Newspaper Page Text
ML EMIMADTD L OUINDATIT i A , 2 " Bohedule in Effect -May 9th, 1496, ws Uey 3 i ~ Leave Camden Statlog. _"For Chicago and Northwest, | estibule M ted Express, daily, 10.30 a. m;, Express ?%?ng‘%f?fi;‘o‘r};:flifiuinnati, Bt. Louis and Louisville, _ Vestibule limited express daily 2.40 p. m, ”%“efis 11.05 p. m. : .~ For Pittsburg and Cleveland, 10.30 a. m. ' and? 80 p. m. i . For Washington, week-dg.%ts, 5,00 x 6.15, x ".Lfli%%:, 6,35, x 7.20, xB.OO, 8.35, x%.30, x 10.30 a. m. (12 noon, 45 minutes) 12,10, x 12.50, x 2.40, 9,50, (x 3.45 45 minutes), x 4.10, 5.10, {x5.40, . %6.006.18, x 7.00, x 7.30, x 7.48, 9.15 x 939, X 11.05, 11,30, p. m. Sunday, X 6.25, 6.35, 8.35, x 9.50, x 10.50 a. m. (12 noon, 45 minutes), 1.05, x 2.40, (3.45, 45 mivates), 5.10, 6.18, x 7.00 x 7.30, 9.15, x 9.39, xll.O, 11.50 p. m. For Aunapolis, 7.20, 8.85 a. m.,"12.10 and4.lop m. On Sunday, 8.3 a. m. andbßp. m. ' For Frederick, 4.00, 8.10 a. m. 1.20 490 and 5.25 p.m. On Sunday, 9. 85 a. m, and 5.25 p- M. i % For Luray. Roanoke and all points in the Sout}, vis N. &W. R. R., 9.35 n. m. daily Through sleeping-cars to _RBoanoke, Chattanooga apd New Or -8o ns fromWashivgton. e rdy, 2.40 p. 0. daily. i pington and points in theVir (i ey, 14.00, $10.30 a. m. For jter, $4.20 P. M. Mixed trains isonburg, §4ooa. m - B -orstown, 14.00, 18.10, 11030 o 10 p. m. I B junt Airy and Way Stations; . B 50,35 a. m. 11.20, (14.20 P a ‘Y‘, cipal stations only), *5.25 98 110 D, In. B or Wilioott City, *4.00, 47.00, 18.10, .35, 2. %0, 11.20, 13.30, $4.20, *5 25, 6.80, *11:10 p. w. Tor Curtis Bay, week-days, 6.28 a. m. Leave Curtis Bay, week-days, 5.45 p. m. Trains arrive from Chicago and the Northwest, daily, 1.00 and 6.05 p. m. From Pittsburg and Cleveland, 7.55 a.m.,603p. m. From Cinociunati, St. Louis and the West, 7.50 a. m, 1.30 p. m. daily. ROYAL BLUE LINE For N(;; '—l;)_l:ii and P hiladelphia. Al trains illaminated with Pintsch light. For New York, Boston and the East week-days, 7.50, 8.50, (10.50 dining car) a. m., 12.50, 3.50, (6.00, Dining car), 9.00 p.m, (1.15 night, sleeping car attached, open for nassengers 10.00 p. m.), Sundays, (8.10, Dining Car), (9 50 Dining-ecar), a. m., (1.45, Dining car), 3 50, (6.00, Dining-ear), 9.00 p. (1.15 night, sleeping-car attached, op en for passengers 10.00 p. m. For Atlantie City, 10.50 a. m., 12.50 Sandays, 1.45 p. m. For Cape May, week-days, 12.50 p. 1. i For Philadelphia, Newark, Wil mington and Ohester, week-days, 7.50 850, (10.50, stopping at Wilmington only, Dining Car) a. m., 12 bO, 8.50, (6.00 Dining Car), 9:00 p. m., 1 15 night Sundays, (8.10 Dining Car). (9.50 Din ing Car), a. m, 145, Dining Car,) 3.50, (6.00, Dining (Car), a 0 p, m, 1. 15 night. “Tor all stations on Philadelphia Division, week-days, 8.20 a. m., 2.565 5.15 p. m. Sundays, 9.20 a. m., b. 15 . m, t Ex. Sunday. § Sunday only. = *Daily. x Express Train. Baggage called for and checked hotels and residences by Union fer Co. on orders lelt at Ticket Ces: " CorRNER CALVERT AND BAL g)RE STS., 230 8. Broadway, or Jamaen Station. W. M. GREENE, UHAS. O. SCULL Gen. Man’gr. Gen. Passenger Agt Exeursion Posters, cheap. Reduced Rates to St. Louis. The Republican National Conven _tion will meet in St. Louis June 16th. For this occasion the B. & 0O R R Co. will sell Exeursion Tickets from !fll sffltions on its line East of the Ohio River for all trains Jupe 12 to 15, inclusive, valid- f?eturn passage un til June 21, az one fare for the round trip. The Baltimore & Ohio is a direct line to St. Louis, running two solid vestibuled fast express trains with Pullman Sleeping Cars attached every day in the year. For rates and other information ap ply to nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent ‘ ‘ myl6 4t Exeursion printing cheap. “Afro- American” office, 1216 N. Fremont av. : We chaige nothing for the new jdeas we are putting in Excursion posters. ‘‘Afro-American,” 1216 N Fremont av. ! NAZARITES EXCURSION. . @et ready for the Grand Excur “igion encampment and Barbecune, to . Island Park, Harper's Ferry, W. Va.. . Monday, June 15th, 1896, viz. B. & N\ O. R. R., nnder the auspices of the" \Grand Pasture of the State of Mary {and Grand United Order of Nazdri- Bes. Fare for round trip, $1.25, Chil ~ dyen under 12 years of age, 65.ci8. . {Bpecial train will leare Camden ~ Sf\ation at 8:30 a. m. Music by Naz&g © its Band and Orchestra. o . { Yours in the principal of the X Qpader, James H. Dixon, @. .W, B, Attest, Geo. W. Qar . 10ll,G. C.of R, " FOR RENT. ’fwo _nieeif'lered rooms. For terms, apply ab 1361 North Calpoun o, - o WAL ol TR §*G%efi’_vr ur Exg_fit;s ppintine done _cheap/at the office OF e “Afrc- Ameyfcan,” 1216 N. fiemont av. e A g L T il S M 4 G NIGHTS - ate Tabernacles of oo . g Ga_lileau Le ek Re ey 919 N. EUTAW ST. Has erected a Storage House is ready to take furniture for storage at reasonable rates. m 23. WANTED«-Pupils in Potrait paint ing under our copy-righted method Any person who desires can learn this valuable and profitable art and make money for themselves. If you send us a picture of yourself or friend we willgive you free of cbarge a iife size erayon potrait. Also a priot to copy from on 2. Charges are moder ate. Success guaranteed if you fol low instructions. Lessons also in shorthand and tpyewriting. Apply in_person or by letter. JAS. L. EDWARDS, 727 Pierce Bt. - my? 2 4t. BUSINESS NOTICES. Yr. Thos Liewis shaving and Hair dressing Parlor 1530 Fenna. ave. treo. H. 0. King, the colored tailor at 567 W. Bidale St. is ready to sup ply you with any style of suit that you need. The best attention given dyeing, scouring aud repairing Also spevial attention given ladies gar ments. A. C. Bheridan, Bricklaying and Plastering, 13566 N. Calhonn Street. Wm.Johnson’sHair vucting & shaving garlors, 627 W: Lanvale st. betw, enna. Ave, and Division SBt: Chil dren’s bair cutting a specialty. Bate isfaction guaranteed. Razors honed and tonies tor sale. DINING SALOONS, George P. Donglass’ Dining Roomc; Oysters a specialty. 732 N. Eutaw. Confectioners. JohnC. Minnis, iece cream manufaec turer, wholesale and retail Con fectionaries and notions, 531 W. Biddle St. Ho! Hol!l Here you are! The best hand made shoes in the ¢ity. Spring bottoms, low heelsavd all styles of sporting rhoes a sy ecialty. Popular Elricea, Hoffman & Co., 91% Dru’l ill Ave. William M. Green & Sons, 2201 Division street. Fine supply of staple goods, green groceries, pro duce, meats ete. LOUIS AIDT, Dealerin FINEFOOTWEAR. All kindsand styles always ooh and Special Ladies’ hand-sewed Kid But tou, $1.98; Men’s Fine Dress Shoes 98c. and up. 704 and 706 Druid Hill av Call and examire goods before. 8. HILKQVIGH, FINE | TAILORING arm3nbicut and Trimmed in the latest styles. Dyeing, Scouring, Repairing Neatly Done, Suit dyed and pressed, $1.50. Suit Seoured, 75 cents. Suits dry cleaned, 50 cents. Ladies’ Coats altered in the best Man ner. 1006 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 2nd Door North of Greenwillow street, Baltimore, Md. Jgs. H. Neagle Tonsorial Parlors, 205 Richmond St. ;@ixaving and llair—éutting neatly “done and promptly attended to B _»fi%ciass and artistic work *‘W iildren’s hair-cutting a gfipécialty. Ladies hair trimmed and %hampooed& at their residences - Qils, tonies, bay“"rfin, and soap ~ for sale. Razors put in order. Where the Afro-Amc-ican Can Be Found. 