Newspaper Page Text
Il AFRO-AMERICAN, Pheral - News. Joar lEEMS; OF INTER ~ EST TO'OURMANY - REAP& e . Mrs. R. Pinn and ber two chiliren hime returned from Westmorland eounty, Va. where they havs been Visiting. ~_The North Dakota Prestor W- C. ' T. U. was organized at Grac’ Presby terian church or Sunday evenwg‘ Oect. 20. Mrs. Apnie perce. Pres, i Annie E. Butler, Vice President, _ Fannie Thomps®, Sec. Miss % aA. ¥.SBingleton, Fee. Sec, Mrs. e Eggleston, Treasirer. i ;rs. Emeline Jonej, of New York, * =in the city stoppirg at Mrs. Mules, ‘.;;,j()xford street, She dined wnhfl:fi . ptert Wilson, of 701 Baker St. gUae JTo the Baptist churches. TM; . Cwill le spenia%;@ervices .at Maccdomia Baptist chureh Sunday, Oct 27, at 3 gm. for the: benefit of the colored aptist Howe and Orphanage. A _eollegtion will be taken up for the _Omsl 1 ge. The Pastors and congre )\ codg f the chuarches are invited - " e%o be presert and take SarUl the Sice. By order of the Pihe Maard of Direete s, G. R. Weller, ; _?residyflt; A. B. Callis, Secretary. ‘ é'fiev., Father Doyle, the great ‘Paul i temperance agmca,te. delivered ¢ fagmous Jec ..on 'Temperance . yhureday oight at St. Francis :or colored Catholic church. The was packed. ames E. Bates, of Courtland Pwas taken suddenly ill Mou ight at the residence of Cardi- | Gibbons on N. Charles St. am” carried to his home ina carriage. | I, augh much improved, he is still l P\ to his bed. § ’c°"\'§}3l!er and her five children, | L ~ .of Ex-consul John L. l t WO ota few days in this city ¥ ‘fit the Cumming's House | ' ‘\;@‘&St. While here they took | - posW. T McGuinn Esq, Mr. | ‘e,a%is an old friead of Mr, | . w@ving made his acquan- ‘ wne€n he practiced law in Kan v Kansus. | . Waller met Minister Eustis ein Paris and expresses gieat f her husbands release. Sheleft ashington Monday where she will meet the Staté Department and relate her experience. She € peces to gpend the winter in Wash ngton. Mr. J. Thomas Wa has been [or the past two weeks She guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Wm, HiPola fof N. Butaw St. has returned $0 Bi§ howe in Boston, Idass., acCORIBEEISE ©y )is brother, Mr. Chas. s_'. ews. . . Mrs. Harriet Moore, W& B&# i cen at Atlantic City, N. Jg e i ’ast three months, has rofEsEed to the city. Wy U B e Mrs. N. A. Rayné,of 427 Draid Hili “avenue, who was a detegate to the Grand Lodge of Moses, W hieh held its mee ting recently in Washington. D. C., has returneéd to the city much pleased with her trip. . Mrs. Mary [rving hus returned to the city from Bar Harbor, Me. . Itisreportel that Mr. Jas. Brooks, ({ Colored ( Stholic gTheologic)l stu entof St. Joseph’s Semina® -, this city. who recently sailed for * ,twerp Belguim, was woyally recei ¢d and entertained on his arrival in that “%ggfiy Mr. Brooks is a Baltimore “boy. who by his push and abi'ity has ‘worked Lit way from the lowest grade —erour public schools to his present exalted vosition. The Xavier Lyceam Literary will | ume its exercise next Thursday with an execellent rogramue. üblic'is invited to attend aud)] te in the Literary excrrises | y Thursday night. The Northwestern Supply Company | held a rousing meeting at its head‘ quarters last Monday night. The | hall was packed and many iuspiring addresses we'e made. Mr. J. H. Johnsos read a paper on business, in | which he congratulated the Cowpany ! and prophecied that the busiuess sys- 5 tem; on which the Company is based will, in a short time, solve the race problem and secure equal opportun- | jties to Afro-Americans in this eoun try. Healto paid twenty-five -dol lars for stock, sent by _his brother in New York, who became interested in the Compan; while on a visit to this city. A digest of the paper will