Newspaper Page Text
MAKE THE KITCHEN LIVABLE DON'T swelter over a hot coal stove this summer. The NEW PER F EC TION Oil Cookstove keeps your kitchen cool and clean and does away with all the ash pan, coal-hod drudgery of the coal range. The NEW PERFECTION lights like gas? regulates like gas, and cooks like gas. It's gas stove comfort with kerosene oil. Something New. An oven that be comes a fireless cooker merely by pulling a damper. Ask your dealer to show you the NEW PERFECTION No. 7, with fireless cooking oven; also the PERFECTION Water Heater. It gives you plenty of hot water and makes you independent of your coal range. For best results use SOCONY brands of kerosene oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK Principal SutioM BafhU FARM WAGONS FORD TRUCK BODIES ι Having special equipment for all heavy work I can save you money on any thing in Farm wagon line. I also carry in mock wheels, axles, braces and other farm wagon forging». You will tind complete outfits In stock and can meet your requirements on special order work. I also carry in stock truck bodies fur Ford Cars and build truck bodies fori other cars to order. M. A. MILLETT, South Paris, Maine, j SHOP NEAR GRAND TRUNK STATION Telephone 132—11 16-37 Pittsburgh Perfect Fence! THE BEST WIRE FENCE MADE! At a very low price we have bought a full car load of the | PITTSBURGH PERFECT FENCE which we shall receive before May 1st. This is an electric welded fence and has stood the test for years. It costs no more than the inhuman barbed wire fence which so many times injures your stock. Stock fence runs from 32 inches to 58 inches in height, | poultry fence in any height desired. Remember we bought very low by taking a full car load I and shall make our price accordingly. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FENCE IN THE WORLD. A. W. WALKER & SON, SOUTH PARIS. MAINE. STANDARD SEWING MACHINES. Send for Catalogue. W. J. WHEELEJR & CO. South Paris. RoofiNG High grade and Economical $ 1.60,-1.90,-2.25 per square | SOLD ONLY BY S. P. Maxim & Son South Paria, . . Maine CASTORIA FerlnfantsandChildrw. Bearath· Tk JUri m Han Always Bw(tt T" HOMEMAEERS COLUMN. taraspomlense on topic· of Inter·* to the ladle· Uaonclted. Address: Editor Hokuukiki' CoLcmr, Oxford -Democrat, South Parla. Me Laundering. [Domestic Science Department, University of Maine.) To moat housekeeper· the weekly aundry work la the moat formidable teak of all in the household routine. Tbe Sroceaa often extends over two or three ays, is anticipated with dread, and leema to be completed only to be bégnn igain. The place where the work is serried on with Its equipment has much to do with making the work easier or more difficult. If it is a separate room >n the first floor, ao that there need be bo going op and down stairs, light, airy, ind with running water, much labor is laved. The larger pieces of equipment ihould be stationary when poeaible, to ivoid lifting and carrying about. Tubs If not built Id may be kept always in tbe tame place and filled and emptied by means of a piece of hose. Ironing l>oards may be attached at one end to the wall and pushed back against it when not in uae. A cold mangle with wooden rollers ia a contrivance which tavea much time In tbe ironing of fiat piece·. If tbia cannot be bad tbe ordi nary wringer may often be pressed Into lervlce aa a mangle for auch piecea as :ommon towels. Washing machines es pecially wben power driven are great sonveniencea. Much may be aaid also In tbe choice >f laundry materials a· atarcb, soap and »luing. The ordinary cornatarch ia in «pensive and make· a good starch if al owed to aimmer from 10 to 20 minutea liter it is made and then atrained if nee jssary before using. Tbe addition of a ittle borax and fat or paraffin greatly mproves tbe quality. The bluing ihould be one which doea not dye or con tain Prussian blue wbicb often la tbe »use of rust apota. Ultramarine is one >f tbe best bluing*. Δ variety of soaps ibould be used. The strong yellow soap s good only for very soiled and greasy slothes. Its action is hard on both tbe slothes and tbe bands. Ivory, a mild loap, is good for ordinary work and cas tile, a neutral aoap, for wool. If we are able to dry our clothes in 'res h air and sunlight, they are actually :leaner than after they have been damp sned and ironed. Webbing underwear ind