Newspaper Page Text
e Novices. ~ %g is L %, B el will be openeda dun & M S a st o AL e XL W%” WW : si ot e Fogr g e 3 AR S OOIOONIR 8. N LGP ULy (485 si6uio vbf the late James Thomfs, . &“W olog B g*3 RSV - [k ,*,...f m@tf% 11 a. m. pr &Ch' [4B¢ by Eev. J. W. Martin, of #he A. B, Eoehurchi 2@ m. Sunday gehool; '8 p. m,, Rev. Jefl Scott, of the A. M. f:?ahur(_ih; Bp. m., Rev, C. Brown. All fare invited. Rev. Joseph S¢éott, pas-| ftor-in-charze, 1‘ §. : forget that the l?offm_an Bi e is g%ng on the riverto Jiviow. on Bauday, fune th on fthe steamer Muttava, which leaves JOot of South street at ;30 a. m. and § Riflly at Free Will Bapt. Church, Q‘ Rev. Jones fiatkmg; 3 p.m. FRev. 'illiams, at 7, 0 day_preacher, Rev.C, A. Baly, Pastor. L MGt Sundav, Mayr3lct. There will u‘g‘%}:} yrozession at 3:30 p. m i} . Peter ~laver Church, on N, W Briont avenns. Order of proces- T S "‘frcsstm&n. to Fremont 8 e eMurci. Several hundred ‘@t lllren with grown people will par i t’gw’tfiu welcome. NOTICE. o /1l bea SBt o D SILVER RALLY ‘ B i Memorial A.M.E. Church, o ggdiier and Orchard street, 11 L P reaching by the Pastor, at SN , preaching by Rev, D. G, Hill; s copgregation and choir is @@cted; at 8 p. m., Rev. Martin will fach; at 5 p. m., White Ribben ';@;;Bervice: sisters’ prayer meeting {@rsday night, June 4th. Come. Rev. J. W. Diggs, pastor, residence, e:e;-‘ftr aid Hill Avenue. ifiloh.n’s A. M. E." Church, Lex- Hlgton street, near Pine.—Preaching il .m. and ¥ p. m. by the pastor; #eivices 3 1. m. by Rev. J. W, Mariin: “Baaday School, 2.30 p.m., E. J. War supt.; Christian Endeavor \@B¥Eling, 6 p.m, J. A. D. Wilson, PEeBident. Rev. J. T. Jennifer, D.D., EW'AVERLY GRAND RALLY | .#fhiloh A M E Church—Preaching )i, Ly stranger; 3 pm, Rev J . Mureray; 8 pin, Mrs Lively. All arein 45#* come aud help us. Rev G W & Brodie, pastor. =BP 5 June Tth, grand excursion P& rview, on the Steamer Mattana | BBag Kaves foot of South St. at 8;30 @, m. and 2 p. m. A GBAND JUNE CARNIVAL N ARG %?flh s;of Five Night Dntertainments . willlé given by the Christian Endeav Bkt John A. M. E. Church, Lex *Street, June Ist to sth inclu " Bl¥B. Adudegion 10 cents. Season - i kets, 25 cents. e gt Ei@g*m L MONDAY NIGHT ' MilB Anoa Douglass, recitation; Miss oe Peck, duett; Miss H. M, . Walker, recitation; Misses Sallie and Mamie Wilson,” duett; Misses Alice and Isabella Wilson, dialogue; Messrs Edward Thomas and Harry Anderson, mandolin duett. TUESDAY NIGHT %Hr Jas Lewis & Co, solo and cho ?‘”gm; ‘Mrs Hattie Smith, recitation; % Mrs Mary Dorsey and Mary Hunter, duett, Mr H M ‘Walker, essay; Miss - Ada Doisey, solo; Mesars Ed Thomas ‘and Harry Anderson, mandolin duet " WEDNESDAY NIGHT | Opening Shorus by the Endeaver: _address by Mr E J Waring; Mr Edw’d Thomas, recitation; Miss L Wright, reeitation c il THURSDAY NIGHT Mmes James and®Tucker, dueti: Miss Celeste Fisher, recitation: Mr Walker, recitation; piano solo; Miss Mubel Fisher, recitation FRIDAY NIGHT _ Miss Anva Douglass, recitation: Miss Alice Peck, solo; Mr H M Walker, recitation; Misses Sallie and Mamie Wiison, dpet; Misses Alice and Isa. “_"jg‘W;ilan, dialogue. Siek List of the Order of Bsras. %‘?fl- nemmbers are requested to at- B ol i : ; .?"H%Stewart, 517 Welcome alley. « & Jettißowen, 582 Bt. Mary st. i § Iy Trent, 720 Bradley st. - & hmin Bowyer, 710 Stockton st. - 4 P Williams, 619 Cidar alley. o iy 9@@] ; fientennial Jubilee. poises for t.o Centennial Jubilee £ 'Afj'l('afl“ AMethodist Episcopal b o Baltitgre, Maryland. Rev. Yward Alleng pastor, will fa’ke g‘nfn?