Newspaper Page Text
ST Oxford Democrat South Paris, Maine, October q, IQ17 SOUTH PARIS. λ lot of people from here wad* to th· World'· Fair ** North Water ford Sa tar dif· Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Barn β· eotertaioad partiof three table· at rook at their boasTbarsday etening. Mr. and Mr·. D. F. Bowker of Port ed were guests of hia brother, C. W. Bovker, and family, for a few day· laat ί week. Mr. tod Mrs. Harold H. Gammon of Bryant's Pood, formerly of South Paria, m»de a tbort visit here the first of laat week. Sbaw e popular dance will be held In Grand Army Hall on Taesday night tbis week. Same prices and music. All invited. Tbe Ladies' Sooial Colon will bold a buiiness meeting and also sew for the >'otember fair 00 Wedneeday at 2:30 P. if , i0 the cbnrcb parlor. Members of the Pen Tan Club, all who interested io tbe sewing and want to WWi will meet with Mrs. J. D. H ay nee Tueedav evening. Oct 9. Mr. and Mrs Tbomae Powers of Dry Mill· *ere here tbe last of tbe week, called by tne death and burial of Mr·. Ro»e L. Power· of Norway. Bate· College and the University of Maine reopen tbii week. Stephen P. Clif ford left M uday morning fur Bates, and Corti· M J Ρ bee for the University of Maine. Λ number of cars from South Paris and Norway went to tbe West Oxford fair at Fryeburg Wednesday, and the virtor tbere fiora these towns was meeting bia neighbors at almost every tarn. Newel! Η Powers, after spending the summer at bis home here, left Wednes day night for East Lansing, Mich., to re sume bis coarse in tbe Michigan Agri cultural College, where he ia in the lopbomore year. Tbe many frieods of Mrs. Ralph Cole •ill be glid to bear that she bas returned from tbe Central Maine General Hospital it Lewistun, wbere she underwent a surgical operation, and is getting along m we.! can be expected. Hon Prank L Palmer of Saco, Bank Commissioner of Maine, was in town lut Tuesûav, called here on account of some New York parties who were offer ing for sa e stock io a film company and who bad nut complied with the bank ing laws of tbe State. Rev. and Mrs. D. F. Faulkner will be in Portland this week from Tueaday to Thursday, attending the branch meeting of tbe Woman'· Foreign Missionary Society of tbe Methodist church, whieb il beld|a' tbe ChestnutStreetcburcb, and will be addressed by speakers of nation tl reputation. Meetings of tbe Euterpean Club and tbe Seneca Club this Monday afternoon and eveoiug. Tbe Euterpean Clnb meet· with Mrs. Cora S. Briggs and Mrt. Ids D. Briggs at 4 o'clock, and in tbe evening tbe Seneca Club is entertain ed by Mrs. Ethel Haibaway and Mrs. Mary Wheeler at Mrs. Hathaway'·. υ. κ c aora ana lamuy are moving from their bouse on Oxford Street into the Rice house, so called, on Hign Street, where they formerly lived, mr. Clifford repurchased the houee from Dr. Snell some time since. The braves (amllles, who have been living In toe Eic· houee, have moved into the doable tenement Bolster hoaee on Myrtle Street. Rev. C. G. Miller will give ft compli mentary reading Monday at 7:15 P. *· a the Savoy Theatre, descriptive of an illustrated journey from Chicago j© Facet Sound along the line of the Mil waukee and St. Panl Railway. M*. Miller is quite familiar with the north west having made six tripe to and from that section. The lecture will be illna trated with 101 colored elide·. A party of two care made a White Mountain trip Wednesday, going by tbe way of Pryeburg, Jackeon, Pinkhan Sotch and Gorham, N. H. J be party included Mr. and Mre. J. Mits Flora March, Mre. A. W. Kaston of Sorwav, Mr. and Mr·. P. A. Taylor, Miss Phyllis Taylor, MIm Ma» Τη**°Γ» and Miss Sylvia Taylor of Bnckfleld whc ii attending the high eohool here Mr. aud Mrs. P. A. Heldner have vacated tbeir honee on High Street re cently sold to P. F. Ripley, an<d · Ripley and family mowed In Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Heidner and Laura are it present with Mr. and Mr·. M. · Soyes. Within a few days they will go to Springfield, Mas·., where they w wisit relatives, and a little J·*®' . pro'oably go to aome place in the soutc, for the winter at least. Llewellyn Bartlett, who ha» l|*ed in South Paris most of hi· life, »· DO "somewhere In Prance," in the railroad •ngineering corps sent ower from Amer ica to bu !d railroads there. Irom bim do not of oonrse reveal nis location, bnt they state that he 1· s» Uoned abont eight mile· behind the - ing line. It is part of the work of tnai branch ol the service to boild and re build railroads as may be neceesary to tarry supplies and munition· to tne front. Ooe good reealt of the change in 'oca tion of a piece of Weetern Avenue at tne north end of the Pari· Manufacturing Co.'i plant ought to be the getting rid of the soeey place in the road. Wner ever the fault lies, there ha· for some jears, in spriog and wet periods, b<jeo a oudhole in the road at that P'·®·' which it would seem to the mao on tne •trset might have been abated by a littie work diggiDg an open ditch to drain on the water. Howewer, the ditch ia there now, though none too deep, and the road is crowned well, and a colvert taxes the water under the road, ·ο that ihonld be drier than in the past. Two piece· of construction in additions to its plant are under way at the factory Of the Paris Manufacturing Co. Ooe is »n addition to the varnish room, 5o x w feet, which will just double the slae ol the room. This is built of brick, use the original building, and extend· into the discontinued part of Weatern Avenue. The other, situated in the yard "«·' ?! the lumber shed, is a dry boo·®, 30 x» Isei. This is built of concrete, from pound to roof, and wWl hare nothing •boat It that can burn. A «tone crasher sod coacrete mixer, together witb tne wew« which operate the·, have been quite busy during the past few weeks. A highly succeeeful Inauguration of the season waa had by th· Lad lee Socla Unltu