be published sometie in the future. Meetings of the Northwestern Sup ply Company are held at its head quarters, 1216 N. Fremont Ss., every Monday ana Friday nights. Ever; - body invited to attend. The grand Rallyat Awmes M. E. Chureh closed last Tuesday night and although not more than half of the | members reported the amouunt raised | ws $425. Pastor Nalor congratulated | _hisworkers and urged those who have | not yet repoited to hasten aud get n the band of the faithful. | St. Joseph’s Commandery Knight ! Templars will give a grand paradeon | the afternoun of Thanksgiving day and will be entertained at Samaritan ‘ Temple at night when a banner will be presented. J‘“ The Maryland Mutual Beunefit Afso ciation is reported by ope of the offi4 cers as being in a good working com dition. Ful Mrs. Fannie E. Sampson and her corps of ladies will jhold a ten days Mass-Meeting at the Industrial Howe 945 W. Biddle street. {The meetings commenced last Tuesday night avd the puulicis invited (v altend. Thesudden death «f Mes. Valentine the wife of Rev. L. 7. Valeutine, last Sappay o . on North Calhoun st., ock to the community. ently, as well as msual ofore she died: Rev. Nistur of St. 'aul’s toga street, and ty when death wife. Services ¢e and then {0 Frederick ‘“f"‘%gfi:‘ % LY .; YEr ;;;ifi ‘ St. John's Temple. _Bishop W. J. Gaines, D. D. ¢ ffififl' pa Ga. presiding bishop of the sec ,nd Espiscopal district, of tk BM%" M, E. %hurch, preached at St. Johns A. M. E. Temple, Lexington St. near Pine frow the text 11. Cor. xl[.B. 9 £nd 10 verses. o " The bishop gave a brief, but force ful comment on the peeuliar char acteristics of St. Paul asa man and a preacher. One of the peculiar and christiap attributes of the apostle was his grace and ability tobe able 10 rejoice in all of his affiictions. Hesays “Therefore will I rather glory in my jofirmities. This point was forcibly clinched by the bishop howa man peeds grace to suffer. That a mau who atter a hard struggle either in 1 business or in amoral confliet,enjoy e( the vietory somnch after baving fougLt for it. He could say as Pau! § have fought a good fight, *eep then faith. “;o ay you celebrate yonr first Ly@ars"pros)erity in this temple. I am Fpisased to congratulate you on your Breat saececs, R fsermon was full of witty and cv @il :strations, sound in gus pel ‘tesélildz ind fallof inspiration and %o > A large and appreciative Congrega tion greeted the bishop. In the after poon was the Womens part in the celebration. Mrs, L. Lewis Robinson presided aund delivered a brief opening address Mrs. L. Oliver Lee. read a paper on the church history in an able way, giving the his'ory of the from its organization to the present 'The speech of the oc:asion delivered by Mrs. Peter L. Johnson, who spoke without notes for 30 mioutes, with the eloquence of a stetesman.At night the Bishop again preached aa inter esting sermon to a crowded honse. Monday Evening it was arranged for the Bishop to deliver a lecture, | bat was cal'ed south by Telegrawm. Dr. W. E. Harris, who was also on the program, delivercd an interesting discourse on church influences which was well received. Presiding Elder Bouarur, Rev. D. L, DeCoursey, S.T. | Fisher and W. h. Bright also spcke. | Mr. Wm. H. Bright, father of the | ehurch, presidad. The Young Men’s Christian Asso ciation at 416 W. Biddle street, was addressed by Mr. J. H. Norris. His subject was “Our Duty.” The in structions gleamed were timely and well rendered. He dwelled very point ed on ‘‘our duty 1o God, ourselves and our fellow-men.” 