Newspaper Page Text
: SR s TR R e ""”"““‘%’Z S £ eofé’ e e b : B o g e EFY = =»'oße E ‘r ‘, “b‘ "‘bv\h"" e o R s e Wb TR RS ETI apile o e-e ) B % ot eSt A il **,;l‘."", s"ff:‘:f & 1 V}; ~#E PR e L iy ,«@Q'fl‘ ;,‘:_jgx,% e Ry A WL e e AURY »£fi % £ A A fi?‘fl'(u 2et kl\“"»c"“fi# iS, & j 5 —N 235, 2il o 0035. WHO WILL IT BE? ~ ALL CANNOT HAVE IT. lgvaly‘ Gcnwmt‘s the Matter | With Dr, Bayant Getting It. @h@ Star 0} Zionsays: “Houn, John € Dauecv stdnds the best chanc~ of sy black man of receiving the posi tion of Recorder of Deed~ of Wash n D. C.i We know where-of we 1 opeak.? . | s e T hhe Phi’aiflé!nhiu Tribune says: "My, Isanc Swirh. of New Berue, |N. C., who his advertised himself as ‘:{m only orgipal “Firet McKinlev Man” aud by )m{,vr, was in town last BSartarday. Hether Suito covets the Retorder’s offce ut Washingion, wud expeets to goi it g sl ter B prints theut of Tl tgg(, with the following fg;;‘*'! 218 IS o ovewent on Moot by the-prominent New York poli lelans £ have Prof. Richard Tuoeo- | lore Greener appoimt-d Reeorder of BNeds fop this city. Prof. Gr ener iy a byilliays law, er, and, no doubt, ong wof fthie Juost gifted speakers in ;\lcwl Yprk Sfate.” } i Thg Star and the Bee says: “Hon, ~Joby C. Baney stands the rext chance ‘of Auy black ma of receivieg the PWsition of Recorder of Deeds of Washiugton. D. €, We know where of we rpeak.” ~© ''The next Recorder of Deeds, if it 8 a Dwtrict man, will be voi. o. M. lmgd,{{_?fl’he Bee knows whereof it ‘Speaks. Do you secr” The# Y. Age%&\s this: ““It is said o President . R. Wright of y has Ihe iuside track in the r Recorder of Deeds The sandivates are rather glam. the only Isaac H., Swmiih of Curoline, the ‘"uniquest” appli or anything bhere, 1s serene in nfidevee that he will succeed aylo:. He bases his elaim on et that he was the first man io autry to discorver Major McKiu d that he is fatter and shorter lier than C, H. J. Tavlor. ' ristian Banner presents the B A it< coptribution: “*Rev. ores, Iy 1), has been en- By the gr-at luajority of ¢ lo- B i 1 s(8 L . B mbia. There is no 2 that President McKinley Pt do thar woulll sariefy the preat 5 gority of Negro voters more thau Wppuint E. C. Morris to this posi- Jon, He is il,g;‘%v;ery way qualified “and would ma¥#a faithful servane of the public. ;gvv Morris is at the Jhead of an organization that repre- Sents five-eigthis of ithe colored people mhfi couniry. If nnwerical strength wounts for anythupg, then the en- Jorsement of this puwber of voters - pould be favorably considered. o ; ~ , . Amd the followin! from the Sourk: 20 Age. ‘‘lhe editor of the Afro ‘Americsn nofes for the New York Bun gays: ‘New York state has two Afro-Awericon applican's for the #aytian mission. All «f themn are wraduates of {aw schools and four of them endeavor to make a livivg at Sheir brofession. Albert M. Thowas wf Baflalo, aud Richard 1. Greener of New York are the best looking and | JIOBt eapable of the aspirants. Mr. | greener was conmected with the hesdguarte:s during the late | mpiizn, and did effective work ou | pBgrmp in Central States of the’ RBt. Heis n graduate of Harvara | /w,mity. aad was for a long tuu»! spere al;y ot: the Grant Monument Satsaciasion.” flig hiie adinitting the good looks of P reener and the nbility of the e 4; lor, %e caunot forcet the D featuges of tiewruia’s appli- l i for the’ samd po-ition—FProf. | gouas Milign Dent, who is also gy | : of a law Bfavel, is 48’ good- | m@a flui(}t them und hig good | 3 44% epublican cause is at- | *«“3»“ jegding men of thir | Rrantry that Bas the picasure of his | Lauaittance, . | i } ;e "chgmn leorrespondent of Behe Baltimois Awmirican =ay s: It * T rmt‘%iaud wiil turnish two Eiadidates fgr that enineitiv, desr pebile office i%jfifw;emngn m. the "He- Berdecehip of Deeds. In addition to 2 sgton Beyaut, of Balti- Qiiore, wboso wildgoes: > accept fi» ¥ note |in these Rtehies, M. Jundg 1. B «diord is tanderstiood to b a candidate. fdford has rathier the advant __ J A thin, that while jopdusts liis business in B ltimore : [ *ot ¢th I‘?,’%&s » Bsuvd-ome ’ jdense in ' his city, o thatihe ecan CRN AT Ty k. & Deiocde tne ¥ "i‘,’"-&ifi%t a 3 a B ARG 10..0 0 % Fesident” of the | AL mg@*; theefore, %‘tr - B .__'::i:."’ J€ ” H": *‘ 8 frown |he e tE W :5“ EOH *. " !Bry Bm,i_ % G B R R R e evl R R B T By e : eey s e e VoL e S L 2 e s e = B W PR e e ST B A omo g > P v G ons o e E i T e C R e e o B b s T LA - " i 25 et G bl o B 5 iz o 8 3 e =4 i s, A 7 _.‘ 5 4 : e 33 P ] R i : # 5, Eobe g o Tt & i S - b .L:= i e = -et £ i 2 = E e i 42iiee 5 . = 5 o Bl 11 Bl T . £ i Y P = A= % = 5 e i ; S : 2o] > 2] g 4 ¥ Lo - eSS ; ] o SRR & g o ¥ pskile. ko AeF f‘i 4 T L & Wkl . 3 ¢ o < iTs & v 5 B i s o ; ey P e e i [ i 4 . . E E g Foe = : i 3 ' F e o & 2 g -8 N ; ‘_‘4’. : 0 = k. : e ] S " - . 3 = 3 ‘ 2 : : 5 iy' " S - e o et St AR A oTR » i ._‘7 St R ),I Rev. F. O. Wright preached his farewell egermon last Sundav to a erowded house. The enllection was large. Rev. Wright 1= loved by ali, regardless of denomination, and much !re;zre!; was shown at his departure A supper was also te..dered Ihe Rev erend. Confere ce convenes at Eus ton, Talbutt County, Md. r R-v. J. 8. Thowp-on, of St..Jomes i A. M. E. Chareh, his choir and con | gregation held services on Monday eveniag at Ashary M E. Chureh in 1 | honor of their departing. | t| Rev. Cole, of Zion A. M. E, Chureh, _leclosed wheir serviees after the Chris .| tian Endeavor meeting Sundav, aud , | the entire congregation aade a call " |ou Asbury M. +. Church to say fare well to Rev. Wright. _ Rev. J. Porter and sister Mrs. Bates +jof Egeg Harbor Ci‘% were in our city s | the guests of Mrs. Wm. Vanchief; the daughter, M ssfillumie. who is a well ' | known goiiety Bell= will pay a vjt%”a 3 Hi}lnde : ml' b @ ’{ Mg, Audrew Brown who hasa con- | fegitanery store aud who handlus the. | Afro-American at 1900 Aretic Avenne | ] has been ill, but g,‘fd’t § { mueh mmproved. She is one of the | | ol.test members of the Ludies Mutaal | Ald Society. | Pythian Lodge, No 1 and Damon 1 Lodge, 2. of thig city will bave therr javunal sermon delivered t 9 them ar ! Bt James A. M. E. [ -aorrow evening ‘1 March, 28th by Rev. J. 8. Thompsen. | | o Mr. C. Lewis, has made ex&el‘hlvef improvemrnts to his barber shoy, which will aceommodare his mauy friends during the seasou. IM:‘. ‘Thomas Hamwond who is well { kupown in Baltimore and eise where, Hand Mr. C. Lewis entertained some« of their young club mea at the Griffin Heotel, Sunday. A wheelbarrew briga’'e was held in this city tis week to pay bets on the Corbeti-Fitzsimwons coutest, as the result. Mr. Charles Larkin had to wheel a eolored man, and a white | mwan bad to wheel a colored man to the lulet, a distauce of five miles,! round trip. dMr. Amos Satchell sceus tobe ini the sporting rivg, and is an up-tu-date |’ young mam. : [ Mr. A H Kernedy, Pas a number of | engarements for domestic work for l the reason. Rev. Jeukins, pasior of the Second Pa tist Chareh preached a roul-re viviug sermoun last Sunday morning. Next sundav his text i the morning [ will be *Faith’ aud at night “*Sanecti- | eation.” ' this has been a g-eat week at the ' Zivn Frir, mony ot'r.ctions ure to be | seen. Ov.r $2OO bas been revlized so |, I Car from the fair. We note seme «4;l‘ bhishross Shp ~3“"é‘3m},,fi‘u £ ot SN AT . Cromwell of Bordeutown, N. J.: Mrs. ' C. Russell, of Harrisbarg, Pa.; Mrs | <uarles E. Carter, of Piiladelphia; i Mr. Andrew Frisby, Baltimore: Mes. ! { Carrie Johuson of Gosberry, N. C.: | ¢ Mesdames Kila Williams, Gertrude | Emory, and Mi+s A. P. Reed. Next | week will be the la-t week of tue’J fair, whictijis expect=d to be a flnan- | cial success. 1 £ erident MeKinley is expected to l ; be at the Dennis Hotel next week | His family. are already here. il The Afro-American is on sale at No. { i 1120 Baitic avenue, 1900 Arctic avenue | . lun-'.i 19 N. Michizan avenue. i h [Special to the Afio-American. ] Frosthurg, Md., March 22 —ltlooks as if spring had come to stay. } Mrs. Rev. Manokoo. speut Satur day and Sunday in Brownsville, the ‘ guests of Mrs. William Joues. | Mrs. George Redrick spent Friday in Camberland, the guest of Mis. I Withers rev. W H. Manokon, is in Pied mout, W. Va., for f:w doays, Mrs. Wesley Jackeon and family, of Brownsville xpent Sunday with her mother Mrs. John Carter, Mr. Morris Juckson, ef Mever dale, was in town last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Jackson. Mrs. Sarah Smith, of Paw Paw, WV Va.. is visiting her sisrer Mrs. betsy Jacksoun, of Brownsville. | Misses Rebecea Juckson and Jose phide Redrick, who have been stay inga while in Mt. Savagce, have re-l turned home for a short visit to their | parents, Mrs. Lizzie Marshall of Camberland i is expected in town this week. Mr. Jawes Hogan ol Mt. Sevage,i was in town Sauunaay. l [Special to the Afro-Ameriean. ] Owings’ Mills, Mareh £3.