of the Universalis church at the harvest supper old folk·' oonceri Tuesday evening. A good eappef wM ■«ved of whioh the staple· were bean·, fed flannei hash and pumpkin and equaan Piss, with a variety of trimmings. It •sa necessary to eet a eecond table tor forty or fifty of the gneata, and the total •omber fed must haw· beeo s bo at SWJ. Appropriate decoration· mainly of ογικο wtumn leave· covered the wall· of tne foom and th· stage. At · little after * o'clock the singers in the concert ■arched la and took their places on the ·*#β. They were attired la antiqa· «atome·, perhaps not all rtrletly of the ·«· period, bat pietereeqne and »» «io«. There wae an oroheetra mad· •P Of Mrs. Agaea L. Morton at Us piano, *lee Grace Dmd and 1. B. Dean rtollM, Alii· Cote cornet, and Clareaoe L. De Costsr bass viol. Mrs. Morton, who ha· Jed general charge of the eoneert and toe* a large amoaat of work oa It, w·· •J·0 sccompanlst for the solo· and «aoruee·. Th· program aa gbe· »·· ••ek wae substantially oarrled out eeder *e 'sad of Profeeeor W. β. Blplej βοβίοβ, and both th· old-Maae by··· •ad anthems and the modern or "world \f soaga received war· «hole program was moch eejbyee. fa additional feature was f«*»tehed »T Harlow of Boston, son of Mr· end ■*». William L. Harlow ο« Perte, w ·"« "The Good Shepherd" and fe«oad * an aacore. Mr. Barlow hne · ^°a|sad wall anHlwaèad vote·, ead hte ■hiMi-my di Pr^e*or Waterman T. Hewett ol Ith* Λ0Λ* ϊ·» ta * gueet at Hotel iadnv·. Donald S. Briggs «as at Upton hunt ing la·* week, and secured one good book. The Phi lathe·* will meet with Mre. Leeter Weet Taeedaj afternoon ol thle week at 1:30. Bev. W. H. Laktn of Montvtlle. Coon., will oooupy the pnlplt at the Congre· Rational chnrch next Sunday. Lnollle Cole haa returned from Mexloo, where ehe had been for tone weeks with Mr. end Mia. Shirley J. Raweon. MIm Flora March left Monday morn ing for Revere Beach, Mm·., where ehe will spend the week with relatives. The Ladiee' Circle of the Congre· gational church will serre Its annual Ear· ▼est supper Thursday evening, Oot. 11. Next Sunday will be observed as Bally Day by the Congregational Sunday School. You are invited to be present. ▲ very Important adjourned stock holders' meeting of Paris Shoe Co. will be held Mondey night at 7:90 et Alton C. Wheeler's offioe. All oome. The Baptist ohuroh will have a clean ing day Wednesday of this week, all day. Ladiee are reqneeted to oome to the church either forenoon or afternoon to usist. Prank Wells of Portland, and Lieut. Charles Houghton of the United States trmj, now stationed at Fort Kthan llien, Vt., were gueets over Sunday at Barry D. Cole's. Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Hemingway had ta week end gueets Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ffeail of Virginia. They went Monday norning to Lewiston, and from there sill go to their home. Paris Grange will observe its anntver lary Oot 20 by having en ell day's see ion. Meeting begine at 10:30. Dinner Λ 12. The State master will be present. >t there be a full attendance. The District K. of P. convention will neet with Penneaaaswasse Lodge at Grange Hall, Norway Thursday evening, )ct. 11. The members of this dis rict should make a special effort to at end. The third rank team of Hamlin jodge will hold a rehearsal at Its hall fonday evening at 7:30. It la important bat every member be present, as this rill be the last meeting before the con entlon. Mise Frances W. Brown, formerly for yew or two supervisor of music in the *aris schools, was married at her home α Bangor at high noon Saturday. The too m is Irving Devoe, a prominent lusician of Bangor. Miss Brown's sther, Rev. Edwin C. Brown, perform d the ceremony. The date of the fair to be held by Paris t range Is Oct. 28. The drama oom littee are unable to present tbe drams η this date, and there will be a dance ι plsce of it in tbe evening. It Is hoped bat every one will remember the date nd plan to oome. See lerge hendblUs, nd further particulara in next week's •per. Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Adems of Hamp tead, Ν. H., have been gueets of Mr. nd Mrs. Β. N. Anderson a few deys. If. Adams ia a half brother of Mr. koderaou. Mr. and Mrs. Adama and Ir. and Mra. Anderson went by auto ondiy to Bethel to make a call on their ephew, JohnC. Anderson. They left ere Monday for their home. Mr·. Brneet M. Millett and Mr·. B. F. [icka were in Waterville Thursday even ig to attend the reception given in kMembly Bell to tbe National Preeldent f the Ladiee of the G. A. R., M re. Mary 'arbox of Fryeburg, and tbe National ecretary, Mr·. Mertie Perkins of Aogus-j ι. Mr·. Tarbox was presented with a rrist watch, and Mr·. Perkin· with a 3urmaline ring. Tbe Ladiee' Aid of tbe Baptist church let Wednesday afternoon with Mr·. B. 7. Deooison at ber reeideqoe on Pleas nt Street. Tbe affair «ai io honor of 1rs. F. A. Beidner, who is toon to leave iwn, bot waa a anrpriae to ber. Mra. leidner was presented with a Mfc. Mica oormaline pin, for wbioh she expressed er appreciation. Refreshments were erred, and after the very pleaaant social ffair, in which abont twenty-five ladies articipated, Mr. and Mrs. Beidner and .aura Ellis were entertained at tea by be Dennisons. Tbe rain of Friday evening made tbe ttendance at tbe entertainment at Odd Allows' Ball nnder the anspioes of It. Mica Lodge rather small, but all rbo were present enjoyed a pleasing rogram, and the artists kindly giving heir services, made it possible for a fair mount to be realized for the benefit of j be members of the lodge now serving in be army, navy and medical corps, 'be work of the orchestra, composed of liss Grace Dean and Walter Stearns, iolins; Allie Cote, cornet; Frank Kim all, olarine t; Clarence DeCoster, bass; nd Miss Isola Pike, piano, was exoel- ! sot and they were obliged to respond to ncores. Little Miss Bayden of Buck- i eld, nine year· of age, proved an exoel snt entertainer for one of ber year·, and er reading· and her graceful poaing in be pantomime of "Nearer, My God, to 'bee" which was sung by Mr·. Berman Wilson, were received with enthusiaam. 