'The program for next Sunday at 5 p. m. w;ll consist of preparatory services and _an address by astravger. In the evening the Second Monthly rally will be held at Bethel A. M. E. Church, begirnniog at 7:4> sharp, The programme will corsist an address by Rev. J. W. Beck ett, topic. **Our duty to the Y. M. C. A.” Aud by the Pres. H. Smith, “*Oar Association, its object and effect.” Coaclusion, an expression meeting. A colleetion will be litted for the bene fit of the Associatiop. OUR - CHURCHES Notice. Allof the members of the A. B. O. of Esdras is hereby orderd to turnout to special sermnon which will be preached to the order on Sunday night Oct. 27th, at Centenuial M. K. ‘Chureh on Carroline. and Bank Sts. Each memberis requested 1o report at 6 o'clock. sharp by order of. G. B. Mills, S. W. Enon Baptist Church. Rally! Raily! Rally! All day Rally Sunday Oect. 21st 1895 preaching at 11. A. M. by Rev. Reuben Johnson, of Hullsville at 3. p. m. by Rev. W. H. Johnson of Wash ington'D. C. atB by, Bev. N. Jackson. All are in.ited. Sunday Sechool at 9 a. n. aud 2p. m. Rev. J. Watkins, pastor. Wm. Holiday Supt. Notice there will bea Mars Meeting held at Colored Woman Uuion Indus talasylum, 245. W. Biddle St, com mencing November. 13th at &P. M. lasting 10 nights. All fiiends of the colored Won-ans Industral are respect fully invited to attend these Meetings at which time we will have the acet of Incoporationread to the hearing of the publie in general. Fannie E.Samp son. : St John’s A. M, E. Temple. Lexing ton 8. near Pine 11 A. M. pastor special subject 3 P. M. Rev. J. W, Diggs t> the Juveniles of Naowi arcade 7,30 P M Rev.J B. Tynes, of Va. tothe G. U. 0. of Nazarites. Sundav School 9,30, and 2,30, P’. M. Endeavor meeting 6 30, P. M E. J. Waring Esq Supt. Rev. O D. Robin son, Pastor. SOCIETY NOTES. DOINGS OF OUR SOCIETY FOLKS Mr. Geo. C. Berry, and Miss Martha E. Bayne were uunited in mstrimony at the residence of the brides mother 1704 Division St. Octo. 23rd inst. Rev. Harvey Johnsou, D. D. of Union Baptist Chureh officiated. The [bride wore a pearl eclored dress. and ¢ rried a bunch of white roses in her hand The Groom wore a full dress suit Among those present Wwere MMr. and Mrs. U, Coats, Mr. and Mis. Peter- Johgson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Berry. M. #nd Mrs. Geo. Johunson, dr. and g Hezekiah Armstrong, Mrs. Den BN askins, Miss Edith Brooks., Miss M. Poicseau, Miss Mollie Jefferson, Jos. High. Charles Dorsey, Randolph ‘Brooks, Wm. Cole. damuel Joyce, John Jester, Howard Thomas, and many others, The bride aud groom received many handsome presen's. They will resideat 1704 Division St. Miss Kittie Mapr, who has been spenuing sometime in North-hamp ton eounty, Va., with her mother has returned aud is stopping with her relatives at 548 MeMechen B.} T. M'cants, Stewart of New York city, Afro Americuns of bpational reputation, who has plead for the Democratic Party {o: the lust fifteen years has sent a letter to the Demo cratic campaign Committee of the Empire State, in which he says I can no longer remain in the Democratic paryt. Linsburg Baines Mr. Silas Carter was married to Miss Millie Stewart, Thursday night 't 24th.9 P M. at the . rejvidence of Epd Brs. C, H. “iones 2010Eivis< W in- Y. M. C. A. LEXINGTON LEXINGTON SAVINGS SAVILGS SAVINGS No 814 N. EUTAW ST. No, 314 N. EUTAW ST. No. 314 N. EUTAW BT. Pays;i; Per cent lnterest on Deposits Pays4} Per cent lutereston Deposits. Pays 44 Per cent lutereston Deposits. 25 Cents up received on Deposits. 25 Cen's up received on Deposits. 25 Cents up received on Deposits. OPEN AN ACCOUNT OPEN AN ACCOUNT OPEN AN ACCOUNT Bank Open Saturday Night From 7 to 10 Qclock, FACTS. 1. Incorporated M.y, 1885 2. Capital Stock, $lO,OOO. ¢ 110 f ters a 1 d clerks bonded in the American Banking and Trust Cowpany. 