Newspaper Page Text
G - ,s‘«' f‘ i “| ‘ *‘»Ufiw, A%‘;i'i.,.‘;z-" W m ‘ poni . e N 02, ,Q:'i*’fff, «- L ‘ | v 4 rffi? ;{ of ?s“’“neri .» fi ;‘? n m , .. \ ] -<:-';,;"‘ iy' }1; : sp e '~fs,‘4.”\‘&fl ;”:fi‘ ) \\ g *"?;»5? g ga;h p‘};'u : | : ;’2‘ Xx kq" 31: t‘ l | i i 8 ‘ ;‘F!"”‘r & ’W ~?fj',\‘,;,-" in ;fi - ,L@ 7| fie a«& - ‘;l @ . fflww* moP, b | I%‘ @;ii»c{*-g.;fl il on o ;;3, * . . fl?fl %fitfis’“ Qér :c ) ‘M{gmw 3 *‘M*”‘ iEp i e i ,r !?}9- zh: ¥*" fifif , ¢‘p‘—f %M Ejgg‘gfi lant s g’s-,el‘ g “JF "F L i . 3‘214;:*:“1‘%%&“*:?" At rflkll?t%t(e *sxn 1 :L% Ta}fgwl .‘»»:\;ij':iu_- tlea S aed .(]Bl ivgsr,‘* u o d.g‘;or : n wfi&g il Blslanes‘co erbee " Y - | ': o : “ngs ggt Offe rban- ‘ g‘& ‘eat * a U : ‘ ,| | It ¥ ’ "v.w ,f-_?w? u‘ a e 1e }.] f 7} ';{k%mwfi‘f‘é*‘ !ic- di » ! d B *:@ b e' : 2 eh . the, ‘ c-ny 1 dt , ‘ i‘m;.fifi;fi \l ~ug{l rill ho aen rcn i i | a‘*‘ u“h b mttu 0 ! 1 | fi%fi ;i:_O (‘.s& to of acbngng; ";" '"sa?z avfm& er’; Iol:n'l ssi m : zg%%%t fl'i‘”» te::Os argtxs i‘tdliag%s’} z:,ufygagr;;p;,l}, in. 4& :;f'_‘a’;,- th th(, B*paw e ‘ . ‘” wue .. ni ing ed 8 | ‘i m ‘B “t ne . Gl ‘%ni? na'es ;a ‘ r::isti s Lfifizatf:arfia.y dlep’at. 5 | : fith: ifliilun o a“BSa\X‘Pfis q‘ )“"’ ;’t :v S arglonpeg‘ ide‘v' ; #,nfi’ex 1 £ J‘i’censu‘;xe ‘ ’ fig n er of b (:Op-lit f *‘wfi e j L Resegeome ail | .é‘»'vlfl iy-h lar [th a‘%S { i“’'fith T’ fla.’O‘ y ey.lB PI}O i }" iy sfiqfi lvef£hn ¢ St'm‘:\‘ ; ( ” " Y va‘S,et&;lo ‘2sl’,’ in | y ‘g“ Wfifiol g”n ur (:191 ' *l& i s e io‘i‘emx- g “'zr; ..1~ ar 90 x | ,isf" ou()f ; | :daYa ) B, ~B"'t,av 1 iv it i « *’ ;g b ms’enfitn | WW‘%- ‘p“‘" 13020 vfl?e in_ | : 'pf””’n of ;tyd QtL ,nqud i wa ;"lifl, ;_’-r% 1t wa of oW X a S"% i '%;M Y "’; " ngn r:t/1e | : . Ty 4 g{" f i‘ur .]i %asenr ( Illk ’ ” 2L ti er a_t‘ OOOC | fi’ o 8 ify .szi ifi’ et 1‘?;1 il o hfi;‘ 3? fvt-‘ i e“‘itg) vlileaolge od t 4&% c. A ;»%‘;. ?hgrg EW el %3%“1 ai)r";% ry };& ‘vovtof»h ro o L 9 | :”ff&e t{h“&“ellfiac;u' 1 kclosE- | | ? et 4 .xfiull h re ddN. ; ‘m**‘; o o y5B e l &fier a th?i }113% lx[xs tlss ‘ 'w ) ever tecont asefvei,f;st | ’s‘2 139 errs?cl?élfy b‘obllsllllpi_r gio ‘ P '1()1 st er to yey tp{fr l pr % Lt P b;p f a " 1 ‘“‘”»’-é?s%f%-t,za;r I .fi;w a}ls 1 y Oss‘ : V fiyt‘::ts‘f"gd ? ,:j‘ ¢» . . - ’ e nM"y :“fi i s | i pint anl 1 o D " A” ¢ b ite 7o 1€ ah § | EI? v‘e rf_'h W b Cfi(r AT 1 &1?;;? ft@hc g nt;tinatmr: ' % ’?3 o !fi} i g a @‘Stjg; " ‘k / ‘ hcl ne ¥ pr- Di a j zhi zm ;s r‘f Wehgspsh‘f'?o w | js flw",a'?r B?afi‘ at Mgehipgfl ,’lrtl h‘f‘}‘” ‘91%;3‘ ngbt:i:‘ " lsi ng or I}zl: 1 3‘5 fi&?%fh&mfe] 153{1e : i ; ¥ : | n ¢t ‘3O %, . iy S*{Pe‘t. ,Vitft 5 ; osl s l a\’ | w ;'?55? lntnd ii | Mig "{énctdfi:s | ¢ T :y,a m ;) 5 ; : ; | ;‘\‘ ;’ Na',?flie bg)rotnsrifig };E’fifil‘ at mdeft- ‘ E. s “”A%agim a a“v‘f, wflb“,el;fl:d *“:;z. si,&*i.éé‘?}‘zufi%zm i i wfid“a%; ray, Hes aa 44 . | 0,(1% Sur eNia | . tm iu‘il' I(_‘,h : Cs,as L 3(“ hlre i lk *G' fi '.i.a‘ii ' '”ge P, “F' on # elpllolxe | f"‘Y M‘; oar m e tc m d it t i nd/M 3 in J t.ana.,a i ifu | ‘fi}‘ndlh;e; »C,tl.v‘ 8 ijl[)hlßgtefl thy: I biac . .a s , v m&%x? RAet\.X st)dli)e‘ifiz:elfi‘ | fi!’fy{& - F;urfrowfio‘a brt; } W | '7"‘-;;',;,? 