Newspaper Page Text
FHE AFRO-AMERICAN: heneral - News. " BEPRO OUR MANY S READERS. < ' w : | s o 4 Brevard ’ Miss Sadie Freelxnd‘. of SO and nep street. Miss Mary &. E pyve returned hew, Earuest G. R}Efly, Sier bufoying home from Cape oy “of four months, a delightful ge . | ] .ne Thompsou is author ~ Miss Jegjjcit for the AFRO-AMERl ized! Yacourage her in the good Clork, Remember a victory for the Repub lican ticket means a reduction of laxed, ap increase of business and increased wages for laborerf. Mr. Willi uni Weseottissolicitorand news agent for the AFRO-AMERICAN. The Northwestern Fawily Supply » Company turned out a new milk wag on t!;k:rWee‘f_. My. V- E. Toney is milk gerver Dr him &» card and he willgladly call. This is a new branch of the/ Compauy’s business und every (Affo Americen who has anfifirg@:’pridgoughb to encourage,it. mfit” when you get the milk ~don’t fail e pay for it. ~ Mr. F. L Sperling is general solici tor forthe AFRO-AMERICAN an .J. Hollande, assisted by the L Bt fent of the city, will give a Wi concertat the Catholic Hall, By St above Presstman, nexi pirsday Light. Br. Joseph Lizs, of Stauton, Va. B ed inthe city this week. Mr as a student of JMorgan College B oquent participant in the ‘ mineut literaries of thiscity, Jter. Jatholie Dramtic club is re- S Mo an interesting drama, en fed **Botany Bay,” which will pe Bosented on ‘Thankseiving night at . Peter Claver’s Hall. One room for ,ent. Call at 1311 Pruid Hill Avenue. 1w Dl, Mrs. Carrie Wright, of 524 W. Hoff man street, is still quite sick. iss Opie H. Williams who has y visiting Warrington, N. C., Nor uffolk and Portsmouth, Va.. rned to the city and says she er trip very much. DIED. ASarah E. Roan, beloved daugh -Rlchard and Lucinda Roau, at Hague, Westmoreland county, Va departed this life Oct. 23, in the 23rd year of herage. She was a faithful member and Sunday schocl teacher of the Potomac Baptist church in #aid county. She died in the tri uwmwph of faith., Beingsensible of her death, she desired her relatives not mourn uer departure as all was well with her. J. H. Johuson, East Baltimore News. Miss Lizzie Hitchens celebrated her Jthbicthday t week, quietly at her residence. | Blies Irena Galawmison, of East Bal timaore. is cultivating her vocal talent with mach success. Mr. Frank Young and Miss Rebecea Jeffersoa will toon be united in the ties of matrimony. Miss Maggie Stokes touches the pi ith artistic taste and is winning Ntiou for herself as a pianist. W. CHIRCH NOTICES i, John® A. M. E. Temple, Lexing g'reet near Pine. 11 a. m. Rev. H. Dixon, Newport News, Va., 3 n Lord’s Supper, The dutyof all good citizens mnext Tunesday.” S—quay Schoolat 9:30 a. m. and 2;30 p. w. Christian Eudeayv oratea3op.m ~ L i E. J. Waring, Esq. Suapt. Kev. 9. D, Robinson, Prstor Galilear Fishermeu. Grand Rally at Allen A. M. E. ec¢nurch, Stockton street near 1221 West Baltimore street Sunday evening November 3rd 1895, at 7 p. m. themembers and friends of Federal Tabernacle No. 6 wiil assem ble in the lectu e rooin of the church and marchin a body to the maip audience chamber. Mr. Columbas Garden secretary Taberracle. Rev. 1. F. Aldridge, Pastor. William Ennis, Secretary. Lineoin Post No.7G. A R. at a reg ular meeting resolved to atteud div ine serviceat Allen A. M. E. chureh, Sundav afternvon., November 10th 1805. Mr. Owen T. Johnson, comman der and Mr, Lewis Miner, Adjutant. B AtEnon N 3rd. Preaching at 1! oTrdaw.Be - ¥ Washington and bap ~ tizing, £ 8. m. a special sermon ' tothee! = h by pastor. Sundav 8. cat9a.r d 2 p.m. At Bp. m Com Jnupiot All are invited. Rev. J % "Watkin,)astor. Wm. Holliday, Supt. ‘ :Notice,_‘gthele will be a Mass Meet ing held fit the Colored Woman's In . dustrial Union Asylum, 245\, Biddie street, eommencing Novewmber 13th atR P. M. and lasting 10 nights. All friends of the Colored Wowen's In dustrial jare respectfully iuvited to attend these meetings, at which time, we will ha.e the act of incorpuratioy ~ read to the hearing of the public fn ~ genersl. Fannie E. Sampson. SOOYETY NOTES. ~S6‘I'N&SQ£{)UR SOCIETY mfiics;f'% A committee of ladies gave a grand ,'fm#l’hny at 1602 Eifing street, on Thursday, Ocrt. 24th, - T'he - parlor was decorared with green Jap .