stockings need never to be ironed »nd why should we, especially in the lummer, iron sheets and nightgowns? Perhaps tbe way to save most in laun iry work would be to get at tbe root of tbe trouble and have our olothes made in a style and of material easily laundered. Underclothes may be of ripplette and crepe and dresses of rip ple tie, plisse, ratine, and crepe which require neither starching nor Ironing. These fabric· this spring include most ittractive designs in plaids, stripes and Sgured materials. The children in par ticular, may have clothes of these mate rials and the mother of a large family need only try this scheme to appreciate It· labor-aaving possibilities. Recipes for the Invalid. TOAST WATER 2 slices well browned toast and very dry 1 cup boiling water Break tbe toast in small pieces in a bowl. Add the boiling water. Let itand one hour. Strain. Season with «alt. If desired, add one or two tea ipoons cream. BARLEY WATER 2 tablespoons barley 1 quart cold water 1 teaspoon salt Wash the grain. Add the water. Let «oak 4 hours. Cook in same water until water is reduoed one-half for infant reeding; (or adult feeding reduce toi sup. Salt aud cream may be added or lemon juice and sugar. EGG-NOG 1 egg 2-3 cup cold water 3 4 tablespoon sugar Flavoring Few grains salt tdd mTir"d«n,. S.r.lo.od ».«· PINEAPPLE egg nog 2 tablespoons cold **t®f ! 4 cup finely crushed ice Syrop mwle of sugar and water 2 «WMPOOO· pl»»PP^iuJ,0*,t „d Αΰ' Strtlo oVer croebod .end meeten to taste. COCOA 1 teaspoon coco* 3-4 cup cold milk 1 teaspoon sugar 1-4 cup boiling water eaucepan. SSttîss " EGG CHOCOLATE 1 cup bot cocoa tss» sjo..,-ι*, m -a beef tea 1 lb. lean beet 1 pt. cold water 1 egg white only jSâ^jsSSftfi sSHS . cool p>-c« »'· , S" •«""Hsi!. u'Scb™ J? StS mM ys-tK· !Μ&ίνηΛΑί Λ— J «érable port wine. b ( a sxthx:« -H *rœv.r«·^ »r,d eKg muet not coagulate. beef tea jelly îi.stèsî.ïî» «»»»'·'«' «•"•j -^Ϊ5ΕΓ :άΐΛΛ""ί or on a lettuce leal. STBAWBEBBY WHIP 12 cup fresh etrawberrles 16 cup powdered sugsr WMbtod'*' borr.·· "«,,.-'ίΪ .««Ml,, ""S°tt2*S»« ootli ^'°.^"ριΛώ·Ϊ "» »d %",Î.W£b"oÎ%.»n.d b. uhed using 2 to 4 tablespoons fruit pulp , »nd à «mall amount of lemon Juice. lemon souffle Yolk of 1 egg 1-4 cup mgar 1 tablespoon lenioo Juice Beat^yoik of Ifg until thick and1 lemon XMK 4S. - •Siissauyw^. w| baked egg 18 cup «oft braad crumbs 1 tablespoon heatj oream 1 egK Cow bottom ol ™m.kl»,«lth«to»b·· egg Is sat. Thought and effort are the foundation on whlob good results are built. D· Quinoey's Vic· Explained. De Quincej-'s style was variegated enough, but bis diet was monotonoua to a degree, his dinner for tbe last thir ty years of bis life Invariably compris ing souie loin of mutton, boiled rice and coffee. Every day be Interviewed tbe cook and told ber to prepare these dishes, adding, "If you do not remem· ber to cut tbe mutton in a diagonal rather than a longitudinal form conse quences incalculably distressing to my system will arise and will prevent me from attending to matters of over whelming importance." No wondei ι tbe bewildered Scotswoman when thus j drenched with polysyllables for the. first time was heard to remark, "The body bas an awful sicht of words."— London Strand Magazine. The 8·* of Ships. 1 The word "ship" Is masculine in French. Italian, Spanish aud Portu· 1 guese and possesses no sex in Teutonic and Scandinavian. Perhaps It would 1 not be an error to trace the custom of ' femlnlnizlng ships back to tbe Greeks, i who called tbem by feminine names, ι probably out of deference to Athene, · goddess of the sea. But tbe English speaking sailor assigns no such rea sons. The ship to him is always a lady, even though she be a man-of-war. She possesses a waist, collars, stays, ι laces, bonnets, ties, ribbons, chains, watches and dozens of other distinctly ! feminine attributes.—Collier's Weekly. [1 Business Jokes. Tbe clerk who thinks tbe house can't J do without him. The salesman who bas his trade per sonally anchored. The buyer who cannot be fooled. Tbe stenographer who knows best what tbe old man ought to say. The credit man who can always trust his intuition. The head of tbe firm who always sticks to the way be always did It The customer who doesn't know what he wants. The house that won't advertise, be cause its goods are "different"—Print er's Ink. Good In Either Case. Mabel—What oare you going to do with all these flowers after the carni val is over? It's a shame to waste them. Maud—They won't be wasted. If Jack sees me before papa does there'll be a wedding, and if papa sees Jack before I do there'll be a funeral. - Puck. Blaok Howlers. Regarded as weathel^propbets by the natives, tbe "black howlers," largest of tbe Panamanian monkeys, set up a roaring howl suggestive of the lion for volume of sound. They howl often est before or during a storm, hence the native belief.