OCR Interpretation

Evening capital. [volume] (Annapolis, Md.) 1922-1981, October 27, 1922, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83009667/1922-10-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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Wfwvctht/ig to
1 7 l ji/U bout
■ ith j If.II.UK
j,ni ' um hai table crltl
, uti uniur.
■ standing on
oien; and fall
k.:it f°" Hi* real caua*.
■l*' \|| ,. pa i)i. ,i may * shock
| n I ’**' „ o' * mv*d on* H may
** til' ii in spire of ut-
P oiD*** io n "f ua; or
|*i , o pt.;u.’r or .nullity, bat
B *' f . ~r .uuio- Jvl ns bo patient
■■*„• irfoio *e launch
. r ‘ t j,ifiji nt/U lbrow Up ujf
! (pur* me n*bt. slid It is
" ~ ~ jrr u lu s human*
Bf t„ rrii o' f Hi** *•*•*' from
B iW „ lifii-itl. a ltd ran i horn |
ll * V, o; if.** •'* l, ‘* prevailing
r . ut agalrjyt ik'li a prured
’ , tie out) I ** a iy, almost cor*
' t f< r n i oumKeuient to thy dla
I ’’ juj lift them up lu * ne*v
|„. r( , Hop** Uvea eternally mill
' inil Jin ' mail* klDdly, *'*n
I , i;u ii.* hel ha rdest and the
I *it look deeply Into de
B 1.., iifurti +* *HI find that un
t i>i,e f aorrow there are
cußit of living fire, which
, ~ input li' and,unselfish help
.td rati Into a glorloUß flame,
to tb* *ouU of the uioi dls
:K and hardened alunera there
Darning an Immortal spark of
i,*bi* fire hidden somewhere
\ the 0 uinhering gray ashes.
Ito be • vued
•h ap.ie of the frowns of the
It spite of l oarta and prison*,
iof bereavement, of poverty, of
or pomp, pride or envy, tliia
iqr' ■ * all through our earthly
r (Joan to llie final moment
it Ittelf despairingly flurea up
a out dooe with Ita temporal
(i'h'iod may then come to ua
•Uellier w* have played our
monies true men and women.
t •• * hetber tbe spark in our
vn baa not been bidden by
w which we. through neglect
-i bare permitted to rover and
#*iy for sympathies aud love
tiibd from diauae that unless
p theiu ever burning in our
irta they will uever blaze auffl
to "inn and cheer lit* hearts
n, ion on the way aud too
it west to . ull for help.
* UlCiar* VtwtMMi Byaltaat*.)
ensc WIN BLANC ||
though "e are reasonably
f ••st the aun Is still lu tflo
nurtv day depresses os. Moat
!>•' from a teellng of forebod
i < d a . tear day, w lieu a cloud
* "veil ut aud tbs distaut Art
it* Hut warms ilie world. •
t similarly sensitive to all the
jhle* of our llvea—to auytUlpg
*fh* oui regularly ordered ex
tHvari Illness -a suspicion that
f * on, v bunt of business break
id these tilings plunge us In
'* 1,1 out turn, puss the (loom
I't our friends seolug the
ra foreboding fa> es mat we
,f 't gloomy, too.
ibiwii fa ed man in an office
'ti.nie* potl the day for the
l ' r tuig force.
•h*i ou board a ah ip lu a
** ei.<t itie whole passenger
e-meibtng very like a panic.
' wm a gloomy man. but ev
‘ *' n * to him. aud looks at
B i/. fc 1 * uever without
I ( 1 ‘ Ml * 'emarkahle poem shows
'* "'“b. by cloaking Hie wotd
"xv able to drive a luck*
v the verge of insao
*.o.ol, is n<t good for the
I a, ‘ f * ‘<ii• continual aliadow
g. o>i for she green and l.los
upt ,ti tbe sui ts, ef the
sß,' sunshine, aud a great
Bl “° be-esaitry to g l( about con-
B,'' fUI people how happy we
•‘‘•Myauns. but we can at
k, e, u j, troubles m ourself, and
gM, ( ‘‘ *** weie limping along
■ 1 * t a>e or the gallows.
*''' : i * msu or woman In a
v ‘* hspp'.ueM of au en
T ,:> <l usually drives the dill-
K, / 0h !iif ftfceia. where at least
ML 1 r * aci sunshine, aud maybe
■%- :t,ni Lardy gurdy.