3t gM&:ny’e 912 N. Eutaw st. P: D_Blackwell, 203 Richmond st. Alexander MeDaniei, 926 Druid Hill .x.xfi it @' B. H. Barris, 314 8. Caroline st. ' Jas. A. Locks, corner Dallus and Jefferson sts. John C. Minnis, 534 W. Biddle st. J. W. Allen, 510 St. Paul st. J. Lindsay,corner (ireenwillow and Elm pl. Wakefield Book Cdncern, 546 W Lanvale Street. ) J. H. Jenkins, 511 Myrtle Ave. Mr. Glpson, 1415 Orleans street. J. H. Norris, 623 South Sharp S DATRONIZE- Funeral Director and Embalmer, 411 DRUID HILL AVE. DIENER & KNIERIM, Merchant Tailors 674 V' Baltimore Street, Makes fine CHEVIOT SUITS to order from $l2 up. PANTS from $4 up. Also Dyeing, Scouring and Re pairing neatly done. ANDREW GASSAWAY IRLACS. SEOLTATIN, Sink Cleaning Etc. 2213 Diviion Steeet, . BALTIM@RE. Sometidag Worthgknowing! T e e FERL o ¥R EE 4 1y : e R s Ny o - . COMP AN Y 020 [)(ZIZIZS)'%# ' Is selling, witheut eXeéption, the best Bread on BarthE@only 2} cents per 11b loaf, Elélse bear in mind the two reasons we should be patronized: = li:st—We were the first in this City to give the publie the benefit of the cheapness of flcur. Second —lt is always up to the standarl in quantity and quality as advertised. Itis phenomenal. The success and reputation we have gained for the superior quality of our good in this city. Just Think Of it, A FINE ALL WOOL PANTS TOO ORDER $3 FINE DRESS PANTS s£q4 £ $5 SUITS TO ORDER 312 and up. WEARWELL PANTS COMPANY 1054 Penna. Ave, Charles H. Brunier, —\VHOLESAL@@;@LER IIN Beef PorfikM utton Fine Sausage ana;Pure Leaf Lard. S. . Cor. Lexington & Pine Sts. Factory, 412 Frederick Ave. J. B. Harris, Funeral Director; AND EMBALMING. graduate of the United States dchool of Embalming, BESIDES 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE CARING FOR THE DEAD. ALSO AFINE HEARSE. [tis best to call and seehim. QOrders taken day or night. 1016 DRUID HILL AVEL. Cor. Oxrorp Sl. BartmMore, Mp NEWRESTAURANL P ENNA AVE THE GREAT UNION CAM] ' GOLD STREAM GROVE, [@—YORK ROAD AND OXFORD AVENUES.—~9] Mt. Calvary and Shiloh A. M. E.CETURCHES Commeneing, June 28th and Continuing until the 2nd Sunday of Aug, REV. F. J. PECK, President, G. W. BRODIE, Vice President, R. W.JOHNSON, Secretary. j-13 3t. AFRO - AMERICAN HAND LAUNDRY. » 145 WESRT MONTGOMERY STREET, Near Sharp. “GOOD WORK AND PROMPTNESS” OUR MOTTO! k ° ’ * . Ladies' Apparel Laundried by Competent Ladies. aill Work done at Popular Prices and on Short Notice. o Goods called for and Delivered. AfiGENCESwJ.’ W. Browning’s Druz Store, cornar Drai Hill Avenue and St. Mary st.,, N. W,_Family Supply Co., 1216 N. Fremont Ave. 1415 Orleans street, J. W. Alleng.Shaving Saloon, 510 St. Paul st., R. H. Harris’ Shaving Saloon, 314 8. Caroline st., C. Jones, 1057 W. Lexington st.; J. L. Feolks’ Shaving Saloon, 517 Wilson street, J. A. Chambers’ Shaviag-5a100n,220 S. Sharp street. ——FITZGERALD BROS. Proprietors- SCHOOL BOOKS, BANKING REQUISITEs, EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE. J. W. \“m\m\: ACTURING PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS & LITHOGRAPHERR TELEPHONE, 2167, The Eutaw Clothing House ; $ il ' Y, . 326 S. Euraw ST., NEAR CoNWAY, THE ONLY COLORED FAILOR IN FHE STATE. Will make you a fine Suit for $B,OO and upwards, a fine Pair of Pants to order for $2.75 and upwards. Fine line of ready made clothing and Gents Furnishing goods. Will scour and Press Gents full suit for $l,OO. Dyeing and pressing gents full suit $1.50. Repairing done to order. Clothing taken on Storage. JOHN W. WILLIAM, Prop, HOWARD W. JACKSON, Agt. Notions, Gentdfurnishing goods and Waiters jickets and aprons specialty SWEET-OR PANTS AND OVERALLS, Guaranteed to never rig. fIX MEN cannot tear them apart. ~06 S.Charles St. BOND & COrTPANY, BOOK MANUEACTIURER. BLANK 404 - 406 E. Baltimore Street, OWN YOUR HOME! WHY PAY RENT, WHEN YOU CAN TAKE STOCK IIN The