4y v, r x bt " flfime a y€& a 5 e e s ‘o | & fiwfl M ta?than “’Sonrez ng) z Id°i - ’%g&;r 3, s o b Lhifxld])i‘v'r | mt , .ng.u.“te" F (WF. g | - a 0 ,;Snyfiv JII'I' 17%11 t W Se. ;,‘,Qmßay' f g 8 b § ézh« rr;ra <in e es‘l 1 ’; s 3 «s;;fis r‘,g“ chds -n"fc sz‘ ¥ :‘ f.;’ : in n 1 he gl El)i b ¢ 210 i o ;- e glt Ll o L | | . i ? i@gi‘fl e ‘vlll"er]e fi 4 #ifi alk ;nindto‘ 1, ?g \ . g w S s- | ; ii v e ,1“9;111 ‘l‘{9 ks ng i | llie ren e | ‘rk“% ,1“,?59 ]'JWh Ja"sl) n 1| | 4 H?&‘;’:‘Q Le Nya itl = ’;‘it w ity “'!er‘ i s*’& I dree y s : EA‘F i (:‘*‘am Arn al;mt‘gcrd' i"sdk‘n l | aféfflfla} Asep or{:t'n " ys‘ee i :i:’ * “an ce otoke w i "EE “‘ t G:O v Z %as Oche is i ; ; 3,1% :,e | i l " % ?fls gt i ;f i6l b . n urk d M ta ; iW@ et «a,ty g nel %:?% ff’ }cl ‘ a?}‘e fpe ‘2* | Tfiwxg%“% “;he .ge ey ste‘- SOilcltrey 1 | ?‘K%% By L ‘fingk ©O 4 F ing i i?* D; Fanth:s. ” \ &i. ‘w f‘,":"’}/e'ffif ]gL ] | fiil f}’ ii?i“ J 15 ¥ eftj i «‘,:”‘j n“ L »”i ML;, ! ’:‘ o k > - »v‘*’f‘\,. i 1 5 i,, i% on i) | W*g*% sheos a 8 ro | %‘A;’%«J”fi’é R Bi"‘;ty . §t3r- of} | KT‘ b ii‘w Y 4 f»c hi'.! or t | | } .‘;i 2, %l St it 4 | ue ealT o , I: : i ' xim!lk’gm ingtor i rn ",;f‘mfm‘éo ‘?%g:‘;- c f;Ae:;; wfi“ erpyi B}agti % f’% ‘*W ~,i,te, ‘, a goLHg- I%@*"e i !‘fiE | “ E' ', ! ;anr) -in th ! \Y \ * k »&;Jl))ln%l’\,ei; : B “ ;Z ('Dé clln < ,hfis I fm st a 8 to Dnghe 1 ** %%@ai ; - fxv:v i 's* ffif»-. e d f P’ i%, , gl i " %‘L\ fl‘i*“* mMn o. . ; ?;f s i : "é » g . 3 ; | ; wayerrelurned bowme, i& e TT M s A lveider whid A isit to Richiond Va. returnel . Mrs.N. J. Morris of Phila. who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs. Wash ington of Pierce St. has returned ‘home. - | Miss Lottie Hyson and her sister Annie after s jending three weeks in I.aneaster Co. Va. has returned to the k. ‘ The North Western Suppiy Co. will turn outat John Wesley M. E, Chureh seernd Sanday night in Sent. President Daly wants every rto meet him at the Church iy 7302, M., - | Southern Business Association 1 e corner of Eutaw and HJ - | 'Sts. reports much progre /!1 | Iheir busipess. New membew/ s | ‘taken inateverv monthly me¢ o and the outlook is good. e The Supply Compary store at 623 i Sharp St. holds its own. Every thing fresh. The store is always full of the very best groceries. Th. store is one i of the best in South Baltimore. The i FB. C. flour is selling in a walk. | Mis< Anpnie Penn who has been visiting in Caye May, N.J. basretu rned. | Mr. Thcmas. W. Winn who hasll been visitivg Lunenburg Co. Va. has returued. | Mr. Ges. P, Biddon the popular and well known florist of 418 Myrtle ave. has recently returned rrom a long trip to Atlantic city. Asbury Park and other sumier resorts. | An excursion was run from Chamers f burg Pa. to Baltimore Wednesday by the Zion A. M. E. Church. Rev. Simon was manager with several | assiatants. The excursionis s were about 200 strong. They were accomp- | anied by the Campbell cornet Band. Some saw the Baltimore Pittsburg | game, 2 Rev. Belt pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church. Movrtgomery St. | speaks of the Afro-Awerican as being | an up to date journal. He