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FULL LINE OF Fall Millinery— MRS. L. C. SMILEY, Millinery and Fancy Goods, BOWKER BLOCK, SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. Cut Flowers ι Plant? At the Greenhouse, E. P. CROCKETT, - florist SOUTH PARIS, - MAINE. Now is the time to buy your Fall Machinery WE HAVE THE Blizzard and Cyclone Ensilage Cutters and Blowers Nothing Better Made. You can get a CORN or GRAIN BINDER any day; w carry them all the time, call and see us before buying. A. W. WALKER <5. SON SOUTH PARIS. MAINE. Neponset Paroid Roofing. Warm in Winter Cool in Summer Costs Less Than Metal Wears Longer Than Shingles. Sold by L. S. Billings, South Paris. Ask Any Sickle Smoker Why he sticks to Sickle plug and slices off each pipeful as he needs it when he could get tobacco already cut up, in packages. He'll tell you, "because the Sickle way is the only way to get fresh tobacco, that smokes cool and sweet and doesn't bite the tongue." He knows· Tobacco that is cut up at the factory gets dried up on its way to you. Result—it bums fast and hot and "bites." When you cut your own tobacco off the Sickle plug, you are well repaid for a minute's work by fresh tobacco—because all the flavor and moisture are pressed into the plug and held in by the natural leaf wrapper. Get a plug of Sickle at your dealer's today. Notice how much more tobacco you get when you don't have to pay for a package. A King Kineo Range Free The person bringing the largest number οi this en tin advertisement, cut irom the Oxford Democrat, to HOBBS' VARIETY STORE, NORWAY, on or before Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1913, at 2 P. M., will receive free a No. 8-20 King Kineo Range valued at $60.00. Included in the above, for each purchase amounting to a$ cents from eithei HOBBS' VARIETY STORE or 8. J. RECORD & SON a receipt or coupon will be given valued as 5 of the advertisement*, to b< counted as such in the final count. ** CASTORIAFtfivmtsiriCftMNi J**""1® stf //#rT* Ik in jUn Ajiiji Bu(kf THE FRESH AIR CURE Is Sound and Logical. Both by day and by night it is nec essary to have enough oxygen from fresh air to keep the blood pure and is best condition to repair waste and βα maintain life. If confined by day eleep in open air at night, well pro tected of course by suitable clothing. If the liver or bowels become slug gish take a proper dose of "L. P." At wood's Medicine occasionally to pre vent congestion. It is a safe old fami ly remedy. "I have used "L. P." Atwood'e Medicine with most excellent result* and do most heartily recommend them. I feel sure that the "L. P." Atwood's Medicine is very beneficial in cases of Dyspepsia, Headache, and vomiting." Mrs. Minnie II. Packard, Monmouth, Me. 35 cents at all dealers. . |"L. P." MEDICINE CO., Portland, Me. JaJ ^ and each a better loaf than you have evermade before—yours if you will only specify Wil liam Tell when you order flour. Just as good for cake and biscuits and pastry and all the rest of the good things to eat that good flour makes. All extra nutri tious, too, be cause William Tell is milled by: our special process from Ohio Red Winter Wheat—the richest and finest grown. Γ It Stands the Test of Time JOHNSONS ANODYNE LINIMENT IN use 10S YEARS for the relief of aches, pains, swellings, bums, cuts, rheumatism, bowel troubles. For in ternal and external use. 25c and 50c everywhere 11. S. JOHNSON A CO., Inc. Boston, Mom. A WOMAN'S DAY It begins early, and ends late. It is full of work from sun rise to bed time. Being constantly on her feet, she often has kidney trouble without knowing it. She has backache. It is hard for her to get up in the morning, she is so tired and worn out. She does not sleep well, has poor appetite and is nervous. Her bladder will cure all that, _ and make her again STRONG, WELL and VIGOROUS. Get Foley Kidney Pills at the nearest drug store and START TAKING THEM ΤΌ-DAY. They cost less than the doctor and do more. TT»e genuine Foley Kidney Pill· are sold only in the yellow package. K. SHUKTLKKK Α CO., · South I'arle |h. Ε NEWELL Λ CO.. - . Parla INSURANCE. All kinds of insurance placed b) W. J Wheeler & Co. After July i, 19131 Stanley M, Wheeler will be taken into the firtr of W. J. Wheeler & Co., composed of W. J. Wheeler, Margaret A Baker, Stanley M. Wheeler. We thank the people of Oxford County for past favors and solicit I continuance of same and shall con· ; tinue to give them our best efforts, good protection and a good wjufirt I '-usinées »'eal. 32-44 Pianos and Organs ) Second hand Pianos and Organs for sale at a bargain. Two square pianos I will sell at low price. A lot of second hand organs that I will sell at any old price. Come