'he Misses Marguerite and Marion *ugee of Norway sang most acceptably, beir voices blending together beautiful f and with fine effect. Supreme Judicial Court. October Term, 1917. Ion. Leslie C. Cornish.. Chief Justice Previa* OKAKD jTjaoas. Free born Been. Bethel. OecarN. Cox, Norway. Harry L. Crocker. Upton. Harry W. Derry, Romford. Carl C. Dudley, Woodstock. W. K. Gammon, Oxford. Archie Gleason, Mexico. John G raff a m, Brownfleld. C. A. Harnden, Pryeburg. Κ meet H. Herrlck, Paris. Merle M. Hodge, Canton. Charte· D. Morse, Waterford. William C. Ordway, Denmark. Char tea Roberta, Porter. Y. A. Thurston, AndoTer. Pbltetue W. Torrej. Dlxeeld. Kllla Whitman, BuckAeld. tkavxasn juaoas. Edward S. Abbott, Norway. Herbert I. Bean, Albany. Irrlng Bryant. Stow. WUlla Day, BrownSeW. fred Θ. Itamee. Rumford. f^lL'^^S^oodatock. Elmer Hanidea, f ryeburg. Joha H. Howe. BctheK James R. Irlah. Hartford. Luther M. Irlah. Bocklekl. Clarence R- Jones, Sweden. Perry Judfclu., Upto^ Clarence K. KHgore, Waterford. Le land L. KlmbalL Hiram. R. B. Kaox, Per*. _ . . Clayton H. phlltp A. LoTcjoy, Rnmlord. Howard D. McAlUer. Parla. Leslie ■· Newell, Symaer. V. M. Perktaa. Andoyer. WlSa«nLHP^y«. Pester. H R. VerrlU, Hebron. β. W. Walker. LorjU. Pred Weld. Dlxleld. Tuesday morning at 10 o'elock the] )ctober term of Supreme Judicial ;ourt for Oxford County will open at be oourt bouse at South Pjipto, Chief fust Ice Cornish presiding. Theasaouut ,f civil busineea to be done oan only be ^sîTLre now In jail awaiting the lotioa of the gTsnd Jar£ °*? MStardy action, two charged with OM wfth laroeny from tbe ESS* two wtth b~Î'1C -d «uriM- So®· otbwi ·*· «wtar bond· "dÎÏKÎ'ÏÎSi* to «ttodux» will b· .HI W .H i«k IM ill· U» > rayer by Rev. D. f. Faulkner. wjkPmscefi' Msitt A meeting of the South Paris local of Ae New England Milk Prodnoers' Aseo sation will be held at Grange Hall, South Parlai Wedneeday, Oot 10, at S p. u., to Isolde whether to staud by the prloe for ullk la Boetoa already fixed by the pro ■*·'- —«H·· ia -iiitrt bv order _ red by th iuoere. Thl· meet lag la oalled by oru«r >( the geaaral maaager, and similar ■eetfaga of all Mto loeal organisations ire called fer tlM same pur^oee. II to Work of SfaerttU. »°]!<"rf»«»ome Plokto* of pooketa at the Weet Oxford Mr atPryeburg Wed D®*day» oaê suspected party tu umt· •a and now Is awaiting a oon'lnued hearing, snd three othara eluded the offioeni end took to the wood·. Between ball peat Ave and six In the afternoon, Sheriff Harry D. Gole of South Parle and Depot? Sheriff Harry O. etlmaon of Norway, who had been on the fair ground· daring the day, were at the Tryebnrg railroad station looking for some men who· they had aeen on the grounde. They taw four men down the traok toward Brownffeld, and went down that way. The men walked rapidly away from them for a while, and then turned and came baek. When the partie· met Sheriff Cole had some conversation with the men, and told them to oome back to the station with him, showing his badge when they ask· ed for bis authority. The men who said they were killing time waiting for the train which left in about an half aa hour, aeemed unwill ing to go with the officer·, and the latter each took hold of a man to enforoe the command. The man whom Stimaon took hold of wriggled out of bis two coate, leaving them in Stimson's handa and throwing Stimson against a rail of the traok. The man whom Sheriff Cole took hold of broke away, but Mr. Cole pulled his gun and fired, shooting wide bat bringing esoh ehot nearer. The men ran a short distanoe and atumbled and fell, saying he waa all in, and the officer· secured him and pat the handcuffa on him. The other three had meanwhile got into the oovar of the buahee beeide the track. The arretted man was brought to jail, and the next day in the Norway Muni cipal Court waa arraigned on the oharge of larceny from the peraon. On request of Sheriff Cole, the hearing waa adjourn ed for a week, until Thureday of tbia week, to enable blm to aummon wit· neeaea, and bail was fixed at 9400. The prieoner waa repreeented by Loula J. Brann of Lewieton. He expecta to aecare bail and be released some time Monday. The prieoner glvee the name of Frank Harria. When the offioera talked with the men on the railroad track, they aald they all came from Portland, bat Herrle* connection· aeem to be with Boeton rather then Portland. He bad seventy dollar· in currency in his pockets when arreeted. Tuesday night Deputy Sheriffs Shaw of South Parie and Davie of Bethel cap tared at Gilead an Overland car contain ing four people, three men and a woman, all Lithuanian·, and eighty-alx quarte of whiekey. The next day in the Norway Municipal Court two of the men paid each a fine of $100 and ooeta for illegal transportation. The other man and the woman were discharged. They were repreeented by George H. Hutchina of Mexico, and John Wiakont acted aa court interpreter. The automobile waa libeled, the hearing to be held on the 16th. Hear ins In Assault Case. There wu a referee bearing at the court house Saturday before Justloe A. M. Spear io the case of Teraello Zmoni of Romford vs. William P. Cyr of Ram Ford and Louis B. Small of Mexloo, Id an aotioo of treepaaa. Bernard ▲. Bove and Jacob H. Berman of Portland for the plaintiff; George H. Hutchlns and Ralph T. Parker of Ramford for defend ant·. The date of tbe alleged assault is Sept. 29, 1916, and the plaintiff allege· that late in the evening of that day the defendanta, who were then deputy sher iffs, came to the Zanoni house on Pine Street and demanded entrance, and were finally admitted by Mr. Zanoni, husband jf the plaintiff. In tbe writ it 11 de jlared that the defendants "with force and arms in and upon said plaintiff did make an assault and her the said plain tiff did then and there bruise, wound tod ill treat and plaoe in great fear mentally by making wanton, wilful, riolent, insulting, outrageous, profane, blasphemous, disgraceful and abusive remarks, epithets and oaths applying the same to tbe plaintiff and continuing laid assault, threat, epithets and be havior for a long space of time, to wit: For the space of thirty minutes " It is also declared that the plaintiff, being then in a precarious condition, jonfined with a child only then five days >f age, suffered greatly In consequence >f the alleged assault. Damages are placed at five thousand dollars. No actual physical assault is oharged, the damages resulting from tbe violence ind tbe conversation of tbe defendants with her and her husband, and Its oon tequences to ber In her weakened oon iitiOD. The contention of the defendants is that they went to the Zanoni house with ι search warrant to aearob for liquor; that they made a search of the bouse, but did not exoeed their i^asonable duty in that aot; and they deny the loud and riolent language and the indecenoy which It is alleged that they used. There was ι decided confliot of testimony. Inter preters were neceesary for some of the witnesses for the plaintiff, who are mostly Italians. Tbe case was referred to Judge Spear it the May term of oourt at Rumford. Harry Jordan Doing His Bit. In tbe present emergenoy one South I Paris boy, Harry T. Jordan, for some rears manager of tbe B. F. Keith rheatre in Philadelphia, ia fully doing his bit. He is one of tbe Executive Committee of the Four Minute Men of tbe Philadelphia District; one of the General Committee on the Liberty Loan [or the Philadelphia Distrlot; also chair man of the Theatrical Managers' Com mittee for tbe loan; served on tbe oom mittee of the first Liberty loan; was one Df the Executive Committee on the Marine Corps Recruiting Week; on the Reception committee which entertained the Japanese mission: is on a number [>f committees of tbe Committee of Public Safety of the atate of Pennsyl vania; pats on a show at the navy yard rorthe sailors every Thursday night, and a show at St. Stephen's church for the soldiers and sailors every Wednes day night; furnishes entertainment for the Union League Annex, of whloh slub be is a member, for the soldiers tod sailors; and entertains groups of loldiers end sailors in tbe different j Keith theatres practically every night in the week. In a recent letter from Mr. Jordan he vritee, "I do not know whether tbe people in South Paris are awake to what an awful war we are In and how serious the conditions are getting, but Phila delphia is beginning to boll as we realize that thla country is np against a tough | proposition, and it is not a question of months, thousands of men and millions Df dollars, but of years, millions of men, sod billions of dollars. I think every man of my acquaintance In this city who la over the oonsorlption age ia bending iTtry effort to do hie bit." Mrs. Rosa L. Powers. After some months of illness from a valvular heart trouble Mrs. Rose Lillian Powers of Norway died Wedneeday evening, tbe 8d. Mrs. Powers was the dsugbter of Cbsries A. sod Gyrene (Bumpua) Hersey, and was born Oct. 12, 1878, In South Paris. She attended tbe Paria schools and graduated from Paris High Sobool in 1892. She married Herbert W. Powers of South Paris, and tbsy had a daughter, Lillian Gertrude Powers. Mr. Powers died in 1897. After bis death Mrs. Powers for s time conducted a millinery bosiness In Rhode Island, bat some years sgo returned to Maine and pur chased the millinery business of Mrs. V W Hills in Opera House Blook, which she conducted socoessfully until falling health compelled her to leave the oare of It with ber daughter. Besides the daughter, Mis. Power· leave· a brother, C. Leonard Hersey of Peak'· Mis. Powers was a member of Hamlin Temple, Pythian Slstsrs, of 8outh Pari·, and of Oxford Chapter, Ο. E. 8., o# Norway. She was also a member of the Norway Christian 8eienoe Society and much interested in it. The funeral whloh was held in Léroy 8niller's undertaking rooms Saturday afternoon was oondnoted by the Christlsn Science Society. Burial was in the family lot in Rivaralde Cemetery, South Paris. ι wtosa yea'll Tarife* Se Mtltâi OMlMr «I W«t ΟΛΛ SocMy. . · upholds its bxputation βιπ® BT MiXT ran ΚΖΗΙΒΓΠΟΗΒ. Barring the rain of Thurt^y whlcA interfered with attendMoe end the day · event·, the felr of theWeet Oxford Agrl oaltnrel Society et Frjebarf ^ WU ft worthy eooeeeeor of the loot Hje of fftire of thftt eoclety, end It drew the patronage whloh such ft show ehonld âThe «ooiety le partlcalarlyfortunate In having eneh ft plftoe for It· «In-· praotloally deed level pleoe of groond ln the valley of the Saoo, of more than auf flolent eree for any oountry fair, ftnd well adapted to It· pnrpote. Nor need Μι be ooneldered solely from It· etUltftrian qnalltlee, the eetheHo lMtinott mfty a " bare play: for looking aorow the vaHey one'· eye· rest npon a magnlfloent Une of mountain· at only a few mile· dis tance, with Kearearge, or whichever name you tolerate, rielng high into the blue end dominating the eçene. Two day· of good weather favored tbe ■ooiety on Tueaday and Wedneeday, be fore the cloud· began to gather, and the people came to the fair In nnmbere. While the fair Is not eo near any large oenter of population u aoine of the other· of the atate, that fact mjk·· little difference In the·· dey·. On Wedneediy tbe apeoloas ground· were filled with people, and more than filled with anto mobllee. Prom all over weetern Heine and some of New Hempahlre they came, and there were numeroua car· from other itetea. It wm one of the large·» crowd· that hea ever been eeen on the ^heoffioer· of the society for thl· year | are: Pre·.—O. W. Farrlngton, F^eburg. Vlce-Pres.