Newspaper Page Text
ear:h worm is there grows a there grows a are formed. As mall white button fterward develops riect extremity. 'us, s San Francisco 38 been conducting & ents with the X rays, they arc not cathode pen held, but emanats de. Professor Sanford, niversity, says that he is aignac, wife of the French ter, had a bit of a broken er hand which the sur%leons nd. She went to the Ecole had the hand pictured by the rays showing the needle, took ure to a surgeon, and had the taken out. : editor in Graz, Austria, had his photographed by Professor entgen’s process, but absolutely re sed to havo the picture reproduced or shown to any but men of science. The effect startled him so that it was a lono time after he saw the photo \graph before he could sleep in peace. The duration of sunshine in the iious countries of Euarops was re _htly discussad at a scientific meet % in Berlin. 1t was shown that _jain stands at the head of the list, . ving on the average 3000 hours of _ pshine per year, while Italy has 2300 lurs, Germany 1700 hours and Eng - "hd 1490 hours. a 4 Catehing Cold. JA great deal of lung troublo, con i ation and throat diflicnlties are ' _keable directly to the habit of ; hing ond talking on going out i | heated audience rooms. People ibr hours in warm rqoms, then go buddenly into the cold air. 'They 'ln high spirits and naturally in _ bd to chatter and laugh, often ~ bing this up for a long time. The . flen reducing of the temperature of ~ |lungs by the enormous inhalation. _ pery cold air is produetive of con __tion and chills innumerable. It is Holared by a physician who has made tudy of this subject that if people ' hild be induced to keep their mouths it on going out of heated rooms . b acold atmosphere there would be ~br pulmonary and throat troubles |fewer colds and couchs. Peoble woult gradusliy «vwvastom their lung b the cold, rarely speaking for th st few minuates of their out-of-door pip. - To the thoughtless this looks Ike a small matter, but on it may de jend health, happiness and long life. New York Ledger. Would Cause a Sensation, | “There are som> things that the | _patent office does, and there are some gome things that we are too highly 1 ‘edacated tc touch,’”” observed an offi cial ¢ the patent office. ‘A few days ago ' | office received a letter from a lead: ‘chergyman in Cincionatfi, in whi' /he said: ‘I am anxious to buy a bic le for my daughter, but cannot d Je which of the many machines 11 Jon thewnarket isthe best. Please '} se me what machine the patent ke thinks is the best?” To answer the letter would have caused a bigger /sensation than a provlamation by the | President declaring war with Caba, { and so we simply said in reply that he | could ascertain for himself by reading the advertisements of the various - machines in the newspapers. Yester _day came & further letter from tha writer, in which he said: ‘I have read '~ go much on the bicycle question that lam nearly driven to despair, but up "to this writing I have not been able to - decide.’”—Washington Star. New Lands to Explore, . Bir W. Martin Conway, of London, ‘who reminds the world that the in terior of the main island of Spitzber wpen, off Norway, has never been ex* ‘plored, hopes to take a paziy next fummer to put an end to Ahis state of Ahings. Mr. Trevor-Battye and four dthers will probably go with him. . Wihe islans 15 penetzated by fjords, and 4% pars is more than twenty-five miles from the sea. The explorers will . therefore cross from fjord to tjord ~ with a light load of provisions un Ice - land panies, revictnaling at each fjord from a steamer which must follow them by sea. ‘ ALL PREACHERS IN THE UNITED STATES, TAEE NOTICE ! @@;”‘%fi;fi;;z?‘l‘he Mat:hew Hepry's Complete . Commentary” is a book too well f‘i%wnhsou to need farther intrc . duction here. We have arranged to _ proeure this work at a low rate, and ~ will make avy preacher a present of _ the same who will send us twenty (20) s,;‘ll:;;:.?{eafly’ mbs‘ermew at $1 each, paid. . 