has done | a great deal -toward helping the | naper. j Miss lola Cargill Daughter of Dr. ! Cargill is visiting friends in Lancas- | ter County Va. , We take espevial plea®ire in anno- | uncing that Mr. Steward A. Cooper has accepred the Presidency of the | Eastern Branch of the North West | ern Family Supply Co. which meet at | Asbury Hall every Wednesday eve. | Mr. Cooper is rated as one of the best | Baltimore’s experts in Churck: and | society work. é ee e s R P et | A VWorthy Charity. | Ameng the wany worthy iostitu tions in this city of a benevolent pur | pose is the ¢nlored Baptist Orphanage | and Home for Colored Chiidren at | 422 Ccurtland St. Mrs. 8 W. Merri- | weather isthe active and enthusiastic | president of the institution. At pres| ent within the iustitution, receiving | the care and attention of those who | have c¢barge of it, are thirty children. t As thisiustitutionis & labor of love | and depends for its support upon the | voluntary charity of tho-e who are minded to show their Jove for their| Saviour by earing for the “Orphans” | Donations a:e alwavs in order and | the more earncst, active and aggres | sive interest on the part af the trust | ees of the Home is earnesty desired ! by thie President. l Ebenezer Church. ! Last Sunday wasa big day with the | congregagior: of the Eberezer A, M. | E. chureb, in South Baltimore, the | Rev. kil e, D, D ‘pastor. The! oceasion Was 'a tinancialrally upon | the partbg’fifi!; chnreb aud the congre | gation of fi?’esle\ M. K. chureh | was in attendanee to heip in the fin | ancial stroggles. There were services | all day. Arnthe3d p. w. the Rev. C. | W. Fitzhugh, a former pastor of the | chureh, tothe delight and edification | of all, preached anadmirable sermon | Tre Troir sustained i.s reputation and powured forth beautifu! and en chanting music which greatly added to the evjoyment of the occasion. A liberal ofierivg during the day was made, S. 8. Convention to Meet Oet. 17th. At the called meeting of Sundav School workers, at I'rinity Chureh, last Weduesdny.night, a State Sunday Schiool Coavention was ordered for QOctober 17th . Thedlonveation was ordered for Oect. 17th. The Conven tion was urged by State Supt. Rev. Wm. A. Baker/and tbe General Suu day School Missionarv. 1. . Jones, A comwittee was appointed to in vite the Couferences and l the various Sunday Schools of Balti ' more to cooperate in working up the Convyention. Rev.J. W. Becketrt, D. 1), is prerident and Mr. Wm. G. Thomas of Grace Presbyterian church acted as secretary. A GRAND RECEPTION. There was quite a brilliant recept tion given by Mrs. Pickett of 534 W. Biddle St., on Monday eve, last, in honorof her grand daughter, Phiiana _Anthony. The rooms were beauti fully decorated with flowers, and the guests were handsowely dressed for the oceasirn. ~ Among those present were Misses Rosa Diggs, Cora Spencer, Birdie Pierce. Biauche and Bessie Dickerson Messis James Mead, Wm. Butler, John Jones Harry Procior, Jessie ' Anthony, Samuel Servant and others. | Miss Clara May sand Miss _b‘rertrude aided Mrs. Pickettin receiving. ~ The presents viere handsome and the rousie