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THE AFRO-AMERICAN. EDITORIAL, We fail to understand just why so many white teachers are being! continunally transfered from color ed schools to white schools, andl new appointees putin their place,i We counld understand it, if the law governing transfers from colored schools was being carried out But it is not. Practically it is a dead letter. The law provides that when vacancies are made in eol ored schools, either by death or transfer, a temporary feacher shall be appointed. When the number of temporary teachers shall equal the number of of teachers in any one school, such temporary teach ers must give place to the regular teachersin that school, and a com plete faculty of colored -teachers appcinted in that school. Since this law became operative, but one single school has been turned over to colored teachers. The law has had ro partin the minds of a re publican school board, and the sooner the present board is legis latea out of existence, the sooner the city will get rid of a batch of law breakers, and law defiers. Certainly this continunal change of teachers cannot but be hurtful to the classes in these several schools from which the transfers are made, and we can see no good reason as we have said before, why these changes should be made. Not less than fifty teachers have been transferred from colored schools within the last eighteen months, and it 18 still going on. it is time a protest was made by somebody. T LY Rev. E. F. Eggleston, pastor of the Grace Presbyterian Church, was in New York eity last week attending a special series of sermons, Prof. B. W. Love, addressed the Perkins Sgnare Bapt. Sunday Sehool Sundav afteruncon. Rev, Fathers Yates and Butech ave holding special lenten services at St. Franciz Catholie Cburch., Father Unzles, preached Sunday eveninty. Rev. M. Davis, of Washington, D. G., preached a stirring sermon at the First Baptist Charch, Sunday night. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH. Rev. N. M. Carroll, P. E., prcached an edifying sermon on “The Life soat,” at John Wesley M. E. Church Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Savoy preached an inspir ing sermon at the Ebenezer A. M: E, Church Sunday evening, Miss Ashton, chief nurse at the Providence Hospital, lead the Chris tian Endeavor at Madison street Presbyterian Chureh, Sunday after noon. Her address on the topie, The evil of intemperance’ was en teriaiving and impressive. 'The Christian Endeavor Society at St. John A. M E. Chuareh, held a very impressive service Sunday from 6to7p. m. The topic was handled in a most delighttul manner,