in and ι see them. New Pianos, Stools, Scarfs, Instruction Books, Player pia nos always in stock at prices , that are right. Send for catalog. W.J.Wheeler, Billing·' Block, South Paris. . HOMEMAKEBS' COLUMN. I °SÎ3BSn3' 2iïÎ?SΣSKïS? ' Coluw. Oxford Democrat. Booth Part·, H». MaklD{ the Kitchen Attractive. uIt la the moat attractive room In the whole hoaae,M exclaimed the visitor en thusiastically, aa the bride showed her with well justified pride her trim little kitcheo. "That ia what Jack says," responded the demure little bride. "I made up mj mind that it should be, too. You see, we cannot afford to keep a maid for awhile and, as I must spend the greater part of my time in the kitchen, I re solved to have it as pleasant and com fortable as I could make it.1' "Wise little woman," commended the friend, as pioturee of other kitchens flit ted through her mind and she involun tarily compared tbem with the dainty one before ber. It was a small room, for the bouse It self was tiny, but the attractive wall paper—tiled effect in while and a warm shade of tan,—gave it the effect of being larger. "Aa the kitchen faced north and was so small, Jack and I thought the tan and white effect would be warmer and at the same time seem to give more space. Besides, It corresponds with the woodwork, dresser and other furnish ings," explained the young housekeeper. The floor was covered with a good quality of linoleum in imitation of the hardwood floors, which also accorded well with the oak woodwork, dresser, capacious kitchen table and other furni ture. . ' The window shades were of tan to correspond, and the Dutch curtains wore of white muslin, dotte I with pale yellow poppies. These gave a very sun shiny effect to the room. There was a big, deep-seated rocker in the room, with soft, comfortable cush ions of cretonne in yellow and white de sign, which almost matched the window curtains. A set of banging shelves placed over the table contained the various cook books, as well as some really good liter ature and one or two of the current magazines. "1 often have a minute or two, wheo 1 can sit down in the rocker and read, while 1 am waiting for things to cook," explained the bride, "and 1 made up my mind 1 would have good reading at hand for just thoae spare moments. Tou have no idea how much reading I really get done in that way, and 1 work so much better afterwards for those brief rests in the big chair. 1 often ac complish odd bits of sewing, too." She iudicated the pretty sweet-grass sewing basket with its yellow ribbons, placed on top of the book-shejpes. : There was a high stool in one corner <>f the room, which the bride explained «he used when sitting up to the table to prepare vegetables, and to irou when tier "feet got tired." Two other regula tion kitchen chairs, a dresser, a roomy kitcheu table with numerous capacious drawers underneath, and the range were all the other furnishing which the small ■ oom permitted. Back of the door leading to closet and V/οιιαι π v»w iv..w au» «ν»» — Oa these hung shining cooking utensils —convenient to hand, yet oat of sight when the doors were cloved. On the walls were two or three really good pictures—attractive landscapes in plain but neat oak frames to correspond with the color scheme of the room. These brightened up the room wonder fully, and were restful and delightful to look at. "They were some of the prettiest pic tures we had, bo I put them in here where 1 would see them oftenest and where they wuuld rest and refresh me while 1 was doing my work." Over the kitcheu table, beside the «mall book shelves hung au artistic cai eudar, also with a pretty country scene on it, aud with the dates in good large print. There was also an attractive memorandum pad with burnt leather covering, which the bride said saved her "lots of cudgeling of brains" about things she needed at different times or duties thai required to be done. "It looks almost too pretty for use." "Indeed, it is not," answered the bride quickly. "It is all for use and for com fort. Everything iu the room is wash able, and I assure you is washed often. Even the wall paper is the washable kind. Everything is to make my work e.tsv and pleasant, aud to make my sur rouudings aa comfortable aud attractive as 1 eau Lave them in the room where I a:» ob:iged to spend so much of my titni·." "O > you wonder that 1 love uiy little ki'ciieu?" she asked, with pride, "that 1 enjoy my work here, and never feel like hurrying through it aud off to some other room where 1 cm rest and enjoy niyfeil?" ■'Indeed I don't," responded the ft lend heartily. Rvcipcs. BISCUIT PASTE FOU MEAT PIE. Sift together two cups of sifted pas try flour, ι wo louuding