—Argonaut Tough Luok. "Γνβ been wearing the same suit of clothes for five years. Tbafs pretty tough." "Of course It is. my friend. But I'm worse ofΤ thnn you. I've had t^esame automobile for Ave years."—Birming ham Ace- Herald. Her Scheme. "Why does your ttaricee study the bill of fare so long?" "She wants to figure to me afterward how much I will eave if we get mar ried."— Meggendorfer Blaetter. Discoveries. So many famous discoveries have turned out to be rediscoveries that we become cautious about asserting that —a. niihlaFoment orna the first of Its kind.—John Fiske. Too Provlou· Hilarity. Lore often laughs at locksmiths and subsequently has occasion to keenly resrret Its hilarity. — New Orleans State*. If you are content you have enough to live comfortably.—Plantns. OUR "JITNEY" OFFER—THIS AND So. D >o't ralas this. Cut out this slip, en close five cent· to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will reoeive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey aod Tar Compound, for conghs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pill·.and Fo ley Catbartio Tablet·. A. L. Clark Drug Co., Norway. Wife—"Well, then, I'll just buy what I want and hare the bill· sent to you." Hub—"Yes; but oughtn't we to agree to «orne limit a· to the amount?" Wife—"Certainly not! Combination· in restraint of trade are Illegal." "SLOWED UP" AT MIDDLE AGE. The hard working kidneys seem to re quire aid sooner than other Internal organ·. At middle age many men and women feel twinge· of rheumatism, have •wollen or sohing Joint· and arediatress ed with sleep disturbing bladder ill meute. Foley Kidney Pilla are safe, prompt and can be depended on to give relief. A. L. Clark Drug Co., Norway. Uiggs—So you went after tbe job? 1 thought that you believed that tbe office should seek the man. Dibbs—I do; but this Is a fat job, and I thought it might get winded before it reached me. INFECTION IN THE AIR. Medical authorities agree that cold· are infectiou·. In some cities children with colds are barred from school·. Spring1· chauging weather brings many cold*. The quickest and safe way to stop colds, coughs and oronp is to give Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. A. L. Clark Drng Co., Norway. He—At last we are alone. I've been hoping for this chance. She—So have I. He (pleased) —Ah I You know then that I wanted to ask you to be my wife? She—Tes, and I wanted to say "No," emphatically, and get It over with. DANGER TO CHILDREN! Serious illnesses often result from lin gering coughs and colds. Tbe hacking and coughing and disturbed sleep rack a child'· body and tbe poison· weaken tbe •ystem, so that disease cannot be thrown off. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound bas eased coughs,—cold· and croup for three generations; safe to use and quick to act. There la no better medicine for croup, cough· and cold·. ▲. L. Clark Drng Co., Norway. Grigg*—I understand he married a cool million. Brlgga—Yes, but be'· complaining now beosuse he hasn't been able to thaw any of it out. A SEVENTY-YEAR-OLD COUPLE. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carpenter, Harris· burg, Pa., suffered from kidney trouble for many year· but hive been entirely cured by Foley Kidney Pill·. He aaya: "Although we are both In tbe aeventlea we are as vigorous aa we were thirty years ago.". Foley Kidney Pills stop •leep disturbing bladder weaknesa, back ache, rheumatism and aching joint·. A. L. Clark Drug Co., Norway. "Why have they separated? Can't be •upport her?" "If yon mean enpport in tb· sense of endure, no." DON'T BE A "GROUCH." . Many persona acquire a reputation for crankiness and groucbinesa when their dispositions are not to blame. Peevish Itese, irritation, morbidness, blDOOaoess, melancholia most often are the result of Impaired digestion and torpid liver. Foley Catbartio Tablets maka yon