'Phis offer is to Preachers only. Start - atonce and you will find it an easy " matcer to get 20 subscribers for the ¢ AFRO-AMERICAN. mhis4w ¢ Call and get our prices before going p tisewhere.—The AFRO-AMERICAN. U IS ATDT, SEYERTSHEUT NEAT anfpoN. ~ Ladies’ and C. ildren’s Hai@®Mtting and Shampouing . specialty. I also keep a hae assortment ofCi -gars, Tobaceo and Yipes. fls¢f * eat the ‘ento e most spins a imes ten M. A. BRANT & CO., Manufacturers of sample Trunks ana Cases a specialty; I'runks and Satch els, Please give us a call. 212 North Eutaw et. Terms, net cash. mhl4 8w /in ehallow ‘the sun The com- bed of de er. The croc tortoise go wr. Thos Lewis shaving and Hair dressing Parlor 1530 Penna. ave. wreo. H. €. King, the colored tailor at 567 W. Bidale St. is ready to sup ply you with any style of suit tbat you need. The best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repairing. Also spevial attention given ladies gar ments. A. C. Sheridan, Bricklaying and Plastering, 1356 N. Calhoun Street. James A. Lindeay. Shaving- Parlor Hair Cutiog 15 Cents Shageing 10 (;?ntt)sssghn;p(fi)mng 15 Cents. Tonic ul ents Razor Honi 939 Eim Place. VRO Lo Wm.Johnson’sHair cutting & shaving garlors, 527 w: Lanvale st betw,. enpa. Ave,and Division St: Chil dren’s hair cutting a specialty. Bat isfaction guaranteed. Razors honed and tonies for sale. DINING SALOONS, | George P. Donglass’ Dining Roomc; Oysters a specialty. 732 N. Eutaw. Confectioners. JohnC. Minnis, ice cream manufae turer, wholesale and retail Con fectionaries and notions, 534 W. Biddle St. Ho! Hol!llere youare! The best hand made shoes in the city. Spring bottoms, low heelsand all styles of sporting shoes a syecialty. Popular aricez-. Hoffman & Co., 9114 Dru‘d ill Ave. @eorge H, Siddons, florist, boquets, wedding and funeral designs, e ver greens and cut flowers a speeialty, 418 Myrtle Ave. i William M. Green & Sons, 2201 Division street. Fine supply of staple goods, green groceries, pro duce, meats ete. : R- DELSON, The Tailor, Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing don at the lowest prices. Suits made to order from $B.OO up. Allwool PANTS $3.00. Best A $4.00. Bicycles Suits a specialty. - Don’t forget the numker, 1021 Pennsylvania. Avenue, John H. Ballou, Attorney - at - Law, ‘2lB COUATLAND ST & Practice in all the Courts Charles -H. Brunier, Beef, Porkd Mutton Fine Sausage and Pure Leaf Lard. S. W. Cor- Lexington & Pine Sts Factory, 412 Frederick Ave. J. B. Harris, Funeral Director; @raduate of the United Slates School of Embalming, BESIDES 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE [tis best to call and seehim. Orders taken day or night. 1016 PRUID HILL AVE. Cor. Oxrorp St. BartiMorg, Mp The Man You Owght to Appreciate. HO! HO! Here yf‘n are. The best hand-made Shoes inithe city; spring bottoms, low heels and all other styles of sporting a specialty; popu lar prices. e s HOFFMAN & STE&VEY, j 914 Draid Hill Av.. Balto., Md. apl} 4t I bave a trade-mark for a patent medicine **Pain Killer” jwl ich I wish to sell. For further particulars ad dress, Moses Blackson, 28 King George street, Annapons, Md. mi.2t WgNTED«Pupils in Potrait paint ing underour copy-righted method Any person who desires can learn this valuable and profitable art and make money for themselves. If you send us a picture of yourself or friend we willgive you free of charge a iife size crayon potrait. Also a priot to copy from ons. Charges are moder ate. Buccess guaranteed if yon fol low iustructions. Lessons also in shortband and tpyewriting. Apply in person or by letter. Figra i L. EDWARDS( I T ’?f’?,;" AED ""”‘§’ £ 4 WTR Typu.