tcaspoofuls of baking powder aud h«»li a tcaspoonful Of sale. Cut in ouo-tourtb a cup of short ening and mix to a dough wi th milk (from half to th«ee fourths a cup of milk will be ueeded). Turn ou to a floured board, roil to cuat with d <ur, then knead slightly and roll out as required. EGO AND-TOMATO SALAD. Cut hard-cooked eggs in quarters, after rciuoviug a slice irom one end that the eggs may staud level. Ou individ ual plates eel slices oi ripe tomato with two or three heart leaves of lettuce; ou each siiCd of tomato set one of the pre pared eggs, held together with a ring cut fri'tu a slice of touiato. Suiround with mayouuaiHo dressing. ftATUKAt. ltlSPITIT. Four two cups of hot milk over one cup of uucooked oatmeal; add one· fourth a cup 01 bulti r or other shorten iiiK uud oiiv teaspnoofui uf salt; when coolod to a lukewttru) temporal urn udd a c ike of compressed yeaet, mixed through half a cup of lukewarm milk or water, halt a cup of molasses and abou i two cuptt each of entire wheat and white flour; beat the mixture about teo min ii tec, cover and set aside to bccome I gbt. Cut dowu aud turu into smali tiuib.ile mold», or into muffin pane, careluliy buttered. When Dearly doub led iu bulk bake about twenty minutes. GLACED CKA11APPLBS (MISS BEECE) Select a bard, red variety of crab apples. Use only perfect fruit. For a peck of apples take five pounds of gran ulated sugar. Wash and wipe the fruit, leaving on the stems if deaired; put the fruit and sugar in stone jars or casser oles, in layers, adding cinnamon and cassia buds to taste. Cover the jars with a buttered paper. Bake in a slow oven two and one-half hours. These may be stored as canned fruit, but will keep in earthen jars some time. DBOP COOKIKS. Beat two tablespoonfuls of butter to a cream; beat in oue-fourtb a teaspoonful of salt, half a oup of sugar, one well beaten egg, two Ubleepoonfuls of milk and one cup of sifted dour, sifted again with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Drop by small teaspoonfuls on a buttered tin; set half a pecan nut meat above. Bake in a quick oven. LADY FINGKH8. Three eggs, one-half a cap of >agar, grated rind of one-half a lemon, five eighths a cup of flour. Beat the yolks thick, and the whites dry; add lemon rinds to yolks and beat Id the sugar gradually; fold in half the whites, half the flour, the other half of the whites and the rest of tbe flour. 8bape on a buttered baking sheet, in narrow strips, about one Inch wide and four or Ave inches long and dredge with sug ar. Bake aboot ten minutes. HASHED BBOWN POTATOES. Chop fine, six or eight oold, boiled po tatoes, and season as needed with salt, and pepper. Have hot In a frying pan j from one-fourth to one-half a oup of fat. cooked from fat salt pork ; put In the po tatoes, mix thoroughly with the hot fat, then press firmly over the bottom of the pan. Let stand to brown, then (old as an omelet and turn upon a hot diah. Flooroi th· Court. London Law Times tells a Étory of the late Lord Ashbourne, who a· lord chancellor tii presiding In the court of appeal In Ireland would occasionally make op hie mind to bring a case te an end before the rising of th* court A junior who was not cotutcloua of his humor stood up to open what ap peared to be a short Interlocutory ap peal. Lord Ashbourne after a sen tence or two bad been spoken Inter jected, "Now, Mr. —» why should w# ' reverse the king's bench on a point like this?" · "My lord," rejoined counsel, "there ' are six reasons why the order ehould be reversed." J "Then," said the president of the court, "suppose we commence with your three best" "No, my lord," said counsel; *1 could not consent to thst because I have fre quently succeeded in this court upon my bad points." , Lord Ashbourne collapsed and for once was unable to have his own way ^ in the court of appeal. On· Voice Muslo. Composers have not scorned writing ι airs to suit the style of particular sing ers, thus, as Francis Rogers remarks, "storing up for the usual voices of sub sequent generations much travail and Borrow." Mendelssohn crowded "Hear i Ye. Israel." with high Ρ sharps to give Jenny Lind, whom he adored, a chance to display the particular beauty of her voice in that region, with the result thut that air has been a sore trial to most sopranos ever since. Faure, the famous French baritone, also had α particularly facile and mel low high F sharp, and many parts were written especially to give him a chance to exhibit it to the gasping mul titude. But In most buritone voices this F sharp ie the very limit of the upper range, and. ulthough It inuyhuve both power and brilliance. It eeldom possesses either mellowness or facil ity: consequently nil the roles written for Faurtse (Meyerbeer's "Dluoruli," for Instuucei are particular trying for the ordinary bnrllone.