It Ml * - I C2* ! popular, that
■ ‘Jppiemeut sella by the tnll-
I }^ f *‘ l,J >Lat the comedian gets
>r J *'*' •'•* * week, la be, a use
, ,rt *et rid of gloom.
" ■iett on life, a menace to
!'“ *■'* If >ou are a gl.mm
~ ** '"" r '"de of thought.
I,„ ** "" '' **f * menace to the
.10, h you move as w as
y ' ) to her a.
‘ f tfc Bell S)nS.ost lee.)
fi.’er really Intends to up
ntMy he will follow the
m * ,id charge aduilsalou.
l ; Wlggliil
on a low branch of a tree in
w-' the woods hung a lekf. It hid not
thrived as did Ita brothers, and so It
grew to be very lonely and sad.
• •ne day it was swinging i u the wind
when it heard a sob right under It,
ttnd i<ok.ng It saw a purple flower
growing rbert
"'Vlif are you to sad?" asked the
leef. forgetting its own troubles.
• ?’ou are so pretty and aweet to look
upon that you should not cry."
• i am alone" answered Farplg !
Klower. ‘ Some one cgme along and
picked uiy sisters ana did not uke
Dropped Cloee Betide Purple Flower,
me. but then l am ao small I cannot ex
pect anyone to notice me My ai- '
tera were much wore beautiful."'
• But you are beautiful." said the
leaf. "You cauoot see your own,
beauty or you would not complain, and .
I am glad you were not carried off.
because you have made me forget that j
I am unhappy and 1 shall not be again ,
If I have you to look upon."
**Uh, I am ao glad If 1 have been of j
some use." said tbe Flower. "But why
should you be unhappy when you have
so many brothers up there with you?"
“Do you not see that I am not hand 1
W*iftWiV , W t V t *.V.V,V l , AV '
jj|T&e Friendly^
> CPdtlt Wahgr iTiakinse. |
i . t
pITY the poor millionaires!
Some of their shoes are out nt
the toes. Titty are finding ipßch dif
ficulty iu making ends meet, 'those
who ate out of Jobs or have lmd their
wage* reduced are not tbe only onea
suffering financial d Ist teas during these
readjustment days.
There are some who go around the i
country preaching discontent, claiming J
fiat most of the people are kefit poor 1
lu order that a few men'may hi made |
rich or rich. Not pn iuconslder
ahle number are willlMgly led' to be- j
lieve this doctrine and. lu conkequeit , e
make their own llxca unhappy iud die- 1
tint* the peace dr their fellows.
In contradh ttou of tliia sentlbient.rev L
tmira from the bureau of Internal rev.
eoue In Washington. Show that the so
called pom *re having less trouble,j
than those accustomed to enjoying fat i
In 1914 there were only 00 Indivld
usls In the L'idled States who report
ed incomes of a million dollars or mote
per year. For ivftf the incomes „(
mote than a million dollars totaled
but since rlmt year—the bowl
ing of street-corner orators not with
standing-there has been a marked de
cline. Wealthy nietisa Income ret urns
for 1919—the last year for which state
ments have been compiled—lncluded ‘
only 06 f a million dollars or more.
During 19_0, due to the dropping and
passing of dividends resultant from the
period of depression. Indications polpt
to a drop iu the number basing mil- :
nondollar Incomes even below that
for 1914. And ths end la not yet. for
corporate incomes, from which most
of the big individual Incomes gre de
rived. have heeu shrinking so much
, that many wealthy men find them
selves in a quandary as to their uitl
niMte outcome.
It a a mistake to smile over others'
misfortunes. Not one should find a
, csuse for rejoicing because quickly'-
made millionaires aud wealthy person*
are made miserable through falling in
| come*: But the information at hind
regarding the difficulties the rich are
encountering Is a reason for the *veN
age class and the poor to consider eheir ,
misfortunes less to reoogi ’
nlze that there is nothing in the radl
-1 cal discussions of the rich getting rich
er and the poor poorer.
I he law of Justice usually works out
'Copyright Vy tho S'kolir Srndicitt. |*c.)
By Jehr. Kendrick Bangs.
i g
• i
• . „ Ii
i §
• qi PECTERS ar abroad tonight. I
[ Hauntmg Ghoata of othtr daya. ■
' 'Slone dark and Viaiona light
l Roam along tiia rroddaw wava j
I ■
All wef oma and rov door i
*" egmg oraa. wtd* and traa,
J Eus in*m eroar galty. for
l On* and all rb#> ra part of a>. a
l ig. by McCtaia nnsttan ) I
% J
The healing influence of time isn’t ,
needed by the Jilted girl of the court 1
action leaves her well heeled t
borne like my brothers?" replied the
Leaf. "J am not large and greeu as
they are. 1 am small and 1 ingoing
brown before my time.”