—C. B. Bean, Eut Hiram. Sec.—B. Walker McKeen, Fryeburg. tfn»s.-A. D. Merrill, Fryeburg. Wesley Perk In», Brownfleld. Warren A. Bailey, Hiram. H. D. Harnden, Fryeburg. C. T. Shortrldge. Fryeburg. J. H. Woodward, Conway, Ν. H. Ν. T. Fox, Lorell. Beaben Smith, Denmark. Alvln Head, Chatham, Ν. H. C. M. Towle. Freedom, Ν. H. Finance Committee— . George H. Walker. Fryeburg. DlTlalon Superintendent·— Ground·. Harold W. McKeen. Tickets Frank F. Wood side. SSSi Horns, B. Walker McKeen. Exhibition Horse·, John B. Danforth. Stock, Georse HTwalker. Fakers, C. T. Shortrldge. BOM Κ OF THE CATTLX. Filled almoet to the last stall weretbe cattle ebed· of the aoclety, end[ there was aome good etock on exhibition. Shorthorn· and Hereford· ePP®V tbe favorite breed· In the territory of tbe society, and It 1· not •nrprl.lng to see an exceptionally good ebow of oxen S eteer·, but the dairy breed, are al«o ^E^Twebster of Fryeburg " h owed a •trine of Holeteln·, both pure bred and S*CdW. Farrington of Fryeburg, a herd of fourteen pure bred Jersey·. H. B. Baetman of North " herd of fifteen head of Jeraey·, Inoladlng both pare bred animal· and grade·. J. W. G. Walker of Conway Center, a yearling Jereey bull of good breeding. Herman H. Oilman of Weet Fryeburg, ■even heed of registered Holeteln·. Arthur Hodedon of Fryeburg and Her bert O. Lowell of Fryeburg ehowed eome K°Wafren AHBaUeyDof Hiram, eight or | ten head of pure bred Herefords, and '°H*FXLordof Weet Denmark, a herd of alxteen pure bred Hereford·. Kenneth A. Lord of Denmark, a num ber of pure bred Hereford oowe heiîîÎtôn Verney of Porter, a number of I naire of eteer·, all bandeome whitefaces. Arthur Oilman of Porter, eeveral pair· | °'Κα"™; Norton o! Porter, » b«d ol Denmark, grad. Hereford and grade Durham oow. and heifers, and eeveral pair· of oxen and "Tames J. Sergent of Hiram, Β. E. Smith of Conway, Guy B°ynton of Brownfleld, C. 0. Hartford of Hiram, Fred C. Hartford of Hiram showed oxen "c RCrtb Ot Denmark bad tw.ntj •iz heed on tbe grounds, a number of | nnre bred Shorthorner including a ball whloh we· solid white In oolor, cows, helfers^and several pair, of oxen snd| '*Β*Ό. Harnden of East Fryeburg, who bas aometlmea been at the county fair, ■bowed a herd of reglatered Shorthorns, -as?sa». H·,»*· Zrade Hereford., and oxen and •ξ®®"· Arthur MoDonald of Brownfleld, work Ins and matched oattle. . j W. Perklna of Brownfleld, grade Hereford cow. and heifer., and eevera Dalra of draft cattle. . _ , A. 0. Pike of Fryeburg, grade Hoi stein·. Two grange·, Fryeburg Grange and Eagle Grange of North Chatham, Ν. H., bad attraoti?e exhibits in the hall. The ball ipaoe was well filled with a good showing of vegetables, field orope, frnlt, ate., a large and fine showing of fancy work and women's mannfaotnre of all kinds, and piotnres in both water oolors rod oils whloh showed that the beauty of hill and valley Is not lost npon the Inhabitants of the land. The Kezar Vails Bras· Band played all three days of the fair, and their work drew ont at least one sincere compli ment—"I don't know where the band oomes from, bnt they oertainly play well." The sooiety ran the eating house un der the grand stand, and served excellent meals at a price consistent with the pres ent oost of foodstuffs. Merry-go-ronnd, Ferris wheel and Doean wave, gave patrons their cboioe o! circular and sinuous motion. Baby Jim, the colored gentleman of 70S pounds— or is it 397?—two or three of those wild people for whom it is necessary to hang raw meat in the top of the oage, and various other attractions, throve along the midway. Between heats in the afternoons, the noted trained steers owned by G. R. Bean of Hiram,' which have appeared at so many fairs this fall, were put through their stun to by their owner, who is the vice-president of the sooiety, on a plat form in front of the grand stand, and owner and steers reoeived their due meed of applause. Oo the afternoon of eaoh day a balloon ssoension and double parachute drop was made, and it was done In good shape. The aerial performer waa C. C. Bonette of St. Jobnabury, Vt., son of Charles Bonette. The elder Bonette has been doing this "jumping" as he oalls It—moat of us would oall It dropping— for twenty-four years, but broke some ribs a week or two sinoe, so at present he Is letting the boy do the jumping, while he takes general oharge of the arrangements. Light-fingered gentry fonnd the crowds paoked sufficiently cloee to get in some of their work Wednesday. At least two men goffered from their efforts, one man losing about $80, and the other •160—a bigger wad than any man ever ought to carry Into suoh a place. . Several of the officers of the Oxford County Agricultural 8oclety were inter ested visitors, inoludlng President Wll. liam J. Wheeler of South Paris, Vice· Preaident Lealle 1. Molntire of last Waterford, and Truatee B. W. Penley of Weat Parla. The two last named, who have been for years superintendents In the oattle department of the oonnty fair, were promptly put to work aa judgea of aome olaases of the oattle. SOMK OF THS PBBMIUIIS. Best variety of fralt raised by one per son, L. H. Chandler, Brownfleld, 96; Z. MoAUlater, Lovell, 98; and W. A. Rich, ardson, Fryeburg, 92. Collection winter and fall apple·, Z. McAllister, 93; W. R. Rlohardson, Fryeburg, winter, 91; «ne fall, 99; Walter Sanborn, Fryeburg, fall apple·, 91; same winter apples, 50c. Pears and grapes, Mrs. Z. McAllister, Lovell, Clapp's Favorite, 91; same Presi dent dried pears, 75o; W. Q Richardson, 60c; Z. McAllister, Lovell, Noyes grape·, 91; Mm· Moor'· Drummoad grape·, 75o; W. Q. Richardson, plat· grape·, 60o. Beeto not lees than IS, A. A. Fis·en dut, Fryeburg, 75c; and W. Q. Richard son, Fryabaxf, 60. Carrots, W. H. Walker, Stow, 75e; A. A. Feesenden, 60; and W. Q. Rlehardaoa, 16, Paradpa, Α. A. Feeeandan, 76c; and W. Q. Blob ardaon, 60. Onion·, A. A. fe«ModM*i 76c; ud W. Q. Bichardeon, 60. Cab bage, A. A. Feeeenden, Fryeburg, 76o. Squash, A. A. Feseenden, 76c. Tùmn toe·, A. A. Feeaeoden, 75o; L. H. Obarlee, Brownfleld, 60; and Mr·. Oharlea Balrd, South Conway, 26. Pumpkin·, A. A. Feeaeoden, 76e. Potatoee, L. H. Chandler, Brownfleld, beet variety, 18; Β. E. Smith, Green Hill, 18; ud B. L. Webeter, Fryeburg, 81. Frank Palmer, South Conway, N. H., White Mountain variety, 76o; H. L. Ο handler, Brownfleld, Early Queen, 26; and 1. Blake, Brownfleld, 60. Bell pepper·, A. 0. Pike, Fryeburg, 76o; and H. L. Chandler, Brownfleld, 60. Turnip·, A. A. Feeeenden, 76e; and Mr·. Charle· Balrd, 8onth Conway, Ν. B., 60. Apple·, Mrs, Charle· S. Balrd, 8onth Con way, Banana, 76o; Bell Flower, 76; Melntoeh Bed·. 