~ awnese curtains. The ladies that re geived the guest were Miss Prizcilla yHenson, and Miss Mary E, Johnson. one those present were: William iington, Mrs. George Washingron Queen, Robt. kdwards, Wm. iss Burtie dmith, Miss ;Aunie ex Habney, Mrs. Maria Coolk, Miss Mary /A Bedliss Lau %‘-’fifiryland wapeiit Usion A+ ¥0 iation has been "{;’ session in-this city three days ,*Pnrmg the week at Fuller M emg’fla'] church, Baker and Carey strr? ts. It was the 60th an o ’Wfieetug of the nscoviation. The bga is ec mposed of 55 whie church <B and 19 colored chureh * v { whi'e churche: were l-cd?is‘d naking i totalof 76 in all, Dearel e shipof the Associaifi%ma ik oumber 4644 are colores Wrof s 11 other co!oredll“*"f” g bate X laud not repr ke M i '.han 5000- 'fg ‘g*';a:;;;_:%‘ ‘p,‘\. ‘gmm’e ?iation for tlheii‘b :‘:?r ‘ or missionary O S bpe et ol leaving a deaga&‘ sver $BOO. gates from tha*’m Sharol s re g;)er:;sa gradual anu sabstancial pro- Last Sunday was rally day at Enon Baptist church. Atll a. m. Rev. R. Johnson was assigned to preach, but he did not get in on time and the pas tor preacl ed to a well-tilled house fromthe text: ‘I am bound in the spir it Ace's2o. At 2 p.m There was a large 8. 8. couducted by the Superin tendent and others. At 3 p. m. Rev. W. Jobnson, of Washington, . C. preached an excellent sermon to a large congregation. At 8 p.m. there assembled a packed house to listen to a grand sermon preached by Rev. N. Jackson, of Bhiloh Baptist church, after which a liberal collection was taken. $102'33 was realized as are sult of the rally. Rev. J. Watkins, pastcr. : The Lot Carey Association held its tirst annual meeting at Divi siou street Baptistichureh, Oct. 21 25 Kev. J. C. Allciiis president and Rev. a. R. Waller is sécretary. Dr. Frank lin Wilson ¢ nd other white Jministers visited the Association and wads ad dressz2s. Rev. W. M. Alexander was also a vigitor and on invitation of the president, inade an address. The A. M. E. pastors held their usual weeting _at Bethel chureh. 1t was report day and the pastors gave very interesting and ac counts of their fields. Rev. J. W. Beckett, presided and C. H. Murry conducted religious exercises. Pre siding Klder, 1. M. Beckett was pres eut an i repoiigdibhe churches of his District asbeingalive and fruittul. Rev. J. W."Noi W gand J. W. Brown were present @md rleported the churches uver imghe iscrict of Col umnbia as actively at work. Rev. J. W. Brown wasinvited to Baltimore by Rev. L. 8. Lee and told of how kindly he was treated by Dr. Lee and the members of Ebenez r church. Rev. J. W, Diggs who hag =erved the Baltimore Conference twenty vine yearsand is now inactive because of his eyes failing him, was present. te told a touching story of hcw he suffered from the lost of s gight and exprzssed his thanks to God for it being restored. He also thanked Rev. J H, Hurst, O. D. Robiuson and other pastors for the practical sym pathy they had extended him while in John Hopkin’s Hospital. The Board of Trustees of the Bap tist Orphanage met at the Orphan age last Monday and jpstructed Rev. A. B. Callis. secretary of the insti u tion, to put the building in order for the winter. Kight pastors were pres ent and agreed to raise the money nocessary for the work. A Rally for the institution was held at Macedonia chureh last Sunday afternoon and a good sum was raised. 