« Ei g o R D e T EREE 280 Wy ASTCrns $3O) 40 o ' Established in 1865 BUSINESS NOTICES. BARBERS. FLORIST. —WHOLESALE DEALER [N— ~—~AND MANUFACTURER OF AND EMBALMING. CARING FOR THE DEAD. ALSO AFINE HEARSE. +FEIRSALY T TN e o L SERERRE. ‘«% = Speciai Holiday Beductions on all BT R G da Giveus a trial and be convinced. This spec ial reduetion for holidays only. WRIGHT'S -~ 2 CHEAPSHOE STORE, | 932 PENNA AVENUE. GU 1Y J.P. EVANS, BARBER SHOP, 941 N. Howard St. cor Park Ave. For First Class Work. Satisfaction given or mouey refunded. Children’s Hair entting and Ladies Shampooing a specialty. Razors put in order. Qils, Tonics, Bay Rum and' Soaps Fcr Sale. To save money on good hand-made +=SQHOES= Gaoto JOS. SCHWABER, 813 Penna. Avenue, Hand made shoes to order, Made in the latest styles $2,00 up. Boots $4 10 up. Boys shoes §1,50 up; Mens half soles 35 cents. Heels 15 cts. Mens half soles aud - heels sew ed 76 to 90 cents. Ladics and Boys 42 cents, sewed H 5 cents. Best leather and satisfaction guaran teed. Care fare to every customer. W. URBANSKI. g A Good 111ng A come and e ! see the New Shoe, e G S Store at ~ =894 Druid Hill Ave. We have good hand-made shoes and to order from $2.00 up. Also ladies ¢chones made to order. Cbheapest aund best repaired shoes in the city. Men’'s half soles 85 cents. Men’s hand sew ed soles, 70 Cents. Heels 15 cents. Ladies and boys half soles and heelr, 45 cents. Best leathel used. Boys Shoes from $1.50 up. SATISFACTION - GUARANTEED sm2lm. v Just Think Ofit, A FINE ALL WOOL PANTS T 0 ORDER s£3 FINE DRESS PANTS 4 £ $5 SUITS TO ORDER 312 and up. WEARWELL PANTS COMPANY 1054 Penna. Ave. 8. HILKQVIGH, "FINE ||| TAILORING arments cut and Trimmed in the latest styles. Dyeing, Scouring, Repairing Neatly Done,. : Suit dyedand pressed, $1.50. Suit Seoured, 75 cents. : Suits drf’ cleaned, 50 cents. Ladigg’ Coats altered in the best Man T 4 e . noo}‘FENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 2nd Door North of Greenwillow. street, Baltimore, Md. : R ) i TR i Wi RS iE . G ‘ a‘ g _‘)‘?“ e o ‘n“,v:'”f.g‘: ;rj“ Y Books 1 fié,;& lot realizeflgow oxcel lent il.gibatter is until v, e T b AR 1 T P it 2 i F-% g% i i ; - QLU Hilnpaniul 411 DRUID HILL AVE. DIENER & KNIERIM, Merchant Tailors 674 W. Baltimore Street, Makes fine CHEVIOT SUITS to order from $l2 up. PANTS from $4 up. Also Dyeing, Scouring and Re pairing neatly done. ANDREW GASSAWAY (DORLEES EACATATION Sink Cleaning Ete. 2213 Division Street, All orders 1?; leg?lcgl?o.lfil)tly attended to Something Worth Knowing! —THE— STANDARD BAKING COMPANY. 920 Pennsylvania Ave., S2rl Greenmount Ave., Is selling, without exception, the best Bread on Earth at only 24 cents per lib loaf. DPlease bear in mind the two reasons we should be patronized: Fitst—We were the first in this City to give the public the benefit of the cheapness of flcur. Second—lt is always up to the standard in quantity and quality as advertised. Itis phenomenal. The success and reputation we have gained for the superior quality of our good in this city.. M. B. RUSS, o 0 Sign Painter, AND GILDER, Signs of every description neatly ex ecuted. 1550 N. Fremont Avenne, Balto. Md. The Eutaw Clothing House : £ ‘ r 326 S. Euraw STI., NEAR CoNWAY, THE ONLY COLORED FAILOR IN THE STATE. Will make you a fine Suit for $B,OO and upwards, a fine Pair of P’ants to order for $2.75 and upwards. Fine line of ready made clothing and Gents Furnishing goods. Will scour and Press Gents full suit for $l,OO. Dyeing and pressing gents full suit $1.50. Repairing done to order. Clothing taken on Storage. JOHN W. WILLIAM, Prop, HOWARD W' JACKSON, Agt. JOs. A. DECK, Cheapest man in the city. DRY GOODS, Notions, Kid Gloves & Gents Furnishings 875 N. Howard St. . Oppo. the Armory. Gents furnishing goods and Waiters jickets and aprons specialty SWEET-OR PANTS AND OVERALLS, Guaranteed to never rig. fIX MEN cannot tear them apart. | ioob - B.E harles St 1000, Men, Women and Children 1t ou youe witeor your children are in oed of Shocs, 4o ot deny vourset Tho best Blen's, Doy's, Youd's, _ladbs, M o Chldwn's at Fr. Scheidt’s Reliable Boot and Shoe House =A PIANO RECITAL-% BY THE OF THE PUPILS OF MR. CHAN. J. RUSK, Madison Street Presbyterian Church, Monday, May 25th, 1896. CARDS OF ADMISSION 10 CENTS. ERENA H. GRAY. ¥M. E. GRAY, : % —SUCCESSOBTO— ' & e ;A R w 7 WM. J/GRAY, -—-FUXY ERAL, - Director & —Embalme