"oh. hut you look beautiful to ne,"
replfed the Flower. “You are nearen
fo ni* than your brothers. Why Ido
believe you are going to drop off, and
if you do you wilt drop right down be
side me." . 4 i.
“If 1 can do that 1 shall never be
sorry that 1 did not grow strong and
tu-ndaonie like the other leaves,’' said
the l.eaf. ‘*l have wondered fur a
long time what would become of me
it i dropped down there, where before
i met >uu tt looked so dreary."
Before the two little friends could
say more along came a breeze and
snapped off the last link that held the
Leaf on the branch and down tt
dropped close bevide the Furple
There it Isy close to her and on ,
chilly nlgnts or when It rained Leaf
covered the Flower and kept her com
Furple Flower grew strong and beau
tiful, and though Leaf grew brown anil
withered. It knew nothing about It.
for dwl not Furple Flower tell him
eu.h day lie was the most beautiful
leaf in the world? And she thought he
was be- ause or lus grea't love for tier.
The strong green ierves on tbe free
over them looked down aftd
scornfully at the brown Leaf snuggled
close to his sweetheart, but the green
leaves knew nothing of the Joy of a
great love nor did they know that
beauty that the eye can see la not to
' be compared to that of a beautiful
: aoul.
And so. when the cold days came
1 and winter with hi* soft white blanket
: covered the lovera 1 expect they aiept
until Mis* Spring came and awakened
them, and there, no doubt, she found
the Leaf close beside the pretty Purple
by McClur* Nwipapr ayndlctts.)
it the
TN THE ohi days when It was just aa
much a part of the young girl s edu
cation to be taught wbat waa called
manners" as algebra or geog
raphy—more Important for that mat
ter—there waa a prevailing notion that
it waa bad manners to ask questions.
And when a woman indulged In pump
iug her friends ant} her neighbors It
waa .usually concluded that she bad
not bad. the proper bringing up.
“Coudness knows," said au old-fash
loued bid lady to me tire other day,
"there are times when 1 would like
tb ask questions. I’ve got Just as much
citi'Uaaity as anyone .else, but we were
taught that lit. was, not good manners.
The/ train girls different nowadays."
AS a mailer of fact they don't train
them at all. and If n girl doe* not re
ceive such instruction at home or doe*
not have an Instinctive feeling that It
Is bail form ro ask persona! questions
she ia pretty apt to acquire the pump
ing habit sud to make herself a nula
au F and mayhap a source of amuse
menr. . ,
Especially obnoxious are questions
relating to prices. It la the height of
rudeness to ask even au intimate
friend bow much the paid for any
thing, how much money she receives
as a salary, or what she pays an em
ploye*. •
Quite as obnoxious are personal
quest loti* concerning one's state of
health. To he sure. It Is ouly kind to
ask generally for a friend's health, but
t pr> tun Mosely Into swcti things ia
extreme rudeness ' ’ ivi*’
.1. id •> UcClUr* N\Tip*p*r S> nV!rmt)
— t i
Ne Point *f Contact.
"Tour vacation problem i* not yet
"If you hav* any relatives In rto
country, whj don't you pay them t
‘i Intf.pen to he lhe poor relation
They are traveling in Kuf..pe,"—Bir
miugliam AgeHeiftld.
I -
■ A hick town Is one that has faith in
the advertisement that promisee the
origiual New York cast
Clara Kimball Yeung J
Clara Kimball Young, th# "movi#"
star, ia a nativa of Chicago, wharo at
St. Xavier’s academy ah* received her
education. At the age of three the be
gan her etage career, which has eince
taken her to vaudovillo, etock and tha
"togitimate." Her metlen picture work
hae included many notable screen pro
ductions. Mies Yeeng is five feet six
inches high, weighs 139 pounds and
has dark hair and dark eyes.
f POwHM.Mupln|
T CARE not what tho future holds
For me alone. 1 only know
In summer heats and winter colds
' 111 do ih* beat aa on 1 go.
I'll fee* the future with a smile.
Content to meet what e'er may bo;
And sa.v to ail 1 meet while.
Today ia good enough for me.
1 may not win a golden store,
Nor e'er achieve ufidying fame;
But I, at least, can strive tbe wore
To squarely play life's little gams.