grand. Mrs. Jackson, Mrs Maek, Mrs. Schuyler viewed the pleas ant party. i' WON BEY A COLORED BOY. _There wasan exciting foot race on Tuesday, Aue, 27th at 6:30 a. m. “around the lake at Druid Hill Park, a ’ distance of one and 'a quarter mile, for 1 gold medal, which was won by i Pau! Lawson, champion colored mile ruun r of Baltimore, who covered the distanee in nine minutes and twenty seconds. His cowpetitor was Fred ghite, who was completely bn the & streeth, and when inted for home, he was llow. He was bea.texgsby _ The ladies who witneSsed g e oy 52 S osa Lawson. - eh% Schwarzkhoph, mapufac urers of trunks, traveling bags and leather Goods., Trunks senf for, re- I paired and delivered. 324 N. Eutaw ! Bt. near Mulberry. < Ho! Fo!!Here you are! The best hund made shoes in the city. Spring hottows, .ow heelsand all styles of portiug shoes a sj e cialty. Popular pricec, Hoffwan & Co., 914 Druid | Hilt Ave. i When you want a first-class meal, | i go to William's New York Lunch par- | lor. ! | H. L. Johnson, expressman, delivers{ } baggage and packages to all steam | i boats, rail road stations and to all t ! parts of the city at shortest norice | - Cail at 1108Woodyear St. and 504 | McMechen St. ] i FLORIST. George H, Siddons, florist, boquets, wedding and fanerai designs, ever | @greens anc cut flowers a specialty, | 418 Myrtle Ave. ; z TAILOR: " { { A. Jacob, merchant tailor, cleaning, | Scouring, dyeing and repairing of | ladies and gents clothes neatly done ! I Suits from $lO up and pants from | ¢3, up at 202 Richmond Sr. ! | John Oberseider, Merchant tailor, | l 624 S, Fremont ave, Balto: Pants l made to order from $3 vp. Suils fo | order 15 up: Good fit | ' The Young Meu’s McKinley Republi i can Club meets every Taesdayeve | | atBo’cloeck at Baker St. Hall All |- | voters of the 12th ward are cordialy b E invited to attend these weetings; by f : | order ot A. J, Callis, pres’t. [ ' David Lyon, new ana used furniture l ! | Carpets housebold effects, Srore % £ | audoffice fixtures, pianos, orgens, | ¢ | ete. 702704 N: Eutaw St adjoining | . . engine house: Cash forentire house | | holds: Rare bric-a brae, brasses, | . Ete: Autigues aspecialty: ; ' Merchant tailoring, Adam Geyer, } . pantsfrom $3 up all wool, Suits | ; from $lO up, all wool Good fit guar | | | anteed 232 S. Fremont Bt. former- | . 148 Lomlard, | . Mme. Susiana Edwards Cold Spriuvg | - Grove Camp Restaurant, Meals at ] all hours, confectionaries, choice || fruits, ice cream and Soft drinks. | ] York Road and Oxtord Ave,—lmalo. | ~J. G.Matthew’s ice ecream parlor; | % soft drinks on ice ond allkinds of f ] ichoice confectionrries, opposite the! ] ' Gospel Tent at Hurley’s tGirove, Wil- ! J kens Ave. 2mS7. { : Go to Wiliiam Pacy, the great mer- } ] ' chant tailorand price cutter, 926 Hanover St, The cheapestand best | | ' in South Balto- | TENTS, : Hooper & Co. successors to Geo, R. - ’ Kimyg Awnings, tent & flag manu- | | facture’s, 302 W. Lexington St. near | . Howard. Floor linens, decorations and wedding canopies to hire, E The place to get your meals during ' the heated term isJ. Ararat Williaws ' ' dining rooms, Light and Water Sts |- i Philadelphia Lanch Room, 16 8. Lib- | . ertystreet. Meals af all hours atlo % | 15 and 25 cts, Oysters inevery style | . Johnson & Bros, prop: t ' W. sl. Hermle & Co. manufacturers | . tranks’ safchels and valises. Sam . ple cases a specialty. 