The following from the New York | Tribune, Isof speclal iuterest Lo us | as a pecpie, in vhat it shows how the | view of a slave-holder as to the men- | tal capacity of the Negro race, was | refuted by the ability of a slave used | 10 prove That the lnaster’'s v.ew Wwas the true oue. Surely the wewzory of | br, Me¢Donougn should be pepetuat ed: ! A MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. | Auticles ot Incorporation for an Insti- | tution in Memory of Dr. M¢Donough | fited: ihe work uf the coiwred peo- | ple. :’ . MeCants Stewart, the weil-| known colored lawyer ot tedar Si., has just filed the ariicies of incorpor- | atiou of the MeDouough Memorial | Hoepital. No praueal work tuward | the es:ablisbm. nt of the hospital bas | yet been accomphished, but a Me- | Douough Hospital Asso., has been | formed. lLis officers are Dr, V. A, Johusou, president; Dr. W, M. Live ly, seereiary, and Dr. G. Henderson, | assisted by a direcrorate of uine weu | and women, occupyiag respouosibie positious among the colored inbabi | tants of this ¢ivy. dhere is already a | large suiu of mouey ia readiuess for | the work, and it is proposed to luse | no tithe in sclecting u rive and ereet: | ing n vuilding. now large or \\'hat; its capacity wil be the directors | have not determined: 1u hashow- | ever, been decided that alie hospital | sball be thrown opeu 1o all classes wiLout regard to'race or ereed. One of the wost iuterestin, feat ures counected with the new LOSpit- | al will be its perpetuationof the wem ory of the late Dr.. MeDonough who, | though a colmedmu,aeqmimfi such | skilt awong his profession thur bhe numbered awoug his patients a large | numwber of well-known soeial people and whose cleverpess was so geceral- | ly acknowiedged that be was frequent | ly calied upou as a consulting physi-| clan by eminent white docmr’s. 1n | many respects Dr, MeDonough's his | ory was remarkable one. He was | born a siave in New Urleans about | 1828, aad as a boy was appreutu;edg to the paiuting trade. His education | came out of a _heated discussion bis | master had with a friend. In a cou- [ troversy as to the meuntal capabilities l of the negro, the latter contended that the colored race was not suscep { tible of high scholastic attainwments, and offered to back his opiuion by a substancial wager. ‘The challenge was %eapzed, and young MecDon ough was selected by his master 10 :l;xiergg the experimeunt. He gras ehtto Latayette College, Eastor®® 1. | and "mg-d* raduated at the age C& V enteen. Heafterwards came gy =e | ’flbi}‘w‘w‘\ ’ 14} | »‘z ¥ ;x”"r TR U ‘."a",, S »xg'"%’& RER eI R T jeo. Schuler's ; Drv goods and notions House 771 Jolumbia aveuue. ket Barre aud Scott Sts. - Grana attraciion at J. P. Evauns Shaving Parlor 941 N. Howard, St. Rarbers comnic, Barbers grave and §#k of all barbers sober. Infurmation rezarding different styles of hair tlim tine. chearfulley given at the mod *% i e prices of 13 ets. ell & Schwarzkhoph, manufac @rets of trunks, traveliug bags and leather Goods. Tranks sent for, re- | Baired and delivered. 