76. E. L. Webster, Fryeburg, Bed Aetraohan, 76o; W. Q. Rlchardeon, Winter Banana, 60; Z. Mo Alliater, Lovell, Black Oxford·. 76; and A. W. Ladd, But Brownfleld, Pewaukee, M Kohl rabl, A. A. Feaaenden, 75o; cauli flower, same 76. Plume, Z. McAllister, Lovell, 76o. Brer bearing itrawberrlw, Mr·. L. H. Chandler, Brownfleld, 76c. Peeohea, Mr·. Charle· Balrd, South Coo way, 76o; Mr·. L. H. Chandler, Brown fleld, Champion, 60; and Niagara, 26. Bent traoe seed corn not le·· than 80 ear·, 12 rowed, Wilton Warren, 81, 2d; Frank Barker, Fryeburg, 82, lit. SOear· 8 rowed corn, Bill· F. Pottle, East Frye burg, 82.60; W. Q. Rlchardeon, Frye burg, 81; and Mr·. Charle· Balrd, 76. Trace eeed eweet oorn, Charle· and Har ry McKeen, Fryeburg, 82. 8eed oat·, Leon Charle·, Fryeburg, 81 ; and Everett Ooodrioh, 60o. Pop oorn, Francia Ken erson, Fryeburg, 81; Kenneth A. Lord, Denmark, 60o; and Margaret Kenereon, ' Grange Conteet:—Eagle Grange, Chat bam, Ν. B., 860; and Fryeburg Grange, 830. Judge· lor the above olaaee· were Warren B. Gardner, Rockland, and L. C. Holeton, Cornish. _ Matohed oxen, 6 year· and up, Warren A.Bailey, Hiram, let; J. W. Perklm, Brownfleld, 2d; and C. E. Cobb, Den mark, 3d. Under five year·, Winchester W. Pride, Hiram, let; Wilton Warren, Denmark, 2d; and C. E. Cobb, Denmark, 3d. Farmer'· team, four oxen, owned by one man, C. V. Hartford, let; J. W. Per kins, Biownfleld, 2d; and BuweM R. Smith, Denmark, 3d. Matohed pair 3 year old ateera, H. D. Harnden, Fryeburg, let: ®d*arj* J*' Thome·, 2d. Two-year-old, W. H. Harn den, Fryeburg, let; Arthur Gllman, 2d; and J. W. Perkln·, Brownfleld, 3d. One year-old, C. R. Bean, Eaat Hiram, let; Wilton Warren, Denmark, 2d; and Mil ton Varney, Porter, 3d. Matohed pair ateer calves, Kenneth C. Lord, Denmark, let ; and Wilton Warren, Denmark, 2d. Town team·, oxen, 3 yoke Town of Hiram, let; Reuben Smith, Denmark, 2d and J. W. Perkini, Brownfleld, 3d. Town team steer·, 3 year· old, 8 yoke, Wilton Varney, Porter, let, and Reuben Smith, Denmark, 2d. Rhode Ieland Red fowl, Oakland Poul try Farm, Brownfleld, let chick·, let. S. R. Hamburg, chlcka and fowl·, J. J. Sargen», Hiram, let; White Wyandottes, George H. Walker, Fryeburg, l«t. Bronze turkey, Ja·. J. Sargent, Hiram, let: Brown Leghorn chlcka, Kenneth A. Lord, let; Toulouae Gee··, J. J.8argent, let; Β. B. Red Game Bantam·, let; Earl Osgood, Buff Rock Cochin·, let and 2nd; B. R. fowl, Harry Hutchin·, Fryeburg, 1st, Mr·. H. F. Lord, Denmark, 2nd; S. C. R. I. Red ohick·, Orohard Poultry Farm, 1st; Bantam·, Margaret Kener •on, Fryeburg, let, and Franol· Keoer eon, 2nd. Summariee of the races: 2:14 Pxca. Mad Lake, bik g (Schunnan) 8 1 1 j \ S 5 3 ,·28 ΤΚΟΤ AMD PAC*. Charité Jefferson, ch g (Rokee) 1 1 J efSaSSSϊβΡ · · 2 Λ5 Mixan—Pobsb |200. Tony Moko, b g (Berry)-..-- -J J \ J 1Ϊ?^Ϊ4;Ϊ:Ϊ8 »U; Và Λ-# 2:17 PAC*—PUBSS $200. ISfi^i®5ïE=3 \\\\ 2ΛΟΤΒΟΤ— POT·* $900. Karl of Delaware, oh r (Hennesey) 1 1 1 (Nâson) \ J | Blngona, br s (Pottle) 3 4 4 A new regiment of the National Guard, to be koowo » the Third U.ln., I. to b. organized. . Constipation canses headache, lndlgeetion, dix stores. SSSi'SUSusWvMmFrt«.|< ILK. Cider Apples. I shall load on the 13th, 15th and 16th of October. Price paid, 35 cents per hundred pounds. Mrs. G. H. PORTER, 41 South Paris. Bankrupt's Petition ter Discharge. In the matter of ) JAMBS 8. HUTCHIN8, | Id Bankruptcy. Bankrupt.) To the How. Clahxnck Hal*, Judge of the Dis trict Gout of the United State· for the District of Maine: I&MB8 8. HUTCHINS of Bethel, In the J Connty of Oxford, and State of Maine, In said District, respectfully represents that on the Ust day of Mann, last past, ne was duly ad judged bankrupt under the Acta of Congress relating to Bankruptcy; that be bas duly sur rendered all his property and rights of proper ty, and has fully compiled with all the require ments of said Acts and of the orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore be pray·. That he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Bankruptcy Acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated tus 3d day of September. A. D. 1917. JAMBS 8. HUTCHINS, Bankrupt. OBDEB OF NOTICE THEBEOK. District or Mam, sa. On this 6th Hay of October, A. D. 1917, on reading the foregoing petition, It la Ordered by the Court. That a hearing be had upon the same on the 16th day of Nov.. A. D. 1917, before said Court at Portland, In said Dis trict, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon; and that no tice thereof be published In the Oxford Demo crat, a newspaper printed In said District, and that all known creditor·, and other persons in interest, may appear at the said time and place, and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. And It is further ordered by the Court, That the Clerk shall send by mall to all known cred itors copies of said petition and this order, ad dressed to them at their plaoes of residence as stated. Witness the Ho*. Clabmcb Hals, Judge of w îmftjm iqq nun· yiiinwv ~ « the said Court, and tbe seal thereof, at Portland, in said District, on tbe Sth day of October, S'bT' FRANK FELLOWS, Clerk. Bankrupt's Petition for Discharge. . In the mittur of ) FBANK