—Miss Jusie Fairfax, of Baitimore, was visiting friends here lart w-ek. Mr. Wyatt Madden, was the guest of Miss Eveline Morris recently. The oyster supper given by the tru-tees of Mt. Pieasant Church, on the 10th instant was a grand success. Professor Lindsay gave oneof his celebrated entertainmenta at Mouot Pleagaut Church, March 16ch whieh was a rare Lreat to a l present. Our Sunday Sehaol, which, owing to the iueleweut weather has been surpenied for some timme was well at tenddd last Sunday. Master James Branson =pent Sun day in tois vicinity visiting tnends. R T B T #sech him to | a I L s ~“Mre. Julia Terry Hamnmond of Leb ‘anou, lii,, has invenied and patented ‘askein holder that makes easy the work of prepariog knitting goods for the needle. The Bt. Leuis Globs- Demoecrat presented atwo column cut and neariy halfl a colomn of reading matter; giving a full deseription of p patent and its inventor, in a re jt issue. The same lady has writ -8 four aet drama ectitled “*A. FROSTBURG NOTES. OWINGS' MILLS NOTES. Invented A Skein Helder. PUBLISHED WEEKLY 0 THE WTEREST OF THE RACE. BALTIMORE, SATURDAY., MARCH 27, 1897 THE FIRST CASE Under an old Law—A Pretty Young White Woman May Have to Serve a Term in th: “Pen” for Loving “Not Wisely but too Well.”—Her fisyar a 2 Lolored Xan. ~ The attempt of Mrs, Johanna!Catlin Daughery, a pretty young womau of twenty-three, to have Johu F. Kellar a colored man, with whom She has been living, arrested for ill-treatent led 10 her own arrest last Tuesday, and the resurrection of a law by Jux tice Grannan which may cousign her to the peuitentiary for a long term of years. lu making her cowpliant to the justice, tue woman discloscd the. boru on October 27 lat, of wuicu Kellar is «liv reputed tather, ".‘;Uu der statue, article 27, cedbi. n 318 says that &0y White wonlan who snall Lecowe &lfiflmfirflxmlmd chi d shail be guilty of u erime. and, upon cunv.c tiou, shail b= seut to the penitentiary for not wmore than five years or less than eizhteen wountns, This law, Wille on the statue books, has practi- I cally been a deand letier if violated, . for there has< never beeu an instance 5 of i.s enforcewen. iu the city, an | only ounce iu the rtate of Maryland. | Jusiicd Grannan, howev-r, Kuew of if, aud proceeded, accordivg to his duty, to put it into ex-cution, Ihe wWolatt was at ‘ouce arrested, aud mauve o+th thaco Kellar was the faiher of the child. A warrant was Issued for his urrest, and e was reqaired to faruish bououds for the waintevavce of the infant for seven yems. This he couid not do, aud was commitied n defauic. Keliar tain ed away in the courtroom wuen appiis-d of what woaid be done to bhiw and his para mour, while the wowan, with woebe goue countenauce, but witn traces of brauty hugering apbout her pale feat. Aares, diawaiically exclaimed: “all I tiave to say is: I luve hiw, and 'l lay down my lite tor him.” She apparenily had no thought of ter offense agalost moral law, and was deusely Ignorant of all save the fact tiat Kellar was in urouble, and that her b.iby might be taken from her, - Justice Grennan held her in £l.OOO bait, whnica she could not furuish. i he baby. a blae-eyed girl. with feat , ures singulariy like her mother’s. and ! witt: but the fain: est trace of color tu t B e sbow her Ethiopian origin, lay izuosant of the seene about her. Justice Grannan asked the wocher its name. Listlessly sherepliea: *"Bertha { deKinley Keltar.” Thbe justice in | formed her that the iunocent cause of ic all must be tauken trom her, aud he proceeded 10 comunit it to St. wlizab tu's Home for colored children Listlessiy the woman had Stoodf Fduring the ordea!, but when thiear !eued with separation from her child all the mother in her was aroused, an ! she vailled cu': “Don't tave my bavy from m:; I love It.” Ste was tol:1 1t was best for the child, where | upon the deeclared, with absolute l carnestuess. that if separated from it she wou'd Kill herself at the first op- ‘ i portunity. Justice Gravan believed ! her ard she was