324 N. Eutaw St. near Mulberry. Why not join the Esdias, it is the best soeiety in the city or state. Send your applicaticn to the office. Only | 0 cents to - join the beneficial claSS,‘ Office 590 & .. Mary St. G. B. Mills, | W. S. | | Bo! Eo!l Here you are! The best ‘ hund made shoes in the city. Spring bottows, (ow heels aud all styles of porting shoes a syecialty. Popular prices, Hoffman & Co., 914 Druid Hill Ave. When you want a first-class meal, go to William’s New York Luunch par lor. : EXPRESSMEN. H. L. Johnson, expressman, delivers baggage and packages to all steai boats, rail road stations and to all parts of the city at shortest notice Call at 1108 Woodyear St. and 504 MecMechen St. FLORIST. George H, Siddons, florist, boquets, wedding and funerai desigus, ever greens anccut flowers a specialty, 418 Myrtle Ave. ' TAILOR: A. Jacob, merehant tailor, cleaning, Scouring, dyeing aund repairing of ladies aud gents clothes neatly done Suits from $lO up and pants from ¢3, up at 202 Richmound Sr. John Oberseider, Blerchant tailor, 624 S, Fremont ave, Balto: Pants made to order from $5 vp. Suits to order %15 un: Good tit TENTS, Hooper & Co. successors to Geo, R. King £wnings, tent & “flag mano facture’s, 302 W. Lexington St. near Howard. Eloor linens, decorations and wedding eanopies to hire, GRCCERS. Nicholas Weoster, wholesale and re tail dealer in Coal and Wood, 567 Orchard St. betw. Penna and Druld Hill Aves, - The place to get your meals during the heated term isJ. Ararat Williams dining rooms, Light and Water Sts Hibline’s, Pictures, mirvors, frames; Frames made to order, 945 W, Bal timore St. near Schioeder John Sterkel, Fire insurance, rates on Furniture one year 40 cts. $lOO. I'hree years 80 cts. $1o( FEive years &;1:‘20 cts $lOO. Whlolesale and re -lail stocks at lowest rates. 304 Wa ter St: U'elephone 66. Philadelphia Lunch Room, 16 S. Lib erty street. Meals at «ll hours at 10 15 and 25 ets, Oysters inevery style Johusou & Bros, prop: e e et e e Business Nofiees. J. W. Delson, dry goods house, Bar gains in clotl iug, gents furnishing goods, hats, eaps. and umbrellas, Big sale losting 30 days Gents cloth ing and hats ¢an be bought at one half price 576 N. Gay St, W. »l. Hermle & Co. manufacturers tranks’ satchels and valises. Sam ple cases a speciaity. 320 W. Lexin ton St. Branch Store:—9o3 W. Balti timore St. James Armstead Jr. dealer in mens ladies, misses, boys and childrens shoes. The only cuiored shoe “store in thewest-end, the echeapest in the city. S. W, cor. Arlington avenne apd Saratoga st. Confectioners. : John C. Minnis, ice cream manufact ner, wholesale and retail Confeec tionaries and notions, 534 W. Bid dle St. . Mrs, M. A, Muse, dressmaking, dye ing seouring, and c¢leaning and chiidreu’s ready made clothes All work doue neatly and promptly 2024 Etting street, DRESSMAKER! | | Miss Mary C.Wilson, fashionable and | plain dresemaki g at home or out | by theday or week. All orders by { mail promotly attended to. No. 611 | North Dallas street. 5 Tc ~svemoneyon hand made shoes | Fo tu Aodrew Kaduck, the working } men’s shoe slore, 913 Peansylvani | Avenue, men'sshoesmade solid | Leather warraated, $2 to $2,75. Sew | e $2,75 to $5. Give us a call and | be convinced. Repairing neatly | done. Men’sshoes half solea and l heeled 75 ets. Shoes sold on com | mission, : e g The Young Mea's MelKiniay Repub(i can Club meets evers ] ve | at 8 o'clock at Baker BE el All voters of the 12th wardase eogdialy invited to attend theseßetings; by | order ot A. J, Callis, présise™ | David Lyon, ne#” ana used furniture ; Carpefs housenold effects, Store | and office fixtures, pianos, orgens, | ete. 702 704 N: Eutaw St adjoining | engine house: Cash for entire house holds: Rare bric-a brae, brasses, | Ete: Autiques aspecialty: | Merechant tailoring, Adam Geyer, l pants from $3 uvp all wool, Suits | from $lO up. all wool @ood fit guar | anteed 232 S. Fremont St. former- | 148 Lomlard, ] Mme. Susiana Edwards Cold Spriog < Grove Cammp RéStaurant, Yeals at all hours, confectionaries, cl_)mce [ fruits, ice eream and Soft drinks. York Road and Oxtord Ave.