326 W. Lexin J . ton St. Branch Srore:—9oB W. Balti | ~ timore St. o 1& ; Confectioners. .:g L John C. Minnis. ice creamul manufact- | | - uer, wholesale and retail. ' ‘Confee- |- ~ tioparies and notions, 534 W. Bids{, Tc¢ ~svemoneyon hand mad é:‘ hoes | - Fo to Audrew Kaduek, the working | ~ meun's shoe s/ore, 913 Peangylva || Avenuse, men’sshoesmad@ solid | Leather warraated, $2 to $2,75. Sew | . e $2,75t0 $5. Give usa call and [ . be convineed. Repairing neatly | . done. Men'sshoes half soled and |/ . heeled 75 ets, Shoes sold on com | | Inissiony | A O Sheridan, Bricklaying and | | Plastering, 1356 N. Calhoun Street. | | BARBERS. B | James A. Lindsay. Shaving- Parlor | ' Hair Cutiog 15 Cents Shaveing 10| cents Sabmproning 15 Cents. Tonie | Rubjb Cents Razor Honing 25 Ceunts | | 939 Elm Place. | ' Wm. Johnson’s hair cutting shavin | pariors, 527 W: Lanvale st betw | | Penpa. Ave,and Division 8t: Chil-| | dren’s hair cutting a specialty. Sat | | isfact on guaranteed. Razors houned | . and tonies for sale. b | —————————————————————————————— | i B | OUR - CHURCHES. —oi ‘ i Hurley’s Grove Camp. | ‘ T ‘: | Preaching Sunday Sevntember Ist. 4 1 1895. 11 A. M. Stranger,3 . M. Rev. | | ‘. M Cole, 8 P.M Ners. 1. AL Willi- | | ams. The mangers of Hurley arove | ' Camp havea plan in mind 10 give a ’ | free luncheon to the patrons of the | 'camp. Toe tentersare to furnish the | | lunches at2o cents~each. L'he plan | will be fuliy apomced on next | { Sunday. ,;%% e , ; 1 | Sharon Bap! 1 faret crand Gold l t Watch prizGis HERES 8 A’%{udazy‘ it Sept. $3OO 1. beded an must be raised. | i Every membek and fiend cordially | | invited to help. Renpign of wembers ' and their friends Mog@#y nighr Sep- | f tembe-2nd. atSP. MY Rev W. M. | Alexander pastor. W. J. Reavis Seec- | | retary | | | ! §T. JOHN'SA.M.E. TEMPLE. t | Lexington St. near Pine, 11 A. M. Holy Communion. i i 8 P. M. Pastor, ; | 2:30 p. M. Sunday School, E 1 4:15 P, M. Endeavor Meeting | . E J. WARING, SUPT. . % REv. O. D. ROBINSON, Pastori | Services of the Division St. Baptist; | Church. Sunday Scheol 9 30,a. w. and | | 2 30, p. m. Preaching 11a- m. and the | Administration of tbe Lord Supper {atB p. m. Qur Water Melon festival | will elose Thursday September sth : at which time all the Sunday School, scholars will be treated free of charge. _ Contioversy that has been going { on in the papers in reference to the Div ision St.%&ptisfl; Chureh is not | | ‘authorized by the Chureh;but™ "is| | afight between the svcgeders and | e et e S SAvINGS . T | BANK, | J BANK, | PANK, i | . ; | No 314 N. EUCTAW ST. i No, 314 N. EUTAW ST. | No. 314 N. EUTHW ST. Foi Pays 4} Per cent Interest om Deposits. | Pays 4! Per cent dg’:*j’? o Deposits. | Pays 44 Per cent Intesgst@m Deposits. i 25 Cents up ree fi% beposits, 1 - 25 Cen's uprece ved Deposits, 25 Cents up received’ Peposits. | éw | OPEN AN ACCOUNT | OPEN AN ACCOUNT } UPEN AN ACCOUNT. | Bank Open Saturddy Night From l 710 10 Q'clock. | FACTS. | 1. Incorporated May, 1895. : 2. Capital Stock, $lO,OOO. ; 3 11 Officers ard clerks bonded in | the American Banking and Truast | Cowpany. 