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.Lawrence Mal £t 2p.m. Boog y Evening. . Bowser, Pastor. i i Sl Church—Preaching 7.30 p.m.; Sunday nd 2.80 p.m.; Christian “Character not Hered enry Anderson; solo by . Rusk; essay, Miss Flla J. H. Reid, pastor. ptist Church—Preaching . by Rev. Geo. Washinzton tizing; a#B p.m., a special y pastor to sinners; Sunday 0 am and 2 pm: Y. P t 5 p. m. All are invited. nes Watkins, pastor. are yet turning to the Lord, have been converted at Enon tist Church, avd many are yet at o anxious seat. The revival is still progress. Bt. John’s A. M. E. Temple, Lex, ngton street, near Pine—ll a, w.- fipastor; 3 p. m.. pastor, to the ‘‘Su ipreme N. . C., Brothers and Sisters ‘and subordinate lodges of Good "Hope”; 7.80 p. m.. Rev. 8. B. Monis. Munday BSchool, 2.30 p. m.. E. J. Waring, acting supt.; Christian En deavor, 630 d. m Joseph L. Butler, president. Rev.O. D. Robinson, pas or. » Siek List of the Order of Esdras. The members are requested to at tend. " Geo. Gant, 358 Henrietta st. L.ucy Bundy, 1210 Park ave. @Sarah L. Bantup, 537 N. Central ave. ® Annie Morris, 733 Vine st. Mary J. Tripp, 1419 Brunt sty John W. F. Marshall, 201 Perry st. {Catharine Bryant. 201 N. Dallas st. Richard Hicks, 1209 N. Bpring st. Mary A. Reed, 921 Hopkins ave. Blizab’h A. Gipron, 237 8. Dallas st. Clara Bonds, 231 N. Amirty srt. Wm. B. Gross, 748 Sarah Ann st, Deboria Benson, 609 Smith st. Maria Prout, 140 W. Hill st. Joshua Beard, 611 N. Eden st. Allen’s A. M. E. Literary opened on Sunday, Feb. 9. Rexponsive reading by Mrs. H Wolls, prayer by Rev. 1 F. Aldridge; instructive remarks Ly President, Mr. T. Secribner. Our wrayer and praise meeting was quite a wsuccess; three young men asked for iprayegs, also geveralothers. Remarks W 01, su?ject, “Young People’; 3 by Mr, Walter Scott, snbjeet, . r’'; remarks by Mr, W. Taylor, sabject, ‘‘Advantage”; a »relection ‘from Mr. Addison Manns, ‘‘A choice of your compauny and a friend”; a noble address by Mr. David Johnson, sabjeet, ‘‘True Manhood, also Womanhood"; select reading by Miss Mary Page, subject, ‘‘Creation’; se lect reading by Miss Martha Pinder, subject, ““The Ruins of Time.” LECTURE—FREE. f* Rev. Alexander Crummell of Wash fogton, D. C., will give a grand lec ture on “‘Business,” to the wembers andfriends of the Northwestern Fam %l{ ’Suyoly Company at St. John’s A. ‘M. E. Tonple, Lexington street, near Pine, oo honday night, Feb. 17 All are invited. The stock of the N. W. F. 8. Co. will hesold to those degirous of purchasing. “flh Daly, the Eres;dent, will als ke a short ad- Egeés. _Come early and secure a good at. FOR SAILE. ¥ A small farm on Curtis’ Creek, lying on said creek half a mile, with a wharf, 21} acres, with a small house aand good water: 12 miles from Balti ./ anore and one mile from Short Line R. K.; church and vost office close by: @ good shell road from the city; price $550; $275 cash, balance in 12 months. Apply to WM. H. HALL, Moriey Neck P. 0.. A. A. Co.. Md. 15 4t Mr. B. W. Armiger of 1030 Pennsyl fvania avenue desires to call attention ‘o his unequaled Cabinet Photographs ‘at $l.OO per doz. If you intend having %ephmo taken, give Mr. Armiger a call before gouing elsewhere. We have seen Mr. Armiger's work and can conscien- Wousiy recommend it. L WHN T. GASSAWAY has opened & o first-class Colored Barber Shopat w Diwision st. Shaving and Hair Lutting done in the best of style by first-class workmen. e . EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN. ' Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting and Shampooing a specialty. 