light, Iheesful aad energetic. Α. I» -Clark, >rug Co., Norway. Movl· Inetsad of M«V)T. It la a significant development of QngUah spelling In the circles of th% inoducated that the word used to rep· eaent In abort form moving picture 1 ia« taken the form movie. The plural I oovlng pictures was reduced to the ' hlldish form movies In deference per laps to the growing Intelligence of the >atrons of those works of art And hen when occasion arose to use the it lingular It was not spelled aa the spell ng book rules would make It, movy, nit movie. And we read of the movie ihow. The ending "le" has always >een popular In pet names, as In Ab jle, Annie. Carrie, Fannie, Jennie, Jo lie, Katie, Lottie, Mattie, Billle, John· île, Willie, etc. The spelling with "y" s later and In some names less com· non. Carrie Is seldom Carry, and An- v île la never Anny. The ending "le" y ras formerly pronounced in these n ïames as it Is in field, but shorter and vith a secondary stres»—"Jen-nle," 'Wll-lie," etc.. so "little BlUee." It Is Jie popular spelling In bonnie, collie, I addle, lassie, birdie, doggie, mousle 1 ind other words of Scottish and nurs try associations. — Simplified Spelling Bulletin. • — The Hurt Flewar. Somebody, a scientist has assured is that plants are not insensible to in lury—that a flower may feel the hurt >f rougb treatment Whether this Is xue or not there comes the notion that It would be a blessing If everybody lad the Imagination to fancy a violet lensltlve to rough hands and the freight of a careless heel. 'Twould mean more gentleness in α world none too tender toward many of the beauti ful things of life. More than a century and a quarter tgo Robert Burns, on turning down a mountain daisy with the plowshare, broke Into a song typical of hla sym pathetic nature: Wee. mod eat, crimson tipped flower, Thou'· met me In an evil hour. These two Unes are suggestive of the whole poem—a simple, sweet melody whose dominant chord was contrition, rhle century old song is in harmony with the views of the modern scientist. The hurt flower idea is good enough to have a place in our thoughts. We lose nothing when we snuggle a little Closer to nature.—Toledo Blade. A Dream Joke. Almost every one has dreamed of writing a poem, delivering a speech or making a witty remark that seemed at the time wonderfully brilliant but that recalled on waking, proved to be either commonplace or wholly mean ingless. That is not always the case, however, as this story, which the Rev. Washington Gladden is fond of telling, proves. "I dreamed," says Dr. Gladden, "that the old house that formerly stood neitt my church was still there and that old Mr. Deshler, who has been dead many years, still lived in It I also knew that his old dog, George, who never failed to bark at me when I passed the house, still lived. In my dream I wns passing the house when the door open* ed and the old gentleman came out. followed by George, who, as usuaL, rushed barking up to me. "'Now, now. George.' sold the old man, *you ought not to do that You know that's a friend of ours. That's Dr. Gladden.' "Oh, I have met George before.* I responded to the Introduction. 'In fact George and I have for some time had a bowwowlng acquaintance.' " — Ex change. Riding In ■ Jlnrlklshs. Whon the Eurooean or American tourist first lands In Japan he at once demands a jlnrlklsha. Having read of It and heard so much of It be wants an Immediate experience of It as soon as he finds himself In the land of its birth. Almost any day one may see a procession of men And women* ashore for a day or two from a steamer In port, making their way up the crowded thoroughfare» of Tokyo, sitting rather awkwardly In their Jlnrtklebas, trem- « bllng unbajanced over the axle, not ' knowing whether the thing Is going to . tip backward or fall forward, so loose ly does the puller seem to hold the ■hafts. The first time one gets Into a Jlnrlklsha he always feels like a buby, and this gawklsb sensation coupled with that of the uncertainty of one's position In balancing It, renders the ex perience not quite so pleasant as an ticipated. But the only way for com fort Is to sit back at one's ease and leave the responsibility to the man who pulls it—Japan Magasine. To the Manner Born. In "Hamlet," act 1, scene 4, occur these lines: Ay. marry, is't But to my mind, though I am native here And to the manner born, it le a custom More honored in the breach than the ob servance. gome have maintained that in this case "manner" should be spelled "man or," because the former was an old variant spelling of the latter. Tbe phrase would then be applied to α per son accustomed to the usages of a lo cality. But the weight of opinion fa vors "manner" as used, for instance, by Swinburne in the sentence, "lie has not the eyes and nerves of one to the manner born." In this case the phrase refers to one having a lifelong ac quaintance with given conditions and customs, regardless of whether they are associated with a single locality.