_a.y aftelnoon May Bist at R inZion Chikch, Cross and jer Btk A pleasiy programme - Pen grranged for the ‘o,ec.asioni bt cle €n and professiona bmen v -iglycligliver addresses, All Pgations and the public invited. '+ EUR RENT. P Diisik \papered rooms. For - Sapply & | 1351 North Calhoun S R | m3l 4¢ B se gy vogatlath k. i Elaaal e . i\ wr R e e - SR sy e B o SRR e 1 RO .PE( pig s - BoCiety of | SEM § = “-‘_‘ - LA ’t()., i oo Rilds on e 2 B to 919 N. EUTAW ST. Has erected a Storage House 2 hrondy Yo falEdierniture for storage at reasonable ra JOHN T. GASSAWAY has opened a first-class Colored Barber Shop at 2935 Division st. Shaving and Hair Cutting done in the best of style by first-class workmen. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cutting and Shampooing a specialty. I also keep a fine assortment ofCi gars, Tobacco and Pipes. flstf Established in 1563, M SEBRANT & CO., ManufactuFspigf sample Trunks and Cases a speciafby; I'runks and Satch els, Please give us a call. 212 North Eutaw st. Terms, net cash. whl4 8w BUSINESS NOTICES. %r. Thoe Lewis sbaving and Hair (ressing Parlor 1530 Penna. ave. \reo. H. C. King, the colored tailor at 567 W. Bidale St. is ready to sup ply you with any style of suit that gou need. The best attention given yeing, scouring aud repairing Also special attention given ladies gar ments. A. C. Sheridan, Bricklaying and Plastering, 1356 N. Calhoun Street. Wm.Johnson’sHair cutting & shaving arlors, 527 w: Lanvale st. betw. ?’enna. Ave,and Division 8t: Chil dren’s hair cutting a specialty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Razors honed and tonies for sale. DINING SALOONS, George P. Donglaes’ Dining Roomc; Oysters a specialty. 732 N. Eutaw. Confectioners. JohnC. Minnis, ice cream manufae turer, wholesale and retail. Con fectionaries and notions, 534 W. Biddle St. Ho! Ho!! Here youare! The best hand made shoes in the city. Spring bottoms, low heels and all styles of sporting shoes a sy ecialty. Popular rices, Hoffinan & Co., 911 Dru‘d Eill Ave. William M. Green & Sons, 2201 Division street. Fine supply of staple goods, green groceries, pro duce, meats ete. John H. Ballou, Atiorney - at - Law, 218 COURATLAND ST t& Practic2 in,ialt the Courts Charles H. Brunier, /#=WHOLESALE DEALER IN— Beef. Porks Mutt . -;;ND MANUFACTURER OF Fide Bausage and Pure Leaf Lard: S. W Cor- Lexington & Pine Sts. Factory, 412 Frederick Ave. J. B. Harris, Funeral Director; AND EMBALMING. araduate of the United States School of Embalming, BESIDES 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE CARING FOR THE DEAD. ALSO AFINE HEARSE. It is best to call andseehim. Orders taken day or niy ht. 1016 DPRUID HILL AVE. Cor. Oxrorp St. Bavtimorg, Mp AN OPPORTUNITY Never Before offered You. 18¢6 A Northern ‘Artist will give you quick instruction at your own bhomes in the easiest and most beautiful of arts—Pastel Work ; also mm drawing end painting. Summer rates. See work on exhi bition in AFRO-AMERICAN Office, 1216 N. Fremont avenueand tell your friend: about it. Remember this is real art,inot a cheap me chanical imitation process. LOLUIBE ARDYT,. FINEFOOTWEAR. All kindsand styles always ooh and Special Ladies m_md-sewsd Kid But tou, $1.96; Men's Fine Dress BShoes 98c. apd mp. 7: . T e, 704 and 706 Druid Hillay Call and examire goo s befere. . WANTED-Pupi!s in Potrait paint ¥ iog under our copy-righted method Anv parson who desires can learn this gluable and profitable art and make 0 : es. If you send NRKY Pealerin Amonipan Indnciping. -~ We patronize home industries. Giveus= trial and be convinced. This spec ial reduction for holidays only. WRIGHT’S CHEAP SHOE STORE, 932 PENNA AVENUE. 