4. Even it you have an account with every other Bank, open an account with the Lexingtou. Savings Bank LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS E. J. Waring, Bisbop A. W. Way, man, George M. Lane, W. H. Daly, J. H. Murpby. Dr. J. W. Browning, George B. Mills, V. E. Toney, Thos- H. Russell, George E. Hazleton, Hen ry R. Hooker, Gecrge W. Barroll, Al fred H. Pitts, J. A. Seaton, Alex. Hewsley, Julius C. Johnson, George Stanley, Walker W. Lewis, J. Edward Lansy, Kev, J. H. Collett, Rev. O. b. Robiusoun, Rev. John J. Jones, Rev. P. H. Green, Rev. P. 11. A. Braxton, Rev.l. 8. Lee. Levi White, Isaiah L. Brown, John I'. Deaver, Marcy C. Garaner, William K. Mason, Robert Peters, John H. Thomas. LEXINGFON SAVINGS BANK, BUSINESS NOTICES Mr. Thos Liowis shaving and Hair dressing Parlor 1530 Fennx. ave. S. Needle 1113 Penna, ave Buying and selling of new and second hand clothing, hats ceps, (ents underwear Pants w._rth $1,60 sold at 75 cents. Geo. H. C. Kiug, the colored tailor at 367 W. Bidale St. is ready to smap ply you with any style of suit that you need. The best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repairing Also special attention given ladies gar ments. i A. C. Sheridan, Bricklaying and | Plastering, 1356 N. Calhoun Street. | BARBERS. James A. Lindsay. Shaving- Parlor Hair Cutiog 15 Cents Shaveing 10 cents Sahmpoomung 15 Cents. ‘T'onic Rubjs Cents Razor Honing 25 Cents 939 Elm Place. Wm. Johnson’s hair cutting shavin parlors, 527 W: Lanvale st betw Penna. Ave, und Division St: Chil dren’s hair cutting a specialty. Sat isfact:on guaranteed. Razors honed and tonics for sale. DINING SALOONS, George P. Donglass’ dining rooms; Oysters a specialty. 732 N. Entaw. ¢ ~rvemeneyon hand made ghoes Fo tu Andrew Kaduck, the working amen’s shoe sfore, 913 Peaunsy lvani Avenue, men’sshoes made solid Leather warraated, $2 to $2,75. Sew ed $2,75 to $5. Give us a call and be convineced. Repairing neatly done. Men’sshoes half soled and heeled 75 ets. Shoes sold on com mission. W. M. Hermle & Co. manufacturers tranks’ satehels and valises. Samn ple cases a specialty. 326 W. Lexin ton S¢. Branch Store:—9oB W. Balti timore St Cenfectioners. Johr C. Minnis, ice cream manufaet uer, wholesale and retail Confec tionaries and notions, 531 W. Bid dle St. Ho! Ho!! Here you are! The best hanud made shoes in the city. Spring bottoms, low heels and all styles of poring shoes a sye cialty. Popular prices, Hoffman & Co., 911 Druid Hall Ave. B. L. Johnson, expressman, delivers baggage and packages to all steam boats, rail road stations and to all parts of the eity at shortest norice Cail at 1108 Woodyear St. and 504 McMechen St. FLORIST. George H, Siddons, florist, boquets, wedding and funerai designs, ever greens andcut flowers @ specialty, 418 Myrtle Ave. CURINE HAIR TONIC Restores the hair to bald temples when it has become thin or fallen out. Hair that has been injured by the use of curling irons, or inju rious straightening oils, perfectly restored by the use of Curine Hair Tonie. Trial Bott e. 25¢. Regu'ar size 50¢ For Sale by Murs. Collett, 1361 N Calhoun St., Baltimore, Md. Moiselene A perfect Hair Oil for hair that is rough, dry and split; renders the hair soft, black and glossy. Price, 25 cfs per Bottle. QOne Price Bysiem has Revolutionized FURNITURE, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies. Ranges, Cook Stoves, and Heaters China, Crockery ete. : CASH OR ON CREDIT. LOWEST PRICES IN BALTIRZOR BANK, BANK, BANK, Strau stores N HOWARD STREET, :0.- NORTHWESTERN :o: FURNITURE, COMPANY, CASH & CREDIT HOUSE, FURNITURE, ' - CARPETS, - Oli CLOTHS, MATTINGS, - STOVES, &C. 803 Pennsylvania Av. H. WEIS & SON, PROP'S. Shoe -House, 316 W. LEXINGTON ST near Etaw. Kindly Giveme your Patronage Sncwden's CATF T, 941 DRUID HILL AVENUE, All the Delieacies of the season always on hand. - Choice wines and Cigars. Jysters in all styles. Jonx T. Sxowpzx, Prop. 314 N. Euraw S 1 | MRS. NATHANIEL WESTON, BOARDING One- doae: jaw York Street T s " 'wood hand-made ! 