— Philadelphia Press. 8ource of Robinson Crusoe. Tbe Edinburgh Courant, long since dead, is worthy of remembrance, not only by Edinburgh and Scotland, but by the literary world at large. Its edi tors include Daniel Defoe, who seems to have been the first occupent of Its editorial chulr, to which he appears to bave gone on his liberation from New· | gate. "Old and New Edinburgh" men- | tions "tbe Edinburgh Courant of Oct Ιβ, 1707 (then edited by Daniel Defoe)," but Dr. Chalmers in bis "Life of De foe" says it is not suspected that he continued long to edify tbe Edinburgh citizens with his lucubrations. It was doubtless during bis Edinburgh sojourn that Defoe heard all about Alexander Selkirk of Largo, tbe original of Rotyn son Crusoe.—London Chronicle. > < Language of the Νομ. "Here Is an article In tbe paper tbat says a woman's character can be de- , termlned by her nose." , "Well, there may be something to that, but there's a surer way. No on* can make a mistake concerning a wo man's character 'If he will look at the noses of other women who meet her. The extent to which they turn up at such times shows just what she la or t Isn't"—Exchange. r In the Same Boat. Newlywed Husband—The time has < come, dearest, when I shall have the 1 painful task of acquainting your fa· 1 tber with the fact that I am heavily In debt Wife—Don't mind that .I'm > sure he'll give you the sympathy of a - companion In adversity.—London Tele graph. Insulted Indeed. "Why is Mrs. Van Wombat so angry with yon Γ "It seems the cook ahe lured away from me Is not satisfactory."—Kansas OUr Journal. . . Γ MEN'S Heavy Working Shoes Our line of heavy shoes for outdoor wear are as good as ; is possible to make. Brown Grain Bluoher Welt $4.00. Brown Viscol Bals, nailed 4.00. Brown Grain Oreedmore, nailed, cap toe 3.60. Brown Grain Oreedmore plain toe 3.60. These shoes are solid leather and are bargains every pair. We have a very useful account and record book for farmers hich we are giving to all who cate for them. If you are a farmer and , ant one call for it. If you cannot come let us know and we will be glad to tail one to your address. Ξ. N. SWETT SHOE CO. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, NORWAY, MAINE Telephone 38-2 ECONOHY, SIMPLICITY AND EFFICIENCY Makes the Ford a universal utility. A utility because it serves everybody—doctor, farmer, salesman and banker. In every business, or as a pleasure car, the Ford proves reliable and economical, Low first cost—$60 less than last year, and the plan of sharing profits with the buyers—and low upkeep expense, are reasons why it pays to own a Ford. They serve and' save. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1Θ16. Touring Car $490; Runabout 1440; Town Car $690; Coupelet $750; Sedan $975, f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. ON DISPLAY AND SALE BY RIPLEY & FLETCHER SOUTH PARIS. - · MAINE. MILLINERY! We have all the correct Spring Styles. New Shapes^· ^.New Ideas Your Gall will be Appreciated ! MRS. L_ C. SMILEY, MILLINERY AND LADIES' FURNISHINGS. Bowker Block, - - South Paris, Maine , ΊΓ MEN'S New Spring Clothes ! YOU MEN WHO ARE TO BUY A NEW SUIT THIS SPRING SHOULD BE MOST PARTICULAR ABOUT THE VALUE YOU GET. You should buy at a store where you get the full worth of your money. You ought to come here and see our Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes* If you rely on this store to Hipply your needs, you are sure of several things that are wotth while You'll get all wool fabrics that are durable as well as attractive, tailoring that means permanent good look, designing and style that that are right in every little detail. / We'll be Qlad to Show You Any Time. H. B. FOSTER CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS NORWAY, MAINE. Call at The Tucker Harness Store| <^_and see my line of H A R Ν Ε S I am selling some extra good values in single driving harness for $16.00. I have them in both light and heavy driving at that price. James N. Favor, 91 MAIN STREET, NORWAY, MAINE. Hosing Out Sale of MILLINERY! Owing to other arrangements, I hall close out my entire stock of nillinery at greatly reduced prices. This is ycur opportunity to obtain Teat bargains. Everything must be old at once. All hats will be sold intrimmed. Mrs. Chas. M. Johnson, 7tf South Paris, j If You . ~ are troubled with heartburn, gases and a distressed feeling after eating take a JtesS: "ffi" before and after each meal and<you will obtain praapt relief· Sold only by us,26o Chaa. H. Howard Ca People Ask Us What ie the best laxative? Yean of experience in selling all kind· leads ua to always reeommead 7&xa!lZ Otd&die&s u the safest, surest and most sstirfao» tory. 8old only by us, 10 cents. Chas. H. Howard Co. DR. AUSTIN TENNEY OCULIST Will be at bis rooms orsr C. F. Ridlon's grocery, Norway, Friday, May 28th, and the laat Friday of oaob follow ing aoirtfc. Honrs 10:80 Λ..Χ. to 4 P. κ. WANTED! At once. A girl to help with the louie work on a farm. Address, BOX 56, otf Denmark, Me. WANTED. A young man to learn the furniture >usiness. Apply in person on Mon· lays or Saturdays at Athbrton Furniture Co.'s I4lf Norway, Maine. WANTED. Work by the day or hour, also larness cleaned and oiled. W. S MERRILL, ο.» Alpine St., South Paris, Me. a. c. withamT Furniture Moving and Job Work Single or Double Teams. riLIPHONI 141-22 SOUTH PARIS 15-27 AUTOMOBILE For Public Service W. TWÏTCHELL, 80UTH PARIS, MAINE 18-21 PIGS FOB SALE White Chester Pigs $3.00 EACH U. H. HEALD, 2Q« Pari» Hill, Maine. DESIRABLE STAND FOR SALE The Mary P. Hall stand on Hill Street, In Sooth Tari· Village; bouse, ell and stable, lo excellent repair, nnd a five acre field connected with the buildings. APPLY TO 19-21 0. A. THAYER, Pari· Hill or Dr. AUGUSTUS S. THAYER, Portland Desirable Residence For Sale in Buckiield Village. Known as the late Kimball Prince Homestead. Contains 18 acres in tillage and pasture, large house and stable. Fine loca ion. Price and terms very reasonable. For particu· lars inquire of Geo H. Hersey, own er, St. Albans, Vermont. Property will be shown by Fred A. Taylor, Buckiield, Maine. 22tf Beal Estate FOR SALE ! Cottage house and lot dh Park Street, South Paris Village ; house and lot, with extra building lots, on Main Street, South Paris, known as the Hewett place ; also house and lot at West Paris, known as the Dudley stand. JAMES S. WRIGHT. 48tf For Bread Cake or Pastry! ff»I Just order a sack of William Tell Flour and you needn't worry about baking day. Bread? Always light, fine and white. Cakes and pies? Biscuit? The best you ever tasted I Besides, William Tell goes farthest—worth remem bering when living is so high. Think of all this, and instead of ordering •flour" order William Tell Flour Dyspepsia Tablets Will Relieve Your Indigestion Chat. H. Howard Co. FUIE STOPPERS That will lit. That are perfectly safe. If in need send fifteen cents with size. Get one by next mail. WM. 0. LEAVITT CO., uu , Norway, Maine. Citizens Telephone Dues. All Stockholders of the Citizens Tele phone Co. who bare not paid their annual dues are requested to pay tbem to the treasurer at once. C. W. BOWKKR, Treat· 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Patents1 I RACK »«!»» Demons Cofvrmhts Ac. Anyone landing a «ketch and description mar ilcklv ascertain onr opinion free whether an (a probi " t[* oonO tent free. Oldest ι îtvrenJo? [à probably Uona «trUstlr oonOdeuf Patents taken tpteial notiu, wit raeeire eeencj for secunnj through Munn k ι hoM enarne, ta tM Scientific Jlmericaii. V handsomely Illustrated weekly. Umstdr ilaUon of any sdentWe ImirnaL Teres. S3 a wr ι foar months, IL Bold by all newedealer» WBJ lilac tbllUr. at I M tct m m«M Μ (*U CaflM, T*·,^ Baking Powder, . ■iirsciftaU (Η*'·' Η» Cocci kt, la «Mil cme»^ tad town» thtoegSo the Uolitd fcstcs. Mo. cxpttbaca ·*» Mf ». 