Maryland Building OF BALTIMORE CITY, and DUILD your HOME with the same money it takes to pay rent? The Maryland Builting & Loan Association Gruarantees 6 per cent.on Paid-up Stock. It Allows @ per cent. on Withdrawals. Its Loaning Rate is 6 per cent. Par Value of Stock $lOO. Monthly Dues, 3L, g Stock Matures in about 5% Years. ~ All Stock sharesin the entire profit. No money ever lies idle. We lend mon ey to our members only, and not to cor porations, Subscriptions received at the office of this paper. General Office, 1!1 LAW BUILDING, Baltimore, Md. JOSsS, A. DECK, DRY GOODS, Kid Gloves & Gents Furnishings 875 N. Howard St. jamen, Women and Children §oq 4ur wife or your children are in need of Shoes, do not deny yourself our families of them. You can buy for the LOWEST PRICES 4 ' ¥ ¢ § 1f SR - j . 1, ' . O. B. ZANTZINGER, PROP. STATIONERS, ¥ and Loan Association Cheapest man in the city. Oppo. the Armory. BALTIMORE, MD. We have the best facilities for roasting. We eell only Coffecs, selected for their drinking qualities. No water, , grease ¢r other foreign sub . stance uwsed in connection ~ with them. 1000. The Baltimore School Commissicners decided aftera very exhaustive test that the Weaver Organ was tnquestionably the best of all makes and emphasized their judgment by ordering the Baltimore public schools supplied with it for a term of years, After this term of years had expired 2 new contract was made which should show conclusively that the WEAVER is the lead er of all Organs. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WEAVER ORGANS AND YOU CAN GET ANY STYLE YOU WANT ON EASY PAYMENTS. WEAVER ORGANS FROM $65 UP. ST DOWN, $I A WEEK. FREE. G. MILTON HUGHES & CO. 16 NORTH CHARLES ST, Cor. Fayette. (Domestic Sewing Machine Rooms.) U S TEA €. IMPORTERS: - JOBBERS; RETAILERS STOIRITS 3 Paca and Lexington. Orleans & Forrest, Chester &«McE!derry, Lexingtcn & Pearl, 1042 Penna Ave. Forrest & Harford. TEAS. In buying from usyou derive the benefit of our Twenty five years experience. TRY NECTAR TEA, a perfect Blend, 50 Cents. COFFEES. We Grind and sell sirictly pure Spices. To%e money on,&good hand-made +SHOES* Gato JOS. SORWABER, 813 Penna. “Avenue, Hand made shees to order, Made in the latest styles $2,00 up. Boots $4 '0 up. Boys shoes §1,50 up; Meuns half soles 35 cents. Heets 15 ets. Wens half soles and heels - sew ed 76 to 90 cents. Ladics snd Bcys 42 cents, sewed £5 cents. . Bestleather angd satisfaction guaran teed. Care fare tOO 2very customer. 5,000 Dodgers, $3.50, at the office of the ‘‘Afro-American,” 1216 N. Fre mont av. « « 1t will pay you to have your Ex cursion printing done at the * Afro- American” office, 1216 N. Fregoné Guaranteed for six ycars. A STOOL AND BOOK WITH EACH ORGAN., AN Never Before offered Yov A Northern Artist will giv’ quick instruction at yor’ homes in the easiest &, beauvtiful of arts—Pasté¢e also in drawing #nd ejf Summer lates. See wdg, bhition in AFRO-AMERTe. 1216 N. Fremont ave/ your friend+ about ity this is real art, not / chanical imita{ SERENAH. GRAY, WM. . GRAY¥, AFRUNERALA : Director: & Embalmer, 525 W. Lanvale st. Betw. Pennsylvania Ave. and Divi- SATISFACTION my2-Iy. John H. Ballou, ( Attorney - at - Law, | 218 COURTLAND ST, i 3 "*%jactica in all the Courts The laf“&fi’x on Onght to Appreciate. % HO ! RO Here you are. The best hand-made Shoes in the city; spring bo‘t&@tfi" low heels and all other styles of gporting a specialty; popu ar priees. Sl HOFFMAN & STEEFNEY, 914 Droid Hill Xv,, t e . Balto., g apll 4t JOHN T. G% first—(‘.lafi 2935 Divisio Cutting done first-class 8 L 8 1 Commis- 1-10 6m- (OPPORTUNITY WM, ¥, 7 —SUCCESSOR TO sion Street, Balto. Md. GUARANTEED, SAWAY fhis open Folored Bax Balto, Sehnol sioners Lead the Way.