B. ANDBBW8, J In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt) To the Hon. Claukcb Hal*. Jndge of the Dla triot Court of the United States for the District of Maine: CRANK R. ANDREWS of Hartford, in the 1 County of Oxford, and State of Maine, in said District, respectfully represent* that on the the Sd day of Deoember, last past, he was doty adjudged bankrupt under the Aots of Con gress relating to Bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully ooapBed with all the requirements of Mid Acts and of the orders of Court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays, That he may be decreed by the Court to hare a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankruptcy Acta, except snob debts as are ex Dated Lis lat day of October, A.D. 1817. FRANK X. ANDREWS, Bankrupt. obdu or ·οπ«· Dnmor <» Mam, as. " On this Sth day of October, A. D. 1917, on reading the fongoing petition. It la Orderedoy the ConitThata hearing be had upon the same on the 10th day of Not., a. D. lfrT before said Court at Portland, In said Dis triot, at 10 o'clock la the forenoon: aad that ao ttcethereof be published In the Oxford Demo erat, a newspaper printed ta aald District, and that all known feedttors, and other persons In lntisil, say appear at the aald time and place, and ahow cause. If any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. And R is further ordered by the Court, That the Clark ahall send by sull to all known cred itor· eoplM of aald petition and this order, ad dreeeedlotheat st thitr plaeea of wlilam aa the Hov. Gi^anca Hal·. Judge of aad the aealjfcereof, at Portland, o· the sth day of Oetober, ffci.1 FRANK FÉLLOW8, Clerk. -J'JBLZXbaL· NORWAY. Two men from New York who were In town getting people Interested In the ■took of » film company were before the Norway Municipal Conrt last week for lelllng securities without having ft Maine licence. They profeeaed entire Ignorance of the lftw end ftbeenoe of In tent to violate. It, ftnd were discharged on oondltlon that the; comply with the law. So fftr ·■ could be learned, bot one Mle bed actually been made, and the money for that wu refunded. v Sunday wu observed m rally Sunday by the Congregational, Methodist and Universftllst Sunday School·, with sproial programs at each of tbem. Students of the high school, under the dlreotlon of the latin teaoher, Miss Marion Lougee, have formed a Latin Glob, whloh will study Latin literature and manners and customs outside of the regular Latin oourse. The olnb will meet once a month st the high school! building, with a social hour after the regular program. Offioers of the club are: Pres.—Arthur B&rtlett, *18. We-Pre·.—Mary Jonea, *20. TreM.—France· Jone·, *90. Sec—Dorl· Longley, Ί8. The first meeting of the Barton Bead ing Club for the season was held Thnrs day afternoon with Mra. George ▲ Brooke. Mr. and Mra. Leater Cowsn of Port land were recent guests of Dr. B. F. Bradbury. Donald and Franois Andrews were in Vermont laat week on a business trip, and were sooompanied by Pbilip Haskell. Miss Edith Sadlier takes the plaoe of Mias Marion Andrewa aa cashier and bookkeeper for Z. L. Merchant & Co. S. 8. Camming*, Dr. B. F. Bradbury and Dr. H. P. Junes spent several daya at Bangelej and Bemis last week. Orer $40 was cleared by the Ladles' Aid of the Methodiat church at ita harvest dinner snd supper In Grange Hall Wednesday. A special town meeting will be held next Saturday afternoon st 2 o'olook, to eee if the town will vote to purohase a rotary sweeper for uae on the concrete road on Main Street, and to raise money for that and for the care of the road the balance of the year, the amount to be included in the assessment for 1918. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mra. E. F. Bioknell Wednesday afternoon, ■rhen the topic for diacuaaion will be "Temperance in Sunday Sohoola." L. Fred Pike and family have closed their cottage on Elm Hill, where they ipent the aummer, and returned to the village. Mr. and Mra. Will Glover will care for Lakeaide Inn during the winter, and ire now aettled on the place. The ■esson was very astlafsctory to the new iwner, Mr.Inslee, snd Improvements and mlsrgementa are planned for another fear. Miss Mina Jewett returned Wednes· lay from New York, acoompanied by Mra. Stephen P. Jewett, and tbey will • pend a two weeka' vacation at Mrs. Ella Jewett Cole's. Eight members of Dr. Trufaul'a fii»t ild class have taken their examinations lod reoeived first aid certificates from Washington. Tbey are Elinor Juneo, Katherine Jones, Dorothy Trnman, Butb imltb, Ulah Laine, Agnes Fuller, Mary }ilk and Florence Harrlman. A. E. Pettlngill, grocer, has made an issignment to Albert J. Stearns. Mrs. E. W. Hutchina is visiting Mr. ilutchina' parents in Exeter, Ν. H., for wo weeks. Scott Merrill Das opeoea me cooper ibop on Pleasant Street, turning out ap· )le barrel·, with several helpers. Tbe employee in the packing room of be Carroll, Jellerson shoe factory gave k sarpriee party to Mil· Amy Proudlove I η honor of her approaohlng marriage to Thomas Edward McKay, and presented >er with a handsome set of silver knives, orks and spoons. I. W. Waite has returned from Middle )am, where he has been guiding dnring he summer. ▲t the regular meeting of Oxford Chapter, Ο. £. 8., Tuesday evening of I bis week, there wili be work, and after be session a box supper will be served. Tbe boxes which the ladies bring will be ' Irawn (not purobased) by the gentlemen. The following are the recently eleoied officers of Oxford Lodge, F. and A. M.: W. M.—Eageoe Andrews. S. W John W. L&eeclle. J. W.—Frank J. Cook. Treas.—Stuart W. Goodwin. Sec.