4. Even it you have an account with | every other Bank, open an account | with the Lexingtoua Savings Bank- | LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. | E. J. Waring, BisL,op A. W. Way man, George M. Lane, W, H. Daly. | J. H. Murpuy, Dr, J. Y., Browning, George B. Mills, V. B, Toney, Thos. | H. Russell, George E. Hazleton. Hen 1v R. Hooker. Gecrge W. Barroll. Al | foot H. Fitts. J. A, Seaton, Alex, Heuwsley, Julius C. Johnson, George Sthnley, Walker W. Lewis, J. Edward Lansy, Kev, J. H. Collett, Rev. 0. b. | Robinson, Rev. John J. Jones, Rev. ¥ B Green, Rev, ¥ 1. A, Braxton, Rev.l.S. Lee. Levi White, Isaiah | L. Browun, John 'l'. Deaver, Marcy C. | Garaner, William K. Mason, Robert | Peters, John H. Thomas. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BAXNK, | | 314 N. EutAw S 1 | BUSINESS NOTICES. WASHIMG MACHINES; * | All kinds of washing machines and : wrinLgers tor sale. Exchanged or | Repaired. John Trible, &Co | 208 N. Eutaw St. i MIDWIFE & NURSE. Best city References. MRS, K. HAMILTON, f 626 North Eu*aw dtrect, Baltimore " .A. Goldman, Fiue hand-made cig | ars and Dealer in Tobaeco, Pipes, | SBnuff and Cigaretts. 07 Druid Hill | Avenue. Attention exteunded to all | o [ Caustonicrs. E e | e DINING SALOONS, | éorge P. Donglass’ dining rooms; Oysters a specialty. 732 N. Eutaw. | Visit N. Goldstein, Dealer in Fine Shoes, Coots and Slippers. All kind | ot styles, and prices to suit the times | T'he cheapest place in the city, 527 N. | Gay Street. A- Schneider, Dealer in New and secoud hand eclothing, Dry Goods, | Notions &e. Dyeing scouring. Good | prices paid orsecond hand Jelothing. | Come and see me. 2158. Howard St. Jos. Max. new and second hand Clo | thing, boots, and sn.ooes, bougnt and sold and exchangeu .ioes repoired while you wait, Gents half sole 50 crs Ladies half soles3s ets; Childrens halfsoles 25 cents 1102 Penna Ave.. nearHoffaman. Highest price paid (eo. H. C. King, the colored tailor at 567 W. Bidale St. is ready to sup ply you with any style of suit that. you need. JThe best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repairing Also special attention given ladies gar ments. | ! o e Bl ‘ Ancient Benevolent Order | ) » | Brothers & sisters Sons& Daughters OF ESDRAS. Office and Hall § Mor.St. Mar~ St. & Penna Avenae % Call or address for information. i The A. B. O. of Esdras is the best | Seeret Beneficial Order in the states and gives morve forless than any oth er society in the State. All persons that are sound in body and mind and | of good moral standing over 14 year, | and under 60 years are eligible to membership. | lunitiation fees, | - . $1.50 . DLJS, ASSESSMENTS, KTC | Monthly dnes, - - - . Ble Annual dves, - - . 