—Arguuaut. Weight Dead ·ι<ν Alive. It la α very popular n>a that ο per •on when dead weigh* heavier than when living. One reason that a dead body Is thought to be heavier than α living one le probably this: lu carry ing a living person we buvp the center of gravity adapted by the ικί-sou car ried to suit the convenience or the car rier and maintained in α position as far as possible to fall within the base of hie body. Again, tbo elasticity of the structure of the body, especially the cartilages, though not fu reality diminishing the weight, gives an ap pearance of lightness, as we see In the beautiful movements of the stag, and fbls would seem to corroborate the notion thflt living creatures are lighter than dead ones. It has also been As serted that the breath mnk<>e the living body lighter than the dend. But we need hardly say that a man when dead weighs no more than'when living. They Eat the Bait Off the Hook. Of all sad things of tongue or pen. the saddest of ail is the cunner, that Rkinny. bony little fish that knows how to enter the Jaws of bell and car ry off Its teeth. This mensiy vermin of the pathless deep is stronger for Its size tbau the lion of the desert or the red ant of tradition. It Is quicker than the wit of woman and more elu sive thnn the shadow of a dream. It Is bolder than a Bengal tiger nud more Justly entitled to kingship among the creatures of the sea than Job's levia than or the great whale of Scandina vian mythology. Oats off to the cun ner. Man is both fearfully and won derfully made, but In the presence of this euperflnny miracle of subaqueous evolution he stands hamble and aghast. The best way to get him Is with a small book about the size of a bent pin and a goose pimple full of clam.—New London Telegraph. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every new year find you a better man.—Franklin. Will Q. Richmond, a resident of Ingle wood, Cal., will answer any inquriex about Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Flo says funber "Foley's Honey nnd Tai Compound I»· grostly benefited me for bnmchial trouble and cough, after I u ed other remodies that foiled. It'» m ire like a food than a medicine." D>> no', accept a substitute. A E. £burtleff Co., South Paris; S. E. Newell 4 Co.. Parie. Rose—You bad to give Clarence a hltt before he'd propose, el·? Lily—Y-yen; he didn't seem to be • quipped with a self-starter. QUICK HELP TO BACKACHE AND RHEUMATISM. The man or woman who waota quick help from backache and rheumatism, will find it in Foley Kidney Pills. They act ko quickly and with such good e'· foci that weak, inaotive kidneys tbat do not keep the blood clean and free of im purities, are toned up and strengthened to healthy vigorous action. Oood re sults follow their use promptly. A. E. Shurtleff Co., South Paria; 8. E. Newell & Co., Paris. "I don't remember sayiug all those wicked things," declared the man at tbe irate. "Gabriel, produce the dictagraph," ordered the Recording Angel. Tbe changeable woatb<»r of early fal! bring* ou couglin an<l c»Me that havu a weakening effect uo tbe cyetem, and may become chronic. Uho Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound. It bast a very «nothing and healing effect on the irri tated and itifi imnd air paaitagei), and will Itelp very quickly. It ia a well knoai (amily medicine that given remits. A. Ε Shnrtleff Co., South Paria; S Ε. New eil & Co., Pari·. "Oow do you stand the heat?" "Much better," replied Mr. Growcber, "than I can atand the man who Insist* oo talking about it." FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS SUCCEED. Because they are an hooeatly made medicine that relieves promptly the suf fering due to weak, inactive kidneys and painful bladder action. They offer a powerful help to nature in building up tbe true excreting kidney tissue, in re storing normal action and relieving bladderdlsoomforts. Try tbem. Α. Ε Shurtleff Co., South Paris; S. E. Newell Λ Co., Paris. "What a clever skater she Is!" "Yes indeed. She can work her ankle straps loose any time she wants to." Henry A. Johnston, a business man of L'Anse, Mich., writes: "For years, Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs and colds has been our family medicine. We give It to our obildren, who like it oo aocount of its pleasant taste. It is a safe cure for coughs and colds." It contains no opiates. A. E. Shurtleff Co., 8outh Paris; S. E. Newell A Co., Paria. She (after accepting him)—Bow did you come to propoie? He—Could'nt possibly belp it; you look sweet enough to eat. She—Well, you'll And that I do eat. HOME-KEEPING