1 also keep a fine assortment of Ci- 1 gars, Tobacco and Pipes. flstf | . MON EY —ssoo MONEY. \gve Five Hundred Dollars, be engihg to a widcw, to lcen on good By ESN security, in one or two Gro. P. T. JoNES, 1843 Calhoun st. . FOR BALE—A small hand printing pres;,n?sgt:fiti anfl 'ype, complete; wortu ; will eell for §l5. Call at Bit Pa. Avn @ e e the | ec at | 1 near l P m. | esiding All are | 3 ALUNINI ASSOCIATION, —OF THE— i BALTIMORE COLORED HIGH SCHGOL, —WILLBE GIVEN AT THE— »)4 ! ' Harris Acdemy of Music Gongert Hall, . Howard Street near Franklin. FRIDAY EV ENING, FEEFU/FRY Z2Bth, (1886 ’, G W. 8 1 G.C.of R . Merryman eet. and Mt. b, 213 Btreet, nue and Bar- ks at 11 a. m, On the abiove cccasion there will e a Giand Internatioral Drill, under the aireetion ot Miss Florence Grey. A laughable and highly entertairing comedy, entitled “Whois Who?” or «All in a F¥og.” In strumental and ¥ ocal Solos, Recitations and Declamations. & # Cards of Admission 25 Cts. Doors open at. 7. Exercise begin at 8. WM. H. LEE, Pres. H. B. HARRIS, Secretary. GONDITION LINIMENT FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. THIS LINIMENT 1S USED bY ALL THE LEADING STABLES AND HORSEMEN The CONDITION POWDhEßi<the beston the market, iscomposed of the very finest roots and herbs, specially prepared by the proprietors. It has no smell, a pleasant tasteand the dose smalland rviven batoncea day; is eaten withavidity by the most deliecarefeeders. Themostprominentstables— race, carriage or work horses—use and speak most hizghly of the:m. - Price?s Cents Per Package. The LINIMENT, 5 remedy for Bruises, Sprains, Muscle Soreuness, Rheuwmnatie Affections, and for Thrash and Seratchesand kKindre l Ailmentsshould be in every stable, while a more highly refiued preparation ispur up for similar troubles in the family, and Neuralgia, Lumbago, Croup, Toothache, Ear ache, Frostbite. and all soreness or swellings. Price2s per Bottle. The TONIC is made from Roots, Barks aud Herbs, Can be taken any kind of weather, and does not interfere wich yoar eating. For purifying the Blood, Liver and Kidueys; alsoa stimulant aud Touie. Price 50 Cents Per Bottle. The above remedies are used by the members of the Baltimore City Fire Department and in the families and Stables of most of Baltimore’s most prom inent citizens: also by Col. Hurt. B. Holton, Genl. Felix Agnus, and Mr. Gus. Warfied. For sale by all Druggists and 41l General Stores, or at tbe manun facturers’. Geo T Hollyday & Co. 2o NV, HOWARD SY., AL Mo R, D =R\CNCLE Send usin the names of four (4) yearly subseribers paid in advance and we will send you the Arro-AmzricaN for 1 year free. For (10) yearly subscribers paid in advan e, 13 Karat Gold Ring. For (15) tifteen yeariy subscribers, paid in advance, a fine Mando lin or a Rosewood Guitar. ' For (30) thirty yearly subscribers, paid in ad ance, we will give $lO in Gold. To the Lady or Gentleman who will secure us [lso] cne hundred and fifty subscribers, paid in advance, we will give a new s£loo.oo ’96 Monarch Bicycle, weighing either 18, 20, or 24 lbs. 'Fhis is an excellent opportunity to get a good bicycle warranted in every respect Miss Georgine B. Kelly, PiIIBLIC READER Hlgeuion i Povsial Cufe- OPENED HER CLASSES— —September 16th, IsOS,— Special elasses for Country Teachers, Satordays from 4 1o 6 P. M, Special Reduction to classe: tormed in churehes. Oall or address 1309 E. MONUMENT STREET. TERMS VERY REASONABDLE The Eutaw Clothing House, s- v i 23926 S. EuTAw ST., NEAR UONWAY 9 i~ J ; ’ THE ONLY¥ COLORED TAILORIN THE STATE. " Will make you a fine Suit for $B,OO and mpwards, a fine Pair of Pants ‘" to order for $2.75 and upwards. Fine line of ready made clothing " and Gents Furnishing goods. Will scour and Press Geents full sui. o eor $l,OO. Dyelng and pressing gents fall suit $1.50. Repairing 45}@;1:1)4:5 e j to order. Clothing taken on'Storage. " e o SOHN W . W ILLLAM, Prop. HOWARD W. JACKSON, Agt. TR AT TR S eR S S RIS JOs. A. DEJOIL, ‘ Cheapest man in the city. - . BRYCOODS, Notions, Kid Gloves & Gents Furnishings 875 N. Howard St. . Oppo. the Armory. Gents furnishing goodsand Waiters jackets and aprons specialty SWEET-OR PANTS AND OVERALLS, Guaranteed to never rip. SIX MEN cannot