—Fred E. Smith. A number of pieces of cement side walk have been bailt in place of the ormer brlok walks, and others are un· 1er way. Among tbem are tbe sections η front of Dr. Trnfant's and C. F. Rid·1 on's store on Main Street, and F. D. 3riggs' honse on Cottage Street. Mrs. Frank Carter of St. Louis, Mo., ind maid are stopping at Beal's Tavern or a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knight, who have lad three cottages at the lake this sum· ner, returned Thursday to their home it Manobester-by-the-Sea, Maas. Misa Rena Wood, daughter of Mr. and 1rs. John Wood, is to enter the Central daine General Hospital soon to train for ι nurse. Mrs. Adele S. Adams, who died in Portland Wednesday nigbt at tbe age of 6 years, waa a native of Norway, tbe I laughter of William W. and Sarah (Mer·1 ill) Hobbs. She married Col. John M. Ldams, who was for many years the I ditor and proprietor of the Eastern Lrgus of Portland. Col. Adams died one years ago. Mrs. Adams fs sur· ived by one sou and two daughters. Wben baby suffer» with eczema or aome itch ng ekln trouble, use Doan'a Ointment. ▲ little if It goes a long way and It la safe fbr children. Oc a box at all stores. Born. In West Sumner, to tbe wife of William Crock tt,ason In Denmark, 8ept. 28, to the wife of Boy Os· ood. a son. In Oxford, Oct. 4, to the wife of Albert Wills, a on. Married. In Fryeburg, Oct. 1, by Bev.B. N. Stone, Mr. Charles W. Young of Porter and Mrs. Sarah N. Itevens of Fryeburg. In Mechanic Falls, Oct. S, by Bev. John F. Hotbey, Mr. John H. Trebllcock of Oxford and lias Alura A. Flckett of Le wis ton. In Bette), Oct. 3, by Rev J. H. Little, Mr.Clar nee Merle Swan of Bctbel,and Miss Bosa Marie 'yler of Maaon. In Bethel, Oct. 8, by Rev. J. H. Little, Mr. Vllllam H. Qrlffln of Ollead and M». Elizabeth 'bapman of Bbode Island. Died. In Parla, 8ept. SS, Henry Francis Smith, aged SI rears, 8 montas. 1 In Norway, Oct. 8, Mrs. Bose Lillian Powers, iged 44 yean, 11 months, 21 days. In Norway, Sept.88, Baymond J. etrout, aged month, 97 days. In Buckfleld, Oct. 4, Mrs. Albtna Irish, aged 79 rears. In Buck field, Oct. 5, Mrs. Emily Bicker, aged Β years. In Canton, Oct. 5, Mrs. Angosta (Sprague), rife of Geonre Ε. Carrer, aged 67 years. In Bethel, Oct. β, Mrs. Nancy Carver, aged 73 rears. . In Pern, Ort. 7, Mellen P..De8hon, aged 68 rears. In last Stoneham, Sept. SS, James J. Field, iced about 80 years. In North Lovell, Sept. 29, Gorham McAllister, iged 48 years. in West Lovell, 8ept. SO, Mrs. Balph Adams, iged 86 years. Wanted. Girl at Norway and Paris Bakery, or general shop duties. WANTED Young men and women to qualify for gov·». Dent positions. Several thousand appointments ο be made during the year. Free circular. raOMAS BUSINESS COLLEGE. Watervlllt, falae. 87eow48 GOLDSMITH 1 (SuooeMon to ' Millwrights ar AH kinds of imping, Hea Plumbers and 1 Satisfaction guaranteed. SOUTH PABI8, f You will be well repaid for a Shopping Trip to our Store Copyright t911 by Th* Woolttx Tailor· The greater part of our stock was bougnt before the present high prices, and we have marked our goods so as to divide the sayings with you. . Wopltez Goats and Suits . Tailored and designed by master workmen, made up of finest quality wool materials. They will stay smart and trim looking through many months of wear. The selection of cloth includes ranges burn, Luster Velour, Dublaye, «Duffield, Broad Cloths. These coats you will enjoy trying on. from $19.75 to $37.45. Suit prices run from $24.75 to $34.75* Other coats that are well made and good values at $9.95 and up to $24.75. of Bannock Gabardines, Prices range Coyrrir'.t t"T IJ Th* X7«oltts T~~jrt NEW FALL DRESSES Materials are Screes, Satius, Silk Poplins and Taffeta. Hardly any two alike in our big stock. Many new style effects you will be glad to see. Come in and try them on and you will be pleased with the new fall styles. Serge Dresses $9.95 up to $19.75. Silk Dresses $8.75 up to $24.75. Stylish new plaid waists, dark colors, button high at neck or turn back, colors are shades of blues, browns, greens. Priced $3.95. STYLISH VOILE WAISTS IN WHITE, $1.98 and $2.95. JAP SILK WAISTS, SPECIAL AT $1.98. - Big values in Jersey underwear priced at a saving of about one-fourth on present prices. But all the same qualities for we bought our supply nearly a year ago. < k κ NORWAY, MAINE Have You a Grafanola If not, why not, when you can buy one at ATHERTON'S on Easy Payments NOTE THE SPECIAL TERMS OFFERED: THIS Columbia Grafanola Mahogany Cabinet Case and six selec tions of your own choice for $89.50. $5 oo cash, bal ance $1.00 week. This Grafanola has the record ex ector, thus insuring your records against breaking. THIS Columbia Grafanola Mahogany or Gold en Oak cabinet case and six double disc records of your own selection for $79.50. $5.00 cash, bal ance $1.00 per week. φ UJf in your Home? if if if if tf if if if if Ό «ϊ Μ if if ο ο if if if if if if if if if φ We have enlarged our Music Department and you will find a complete line of Columbia Grafanolas and Records. Machines and Records sent out on approval. Catalogues of both Machines and Records sent on request. ATHERTON FURNITURE CO. Tel. Store 70 Norway, Maine. Always At Your Service. House 131-2 if if if ψ © if <6? if if w LOST. October 2, between W. B. Twitcbell'· id A. U. Tyler'», lady's heavy tan raln >at. Finder pleate leave at the Demo· 'at Office or notify , MRS. LESTER P. TWITCHELL, I Sooth Paris, Blaine. FOR SALE. Farms, Houses and flood lots at all times >y I. Hastings Bean Dealer in Real Estate, SOOTH PABIS, MB. .jWWIACP «IW ΛίίΨυψ ·0OffPPl* ιτμμ** k EDWARDS W. S. Jones) id Hachinists ting and Boiler Work. M Supplies. .·« » a :* t* ΜΔΙΝΒ Coughs / Colds ABE PREVALENT. Be prepared to stop them at once, by having Rexall Cold Tablets and Cherry Bark Cough Syrup in the house. Taken in time the Cold Tab'ets will break up the cold and prevent it* having a long run. The Cough Syrup loosens the cough, and heals the membrane, so you get rid of it quickly. The Tablets 25c per box The Syrup 25c, 50c, $1.00. ■At the Pharmacy o£ Clids H Hoirard Co 7/u· r,excu<. S ο util Pa r i s M d ij κ> S . . k "». ■ ^ "'1