24¢ Widows daes, - - 25 ¢ | at the death of a member, { SICK & DEATH BENEFITS. Sick benefitr, - , $5,00 per week Death benefits, P« poome Widows dues, ’ $75 to $125. The meetings a,xgdhe!d every Mon pay, Wednpesday, nights and B i i s £ FEE : Saturday afférncons, e A it S L B s sl £ : ~ The beneficial chass E meets daily_ n T *';rfi"“(‘; ’,/I%&{:‘;‘3@%@‘:@%! *?fifi%“% ;%f”wfi’f *“’fi%m’fgw . Baal Mmwhiney o T e e et S ’&Wfifi Lo i Geo. T. Lewis, F.MANTLEY & I. H. HOWARD, ; —Wholesale & Retail dealers in— | Coal & Wood g 784 W. PRATT ST. Formerly at 262 Chesnut St. Orders prowptiy attended toin any part of ” the ecitv ; | . Henry - Dockins, ‘ W HOLKESALE AND RKTAIL DEALER IN OAL & WOOOD 4 Uub, All orders Promptly attended to- | ‘ 329 FORREST ST. ] | e ; WASHI&E LON LEE, ‘ Furnituvre .= Wagon, 216 W. HILL ST. ‘ Stand, S. E Corner Hill and Sharp St T'runks and Baggage car-fully re ~movedand called forand delivered to F all parts of the City. l i ee e e eet | J. B. HARRIS, | ® F : Kuaneral Director; | AND EMBALMNING. . . Graduate of the United States ) School of HEmbalming, | ' BESIDES 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE CAR- 1 | INGFOR THE DEAD. | | ALSO AFINE HEARSE. | It is best to call and seehim. Orders i | taken day or night. i 1016 DRUID HILL AVE., ‘ ' Cor. Oxrorp Stl. Barvrmore, Mp. | | | M. B. RUSS, L AND GILDER, | Signs of eyery diseription neatly exe f cuted. 1310 N. Fremont Ave., Baltumnore, Md - News - Stands Where the Afro-American can be g Yz Found. s | E. C. Gritlin’s Barber shop, 236 N. Durham St. ' Wi Johnson's ' 527 W. Lanvale St. éJamcs Jones, - 1319 Hothinan St. | | i | | Clark’sy 22% N. Dallas St. | | | i ’ s v o ' H. D. Murray’s News Stand, ! i : 912 N. Eutaw St. | P. D. Blackwell, | ' Cigar Emporiam, 203 Richmond, | ' Jas Lindsay, 939 Elm Place. | b e e Spamer & Co. 210 N, Calvert St. | _REAL ESTATE BROKERS —HOUSHS— in all parts of the eity for sale or rent. | Money to Loan. JOTe & LELTS, Cheapest man in the city. Dry : Goods, - Notions, Kid Glovessnd__ genly fuenishing goods: 875 N. Howard St . Oppo. the Armory. Gents fur 'nishing goods and Waiters jackets and aprons specialty | BIG VARIETY OF LADIES SHIRT WAISTS. ; 9 —JAMEs H. NEALE' S,— n ° *® 7 ® . oy ’:i q &) Shaving & Hawr Cutiing PARLOR.— 205 RICHMOND STREET, near Park Ave: Baltimore, Md. ildrens Hair Catling A Specialty; Ladies hair trimmed jand shampoouned 9@l at their homes: Razors Honed and Put in the Best G" ~~ aag SJBHARLES ST. 1006 ‘Men, Women and Children R s A s LOWRAT poruEg et { ! I § bo bk Mon's, Duy's, Toult', Ladi's, Misses or Chimn’s «SBOES®# At Fr. Scheidt's,” Reliable Boot an Shoe House, e et e T eLt i | s NS S S i » i THEEUTAW ¢ OIHNG H ‘SE Az « ’ : x> \ 4 | og : t 3T; e ; . “~THE FINEST OF TTS KIND IN THE CITY. JEALERS IN 207 . & o e ’ Y er vy = T i N ok Eoel g 1 2l" Y O Canda | ys: W UEASs, (U BIILS u . AP AR “.y NO U e TR eTI R T T N T S e e f&*&“”‘mf ST gl s e Zi,w L e e 75; o R T TS St v ttßa ei e ?