tear theu apart. ADNU T USE HOLLYDAY’'S POWDERS, FUREKA ™ “zormo AND TONIC, A NEW 96 §lO,OO in Gold FREE. An 18 KARAT GOLD RING READ OUR OFFERS. ;5 S. Charles St. en, Women and Children or your children are in need of Shoes, do not ‘'deny yourself of them. You can buy for the LOWEST PRICES o Tous, lodis, Mg Chlie OILD S, wALES, ; i 1 - FE SECOND- CONCERT —OOF TBE— TTONARCH FREEE FREE. Lexington Savings DBank, 1, 34 N. EUTAW STREET, Pzys 43 Per Cent. - 25 Cents upward Received Churches, Societies and Loages Soliciied to open accounts. OPBEN DEILY AEND SATURD!Y NiLHT Sign Painter, AND GILDER, Signse of every description neatly ex- %510 N. Fremont Avenne. Baito. Md. Jas. H. Neale Tonsorial Parlors, 205 Richmond St: Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done and promptly attended to by first-class and artistic work men. Children’s hair-cutting a specialty. Ladies hair trimmed and shampooed at their residences ‘ils, tonics, bay rum, and soap for sale. Razors put in order. YWhere the Afro-Amc-ican €an Be H.D. Murry’s, 912 N. Eutaw st. P. D. Biackwell, 203 Richwond st. : Alexander MeDaniel, 926 Draid Hill ave. B. H. Barris, 314 S. Caroline st. Jas. A. Locks, corner Dallas and Jefferson sts. \ John C. Minnis, 534 W. Biddle st. J. W. Allen, 510 St. Paul st. J. Lindsay, corner (ireenwillow st. and Elm pl. ThE AFRO-AMERICAN sSTUDIO 546 West Lanvale St., Portraits in (Crayons, Pastels and Water Colors. Crayon Portraits from $2 up. Whter Colors from #3 up. Pastels from $4 to $5 up. All work guaranteed to be satisfactory. Please %lve me a trial. LEwlis POINDEXTER, roprietor. 1-10-61 m 1000. The Baltimore School Commissioners decided aftera very exhanstive test that,the Weaver Orean was « nquestionably tle ‘best of all makes and emplmsized their indement by ordering ° the Baltimore public schools snpplied with it fora term of years. | ~After this term of years Iml expired 2 new eontract was made whieh should show conclusively that the WEAVER is the lead- : er of all Organs. : WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WEAVER ORGANS AND YOU CAN GET ANY STYLE YOU WANT ON EASY PAYMENTS. WEAVER ORRANS TROM $B5 UP. SI DOWN, SI A WEEK. FREE A STGOL AND BOOK ° - WITH EACH ORGAN. (L MILTONSHIIGHES & CO, 16 NORTH CHARLES ST, Cor. Fayette. (Domestic Sewing Machine Rooms.) 1-10 6m. TOTAL DEPOSITS To DRC 1 1895, $35000. M. B. RUSS, ecuted. Found. FOR FIRST CLASS DRUGS —{o TO Jo Lo yAYER, [Graguat@l in Pharmacy] COR. PEMNSYLVANIA AVE. AND a “"wllm RO N ST-I i Matolet Suppliefiimaery descriytion Guarantecd for six vears. A | : / p 1 R ' is always attractive, but not more so than good Printing. When you give an entertainment of any kind, the thing you want is attractive Printing. Few persons stop to look at BADLY PRINTED POSTERS, while on the other hand EVERYBODY WILL NOTICE an attractive, neatly and prettily printed poster. . Cheapness is not always just the -thing after all. Everything that is cheap is not always good. While a good thing is cheap at any price. Call and see us about your poster printing. We assure you that you - will be pleased. . Tae AFRO-AMERICAN, 1216 N. FreMoNT AVE. GEORGE A HANDY, Funeral Director ___and Emp&iagp, ' DIENER & KNIERIM, Merchant Tailors, Balto. 674 W. Baltimore Street, Makes fine CHEVIOT SUITS to order from SI2 up. PANTS from $4 up. Also Dyeing, Scouring and Re pairing neatly done. - Sehnol Commis- ANDREW GAS SAWAY ODURLESS EXGAVATION, Sink Cleaning Ete. 2235 Division Strert All orders 'b[;vA fx;gil\f(;)is;nptly o att ended to sioners Lead —ALL ROADS LEAD TC Sncwden’ newaen 8 CAFE, 941 DRUID HILL AVENUE, All the Deliearies of the season always on hand. - Choice winesand Cigars. Oysters in all styles. Joux T. SxowpeN, Prop. the Way. J.P. EVANNS, BARBER SHOP, 941 N. Howard St. cor Park Ave. For First Class Work. Satisfaction given or mouey refunded. Children’s Hair entting and Ladies fhampooing a specialty. Razors put in order. ©ils, Tonics, Bay Rum and' Soaps MONEY! ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS If you have aloan in another company, see me, 1 will ar- GEO. 1343 N. Calhoun St. Formerly with the Johnson Loan Agency. Business Confidential. U. 8. TEA €8 IMPORTERS: JOBBERS, RETAILERS Paca and Lexington. Orleans & Forrest. Chester 4McE!derry, Lexington & Pearl, 1042 Penna Ave: Forrest & Harford. TEAS. In buying from usyou derive the benefit of our Twenty five years experience. - TRY NECTAR TEA, & perfect Blend, 50 Cents. COFFLEES. We have the best facilities for roasting. We sell only Coffces, selecied for their drinking qualities. No water, grease or other foreign sub stance used in connection with them. We Grind and sell strictly pure Spices. -American Industries We patronize home industries. do vou? Special Holiday Reduetions on ll ot GOODS, 2. Civeus a trial and be convinced. This spec ial reduetion for holidays only. WRIGHT"S g 92332 PENNA AVENUE. Charies— H. Beef, Pork& Mutton Fine Sausaze and Pure Leat Lard. S. W Cor- Lexington & Pine Sts. Factory, 412 Frederick Ave. J. B. Harris, Funeral Director; araduate of the United Siates School of Embalming, BESIDES 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Itis best to call and secehim. Orders Cogr. Oxrorp St. BALTIMORE, Mnp H. RUFUS WHITE, Towson, GO 10 For Sale. MONEY! $lO TO $lOO. range it. JONES, STORISS: —PATRONIZE— Brunier, —WHOLESALZ DEALZR IN-- —ANXD MANUFACTURER OF AND EMBALMING. CARING FOR THE DEAD. ALSO AFINE HEARSE. taken day or night. 1016 DPRUID HILL AVE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, et Think OF 149 Just Think Of ifff A FINE ALL WOOL PANTS - TO ORDER $3 FINE DRESS PANTS s£4 £ $5 SUITS TO ORDER 312 and up. WEARWELL PANTS TCOMPARNY 1054 Penna. Ave, BEOKS Good government is essential to the welfare of the community. Soisgood Books. You do not realize how exeel lent the latter is until you have pa tronized the Waketield Book Coneern, 546 W. Lanvalest., Baltimore. Md. BREAD AT 24 C.PER I POUND LOAF. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING —THHE— N 2 b 3 Standard Baking Co. O BALTO, ‘Has opened and started another Bakery at 920 Peunusyalviia Avenue. We reccomend B, KRAFE, The s« Hatter 400 N. EUTAW ST. COR. MULBERRY ST. When in need of a Hat, Cap, or Umbrellas Give him acall Satisfaction Gual dlibesd Everything sold at the lowest Price=s BUSINESS NOTICES, Mr. Thos Lewis shaving and Hair dressing Parlor 15339 Pentuv. ave. Geo. H. G. King, the colored tailor at 567 W. Bidale St. is ready to sup ply you with any style of guic that you need. Jhe best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repairing. Also spevial attention given ladies gar ments. A. C. Sheri®n, Bricklaying and Plastering, 1506 N. Calhoun Street. BARBERS. James A. Lindsay. Shaving- Parlor Hair Cutieg 15 Cents Shaveing 10 cents Sabmprombpg 15 Cents. Tonic kubb Cents Razor houiug 25 Ceuts 939 Elm ’lace. Wm.Jechpson’sHair eutting & shaving parlors, 527 w: Lanvale st betw, Penna. Ave, and Division St: Chil dren’s hair cutting a specialty. Sac isfaction guaranteed. Razors honed and tonies tor sale. DINING SALOONS, George P. Donglass’ Dining Roomc; Oysters a specialty. 732 N. Eutaw. . ] Confectioners. dohnC. Minnis, ice cream manufae turer, wholesale and retail Con fectioparies and npotions, 534 W. Biddle st. Ho! Ho!! Here yvou,are! The best hund made shoes in the city. Spring bottoms, low heelsand all styles of gporting shoes a sy ecialty. Popular pricer, Hoffman & Co., 914 Dru'd Hili Ave. b FLOFRIST. George H, Siddons, florist, boqu wedding and fn}néml des’igng?eve::’- greens anccut flowers a 8 i 418 Myrtle Ave. e ® William M. Green & Sons, 2201 Division street. Fine supply of staple goods, green groceries, pro duce, meats ete. To save money on good hand-made +=SHOES= Goto JOS. SCHWABER, 813 Penna. Avem‘ Hand mady‘?fhoe& thefates Boots Mens hg Wens ed 7 B te Ak