509 PENNA AVE, E. J. ANDERSON, Formerly at the Kutaw House has opened a restaurant at the above named place. Meals serv ed at all hours in first-class’style Give me a call at Burris’ mo stand. mo.dl To save money on good hand-made Goto JOS. SCHWABER, 813 Penna. Avenue, e p————— Hand made shoes to order, Made in the latest styles $2,00 up. Boots $4.50 up. Boys shoes $1,560 up; Mens half soles 85 cente. Heels 15 cts. Wens half soles and heels rew ed 76 to 90 cents. Ladies and Bcoys 42 cents, sewed 55 cents. - Bestleather and satisfaction guaran teed. Care fare to every customer. SERENAH. GRAY, WM. H, GRAY, —SUCCESSOR TO— VWM. . GRAY, -~ FUNERAL Director’ & Embalmer, 525 W. Lanvale St. Betw, Pennsylvania Ave. and Divi sion Street, Balto. Md. SATISFACTION : GUARANT EED my2-Iy. Just Think Of it A FINE ALL WOOL PANTS TO ORDLER $3 FINE DRESS PANTS $4 &£ $5 SUITS TO ORDER 312 and up. WEARWELL PANTS COMPANY 1054 Penna. Ave. 8. HILKOVIGH, FINE " TATLORING™ arm=2nt;cut and Trimmed in the latest styles. Dyeing, Scouring, Repairing Neatly Done, Suif dyed and pressed, $1.50. Sait Seoured, 75 cents. . Baitsdry cleaned, 50 cents ~Ladies’ Coats altered in the best May e il & ner. L ‘ G ’*‘ 1006 "PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. ] 2nd Door North of Greenwiilow - . - street, Baltimore, Md. ; BENK S ram eR o 'Ff Pr A e e Ly A y 4 T e R ‘ : ot s 411 DRUID HILL AVE. DIENER & KNIERIM, Merchant Tallors 674 W. Baltimore Street, Makes fine CHEVIOT SUITS to order from $l2 up. PANTS from §4 up. Also Dyeing, Scouring and Re pairing neatly done. ANDREW GASSAWAY ODORLESS EXGATATION, Sink Cleaning Ete. 2213 Division Street, All orders I_rf; li;::iiloll){gm ptly attended to Something Worth Knowing! —THE— STANDARD BAKING 920 Pennsylvania Ave., 821 Greenmount Ave., Is selling, without exception, the best Bread on Karth at only 24 cents per 11b loaf. Please bear in mind the two reasons we should be patronized: Fiist—We were the first in this City to give the public the benefit of the cheapness of flcur. Second—lt is always up to the standard in quantity and quality as advertised. Itis phenomenal. The suceess and reputation we have gained for the superior quality of our good in this city. The Man You Ought to Appreciate. HO! HO! Here vou are. The best hand-made SBhoes in the city; spring bottoms, low heels and all other styles of sporting a specialty; popu lar prices. HOFFMAN & STEFFNEY, 914 Druid Hill Av., Balto., Md. apll 4¢ SAY THERE !-! If you shouldhappen to think about getting mariied of conrse you would want invitations. For the best quality, the most artis tic and eatchy, you should call at the A¥ro-AMerICAN Job Print ing office, and see some of the artistic work being done by cur force of skilled colored printers, Of course you have seen those colored posters and nicely designed cards that are attracting such wide-spread attention, and which because of their attractiveness are drawing tremendous crowds to the entertainments, pienies and ex cursions advertised. That’s the kind of work we do. In fact, we do all sorts and kinds of Printing. It you want any kind of printing done in the latest style, call at the : ALRO-AMERICAN FRINIING HOUSE, /876 A, P RENOANAZ AV ENIE. The Eutaw Clothing House, : % 326 S. Eutaw St., NEAR COoNWaAY, THE ONLY COLORED FTAILOR IN THE STATE. Will make you a fine Suit for $B,OO and upwards, a fine Pair of Pants to order for $2.75 and upwards. Fine line of ready made clothing and Gents Furnishing goods. Will scour and Press Gents full suit for $l,OO. Dyeing and pressing gents full suit $1.50. Repairing done “ to order. Clothing taken on Storage. JOHN W. WILLIAM, Prop, HOWARD W. JACKSON, Agt. JOS. A. DECK, Cheapest man in the city. S NESCOBOR Notions, Kid Gloves & Gents Furnishings 875 N. Howard St. . Oppo. the Armory. Gents furnishing goodsand Waiters jackets and aprons specialty SWEET-OR PANTS AND OVERALLS, Guaranteed to never rip, S{X MEN cannot tear them apart. S. Charles St. 1000 _-w—r~Women and Children {_gone pamired of tuots. You san buy for the LOWRGT BETGEE ! T, bust Mao's, Boy's, Toolt's, _Ladee, Miswes or Chddber’s k ;o s .i s 44(0“"“&‘&@ at . Scheidt’s R | “otnaiatr® o Honge Sl SR T, A 3*»""fifi?