permitted to takof the cuild with her oil L 1 The woman hails iroal Cnefigld,‘ Md, Five vears ago she wus wi% | rigd to & man nawed Daugherty. | Fhree vears ago she ecame t) Balti- | | thore 10 live, securing eervica as a‘ dowmestic on Eutaw tlace. For the | For the pa~t two years she has been ; biving with Keliar, who is a mulatto, | about thirty years of age, and while a florist by oceupation, has lately been a waiter at a hoteti, He comes from Mechaniesville, Carroll Couuty. Toeir home jn the city was at Bio Peirce srreer; The wowan, though poorly clad, looked nest BShe could not realiz the fact that she bad doue wrong, declared that she loved Keilar bettee than her lite. though prowising if| giveun her vaby she would give hhu} up. 1 The law un’er which this woman was seut to jiil 18 an old oae, and, like the old Bastardy bLaw, is of no tores, from the fact that it diserimi pates against one ecluss of citizens. The old Bastardy Law was declared unconstitautional by the Sup-eme Court of Baliimore City, just on the same grounds, Lawyer Waring ar gued the care. COLORED REPUBLICANS DEFZATED. [Special to tl.c Afro-American. | ~ Hagerstowa, Md., Mareh 25 —Some weeks ago, at the saggestion of its superintendent, the Suuvuday Sechool board of Ebevezer A. M. E. Churen insugurated a erusade for the mental moral and phvysical developement of the young men and wom-n of this place. The Sawaritan Hall waus ge; cured aud a sveeial mneeting is held th-re every Monday evening, the lu ternational Sunday School Lessons are rtadied, afrer which the program consists of Bible readings, recitaticos papers on various topics, discussions and music. The moveweur is social and undenomipati>ual, and has re ceived popular approval. Last Sun day week the question. “"Which is the more hehiigchl';:? civih;rig;a. Steamy or Eleerricity?” was a -1 B T lok | ek At s SEadiSlT .fi&;m*fi&x% lla 3. Qismimer Bohopl. rediel w the. .. Fhe colored republicans were de {J:‘% g 'of Ratet ,Vj D laatweslt. . __Mr John W. Gray has honght the Thomas henrv property om Bethel stre~t. and will move his tamily there April Ist, ‘ Mr. Jacob Wharton has beanap | pointed bailot cierk for the elestion which ¢« eecars this monrh. ; Mr Richard . Barnum has been steadily iwmproving since hier turn fromi the Johns Hopkivs Hospital. The attendance of pupiis in the public scheol is very large for the season of the vear. WILMINGTON, N.C, [Special to the Afro-American.] <. Wilmington, March 23.—Rev. 8. F. Flegler is visiting Rev. E. J, Greg# for a few days. oo g The mother goose ehtertainment was rgpyfit(e%_f%fit of the u,qngregatw pateh. Rev. 1. A, B mnqu&%a%urqgthx Chestnut Srreet Presbyt rian Chure preached the annual sermon to the Sous and Daughters of Salem at the Central Baptist Church Jast SBunday afiernoon ‘I he second quarterly conference of St. ~tephen’e + hureh will be held on Friday night Ap:il 2d, with presiding elder Capehartin the chair. Dr. Jotin L. Bagles who has charge of the the Queen City Drug Store was in jhe city last week vi-iting pareuvts ani friew. s, Wa are rorry to note that Mr. Win. H. tireen is on the stek list. We hope for him speedy recc very, Miss M. E. Noves hasatueepted the ageney for the late Mn@’cqiu‘&'e’s me worial issue of **Unele rom’s Cabin.” She will be glad tolsupply her friends with a copy. ‘The drl) for the benefit of Mt Oiive A. M. E. Chureb last evening was well attended. The revival at St. Stephens Chnrel cont'nues. Withla foar weeks there hav2 been over two hundred conver rions, A little colored girl was'badly buru ed yesterday on Castle Street, near Neventh. A number of ehureh members have been setting some bad examples hero lately. Nome of them need to learn the t'en Commandments again. Rev. Bonuer's sermon on Sundav morning was considered by some of his hearers as et quent. We always expect 1o hear something good frow biim., Ea~ter is coming and so arethe new gowns andbonners, There is tof be be confirmation at St. Mark’s F. E. Church on Palmn Bundav. L v el e ;1"».»; P iil By TOE P edpe TTIEO ry of Miss Anute Jones will be held on Sabbath at Bt. Stephen’s Church. Vur “Sunrhine” Sadgwar 18 Dow traveling through Missouii with the Fisk Jubilze singers. QLD DORSET 1N LINE. Dorchester Covored Voters Meet in Con- vention and Resolute. . Cambridge. 