WOMEN NEED HEALTH AND STRENGTH. The work of a home-keeping woman makes a constant call in ber strength and vitality, and sickness oomes through ber 1 kidneys and bladder oftener than she 0 knows. Foley's Kidney Pills will invig- » orate and restore her, and weak back, | nervousness, aching joints and irregular bladder action will all disappear wheo I ~ Foley Kidney Pills are used. A. E. ; t Shurtleff Co., South Paris; S. Ε Newell * 4 Co., Paria. t1 Ν. Dayton Bolster Co. Wish to buy 10,000 lbs. sun iried, quartered and strung dried apples at 5c per pound in exchange for goods at our store. We have seven hogsheads good Did fashioned, sweet, pure Molasses. The "kind that's all Molasses" at 50c per gallon. 36 MARKET SQUARE, . SOUTH PARIS, ME. 'Phone, 19-21. Patrie ia η \ Shoes For Women Have no equal in style and quality. Sole agents for Paris and Norway. W. 0. Frothingham, South Paris, - - Maine. 5-A Horse Blankets Are The Strongest. 5-A Horse Blankets have bias girths and stay on the horse. 5-A Horse Blankets are sold direct to the retailer and I am able to save yon money on a horse blanket. James N. Favor, ZZ.:: 91 Main St., Norway, Maine. FREE! FREEH As a Means of Attracting Attention to Our House and the Line of Pianos We Handle We Will Give away the following Beautiful Prizes ABSOLTUELY FREE Diamond King (14 Carat Setting) Boston Leather Rocker Chest Rogers' Silver (26 Piece») Lady's Fancy Gold Watch (Jewel Movement) Man's Fancy Gold Watch (Gmranteed Case) Fancy Carving Set China Chocolate Set Plated Silver Chaf ing Dish Beautiful Lamp Gold plated Clock Boy's Bicycle 22 Calibre Rifle Roller Skates Collection 38 Piano Pieces (Full Sheet Munie Si?.»·) Also Special propositions on the pur chase of Pianos will be awarded. CAN YOU FIND SEVEN DOGS' HUDS IN THIS PI ÏÏUIÎL DIKKCTIONS: Trace tt.e out line of the heads on thiw or a seperat" sheet of paper and num ber them 1, 2, 3, etc. Mill or bring answer to our store. It costs you nothing 10 try. You may win one of the larger priz-e. Remember you must lind at least 7 of the 10 heads in this pic ture and everyone aoH wearing this puzzle will get something The best prizes will be awarded to tin neatest answer*, and winner?· will be notified by mail. Only one member of each f.»mly is eligible to this contest. All intwtm niunt lit unit In i»i> or before Oct. tlltli. = = Piano = = Warerooms Masonic Building, Portland Me. m Is like what you want your hair to be— Lustrous, bright and glossy; soft, silky and wavy. To have beautiful hair like this, use HARMONY HAIR BEAUTIFIER It's just what its name implies—just to make the hair glossy, and lustrous, and more beautiful —just to make it easier to dress, and more natural to fall easily and gracefully into the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure, just to give that delightful fresh and cool effect, and leave a lingering, delicate, elusive perfume. Will not change or darken the color of the hair. Contains no oil ; therefore, cannot leave the hair sticky or stringy. Very pleasant to use, very easy to apply — simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. To thoroughly clean your hair and scalp, use Harmony Shampoo A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful, an instantaneous rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part of the hair and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only a few moments. It leaves no lumps or stickiness. — Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness. — Just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance. Both in odd-shaped ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00 ; Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to please you, or your money back. Sold only by the more than 7000 Rezall Store· — The World'· Greatest Drug Store· — and mad· in our own big Boeton Laboratories, where all the delightful HARMONY, VIOLET DULCE and BOUQUET JEANICE Perfume· and Toilat Preparation· are made. Sold in this community only at % Chas. H. Howard Co. South Paris, Maine. It gives «ρ»·! -»«■■.., ,™,,». Me „, ,„ ι the road to a successful career In the llualnese World Wh«M?h« f "°·{0Ϊ Men and Women Jle to auppoee It can do for yon. Wrlie for Krec Catalogue ?tr olher· u '· reason, immer School at South Caaco. catalogue. Portland, Bangor and Augu»ta ■ L. SHAW, President, Portia Dit, Milne. J7J» O. D. HARDEN, Treeeurer, Beegor, Mnlne 3ASTQRIA Fir Infants and ClyldrBn. Bears the il Uil ïu llir· Atwin BiHikt s>eDT" Ùu&tfM&Ùïi pyERMSîlC ËOofinG High grade ana Economical $1.60,-1.90,-2.25 per square SOLD ONLY BY S. P. Maxim & Son South Paris, . . Maine. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ®ear®t^ Th* Kkd Yh Hiti AlvipSsvgkt «'