1 " cornel paM. Year #1 4 11 · ι m 11 'roil I β etc Mies the r-.r | rttlttr. You h»»t r-i rtUk, do I .rttrj | rla itock. Be rout own t·*· 1| chance. Seod tor ptcph.x. ' Tut 6»l»f I P»ci»tc Tu Co. Dept. P. Box 290, Nrw Yobe City | Bank Book Lost. Charle· A. Walker, of South Paris, Maine, Uav. Ing given notice as required i>y law th <t hi* ! ^ of deposit Number 79e6, In the .South 1·. r! - .tr Ing* Bank, hat been lo«t and tint ht duplicate book of depoat Issued t-> bin le hereby given that unless said mlflnir ,tf,. t book Is presented to the Treasurer ot · ι' · < within alz months a duplicate book <>f . will l>e lseued. SOUTH PAIIIS SAVINGS II sk Β y George M. Atwood, South Paria, Maine, May 15,1915. To THE HONORABLE BOARD OF ί.οΓνχγ COMMISSIONERS WITHIN A XL» t ... THE COUNTY OK OXFORD Respectfully represent the undersign' zens of Mexico In aaM County that pt venlence and necessity require certalr. tlone, discontinuances and rilwntl· < County roa>l leading from M«-ilc,. ( . Dix field Village In aaid County, beglni,!· t Eolnt In «aid highway near and soutier > omestead premises of John Burke, and near and northerly of the dwelling t," . Emery Jones In said Mexico Wherel respectfully petition your Honor»!). t after due notice as required by law. t· premises, hear the evidence, and I action as the circumstance* requin Dated at Mexico this third day of M 1915. J. R. Al'STIS ι (and 25 »! (SEAL) 8TATE OF MAINE COUNTY OF OXFORD, »8. Board of County Commissioners, May 1915. UPON the foregoing uetltlon, eatlsf.t i·,· lence having been received that the p. arc responsible, and that Inquiry Into t . of their application lsex|>e<llent, It Ιλ'»κ. that the County Commissioner* me«?t Selectmen's oluce In said Mexl· , sixteenth day of June, next, at t«n of t. a M., and thence proceed to view the r iiu tloned In said petition; Immediately aft»·· view,λ hearing of the partie* and tf.clrwlt* will be had at some convenient p'a< · vicinity and such other measures t.r. the premises as the Commissioners protier. And It Is further Οκυι.κκι·, tli ι : of tne time, place and purpose of tin 1 «loners' meeting aforesaid be given t<> ., sons and corporations interested, attested copies of said |>elltlon mm ol I thereon to lie served upon the Cl«*rk ■·( ti of Mexico and also posted up In ttir. places In said town, and ]>ubll-i weeks successively In the Ox for crat, a newspaper printed at Soutl I' sai l County of Oxford, the first of *«11 , tlons, and each of the other notices, t« served and posted at least thirty dart said time of meeting, to the end that a' ι and corporations may then and there and show cause, If auy they have, * prayer of said petitioner* should not be ri ΑττκβτERNESΓ J. RECORD, I :erk. A true copy of said Petition and Or' Court thereon. ΑΤΤΚβΤ.-ERNEST J. RECORD, Clerk IS 21 Statement of the Conditio? OF THE South Paris Savings Bank SOUTH PARIS April M, 11115. N. Dayton Bolster . . . President Clcorge M. Atwood . . . Tresturri· TRUSTEES : Ν Dayton Bolster S. Porter stk *. William J. whlkler Henry I). Ham John F. Plcmmkr Jamen s. Wri<>iii Albert w. Walker Edward w. p» s J. Hastings Bean Organized March 0, 1H7:I LIABILITIES. l)eiK)tlts fou Reserve fund :i. Undivided profit· 1-. RESOURCES. Public funds of Maine $ 23 4 · Public funds out of Maine 4\ Rallroad bonds of Maine Railroad bon is out of Maine 144, 7.'.. · Railroad stock Corporation stock ■.'!,;·> ■ Bank stock Loans with collateral Loans to corp 'rations Loans to municipalities Loans on mortgages of real estate— 7.;.· ' neai estate investment ».■ - Real estate foreclosure S.'> . Premium account Ι,ΟβΟββ Cash on deposit I Cash on band W 1477 ,M< I. E. VERNON, Hank Commissioner. TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY C<»VV 810NEBS FOR THE COUNTY OF <»XI We, the undersigned, Inhabitants an 1 of cultivât* <1 land In the town uf An love •pectfully represent that a petition was pro. to the selectmen of the town of Andover, av.-r among other thin#!