22. Pursuant to adjournweunt, the colored ‘oters of Dorchester county met in their second conveution in this city last Saturday. é Übe large hail was fi'led to its urmost eapacity with un orderly but enthu f siastic set of men, with dotermination L W itt-n upon every lincameut of their houest faces. A platform sctting torth {in adtitivn 9 declarations of loyalty ‘and allcglance 1o Repubt can privei ples, the demauds of’the olored vot ers of the county forreasonable recog nition in the distribution of patron age, equal representation in conveu vous on standing eommitiees and del errationg, was unaniwously adopted. A plan of organicing the eolored voters ot the eouunty into a Republi can league in order to more offectu ally carry out the purposes auu de mands of the platforw, was also unavimously adopred. **lhat we condemn aud denounce in uninstakabie terms the growing tendency of the white Republicans of the couuty to crush and paralyze the influeuee of all honest, uprizhe and intelligent colored men whio have me} cou age of th-ir convictions and the manhood to expreos their sentiments, [ and to endeavor to rear and eleva e a | set Of pliavt and political t ols, | whose honerty of purpose we do not [ question, but whose political verdan- i cy and flexibility utterly incapacnate | them for crediiable leadership.” i A resoint on was also adopred con gratulating Sena or Wellington aud Chairman & one for their masterly and unprecedented managewant of the stute and city camoaigns re-pec tiveiy. A, gommittee, cousisting of one trom ew_h of the electiou districts of the county, was appointed to con fer with tae white leaders, preseat a copyot ithe plarform aud reso utions, and acertain to what ex ewut they would approve or oppose »nuch actiou T'he convention will wreet agnin May 1, when # number of resotutions passed, but withheid from publica tion for the present. way be made public. HOPE, ¥D | [Speeial to the Afro American. | ‘ ~ Toe Rev. J. M. Brown, pastor of | the M. P’. Churehh of Southborough, | preached a powerful sermon from the | 3rd Cbhapter, 20th verse ot Revelatious at Mt. Ulive M. E. Coureh last Suu day eveuing, : ygidiss Mary Pritebhert departed this life Marcb 17th. Tt Uur pastor, Rev. Lowber preached | g:tgflumwm@émgmd Jeft | v Ooulference un Wed uesigyos- 1 "w"m Ar. W. 0. 0. Saun-| " Misses Bertha Rutter and Lizzie e e S sSI | aud . Rober '?’gg% L W i S L e oW i & b e N £ i Pk Sanh : Fe e o & s oo M A - £ S ; i § oy foooy ? g ; 00l gl e % e i . F e i o v 1 B G & b : e . : ; % 3 - e 0 s o 5 W el Y e ¥ = 5V T i s Lol B by o 0 T L™ ; 5 7 i 1 = W S e o s SiE R tagony i i) £ 5L E B % 8 ‘a_“ [ . B Bl £ f%&;fi B E kol e, A i 4 S she o s s P L R R i i &eS&eoooA e o el R o i e TN, w i BBE U B B ee [ %fi L I.y T i 5 - T sy oX s o U ] , B F OB\ A | W] FRN & g o - 7 Loavids . TR ¥ ESY 5 ; Eca- T e T R Ee 1) & e 754 . R 5 v bl = He R 5 PR B 1 = o 2 4 g R :,fi iy o o S . i % BTy \ s AR 3 oy e e ft R A NN %“q S . ¥ . 2 Y <ooe | 8 & 3 e oSI U ~ FREEAGAIN The Charge Withe awn—-A Stormy . Meeting cf the Stockholdsrs— Wiil Receive Ninty Cents on the Dollar. 00l s ae ) | Mr, Geo, L. Stavley, astockholder, flepositor wud book-héeper of the - it lie ngt . dav ”gs _Buuk, !tp- 4 [Dedted iv Justice Sultzer's Court, at he Central Polies S ation, Tuesdny a 1 d as: ed Mg Em}v &le waniant ander which Mr. E. J. Wariug, late @:siier and preside: tof toe Loxing. tom Bavings Bavk was arrested. Mr. ;M-; VaB charged with embezzle | ment of $7OO frow the Lexivg on Sav inge Bonk Mr. Stavley's re quest was granted upon payment f the costs in the care. When qu:stioned as to whe: her a getilement woulda be jea e in the matier Mr Stauley replied he hoped so. Mr. Waring when hej heard of the warrant for his arrear, | gave hiwself up and was relea~ed upon $l.OOO bail Mr. Lave repre seuted Mr, Waring iv the cuase. A stormy meeting of stockholders was held at the Nazarite | ewpl=: last Tuerdav vight. Not sertled action ; was taken except 1o ask for the ap- | pointm-nt of Mmr. Williamn Cole as a | CO-Fe¢eiver on the part of the STtOCi- | hoiders aud depositors, i Celored Road Supervisors in Calvert. The repubiicans now in cou rol of the boraru of road commissiorers )f Calvert county have eiect-d B. Au gustus Southerland, presid-nt. Four road supervisors—oue