‘g‘%‘“}’*%%‘*ifi‘fi”‘fl%@ e %] e e ese AN R e s e e B B eti i it B @ RRCRE RN OL S el g . g Jf 11213 Park Ave, Balto. =~ 6mA | L Vs | : § Carter’s - Restaurant, y 514 DRUID HILL AVE. ; Meals at all hours and in first-class | style. ' k i Special rates to Colored Theatric\al! Troupes. Best accomodations m eity. Boarding by the day or week, | L s e o jEre i —Callat th— = g 8 ¥ - . y -Traction For your meals. ol o Meals at all hours. Regulaf Sesie 17 and 10 ets. Deviled crabs & Spee- | ! ialty. Ice Cream in se | 956 DRUID HILLAVE | John Bell, Prop. a 0 L ' = VISIT- 8. H. JOBNSON'S | I:o ® ? New Dining Rooms, | AT 9 N. FINE ST. near Xaltimcre i —— i An Apple Dumplin given away with | l avery 15 Crt. dinnor. Meals served at | all hours. Polite and accomodating | waiters Ev2:a a:; up to date. i MRS. MARY E. KELLY, | | | —FIRST-CLA S— ; ’ Ice cream Parlors. i ‘ All kinds of Flavors | | an-l the best accuomodations. Popu-g | lar prices Don’t Forgetthe No. | |l3 CLAY ST. pear Hotel Renn ert| o s | | H. Manning . E. 8. Clarke. | Manning & Clarke, i 809 PENNA AVE. | Have opened up ournew place with | i A ¥ULL LINE OF *. Confectionaries ™ At Wholesale and Retail. which are | of the best quality. We cordially i invite our friends and public to eall | as they will receive the best attention ; —C. A. PERRY— l WOOD AND COAL Soft Drinks. - All orders promptly | atcended to. : ‘ Yt v | 118 N. Uarien St | Cor. Vine. J l BRRAD AT 24 C. PERI POUND LOAF. | f | ’ - |1 k. . - =Htlontion Houseioepers | o ‘. SOMETHING WORTH h\ Standard Bakingstote | OF BALTOM "y | Has opened and star e Bakery at 920 Pennsy /S usies : 10 Doors above BIGESSE e | Pianos & Ol'g#é. : | i | | New upright pianos, , $5 per month. ? % New Organs $3 per month. i Sceond-hand Instruments at ab ‘ Prizes. ; G, O. De Muth, Manuf. Agt. Office: 210 N. Calver: St. room 5. | Residence.—l4oo Harlewn Ave. ; a 2 \”%m i gfi‘%“«*@;mf ey o LlOO9 %fiw&e it 1023 Penna. RS DIENER & KNIF . Merchant T 232 PEARL ' Suits to order frem $l2 | ~ Pants from $4 upl . . Dyeing,Scouring Repairing, and Pressing ; . done. , Uit style and yJ i Birictly guaranteed. "V | BBitskcourld and Pressed 75 cts! %%;?« r, Repairing and Altering % Neatly Done- Just Think Of it, Y e e A TINE ALL WOOL PANTS TO ORDER B T —— FINE DRESS PANTS v SUITS TO ORDER $l2 and up. WEARWELL PANTS (OMPAMNY 41054 P enna Ave. 3 @ ~Louis Aidt.- Men’s, Boy’s, Youi..’s Ladie’s, Misses and Childrens All styles at Lowest Prices. Ladies tan and black ~fords 49¢. up Ladies®iei kid oxforas 98¢, up fiab russet bals ! ‘Ragor ot London toes j $1,23 aud up. e ;’?M bals s£,9B & up B Bad youths school shoes 75 ots. B ARt Bools 19 cts. and up PP Tadic's Misses’and childreos ’ Plecther strap, Sandale i% % 03¢, 75c. 85¢ per pair. Cheapest inthe city. A& 706 Druicd Hill Avenue. GEO. W. TILGHMAXN. Boot & Shoe MAKER, ' 451 St. Mary St., cor. Little Mor ument. Please call. All work neatly done at low prices. —--THE PLACE TO BUY— ) eczp . 5 oes. IS AT - BROOK ’S -4 9 ‘ iy 1201-1203 Patterson AVENUE, Cor. Stockten St, A fnll line of ladi=s’ Misses and ehild | ren’s black and Rasset shoes. E o e e sl s o ' To Save money on goud hand-made § P ENNSYLVANIA AVE. . Mens shoes made by hand | of solid leather, warranted not to rip and mage inall | the latest style, or . $2.25, $3,00 and $4,00; Give us a call and be convinced. Re ; pairing neatly done. SPECIAL NOTICE. . If you want to buy or rent bg | all on Spamer & Co., 210 2 MRS. NATHA b | - eon R | o ’»‘.,, =A.‘,,, W ¢ : RS