813 Pepna. Avenue, Hand made shoes to order, Made in the latest styles $2,00 up. Boots $4.50 up. Boys shoes $1.50 up; Meus half soles 35 cents. Heels 15 ets. Mens half soles atrd Theels FEW ed 75 to 90 cents. Ladies and Bcoys 4?2 cents, sewed 55 cenlts. Best leather and satisfaction guaran teed. Care fare to every customer in all parts of the city for rale or rent BRAAD AT 23 C. PERI POUND LOAF. SOMETHINGY WORTH KNOWING Standard Baking co. OF BALTO. Has opened and started another Bakery at 920 Pennsyivauia Avenue. J. W. ALLEN, ‘-. . : [ashionable Tonsorialist —~AND MESUFACTURER OF— ALLEN'S Hf BCREAM AND FACE Shaving air O g Ewpor -510 ST. ' H PLREET, Chi'dren’s Haif! U e Specialty Open from 7&a,.m. 9% p . Baturday until 12 m. Razosd Honed. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. GEO. W. PIERSON DEALER IN NEW ANDSECOND-HAND FURNITURE Carpets, S{oves, Varieties, etc. Jighest cashlprices paid “fer house hold effects. §l4 Penna. Ave. Cor, Pear! St. Fuirniture and Piaros re moved to all garts of the eity or coni try. Furoitute ete. packed, stored and shipped. Henry JQ; Dockins W HOL &A AND RHET AIL EDEALER IN { . . WOOD, 1312 N. fa g LN N U e S - R Taa VRS T s 2 ' 101, 103, 105, Mention this Paper- —_— e [ Near Orcharch St. ] MICHAEL HESS, —RELIABLK— can save you money SALL ROADS ;EEAD TC PERMANENT & TRANSIIENT vls 8, SHARP ST, Goto JOS. SCHWABER, sSpamer & Co. 210 N, Calvert St. REAL ESTATE BROKERS —HOUSKES— Monevto Loan -Hikantion Bovselpen:- —=THE— - i e s s e e S ee T T ;- o T % 8T man ¢ Y A i T B MBOR4 PR RS AR ™ CYOY |%M YT TV TIL: Iy W%fi - & I\, e yF 5 ; T ¥B7 ¥ R e i . T F £ Y 2 - 4 1 o . c— ; . . . S g u.,_“.r(.»g Flocution ad Physieal Cutte- OPENED HER CLASSES— —Septembper 16th, 195, Special clusses for Country Teacher, Saturday from 4 to 6P. M, Special Reduction to ¢lasses formed in churches. Call or address: 1309, E. MONUMENT STREET. TERMS VERY REASONABLE Seflpfik, 14—95 —9 mo. & The A. B. O. of Esdra; is a Sezrot Benfizial Organization and desires to extend its benefits to every colered man, woman and child in the United States. Its plansare sinpls anl esily understood. Its financial backing is the strongest of any other organization of its kind. Its fees are less than those charged by other orders of the sam? character and type. Its bencfits are greater than any other secret b:nefl sial organization on earth. Its op portunities are greater, and its facilities more attracting thau any other order known. [t is the hest order of its kind in existence as its inducements and at tractions are superior in gnality to all others, and therefore worthy of recog nition. It is eonducted upon business priaciples, and offers spacial induce ments for a few months. = The excessively low rates to join are special features open ouly for a limited time, and all should take time by the forelock, and join at ouce. Cost of joining Secret Department $1.50, Beneficial Department (open to -all classes iu all eiries] 60 cents People from distant points can become mem bers by remitting to the Central office 60 cents. Duaes 50 cents per month to both Secret and beneficial classes, 25 cents widow dues, 24 cents per year annual dues. BALTO When sick, financial membore receive §5.00 per week: at death $75 00 to §250. Write or apply to (Central Office, or either of the Branch Offices for terms &. B. Mills, Worihy Shepherd. H. B Mills, Fin Sec. J. A. Branch. Rec. Sec. received Dues or either of the branch offices. (O ntral office: 590 St. Mary street, 1411 McElderry st, 93 W. West street. \ Children from one to fourteen years of age received in the Juvenile De partment for 35 centsentrance fee, and t wenty five cents per morth. Bene fits when per week, andat death from $25 00 to $50.00. - Members reccived from cne to sixty five years of age, provided they are in good health atthe time of joiniag. Tie Eutaw Cloihing ~ Houst Fine Boys, Youths. & Gents Furnishing Goods. A Full line of all the latest styles. Good Workmanenip Guaranteed Merchant Tailoring A specialty. 