in each of the threo distiicts of the counvty—there werea geeat many cavdidates, white and colored. Tne appointees were as follows: Fi.wst districi, John W.Brown colored; second di~trict, Joseph J. Rawiings, white;third distrie , Jawes R. Young, coiored, ‘Lhis is the first time uoader the preseut law tne roads iu Cal.ert county have been put in eharge of colored wen as rupervisors. avd their wethod of nuproving and keeping them in repair wi'l be watched with inrerest. Work will b= e¢ormwenced about April 1, and wili continue till October 15. BLACK GOVERNORS. | & Curious Piece ‘¢f History Encwn to t Few Feople. Lm&f;tOk little ’?W‘wu even to collee. TN g, Sy e 4 3 B v oidaa 2 o “Haritord T e U d:fimf*ffi‘fi&mfi: First 'l hir.y Seals,” by Scava whicls was edi ed by WoM. 5. Hartley and | published at Harstford in 1833. There [l3 a chapt r 4m "éis book entitied “The Biack Gowernors of Counaeti cut,’ the very &itle of which will ex eite the surprise @WE the most iu elli gent people, even i Connecticut who have cever beard of any black gover uors n thre natiney stute--except the Ignvemcrs cfan rppo-ite political I faith, who, were, of course, politieal tly black. The ti.le, howevii; is ex | plaived and justified by a little ex~{ planarion. Before the Revolurion and down to a period as late a 8 18201 t '}Vas_lhe customwr for the Negroes liv g in tho state to ho'd an eiection on the Saturday succe-ding the regular cleetion day, choosing one of tueir ’ number as governor., dometiwes, however, no election was h+ld, ilhe retiring governor assigued his office to another. 'T'he wau chosen in ei ther case was usually of "‘iwposiug | presence, strength, firmues and volu- i pility, quick to decide, ready to com mand, aud quick to flog.” He :Lp~! poin'ed a statl of wilitary and judi- | cial officers. which executed his or ders in all matiers pertaining 10 col- ! ored puople, erpecially questions per taining to worals, manuers ane cere- | nonies, | i Tre fact that he had no legai stat ' usg in Ihe provinee or »tate did not at ~atl trouble him or bis subjocts, aud ' he appeais 10 have exercised a vecy | real power,-nearly always ou thesiae Fof morality and justice., The juastice {of the peaec2 appointed vy these - black governors were, as a rule, ex tremely severe in punishibg people of their own co'or who trausgressed the daw. So genera’ly was this rec gnized by the whires in eolonial times that when a rlave sommiited soie offence it was the enstom to turn him over to the black justice for puuwishment. Such a cuiprit always fared much worse than if he had been tried by the regular courts, Ao g the most notab'e colored wen who held the office of governor were Quaw, a Negro belo giug to Colonel George Wyilve; Peleg Nott, who belenged to Cel Jeremian Wads worth: Buston, belong vg to Mr. Nich olas: John Audersuon ana Cuff, wbo be'd the office for ten years 2fter the abolition of slavery in Conneeti cuttne customdbegan 10 pass inio dis use, add ah the pres-nt tie even iany intelligefit Negrdoes of the state knuow pothingof ic.—Now Yock Tri buue. 'f,:vfi:i"-' l b VSR & A LINCOLN MEMORIAL CHURCH. - Springfield, 111 , March 20, The Afri- l can Methodist® of thixstat~ wid build T 3 memorial ennrch in wis city v ‘honur of, toe memory of Abral Lincoln. lo will be named the {...- ¢lu Memorial church avd will cox | $BO,OOO. 1t will ve built of gra »toue “with -all-meodern features angd two spires, the maingone seaching an uiti tude of 150 Igu&,‘g#}‘iz;‘ mewerinl win duws will adtm!:éfi gharch |/ ke - | are une will_be ¢ .fi,;}% 55&%». ; tha two smaller oueés 10 Johth Brown =m%l?md§riek Dou, : anio g | hat might poxl; be regarded | Tga he most ;?&Wg featare fi 'be the memorial room, in which will | cription—pictures of all o e 2313 m > Bogardus and Templeton, St te Treasurer Henry L. Herze is the cus todinn of the fund. Work will be commenced this spring, CATONSVILLE NOTES. [Special to the Afro-American 1 Catonsville. March 24.