§?§"fi; T::;::fi L Iféfi;fij Ly T e e T g e e i 7 YET ¥ i T, . e oo AR e R e ® * : . % * IMPORTERS. JOBBERS, STORES: Paca and Lexington. Orleans & Forrest. Chester &aMcE!derry, Lexington & Pearl, 1042 Penna Ave. Forrest & Harford. TEAS. In buying from usyou derive the benefit of “our Twenty five 3eamg§yenence TRY NECTAR TEA, a perfect Blend, 50 Cents. COFFEES. We have the best facilities for roasting. We sell only Coflees, selected for their drinking qualities. No water, grease or other foreign sul. stance wused lln conneection with them. We &irlnd and sell strictly pure Spices. We've got some rew ideas. Let us put them iuto yonr Job Printing.— The AFRO AMERICAN. Jas. H. Negle Tonsorial Parlors, 205 Richmond St. Shaving and Ilair-cutting neatly done and promptly attended to by first-class and artistic work men. Children’s hair-cutting a specialty. Ladies hair trimmed and shampooed at thefr residences Oils, tonics, bay rum, and soap for sale. Razors put in order. Where the Afro-Ame~ican Can Be Found. 1. D. Muny’s, 912 N. Eutaw st. P. D. Biackwell, 208 Richimond st. Alexander MeDaniei, 926 Druid Hill ave. B. H. Harris, 314 S. Caroline st. Jas. A. Locks, corner Dallas and Jefferson sts. John C. Minuig, 534 W. Biddle st. J. W, Allen, 510 St. Paul st. J. Lindsay,corner Greenwillow and Elm pl. Wakefield Book Concern, 546 W. Lanvale Street. “J. H. Jenkins, 511 Myrtle Ave. Mr. Gl&)son, 1415 Orleans street. J. H. Norris, 623 -South Sharp St EMEro RETAILERS SCHOOL BOOIL,E)F FI'II:\I;AZ\I\I GD RS[:(;Q;IJ(I)ZIZ[;{]R;ID;SE ;OAAL SUPPLIES:, J. W. BOND & COriPANY, NIANUFACTURING ¢ STATIONERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. = PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS & LITHOGRAPHERS 404 - 406 E. Baltimore Street, - TELEPHONE, 2167, BALTIMORE, MD., - WEAVER ORGANS FROM $65 UP. ~ $I DOWN, %I A WEEK. : Guaranteed for six years. FREE. + S 0 sinosies & G.. MILTON HUGHES & €Oy 16 NORTH CHARLES ST., Cor. Fayitte. | 1006. 145 WEST MONTGCOMERISTR “Gooo 'ggz\*’OßK AND PROMPTNESS” . . s - .05 -, Sty ® « Ladu-'f‘/B,p,pas;ma ronsngried by . IPI. T s 10311 % _done at Populir-t-ices 7 as pup ‘sormeily on: s SBeade il S H OWN YOUR HOME! _WHY PAY RENT, WHEN YOU 'UAN TAKE STOOR IN & 7- The Maryland Building and BUILD your HOME with the samq/:money it takes to pay rent? . The Maryland Building & Loan Association Guarantees 6 por cent.on Paid-up Stock, It Allows 6 per cent. on Withdrawals. Its Loaning Rate is 6 per cent. Par Value of Stock $lOO. Monthly Dues, Sl Stock Matures in about 5% Years. All Stock shares in the entire profit. No money ever lies idle. We lend mon ey to our members only, and not to cor porations, Subscriptions received at the office of this paper, : General Office, [!ILAW BUILDING, Baltimore, Md. : The Baltimore School Commissicrers decided aftera very exhaustive test that the Weaver Organ was tnquestionably the “best of all makes and emphasized their judgment by ordering the Baltimore public schools snpplied with it for a term of years, ~ After this term of years had cxpired 2 new contract was made which should show conclusively that the WEAVER is the lead er of all Organs. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE] WEAVER ORGANS AND YOU CAN GET ANY STYLE YOU WANT ON EASY PAYMENTS. l AFRO-AMERIGAN HAND 14 and Loan Association OF BALTIMORE CITY, Ealty Sehnol Commis- Sloners Lead the Way.