1709 Brunt street At the Baptist Ministers Meeting which 18 composed of white and col ored pastors, last Monday a council was in session to examine two candi dates for the ministry. The caudi dates were Both were passed and recomeunded to be ordained. Why the Governor Will Send Troops to Lunenburgz. 7,30 Pastor on Richmond. Va , Oct. 23—Governor O’Ferra'l was approached by a report erthis moruning and asked to zive his reasons for orderiog a military escort to Lunenburg for the convi:.ed ne gro murders of Mrs: Pollard who are tn be removed-from the city jail next month. The Goverpor replied that tis reason for sendipg the military to Lunenburg is thesawe now as When he sent soldiers m%g?-betore at the re quest of ‘the judge, ghe Common wealth's attorney and the sheriff. *‘l regard the situation in Bunenburg re specting these negroes the same now as theu,” he said, and I am deter mined to guard against probable vio lence. There has occured vo lynch ingio Virginia sinee 1 have been Gov eruor of the State, aud there will noi ‘be any if I can prevent it with troops” flls excellency said that he was per fectly satistied that feeling continues very bitter in the county toward the couvicted negroes, and that this fzel ing would be heightened in the event that a new trial should be granted by the Sapreme Court. i PEATH OF A PROVINENT YOUNG MAN This community was shocked and ' grieved by the death of Mr John Scott, who departed this life, Qet. 22. [ Phe decensed was ill but a few days and before many were awaie of his illne e grim mopster death had fl]u aund robbed us of one of » ehtest gems. DMr. Scott wasa “peculiarlyglistinguished young man, oi blegdlshed, irreproachable char agiee He was distinguished by lofti- Bl thought, by intensity of feel . SManind was opento all intel ef fher love nor glory, neither the jts of ‘the earth nor the 1898 Of heaven could ldispel it. _His ind was in the noble lavguage of 1 .firew poet, s ;, bol **A land of darkness, as darkness itself, “ And where the light would {rresistably push thro.” ~All the portraits of him are singulur ly characteristic. We ean searcely rcalizethat he is no more. We are transported back a few weeks and can alnost fancy that we hear his cheerful voice in our midst. His thcughts resemble those celestial flowers which the Virgin Martyr of Massinger sent dewua from the garden of Paradise to the earth, distinguish ed by their miraculous efficacy to de Jdight, 1o elevate and to parify. His - griched our literature. The fi - L Richmond, Va. Luancaster. Va. AT CHURCHFIELD, LEXINGTON LEXINGTON SAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS No 814 N. EUTAW ST. No, 314 N. EUTAW ST. No, 314 N. EUTAW ST. ~t’gsjsfi Per cent Interest on Deposits Pays 4} Per cent lutereston Deposits: Pays4i Per cent [uterest on Deposits. 25 Cents up received on-Deposits. 25 Cen'*s up received on Deposits. 25 Cents up received on Deposits. OPEN AN ACCOUNT OPEN AN ACCOUNT OPEN AN ACCOUNT. Bank Open Saturday Night From 7 to 10 Q’clock, & FACTS. 1. Incorpo& May, 1895, 2. Capital Stock, $lO,OOO. e 11 Officers ar d clerks bonded in the American Banking and Trust Cowpany. 4. Even it you have an account with every other Bank, openn an account with the Lexingto. Savings Bank LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. E. J. Waring, BiskopA. W. Way. man, George M. Laue, W, H. Daly, J. H. Murphy, Dr. J. W. Browuing, George B. Mills, V. E. Toney, Thos- H. Rus:ell, George E. Hazleton, Hen ry R. Hooker. Gecrge W. Barroll, Al fred H. Pritts, J. A. Seaton, Alex. Heweley, Julius C. Johnson, George Stanley, Walker W, Lowis, J. Edward Lansy, Kev, J. H. Collett, Rev. 0. b. Robiuson, Rev.Jebn J. Jones, Rev. P. H. Green, Rev, P. 1. A. Braxton, Rev.l. 8. Lee. Levi White, lsaiah L. Brown, John I'. Deaver, Marcy C. Garaner, William K. Mason, Robert Peters, John H. Thomas. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, 314 N. EurAaw ST NEWS NOTES. Rev. T. G. Heuston, pastor of Blad ensburg Baptist ghurch preached for the Tribe of Juda at Sharon Baptist church last Weduesday night A night schooliwas begun last Wed uesday night in ét’.(‘Pé‘ter Clavers Fa rochial school, Carey street above Presstman. At Joun Wesley M. E. lchurch last Sunday night the congregation which was very large, rose up enmasseé at tite soggestion of one of the leaders and vrotested against the c¢landers published on the colored people of this city and state in the Morning Herald. Rev, I. F. Aldridge. pastor of Allen A M. E. chureh, isengaged in deliv ering special rermons to his congre gation. The service at each meeting are very interesting. Ourreporter dropped in the office of the Ancient jßencvolent Order of Esdras and found Wo:thy Shepheid Geo. B. Mills busy lookiug over his mail, which was very large. lnaus wer toquestions, hie said; ‘‘the order is in good condition. Over 900 per sons have joined wi hin the past vear and are joiving at the rateof 15 ana 20 per day.” ‘Lae order already numbersover 3000stropg. Onune of the peculiar and popular branches of this order is the E. class, which admits to memoership those who do not wizh to be initiated. Sharon' Baptist church, Preaching at 11 a, m., 8p- m. Sermon to the Tribe ot Beonjamin at4;ls p-m Sun day school at 9;30 and 2;30 o’clock. Reports of Tribes every night rext week except Saturday night. Victory is in sight. Make sure of it by voting the entire Republican tick- MRERS. ALICE STRANGE-DAVIS HAS OPENED HER BALTIMORE MUSI(C SCHO?OIL —AT 424 W. BIDDLE ST, LESSONS ON SATURDAYS. THERMS LOW INSTRUCTIONS IN PIANO TECHNIC, VOCAL CULTURE THEORY AND HISTORY OF MUSIC. SHARON BAPT. CHURCH Carey and Presstman Sts. Rally by Tribes, first Sunday in - November. K£soo. M st be Raised. Every member and friend invited to help. Preaching Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p- m. Sunday-School at 9:30 a. m. ¢end 2:30 p.m. Rev. W. M. Alex ander, Pastor. W. J. Feavis, Clerk. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. One Furnished room can be rent ed at 725 Waesche St. Gentelman ‘Only. qu Bent—A furnished room to a reliable gentleman. Apply 701 Baker street. C:_ fi‘.LJ ones successor to V. E. Toney Denls in poultry and pro duce, By ‘cheap; orders prompt ly delered. Stalls 97.—103 Laf- JP ‘EV Q V’W ~ BARBER SHOP, g 941 N. Howard St_corgiark Ave. 3 Rl g Mr. Thos L.ewis shaving and Hair dressing Parlor 1530 Fenn 1. ave. 8. Needle 1113 Penna. ave Buying and selling of pew avd second hand clothing, hats ceps, Gents underwear Pants w. rth $1,50 sold at 75 cents. BANK, BANK, BANK, Geo. H. C. Kiug, Ihe colored tailor at 567 W. Bidale St. is ready to sup ply you with any style of suit that you need. T'he best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repairing Also special attention given ladies gar ments. A. C. Sheridan, Bricklaying and Plastering, 1356 N. Calhoun Street. - BARBERS. James A. Lindsay. Shaving- ParloF Hair Cutiog 15 Cents Shaveing 10 cents Sabmpooning 1> Cents. T'onie Rubj Cents Razor Honing 25 Ceuts 939 Elm Place. Wm. Johnson’s hair cutting shavin parlors, 527 W: Lanvale st ‘betw Penna. Ave, and Division St: (hil dren’s bair cutting a specialty. 3at isfact on guaranteed. Razors honed and tonics for sale. . DINLNGSALOONS, George P. Donglass’ dining rooms; Oysters aspevialty. 