—Prof. Lind sey will return to Catonsville to ren der his third concert on Wednesday evening, . Mr. Oden Williams a prominent ejti zen of this place and the presideut of the Frederick Douglass Republiean Club, was mueh sarprised when he was notified by the Sanitary Inspector that be is to put another garbageecart in the first distrier, Rev, Geo. W. Johuson, pastor of Mt. Gilboa and Crowdensviile Cireuit preactied for Rev. J. F. Wagoner, last Sunday night. Mr. Lewis Williams of Harper’s Ferry, W. va., is isiting his friends Mr. and Mrs. Beil Junes. PIEDMONT, W. VA. [Special to ti:e Afro-American, | { Rev., Adams, partor Waldeu Chapel | preached a very interesting serwmou | Suuday morniog. i Ttie Sumner Literay Society et at | Walden Chael, Tuesday nlght. the tollowing oflicers were ciected for the ensulug term of the three montus: hr. W. A, Gilwsore, president; Miss Jessie Boyd, vice president; Miss Rose Murphy, sesr: tary: Mr. sas. Steward, astistant secretary; Mrs. Emma Gil ;Iul)l'e, treasurer; Mr. BScotr Waching 10D, sergeaut at-arws, and Mr. Jobu Jacksoun, chaplain, : Quite a preasant time was spent ot the residence of Mrs, Maggie Brown, on Piedmont Hill, luesday night. Aw ng those present were Misses Nettie Joues, Lottie ustard, Eva and Rosa Murphy; Messrs Walter Stewart of Grafton; Louis Browune, Johin Dab ney, B. L. raylor, Mr, Long, of Balti wore; Richard Mooge, Walter Brown, ! and Charles Brown. A repast was sorved at midnight, and the ;.;urtiesJ retired to tueir homes. * KEYsER. Mr. Ulysses Bromery of Cumber lacd, visiteted Keyser Snnday. Mr. Wilitam smeClain of Pittsburg, is barbering in Key-er. Rev. Wisou aud family left for Grafton, Iheir future howe, Wednes day morning. bliss Kose Murphy spent Saturday | and Sunday in cur towa the guest ufJ Alies obhal Walcon. e R T Colored Conference Convenes. Easton, March 23.—the anuuzl ses. siou of the Delaware Annual Confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal Cnureh met in Baston, at Asbury M. E.Courch Wednesday with Bishop W. X. Ninde, presiding. Aboat 159 min -Isters in attendaue; and the sessions will last one week., Friday afiernoon there was a meeting of the different commiriees of exewiuvation, and at 8 p. w. the Bisop’s council met. ‘the conference work began on T'hnrsday worning. Several distivguished yisi tors addressed the conference. Rev. Henry Hutton Burried. The faneral of Rev. Heniy Hutton, pastor of St. Paul and St. Srephen’s A. 01. E. Churcher, took place from Bethel A. M. E. Chuieh, on Wednes | day, Mareb 24th, at 11 a. m. Bishop ]Jzuues A Handy officiated, assisted | by Revs. J. W. Bowser and D.G. Hill. ! Miss Arnie Reid read resolutions of ( regret from the two churches. The music was furnished by the choir of St. Paui’s Church, with Prof Charles E. bungee of Bethel Chareh, organ | ist. The’palibearers were Revs. i H. Gireen, 1. 8. Lee, D. G, Hilland J. W [ Norris, The interment was at Laurel i Cemetery. Undertaker Samuel W. | Chase had charge of the funeral ar ! rangetnents, lev. Hutton died on | Sunday, at his home, No. 1049 Nortts : Durham street, of lang trouble. He | was fifty-eight years old, and was born near Galesviile, on west River, Md. He had been in the winistry eighteen years, and inthis city two years. A w.dow and five children survive, Militia Company. Nashville, Tenn,, March s.—Adjt. Gen, Sykes has decided to enlist zn Afro-Ame icdn company of seventy 81X members, which has been recently organized in Nashville. This is the only Afro-American compauy 1 the S'ate guard and they will be assigned to the duty of entertaining visning Afro-American militia daring the Centeunial Exposition. &YW 0 A The meeting at the Colored Young Women's Christian Association was heid as usaal on SBunday. A paper was read by Mrs. Truxon| subject: Woman, the most importaot power in the world: her missi n, her sphere, ver life, her strength, her traits of character, and her power to make or wmar the lives of others who are weed in her keeping; covected - with «ne fart that as God sent her to bea niep-mneet for mawn, and - that he conld not exist without her presencze. Mra, H, E. Frey read an excelient paper entitled "Sympaty.” This was 4 most excellent paper, well written %fiflfi delivered. «» d a Filchett, ops of the YORRE ;i 2 “L £ o 4 = Ve U s L e e S el s BRI R e a 8 ey e e s Aoy I A RA e FoR s S gBT A oo ™ e Y e . p don PR e %}’ L TA P oßlnr 5 L 5,408 A R 3 t.Xfl‘{. L ¥ ot ,-*év_: g|¥ g e L i ¥ Ly e R : 1% N F.E " b g i I Si A=Al A WTRAV N RN e L il e ov el SAE A S, e e BED N N PRICE THREE CENTS CHURCH NAQTES. Trinity A. M. E. Sunday Schcol has a new Piano. 