I may not build a future great
f Nor win renown updtt the wli|
But 1. at least, can s off at fare, *
for 1 am master of todays
Not rime. nor. fate, nor drctuLutanca
Can crush the hopes tbut la me lie;
Tlie storm* that rage, the lightning's
clear the atmosphere, and ok.v •
I fear no 'future, for 1 know - -
Whaie er betide along life’s, wdy,.
For ioealie ftovferw bloom mid blow-.
And I ain’totister of today. ' •
■' t * '
Como good. ctune 111. 1 will not yield
T<* sullen frown nor adverse grasp;
VYiih utmost strength 111 stand and
w ield
The w eapons that my handa may ciusp.
I'll n Mte no time In idle thought
Of what rhe future hides away:
A given me, so have 1 wrought.
And I am master of today.
lOopyiiht by Will M. Meupin.)
USE suilo
HEiSL your skin
Broken Out Skin and Itching
Eczema Helped Over Night
For unsightly skin eruptions, rash
>r blotches on face, neck, arms, -or
♦odv, you do not have to wait for re
ief from torture or embarrassment,
leclares a noted skin specialist. Ap
vly a little Meanho-Sulphur and Im
vrovement shows next day.
Because of its germ destroying
vroperttes, nothing has ever been
ound to take the place of this sulphur
vreparatlon. The npvment you apply
it healing begins, pnly those who
have had unsightly skin troubles can
•mow the delight this Montbo-S jlpbnr
•rings. Even fiery, Itching eczema is
fried right up. - .v ‘
Get a small Jar of Rowles Mentbo
'ulphttr from any good ; dmggWt and
use Jt like cold cream.—(Ad?,) '
I “What's b a Name?’ ;
K AJ- I* Imekg 4a§ ]'
g bthf hd i |
'T' HOCGII coming originally from
* tb* earn* sour. #. Anus and Ann*
are vert different names. To call a
firl bearing the pretty appellative de
rived from the Hebrew Chaanacb,
Anna or Anne Indiscriminately is a
gross error. They are separate names
and should not be used Interchangeably.
Anna was first known as the Homan
goddess of the circling year. She was
tonfused later with Anne, the com
panion sister of Dido, whose tragic
end is recorded by Virgil in the
“Aeneid." According io*Roman tradi
tion, Anne pursued the
Aeneas to Italy, after (lie suicide u!
Dido, and there drowned herself in
the river Numiclua, where she became
a presiding deity.
The Irish have a similar legend to
account for their Anna; the daughter
of the chief of the Firbolg race
drowned herself in the rivet Life, and
since the Irish word for river is Am
bain,, the two words became, on Kng
llsli tongues, Anna Liffey, and were
supposed to form the unfortunghe
'lady's name. ,
There waa also a St. Anna in By.
rantiuin for whom the Ktuperyr .1 os*
tiriian built a church In 050. ~ Thus,
Anna hecume a popular name, among
Greek damsels, and a daughter of Ktu
peror Basil married Vladimir, grand
prince of Muscov.v. Another famous
bearer of the name was Anna d'Kste
of Italy, who brought her till* to the
House of Guise.
Like Anne, the talismunic gem of
Anna Is the pearl. It promises her
good fortune, many friends, and ex
treme affability. Wednesday is her
lucky day and 5 her lucky number.
eg b* tht Wkwle Syndicate ins )
To Cure a Told In One Day
Take Laxative liltOMO QUININE tab
lets. The box hears the signature o
E. W. Grove. (He sure you gei
BROMO.) 30o.—(Adv.)
Sage Tea and Sulphur Turn*
Gray, Faded Hair Dark
and Glossy
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings hack the natural
color and lustre to (he hair when
faded, streaked or gray. Years agr
’lie only way lo get ihis mixture was
to make it at home, which is mussy
and troublesome.
Nowadays we simply ask at any
drug store for “Wyeth’s Sage and
Sulphur Compound." You will gei
i large bottle of this old-time recipe
itnpr fed by ihe addition of oilier in
gred rfhls, at very little cost. Every
body uses this preparation now. he
cause no one can possibly tell thai
you darkened your hair, as it does it
so naturally and evenly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair. Liking
one small strand at a time; by morn
ing the gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, thick
natural color and looks g'ossy, soft
and glossy and you look years
vounger. * ,
,v^.'aml—t JfjJJ I I
Commercial Photography
W NTATK flTl.lt.' PBtflt&li&jf
(T — 1 1
Sporting Goods!