732 N. Eutaw. C of \'en:;geyon hand made shoes Fo tu Andrew Kaduck, the working nen’s shoe slore, 913 Peansylvani Avenue, men’s shoes made solid Leather warrauted, $2 to $2,75. Sew ed $2,75 to $5. Give us a call and be convineced. Repairing neatly done. Men’sshoes half soled and heeled 75 ets. Shoes sold on com mission. W. M. Hermle & Co. manufacturers tranks’ satchels and valises. Sam ple caces a speeialty. 326 W. Lexin ton St. Branch Store:—9oB W. Balti timore St- Johr C. Minnis, ice cream manufact uner, wholesale and retail. Coufec tionaries and notions, 531 W. Bids dle St. " Re! Io!!llere yom are! The best hanud made shoes in the city. Spring hottows, low heelsand all styles of porting shoes a_sre cialty. Popular pricer, Hoffman & Co., 911 Druid Hill Ave. s H. L. Johnsomn, expressman, delivers baggage and packages to all steam boats, rail road stations and to all parts of the @ity at shortest nocice Cail at 1108 Woodyear St. and 504 McMechen St. FLORIST. George H, Siddons, florist, boquets, wedding and fuperai designs, ever greens and eut flowers a specialty, 418 Myrtle Ave. Dz vid Lyon, new ana used furniture Carpets household effects, Store aud office fixtures, pianos, orgens, ~ ete. 702 704 N: BEutaw St adjoining engine house: Cash forentire house L olds: Rare bric-a brae, brasses, Lte: Autiques aspecialty: Go to Wiliiam Pacy, the great mer chant tailorand price cutter, 926 Hanover Bt, The cheapest and best in South Balto- I CURINE Restores the hair to bald temples when it has become thin or fallen out. Hair that has been injured by the use of curling irons, or inju rions straightenimg oils, perfectly restored by the useSof Curine Hair Tonic. ;& Trial Botf e, 25¢, K * par size 50¢ For Sale by Mrs Celleit, 1361 N Callioun St., Baltd ';j",’?}:‘_ Moiselene o e SR i i A perfect Haifii for hair that is rough, dry and split; venders the aair soft, black and glossy. Priee, 25 'atB per Bottle. For sale by agents and at 1361 N Clalhoun St. Treatment of the hair by the lat est improved methods by Mrs. Collett, 1361 N. Calhoun St STRAUS’ One Price System has Revolutionized n MITi2 I FURNITURE, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies Ranges, Cook Stoves, and Heaters China, Crockery ete. CASH OR ON CREDIT. LOWEST PRICES IN BALTIMORE Straus store 101, 103, 1065, N. HOWARD STREET, Mention this Paper :0: NORTHW}ES&ERN ‘0: FURN i’l ’fi’ RE, C()ME’%&&Y; , CASH & CREDIT HOUSE, FURNITUAZE, = CARPETS, Oli CLOTHS, MATTINGS, - STOVES, &C. 803 ‘Penns@lvania Av. [ Near Ov_h’urchASt._} H. WEIS & SON, PROP 8. MICHAEL HESS, —RiIABLE—— ANloCadd OUSE Confectioners. HAIR TONIC BALTO. AVE ITSS LT UT S L e —AND TEACHER OF— -2 B s OPENED HER CLASSES— . e —SSepitembper 16th, 1N95, kT ;‘fi&ma! classes for Country Teacher, Saturday from 4106 P. M, o Wal Reduction to classes formed in churches. Call or address: 5L 1309 BEMONUMENT STREET. TERMS VERY REASONABLE St i P, 000 . - A The Fulaw Clothing Honse? THE FINEST OF I'lS KIND IN THE CITY Fine Boys, Youths. & Gents Furnishing A Fuall line of all the latest styles. Merchant Tailoring A specialty. THE ONLY COLORED I'AILOR IN THE STATE. 3265. EUTAWS TNEAR CONWAYST=-Jao- W. Willivus- - YOS & DATE, Cheapest man in the city. = Notions, Kid Gloves aud 875 N. Howard St. pishing goods and BIG VARIETY OF LADIES SHIRT WAISTS. 1006 S, CHARLES ST. 1006 Men, Women and Children 1f you your wife or your children are in need of Shoes, do not deny yourself or vour families of them. You can buy for the LOWEST PRICES Tho bk Mon's Doy, ok, Ladies Mises or Chidren's s HOES. & At Fr. Schemts, ~ Reliable Boot an Shoe House, To save money on good hand-made Shoes, Goto JOS. SCHWABE 3, 813 Penna. Avenue, Hand made shoes to order, Made in the latest styles $2,00 up. Bools $4.70 up. Boys shoes $1,50 up; Meuns half soles 35 cents. Heets 15 ets. Vens half soles atd heels seW ed 75 t 0 90 cents. Ladies and Boys 43 ¢ceats, sewed 53 cenis. Bestleather and satisfaction guarau teed. Care fare to every custolwer GEO. W. PIERSON DEALER IN NEW ANDSECOND-BAND FPURNITURE Carpets, Stoves, Varieties, ete. Jighest cash prices paid fer honse hold effects. 