2 Rt Rev. I. L. Thomas, of Washimetor L. C., was in the-eitg' Wee 11esd:;‘.goh Rev. D.G.Hill will preach at Betug A. M. F. Church, Senday wi 11 a o Rey. Joseph Wheeler left yesi day for Washington, his newa‘i}d labor. - Rev. J. W. Beeckett will preaech at Trinity A. M. E. Chureh at 11 .M. Sunday =Bevs. E. W. 8. Peek and M W. Clair, of Washington, speut Wednesday in the city. Waungh Chapel Literary Soniéfir will inslall their newly elected officers toworrow afternooun. ? The date of the Baltimore annual con'ereuce. A. M. E. Chureh has been chauged to Weduesday, April 28th. The newly appointed pastor of Cen tenniul Church, Rev. Moorwan, will Preach his first sermon Sunday moining, Rev. J. H. Holmes. pastor of Metro politan Chuarev, wili arriye in the city Friday and will preach his intro duciory sermon Sanday at 11 a. m Rev. Harvey Johnson, pustor of North Sireet Baptist Chureh occupied the pulpit at both wornivg and eve uing serviees last Sunday. Tue congregation of Madison Street Presbyterian Chureh listen < to an excellent serwoun by the pastor Rev. W. H. weuver, D. D, last Sunday. The A. M. E. Anpual Couf-renee wili mertin thisecity at Bethe! Chureh April 28tt. Rev. d. W. Beckett is buisy securing homes for tue visiting ministers, ; o A handsome offer has heen reeeived ] hy oueof Baltimore's most noted Pasd | tors, totahe up finavecial work int o field for his deunowmination. Ivis exd pected he will accept the offer, __Rev.J W. Norris, of Ebenezer A M. E. Church, this city reports $6,04 rai~ed np to date since last confereng and expects 1o wmake it $7,000 belg contercuce wmeets next wonth, i Mr. Joseph A. Galamison, has ta{«; charge of the Sunday Nchool at b Paui A. M.lifl. Uh;u'ch, and in the fow or five weeks of his ruperiuten 3 Bile S hoh-laswrevan o g"‘n* &#&”i Provermonl e ' > Rev. N M. Carroll, pastor, St. Pau‘ M. . Church, has returned from eon ference aud taken hold of the affairs of the churen with an euvergy that promises to make things jumsp this year. The Epworth Leagues jof St Paul, Mt. Zion and Awmes M. E Chuorehes will hold their rally at Mt. Zion Churen iomorrow afternoon. 1. Gar land Peun, tha General Secretary, wili address the meering. Mr. 8. G. Wesley, formerly of Bt. John A. M. E. Chureth, but now of Se. Paul 8. E. Church, is o ecwing youugechureh worker, and promises good work in his line at t%e new chareh of his adoption. g At Metropolitan M. E. Chorgh Suvday, Rev. W. P. Ryder preaén® at the moruing services ana at night Kev. G, W. W. Jenkius. The atien dance was very large at each service. Tue choir rendered rsome exeellent musie. The M. E. Ministers held their weekiy meeting Wednesday. Dr, D. W. Hays read a paper, subject: * The uvew Confereuce Year; how 10 wake it more Prosperous.” ‘The anuual e ection of officers will take place next Weauesday. Rev. W. H. Brooks, who was trans ferred from the Wasbhington M. E, Couference to the New York Coufer euce, will temporarily fill the pulpit / at John Wesley Chuich uutil April 18th, whern Rev. E. Lyons, of New..[ York, who was also transferred frgl g § that city to John Wesley, asnsej : Trinity A. M. E. Church was ¢/ ;tended last Sunday by a largedgf [ gregation at both the morningy® night service. Rev. 1. 8. Lee, P. E., delivered an able serug = | £ the .norniug, and at night thelf = / § Rev. D. G. Hill preached ongf’ § usual instrueiive sermons. v The new pastor, Rev. W. X & man, of Centenoial M. E. Chure.. s tendered a very pleasant reception by the Sunday School, Sunday after- ; voon. ‘t'he program consisted ot:f, ‘ music and addresses by the Superin tendent, officers and teachers and was : respouded toin a very pleasaut ad dress by the Pastr. : - A grand sacred conecert was givem hy Bt. Paul M. K. Sunday Se¢houl, om last Bunday at 4 p.m. Th/. ehurelx was filled with an appreeciative audi ence. Among those taking part im the program were Misses Emma and Bessie Boone, Lillie SBhipley, Mamie ‘T3 iggs and Messrs 8. Geo. Wesley, A. A. Sprigg and Mesdaines Huuter gnd E. James. The objeet was to assist the trustees of the church. A haund soine sul was realized., : On last Tuesday night the Willing Workers of Asbury M. E. Churels gave a musical entertainwent and vysier supper, and }ike all of their efforts, it was a grand success. The choir of the church répdered a nnul