—lm Alo. J. G.Matthew’s ice cream parlor; sott drinks on ice ond allkinds of choice confectipnrries, opposite the Gospel Tent at Hurley's Grove, Wil kens Ave. { 2miS7. Afro-Ameriean Printing office, 1216 N. Fremont Av@a Neat work done Go to Wiliiam Pdey, the great mer chant tailorand price cutter, 926 . Hanover Bt, Th cheapest and best in South Baltg' best Society in fe City or state send yous apgiieafiog o the ofivs oL | U Nean St 88, . Friiy AR e METPR-YL. 0 i SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING | 8 —TnE— Standard Baking Co. OF BALTO. Has opened and started another i Bakery at 920 Pennsyivama Avenue. | 10 Doors above Biddle St L ; | H. Manning - E. 8. Clarke. Manning & Clarke, 809 PEnNNA AVE. | Have cpened up our new place with l A *ULLLINE OF g *: Confectionaries :* At Wholesale and Retail. which are% of the best quality. We cordially | invite our friends and public 1o call || as they will receiva the best attention 1 J. R. ROBINSON, 3 € k Coal & Wood, @ Office: & Yard, 672 W. GERMAN ST. | Oppo. Penn. | Patent Dump carts. Orders by mail ‘ | % promptly attended . L Basil Hutchins ) | - Agents. § Geo. T. Lewis, ) ; WASHING 'ON LEE, | | Furniture - Wagon, ; 216 W- HILL ST. | Stand, 8. E Corner Hill and Sharp St l Trunks and Baggage carefully re- ‘, ‘movedand called forand daliveredto | } all parts of the City. | i . —VISIT— | ! ’ ;w ]-{ J ? | Carters - hestaurant, ‘ 514 DRUID HILL AVE. } Meals at all hours and in first-clasB | | style. 1 Sfi%ial rates to Colored Theatrical | Troupes. Best accomodations inthe | city. Boarding by the day or week 3 t 1 3 - = i T MRS. COOPER'S | | ° { l Boarding House, | Best Accomodations in the City. | | Meals SBerved. Special rates to Color | sed 1 heatrical Troops. | | A direct line of rapid trausit passes | thedoor to all parrs of theeity. 1213 Park Ave, Balto. 6mA | L o e JOSEPH OPERMAN, | Merchant ‘ | 1 Tailor, | allor, | Suits Cut and made to Order. » : Good Fit Guaranteed. g 1023 Penna. Ave. I e e DIENER & KNIFRIM. | Merchant Tailors | SIPEARL BT | Suits to order frem si2 up. i ? Pauts from $4 up | | i ; | | ; .Dyemg, Sc«-ur'mg, | ' Repairing, and Pressing neatly | done. Vit style aud quality | } Strictly guaranteed. 3 1 Suitsecourld and Pressed 75 ets. ' | Dyeing, Repairing and Altering | ! Neatly Done- § | | | F.MANTLEY & I. H. HOWARD, | - —Wholesale & Retail dealers in— ’ @ ‘ . | —AND— g % 784 W. PRATT ST. Formerly at 262 Chesnut St. Orders | promptiy attended 10 in any part of | the eitv i PRINTING Excursion | Posters and | g Tickets LETTER-HEADS, | j I i e 3 | i ENVELO PES, i OARDsi Mo/ hhi SERR o lALMAEIILERIL : ST R R ew upright pianos, , §5 per month. | - New Organs $3 per month. *| ccond-hand Instruments at al » Prizes. Tl G, O De Muth, Manu# ' )ffice: 210 N. Calvert St. 5 Residence.—l4oo Harl Ancient Benevolent O : Brothers & sisterseg Sons& Daughters | OF ESDRAS. g g A e el . & Ay S R& ° ' Office and Hall dor. St. Marv St. & Penna Avenae Call or address for information, The A. B. O. of Esdras is the best Secret Bencficial Order in the states and gives more forless than any oth er society in the State. All persons | that are sound in body and mind and ’ of good moral standing over 14 'year, and under 60 yvears are eligible to ‘ mewmnbership. ‘ luitiation fees, - . $1.50 DTS, ASSESSMENTS, KTC i Monthly dnes, - - - B 0 Annual dues, - - . 