514 Penua. Ave. Cor., Pearl St. urniture and Piaros re moved to all pairts of the city or conu try. Fuaruoiture ete. picked, stored and shipped Henry WHOL SALE AND RETAIL EDEMLER IN COAL & WOOOD Allorders Promptly attended to 329 FORREST ST . MANTLEY & I. B. HOWARD Wholesile & R2tail d=alers in Coal & Wood 784 W. PRATT SPYT. Formerly at 262 Chestnut =t. Crders prowptly atteoded Lo in any part of the elty. T. R. ROBINSON; fuo® ‘ Wood, Coal and : Offic: & Yard, 672 W GERMAN ST Oppo. Penu. Patent Dump earts. QOrd:rs by promptly attended. Basil Hutehins l Agenis. Geo. T. Leais,) WILLIAM’S _Dining - IRooms- 104 WATERSTREET axp 2512 LIGHT ST. (‘ome and you will see that our Table is the best and our prices are the cheapest in Baltimore, Clothing. (Good Workmansnip Guaranteed Goods, Seqly )@Utamsf\iqg Sood’@s Oppo. the Armory. Gents fur Dry Waiters jackets and aprons specialty Spamer & Co. 210 N, Calvert St. REAL ESTATE BROKERS- in all parts of the city for sale or rent BRREAD AT 24 C. PERI POUND LOAF. -Aikenkion Howselaenens:- SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING Standard Baking co. OF BALTO. ; Has opened and started another Bakery at 920 Pennsyivauia Avenue. J.W. ALTRN Fashionable Tonsorialist ALLEN'SHATRCREAM AND FACE BALM. Shaviog and Hair Cutting Ewmpor inm., 510 ST Chi'dren’s Hajr Catting a Specialty Open from 7&. m. to 9 p. m. Saturday until 12 m. Razors Honed. Satisfoe tion Guaranteed. MRS. NATHANIEL WESTON, Dockins One door below York Street ) Snewden’s CAFI, 941 DRUID HILL AVENUE, season always on hand. - Choice winesand Cigars. Jysters in all "st)lef Jonx T. Sxowpzx, Prop. e R i & J.B,HARRIS, “W“‘( g - ! B Fusieral Director: “AND EMBALMNING. & Gradwate of the éfled States g School of Bmbalming, Sl e Fupa i dßey BESIDES 25 YEARSEXP%IENCE CAR INGFOR THE DEAD. i ALSO A FINE HEARSE. It is best to call andsee him. Orders Cor. Oxrorp St. Barrimore, Mp. Boot and Shoe 451 ST. MARY STREEL, DEALERS IN— Groods. —HOUSKES— Monev to Loan ~-THE— AND MAXNUFACTURER OF- PALUL STREET. PERMANENT & TRANSIIENT 615 S. SHARP ST, —ALL ROADS LEAD TC All the Delieacies of the taken day or night. 1016 DRUID HILL AVE. GEORGE W. TILGHMAN, MAXER, o Tailor, Swits Cut and made to Order. Good Fit Guaranteed. 1023 Penna. | Ave. DIENER & KNIFRIM-: Merchant Tailors espor PEARL, ST- Suits to order frem §i2 up. ég"t %‘il)g, Sc‘luringl Repaircing, and 'ressing neatly style aud yuality S Strictly guaranteed. Suitsreourld and Pressed 75 ets. Dyeing, Repairing and Altering Neatly Done: Just Think Of lit, A FINE ALL WOOI PANTS TO ORDIR $3 FINE " DRESS PANTS $4 £ $5 SUITS TO ORDER 312 and up. WEARWELEL PANTS COMPANY 1054 Penna Ave. —--THE PLACE TO BUY— Bheap- Shoes! IS AT - B ROOK ’S -1207-1203 Patterson AVENUE. Cor. Stockton 8¢ A full line of ladi=s’ Misses aud child ren’s black and Pusset shoes. To Save money on good hand-made SHIE 807 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Mens shoes made by hand of solid leatheor, warranted not to ripagd mage inall the latestgtyle -or §2.25, s3,oo,and‘3l4;fit_) Give us a call aud be ?Gn?i%arfi “Reo. pairing neatly domg. . . SR - ST SPECIAL BOIICHE. & all on Spam 3t 'W ‘* . HFUCESERE :0: ICE CREAM & con 30 Dining Prlor, 1219 JEFFERSON ST. BALTO. CONFECTIONARIES. A discount allowed on large quan titics of cream. Cream in pitehg 90 cents per quart. A slice of given with a plate of cream table. m. B. RU Sign. B‘ AND i [ eyery Sigus o 1 evers 1510 N. Frem? L GROGQ soft D inks. = at 113 N¢