We have a complete line of s?port
ing Goods and can supply yon ‘with
any -quantity of the tirwt-elav* shot
gang, ammunition, hunting clothing
—lie .beat ever bad.. We cannot
mratton all, hut L is a good Idea
for you to at tip in early and look
ns over. Our price* cannot be
equalled. We will mention a few
Winchester Pnmp, I?-gauge... 513..V1
L C. smith l ivid, any gauge. 44. M
Reminglou Pump ~ 4.M
r Baker Double-Barrel. It-range 3:.n0
Parker Brim., Ithaca and
Other Brand m.
Special price on quantity loaded
shells. We repair all kinds of guns.

Rati mat— fhaarfy otvuw.
I Announcement!
hr. V F. Stunner, Chiropodist, has
removed her office from 74 Conduit
Street to 77 MARYLAND A YEN TP.
on- the same floor with Miss L. P.
Wlnalovr. Telephone Tfifl-W, u2O
_ U?t The t'W.iitnl Press 1
(lOTHENBPRd, IWFDFa, il.'t. '€
\.mcru an and other master pr.nt
r.- from all mrr ihe world n.ll ai
cml lc in tTot her burg, Sweden, at
he International Congress of Mister
*rinters on June 4. 5. and 6 of next
•ear. The initiative in bringing
ibout this congress has been taken
y the Swedish Master Printers' As
sociation. and Wnldemar Zachrisson,
president of the Association, reports
that American, English, and French
representatives are among the lirsi
to accept the invitations.
The programs for the three ilayi
call for tlmcussion of novelties in th
printing world: a comparison o
striking national variations; th
standardization, so far as pos it l
of metiiod-s material, and machine
ways and means of Improving shot
conditions; reduction of costs whili
assuring printers and employers f.ii
wages and protits, and a number o
other equally Interesting subjects.
(By The Aoincluted
MOSCOW, Oct. 26 Scattered about
Russia are about 46 “lost” person
vhose relatives claim for them Am
riean citizenship, and for wlion
earohls Icing made by represen
ativos of the American Relief Ad
Since the A. fl, A. entered Hus
o'a a year ago, one of the conditions
jelng that’fill American citizens wh<
Apply Immediately. Relieve* pain
and stop* dwelling. Gimml, ton, fur
Summer Colds, llay Fever, Sunburn,
Invert Biles and Bruise*. Won't Ml*-
ter or stain clothing, l.et It from your
druggist TODAY. 25c, 50c, St.oil
Baltimore. Md.
Battery Troubles?
, H your battery is not acting right,
there may be some very simple thing
the matter with it. Or there may be
i something serious.
In either case, a skilled batteryman
should examine it at once. Nothing
takes the joy out of motoring more
than battery troubles.
No matter what kind of battery you
ji jj. f hove, or what seems to be the matter,
[]p Is B3SSI3® let Us liave a loolc at itm If > s repair
, able, we will repair it quickly, reason*
Annapolis Battery Company
108 Cathedral Street
Phone 7#HO
Long-Life Battery For Your Car
— 11
I .tin s
, For Friday and Saturday Only
Girls 9 Gun Metal Button School Shoes
a \\ **w * til *3.00 p *r pair,
yjf f Special Price, for Friday and
r I Saturday only
P er $1.25--$ 1.50 Pair
Don’t miss these. They are bargains.
I MAX SNYDER, 57-59 West Street
dcMUd to quit Uie country .diould
be permitted to do so. 214 persons
.-ito had ftahli'hcd their American
citizen-hip have left, roc~t c.f them
for the Ir.it. d ftatc- late in !>p
i. ir.t ■ r there were at out id other
f.er on - awaitint’. completion of me
necessary repatriation operations, in
many eases these require weeks, and
.often months, owing to various rou
tine matters connected with passport
Advertise In the liming Capital.
* J - '.J !
( LjAMiRi ,WI For Infant*,
The Original Food Drink for All Age*
Quick Lunch at Home Otbic fli Fount a ms.
Rich Milk. MaltedGrainF.xt ract in Pow
der RTablet forms. Nourohiag-Nocokio*.
Avoid Imitations and Substitute*
Photographic Portraiture
Commercial I'notography
Shady Oaks Inn
Don't forget nbout itmi ehlelen nr sr*.
fnl dinner. Make n i* linn imrty you've ’
been ilitnklng of mill li.-tve dtiiK-e on a
mrdttood floor.
4 *ll |-*8 M. o’l
20 Mtnulea Out
•*ecl*l: 4’hlrheti Wattle Dinner. BITS.
••bone- Imilvi-r A. VIS

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