3265. EUTAWS . NEAR CONWAY ST=Jano- W. Willivasi- Cheapest man in the city. Notions, Kid Gloves and 875 N. Howard St. nishing geods and Men, Women and Children 1f you your wife or your children are in need of Shoes, do not deuy yourself or your families of them. You can buy for the LOWEST PRICES J ) ] ! ! ! ) Mo bl Men's Doy's, Dol lodis, Mssss o Chidwn’ At Fr. Scheidt's,”~ £4B Reliable Boot an Shoe House, o F.MANTLEY & I. H. HOWARD Wholesale & Retail@ea.lers in— "B4 W.PRATT 8. Forn erly at 262 Chestnut St. Orders promptly atrended to in any part of 7. R. ROBINSON, ‘ Coal and Wood, O ffice & Yard, 672 W, GERMAN ST Oppo. Penn. _ Patent Dump earts. Ord>rs by prompily attended. Basil .Hutchins ! Agenis. Geo. T. Leuis, WILLIAM’S -Dining - Rooms 104 WATERSTREET aAxp 2512 LIGHT ST. Come andl you will see that our Table is the best and our prices are the cheapest in Baltimore. : me s 1= cont Dinners consist of Soap —AND TEACHER OF BENEFITS. and CENTRAL OFFICE: —THE FINEST OF I'TS KIND IN THE CITY. THE ONLY COLORED T'AILOR IN THE STAIE. Dry : Waiters jackets and aprons specialty BIG VARIETY OF LADIES SHIRT WAISTS M. C. Gardner, Treas. W_'T. Carr, Medical Director: (. C. Fitzgerald, Coun at the receipted for DEALERS IN— Clothing. Goods, geqtos fUPnlSF\ng goocf@s . Oppo. the Armory. Gents fu, Funeral Director; AND EMBALMNING. Graduate of the United States School of Embalming, BESIDES 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE CAR- INGFOR THE DEAD. ALSO AFINE HEARSE. Itis best to call andseehim. Orders taken day or night. 1016 DRUID HILL AVE. Cor. Oxrorp St. Bavrrmore, Mp. GEORGE W. TILGHMAN, Boot and Shodf MAKER, : 451 ST. MARY SIR [ailor e 3 Suits Cut and made to Order. Good Fit Guaranteed.. § ) : 1023 Penna. Ave. DIENER & KNIRRIM. ; ® Merchant Tailors ‘232 PEARL, ST- Suits to order frem $l2 up. Pauts from $4 up Dyeing, Seouring, i Repairing, and Pressing neatly done. VWit style aud yuality Strictly guaranteed. Suitsrcourld and Pressed 75 ets. Dyeing, Repairing and Altering Neatly Doune* Just Think Of ", A FINE ALL WOOI PANTS TO 05& FINE DRESS PANTS $4 £ $5 SUITS TO ORDER 312 and up. WEARWELL PANTS COMPANY 1054 Penna Ave. e AR T ot ioN L AR S g R P R >\‘ %] i‘ g Ix ALK Y%& 53 R i X-—"' BO T MR g T SRR B R D i N ffl%-:sz-u»%:\,egg*:", A R e T Aeap~- S hoe S R R e P i T e “‘:i." ‘afsg“& K- . o fi"—i’ g —— k. , - ) 1201-1203 PatterSes AVENUE, Cor. Stockten St, A full line of ladi=s’ Misses and ehilé ren’s black and Rasset shoes. To Save money on good hand-made MUED 807 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Mens shoes made by hand of solid leather, warranted not to ripand made inall the latest etyle , or - $2.25, $3.00 avd $4,00 Give us a call and be convinced., Re- pairing neatly done, SPECIAL NOTICE: If you want to buy or rent housea allon Spamr & Co., 210 N. Calvert. M. HFULGHUM & CO., <0: ICE CREAM & CONFECTIONARY :0¢ Diing Pelor, 1219 JEFFERSON ST.BALTO L. CONFECTION ARIES. A discount allowed on large | fities of cream. Cream in p 20 ")er quart. A slice BB ith o plate of cre Ty Fudon L e T BE e e e Es . ‘.g. S At o, TR gl [ St gn@az‘ AND GILD Signs of every diseriptio cuted. 1510 N. Fremcont Ave., B . A. PERE 2 WwWoob AAI\Q]D gl Soft Diinks @ AR ‘im,nx 113 Dg