Irecior & —ampaimer, -&) i? XYY, Lanvale 00, eTS SIS W T R MEWET RS (e BN D . svionStiPet, Balto. Md. IMPORIERS. = | STORES: Paca and Lexington. Orleans & Forrest. Chester &«McE!derry, Lexington & Pearl, 1042 Penna Ave. Forrest & Harford. TEAS. In buying from usyou derive the benefit of our Twenty five years experience. TRY NECTAR TEA, a perfect ‘Blend, 50 Cents. COFFEES. We have the best facilities for roasting. We sell only Coffees, selected for their drinking qualities. No water, grease or other foreign sub stance used lin connection with them. - We Grind and sell strictly pure Spices. We've got some pnew ideas. Let us put them into your Job Printing.— The AFRO AMERICAN. Jgs. H. Negle Tonsorial Parlors, 205 Richmond St. Shaving and Ilair-cutting neatly done and promptly attended to by first-class and artisiic work men. Children’s hair-cutting a specialty. Ladies hair trimmed and shampooed at their residences Oils, tonics, bay rum, and soap for sale. Razors put in order. Where the Afro-Ame-ican Can Be Found. lI.D. Muny’s, 912 N. Eutaw st. P. D. Biackwell, 203 Richinond st. Alexander McDaniei, 926 Druid Hill ave. B. H. Harris, 314 S. Caroline st. Jas. A. Locks, corner Dallas and Jefferson sts. John C. Minnis, 534 W. Biddle st. J. W. Allen, 510 St. Paul st. J. Lindsay,corner (ireenwillow and Eim pl. : Wakefield Book Concern, 546 W. Lanvale Street. J. H. Jenkins, 511 Myrtle Ave. Mr..Glpson, 1415 Orleans street. J. H. Norris, 623 South Sharp St Your attention is respec!full called to the New Sewing Machine Store which has just becn opeped at 1002 Argyle avenue. We are dealers in all kinds of high grade new and gecond hand sewing machines. Repairing a gpecialty. Urders by mail yr,omi)cly attended to. Please give us a call. ROBERT H. BUTLER, St e e T Tes e L e L z R T g@fl e S il e eol ey e poneRGERS Sl L O e I e SRI oo Soele ee R S e e e Bey Sk , Fre e o e e T s e eOS T T SRR T R T T b XI\F RN} VW EF YR R B F AR FY%F B %f W . 2 B e el 8 8 RN R T R & : s L g TR BRI i i 2 v 3 3 PO W S T e S e .Y ] e N NG R VR B e SO e b g £ ey e 3 00l e B WY PAY RENT, WHEN YU . CAN TAKE STOCKIN = The Maryland Building and BUILD your HOME with the same mofi@ Tite Maryland Building & Loan A%snmana] Guarantees 6 per cent.on Paid-up Stock. 2 It Allows 6 per cent. on Withdrawals, L Its Loaning Rate is § per cent. . Par Value of Stock $lOO. Monthly Dues, $L . Stock Matures in about 5 Years. Ali Stock shares in the entire profi}i No money ever lies idle. We lend mon ey to our members only, and not to cor porations, Subscriptions received at the office of this paper. , General Office, I!ILAW BUILDING, Baltimore, Md. SCHOOL BOOKS, BANKING REQUISITEs, EDUCATIONAL SUP!*JM OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE. ‘ ‘ J. W. BOND & COrIPANY, MANUFACTURING % STATIONERS, ~ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. | PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS & LITHOGRAPHERS 404 - 406 B. Baltimore Street, | TELEPHONE, 2167. BALTIMOB@& The Baltimore School Commissioners decided afters very exhaustive test that the Weaver Organ was unquestionably fhe best of all makes and emphasized their judgment by ordering the Baltimore public schools supplied with it for a term of years,’ After this term of years had expired 2 new contract was md}é& which should show conclusively that the WEAVER is the lea@‘ er of all Organs. ¢ e WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WEAVER ORGANS AND YOU CAX GET ANY STYLE YOU WANT ON EASY PAYMENTS. WEAVER ORGANS FROM $65 UP. $I DOWN, $I A WEEK. FREE. G. MILTON HUGHES & CO, %% 16 NORTH CHARLES ST., Cor. Fayette. = (Domestic Sewing Machine Rooms.) 1 4 .AFRO-AMERICAN FAND LAUNDES 145 WEST MONTGOMERY STREET, Nead ai “GOOD WORK AND PROMPTNESS” OUR My Ladies’ Bpparel Laundried by Cong Work done at Popular Prices and on SJEEEES B RO o e and Loan Association OF BALTIMORE CITY, takes to pay rent? Guaranteed for gix years. % A STOOL AND BOOK bl WITH EACH ORGAN. | Baffio Schaol Cotiis- sioners ‘ i Lead the \?ay.