*, that ι ι. DUCUltT common convenlenre require·! the location town way, substantially as follow»: (J· n, Ing at a point on tbe main tr.tveled road !e from Kumford through Andover Village t··» Number 4, so-callcd, where the north-east > of linil owr.e<l by Mrs. Abide Poor anl M Ablile Carpenter strike ssld roa<l, thence « ly along the north line of said J'oor and ( ari ter laml about ISO yards to land of Κ V <·> < and there end, ami after due notice and li. u by f>ald selectmen, a location for ι-ald roa I · made; beginning at the soutb-eact corn. : land owned by Charl-s Learned on Main >tr. in Andover Village running north (W 1 i d< gr. < we»t, il rode and 7 links, to the eouth-west > r ner of land owned by A. L. Lang, the due ■:< scribed to lie the north line of said road. Sat highway to be three rods wide. And the salu municipal officers thereafterwanls, on the alxtt: day of February Α. I» 1815 m»>le due return In writing of their proceedings, containing th· bounds and measurements of the way and tin damages allowed to each person for land lakei and the same was duly tiled with the Clerk the said town, anil thereafterwards, to wit the 1st day of March lull, at a legal town meet Ing called by warrant containing an article tor the purpose, the town unreasonably refuse It. accept the location of the road laid out a» afore said, by said selectmen Whcreiore your |>ctlt!oners being aggrieved thereby, would respectfully request your lion orablebody, after due notice and heartng, t locate said way In accordance with the Statut· in such case made and provided, bettering ι public convenience and ι ececs»lty of the un l< r signed Inhabitants and of the general pub.!· 1 said town require that said location sba.i made. Dated at Andover this -Mn.l day of April A . I) 1912. A. L. LANU (And ileven otb· r (•KAL) STATE OF MAINE. COUNTY OF OXFORD, 8». Hoard of County Commissioners, May slon. 1915: UPON the foregoing petition, satlafai t<τ · evidence having been received that the iictltl •rs are responsible, and that Inquiry Into th. merits of their application In cxpcdleut, Ir i« «>KUERK1>, that the County Commissioner» me. t at the Town Mall In Andover on June 17, Bext, at ten of the cl > k. a. and then··· proceed to v'iw tho route mentioned In said petition; !:v.2.m!iu y titer which view, a neaiing ιί t.'.e parties .ι:.·Ι their witnesses will !<· ha.i »t s» ·. e onvenlent place In the vl. inlt». *rsuch vt icr measures taken In the iimmlare t., CoamUatonen »ha judge proper A· '> ι furl er ι IWI MU>, ι notice of the time, ι 'ace an l purpose of the 1 mlsslouers' meeting aforesaid be given t person* and corporation» Interested, by .'au atteste.I copies of cal ! jietltlon and of till· ' thereon to l>e served u|kin the < lerk of Un I ' of Andover and ali-o posted up In thm· ι■ ■ places In said town an·! published three « successively In the Oxford 1 vinoerat, ι paj>er printed at South 1'arl* In said »',· Oxfonl, the flrst of said publications, an the other notices, to be made, served at at least thirty »lays l>efore said tline of to the end that all persons and corporal' then and there appear and shew <au they have, why the prayer of sal·! |>« •bould not be granted. ATTK8T ERNEST J. RECORD, < rl A true copy of said Petition an l 1 <*r · Court thereon. ATTMT:-BRNERT J. RECORD, C ci. Commissioners' Notice Oxkoki'M*: May 7. A l>. We, the undersigned, having been pointed by the Honorable Addison Κ H' Judge of Probate within an·! for s»ld l· ' ' ■ Commlelouera to receive and decide U| claim· of tbe creditors of t»uy K. Fo* Not way In said County, <!e<-e«se.!, whose « t has been represented Insolvent, here · -!· Sulillc notice agreeaby to the order of li · U'lge of Probate, that six month· from ·»: after April «Hb, A. l>. 1914, have been «Howe : •aid creditors to present and prove their c ν and that we will attend to the duty assigne . · at the law olll;e of Walter L Uray In * Pari· Village, Pari·, Maine, on Tuesday. | 15ih, 1915, and on Tuesday, September :l»t ■ · ; at one of the clock, In the mlternoon of each •aid day·. WALTER L.OKAV. HENRY H. HASTINGS, 19-21 Commlstoncr». aoTicE. In the District Court of the United State* f· ■ the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. Id the matter of ) CHANDLKK L. YORK. J In Bankrupt» y of Andover, Bankrupt. ) To the creditor* of Chandler L. York In ι County of Oxfonl nnd district aforesaid Notice la hereby given that on the Htli 'lay of May, A. D. 1915, the aald Chandler L. Vti was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the rt : -i meeting of nl· creditor» will be heM at the «ffi. ·" of the Referee, No. « Market Square, south Parla, Maine, on the îith Jay of Mav, A. D. I'·'*· at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon, at which time the •aid creditor· may attend, prove their claims, appoint a truatee, examine tbe bankrupt, an 1 tranaact such other bualneaa aa may pro|>er .> come before said meeting. South ParU, May lo. Idle. WALTER L. GRAY, 1941 BdKW in Bankruptcy