24c Widows duaes, - - 25 ¢ at the death of a member | SICK & DEATH BENEFITS. Sick benetits, - $9,00 per week Death benefits, - - $50,00 Widows dues, - $75 to $125. The weetings are held every Mon® pay, Wednesday, Friday nights and Saturday afterncons. The beneficial class E meets daily at office. Officefopens daily from 9a. m. to 3 p. m GEo. B. MILLs,W. Shipherd. Georganna Sulivan, W. V. Shepherd, C- C. Fitzgerald, Attorney, V. T. Carr, Medical Director. MARY C. GARDNER, Treasurer, HoRACE B. MIrLS, Secretary. " MRS. MARY E. KELLY, —FIRST-CLA S Ice cream Parlors. All kinds of Flavors an-1 the best acecomodations. Popu lar prices Don’t Forgettbe No. 13 CLAY ST. npear Hotel . Rennert News - Stands Where the Afro-American can be ¥rFound. s i 27 West L.anvale Street. 203 Richmond Srtreet. 937 Elm Place. 912 N. EUTAW STREET. "~ SPECIAL NOTICE If you waunt to buy or rent houses call on Spamer & Co.. 210 N. Calvert. GEQ. W. PIERSON Dealer in new aud Second Hanpd : e BT FURNITURL Carpets, stoves, Varieties, Etc. High ¢et cash priees paid for household effects. 514 Penna Ave. cor. Pearl St Furnitureand Piapos removed to all parts of the eity or country. Furni ture Ete. packed, stored and shipped M. B. RUSS, " o €. - L. ,Sz gn @ ainter, AND GILDER, Signs or every discription neatly exe cuted. 1510 N. Frewont Ave., Baltimore, Md R ————————— JOS. & DETE, Cheapest man in the city. Dry : Goods, | ~Notiom, Kid Giovesand__ gents fuentsßing goods 875 N. Howard St. .” Oppo. the Armory. Gents fur nishing goods and Waiters jackets and aprons specialty BIG VARIETY OF LADIES SHIRT WAISTS. & ____———_:—:_—-_-—————“__________——————___—W————m—- R —JAMEs H. NEALE’S,— O*- ® B Shaving & Hair Cufting PARLOR,— 205 RICHMOND STREET, near Park Avre; Baltimore, Md. Opildrens Hair Cutling A Specialty; Ladies hair trimmed jand shampooned at their homes: Razors Honed and Put in the Best C° "~ 1008 S, CHARLES ST. 1008 Men, Women and Children f you your wife or your children are in need of Shoes, do not d«ny yourself or vour families of them. You can buy for the LOWEST PFICES + ! ’ ' ) N ! oy bbt Meo's, Doy's Voudk', ladi’s Misses or Chidmn's ® ’ | At Fr. Scheidt's,” ‘ i MTHEEUTAW GLO E —-'I‘I{E FINEST OF ITS KIND IN THE | Fine -+ () Boys, Youths. & Gents A Full line of all the latest:ty_log_. - Meorchant Tailori Meas, DOYy'Sy dOoßwe@ v s e Ladi. -, Misses and Childrens B styles at Lowest Prices. B ind black oxfords 49c. up lid oxfo) ds - 98e,up - s‘; ?)‘ } § afjido [Boes § $1,23 aud up. - stessup - uths. iéhool shoes 75 ots. : Babds. 19 cts. and ug A falte fisses’ and childrens patent leether strap Sandale @ 85¢. 75¢. 86¢ per pair. Cheapest in the city. 704& 706 Druid Hill Avenue. GEO. W. TILGHMAN. Boot & Shoe MAKER, 451 St. Mary St., cor. Little Mon ument. Please call. All work neatly done at low prices. —-THE PLACE TO BUY— ; Bhear- Shoes! . * -~ IS AT -BROOK'S ) 1201-1203 Patterson AVENUE, Cor. Stockten St. A full line of ladi=s’ Misses and echild -ws black and Ruasset shoes. M o Tk mmeeies o N o 0 : Spamer & Co. ( 210 N, Calvert St. —REAL ESTATE BROKERS .~ | - __, ‘—HOUSHS— : ' in all parts of the city for sale or rent. | E Money to Loan. f ‘Just Think Of it, A FINE ALL WOOL PANTS | Y - T 0 ORDIR FINE DRESS PANTS —sgt $5 ;fg%z: .SUITS TO ORDER : - 312 and up. WEARWEL-S#ANTS COMPANY, 1054 Penna. Ave.